Documentation of Disability - Chemeketa Community College

of Disability
Obtaining supporting disability
Many students obtain their disability paperwork from providers, such as:
Health care providers
Mental health care providers
High school records
Vocational Rehabilitation
Commission for the Blind
Social Security records
Veterans Administration
You may give the provider a Disability
Services’ release form or provide Disability
Services with copies of medical records,
evaluations, or diagnostic reports. We
encourage you to make copies for your
Chemeketa Community College’s Disability
Services’ office follows the national guidelines
of the Association of Higher Education and
Disability (AHEAD).
To reach our office:
Voice/TTY: 503.399.5192
FAX: 503.399.6178
Disability Services
Bldg. 2, Rm. 174 • 4000 Lancaster Dr. NE
PO Box 14007 • Salem, OR 97309
Chemeketa Community College is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer and
educational institution. To request this publication
in an alternative format, please call 503.399.5192
Who needs documentation of a
Students seeking academic accommodations
for a disability that substantially impacts
functioning will need to provide documentation.
What is documentation?
Documentation is information about the
disability provided by a doctor or professional
trained in the specific area of disability. The
best quality documentation is provided by a
licensed or otherwise properly credentialed
professional who has undergone appropriate
and comprehensive training, has relevant
experience, and has no personal relationship
with the individual being evaluated.
When must this documentation
be provided?
Documentation must be provided to the
Disability Services’ office prior to receiving
Where is this documentation
Documentation is kept in a separate confidential file within the Disability Services’ office and
is not part of the student’s academic record.*
Why does Chemeketa need
documentation of disability?
• To determine eligibility and effective
accommodations for each student
• To establish protection from discrimination
What are the essential
elements of quality disability
Information on how the disabling condition(s)
currently impacts the individual provides useful
information for both establishing a disability
and identifying possible accommodations. A
combination of the results of formal evaluation
procedures, clinical narrative, and the individual’s self report is the most comprehensive
approach to fully documenting impact.
A diagnostic statement identifying the
Quality documentation includes a clear
diagnostic statement that describes how the
condition was diagnosed, provides information
on the functional impact, and details the typical progression or prognosis of the condition.
A description of the diagnostic
methodology used
Quality documentation includes a description
of the diagnostic criteria, evaluation methods,
procedures, tests and dates of administration,
as well as a clinical narrative, observation, and
specific results.
A description of the current functional
The best quality documentation is thorough
enough to demonstrate whether and how a
major life activity is substantially impacted by
providing a clear sense of the severity, frequency, and pervasiveness of the condition(s).
A description of the expected progression or stability of the disability
Documentation that provides information on
expected changes in the functional impact of
the disability over time and context is helpful.
Information on the cyclical or episodic nature
of the disability and known or suspected
environmental triggers to episodes provides
opportunities to anticipate and plan for varying
functional impacts. A description of current and past accommodations, services, and/or medications
The most comprehensive documentation will
include a description of both current and past
medications, auxiliary aids, assistive devices,
support services, and accommodations, including their effectiveness in ameliorating functional impacts of the disability.
Recommendations (accommodations, adaptive
devices, assistive services, compensatory strategies, and/or collateral support services) from
professionals with a history of working with
the individual provide valuable information for
review and the planning process.
*This office follows the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)