cv Pieter Van Nuffel EN

curriculum vitae
Pieter Van Nuffel
Born in Antwerp (Belgium) on 9 May 1954
Married, three children
Master degree in law (1976, Antwerp University) and in history (2009, Brussels University)
1976 – 1977
Researcher at the European University Institute (Florence)
1977 – 1983
Assistant at Antwerp University (public law; Community law)
Since 1 December 1983 : European Commission official
- 1983 - 1986 in DG Agriculture (Agricultural legislation Unit)
- 1986 - 1990 in DG Internal market (Citizens' rights Unit)
- 1990 - 2000 Member of the Legal Service (legal advice on, in particular, institutional
matters; representation of the Commission before the EU Court of Justice)
- 2000 - 2004 in Secretariat General : Head of the Unit 'Institutional Reform' (which
Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) which drafted the treaty of Nice; in the
European Convention; and in the IGC which drafted the Treaty establishing a
Constitution for Europe)
- 2004 - 2014 Legal Advisor in the Legal Service
(legal advice on, in particular, external relations matters and since 2012 on
institutional matters; representation before the EU Court of Justice)
- from May to December 2010 : Legal Advisor, seconded to the Belgian
Foreign Ministry (during the Belgian Presidency of the Council)
- July 2012 : appointed by Commission President Barroso as his Personal
Representative to the UN Good Offices Mission in Cyprus
- since nov 2014 acting Principal Legal Advisor, Head of the Institutional team in Legal Service