This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) ASR9000 IOS XR 4.2.3 General Release Recommendation Cisco valued customers seeking to deploy a new ASR9K platform or upgrade from existing IOS-XR 4.1.x/4.2.0/4.2.1/4.2.2 release, should use hardened release IOS-XR 4.2.3 with the following SMUs. Customers running IOS-XR 3.9.x and 4.0.x should immediately plan upgrade to IOS-XR 4.2.3 upon certification, as both these releases have reached end of engineering support. Customers should consider IOS XR 4.3.x, IOS XR 5.1.x for ASR9K deployment and upgrade upon certification, if needed due to feature availability. In summary this is the list of Mandatory and Optional SMU's that should be used while deploying 4.2.3. 1) A9K-RSP440 Platform 2) A9K-RSP-4G Platform 1. Recommendation for A9K-RSP440 Platform. DDTS Description Type Impact Supersedes Prerequisites Cluster:PRIMARY missing on CSCug69332 query ciscoEntityRedunMIB on BACKUP reload Recommended Hitless CSCug55767 CSCud07536 CSCuf51534 None CSCuj79123 EIGRP umbrella SMU Recommended Traffic Loss CSCue21593 None CSCui05685 4.2.3 FPD/ROMMON Bundle CSCuj10837 CSCuf03740 CSCui35197 CSCug92413 ISSU/Relo Recommended CSCue56003 ad CSCud54598 CSCud16587 CSCug46862 CSCuh12957 CSCub4341 After fib_mgr forced crash, Recommended Hitless 9 neighbor is not resolved at PI-FIB None CSCui33805 None This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) CSCue31495 CSCui33805 Continuous ingress punt for IRB Needs Recommended mcast routes when BVI is the RPF Reboot CSCue21083 None 423 SMU Pack3 for ASR9k NP, PRM and DRV fixes CSCui04034 CSCuc19490 CSCuc59492 CSCuf38249 CSCud52442 CSCuf32158 CSCuc82062 CSCue56003 CSCud98419 CSCuh27704 CSCud39254 CSCuc04493 CSCud16587 CSCug30234 CSCug68969 CSCuf03740 CSCud65815 CSCug92413 CSCuf98728 CSCuc84257 CSCuc95925 CSCuh70427 CSCue14377 CSCud37351 CSCud49605 CSCud54598 CSCug46862 CSCuh12957 CSCue00731 CSCud60032 CSCud54093 None CSCun1088 show cef ipv4 gives UNKNOWN 3 intf 0x0080000c CSCuc64988 ppp_ma crash due to large aaa attr buffer. CSCup4345 Umbrella SMU for NP fast reset 3 and stats machine Recommended Needs Reboot CSCul20045 CSCuf09108 ISSU/Relo Recommended CSCue00731 ad CSCuc95925 CSCuh70427 CSCud11158 CSCui33805 Recommended Hitless None None Needs Recommended Reboot CSCul57104 CSCui04034 CSCuc19490 CSCuc59492 CSCud52442 CSCud77196 CSCum69972 CSCue19326 CSCui33805 This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) CSCuf82326 CSCui36695 CSCuj01579 CSCuc82062 CSCud39254 CSCuj45544 CSCud40419 CSCug68969 CSCud65815 CSCuf98728 CSCun71928 CSCui51495 CSCud49605 CSCun24163 Installing 4.2.1 New SMUs TAR CSCug82278 file on ASR9K with 4.2.1 34 SMUs Recommended Hitless failed CSCug38659 DHCP Umbrella DDTS for 4.2.3 CSCui72046 Umbrellas DDTS for RSI changes relating to SVD behavior Recommended Needs Reboot Recommended Hitless None None CSCuc22135 CSCuc44733 CSCue28217 None None None CSCud2989 bundle replay not processed for a Optional 2 subset of interfaces Hitless None None lsp-mtu command on IOS-XR is CSCui91840 NOT limiting the size of the CSNP Optional MTU Traffic Loss None None 510-SIT: vrrp crash@ CSCuh4745 group_handle_msg_common on Optional 3 active RSP when OIR LC ISSU/Relo CSCue23364 ad None IGMP Snooping not synced on CSCuc47831 Active and Standby POA in MCLAG Optional Hitless None None CSCuc24002 Cisco VSAs are being dropped by Optional RSP3 based ASR9K Hitless CSCud41972 None CSCue06569 tacacsd process mutex after server connection flap Optional Hitless None CSCug38659 Optional Needs Reboot CSCuf38249 CSCuc02335 CSCui86628 CSCue19326 CSCui15435 CSCui33805 Optional Needs Reboot None None Needs CSCuc23551 CSCuh85502 CSCts40985 FD exhaust in enf_broker CSCui21691 Memory leak in spa_choc_dsx_periodic process CSCup1303 Race condition can cause L2 xcon Optional This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) 8 to not be programmed correctly. Reboot CSCub57233 Optional Hitless None None continuous CSCuh1015 'cpp_qos_ss_proc_stats:121:STA Optional 5 TS error Not enough memory' Needs Reboot None None Autoroute-announce fails after CSCup6472 TE restart during Path-Protection Optional 7 cutover Hitless CSCuc83830 CSCuo99941 CSCue04000 CSCug76950 CSCuc17410 None CSCub6379 Interface reliability < 255 without Optional 2 any traffic Needs Reboot None None None IOS-XR IF-MIBs were invisible CSCud8116 after execution of bgp process 2 crash IOS-XR BGP Common Umbrella CSCuq3066 SMU#5 for 4.2.4 and SMU#6 for 1 423 Optional Traffic Loss CSCuj34330 CSCue90361 CSCuh52959 CSCue43799 CSCun32387 Extcomm query callback for VRF improvement Optional Traffic Loss None None CSCuh7307 ASR9k:trigger RSP/RP FO instead Optional 8 of node reload Hitless CSCui35197 CSCue56003 CSCuj10837 CSCuf03740 CSCul39674 CSCud54598 CSCuh12957 CSCug46862 CSCue19326 CSCui15435 CSCui33805 after reload location all, CSCuc35303 cpmCPUTotal1min,5min no value Optional for some LC Hitless None None umbrella SMU DDTS for CSCug74171 and CSCuc03237 Optional Hitless CSCue60194 None OSPFv3 continuous CSCuo2869 SeqNumberMismatch due to 7 EXCHANGE options mismatch Optional Hitless CSCud16470 None CSCup6631 Umbrella DDTS for CSCup44363 3 and CSCun62962 Optional Hitless None None Optional Hitless CSCue95361 CSCud15561 None Optional Hitless None None CSCtz95890 CSCui14630 CSCue78994 'clear' in multicast sub-config mode doesn't work CSCuf65407 parser_server blocked after This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) adding large scale BGP prefix-set config Optional CSCuc22135 CSCuh94505 CSCty06696 CSCub96985 ISSU/Relo CSCub85590 CSCug38659 ad CSCuc44733 CSCui33805 CSCuc34138 CSCum54152 CSCug45262 CSCue28217 CSCug35890 4.2.3 License umbrella SMU Optional Hitless CSCud87100 None Add printing syslog message CSCtz41749 when an interface gets dampenned Optional Hitless None None CSCug20386 netflow exporter is disabled with Optional BGP recursive route to exporter Hitless None None CSCuc35670 UDLD config is removed after reloading. Optional Hitless None None CSCuf65061 bfd stays down after flip-flop with bfd over bundle vlan Optional Hitless None None Needs Reboot CSCuc19490 CSCuc59492 CSCui35197 CSCud52442 CSCud77196 CSCuj01579 CSCud39254 CSCuj45544 CSCuj10837 CSCug68969 CSCuf03740 CSCud65815 CSCuf98728 CSCui51495 CSCul39674 CSCud49605 CSCug46862 CSCuh12957 CSCud60032 CSCul57104 CSCui04034 CSCuf82326 CSCui36695 CSCum69972 CSCui33805 CSCul50059 Entry gets added when arp local learning is configured PLATFORM-DIAGS-3CSCue19326 PUNT_FABRIC_DATA_PATH_FAIL Optional ED seen on Trident/RSP2 This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) CSCuc82062 CSCue56003 CSCud40419 CSCud54598 Recovery mechanism needed for CSCui15435 FPGA soft errors on Trident Optional Linecards Needs Reboot CSCui35197 CSCuf38249 CSCui94441 CSCue56003 CSCul66510 CSCuj10837 CSCuf03740 CSCue19326 CSCul39674 CSCui33805 CSCum69972 CSCud54598 CSCuh12957 CSCug46862 CSCui86628 CSCud54093 A9K-SYS-VID-LIC need to support Optional both typhoon and trident LC Hitless None None CSCuc58866 ABERRANT IPSLA COUNTER CSCuf60173 VALUES FOLLOWING IPSLA CONFIGURATION Optional Hitless CSCuj30083 CSCuh29489 CSCub82683 None fib initialization failing wth scale CSCub3004 bgp & nat64 leadng 2 cmplt traf 6 drp Optional Hitless None None Optional Hitless CSCtz95112 None CSCuf51823 Umbrella DDTS for NTP nv edge Optional Needs Reboot None None MPLS packet loss seen after RSP failover/OIR with NSR Optional Hitless None None ASR9000 SIP-700 Multiple CSCud7376 processes blocked on 4 cpp_driver0 process Optional Needs Reboot None None CSCub2259 XR SFTP transfer performance 6 issue Optional Hitless None None L2VPN - Control-Word (CW) CSCuh8550 configuration knob for VPLS VFI 2 with BGP-AD Optional ISSU/Relo CSCui40703 ad CSCuc23551 CSCum8663 4.2.3 MLPPP Umbrella SMU 3 Optional Traffic Loss CSCuc94820 CSCuc66761 Install upgrade failed, GSP init failures CSCuh27704 CSCuj81580 CSCuc20553 None CSCul52017 CSCui33805 This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) CSCuh2032 56 second reopt loss on FRR 4 trigger Optional Needs Reboot None None CSCum6167 LLDP combo SMU 7 Optional Hitless None None OSPF fails to redistribute CSCuj66930 connected routes while redistributing IPCP Optional Hitless CSCue62728 CSCuc41902 None CSCud1115 Ping fails against virtual IPv6 linkOptional 8 local address on Bundle-Sub Needs Reboot CSCub74517 CSCue00731 CSCuc95925 CSCuh70427 CSCui33805 ASR9K- NAT44 issue, FIB error messages Optional Needs Reboot None None CSCul09549 Drop counters issue on ASR9000v Optional Needs Reboot CSCty86900 CSCuc59715 None CSCum5142 SW fix for power supply fan 9 failure false alarm Optional Hitless None None CSCuh9589 Umbrella DDTS for secondary 1 address issues Optional Needs Reboot CSCud81249 CSCue81600 None CSCuj88983 423 VIDMON umbrella SMU Optional Needs Reboot None None transient loss of routes makes CSCuj68867 bundles active on both MCLAG permanently Optional Traffic Loss None None Optional Traffic Loss None None Traffic Loss CSCui04034 CSCuc19490 CSCuc59492 CSCud52442 CSCuc82062 CSCuh27704 CSCud39254 CSCuj45544 CSCud40419 CSCug68969 CSCud65815 CSCuf98728 CSCui51495 CSCud49605 CSCui33805 CSCue55092 CSCuj65711 CSCul52017 Extend DPM timeout to 30 seconds [4.2.3] Combo SMU for CSCuj48815 and CSCuh27832 2. Recommendation for A9K-RSP-4G Platform. Optional This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) DDTS Description Umbrellas DDTS: CSCua11641, CSCui72046 CSCua90247, CSCub79643 and CSCuh27210 Type Impact Supersedes Prerequisites Recommended Hitless None None CSCui33805 423 SMU Pack3 for ASR9k NP, PRM and DRV fixes Needs Reboot CSCui04034 CSCuf38249 CSCud54598 CSCue35606 CSCuc84257 CSCud54093 CSCud52442 CSCug31142 CSCug68969 CSCuf03740 CSCuc59492 CSCue04866 CSCuf98728 CSCud39254 CSCud65815 CSCud19188 None CSCue00731 CSCuc19490 CSCue55886 CSCud60032 CSCud49605 CSCuc04493 CSCuh27704 CSCuc82062 CSCuh70427 CSCud37351 CSCuf32158 CSCud98419 CSCue56003 CSCuc95925 CSCug30234 CSCue31495 Continuous ingress punt for IRB Needs Recommended mcast routes when BVI is the RPF Reboot CSCue21083 None CSCub43419 After fib_mgr forced crash, Traffic Recommended neighbor is not resolved at PI-FIB Loss None Umbrella SMU for NP fast reset and stats machine CSCui04034 CSCue35606 CSCuf82326 CSCuh70299 CSCud52442 CSCui33805 CSCug68969 CSCun24163 CSCup43453 Recommended Recommended Needs Reboot None This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) CSCuc59492 CSCuf98728 CSCud39254 CSCud40419 CSCud65815 CSCud77196 CSCuj45544 CSCuc19490 CSCud49605 CSCuc82062 CSCum74080 CSCun71928 CSCui36695 CSCuj48815 CSCuh03659 CSCuc61433 CSCui51495 CSCul22075 CSCun10883 show cef ipv4 gives UNKNOWN intf 0x0080000c Recommended Needs Reboot Installing 4.2.1 New SMUs TAR CSCug82278 file on ASR9K with 4.2.1 34 SMUs Recommended Hitless failed CSCue00731 CSCuf09108 CSCul20045 CSCui33805 CSCuh70427 CSCuc95925 None None Needs Reboot CSCue28217 None CSCul45717 Maxaged LSA with failure reason Recommended Hitless 'Ack count not zero' is seen CSCuc41902 None CSCud29892 bundle replay not processed for a subset of interfaces Optional Hitless None None ipv4_rib process crashed due to CSCub74517 assert @rib_client_delete() and recover Optional Hitless None None lsp-mtu command on IOS-XR is CSCui91840 NOT limiting the size of the CSNP Optional MTU Traffic Loss None None CSCuj79123 EIGRP umbrella SMU Optional Traffic Loss CSCue21593 None Optional Hitless CSCud40419 CSCui33805 CSCuh27704 Optional Needs None CSCug38659 DHCP Umbrella DDTS for 4.2.3 CSCuh27832 DHCP offer drop on NETIO with MLPPP and DHCP relay. CSCui21691 Memory leak in Recommended None This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) spa_choc_dsx_periodic process Reboot Autoroute-announce fails after CSCup64727 TE restart during Path-Protection Optional cutover Hitless CSCuo99941 None Duplicated Syslog for SNMP CSCun72714 traps send used by inform method Hitless CSCuf51534 CSCue70651 None CSCud07536 Optional Configuring Additional bridgeCSCub57233 domains cases TRAFFIC DROP on Optional Existing BDs IOS-XR BGP Common Umbrella CSCuq30661 SMU#5 for 4.2.4 and SMU#6 for 423 Optional continuous CSCuh10155 'cpp_qos_ss_proc_stats:121:STA Optional TS error Not enough memory' ISSU/Relo CSCuc23551 CSCud95809 ad Traffic Loss CSCuh52959 CSCue90361 CSCun32387 None CSCue43799 CSCuj34330 Needs Reboot None None CSCuh73078 ASR9k:trigger RSP/RP FO instead Optional of node reload Hitless CSCud54598 CSCug31142 CSCui33805 CSCuf03740 CSCuh70299 CSCue56003 CSCui35197 CSCtz95890 Extcomm query callback for VRF Optional improvement Traffic Loss None CSCuc20553 CSCui33805 CSCuh27704 CSCuh27832 CSCuj81580 None CSCum8663 4.2.3 MLPPP Umbrella SMU 3 Optional Traffic Loss IOS-XR IF-MIBs were invisible CSCud81162 after execution of bgp process crash Optional Hitless None None 510-SIT: vrrp crash@ CSCuh47453 group_handle_msg_common on Optional active RSP when OIR LC Needs Reboot None None after reload location all, CSCuc35303 cpmCPUTotal1min,5min no value for some LC Optional Hitless None None Optional Hitless CSCug60558 None CSCud16587 Optional Hitless None CSCug92413 LC failed to boot up due to CANBUS_PWR_SEQ_FA alarm CSCug35890 4.2.3 License umbrella SMU CSCul50059 Entry gets added when arp local Optional learning is configured None ISSU/Relo CSCub96985 CSCug38659 ad CSCue28217 CSCuh70427 This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) CSCuc34138 CSCub85590 CSCuh94505 parser_server blocked after CSCuf65407 adding large scale BGP prefix-set Optional config Hitless None None CSCue81600 PPP/MLPPP doesn't recover after Optional aps change twice Needs Reboot None None CSCug20386 netflow exporter is disabled with Optional BGP recursive route to exporter Hitless None None Optional Hitless None None CSCuc66761 MPLS packet loss seen after RSP Optional failover/OIR with NSR Hitless None None CSCug99931 False 'Reached maximum (1000) Optional number of neighbors' error Hitless None CSCud95809 CSCua84696 Optional Hitless None None Optional Hitless None None Optional Needs Reboot CSCuf38249 CSCuh70299 CSCue04866 CSCui33805 CSCuc02335 Needs Reboot CSCuf38249 CSCud54598 CSCud54093 CSCuc02335 CSCue55886 CSCug31142 CSCui33805 CSCuf03740 CSCud16587 CSCue04866 CSCug60558 CSCue56003 CSCui35197 Add printing syslog message CSCtz41749 when an interface gets dampenned fib initialization failing wth scale CSCub30046 bgp & nat64 leadng 2 cmplt traf drp CSCuc35670 UDLD config is removed after reloading. Cisco supported SFP+ EEPROM CSCuh25028 contents missing/corrupted CSCuh70299 ASR9001 FAN - NEBS compliance Optional CSCud95809 TCN not punted when received from a VPWS pseudowire. Optional Needs Reboot None None CSCue55092 ASR9K- NAT44 issue, FIB error messages Optional ISSU/Relo None ad None Optional Needs None CSCuh20324 56 second reopt loss on FRR None This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) trigger Reboot BGP attribute 'bandwidth' extended-community Optional Hitless None None ASR9000 SIP-700 Multiple CSCud73764 processes blocked on cpp_driver0 process Optional Needs Reboot None None Error message seen when 'show Optional mfib route rate is executed' Hitless None None CSCue60194 CSCud15561 CSCum6167 LLDP combo SMU 7 Optional Hitless None None CSCud41972 Radius Challenge not working Optional Hitless None None MW relay not working when CSCua84696 Access PWs are in default splithorizon-group Optional Needs Reboot CSCuc23551 CSCud95809 Optional Hitless None CSCug38659 CSCuc59715 To support TMG Optics Optional Hitless None None CSCum5142 SW fix for power supply fan 9 failure false alarm Optional Hitless None None show tech-support on ASR9001 contains invalid rack0.tgz file Optional Hitless None None CSCuc17410 LDP session over TE tunnel flaps Optional Hitless None None Optional Hitless None None Optional Needs Reboot None None Hitless CSCuj30083 CSCuh29489 None CSCuh26961 CSCuf65061 CSCua62985 CSCub22596 bfd stays down after flip-flop with bfd over bundle vlan XR SFTP transfer performance issue CSCuj88983 423 VIDMON umbrella SMU CSCul99389 IPSLA Umbrella SMU Optional It’s recommended that Reload SMUs are installed together in one install operation; this results in a single reload vs multiple reloads if the SMUs are installed individually and they are reload type. This is an example of how to install SMUs together in one install operation, the result is a single reload: Step 1) install add A9K-PE3(admin)#install add source tftp:// asr9k-p-4.2.3.CSCud37351.pie asr9k-p4.2.3.CSCud54093.pie asr9k-p-4.2.3.CSCuc23551.pie asr9k-p-4.2.3.CSCud19188.pie Step 2) Install activate This report was generated by CSM (Cisco Software Manager) please download CSM from (Updated on Oct 22 2014) A9K-PE3(admin)#install activate disk0:asr9k-p-4.2.3.CSCud37351-1.0.0 disk0:asr9k-p-4.2.3.CSCud540931.0.0 disk0:asr9k-p-4.2.3.CSCuc23551-1.0.0 disk0:asr9k-p-4.2.3.CSCud19188-1.0.0 In the above steps 4 reload SMUs are activated in one operation.