Closer to home Local update for Moat residents living in Sutton - August 2011 Nice and tidy Continuing to keep you safe Update from Sergeant Peter Le Shirley Help create a Big Society in your little neighbourhood You may remember residents and Moat staff getting together to give Stag Court in Stanley Park Road, Wallington some tender loving care last Valentine’s Day. The group really showed that the Government’s aims for closer partnerships in the community can work; now we would like you to think about where we can organise the next ‘Love Your Neighbourhood’ clean up session. Moat is happy to get some staff members involved, as well as representatives from appointed contractors. These clean up sessions are all about working together to improve neighbourhoods; furthermore, in this era of resident independence and localism, community events are essential not only for maintaining your neighbourhood, but for building relationships between you, your neighbours and those who provide you with services, like Moat. The success of the Stag Court clean up earlier this year has brought neighbours together, encouraging them to maintain their involvement in their community. To give residents added confidence in their abilities, Moat is offering to train some residents in basic committee skills. The training will cover the roles of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Committee Secretary; participants will find that the training gives them a greater insight into community development and how to organise action days. Furthermore, anyone increasing their skill set in the current economic climate may find themselves more successful if searching for employment. If you want to learn more about how you can get involved, please call 0845 600 1006 and ask to speak with Sarah Bowden, your Community Development Officer or Tina Russell, your Neighbourhood Officer. Wallington Police Station has now officially closed, with the Safer Neighbourhoods Team relocating to Crosspoint House in Stafford Road (to the rear of Sainsbury’s car park). All six Safer Neighbourhoods Teams from Wallington, Beddington and Carlshalton are now based at Crosspoint House, which, with its proximity to Wallington Square, will act as the new front office reception desk for the public. The front office will be open from 8am until 8pm from Monday to Friday and from 10am until 6pm on Saturday and Sunday. Wallington is still a very safe and generally pleasant place to live; of course there are occasional isolated incidents which we deal with. However, Sutton Borough consistently remains one of the safest boroughs in London. We are constantly looking at crime trends via our highly trained team of analysts. By combining the information we get from them and the feedback we receive from you, my team is able to target particular types of incidents which you have highlighted as being an issue in your area. I believe that it is vitally important for you to feel comfortable when contacting your local police team. We carry out at least two street briefings and drop in surgeries each month where you can come and see us, with no appointment, to talk about local issues which are affecting you. Details of these events can be located on our website; visit the main Metropolitan Police Service web site and follow the links to Safer Neighbourhoods, where you will find pages dedicated to your local team. Alternatively, you can contact us on 0208 721 2730 and we can direct you accordingly. Closer to Home The local update for Moat residents living in Sutton New credit union The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has approved creation of a new Croydon, Merton and Sutton Credit Union, based on the longstanding and successful Croydon Savers Credit Union. If you live, work or study in any of these boroughs you can join and start saving now. What is a credit union? Credit unions are savings and loans cooperative businesses that are committed to promoting saving rather than borrowing. Anyone who saves with a credit union becomes a member; the members' savings are pooled to form a sum of money from which members can borrow at those times when they need to. As a co-operative, they are owned by the members rather than outside shareholders, so the services are driven by the members' needs rather than the drive to make high profits. Usually, anyone who borrows from a credit union must continue to save as part of the 'Saver Loan Scheme'. This means that as the loan is cleared the member continues to save, so next time they can use their savings, rather than borrowing again. Evidence shows that, over time, members borrow less and save more. Every pound saved provides further loan capital to help others needing to transfer high interest debts, or deal with one of life's emergencies. Membership Membership of credit unions is open to anyone aged 16 or over who lives or works in a geographically defined area, or for a particular employer. Credit unions in the UK are growing rapidly, find out more at (Association of British Credit Unions Ltd). Further information about the credit union To find out more about the credit union, or to get information on how to save money, call 0208 760 5711, email or visit Wallington Area Residents’ Association Group Why not come along to the Wallington Area Residents’ Association Group (WARAG) constitution meeting on Monday 17 October? The venue is yet to be decided but will be announced as soon as possible. We will be looking to appoint a Chair, Committee Secretary and Treasurer at this meeting. All Moat residents are welcome to attend. At the last meeting, Graham Strange, from the London Borough of Sutton Environmental Services, attended to provide some excellent advice on the part all residents can play to reduce environmental crimes. It is Moat’s intention to invite more professionals to give advice at these meetings. Sutton Association for the Blind (SAB) Working to help anyone in the Sutton area who has any visual impairment. SAB’s aim is to ensure those with visual impairments get the chance to socialise and interact with society, and that they do not find themselves confined to their homes, all alone. A range of events are organised by SAB, including groups which examine poetry and music, as well as groups which encourage attendees to use their other senses – taste, touch, smell and hearing. Services and resources • A resource room containing large print calendars, address books and large button telephones, as well as devices which can enlarge documents and photos. • A low vision clinic where an optometrist assesses people with visual impairments to see if any tools or devices can be prescribed to help them in their day-to-day lives. • Door-to-door transport to get visually impaired people to optical appointments, as well as a sighted guide to help navigate hospitals. • An Eye Clinic Liaison Officer at Sutton Eye Unit who acts as a link between the medics, the social care world and the general public. • A telephone contact service where representatives of SAB take calls from those who are not able to get out of their homes very often. This provides a level of social interaction that everyone wants and needs. Further information If you would like more information about the range of services, events and facilities on offer from SAB, please contact Rebekah Kelly on 0208 409 7166. SAB is located at 3 Robin Hood Lane, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 2SW. Residential noise complaints The London Borough of Sutton Environmental Health Team operates a noise complaints service. The team offers a fair and balanced approach to investigating noise problems and will make every effort to improve or control noise pollution in residential areas. The Environmental Health Team actively works with residents, businesses, developers and regional partners to control levels of noise. It can also carry out noise level assessments and monitor construction site development to protect the wellbeing of the borough. Advice is available on: • DIY, amplified music, musical instruments, domestic appliances, leisure activities, hobbies and parties • Car alarms (including breaking into vehicles to disarm the alarm) • Burglar alarms (including entering buildings to switch off the alarm) • Construction (including serving notices and taking action through the courts) • Street noise – stationary vehicles with engines running (but not defective or loud silencers) • Audio systems in stationary vehicles. The team cannot deal with the normal everyday sounds of living in dwellings; things like the sound of children playing, occasional barks from dogs, washing machines or raised voices are inevitable. However, in such cases, since the council cannot take legal action as there is no criminal activity occurring, it may be possible for the council to write informally to your neighbour, offering some general advice on noise control. What can you do if you have a noise problem? • Discuss the problem with the person creating the noise and try to compromise. • Contact the London Borough of Sutton’s Environmental Health Team. • Keep detailed records about the noise problem; these records may be used in court proceedings. Copies of diary sheets can be downloaded at or please call your Neighbourhood Officer, who can send you these instead. • Be prepared to attend court to give evidence. If we cannot resolve the problem, you might consider taking your own action. Please ask for the Environmental Health Team’s guidance booklet to serve as information for you. What can we do if you contact us regarding a noise problem? • Respond to all service requests within two working days. • Respond to complaints of very noisy parties that are affecting a number of neighbouring properties. • Use recording equipment where appropriate. • Consider legal action to stop noise nuisance where sufficient evidence can be obtained. • Provide noise diary sheets for your use. • Contact you before we close your complaint. • Offer advice and support on taking your own action if we cannot resolve the problem. Further information To find out more, or to report a noise problem, please call the London Borough of Sutton’s Environmental Health Team on 0208 770 5070 or visit Getting serious about fly tipping Sutton Council is serious about enforcing the law on fly tipping. The importance of collating good evidence is essential; notes should include details such as dates and times, vehicle registration numbers, make and colour of vehicles and any recognisable features. This may be something as simple as any damage to the vehicle or a distinguishing sticker in the back window. Keeping a diary or a note on your calendar could also help to identify a regular pattern, a day when fly tipping always seems to occur. This would allow an enforcement officer to be waiting to catch the perpetrator. Sutton Council will remove any fly tips from public land within one working day of the tip being reported. Report it! To report any environmental crime, please call 0208 770 5070 or email the London Borough of Sutton at streetscenesupport@ or go online to complete a report form. Alternatively, you can contact Moat, who will then contact the council on your behalf. Estate inspections The purpose of estate inspections is to check on items such as the cleanliness of communal areas, anti-social behaviour, litter, graffiti, vandalism, health and safety issues and abandoned properties. The Sutton and Wallington estate inspection schedule (below) is updated regularly online within the residents’ section of Moat’s website ( You can use the timetable to check when your next estate inspection is taking place. You may also contact your Neighbourhood Officer, Tina Russell, on 0845 600 1006 if you require further details, or if you wish to join her for your next estate inspection. Residents are always welcome to attend estate inspections. Neighbourhood Inspection dates Meeting point and time Archway Close 12 October Archway Court at 10am Barton Court and Durston 12 August and 18 November Barton Court at 10am Bournemoth Court 7 September and 7 December Bournemoth Court at 10am Brambledown flat/houses, Derwnt Walk and Woodbourne Gardens 28 July and 27 October Brambledown flats at 10am Canford Court 14 September Canford Court at 10am Coniston Court and Alchester Road 26 October Coniston Court at 10am Egmont Road 5 October Egmont Road at 10am Foxglove Way 2 November Foxglove Way at 10am Gisbourne Close 20 October Gisbourne Close at 10am Sherbourne Court 28 September and 22 December Sherbourne Court at 10am Stag Court 22 September and 14 December Stag Court at 10am Wendon Court 11 August and 9 November Wendon Court at 10am Woodcote Road, Shirley Road and Marchmont Road 25 August and 23 November Woodcote Road at 10am MyMoat – have you joined yet? MyMoat is the dedicated area of the Moat website which is tailored to residents’ needs. It lets residents view their rent account information, report repairs, give valuable feedback and much more. In July, MyMoat reached the 500 mark in terms of the number of registered users. This is a milestone for the online service and means an average of 50 residents have signed up per month since the launch in October 2010. Signing up to MyMoat is very quick and easy • Visit and click on the MyMoat logo at the top right of the screen. • Click register on the right hand side of the screen. • • Enter name, email address, tenant reference number and date of birth. 0845 600 1006 Click submit. The Moat Customer Service Centre is available to offer support with sign ups; please call 0845 600 1006 if you need any further information on signing up to MyMoat. Alternatively, you can visit ‘Moat on the move’, Moat’s mobile office, whenever it is in your neighbourhood. To find out when it will next be visiting you, please contact your Neighbourhood Officer or visit Moat, Mariner House, Galleon Boulevard, Crossways, Dartford, Kent, DA2 6QE - 0845 600 1006 - - Moat Homes Limited is a charitable housing association. The information contained in this document can be provided in other formats, including large print, on audio tape and electronic versions. Please contact Moat to see if this document is available in a format more suitable to your needs. July 2011.