@ n$q FR srtrsrftdli+"t* +" NABARD friCITqfrtTrrr qtrrqsrqldq ' fiifft, '*rqr($, gw{ - +ooosr 30 NationalBank for Agriculture and Rural Development CreditDepartment lnvestment Head Office: BKC,Bandra(E) Mumbai- 4OOO51 TeL : +91 -22-26524926 . Fax'. +91 -22-26530090 . Website:www.nabard.org E-mail: icd@nabard.org \/EA,RS 0o9o tfu. : +91-22-26s249PG.Sffi : +91-22-2653 . www.nabard.org , icd@nabard.org ffi?: {-ta d. {r$.fi:nfr/.4o77 Ifr /20rr-r2 9 ql 2012 qRq-* s. Ref.No.lCD.cSS.4o'1'l/Sotar1(B)| 2011-12 9 March2012 inaa uur+eQlfrz circutar No.,"5*t tco-csilotz eraq/ edqf{eTrs qS .q-dqfddqrFrq ribl q$ qHqfi*uT+s Chairman/Managi ng Director Atl Scheduted Commercial Banks Alt Regional RuralBanks ftq qeicq DearSir ;rE *r :rffiq gqf t'5rffiq, t{l'{it FGFR qt wqrtwrfi +66'{re^tqdr uqf ftvrq + :frrFaqtitltn{frfrrefuqrr qrrfrTqre fr d^ frw+frq{S'{ffiEfr'qqr wrw{dt-f,+m r(tq dr s-qffraTq EqqR'+HTer + ffn qldr dqtr'r dr +q fr { meq ,}q € d. +r + ftq {fr vCFSst fftEd q)_s{r CapitalSubsidySchemefor Solar Lightingand SmallCapacityPVSystems underJawaharlalNehruNationalSolar Mission(JNNSM) of the Ministryof New and RenewableEnerev.Gol We forward herewith a revisedCapitat SubsidySchemefor Solar Lightingand Sma[[ Capacity PV Systems under ql-dqT lsqrd2012 t v"T-n d Kfqttr rn qFq-s *1ils1\11 il:^:Tr}lllT?i#'1"11'#l vd gafil-ddvqT12qrd 2012-sJdEEiqrftft. z. 01Rqqr 2011+ eqriq* u.q56 /sTrf$d / mqsqq 12104 / qq-{q{qqqq-tlZ0II-12 (qRqr q. 2a5iFwfr-45l20rt)eru qR6et-dT{ arz{frE r fk€q *t rrnr+r+ ftd td' qf{S/TddT qffiT 2012. The eartier schemeof Capitat Subsidycum Refinanceschemewil[ be closedason 12March2012. 2. There witl not be any changein the Capitat Subsidy/Refinance Scheme for instatlation of Sotar Water Heating Systemsas advrsedvide our letter No. NB. |CD.G55 t27M / JNNSM-1 / 2011-12 (CircularNo.245l tCD-45/2011 dated 1 December 2011\. 3. Pteaseacknowledge receipt. Yoursfaithfutty $ -tt,*d :b---<v'^"---(J.G.Menon) ChiefGeneralManager Enct: As above qffiurqrrd>> qdqFcaTIi TakingRuralIndia)) Forward a\} l a !t eco friendly paper OPERATIONAL GUIDELI NES GUIDELINES FORCAPITALSUBSIDY SCHEME FORSOLARLIGHTING SYSTEMS AND SMALLCAPACITYPV SYSTEMS UNDHRJAWAHARLALNEHRUNATIONAL - MODIFIED SOLAR MISSION SCHEME 1. lmplementation Period The modifiedschemewitt be effectivefrom 15March2012.Loanssanctioned from 15March2012canbe coveredunderthe scheme.The earlierschemeof capitalsubsidycum refinanceschemewitl be closedason 12Marchzo1z. 2. Unit Cost 2.1 OntyModelsapprovedby MNREwitt be etigibtefor coverageunder the scheme. The models approvedby MNREare indicated in Annexure l. Presentlythe benchmarkcost for SPVsystemis Rs.270 per wp. The banks are eligibteto financeonty unitsconformingthe conditions/stiputations laid down in the model projectsand more specificattyunderthe SpecialTerms andConditions (Annexure ll & lll). 2.2 ln caseunits are financedwith cost over and abovethe approvedunit cost (benchmark cost),capitalsubsidywitt be timitedto the maximumcapitat subsidyceitingas indicatedin these modlets(i.e. not more than 40%of the Total FinancialOuttay).However,in caseswherethe actualcost is lessthan the indicativecost of the approvedmodels,the etigibtecapital subsidywitt be 40yoof the actual cost of the pnoject. systems manufacturedby companies/instatted by deatersnot approvedby MNRE witt not be etigibtefor coverageunderthe scheme(Fortist of marnufacturers ptease visitMNRE website pdf). financine-innsm. 2.3 Revision in UnitCost Basedon the prevailingcost and feedbackreceivedfrom NABARD, banksand manufacturers,MNREwitt undertakerevisionin the unit cost (benchmark cos;t)from time to time. 4 3. Locationof the unit Threunit couldbe [ocatedin urbanor ruralareas. 4. Pattern of Assistance cost)witt be etigibte of the approvedunit cost (benchmark 4.1 Subsidyat 40Yo 2.2 above. to etigibitityasindicatedat paragraph surbject 4.2 The above subsi{y pattern wilt be the same for al[ categoriesof handicapped, etc.) and borrowers(SC/ST,women,smattfarmers,physicatty alsoirrespectiveof the tocationof the unit. 5,, Margin Bilnkshaveto ensurethat beneficiarycontributesmarginas per RBInorms., whereverthe sameis qppticabte. 6, Security in this regard. Banksmayfollow RBIguidelines 7. Insurance Banksshoutdensurethat the units are insured.The insurancepremiamay alsobe inctudedin the Total FinancialOuttay. 8. EligibteInstitutions Att SchedutedCommercialBanksand RegionalRuratBanksare etigibteto participatein the scheme. 9. EtigibteBorrower$ groupof individuals, SHGs,JLGs,NGO,Farmers'Clubsetc. witt lndividuats, be etigibte for subtidy. However, Private/PubticLimited Companies/ witl not be etigibte. Corporates I 2 10. Releaseof subsidy 10.1 The etigibte borrowersshatt appty to the banksfor sanctionof the project. The bank shall appraisethe project as per the normsand if found el.igible, sanction the loan excluding the margin subject to technical feasibitity and financial viabitity. Basedon the fietd visit and after satisfactoryinstattationof the unit, the bankshatlarrangeto makepayment directlyto the supplier.After sanctionof the loaninctudingsubsidy,the bank for capitalsubsidyin the specifiedformat (Annexure shallapproachNABARD of witt sanctionand reteasesubsidysubjectto the admissibitity lV) NABARD of India. As in the case the ctaim and avaitabitityof fundsfrom Government of other Govt. SponsoredScheme,the subsidywoutd be credited to the by "subsidyReserveFundAccount"of the borrower.Nointerestwittbecharged witl,be backendedwith a minimum component.Subsidy the bankon the subsidy witl tockin periodof 3 years.lf the loanis repaidbeforethreeyears,the borrower for subsidy. not beetigibte 11. InterestRate The loansextendedby the bankswouldcarrythe rate of interestas per RBI/ banknorms. 12. Repaymentperiod periodwitt be for 5 years. Repayment 13. Misuiitizationof subsidy Bank is misutilised, ln casethe unit is foundto be incompleteor the subsidy shatlarrangeto recatlthe subsidyand refundthe sameto NABARD.ln the event of loansbecomingNPAbeneficiarywitt not be etigibtefor subsidyand the samewitt haveto be refunded. f, 3 14. UtitisationCertificate Bankshave to submit the consotidatedutitizationcertificatesfor capital subsidyin the format indicatedin AnnexureV. Bankshave to submit the utitization certificate to NABARDwithin 3 months from the date of Atthoughthe rate of subsidyis uniformfor all categoriesof disbursement. borrowers, banks may maintain data retating to loans disbursedto physicatty etc. handicapped, Community, SC/ST/women/Minority 15. Monitoring for A State Level MonitoringCommitteewitt be constitutedby NABARD and official of the scheme.Apartfrom CGM,NABARD smoothimptementatior.r Committeewitl also from MNRE r(State NodatAgency(AnnexureVl), the RegionalOffice includeConvenor,SLBGand Chairmenof 2-3 RRBs.NABARD of would convenethe meetingonce in a quarter under the chairmanship At Nationattevel the programmewi[[ be reviewedby a Officer-in-Charge. and Committeeconsistingof Secretary,MNRE,ExecutiveDirector,NABARD bank(by rotation). ExecutiveDirectorof a Commercial 16. Refinance Loansdisbursedunder the Schemewitl be etigibte for refinanceas per refinancepoticyof NAEARD. q 4 I ANNEXURE Technicaland Financialparametersof pre-approvedModelsto be financed Modet Photovottaic Batterycapacity modutes/ panets (Wp) 10 il 18-20 Maximum recommended loadandduty cycte 12V,7 AH(SMF) 5-7watt load for3to4hrs (20watt hrs/day) 12V, 20 AH 10watt load BenchmarkMax.capital subsidy Cost (<.) etigibte* 2700 (<.) 1080 4860-5400 2160 9990-10800 4320 (Tubutar for 4 hrs VRI-A) (40watt hrs/day) L.M./Get ill 37-40 1 2V , 4 0A H (Tubular L.M./Get VRLA) 20watt toad for 4 hrs (80watthrsiday) IV 50 12V, 60 AH (Tubutar L.M.i Get VRLA) 30 watt load for 4 hrs (120watt hrs/day) 13500 5400 45 watt load 12V, 80AH (Tubutar for 4 hrs L . M . / G e t V R L A(180 ) watt 18900-21600 8640 V 70-80 hrs/day) VI 100 1 2V , 1 2 0A H 60 watt toad (Tubutar for 4 hrs L.M./GetVRI-A) (240watt hrs/day) 27000 10800 vtl 125 1 2V , 1 5 0A H 75 watt load (Tubutar for 4 hrs L.M./GetVRI-A) (300watt 33750 13500 40500-43200 17280 s4000-56700 22680 hrs/day) vill 150-160 2 4 V , 7 5 t 8A 0H (Tubular L.M./GetVRLA) 90 watt load for 4 hrs (360watt hrs/day) IX 200-210 2 4 V , 1 0 0 / 1 2 0 A120 H watt toad (Tubutar for 4 hrs L.M./GetVRLA)(480watt hrs/day) fr x @ < 108 per watt of modulecapacity ANNEXURE II SpecialTermsand Conditions 1) The modetscould be home tightingsystemsor inverter basedsystems capableof handtinggeneralACtoads. 2) Manufacturers to provideCompactFtuorescent lamps(CFLs)of 9 W/11 W and LED(LightEmittingDiode)for hometightingsystems. 3) The batterywill be tead-acidof floodedelectrotytetype, positivetubular plate or gel type VatveRegulated LedAcidand low maintenance. 4) Invertershouldbe of quasisinewave/sinewavetype. 5) PVmodute(s)shaltcontaincrystattinesiticonsolarcells. 6) PVmodutesmustbe warrantedfor their outputpeakwatt capacity,which shoutdnot be lessthan 90%at the end of 10 yearsand 80%at the end of 25 years. 7) The batance of systems provided must be warranted against any manufacturing/design/instattationdefectsfor a minimumperiod of 5 years. 8) The manufacturerhasto give an undertaking with the invoice(Annexure lll) that the systemofferedmeetsthe Technicalrequirements/standards - P&C containedin ANNEXURE-3 of the MNREguidetines Ref. 5/2312009 Dated: 16.6.2010on off grid sPV power ptant systemsunder Nationat I SolarMission. ANNEXURE III (Onthe letterheadof the Aqencvl Svstemproviderl PROFORMA FORDECLAMTION BYTHEAGENCY SUPPLYI NGTHE OFT.GRI D SOLAR APPLICATION SYSTEM It is certified that l/we have read the guidelinesissuedby the Ministryvide 5|Z3/2009/P&Cdated 16urJune, 2010 and the related provisions/terms and conditions for availing financial support from the Ministry of New and RenewableEnergyand l/we agreeto abide by these guidelinesand related termsand conditions. l/we confirm that the proposedsolar PV system(s)for which subsidyis being claimedhavenot beeninstatted/supptied earlier. A detaited site surveyhas been done/or witt be undertakento identify the beneficiarybeforeactualsupptyandinstatlationtakesplace. This is to certify that the variouscomponents of the SPVsystemswitt conform Relevant Standards, to the as mentionedin the Guidetinesfor Off-grid and DecentratizedSolar Applicationsfor SPV modulesand componentsunder J N N SM. Copiesof the RelevantlECi BISCertificatesare enclosed. We have compliedwith the terms and conditionsstipulatedby the financing / MNREunder the scheme.We agree to furnish additionat bank / NABARD information,if any, required by the bank, NABARD / MNREas and when requested. Signature Name& Designation of AuthorizedSignatory provider Addressof the Agency/System Seal Place: I Date: lrl d X Lr.l z z +, L o o u o (u L o +J (1' o ao ot) ttl H lv o t - : ld = lE trt= j (! 6 o o (J o +, o z L P o P VI '- c.i c.i E { lc c lo, EIE P |g + (E 61 on c E q) t € +, a b -o F .!-f 5 b 6 bo f ttl E ! o E q -o o P 0, .P o oE o IJ y o c q o P ftt. G P ttl c OJ +, ci E, ca z. Ic o (o ccl o U ro E +J IA 4 f tn o o (6 P v o. (6 s I o o P c g f o p E .E c = o L o P c, qJ ! 6 -o cl u on (o o a- .E (J L I c..l c.t S \n \O f - o E qJ ( ^ J L L o , u _co 5r s ie O * - c o ! o o c , L qJ \J l, € q, i./l = E H a $s 5A \ ANNEXURE V (Forthe useof financingbankto submittedto the Regional Officeof NABARD) CAPITALSUBSI SCHEMEFORSOLARLIGHTINGSYSTEMS ANDSMALL ACITYPV SYSTEMS UNDERJNNSI{ 1. Nameof the Bank: (Date& Amount) : Units: Date: 2. Subsidyreceivedfrom NABARQ 3. Subsidy utitised:Units: Amount:{ Amount:( Thisis to certify that the amounqof capitalsubsidyreceivedfrom NABARD hasbeenfutty utilisedasper the termsandconpiticns of the project/MNRE/NABARD andasper the guidelines of the scheme. Place: t Date: ( ) Seal& Signatureof AuthorisedSignatory (Financing bank) 10 VI ANNEXURE State Nodat Agencies : Address ANDHRAPRADESH poration of Andhra Pradesh (NEDCAP)Ltd' bad - 500001. nic'in mail : nedcaP@aP. PRADESH ARUNACHAL Director ArunachalPradeshEnergyDevelopmentAgency ltanagar-791111 tj;j; Bh.;an Tadarluni Mutg,PostBoxNo' 141' http://www'apedaeencv'com 0360-214426 rax: (dj, t zlo6y Tet: 0360-211160 ASSAM Director and TechnotogyDeptt' Govt' of Assam) AssamEnergyDevetopmentAgency(underscience G SRoad,Guwahati-781005 BGt;" enu';un,t'teaitoetBuilding, Com E maitaeda@india' 61-2464617, -246461g, Faii'1o.03 ZiO+OZl, TeLe:0361 org Http://www.assamrenewable' BIHAR Director Agency EnergyDevetopment BiharRenewabte iriitoot, SoneBhawai,VirchandPatetMarg,P4lu 800001' Email: dir-breda@sancharnet'in Tet: 061z-zzp57[,zils+gl (R);Fax:0612-1278734, c[-lHAfilsGARH 'ive officer (CREDA) opmentAgencY arh) ZZiltOl, E-mait; vivekdhand@ce'nic'in hfip ://www.credac g.com Director Agency EnergyDevelopment StateRenewabte Chhattisgarh Nagar,Raipur Sector1, Shankar MIG/A-20l1 (Fax) -2426446;5022050 (R); 5066770 Tet:0771 / credacq@Vahoomai[.com /'credaceerediffmait.com Emait: creda@epatia.com GOA MemberSecretary Agency DeveloPment GoaEnergY Goa- 403511 Bardez, Satigao, Opp.Seminary, Ptateau, Satigo Ftoor, 1't Buitding, DST&E T e |. 7 7 1 1 9 4 0 1"L GUJARAT Director G-rljarat EnergyDevelopment Agency(GEDA) 4'nFloor,Btock\o.11 & 12,udyogbhawan,sector-11, GandhiNagar-3g2017, Gujarat Te,teL079)-23747086/89.;Fax: Z3Z47O9O, E.mait: llfo@eida.orq.in, nrtp:/ / www.qeda.orq.tn HARYANA Director, Haryana RenewalEnergyDevelopment Agency(HAREDA) - 160019 sCO48, Sector26,Chandigarh Tet: 0172- 2791917,2790918, 279091 1(o), 2794185 (R),Fax:017z-z7gogzg Emai[: hareda@chd.nic.in . hup:inrvw.hareda.sov.in HIMACHAL PMDESH ChiefExecutive, HIMURJA, SDAComptex, Kasumpti, Shimta-1 71009. Tete:0177-,2620365 (O)2620371 (R)Fax:0177-2620365 E Mait:himuria@hp. nic.in: http:/ihimuria.nic.in JAMMUANDKASHMIR ChiefExecutive Officer, Jammuft KashmirEnergyDevelopment Agency(JAKEDA) 1 2 BCR o a d,R e h a riJa , mmu . - 2546495,2557725(R), Tete:O191 2546495(Fax) Dharritla,RajBagh,Srinagar, TeteFax:0194-2479791 JHARKHAND Director Jharkhand Renewabte EnergyDevelopment Agency 328B, RoadNo.4,AshokNagar,Ranchi- 834002. Tet: 0651-2246970 Fax0651'2240665, Email, : info@jreda.com ; http://www.ireda.com KARNATAKA Managing Director Karnataka Renewabte EnergyDevelopment AgencyLtd. 1 9, Maj. Gen.A. D. Loganadan, INAcross,eueen'sRoad,Bangatore560052 Tete:080-22287220 (O),23365590(R), Fax-08O-ZZZ57 399, Emai[: drbsmdkred[@vahoo.com ; http://kredt.kar.nic.in KERALA Director Agencyfor Non-Conventional EnergyandRuralTechnotogy (ANERT), PATTOM P.o., PBNo.1094,KESAVADASAPURAM, Thiruvananthapuram-6 95 oo4. Telefax:0471-24401 21; 7440122, 24401 24 (Fax) 2449854 http://education.vsnt.com - Emai[: anert@vsn[.com; fl { L2 PMDESH MADHYA Managing Director, Vikas MPUrja NigamLtd., Urja Bhawan,MainRoadNO.2,ShivajiNagar,Bhopal-462016 Tele: 0755-2556745;2553595 Fax: 0755-2556745,Emai[ : mpuvn@sancharnet.in; http:/ /www.mprenewabte.ore MAHARASHTRA DirectorGeneral EnergyDevetopment Agency(MEDA) Maharashtra S.No. 191/A, Phasel, 2ndFloor, MHADACommercialComptex,Opp. Tridat Nagar, Yerawada, Pune- 411006.,Tet:020-26614393,26614403,76615322 Fax:020-25615032 / mahaqriamumbai@vahoo.com Email: meda@vsnt.com dq.meda@nic.in Http ://www.mahaurja.com MANIPUR Director EnergyDevetopment ManipurRenewable Agency(MANIREDA) Department of Science, Technotogy Tel: 0385-2772685; SaiRoad,Takyetpat,lmphat-795001, FAX:91-385-224930 Email: mtou singh@vahoo.com MEGHALAYA Director Meghalaya Non-conventional & RuralEnergyDevetopment Agency - 793001 LowerLachaumiere, Opp.P&TDispensary, NearBSFCamp(Mawpat), Shittong Tetefax:0364-537343 eov.in ; http:/ / mnreda. MIZORAM Director Agency(ZEDA) ZoramEnergyDevelopment Aizawt,Mizoram- 796017 Zuangtui,P.O.Zemabawk, 2350664,2350665, Tet: 0389-2350664; Fax:2350564 | 2350664, Emait: zedaizawi@hotmai[.com NAGALAND ProjectDirector Renewable EnergyDevetopment Nagatand Agency(NREDA) Department, NRSE CettRuralDevetopment Kohima,Nagatand Nagaland Secretariat, Tetefax0370-241408 oRrssA Officer, ChiefExecutive EnergyDevelopment OrissaRenewabte Agency - 751010 Industrial Estate,Bhubaneswar S-59,Mancheswar (O), Fax:2586368 Tel: 0674-2580660 : http://www.oredaorissa.com h 13 PUNJAB ChiefExecutive PunjabEnergyDevelopment Agency - 160036 SCO134-136, Sector34-A,Chandigarh Tel: 0172-2663392; EPBX2G63 3ZB/ 2663382,Fax: 0172-2646384 Emai[: peda@etide. net.in/ mpsineh66@vahoo.com, peda_spa@vahoo.co.in Director PunjabEnergyDevelopment Agency SCO134-136, Sector34-A - 160036 Chandigarh Tet: 0172-663392; EPBX 663328/663382, Fax:0172-2646384 Emai[: peda@qtide.net.in RAJASTHAN Chairman & Managing Director, Rajasthan Renewable EnergyCorporation Limited jaipur - 302001 E-166,Yudhister Marg,'C' Scheme, Tet: 0141-2225898 / 2228198(O), Fax:0141-222602} Email: rrec-iai@vahoo.co.in / esomanl@datainfosvs.net: http://www.rajenerey.com SIKKIM Director SikkimRenewabte EnergyDevetopment Agency,Government of sikkim - 737101, D.P.H.Road(NearJantaBhawan), Gangtok Tet: 03592-22659,Fax:03592-72245 Emai[: stq_sreda@sancharnet.in TAMILNADU Chairman & Managing Director TamilNaduEnergyDevetopment Agency(TEDA) - 600006 EVKSampath Buitding,Chennai Tet: 044-28224832 Fax: 044-28236592 Emai[: teda@md4.vsnt. net.in TRIPURA ChiefExecutiveOfficer TripuraRenewabte. EnergyDevetopment Agency vigyanBhawan,ZndFtoor,Panditilehrucomptex,westTripura, Agartata- 799006 Tet: 0381-2225900,232-6139 (O), Fax.0381-ZZS}OO Emait: tredaaqt@vahoo.co.in UTTARPMDESH Chairman andDirector Non-conventional EnergyDevelopment Agency(NEDA), U.p. - 2?-6010 VibhutiKhand,GomtiNagar,Lucknow TeI: 0522-2720652 (O); Fax:0522-2720779, Z7Z08Z9 Emait: nedaup@dataone.in ; http://neda.up.nic.in 4 1.4 UTTMKHAND Director Uttrakhand Renewabte Energy(UREDA) Devetopment Agency EnergyParkCampus, Industria[ Area,PatelNagar,Dehradun-24g001 Tele:0135-2710560; FaxNo.0135-2521553 Emai[ : aruntvqi com; http:/ /www.uttara.i n/ ureda/intro.htmt @vahoo. WESTBENGAL Director WestBengalRenewable EnergyDevelopment Agency BikatpaShaktiBhawan,Ptot- J-1/10, EP & GP Block,SaltLake, ElectroniceComptex, - 700091, Tel.033-23575038, Sector-V, Kotkatta 23575348(O),Fax23575037,23575347 Emai[: wbreda@cat.vsnl.net.in http: //www.wbreda.orq ; ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS (NRSE) Executive Engineer EtectricityDepartment, office of the Executive Engineer, NRSE Division,prothrapur,port Bl.air- 744 105 Tet. 03192-250577 , Fax.03192-250930 CHANDIGARH Director(Science & Technotogy), Chandigarh Administration AdditionalTownHattBuitding,Zno Floor,Sector-17 C, Chandigarh Tete:0172-2745502(O);2726698(Fax) DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI Devetopment andPtanning Officer Administration of Dadra& NagarHaveli,Silvassa, Tet.0260-642070 LAKSHADWEEP Executive Engineer EtectricityDepartment, Lakshadweep Administration,Kavaratti- 682555 Tet. 04896-262363,Fax.262936 PONDICHERRY ProjectDirector(IREP) Renewabte EnergyAgencyof Ponicherry - 11. No.10,Second MainRoad,Elango Nagar,Pondicherry (O),Fax.0413-333601 Tet. 0413-2244219 LADDAKH Chairman & ChiefExecutive Councillor, LadakhAutonomous Hi[[Devetopment Council(LAHDC) LEH,Ladakh(J e K State)194101 f 15