Fully Parallel 6T-2MTJ Nonvolatile TCAM with Single-Transistor-Based Self Match-Line Discharge Control Shoun Matsunaga1,2, Akira Katsumata2, Masanori Natsui1,2, Shunsuke Fukami1,3, Tetsuo Endoh1,2,4, Hideo Ohno1,2, and Takahiro Hanyu1,2 1 Center for Spintronics Integrated Systems, Tohoku University 2 Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University 3 NEC Corporation 4 Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Tohoku University Acknowledgment: This research is supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through its "Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology (FIRST Program)." Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits June 17, 2011. Outline • Background & Purpose • 6T-2MTJ-Based NV-TCAM Cell and Test Chip Fabrication • Design Example of Low-Power NV-TCAM Using Three-Level Segmented Match-Line Scheme • Conclusions Slide 1 Background TCAM (Ternary Content-Addressable Memory) Fully Parallel equality-search High-speed pattern matching Applications: Database, virus checker, network router, etc. Demands: Large capacity, Low-power consumption TCAM cell structure Search word 1 1 0 0 0 X SA Miss 0 0 1 SA Miss 0 X X SA Miss 1 0 X SA Miss 1 1 0 SA Hit 1 1 X SA Hit Parallel Input &Output 2-bit volatile storage Comp. Logic Leakage current Problems: Many device counts of TCAM cell Large cell area Increasing leakage current High standby power Purpose : Realize a compact and low-power TCAM Slide 2 Merits of MTJ-Based Nonvolatile Logic-in-Memory MTJ device Hardware structure Function Storage Logic MTJ layer CMOS layer Nonvolatile storage Perfectly cut off the power supply. Low standby power 3D-stacking structure CMOS/MTJ-hybrid logic Greatly reduce area Merge storage and overhead of storage. logic functions. Compact More compact Nonvolatile Logic-in-Memory structure is suitable for a compact and low-standby-power TCAM. Slide 3 Approaches for a Compact and Low-Power TCAM For Large Capacity (Small Cell Size) Utilize nonvolatile logic-in-memory - 3D-stacking structure Compact - CMOS/MTJ-hybrid logic ( & Nonvolatile) NV-TCAM cell For Low Power (with maintaining search speed) Eliminate wasted cell activation Power OFF at standby state using nonvolatility Low active power Low standby power Match-line (ML) SA Large capacitive load 100% of activity High Power SA Small load (Fast) Disabled (Standby) Decreased activity Low Power Miss SA Miss Medium load (Medium speed) Total load is the same Comparable speed Slide 4 Outline • Background & Purpose • 6T-2MTJ-Based NV-TCAM Cell and Test Chip Fabrication • Design Example of Low-Power NV-TCAM Using Three-Level Segmented Match-Line Scheme • Conclusions Slide 5 Conventional TCAM Cell Cell circuit S Truth table S Stored data ML Match Line Comparison circuit Mem. Mem. (b1) (b2) B (b1, b2) 0 (0, 1) 1 GND 2-bit Volatile Mem. (SRAM cells) Large cell size (16Tr. or 12Tr.) High leakage (1, 0) X Don’t care (0, 0) Input Matched result S ML 0 1 (Hit) 1 0 (Miss) 0 0 (Miss) 1 1 (Hit) 0 1 (Hit) Masked 1 ML = b1.S + b2.S It is desirable to realize a compact and nonvolatile TCAM cell. Slide 6 Proposed NV-TCAM Cell 6T-2MTJ NV-TCAM cell WL1 SL(S) ML VDD BIAS Measured I-V char. VCELL_H (Hit) VCELL_L (Miss) SL(S) WL2 ML voltage Keeper (Diode switch) ICELL [µA] 120 “Miss” 100 Load “Hit” 80 b 1 .S + b 2 .S b1 ∆VCELL 60 b2 (0.35V) 40 20 BL BL PMOS load Nonvolatile storage 0 Comparison circuit VCELL-H VCELL-L 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 VCELL [V] Slide 7 Mechanism of ML voltage keeper Minimum voltage detection VML Match-line (ML) ML voltage keeper ML voltage keeper VCELL Comp. Circuit Comp. Circuit Comp. Circuit SA OUT VML is almost the same as minimum voltage of each VCELL. VCELL_H (Hit) 1-bit cell If Full-bit Hit VML : H If Miss VML : L VCELL = VCELL_L (Miss) Easy to sense Slide 8 Self Match-Line Discharge Control in Word Circuit Full-bit Hit VML > VCELL_H H H ML is precharged to VDD. ML H Miss VML > VCELL_H H H ML M GND VML = VCELL_H GND VML = VCELL_H ML ML M GND GND VML VDD VCELL_H VCELL_L “Hit” Slight degradation ML voltage swing “Miss” VML . V . CELL_L ML GND Time Slide 9 Match-Line Voltage Swing 1-bit miss detection (worst case) Hit Hit Reversed current VCELL-H VCELL-H IDiode Word length Hit VCELL-H Current into a miss cell (exponential scale) Reversed current from hit cells (linear scale) VML VML VCELL-L Miss logarithmic scale VML-H ML voltage keeper (Weak inversion) VCELL-H VML-L VCELL-L ∆VML Sufficient ML voltage swing can be obtained even in longer word circuit. Slide 10 Fabricated NV-TCAM Test Chip 3.36 µm 2-kb TCAM cell array 174 µm 3.08 µm Sense Amp. Row Dec. 226 µm Column Dec. Fabricated TCAM cell Process 90 nm 1P5M CMOS/MTJ Cell structure 6T-2MTJ MTJ size 100 nm x 200 nm Cell size 10.35 µm2 Array configuration 32bits x 64words Match delay 0.29 ns Supply voltage 1.2 V Slide 11 Match-line voltage swing [V] Match-Line Voltage Swings (Simulated and Measured) 0.5 Logarithmically degraded MRR=400% MRR=250% 0.4 MRR=172% Easy to detect (Typical) MRR=172% 0.3 (10%∆Vth, 10%∆MRR) MRR=100% 0.2 Measured ∆VML : 0.23V@32bits 0.1 Criterion for sufficient voltage swing Estimated ∆VML : 0.19V@144bits 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 Word length [bit] Sufficient match-line voltage swing is obtained. Slide 12 Chip Measurements RAP – RP MRR = x 100 RP RMTJ [kΩ] P : Precharge E : Evaluate Voltages CLK 3.5 RAP = 3.0 kΩ 3 2.5 2 P E P 1.2V = 172% E 100ns SL Input key 1 0 OUT Hit Miss 1.5 1 RP = 1.1 kΩ 0.5 -400 -200 0 IMTJ [µA] 200 400 Time Basic behaviors of the fabricated MTJ device and NV-TCAM have been successfully confirmed. Slide 13 Measured Waveforms of Instant-ON/OFF VDD Power OFF Power OFF Power OFF Power OFF 1.2V Voltages Power OFF 1µs CLK SL The same output 1 1 0 The same output 0 Input key OUT Hit Hit Miss Miss Time Instant ON/OFF of the fabricated chip has been successfully confirmed. Slide 14 Outline • Background & Purpose • 6T-2MTJ-Based NV-TCAM Cell and Test Chip Fabrication • Design Example of Low-Power NV-TCAM Using Three-Level Segmented Match-Line Scheme • Conclusions Slide 15 Approach for Low-Power NV-TCAM Three-Level Segmented Match-Line Scheme 1st segment 2nd segment SA SA SA SA SA DisabledSA Miss cell 3rd segment SA Hit Disabled SA Miss Disabled SA Miss Hit cell If current segment is “Miss,” then next segment is disabled. Decreased activity rate Low-Power Slide 16 Image of Cell Array Activity (1 - pi)m Miss (Active) Disabled (Inactive) pi m m-word x n-bit cell array i bits j bits n - i - j bits Hit (Active) Miss (Active) Hit (Active) Most words are “Miss” Hit probability of cell (p): 2/3 (using masked bit) 1/2 (not using masked bit) Disabled (Inactive) Miss Enabled (Active) Hit Ultra Low Activity Slide 17 Cell Activity Rate Minimum activity rate @ 1st 3-bit / 2nd 7-bit segmentation Activity rate of cells [%] 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 8 6 2.8% 4 1 2 W 2n ord d se len gm gth en of t[ bit ] 3 2 4 5 0 8 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 f 1st segment [bit] Word length o 7 1 8 Slide 18 Performance Evaluations Array structure 144-bit x 256-word Cell activity [%] 2.8 1.04 Search energy [fJ/bit/search] Standby power [W] (Comparable to CMOS-based TCAM within a few fJ/bit/search) Sleep mode 0 (@Power-OFF) Search mode Negligible (@2.8% activity) HSPICE simulation under a 90nm CMOS technology @1.2V Low-standby-power nonvolatile TCAM is successfully realized under comparable search energy with CMOS-based one. Slide 19 Outline • Background & Purpose • 6T-2MTJ-Based NV-TCAM Cell and Test Chip Fabrication • Design Example of Low-Power NV-TCAM Using Three-Level Segmented Match-Line Scheme • Conclusions Slide 20 Conclusions We have proposed and demonstrated 6T-2MTJ-based fully-parallel NV-TCAM. Cell Circuit Techniques: - Fewest transistor counts with nonvolatility - Bit-parallel equality-search capability in a long word based on 1-transistor ML voltage keeper array Word Circuit Techniques: - Eliminate wasted cell activation based on three-level segmented match-line scheme Negligible standby power under comparable search energy with CMOS-based TCAM Slide 21