ELEANOR ROOSEVELT COLLEGE REGIONAL SPECIALIZATION 2014-2015 Academic Year Revised 06.20.14 EURASIA Course No. NOTE: REGIONAL SPECIALIZATION COURSES MAY NOT OVERLAP WITH YOUR MAJOR. Students entering as freshman must take 3 courses, of which 2 are UPPER DIVISION courses (#100-199). Students entering as transfers must take 2 UPPER DIVISION courses (#100-199). Only ONE course can be taken P/NP. Language courses may not count for both language requirement and regional specialization. See General Catalog for complete course descriptions and pre-requisites: http://www.ucsd.edu/catalog/ Course Title History HINE HIEU HIEU HIEU HIEU HIEU HIEU HIEU Course Title Literature contd. 127 104 104A 104B 104C 134 156 178 History of Modern Turkey Byzantine Empire The Byzantine Empire, 3rd-7th centuries The Byzantine Empire, 7th-11th centuries The Byzantine Empire, 11th-15th centuries The Foundation of the Russian Empire 800-1855 History of the Soviet Union 1905-1991 Soviet History Literature ^#LTRU 1A ^#LTRU 1B ^#LTRU 1C ^#LTRU 2A ^#LTRU 2B ^#LTRU 2C #LTRU 104A #LTRU 104B #LTRU 104C LTRU 110A LTRU Course No. 110B First Year Russian First Year Russian First Year Russian Second Year Russian Second Year Russian Second Year Russian Advanced Practicum in Russian Advanced Practicum in Russian Advanced Practicum in Russian Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation 1800 - 1860 Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation 1860 - 1917 LTRU 110C #LTRU 123 #LTRU 150 LTEU 150A LTEU 150B LTEU 150C LTEU LTEU 154 158 Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation 1917 - present Single Author in Russian Literature Russian Culture: The Modern Period Survey of Russian & Soviet Literature in Translation 1800-1860 Survey of Russian & Soviet Literature in Translation 1860-1917 Survey of Russian & Soviet Literature in Translation 1917-present Russian Culture: The Modern Period Single Authors in Russian Literature in Translation Political Science POLI POLI POLI 126AB Politics & Economics in Eastern Europe 130AA The Soviet Successor States 130AD The Politics of the Russian Revolution Theatre and Dance TDAC 106 Chekhov Acting (^) Must take at least TWO UPPER DIVISION courses to satisfy the Regional Specialization requirement (#) Courses taught in native language, not English. (*) May be used for Regional Specialization OR Fine Art requirement, NOT BOTH