TI Designs Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution TI Designs Design Features TI Designs provide the foundation that you need including methodology, testing and design files to quickly evaluate and customize the system. TI Designs help you accelerate your time to market. The board can be configured to: • 3-phase 0.2% energy metering solution • Software di/dt integration and energy calculation library provides for easy code development • Software integrator solution – minimal hardware changes to migrate from existing C- based solutions • No effect of DC components of current • Current sensing immune to EMI • No phase shift in current measurement Design Resources TIDM-3PHMETERROGOWSKI MSP430F67791A TPS54060 Tool Folder Containing Design Files Product Folder Product Folder ASK Our E2E Experts WEBENCH® Calculator Tools Featured Applications The applications are as follows: • E-meter with Rogowski coil current sensors • Utility metering • Power quality meters • Grid infrastructure meters An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this TI reference design addresses authorized use, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers and information. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 1 System Description 1 www.ti.com System Description This design, featuring the MSP430F67791A microcontroller, implements a highly integrated single chip electricity metering solution with support for Rogowski Coil current sensors. Hardware and software design files are provided to enable calculation of various parameters for multi-phase energy measurement such as RMS current and voltage, active and reactive power and energies, power factor, and frequency. The added hardware and software support for Rogowski coils make it easy to interface with Rogowski coils with minimal hardware changes when migrating from traditional current transformers. The Rogowski coil current sense library implements an efficient software integration of the Rogowski output, enabling this to be a single chip solution for three-phase e-metering. The software package also includes a dummy application for quick and easy evaluation of the hardware and software. 2 Design Features This design is modelled after the EVM430-F6779 metering EVM, and has the same feature set as that board, except for the current measurement front-end, which has been modified to support Rogowski coils. Keeping a similar design as the CT based EVM enables easy migration from CT based solutions to a Rogowski coil based current measurement solution. The software library has been developed to perform integration of the Rogowski coil output and calculate active, reactive and apparent powers, along with frequency and optionally, RMS voltage and current. The library functions are easily accessible through an API, making it easy to develop host applications to run the library and run auxiliary functions like display, communications and calibration. A dummy application is also packaged with the software, featuring a UART based interface to interact with the meter. The RS232 port on the meter can be connected to a PC and the user can log the metering data, and read and write each phase's calibration data to the flash memory using any serial port monitor (such as HyperTerminal). 3 Block Diagram Figure 1 shows the basic block diagram of the EVM. The phase voltages are fed to the microcontroller’s Sigma-Delta ADC inputs after passing through a resistor divider. The di/dt output of the Rogowski coils are passed through passive anti-aliasing filters before feeding into the controller’s sigma delta inputs. No analog integration or gain stage is needed for the Rogowski coil outputs, since the software takes care of integration, and each of the controller’s sigma delta blocks features a built in programmable gain amplifier with a gain of up to 128. The built in LCD controller of the MCU is used to interface with a 160 segment LCD for displaying the metering results, and an isolated RS-232 interface is used to communicate with a PC using the dummy application. 2 Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Circuit Design and Component Selection www.ti.com Figure 1. Block Diagram of Rogowski Coil EVM 4 Circuit Design and Component Selection 4.1 Power Supply Power supply to the board can either be provided by the MSP430 FET programmer during debugging, or using the switching power supply module on board. The switching power supply provides a single output voltage of 3.3 V directly from the ac mains at 100 V to 230 V RMS. In the configuration shown, the meter is powered as long as there is AC voltage on Phase C, corresponding to pad LINE 3 on the hardware and P3+1 on the schematic. The internal circuitry of a switching power supply is omitted from this application report. For the drive of the power supply, refer to the documentation of the power supply module. 4.2 Analog Inputs The MSP430 analog front end, which consists of the ΣΔ ADC, is differential and requires that the input voltages at the pins do not exceed ±930 mV (gain = 1). To meet this specification, the current and voltage inputs must be divided down. In addition, the ΣΔ24 allows a maximum negative voltage of -1 V. Therefore, AC signals from mains can be directly interfaced without the need for level shifters. This section describes the analog front end used for voltage and di/dt channels. 4.2.1 Voltage Inputs The voltage from the mains is usually 230 V or 120 V and must be brought down to a range of 930 mV. The analog front end for voltage consists of spike protection varistors followed by a simple voltage divider and a RC low-pass filter that acts like an anti-alias filter. Figure 2 shows the voltage divider and anti-alias circuit implemented on the board. TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3 Software Description www.ti.com P1+1 R7 R14 330k 330k 1k R15 R1 V1 R6 330k S20K275 EXCML20A R5 V1+ 2.37K LINE1 L1 LINE1 C1 C8 47p 15n AGND R32 AGND NEUTRAL V1- 1k C9 AGND 47p AGND Figure 2. Voltage Input Circuit 4.2.2 4.2.2 di/dt Input The di/dt inputs from the Rogowski coils must be passed through a passive 2-pole RC filter in order to reject any high frequencies that may cause aliasing in the ADC, especially since the coils have a very high bandwidth. di/dt Input Front End illustrates the passive anti-alias filter used in the design. A TVS diode is provided at the input in order to prevent the input to the sigma delta from going beyond the specified limits. R21 CUR1- R28 C19 4.3k I1+ C20 47n 47n C18 C7 1n R22 12k 12k CUR1- R26 I1- 4.3k R23 47n 4.3k R27 47n C76 CUR1+ SMAJ5.0CA CUR1+ TVS2 I1+ AGND I1- 4.3k di/dt Input Front End 5 Software Description This section describes the Softdidt Rogowski Coil metering library and the dummy application used to test and calibrate the EVM. The software is developed in the IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 microcontrollers. The software for the three-phase metrology using Rogowski coils is discussed in this section. The application programmer’s interface (API) functions are described together with their function parameters and their return values. The software itself is supplied as a library, which exposes a clearly defined API with C prototyped function entry points, and which can be linked against application code, making software development easy. The following functionality is accessible using these API calls: • Configuration for run time adapting the library (calibration constants to include gain, phase, and zero offset trim, other run time options such as choice of test pulse output) • Event capture for easy application interfacing (low line voltage, over current, reverse current) • Signal processing chain hooks for advanced users (intermediate calculation values) 4 Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Software Description www.ti.com 5.1 High-Level Architecture of the Software Software Signal Flow describes the basic signal flow through the software. Voltage samples acquired by the SD24 are passing through two high-pass filters before being corrected for the signal path delay. Current samples pass through a single high-pass filter for DC-removal before being integrated and passed on through an additional high-pass filter, which compensates for the cancellation of the pole of the first high-pass filter in the integrator. After that, the filtered voltage and current samples are used to calculate the active and reactive energy. They also can be accessed by the API calls. For the calculation of the reactive energy, the voltage samples are shifted by 90° before being multiplied with the current samples. For both paths, the calibration values for offset and gain are applied and the results are finally scaled to the units published in the API documentation below. Energy Accumulation (x3 phases) Period vsumsquare(t) v(t) SD16 2 S F 1 2 S F 9 4 NCYCLES vfiltered(t) 3 VARh ±VAROFFSET VARGAIN I/SCALE ±TRIMDELAY di/dt SD16 Key 5 ò S 2 S isumsquare(t) NCYCLES 6 Wh 9 7 ±WOFFSET WGAIN I/SCALE ifiltered(t) Zero Crossing Detect (xl phase) RMS Option API Support Analogue 4 ksps rate Ö sumsquare(t) 4 ksps/N Line Frequency VARGAIN I/SCALE vfiltered(t) 8 period ifiltered(t) vfiltered(t) ®Fn() rms(t) Software Signal Flow 5.2 Energy Meter Software This section details the contents of the package and the available API calls. Note that only minor adjustments for the sensor are necessary and that all other functions can be used as-is. 5.2.1 Contents of the Library Package The package for the library contains the following files: • The file softdidt.h in the directory Library\include. This is the file containing the export definitions for the API functions and their return codes and the setup definitions for the phases. The contents will be detailed later in this guide. • The file Library.r43 in the directory Library\Release. This is the Rogowski-coil software library against which the application code needs to be linked. • An example project in the directory Dummyapp is detailed later in this document. TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 Software Description 5.2.2 www.ti.com API Functions Initialization Functions The following list the initialization functions. DiDtInitLibrary() Prototype Parameters Return Value Description Comments DiDtInitHardware() Prototype Parameters Return Value Description Comments DiDtInitSensors() Prototype Parameters Return Value Description Comments DiDtInitAccumulators() Prototype Parameters Return Value Description Comments uint16_t DiDtInitLibrary(void) None uint16_t version - library version number in the form 0xHHLL Performs any required software initialization of the library. 0xHH is the major version number and 0xLL is the minor version number; changes to the major version number represent incompatible feature set changes. status_t DiDtInitHardware(const sensor_routing_t *adcchannels) sensor_routing_t * adcchannels - filled with the mapping between ADC channel and sensor input, one for each phase status_t result – result code Informs the library of the hardware set up. The library expects that the processor clock is already running at its high rate, and this function call will configure the ADC channels and one timer needed to run. status_t DiDtInitSensors(const sensor_setups_t *sensors) sensor_ setups_t * sensors - array of setup structures, one for each phase status_t result – result code Sets up any sensor to sensor variations for the attached Rogowski coils. None status_t DiDtInitAccumulators(const sensor_accumulators_t *sensors) sensor_accumulators_t * sensors - accumulator structure to update status_t result – result code Initialise the accumulator set This function is required to set the continuation point for the accumulators after a power cycle, for example having retrieved them from non-volatile memory. Obtaining Running Results The following functions are used to obtain running results. 6 Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Software Description www.ti.com DiDtReadSnapshot() Prototype Parameters Return Value Description Comments DiDTReadAccumulator s() Prototype Parameters Return Value Description Comments status_t DiDtReadSnapshot(sensor_results_t *sensors) sensor_results_t * sensors - result structure to update status_t result – result code Collects the last second snapshot of the sensor readings. Calling this function at a rate faster than the accumulation period will merely return the last snapshot multiple times. Callers can check if the data has been updated since the last poll by inspecting the sequence number, which is incremented once per accumulation period. status_t DiDtReadAccumulators(sensor_accumulators_t *sensors) sensor_accumulators_t * sensors - accumulator structure to update status_t result – result code Reads the current accumulator set. Calling this function at a rate faster than the accumulation period has no effect, the accumulators are read only. Runtime Changes The following functions are for runtime changes. DiDtAdjustTestPulse() Prototype Parameters Return Value Description Comments status_t DiDtAdjustTestPulse(const test_pulse_t *setting) Test_pulse_t setting - pointer to test pulse settings status_t result – result code Updates the test pulse settings A setting change also clears out the internal pulse accumulator since it would be in the wrong scale; this is therefore also the case at startup when calling this function for the first time. Registering Callout Functions The following functions are for registering callout functions. DiDtRegisterMetrology Callout() Prototype Parameters Return Value Description Comments TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback status_t DiDtRegisterMetrologyCallout(metrocallout_t function, void *param) status_t DiDtRegisterMetrologyCallout(metrocallout_t function, void *param) void * param - An opaque parameter to pass to the function when it is called status_t result – result code Registers a single function with the library that will be called when a metrology event occurs None Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7 Software Description www.ti.com DiDtRegisterSampleCal lout() Prototype status_t DiDtRegisterSampleCallout(samplecallout_t function, void *param) Parameters samplecallout_t function - Function to register, or NULL to deregister void * param - An opaque parameter to pass to the function when it is called Return Value status_t result – result code Description Registers a single function with the library that will be called when raw sample data is available for each phase. Comments None 5.2.3 Data Types The following data types are used in addition to those in <stdint.h> per ISO9899:1999. Table 1. Data Types 5.2.4 Data Type Description bool_t A boolean taking the values TRUE (!FALSE) or FALSE (0) only status_t An alias of uint16_t for returning success or error codes adcchannel_t An alias of uint16_t for specifying an ADC channel number adcgain_t An alias of uint16_t for specifying the ADC gain value metro_reason_t An alias of type uint16_t containing reason codes which may be passed to callout functions to inform the application code that some interesting event has occurred within the metrology. The codes are detailed in Section 4.2.5. metrocallout_t A function pointer called when the library has interesting events to report, called with a subreason code indicating the event of interest, and the opaque handle that was supplied when the function pointer was registered samplecallout_t A function pointer called when the library has interesting events to report, called with the filtered voltage and current sample, and the opaque handle that was supplied when the function pointer was registered phasemask_t A bitmap of active phases when passing multiple structures around Data Structures The data structures used in the library and the API functions can be found in the header file softdidt.h. In this header file, the scaling of the different results is also explained. The two main structures used throughout the software, sensor_results_t and sensor_accumulators_t, contain the measurement results that are detailed in Section and Section The structures used during calibration of the system are outlined in their respective sections. sensor_results_t Table 2 describe the fields in sensor_results_t. Table 2. Fields in sensor_results_t 8 Variable Type Scaling Remark Vrms Uint16_t V*2-7 RMS Voltage Irms Uint16_t V*2-8 RMS Current wh Uint16_t Wh/s*2-8 Active Energy varh Uint16_t VARh/s*2-8 R watts Uint16_t W Instantanous Active Power line_frequency Uint16_t Hz*2-10 Frequency wh_forward Uint8_t - Direction of Wh (Fwd=1) Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Meter Demo www.ti.com Table 2. Fields in sensor_results_t (continued) Variable Type Scaling Remark varh_forward Uint8_t - Direction of VARh (Fwd=1) sequence Uint8_t - Free running sequence number sensor_accumulators_t This structure contains the current results for each phase in a sub-structure “phases” of the type sensor_accumulator_t and the phasemask defining the phase(s) used. Table 3. Fields in sensor_accumulators_t 5.2.5 Variable Type Scaling Remark net_wh int64_t Wh *2-8 Net Wh (active) net_varh int64_t VARh *2-8 Net VARh (reactive) Callout Reasons The following reason codes may be passed to the callout functions to inform the application code that some interesting event has occurred within the metrology. Table 4. Metrology Callout Reasons Definition Description SUBREASON_VOLTAGE_SAG Voltage sag in progress SUBREASON_OVER_CURRENT Gross over-current detected SUBREASON_REVERSE_CURRENT Reverse current detected SUBREASON_SUSPECT_FREQUENCY Suspect mains frequency SUBREASON_ACCURACY_LOST Calculation accuracy error detected. NOTE: The library manages the intermediate accuracy internally; therefore, this code is not currently used. SUBREASON_NEW_SNAPSHOT New summation results are available 6 Meter Demo 6.1 EVM Overview 6.1.1 Loading the Example Code Opening the Project The source code is developed in the IAR™ IDE using IAR compiler version 6.x. The project files cannot be opened in earlier versions of IAR. If the project is loaded in a version later than 6.x, a prompt to create a backup is displayed, and you can click YES to proceed. For the first time it is recommended to completely rebuild the project. Open IAR Embedded Workbench, find and load the project Dummyapp.ewp, and rebuild all. (Refer to Rebuilding the Project). TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 9 Meter Demo www.ti.com Rebuilding the Project Load the project onto the EVM by clicking “Debug and Download” from the Project drop down menu. This will launch the application. Calibrating Over Rs232 Calibration is best performed using a meter test station and test pulse, but a rough calibration can be performed using a known current and voltage source via the serial terminal. Connect to the display PCB via the isolated serial port using 9600bps 8N1 and no handshaking. The description here describes a zero offset calibration of just one phase, but in a production situation all three phases could be zero offset calibrated in parallel, with the addition of more complex software. To start calibration: Select the phase to operate on, here, using phase A phase=0 and read back the active settings using read If the flash memory has been erased the values will all be 0xFFFF, a sensible initial set of values to start with would be to enter the following assignments: wh_gain=16384 wh_offset=0 varh_gain=16384 varh_offset=0 delay=0 creep_threshold=0 write Zero Offset Apply a known current of 15A and 240V and 0, this is convenient because it is 3600W per phase (which in internal units corresponds to 256 × 2-8Wh/s). The actual current should merely be selected to be well away from zero. Turn logging on and observe the output values over a couple of seconds. Sum the values for each phase and divide by 256, this coarse correction should then be applied to the default of 16384 set earlier. For example log=1 A, +230, -2, 3234 B, +260, +1, 3656 C, +255, -3, 3585 A, +233, -2, 3235 B, +260, +1, 3656 C, +256, -3, 3600 wh_gain=18118 10 Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Test Results and Calibration www.ti.com Rebuilding the Project (continued) calculated as (16384 × 2 × 256) / (230 + 233) = 18118 Apply zero current to the meter and accumulate energy over a reasonable period of time, in this example 30 seconds is selected zero offset=30 the meter will calculate the correction factor and update the local RAM copy. Delay trim Set the test load to 15A and 240V and 60, adjust the delay register in the range 0-255 to achieve an output of 128 × 2-8Wh/s. Gain trim Apply a known current of 15A and 240V and 0, check the gain having set the phase and zero offset. Having applied the new calibration values, the results can be committed to flash using the write command. In the event of a mistake, the modified values can be discarded by either selecting another phase with the ‘phase’ command or reading back the stored settings with ‘read’. 7 Test Results and Calibration Metrology Results The metrology results obtained by using a metrology test setup are shown in Error (%) vs. Input Current (A), at 230V, 50Hz. The meter was tested from 0.05A to 100A (Dynamic range of 2000:1) at 230V, and 0⁰, +60⁰ and -60⁰ current. The test pulse generated by the meter was fed into the test setup which compared the test pulse frequency against the actual power to generate the error percentage. Error (%) vs. Input Current (A), at 230V, 50Hz 8 Design Files This section provides the schematics and layout images used for this design. 8.1 Schematics The schematics are presented in the following order: TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 11 Design Files 10 C38 100nF 0.47uF Watch Crystal DVCC MSP430F67791 L 1 100 100 R54 100 R55 100 R56 R52 100K R49 100K R50 BTN3 1 1 2 BTN1 E 2 100K 2 BTN2 BTN4 DGND DGND DGND F 1 JP10 2 3 JTAG DVCC DVCC G 1 2 3 4 C53 Jumper Config 12 - SBW 23 - JTAG DVCC / DGND Headers AGND DVSYS_VDSYS S17 S18 DGND S19 S20 R4 1 DGND AGND R101 0 R99 0 R102 0 R100 0 R103 0 0 2 INT 4 EXT 6 8 TEST/SBWTCK 10 12 14 JTAG H TCK DGND R48 330 TEST/SBWTCK 1 JP6 1 JP7 TDO 1 JP5 DRESET 2 DTCK 2 DTMS 2 DTDI RESET 3 TCK 3 TMS 3 TDI JP13 CBOUT DGND 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 RESET 0.1uF DGND DGND 2 DVCC TDO TDI TMS TCK RESET 1 1 2 3 4 R51 47K DVCC 1 JP8 2 DTDO 3 TDO 1 JP4 2 3 1 JP9 2 3 I DGND K RF_FIFOP RF_FIFO REACT RF_SOMI RF_SIMO RF_CLK LED4 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25 S24 S23 S22 S21 DGND DRESET DTCK DTMS DTDI DTDO TEST/SBWTCK RF_GPIO1 RF_GPIO2 RF_CS RF_SFD RTCCLK CBOUT RF_CCA RF_RESETCC RF_VREG_EN S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 BTN3 DGND DVCC / DGND Headers SBWTDIO/NMI/RST 102 TCK/PJ.3 101 TMS/PJ.2 100 TCLK/TDI/PJ.1 99 TDO/PJ.0 98 SBWTCK/TEST 97 PM_TA1.0/P2.3 96 PM_TA0.2/P2.2 95 BSL_RX/PM_TA0.1/P2.194 BSL_TX/PM_TA0.0/P2.093 TRCCLK/TACLK/P11.592 CBOUT/P11.4 91 TA2.1/P11.3 90 TA1.1/P11.2 89 CB3/TA3.1/P11.1 88 S0/P11.0 87 S1/P10.7 86 S2/P10.6 85 S3/P10.5 84 S4/P10.4 83 S5/P10.3 82 S6/P10.2 81 S7/P10.1 80 S8/P10.0 79 S9/P9.7 78 S10/P9.6 77 S11/P9.5 76 S12/P9.4 75 S13/P9.3 74 S14/P9.2 73 S15/P9.1 72 S16/P9.0 71 DVSS2 70 DVSYS 69 S17/P8.7 68 S18/P8.6 67 S19/P8.5 66 S20/P8.4 65 MSP430F6779IPEU P4.1/PM_UCA3RXD/M_UCA3SOMI P4.2/PM_UCA3TXD/PM_UCA3SIMO P4.3/PM_UCA3CLK P4.4/PM_UCB1SOMI/PM_UCB1SCL P4.5/PM_UCB1SIMO/PM_UCB1SDA P4.6/PM_UCB1CLK P4.7/PM_TA3.0 P6.1/SD4DIO/S39 P6.2/SD5DIOS38 P6.3/SD6DIO/S37 P6.4/S36 P6.5/S35 P6.6/S34 P6.7/S33 P7.0/S32 P7.1/S31 P7.2/S30 P7.3/S29 P7.4/S28 P7.5/S27 P7.6/S26 P7.7/S25 P8.0/S24 P8.1/S23 P8.2/S22 P8.3/S21 R45 R44 K Voltage Monitor I DNP H DNP G XIN XOUT AUXVCC3 RTCCAP1 RTCCAP0 P1.5/SMCLK/CB0/A5 P1.4/MCLK/CB1/A4 P1.3/ADC10CLK/A3 P1.2/ACLK/A2 P1.1/TA2.1/VEREF+/A1 P1.0/TA1.1/VEREF-/A0 P2.4/PM_TA2.0 P2.5/PM_UCB0SOMI/PM_UCB0SCL P2.6/PM_UCB0SIMO/PM_UCB0SDA P2.7/PM_UCB0CLK P3.0/PM_UCA0RXD/PM_UCA0SOMI P3.1/PM_UCA0TXD/PM_UCA0SIMO P3.2/PM_UCA0CLK P3.3/PM_UCA1CLK P3.4/PM_UCA1RXD/PM_UCA1SOMI P3.5/PM_UCA1TXD/PM_UCA1SIMO COM0 COM1 P1.6/COM2 P1.7/COM3 P5.0/COM4 P5.1/COM5 P5.2/COM6 P5.3/COM7 LCDCAP/R33 P5.4/SDCLK/R23 P5.5/SD0DIO/LCDREF/R13 P5.6/SD1DIO/R03 P5.7/SD2DIO/CB2 P6.0/SD3DIO P3.6/PM_UCA2RXD/PM_UCA2SOMI P3.7/PM_UCA2TXD/PM_UCA2SIMO P4.0/PM_UCA2CLK BTN2 D 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACLK BTN2 10 11 BTN1 LED6 12 13 SCL 14 SDA LED5 15 RS232_RXD 16 RS232_TXD 17 18 IR_SD 19 IR_RXD 20 IR_TXD 21 COM0 22 COM1 23 COM2 24 COM3 25 Vsupply LED3 26 LED2 27 LED1 28 29 ACT 30 R33 31 R23 32 R13 DGND 33 VMON 34 35 EZ-RF_RXD 36 EZ-RF_TXD 37 38 XIN XOUT AUXVCC3 BTN3 BTN4 SMCLK MCLK VCORE DVSS1 DVCC VDSYS AUXVCC1 AUXVCC2 VASYS1 AVCC AVSS1 SD6N0 SD6P0 SD5N0 SD5P0 SD4N0 SD4P0 VREF AVSS2 VASYS2 SD3N0 SD3P0 SD2N0 SD2P0 SD1N0 SD1P0 SDPN0 SD0P0 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 DGND BTN1 DVCC 1 R46 560k AGND VASYS1/2 ININ+ V3V3+ V2V2+ V1V1+ VCORE DGND DGND F I3I3+ I2I2+ I1I1+ VREF SMCLK MCLK ACLK RTCCLK DVCC DVCC R53 DGND 100K R42 R23 SV1 R13 DVCC DVSYS_VDSYS AUXVCC1 AUXVCC2 VASYS1/2 5 4 3 2 1 4.7uF DVCC 2 DGND DGND SV2 E C User Buttons S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 BTN4 2 1 AVCC C49 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 COM0 COM1 COM2 COM3 24 23 1 DVCC Clock Headers HD1 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25 S24 COM0 COM1 COM2 COM3 S23 S22 R33 560k DGND DVSYS_VDSYS DNP + AUXVCC3 C63 4 3 AUXVCC1 D44 2 1 AUXVCC2 R43 C40 DNP LCD B LCD1 3 2 1 560k XT1 XOUT 1 JP2 2 SCL SDA AUXVCC3 10k R40 10k R41 XIN C37 12pF LCD Contrast AuxVcc Headers 12pF D LED5 DGND I2C Pullups LED6 LED4 AGND AGND C LED_ACT R57 C36 4.7uF ACT C34 100nF LED1 C33 LED3 C35 4.7uF LED2 C43 LED2 C44 0.47uF 100nF LED3 C25 100nF A LED1 C24 4.7uF REACT LED_REACT R58 C27 100nF LED4 C26 4.7uF 100 100nF B 100 C30 100nF 16 DVCC R61 C23 4.7uF 15 DVCC LED6 C22 100nF 14 R60 C28 4.7uF 13 LED5 C32 100nF 12 Status LEDs DVSYS_VDSYS C31 DVCC C29 4.7uF 11 100 9 100 8 R59 7 AUXVCC3 R36 6 Digital Power VASYS1/2 VASYS1/2 AVCC 10R DVCC 5 VCORE 4 AUXVCC2 3 Analog Power AUXVCC1 2 A VREF 1 www.ti.com 2 3 4 5 6 L 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 3. Schematics Page 1 12 Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Design Files www.ti.com 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A A Analog Front-End (Voltage) LINE1 L1 LINE1 47n 47n C18 C7 1n R23 R27 47n R1 I1+ C20 4.3k R7 R14 330k 330k 1k C8 47p 15n AGND AGND V1- 1k C C9 AGND AGND 47n B V1+ C1 R32 NEUTRAL C76 12k R22 CUR1- CUR1- 12k R26 TVS2 I1- SMAJ5.0CA C R28 C19 4.3k R6 330k R15 R21 CUR1+ CUR1+ R5 S20K275 EXCML20A V1 I1+ P1+1 2.37K Analog Front-End (Current) B 47p I1- AGND 4.3k 4.3k D D V2 1n 47n C16 R31 CUR2- C5 R105 47n R8 R9 R10 R16 330k 330k 330k 1k R17 I2+ C64 R2 4.3k C65 R29 12k R106 C17 47n 12k I2- R104 TVS3 E 4.3k S20K275 R30 CUR2+ SMAJ5.0CA I2+ EXCML20A C2 C10 47p 15n AGND NEUTRAL 47n E R33 AGND AGND V2- 1k C11 I2AGND 4.3k 4.3k V2+ 2.37K P2+1 LINE2 L3 LINE2 47p AGND F F I3+ C80 LINE3 47n EXCML20A R11 R12 R13 R18 330k 330k 330k 1k 1n V3 C78 R124 CUR3- C77 R126 47n 4.3k V3+ 2.37K 4.3k 47n P3+1 R19 R127 C79 C81 R122 12k 12k I3- R125 TVS4 G 4.3k R3 S20K275 R123 CUR3+ SMAJ5.0CA I3+ LINE3 L5 AGND C3 C12 47p 15n G AGND 47n NEUTRAL I3- 4.3k L6 R34 NEUTRAL EXCML20A V3- 1k C13 AGND 47p H H AGND R129 R133 C84 4.3k 47n C83 R130 CURN- IN+ C85 1n 47n C82 R132 47n 4.3k C86 12k 12k IN- 4.3k R128 TVS1 I SMAJ5.0CA CURN+ R131 IN+ I AGND 47n IN- 4.3k K K L L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 4. Schematics Page 2 TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 13 Design Files 1 2 www.ti.com 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A A Un-isolated VCC from AC Mains B 1mH VCC_PL L7 NEUTRAL 51.1 R96 B160 D23 D C45 0.01uF C60 C61 .056uF 100pF 31.6k 2.2uF R37 NEUTRAL R97 D17 C NEUTRAL 10k 1N4757A C48 47uF R98 D22 1N4007 10 9 8 7 6 PH GND COMP VSENSE PWRGD 22.1k 1N4757A D19 BOOT VIN EN SS/TR RT/CLK 1M D D21 + 100 1N4757A 1 2 3 4 5 C62 R95 D20 1N4007 100 R94 R38 100 R93 R35 P3+1 C50 0.22uF/305VAC 33.2K 0.22uF/305VAC C46 U3 TPS54060_DGQ_10 Vsupply C102 P2+1 D18 1N4007 1M R92 C 100uF/100V C39 0.22uF/305VAC P1+1 0.1uF C47 B NEUTRAL NEUTRAL E E R39 0 NEUTRAL DGND F F Isolated VCC from AC Mains P3+1 G L L N N 26 26 22 22 C100 G 4.7u/400V I NC VO- VCC_ISO ZD3 + NC C42 VO+ 150uF C101 VO+ H 0.1uF NEUTRAL VO- SMAJ5.0ABCT DGND H I DVCC 3 2 1 JP3 VCC Select VCC_PL K VCC_ISO K L L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 5. Schematics Page 3 14 Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Design Files www.ti.com 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A A B B Isolated RS232 Communication IR Pulse In/Out Act / React DVCC VCC 47 D26 LL103A DGND 10uF DB9_GND C54 0.1uF 10uF EEPROM 2.2k Q1 BC857BSMD 1k PS8802 Q2 BC857BSMD SCL 6 7 A2 A1 A0 24C02CSN R67 1.5k DGND SCL WP 3 2 1 8 IC1 R62 DNP C ACT TIL191 1k OPTO1 1 4 2 1 3 REACT D TIL191 DGND DGND VCC SDA 5 E EZ-RF Connect EZ-RF DGND EZ-RF_TXD DVCC SDA DGND EZ-RF_RXD GND 4 R69 UART_TX R66 EEPROM Array 5 10k 3 R64 TX_EN RS232_TXD 2 1 F 2 1 DVCC RS-232 220 8 7 6 R63 2 3 VCC 2 LL103A U1 4 2 R68 DVCC 2 REACT JP111 DVCC 68 2 DGND G1 D24 DB9_-12V 1 1k DGND DGND G2 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 C56 E R65 JP121 IRDA 0.1uF C55 PS8802 DGND ACT D25 3 UART_RX DVCC R72 C41 DNP R70 RX_EN 5 2 1 DGND 2 D27 2.2k 0.1uF RS232_RXD 8 7 6 R71 C57 C52 4.7uF LL103A DB9_+12V U2 D C51 VCC2 TXD RXD SD VCC1 GND IR_TXD IR_RXD IR_SD 0.1uF DVCC 1k R78 LL103A R47 OPTO2 C 1 2 3 4 5 6 F SL127L6TH DGND G G RF Daughter Card RF_VREG_EN RF_RESETCC RF_FIFO RF_FIFOP I R74 R76 R80 R82 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R75 R81 R83 R84 R85 R86 R88 R91 RF_FIFO RF_FIFOP RF_CCA RF_SFD RF_CS RF_CLK RF_SIMO RF_SOMI R79 0 RF_RESETCC R87 0 RF_GPIO1 R90 0 C58 10uF 0.1uF C59 DVCC H H 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 0 R73 R77 I DGND 0 R89 RF_GPIO2 RF1 RF2 DGND K K L L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 6. Schematics Page 4 Bill of Materials TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 15 Design Files www.ti.com Table 5. BOM Qty 16 Value Digikey # Description Eagle Library Package Board Designator 1 24C02CSN 24LC02B-I/SN-ND IC EEPROM 2KBIT 400KHZ 8S 24C02CSN IC1 1 32.768 KHZ 300-8341-1-ND CRYSTAL 32.768 KHZ 6PF SM LF Crystal XT1 2 12pF 311-1059-1-ND CAP CER 12PF 50V 5% NPO C-EUC0603 C37 C40 4 1n 399-1136-1-ND CAP CER 0.001UF 50V 10% X C-EUC0805 C65 C76 C81 C86 3 15n 311-1143-1-ND CAP CER 0.015UF 50V 10% X C-EUC0805 C8 C10 C12 16 47nF 399-8092-1-ND CAP CER 0.047UF 25V Y5V 060 C-EUC0805 C17 C19 C5 C7 C16 C18 C20 C64 C77 C78 C79 C80 C82 C83 C84 C85 9 100nF 311-1343-1-ND CAP CER 0.1UF 50V Y5V 060 C-EUC0603 C23 C25 C27 C28 C30 C31 C33 C36 C43 7 0.1uF 311-1343-1-ND CAP CER 0.1UF 50V Y5V 060 C-EUC0603 C41 C42 C52 C53 C54 C57 C59 2 0.47uF 311-1428-1-ND CAP CER 0.47UF 16V 10% X7 C-EUC0603 C38 C44 9 4.7uF 311-1455-1-ND CAP CER 4.7UF 10V 10% X5R C-EUC0603 C22 C24 C26 C29 C32 C34 C35 C51 C49 6 47p 311-1484-1-ND CAP CER 47PF 500V 5% NPO C-EUC0805 C1 C2 C3 C9 C11 C13 1 10uF 399-3685-1-ND CAP TANT 10UF 6.3V 20% 12 CPOL-USCT3216 C55 C56 C58 1 4.7u/400V 399-6097-ND CAP ALUM 4.7UF 400V 20% R CPOL-USE5-10.5 C100 8 - 3M9447-ND CONN HEADER VERT SGL 2P JP1E ACT JP2 JP11 JP12 REACT RX_EN TX_EN HD1 8 - 3M9448-ND CONN HEADER VERT SGL 3P JP2E JP3 JP4 JP5 JP6 JP7 JP8 JP9 JP10 AUXVCC3 8 - 961105-6404-AR CONN HEADER VERT SGL 5P MA05-1 SV2 3 - 3M9449-ND CONN HEADER VERT SGL 4P MA04-1 DGND DVCCs 1 - A106735-ND CONN HEADER VERT DUAL JP2Q SV1 4 S20K275 495-1417-ND VARISTOR 275V RMS 20MM R S20K275 R1 R2 R3 2 Orange 511-1245-ND LED 3.1MM 610NM ORANGE LED3MM LED_3 LED_4 2 Green 511-1247-ND LED 3.1MM 563NM GREEN T LED_1 LED_6 Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution R LED3MM TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Design Files www.ti.com Table 5. BOM (continued) Qty Value Digikey # Description Eagle Library Package Red 511-1249-ND LED 3.1MM 650NM RED TRAN 2 Yellow 511-1251-ND LED 3.1MM 585NM YELLOW LED3MM T LED_2 LED_5 2 BC857BSMD 568-6094-1-ND TRANSISTOR PNP 45V 100M BC857BSMD Q1 Q2 1 TFBS4711-TT1 751-1068-1-ND TXRX IRDA 115.2KBIT 1.9MM TFBS4711-TT1 IRDA 1 - A32036-ND CONN D-SUB RCPT STR 9PO F09VP RS1 4 LL103A LLSD103ADICT-ND DIODE SCHOTTKY 40v 350M D-SOD-80 D24 D25 D26 D27 1 - MHC14K-ND CONN HEADER 14 POS STR ML14 JTAG 6 EXCML20A P10191CT-ND BEAD CORE 4A 100 MHZ 080 EXCELSA390805 L1 L3 L5 L6 1 150uF P14374-ND CAP ALUM 150UF 10V 20% R CPOL-EUE2-5 C101 4 - P8079SCT-ND SWITCH TACTILE SPST-NO 0 PB BTN1 BTN2 BTN3 BTN4 RESET 2 TIL191 PS2501-1A-ND OPTOCOUPLER 1CH TRANS TIL191 OPTO1 OPTO2 2 PS8802 PS8802-1-F3-AXCT-ND OPTOISOLATOR ANALOG HS PS8802 U1 U2 1 68 RMCF0603FT68R0CT-ND RES TF 68 OHM 1% 0.1W 060 R-EU_R0603 R65 8 100 RMCF0603JT100RCT-ND RES 100 OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 R-EU_R0603 R54 R55 R56 R57 R58 R59 R60 R61 2 1k RMCF0603JT1K00CT-ND RES 1K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 R-EU_R0603 R62 R68 R72 R78 1 1.5k RMCF0603JT1K50CT-ND RES 1.5K OHM 1/10W 5% 060 R-EU_R0603 R67 1 220 RMCF0603JT220RCT-ND RES 220 OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 R-EU_R0603 R64 2 2.2k RMCF0603JT2K20CT-ND RES 2.2K OHM 1/10W 5% 060 R-EU_R0603 R69 R71 1 330 RMCF0603JT330RCT-ND RES 330 OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 R-EU_R0603 R48 1 47K RMCF0603JT47K0CT-ND RES 47K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 R-EU_R0603 R51 TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback LED3MM Board Designator 2 LED_ACT LED_REACT Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 17 Design Files www.ti.com Table 5. BOM (continued) Qty 18 Value Digikey # Description Eagle Library Package Board Designator 1 47 RMCF0603JT47R0CT-ND RES 47 OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 R-EU_R0603 R47 18 0 RMCF0603ZT0R00CT-ND RES 0.0 OHM 1/10W 0603 SM R-EU_R0603 R73 R74 R75 R76 R77 R79 R80 R81 R82 R83 R84 R85 R86 R87 R88 R89 R90 R91 5 560k RMCF0603FT560KCT-ND RES TF 560K OHM 1% 0.125 R-EU_R0603 R42 R43 R46 4 100K RMCF0603JT100KCT-ND RES 100K OHM 0.1W 5% 0805 R-EU_R0603 R49 R50 R52 R53 3 10k RMCF0603JT10K0CT-ND RES 10K OHM 0.1W 5% 0805 R-EU_R0603 R40 R41 R63 1 10R RMCF0805JT10R0CT-ND RES 10 OHM 1/8W 5% 0805 S RES0805 R36 8 12k 311-12.0KCRCT-ND RES 12k OHM 1/8W 5% 0805 S RES0805 R22 R26 R29 R104 R122 R125 R128 R131 16 4.3k 311-4.3KARCT-ND RES 4.3k OHM 1/8W 5% 0805 S RES0805 R21 R23 R27 R28 R30 R31 R105 R106 R123 R124 R126 R127 R129 R130 R132 R133 6 1k RMCF0805JT1K00CT-ND RES 1.0K OHM 1/8W 5% 0805 RES0805 R14 R16 R18 R32 R33 R34 3 2K37 RMCF0805FT2K37CT-ND RES 2.37K OHM 1/8W 1% 080 RES0805 R15 R17 R19 9 330k RMCF0805JT330KCT-ND RES 330K OHM 1/8W 5% 0805 RES0805 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 7 0 RMCF0805ZT0R00CT-ND RES 0.0 OHM 1/8W 0805 SMD RES0805 R4 R39 R99 R100 R101 R102 R103 2 - Must Order From Samtec CONN HEADER 20POS 1.27M TFM-110-02-SM-D-A-K RF1 RF2 1 SMAJ5.0ABCT SMAJ5.0ABCT-ND DIODE TVS 5.0V 400W UNI 5 DIODE-DO214AC ZD3 4 SMAJ5.0CA SMAJ5.0CABCT-ND DIODE TVS 5.0V 400W BI 5% SMAJ5.0CA TVS1 TVS2 TVS3 TVS4 1 SL127L6TH Mill-Max 850-10-006-20001000 SL127L6TH EZ-RF 1 TI_160SEG_LCD TI_160SEG_LCD LCD1 DNP R-EU_R0603 R44 R45 DNP DNP C63 1 DNP R-EU_R0603 R66 1 DNP R-EU_R0603 R70 Custom-made Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Design Files www.ti.com Table 5. BOM (continued) Qty Value Digikey # 1 CUI_XR 102-1801-ND 1 MSP430F67791AIPEU MSP430F67791AIPEUR-ND 1 100uF 3 Description Eagle Library Package Board Designator Isolated Power Supply, 3.3 V, 700mA CUI_XR U$1 1189-1020-ND CAP Electrolytic 100uF 100V 2 10 mm x 20 mm, 5 mm leads C102 0.22uF 495-2320-ND CAP poly 0.22uF 305VAC/630V 18 mm x 7 mm, 15 mm leads C39 C46 C50 1 2.2uF 445-4497-2-ND CAP Ceramic 2.2uF 100V X7R 1210 C48 1 0.01uF 445-5100-1-ND CAP CER 10000PF 25V 10% X 603 C45 1 47uF 587-1383-1-ND CAP Ceramic 47uF 10V X5R 1 1210 C62 1 0.1uF 399-1095-1-ND CAP Ceramic 0.1uF 10V X5R 603 0 C47 1 .056uF 490-6433-1-ND CAP Ceramic .056uF 25V X7R 603 C60 1 100pF 399-6841-1-ND CAP Ceramic 100pF 25V NPO, 603 C61 1 B160 641-1107-1-ND Diode Schottky 1A 60V B160 S SMB D23 3 48V 1N4757ADICT-ND Diode Zener 51V 1W 1N4757A DO-41 D17 D19 D21 3 1N4007 1N4007FSCT-ND DIODE GEN PURPOSE 1000V DO-41 D18 D20 D22 1 1mH Must order from CoilCraft (M Inductor, SMT, MSS1038-105 0.402 x 0.394 inch ( L7 1 1M A102234CT-ND RES 1M OHM 1/16W 0.1% 0603 603 R35,R38 1 33.2k RNCS0603BKE33K2CT-ND RES 33.2K OHM 1/16W .1% 06 603 R37 1 22.1k A102241CT-ND RES 22.1K OHM 1/16W 1% 06 603 R95 1 51.1 A102292TR-ND RES 51.1 OHM 1/16W 1% 060 603 R96 1 31.6k A102261DKR-ND RES 31.6K OHM 1/16W 1% 06 603 R97 1 10.0k A102331CT-ND RES 10.0K OHM 1/16W 0.1% 603 0 R98 3 100 P100W-2BK-ND RES 100 OHM 2W 5% AXIAL 12 mm length, 4 mm diameter R92 R93 R94 TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 19 Design Files www.ti.com Table 5. BOM (continued) Qty 1 20 Value TPS54060ADGQ Digikey # 296-30339-5-ND Description IC REG BUCK ADJ 0.5A 10MS Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Eagle Library Package MSOP-10 Board Designator U3 TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Design Files www.ti.com PBC Layout Prints The layout implemented is a 2-layer design. This section illustrates the PCB layout prints. Figure 7. Top Layer Plot 1 TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 21 Design Files www.ti.com Figure 8. Bottom Layer Plot 2 22 Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Design Files www.ti.com Figure 9. Ldi/dt Input Front End TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 23 Design Files 8.2 www.ti.com CAD Project To download the CAD project files, see the design files at TIDM-3PHMETER-ROGOWSKI . 8.3 Gerber Files To download the Gerber files, see the design files at TIDM-3PHMETER-ROGOWSKI 9 Software Files To download the software files, see the design files at TIDM-3PHMETER-ROGOWSKI 24 Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback About the Author www.ti.com 10 About the Author ANIRBAN GHOSHworks at TI as an Applications Engineer in the Smart Grid Business Unit, for electricity metering and metrology related projects. TIDU474 – September 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Three Phase Rogowski Coil Based E-Meter Solution Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 25 IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR TI REFERENCE DESIGNS Texas Instruments Incorporated ("TI") reference designs are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate TI semiconductor products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. TI reference designs have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. TI has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular reference design. TI may make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its reference designs. 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Testing and other quality control techniques for TI components are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by applicable law, testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’ products. Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’ products and applications, Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books, data sheets or reference designs is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. 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With such components, TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements. Nonetheless, such components are subject to these terms. No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III (or similar life-critical medical equipment) unless authorized officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use. Only those TI components that TI has specifically designated as military grade or “enhanced plastic” are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components that have not been so designated is solely at Buyer's risk, and Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949 requirements, mainly for automotive use. In any case of use of non-designated products, TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949.IMPORTANT NOTICE Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated