PASSIVE LOSSLESS SNUBBERS FOR HIGH FREQUENCY PWM CONVERTERS Sam Ben-Yaakov and Gregory Ivensky Power Electronics Laboratory Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ben-Gurion University of the Negev P. O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, ISRAEL Tel: +972-7-646-1561; Fax: +972-7-647-2949 Email: March 1999 1 OUTLINE Chapter 1. Introduction 1. Seminar objectives 2. Hard versus soft switching 3. Diode reverse recovery 4. IGBT behavior under hard switching 5. Why soft switching? 6. Soft switching terminology 7. Soft switching by passive lossless snubbers 8. Simulation tools Chapter 2. Passive lossless snubbers perspective 1. Passive lossless snubber approaches 2. Snubbers evolution 3. The switched inductor (SIM) model 4. Basic switching cell of common PWM converters 5. Fundamental principles 6. Practical aspects Chapter 3. Basics of resonant networks 1. Reset of resonant elements 2. Resonant networks - the vehicle of snubbing and energy circulation 3. Basic resonant network parameters 4. Ideal LC-network with ideal diode fed by a voltage source Vs 5. Some trivial cases and practical aspects 6. Resonant inductor design 2 Chapter 4. Switch turn-off lossless snubbers 1. The ‘one way’ capacitor. Versions 1 and 2 (SNB1 & SNB2) 2. Switch turn-off lossless snubber (SNB3) 3. Applying snubber SNB3 in a flyback converter 4. Applying snubber SNB3 in a forward converter 5. A switch turn-off lossless snubber for a boost converter (SNB4) Chapter 5. Switch turn-on and diode turn-off snubbers 1. Flyback reset snubber. Versions 1 and 2 (SNB5 & SNB6). Practical aspects 2. Low stress turn-on snubber (SNB7). Experimental results. Implementation in APFC 3. RMS current of the snubber inductor in a boost converter implemented in APFC Chapter 6. Turn-on and turn-off single switch snubbers 1. Generic LCC 'turn off' & 'turn on' snubber topology 2. Boost converter with LCC snubber: D type 'on' and S type 'off' (SNB8) 3. Some additional recent turn-on & turn-off passive lossless LCC snubbers (SNB9 - SNB12) 4. LCC snubbers with improved reset (SNB13) 5. Boost converter with LLC-type snubber (SNB14) 3 6. Buck converter with LC-type snubber (SNB15) 7. Turn-on, turn-off and turn-on - turn-off snubbers. Can parasitic elements be used? Chapter 7. Rectifier diodes lossless snubbers 1. Phase shifted PWM (PSPWM) converters 2. Residual issues in PSPWM 2.1. Circulating current. Lossless output snubbers SNB16 & SNB17 2.2. Rectifier’s diodes reverse recovery. Possible remedysaturable reactor. Snubber SNB18 3. Experimental PSPWM converter 4. Improved magnetic snubber for rectifier diodes in DC/DC converters (SNB19) Chapter 8. Combining snubber and power supply functions 1. Turn-off snubber with energy recovery back to the input or into a local power supply (SNB20) 2. A local power supply with turn off snubber features 3. Application of proposed power supply in a boost APFC Conclusions References 4 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 5 SEMINAR OBJECTIVES • To demonstrate the use and benefits of passive lossless snubbers in modern high frequency power electronics design. • Relevant topologies • Soft switching • Parasitic effects • Limitation - pros & cons HARD VERSUS SOFT SWITCHING V=200v Vds Vgs*20 100 Rd 12 0 Rg G + 2.7 - Id*30 D PWRMOS IRFP460 MOSFET switching stage Switching waveforms (simulation) • Switching losses are proportional to switching frequency Modern simulators include switching behavior 6 Id Vds V=200v I0=5A D 15 0 + - Rg G 2.7 Vgs*10 Lm 1m 10n MUR860 Ls D PWRMOS IRFP460 V=400v Hard switched boost stage Basic waveforms (simulation) ☛ Diode reverse current and parasitic oscillations ☛ Natural 'softening' at 'turn off' • 'Turn On' more troublesome in MOSFETS • 'Turn On' & 'Turn off' problematic for IGBT -> ZCS Diode Reverse Recovery [25, 39] i IF VF L i VD VD t rr t rm D 0.25 I rm t Vr I rm Vrm • Low voltage drop on diode in reverse recovery period • di = V dt L • High reverse currents • High reverse voltage • Parasitic oscillations 7 The reverse recovery problem in Boost topology Dout Lm Vout + Iin Ir Vin - S C o Ro Vgs • Short circuit against Vout • Occurs in all topologies The reverse recovery problem in Boost topology Vgs I (Dout) t I in = 10A t I rm = - 69A I (Switch) 79A I in = 10A t P (Switch) 27kW trr = 50nsec. • High reverse currents • High losses • EMI emission 8 t Dependence on L V=-400v I0 MUR860 L D 50 Rs Cs 0.5nF Diode switching circuit - reverse recovery Dependence on L - Simulation Idiode Idiode Diode reverse recovery switching waveforms Very high reverse currents A function of series inductance Detrimental effect in isolated and non isolated converters Becomes very important in high switching frequency 9 converters Trapped Energy as L becomes Larger Assume: t rm constant Irm = V L trm Peak reverse current : Trapped energy (V trm )2 E = (Irm ) L = 2L 1 2 2 • Trapped energy decreases as L becomes larger • Adding inductance ---> Advantageous Center Tap Rectifier Llkg 1 + Llkg 2 10 CO RO Leakage inductance at secondary Diode voltage Voltage at input to filter inductor Experimental waveforms (no diode snubber) • Greatly influenced by transformer leakage • Forces the use of high voltage diodes IGBT BEHAVIOR UNDER HARD SWITCHING [5, 16, 20, 21, 38] Vcc Ic Ic Rc Vce Rb Vce Vg t Current tail 11 ☛ Current tail due to stored minority carriers ☛ Switching losses increase linearly with switching frequency ☛ Switching frequency limit is at about 25 kHz Why Soft Switching ? magnetics size ideal f Ideal Size/Switching frequency relationships magnetics size conventional planar ~100kHz ~500kHz f Practical size realization 12 MOSFET Losses PWM Hard IGBT PWM Resonant Soft Soft Frequency Losses Conflicting constraints ✏ Soft switching helps to reduce EMI emission ??? SOFT SWITCHING TERMINOLOGY 13 VGS Hard Switching Vs Vs Vs Is True ZVS Is Pseudo ZCS Pseudo True Is 'True' soft switching calls for external active circuitry 'Pseudo' soft switching by lossless snubbers 14 Soft Switching by Passive Lossless Snubbers Vs Pseudo ZCS Pseudo ZVS Is Turn On Turn Off • For MOSFETs -> OK • For IGBTs -> ZCS at 'turn off' might be more desirable (current tail) • This can not be accomplished with a Passive Snubber unless operating in constant 'off' time (quasi-resonant) 15 SIMULATION TOOLS ✔ Modern device models account for switching behavior ☛ Old Models DO NOT account for switching behavior ☛ Difficult to account for PCB parasitics ☛ Simulation of switching losses is still unreliable ✰ ✔ Cycle-by-Cycle simulation Can faithfully describe the basic switching phenomena Very useful tool to examine snubber operation ✔ ✔ Average Simulation [3] Can account for snubber effect on dynamics Can be used to design the feedback loop ✔ ✰ MODEL MUR860 D (IS=783U RS=30M N=4.82 BV=600 IBV=10U + CJO=330P VJ=.75 M=.333 TT=79.2N) * Motorola 600 Volt 8 Amp 55M us Si Diode 02-24-1994 .MODEL DN5406 D (IS=2.68P RS=7.31M N=1.17 BV=900 IBV=10U + CJO=124P VJ=.6 M=.333 TT=14.4U) * Motorola 600 Volt 3 Amp 15 us Si Diode 11-23-1990 • Parameters can be changed to test various aspects, e.g.TT for reverse recovery 16 .SUBCKT IRF150 10 20 30 * TERMINALS: D G S M1 1 2 3 3 DMOS L=1U W=1U RG 20 2 5.35 RD 10 1 4.3M RDS 1 3 635K CGD 4 1 2.75N RCG 4 1 10MEG MCG 4 5 2 2 SW L=1U W=1U ECG 5 2 2 1 1 DGD 2 6 DCGD MDG 6 7 1 1 SW L=1U W=1U EDG 7 1 1 2 1 DDS 3 1 DSUB LS 30 3 7.5N .MODEL DMOS NMOS (LEVEL=3 VMAX=1.6MEG THETA=265.6M VTO=3.3 + KP=9 RS=8.12M IS=2.01P CGSO=2.65M) .MODEL SW NMOS (LEVEL=3 VTO=0 KP=.45) .MODEL DCGD D (CJO=2.75N M=.5 VJ=.41) .MODEL DSUB D (IS=2.01P RS=5.20M VJ=.8 M=.4 CJO=2.60N TT=720N) .ENDS * IR 100 Volt 28 Amp 45M Ohm N-Channel Power MOSFET 11-201990 Chapter 2 PASSIVE LOSSLESS SNUBBERS PERSPECTIVE 17 Lr C D RC SNUBBERS - Diode RC snubber (2 Vo )2 C } fs ; 2 LOSSES P d(min) = { Pd(min) = minimum losses V o = output voltage C = snubber capacitor fs = switching frequency R ( I pkr ) 2 Llkg }fs P d(lkg) = { 2 I pkr = peak reverse current Llkg = leakage inductance Resistor dissipation may reach 10's of Watts PASSIVE LOSSLESS SNUBBER APPROACHES 1. Snubbing in multiple switch configuration (e.g. half bridge) 2. Auxiliary (dual) switch snubbers [4, 15, 33, 37] 3. Snubbers in single switch configuration (references given below) No. # 1: Most effective • Few extra components => economical No. # 2: Effective but costly • Calls for extra switches and drives • Diminishing return No. # 3: Good compromise • Only passive elements needed • Proven to improve efficiency • Potentially lowers EMI emission ☛ This seminar will concentrate on single switch and diode snubbers for PWM converters 18 Snubbers Evolution • SCR (1): RC snubbers - high losses • SCR (2): Lossless Snubbers - help to turn off devices • PWM (1): RC Snubbers - high losses • PWM (2): Quasi Resonant - high stresses and conduction losses • PWM (3): Auxiliary Switch - complex • PWM (4): Lossless Snubbers -optimal (as of now) Passive Lossless Snubbers are comparable in performance to the Dual Switch approaches but are less expensive ! The Switched Inductor (SIM) Model BASIC SWITCHING CELL OF COMMON PWM CONVERTERS LLff da b iaI b Vin R Load iI c c d Vout IL iILL + -- Lf a Vout a Ic R Load Vin + - Ib Cf Cf b c b Buck Boost b c Vout d Ib Ic R Load Lf + Vin - IL a Buck-Boost 19 Cf BASIC SWITCHING CELL OF COMMON PWM CONVERTERS A C Do Lo S B Topology V in Buck Boost Buck-Boost V CB V AB V AB Vo Topology V AB V CA V CB -V CA Buck Boost Buck-Boost V in -V o V in V in Fundamental Principles dI 1. Controlling dt at 'Turn On' -> Pseudo ZCS A Do C A Do C Lo Lo Ls Ls S S B B S - type Turn-On snubber D - type Turn-On snubber 20 V CB V in Vo V in +Vo Fundamental Principles dV 2. Controlling dt at 'Turn Off' -> A C Do A A C Do Lo Pseudo ZVS Cc Cc C Lo Lo S Do Cc S S B B S - type Turn-Off snubber D - type Turn-Off snubber B L - type Turn-Off snubber The major objective: to circulate the trapped energy • In a lossless manner • Without increasing the switch and diode stresses • As quickly as possible (Don & Doff limitations) • Without generating new parasitic effects (of extra components) • Inexpensive to implement Use the followings as check points for comparison I pk(switch) V max (switch) V max (diode) 21 General Observation A Do C Lo S B Snubber solution is independent of (PWM) topology if confined to the 'A-B-C' domain Practical Aspects (1) Snubber inductor rms current: A Do C Lo Ls S B • Snubber inductor carries switch plus reverse recovery currents 22 A Do C Lo Ls S B • Snubber inductor carries diode plus reverse recovery currents Practical Aspects (2) Stirring capacitor's ripple current A C Do A A C Do Lo Lo Lo Cc Cc S Cc S S B B B C Do (a) (b) (a) Ripple stirred to 'ground' - in Boost topology (b) Ripple stirred to output - in Boost topology 23 (c) (c) Ripple stirred to input - in Boost topology 24 Chapter 3 BASICS OF RESONANT NETWORKS 25 Reset of Resonant Elements At steady-state: • Volt-Sec of resonant inductor over switching cycle must be zero ∫ Ts V Lr dt = 0 • Ampere- Sec of resonant capacitor over switching cycle must be zero ∫ Ts IC r dt = 0 • Sufficient time must be available for reset • This will cause restriction on duty cycle min & max Resonant Networks -the vehicle of Snubbing and Energy Circulation • Energy circulation in passive lossless snubbers is made possible by lossless energy exchange of reactive elements (i.e. C, L) • When the exchange is between L & C one deals with resonant phenomena 26 Basic Resonant Network Parameters D L R C V • Typical equivalent circuit of a lossless snubber ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ Series resonance R is normally small (to make the snubber "lossless") May or may not include diode Peak current equal or higher than main currents Resonant frequency need to be shorter than switching frequency Basic Resonant Network Parameters i D L C Vs VC 2π 1 1 ; ωr = ; Tr = LC 2π L C ωr L ➜ Characteristic impedance : Zr = C ➜ Resonant frequency: fr = 27 Ideal LC-network with ideal diode fed by a voltage source Vs i(0)= Io vC(0)=V Co i S L C Vs VC D V s -V Co i= Z sin(ωr t)+Iocos(ωr t) r vC=(Vs -V Co)[1-cos(ωr t)]+IoZr sin(ωr t)+VCo V Cp=(Vs -V Co)[1-cosψ]+I oZr sinψ+V Co I oZr ψ=tan-1(-V -V )+π ψ<π s Co If V Co = 0 and Io = 0 ψ=π and V Cp = 2 Vs If V Co < 0 and Io = 0 ψ=π and V Cp > 2 Vs Vc ∆Vc Vco Vcp t Vs i Ip Io t Tr ψ 2 π 28 SOME TRIVIAL CASES • Linear inductor discharge i L Vs + dI L V s dt = L ; ✌ D iL = IL (0) − Vs L t Large capacitor acts as Vs • Linear capacitor discharge Is dV C Is dt = L ✌ ; VC Is vC = VC (0) + t C Large inductor acts as Is 29 • Capacitor voltage reversal i(0)=0 vC(0)=V Co L L C VCo C Beginning End Practical Aspects (3) Practical Snubber Components • Reverse recovery of snubber diodes I I L L Vs + Vs D Before reset Cp Diode snapped Parasitic oscillations ✔ + Remedy -> Saturable Reactor 30 VCo Practical Aspects (4) Practical Snubber Components • ESR of resonant Capacitor High losses, high temperature ✔ Remedy -> Low ESR capacitors: Polypropylene Mica (the best !!) • Interwinding capacitance of resonant inductor Li Cp Li Cp Li Cp Parasitic oscillations , high losses, EMI emission ✔ Remedy -> Careful design, toroidal configuration, good coupling between windings 31 • Printed circuit layout Parasitic oscillations , high losses, EMI emission ✔ Remedy -> Careful design Resonant Inductor Design Typical characteristics • Low inductance ; Typical range 3µH - 10µH • High current ; Typical range 1A -30A Some basic relationships: L I pk Bmax = n A ; e ∫ V Ldt ∆B = n A e n2 µ µ A o r e L= ; l e L - inductance (H) I pk - peak inductor current (A) V L - voltage across inductor (V) t - time (Sec) n - number of turns Bmax - limit of magnetic flux density (T) A e - effective core area (m2) le - effective magnetic length (m) µo - permeability (1.25 10-6 H/m) µr - relative permeability 32 From above I pk 1 Bmax le L = L n µ o µr I pk For high L ratios: • Long l e • Small number of turns n • Low relative permeability µr • Winding window will no be full Typical Construction Ferromagnetic Gap Gap Ferrite Ferrite Toroid based design Lower EMI emission 33 Suggested Design Procedure 1. Choose ∆Bmax based of acceptable losses (mW/gr) from ferrite data (losses as a function of ∆B and frequency). Use fr as an indicator but take into account the short period of snubbing by dividing the data sheet losses by (f r /f s ) 2. Estimate {V Sec} across resonant inductor ∫V L dt or by an approximation e.g. VL * trr 3. Calculate nAe from the relationship: n Ae V dt ∫ = L ∆Bmax 4. Select wire cross section according to rms current 5. Based on calculated nAe and wire size, choose a core for a single layer winding 6. Gap the core for required L value Chapter 4 SWITCH TURN-OFF LOSSLESS SNUBBERS 34 35 SWITCH 'TURN OFF' LOSSLESS SNUBBER (SNB1) The 'One Way' Capacitor : Version 1 [35] Snubber D2 C2 D3 L C1 D1 A + Lo IA + Do VAB C VCB S B Vgs - - B Snubber Snubber C2 C2 D2 D3 D3 D1 A + Lo L C1 C1 + IA VAB C VCB A + - Vgs B + IA VAB C VCB S S B Lo B Snubbing - Vgs - Reset • Snubber capacitor C1+C 2 • Resonant reset ( C1+C 2, L) 36 B General Observations (1) 1. Snubbing Snubber D2 C2 A C Do D3 D1 Lo C1 Cc A + Lo + IA VAB B C S VCB Vgs - S - B B • Prior to 'turn-off', C1 & C2 must be charged to VCB 2. Reset Snubber C2 D3 L A + Lo i C1 + IA VAB S C L C Vs VCB S B - Vgs - D B V C= 2 VCB if C1 = C2 -> VC1 = V C2 = V CB 37 VC General Observations (2) Snubber D2 C2 A D3 D1 A + Lo L IA + VAB B Lo C1 Do Cc C VCB Vgs - C Do S S - B B • Topology independent 2.0V 0V Vgs v(pulse) 2.0A 0A 500V iL r Ipk i(lr) Vc1 -10V 2.0A v(out,vd1) 500V is IA 0A i(smain) Vs 0V 488us 490us v(drain) t0 492us t1 494us Time Waveforms of SNB1 (simulation) 38 496us t2 t 3 498us 500us Interval t o-t1 t iL=iD3=I pksin(2π T ) Assuming: C 1=C2=C Tr LC t1-to= 2 =π 2 ; r I pk= V CB 2L C ; iS=I A +i L t vC1=vC2=0.5V CB[1-cos(2π T )] r Interval t 1-t2 iS=I A ; iDo=iD1=iD2=iD3=0 IA vC1=vC2=V CB-2C(t-t2) ; Interval t 2-t3 vC1(t3)=vC2(t3)=0 2CVCB from which: t3-t2= I A Interval t 3-(to+T s ) dvS IA and hence ( dt ) =2C t2-t3 iDo=I A ; iS=iD1=iD2=iD3=0 Typical Design dvS Given: VCB, I A , ( dt ) , Dmin , Dmax t2-t3 IA 2CVCB 1. C ≥ dv ; 2. t2-3= I S A 2( dt ) t2-t3 Dmin 2 2( 1-Dmax fs ) 3. fs ≤ t 4. L= 2-3 π 2C V CB I pk π VCB => = IA dvS 2L ton min ( dt ) t2-t3 C The diodes D 1 & D2 must be very fast and have a very low 5. Ipk= storage charge. 39 Example: dvS Assuming: f s ≈ 100KHz; ton min ≈ 1µS ; ( dt ) ≈ 400V/µS t2-t3 I pk I A = 0.78 ✔ Check points I pk(switch) I A π VCB dvS ton min ( dt ) t2-t3 = IA + V max (switch) = Same as original V max (diode) = Same as original SWITCH 'TURN OFF' LOSSLESS SNUBBER The 'One Way' Capacitor : Version 2 (SNB2) [35] Snubber D2 C2 D3 D1 A + Lo L Do C1 VAB B - Lo + Do IA A S - Cc2 C VCB Vgs S B • Identical to Version 1 (normally drawn differently) 40 C Cc1 B SWITCH 'TURN OFF' LOSSLESS SNUBBER (SNB3) [35] Reset to Input IA A Do Lo + + C D1 - + L C1 VAB VCB Snubber B D2 - S Vgs - A Do Lo IA A Lo + + C Cc D1 - + C1 VCB S S B - Vgs - B Snubbing 41 B B C IA A Lo + + C i D1 - + VAB B L C1 D2 - VCB Vgs L C S - B Reset 1 ✌ VCA > V AB ---> Dmin = 0.5 i IA A Lo + + C L D1 VAB VCB L Snubber B D2 - S Vgs - Vs + B Reset 2 1.0A 0A is i(smain) 500V Vs 0V 800mA 0A 800mA 0A 400V v(drain) iD1 i(d1) iDo i(dout) Vc1 -400V 488us 490us v(drain)-v(vc1) t0 t1 492us t2 494us Time Waveforms of SNB3 (simulation) 42 496us t3 498us t4 500us D VCo Case VCB-V AB > V AB , i.e. VCB > 2V AB Interval t o-t1 t iL=iD2=I pksin(2π T ) r where Tr =2π LC1 V CB-V AB I pk= L C1 iS=I A +i L t vC1=(VCB-V AB )cos(2π T ) r t1 is found from the condition: (vC1)t1=-VAB Tr V AB t1= cos -1(V -V ) CB AB 2π Interval t 1-t2 t1 V AB iL=iD1=iD2=I pksin(2π T )- L (t-t1) r t2-t1 is found from the condition: (iL)t2=0 t2- t1 I pkLsin(2π T ) r t1= V AB Interval t 2-t3 iA =I Ao -iL iS=I A ; iDo=iD1=iD2=0 Interval t 3-t4 iS=iDo=iD2=0 I Ao vC1=-VAB + C (t-t3) 1 t4-t3 is found from the condition: 43 (vC1)t4=V CB-V AB C1V CB t4-t3= I Ao Interval t 4-(to+T s ) iDo=I Ao iS=iD1=iD2=0 ; 44 Typical Design dvS Given: VCB, I Lo, ( dt ) , t3-t4 Dmin ≥ 0.5, Dmax 1. C1 ≤ \f(ILo,(\f(dvS,dt)) ) ; 1-Dmax 3. fs ≤ t ; 3-4 ; t3-t4 2. t3-4 =\f(C1V CB,I Lo) Dmin 2 ( f ) s 4. L≈ 2 (assumption: iL has a sine waveform not only π C1 during interval to-t1 but also during t1-t2) V CBDmax 5. Ipk= L C1 ✔ Check points I pk(switch)=ILo+ πDmax V CBI Lo (no free lunch) dvS ton min ( dt ) t3-t4 V pk(switch) = Same as original V pk(diode) = Same as original Limitation: VAB ≤ V CB 2 Vo In Boost Power Factor, hard switching when Vin ≥ 2 45 Applying snubber SNB3 in a flyback converter [6, 26, 28] SNUBBER - Tr R'o V' Co' + o Lm D1 - Ro Co V + o n2 n1 Do D1 + - C V in + L lkg - - + C L S D2 V in L S D2 Basic topology Lm Llkg Do Equivalent circuit - output transformer magnetizing inductance - output transformer leakage inductance C - snubber capacitance L - snubber inductance Ro' - reflected load resistance Co' - reflected capacitance of the output filter S - switching transistor Do - output diode D1, D2- snubber diodes V in - input voltage V o' - reflected output voltage 46 Equivalent circuit at different time intervals - R'o - Lm Co' + R'o Lm Co' + L lkg V in - D1 i lkg + L lkg + - V in - + S 1. C S ON 2. Snubbing 1 - R'o V' Co' + o Lm D1 Do + L lkg - + - V o' V in + i D1 + - L lkg C S C 3. Snubbing 2 47 - R'o Lm Co' + Do 4. OFF - R'o V' Co' + o Lm Do + L lkg + - C S V in - L D2 5. Resonant reset - ZCS at 'turn on' by Llkg !! - R'o V' Co' + o Lm Lm Do + L lkg + - C S - D1 + L lkg V in - + C L S D2 - L D2 6 Inductor discharge 48 V in General Observation 1. Switch maximum voltage (Vs pk) - R'o V' Co' + o Lm D1 Do + L lkg - + - V o' V in + i D1 + - L lkg C S C Capacitor's initial voltage --> VC(0) = Vin Capacitor maximum voltage --> VCpk > 2 Vo' +V in { additional voltage contributed by energy removed from Llkg } Switch maximum voltage --> Vs pk > 2 (Vin +V o') Advantages • The snubber is simple and inexpensive [28] • The operational duty cycle range is wider than in the case when this snubber is used in a boost converter Disadvantage • High voltage stress on the transistor Vs pk 49 Reverse recovery of snubber diode - R'o Co' + Lm V o' - R'o D1 Do + L lkg - - + Co' + Lm V o' D1 Do V in + L lkg - + - V in C C S S Resonant reset Reverse recovery - R'o Lm Co' + Do + L lkg - + - C V in L D2 Linear discharge • Loss of C charge • C must retain a voltage of at least Vin for proper ZVS at 'turn-off' 50 Applying snubber SNB3 in a forward converter [40] L1 Ro + Co - Vo SNUBBER D3 D4 D1 + - C V in L S D2 Same advantages and disadvantages as for the flyback converter case: - the snubber is simple and inexpensive - high voltage stress Vs pk on transistor. V s pk = V in +V Cp where V Cp= Lm Llkg Im I s pk - Lm I m 2+L lkg I Sp2 C magnetizing inductance of the transformer primary leakage inductance magnetizing current of the transformer switch current in the moment when the switch is turned off Experimental results [40] 1) Vin =17V; Pout=17W; D=2/3; Vs pk=52V 2) Vin =34V; Pout=36W; D=1/3; Vs pk=88V 51 A switch "turn-off" lossless snubber for a boost converter [30] (SNB4) L D1 A C Do + Lo V in Do C S - + Vo Co Lo Ro Cc S D2 B Snubber elements: L - the resonant inductor C - the resonant capacitor D1, D2 - snubber diodes No common ground ! Equivalent circuits for different time intervals Lo +V o + Vin - S i Lo t1-t2 Co = is ON 52 Ro 53 Do + +V o Lo S V in C + - iLo =i c Co - Ro D2 t2-t3 , snubbing dvS iLo dt = C ZVS! vDo(t) = vC(t)-V o vC(t3) =V o vDo(t3)=0 + Lo +V o Do V in Co t3-t4 OFF 54 Ro L D1 +V o Lo + Vin ic iLo S is Co Ro + C - - D2 t4-t5 , reset V in iL= iC = Z sin(ωr t) r vC(t4)=Vo 1 ωr = LC Zr = L C V in ISp=I Lo+ Z r vC(t5)=vD2(t5)=0 iS=iLo+i C L D1 +V o iL + V in Lo Co S - D2 t5-t6, linear discharge 55 Ro iL(t) = iD1(t) = iL(t5) - V o-V in (t-t5) L iL(t6)=iD1(t6)=0 56 A switch "turn-off" lossless snubber for a boost converter [30] (SNB4) Advantages • Soft switching at turn off. Efficiency was reported to increase by 5% to 97% [30] . Disadvantage • Reverse recovery problems of diodes Do, D1, and D 2 • High current stress of main switch during the interval t4 - t5 • No common ground between input and output Chapter 5 SWITCH TURN-ON AND DIODE TURN-OFF SNUBBERS 57 SWITCH 'TURN ON' AND DIODE 'TURN OFF' SNUBBER [35,39] FLYBACK RESET SNUBBER (energy recovery via a catch winding) A A C C Lo Do Lo Do IA IA IS D 1:N L1 IS L1 ID S Vg 1:N D ID S Vg B B Version 1 (SNB5) Version 2 (SNB6) A C A L o Do Do IA Lo IS 1:N L1 Vg Ls S S B B Snubbing 58 C A C Lo Do I IA 1:N D L ID Vg S Vs + D B Reset Practical Aspects (5) A C Lo Do IA IS 1:N L1 D ID Llkg Vg S B Beware of leakage inductance Not practical for HF high power levels 59 2.0V V gs 0V v(pulse) 0.1KV VD -1.2KV v(vd1,out) 4.0A iD 0A i(d1) 5.0A is 0A i(smain) 1.0KV 0V 488us 490us v(drain) Vs 492us t0 t 1 494us Time 496us t2 498us 500us t3 Waveforms of SNB5 (simulation) Analysis: Version 1 (SNB5) V CBt iS= L 1 t1-to is found from the Interval t o-t1 condition: iS(t1)=I A from where L1I A t1-to= V CB V Do max=V CB(1+N) I A V CB iD= N - 2 (t-t2) N L1 t3-t2 is found from the Interval t 2-t3 condition: iD(t3)=0 I A L1N t3-t2= V ; VS CB 1 max =V CB(1+N) 60 t3-t2=\f(IA L1N,V CB) ; fs 1-Dmax t3-t2 max = 1 V S max=V CB(1+N) ; VDo max =V CB(1+N) The lower N, the shorter is t3-t2 and hence the higher is the upper limit of the switching frequency fs max. The lower N, the higher is V S max. The voltage across the main diode Do is high when N is high. A major disadvantage of the converter is the leakage inductance between the primary and secondary of the coupled inductor : it will cause a large voltage spike across the switch. Beware of reverse recovery problems of the auxiliary diode D. FLYBACK RESET SNUBBER Version 1 (SNB5) Typical Design diS Given: VCB, I A , ( dt ) , Dmin , Dmax to-t1 V CB L1I A Dmin 1. L1 ≤ di ; 2. t1-0= V ; 3. fs ≤ t S CB 1-0 ( dt ) to-t1 4. t2-3 ≤ 1-Dmax V CBt2-3 ; 5. N= fs L1I A 7. VDo max=V CB(1+N) ✔ Check points 61 ; 1 6. VS max=V CB(1+N) I pk(switch) = IA V max (switch) = VCB (1+\f(1,N)) =VCB \b\bc(1+ IA ) dis toff min ( dt ) t0-t1 V max (diode) = V CB (1+N) =V CB \b\bc(1+ \f(toff dis min ( dt )t0-t1,I A )) LOW STRESS 'TURN ON' SNUBBER (SNB7) [17, 24] Lm Dout Ls A Lo + Iin Cs Vin - Do Vout Vgs Q D1 Ls D2 Co Ro S B Q - Main switch Dout - Main diode D1,D2 - Auxiliary diodes Ls, Cs - Resonant network Basic waveforms of lossless snubber Interval t 0-t1 62 C Vgs I (Dout) I in Irm I in I (D1) I in I (D2) I (Ls) Lm + Iin Vin - Vgs Dout Ls Cs Q D1 Vout IRR D2 I in V (Cs) Co Ro t0 t1 63 t2 t3 t4 t5 Time t6 Interval t 1-t2 Vgs I in I (Dout) Irm I in I (D1) I in I (D2) I in I (Ls) Lm + Iin Cs Vin - Vgs Dout Ls Vout V (Cs) V + Cs Q D1 Co D2 Ro t0 t1 t3 t4 t5 Time t2 t6 Interval t 2-t3 Vgs I (Dout) I in Irm I in I (D1) I in I (D2) I (Ls) Lm Dout Ls + Iin Vin - Vgs Cs Q D1 Vout V + Cs D2 I in V (Cs) Co Ro t0 t1 64 t2 t3 t4 t5 Time t6 Interval t 3-t4 Vgs I in I (Dout) Irm I in I (D1) I in I (D2) I in I (Ls) Lm + - Iin Vin - Dout Ls Vgs Cs Q D1 + Vout VC s D2 V (Cs) Co Ro t0 t1 t6 t3 t4 t5 Time t2 Interval t 4-t5 Vgs I (Dout) I in Irm I in I (D1) I in I (D2) I (Ls) Lm Dout Ls + Iin Vin - Vgs Cs Q D1 Vout V + Cs D2 I in V (Cs) Co Ro t0 t1 65 t2 t3 t4 t5 Time t6 Interval t 5-t6 Vgs I in I (Dout) Irm I in I (D1) I in I (D2) I in I (Ls) Lm + Iin Cs Vin - Vgs Dout Ls Vout VC s Q D1 V (Cs) D2 Co Ro t0 t1 t2 t6 t3 t4 t5 Time Practical requirement of peak reverse recovery current - Irm If Irm < I in Vgs I in I (Ls) Irm Irm V (Cs) I (Dout) I (D1) I in Lm + Iin Vin - Vgs Dout Ls Cs Q D1 Vout I I (D2) in VC s D2 Co Ro t1 t0 t2 To avoid the above undesired condition I rm > Iin 66 t3 t4 Time t5 The coupled inductor realization 1:n + Dout L1 Ls Cs + Lm Vin Q D1 - Vgs Vout D2 Co Ro Dout - Main diode D1, D2 - Auxiliary diodes Ls , C s - Resonant network Lm , L1 - Coupled inductors n - turn ratio Simplified equivalent circuits of the resonant elements with coupling inductor Vcpl on + Ls C Vcpl off - + Ls s D1 D1 V cpl on= nVin n V cpl off = 1+n (Vout - V in ) 67 Cs Basic waveforms of the lossless snubber with coupling inductor Vgs I (Dout) I in Irm I in I (D1) I in I (D2) I (Ls) I in V (Cs) t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 Time t6 V Cs( t3) is larger and therefore t3-4 is smaller 68 Components Stress Transistor or diode Current stress Q I in +I rm Do I in I rm I rm 2 + D1 D2 V cpl on2Cs Ls I in I rm = Current stress Voltage stress instance or interval Voltage stress instance or interval t1 t5-t6 t1 V out V out +V Cmax t3-t4 t2 t1<te<t2 V out -V cpl on t0-t1 t3-t5 V out t1-t2 (V out+V cpl on)trm Ls trm ≈ trr formal reverse recovery time V cpl on = nVin = n(1-D)Vout ton D= T s V Cmax = Irm Ls Cs sin(ωr t1-2)+V cpl on [1- cos(ωr t1-2)] I rm Ls Cs ωr t1-2 = tan-1(- V ) +π cpl on 69 trr = An experimental 1kW Boost converter 1:n + - Vgs Q - IRF460 Dout - MUR860 D1, D2 - MUR460 Ls - 3uH Vout L1 Ls Cs + L0 Vin Dout Q D1 D2 Co Ro trr = 60nsec. Cs - 100nF n=1/7 Operational conditions Fs - 100KHz Pout - 1000W V in - 200V Vout - 400V I in - 5.8A D - 0.5 Typical waveforms of the experimental Boost converter Vgs ID1 ID2 IDo Vertical scales: 10V/div, 5A/div Horizontal scale: 2µSec/div 70 Smaller reverse recovery current of Do Power dissipation 60 Pdissipated (W) 48.81 calibration curve 29.21 estimated conduction losses 6.75 4.54 16 with snubber 26 30 no snubber ∆T(0C) o DC calibration points Power dissipation dropped by 19.6W Additional Comments ✔ The main advantages of the lossless snubber: • ZCS in turn-on • Smaller reverse recovery current ✔ The preferred embodiment is coupled inductors ✗ The main disadvantage of the snubber is limitation of the duty cycle range 71 ✔ The overall efficiency of the experimental Boost converter was found to increase by 1%-2% The snubber can be adopted to other PWM topologies Implementation in Buck converter Vgs Q + V in - L1 n : 1 Lo Ls Cs + - V out D1 Co Ro D2 Do Proven to increase efficiency by ≈ 2% Implementation in a buck-boost converter 72 V gs n : 1 + Do Ls + L1 Cs D1 V in - Vou t D2 Co Lm - 73 Ro Implementation in APFC 1:n Dout L1 Ls Cs + Lm Vin(ac) Q D1 DRIVER • Vout D2 Co Ro PF controller Simple implementation Watch D onmin Proven to increase efficiency by ≈ 2% RMS current of the snubber inductor in a boost converter implemented in APFC Two ways of snubber inductor (Ls ) connection: Lm Do Lm + Vo V in (ac) Ls i in Co Ro Ls Do +V o V in (ac) i in S Co Ro S (a) (snubber elements except Ls are not shown) 74 (b) RMS current of the snubber inductor in a boost converter implemented in APFC Main assumptions 1. The duration of transient processes after the switch S is turned on and after S is turned off are neglected. 2. The input inductance Lm is sufficiently large that their current iin is practical constant during one high frequency switching cycle T s . Under these conditions the current iLs of the snubber inductor has a rectangular waveform during one high frequency switching cycle Ts . Vgs t iLS(Fig. a) iin t iLS(Fig. b) iin ton toff Ts For one switching cycle Ts (high frequency period) I Ls rms hf (Fig. a) = i in D 75 t I Ls rms hf (Fig. b) = iin 1-D ton where D = T s (hf - high frequency) RMS current of the snubber inductor in a boost converter implemented in APFC Ideal APFC Vo v in v in i in i in Vo I in m V in m ϑ D 1.0 Dmin ϑ π/2 π/2 π vin = V in m sinϑ iin = I in msinϑ where ϑ =2πflft (flf =50 or 60 Hz) V o = const In boost converter 76 (lf - low frequency) Vo 1 vin = 1-D where Dmin =1- -> D=1-(1-Dmin )sinϑ V in m Vo RMS current of the snubber inductor in a boost converter implemented in APFC Ideal APFC (cont.) RMS current for low frequency period π I Ls rms lf (Fig. a) = 1 I in m 2[sin2ϑ-(1-Dmin )sin3ϑ]dϑ = π 0∫ = I in m I Ls rms lf (Fig. b) = 4 0.5- (1-Dmin ) 3π π 1 I in m 2(1-Dmin )sin3ϑdϑ = π 0∫ 4 = I in m (1-Dmin ) 3π 77 I LS rms lf I in m 0.7 Fig. a 0.6 0.5 0.4 Fig. b 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 D min Conclusion: Fig. a is preferable if Dmin <0.4 and Fig. b is preferable if Dmin >0.4. 78 Chapter 6 TURN-ON AND TURN-OFF SINGLE SWITCH SNUBBERS 79 TURN-ON AND TURN-OFF SINGLE SWITCH SNUBBERS Possible Realizations: LCC - one resonant inductor and two resonant capacitors [10, 16, 22, 31, 32, 34, 39, 46] LLC -two resonant inductors and one resonant capacitor [1, 23, 29, 45] LC - one resonant inductor and one resonant capacitor [2, 22, 36, 41] Generic LCC 'turn-off' & 'turn-on' snubber topology (see also [32]) S type 'on' Do C1 A Lo D1 Ls C D3 D2 C2 D type 'off' S type 'off' L type 'off' D type 'on' S B B • Snubber analysis is identical for all connections 80 TURN-ON AND TURN-OFF SINGLE SWITCH SNUBBERS Boost converter with LCC snubber: D type 'on' and S type 'off' (SNB8) [22, 31, 32] (Modified turn-on snubber SNB7) Lm Do Ls + Vin S D1 + C2 - Vgs - + + C1 Iin Vo D2 Co Ro D3 S - main switch Do - main diode D1, D2, D3 - auxiliary diodes Lm Ls + Do Is Iin Vgs Lm + + Vin - Vo Co S Ro Ls Iin Vgs S t0 -t1 Vo C1 Iin Vin - Vgs S D1 D2 Co Ro t1 -t2 Ls + + C2 - + + Vin - Lm Vo C1 D2 + Co Ro Lm + + Vo Iin Vin Co Ro S - t2-t3 Vgs t3 -t4 81 + Lm Lm + Vo + Iin Iin Vin D1 - Vin Co Ro + Ls C2 - C1 D1 Lm Vin Iin D3 C2 Co Ro t5-t6 Ls D1 + + - ID1 - t4 -t5 + Vo + Vo ILs + C + 1 D2 - Lm + D3 Ls Vo + C1 Iin Vin Co Ro D3 - t6-t7 t7-t8 Lm Do Ls Vo + Iin Vin Co Ro - t8 -t9 Simulation 82 + Co Ro + + 2.0V Vgs 0V 8.0A v(pulse) iDo -0.0A 25A i(dout) iD1 -5A 20A i(d1) iLs -20A 500V i(ls) Vs 0V 25A v(drain) -5A 398us 400us i(smain) t1 t 2 is 402us t3 404us Time 406us 408us t4 t5t 6 t 7 t8 Ts t0 410us t9 Interval t 0-t1 Vo is = L t s ZCS! dis V o dt = Ls iDo=I in -is t1-to is found from the condition: iDo(t1)=0 I in Ls t1-to = V o vC1=0 ; vC2=V o 83 Interval t 1-t2 is =I in +i Ls iLs =iC1=iC2=iD2= Vo sin[ωr12(tLs C12 t1)] where C1C2 1 C12=C +C ; ωr12= 1 2 Ls C12 C2 vC1=V oC +C {1-cos[ωr12(t-t1)]} 1 2 vC2= C2 C1 vD1=V oC +C {1+C cos[ωr12(t-t1)]} 1 2 2 t2-t1 is found from the condition: vD1(t2)=0 C2 1 t2-t1= cos -1(-C ) = Ls C12cos -1(1 ωr12 C2 C1) iDo=iD1=iD3=0 84 Interval t 2-t3 is =I in V C1(t2) iLs =iC1=iD1=iD2=sin[ωr1(t-t2)]+i Ls (t2)cos[ωr1(tLs C1 t2)] where 1 Ls C1 t3-t2 is found from the condition: iD1(t3)=iD2(t3)=0 Ls iLs (t2) C C1-C2 1 1 1 t3-t2= tan-1( v (t ) ) = tan-1( C2 ) C1 2 ωr1 ωr1 Ls vC1=vC1(t2)cos[ωr1(t-t2)]+i Ls (t2) C sin[ωr1(t1 t2)]= C2 C2(C1=V oC cos[ωr1(t-t2)]+V o 1 C2)),C1)sin[ωr1(t-t2)] C2 vC1(t3)=Vo C 1 Interval t 3-t4 is =I in iDo=iD1=iD2=iD3=0 vDo=-Vo C2 vC1=vC1(t3)=Vo C 1 (C2<C1) vC2=0 Interval t 4-t5 is =0 iD1=I in I in (t-t4) dvs I in vs =vC2= C dt = C2 2 ωr1= ZVS! 85 C1=vC1(t3)=V o C2 C1 vD3=vC2+vC1-V o t5-t4 is found from the condition: vD3(t5)=0 V oC2(1t5-t4= I C2 C1) in Interval t 5-t6 is =0; iDo=iD2=0 C1 C2 iD1=I in C +C {C +cos[ωr12(t-t5)]} 1 2 1 C2 I in C1 vC2=V o(1- C )+ {ωr12(t-t5)+ C sin[ωr12(t-t5)]} 1 ωr12(C 1+C 2) 2 Two operating modes are possible. They depend on the condition at t6 of the interval t5-t6: Mode 1 will prevail if : (vC2)t6 = V o (iD1)t6 > 0 Mode 2 will prevail if : (iD1)t6 = 0 (vC2)t6 < V o Vo C2 Necessary condition for Mode 1: I Ls < kC in C2 C1 2 1 where : kC= [cos -1(-C )+ (C ) -1] 1 2 C2 C1 (1+C ) C +1 1 2 86 3.5 3.0 kC 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 2 4 6 C1/C2 8 10 12 C1 The dependence of kC on C 2 Vo C2 • For Mode 1: I Ls < kC in 87 t6-t5 is found from the condition: vD2(t6)=0; vC2(t6)=Vo Interval t 6-t7 , Mode 1, is =0; vs =V o iD3=I in iD1=iD2=I in -iLs V C1(t3) iLs = sin[ωr1(t-t6)] Ls C1 t7-t6 is found from the condition: iD1(t7)=iD2(t7)=0 t7-t6=\f(1,ωr1)sinLs Ls I in C I in C 1 1 2 1( -1 vC1(t3) ) =ωr1sin ( V o ) Interval t 7-t8 , Mode 1, is =iDo=iD1=iD2=0; iD3=I in vC1=vC1(t7) - I in (t-t7) C1 t8-t7 is found from the condition: vC1(t8)=0 vC1(t7)C1 t8-t7= I in vs ≈ V o-vC1 88 Interval t 8-t9 , Mode 1, is =iD1=iD2=iD3=0; iDo=I in vs ≈V o ; vC1=0 ; vC2=V o LOSSLESS TURN-ON AND TURN-OFF SNUBBER (SNB8) Mode 2. Time interval before the switch Q is turned on Lm + Iin D1 Vin - Vgs Do Ls S ILs Vo C1 D2 ID D3 Co Ro • Three auxiliary diodes are conducting • Hard switching • Coupling will help to avoid Mode 2. TURN-ON TURN-OFF SNUBBER (SNB8) Typical Design diS dvS Given: Vo, Iin , ( dt ) , ( dt ) , Dmin , Dmax t0-t1 t4-t5 89 + Vo 1. Ls ≥ di S ( dt ) t0-t1 3. kC > I in 2. C2 ≥ dv S ( dt ) t4-t5 Vo I in C2 Ls > 1 C1 4. Select C1/C 2 using the plot kC=ϕ(C ). 2 I in Ls 5. ton min = V + o V C 6. toff min ≈ o 2 [1+ I in 7. Dmin = C2 Ls C12cos -1(-C ) + Ls C1tan-1( C1-C2 C2 ) 1 I in 2Ls C1 C2(1-V o2 C2)] + Ls C1sin -1( (ton min ) fs ; Dmax =(1 - toff min ) fs 8. Current stress of the switch S C12 Is pk=I in +V o Ls 9. Voltage stress of the switch S Vs pk = V o Apply iteration to approach desired design goals 90 Ls C2 Vo ) I in 91 Some Additional Recent Turn-On & Turn-Off Passive Lossless LCC Snubbers Do S type 'on' D3 C1 D2 A Lo C D1 Ls D type 'off' S type 'off' L type 'off' C2 D type 'on' S B B • Generic LCC 'turn-off' & 'turn-on' snubber topology SNB8 discussed above (drawn differently) Boost converter with LCC snubber: D type 'on' and S type 'off' Do Vo C1 D3 D1 D2 Lr Vin Lin + - Vgs S C2 92 Co Ro Moving the connection point to main inductor Boost converter with LCC snubber: S type 'on' and S type 'off' (SNB9) [16, 32, 39] Do + Lin Vin - Cr Lr Vgs D1 S Vo D3 D2 Co Ro C1 Topologies similar to SNB8 and SNB9 with different capacitor C2 connections [31, 32, 34, 46] Lm + Do Ls C1 Iin + Vin - Vgs S D1 + C2 - D2 Original 93 Vo D3 Co Ro + SNB10: D type 'on' and D type 'off' [34, 46] Lm Do Ls + + C1 - k D1 V in D2 S V gs - +V o D3 - + Co Ro C2 b C2 connected to output Ripple to output SNB11: D type 'on' and L type 'off' [32] Lm + Do Ls D1 + C - 2 V in + k C1 D2 +Vo D3 S - Co V gs b C2 connected to input 94 Ro Ripple stired to input 95 SNB12: D type 'on' and L type 'off' [31] Lm Do + Ls +C - 1 D3 V in S V gs - D2 - + +Vo D1 Co C2 Ro b C2 connected to switch Stirs ripple to output Generic LCC 'turn-off' & 'turn-on' snubber topology with improved reset S type 'on' Do D3 Vres D2 D1 C2 C C1 A Lo Ls D type 'off' S type 'off' L type 'off' D type 'on' S B B 96 • V res accelerates the reset phase 97 Turn-on and turn-off snubber for single switch converter Improved Williams snubber SNB13 [10] C Do D3 D4 A Lo C1 L1 D2 D1 S C2 B Operating process is based on a dual energy recovery circuit, improvement on SNB9. • V res replaced by transformer Claimed to have: 1. Lower peak current in the switch S. 2. Shorter discharge time is needed for the capacitor C1 at low load . Hence, wider operation range of load current and higher switching frequency. Reset through transformer (leakage and reset problems ?) See also snubbers with recovery transformers [11-13] 98 Boost converter with LLC-type snubber (SNB14) [1, 23, 45] Lr1 D1 Vo + L1 Lr2 D2 L2 D4 Co Cr Vin - D3 Ro S Vgs Coupled inductor 2.0V 0V Vgs v(pulse) 50V Vc r 10V v(vcr,drain) 7.0A -0.0A iL r1 i(lr1) 7.0A -0.0A iL r2 i(lr2) 50V 0V Vs v(drain) 7.0A -0.0A 492us i(smain) is 494us 496us 498us Time Basic waveforms of SNB14 99 500us SNB14 Features Pro 1. Soft switching at turn-on and turn-off in a wide load range without high current and voltage stresses. 2. Coupling decreases the minimal needed value of turn-off time of the switch. Con 1. The resonant circuit L1Cr is fed from the input voltage V in . Hence, the peak capacitor's voltage cannot be higher 2V in . Consequently, when Vo>2V in => hard switching. Buck converter with LC type snubber (SNB15) [2, 36] (one inductor and one capacitor) Lr S + D1 Vin Vg - Cr Do Cf Ro D2 Lf Io • No common ground ! See boost converter with LC type snubber in [41] 100 Vo 2.0V 0V 2.0A 0A Vg v(pulse) iL r i(lr) 70V Vcr -40V 2.0A 0A 100V v(vcr) is i(smain) Vs 0V 488us 490us v(in)-v(in2) 492us 494us 496us 498us 500us Time Waveforms of SNB15 {'Turn-on'}, {'turn-off'} and {'turn-on' - 'turn-off'} snubbers Can parasitic elements be used ? 1. 'Turn on' A Do C Lo Ls S B dI • Ls relatively large inductance to lower dt and hence diode peak reverse current and trapped energy • Need a mechanism for recovering trapped energy Impractical to obtain by stray inductance such as interconnections Can be part of transformer or flyback coupled inductor 101 2. 'Turn off' A C Do Lo Cc S B dV • Cc significant inductance to lower dt • Cc is mainly needed while voltage on switch is low Switch output capacitance would be helpful and sometime sufficient 2. 'Turn off' - cont. If internal capacitance is used: • fast gate 'turn off' • high sink current • low source inductance "fast switch" Look up new MOSFET generations (APT V) 102 Output Capacitance of MOSFETs A study by Simulation • Nested AC analysis • V 1 is swept from 0V to 100V • I ac is set to 1A (not to worry, used after linearization) • Capacitance is calculated from: 1 C out = 2 π frequency v ds 'frequency' -> PSPICE variable C out V DS C out Upper trace: Cout as a function of VDS Lower trace: Cout as a function of frequency for various VDS values. • About 1 nF at 50V • For significant improvement added snubber capacitance > 1nF 103 Simulating Snubbing Effects 'turn-off' • Transient analysis • C is swept 0nF - 10nF C=0 Drain clamped to 100V Drain clamped to 20V • Drain current reflects charging of internal capacitor C V2 • Part of energy stored as --> losses at 'turn-on' ! 2 • Not all of {I D*V DS} at 'turn off' duration is lost to heat 104 C = 0 & 1nF • Small part of current channeled to snubbing capacitor C = 0 &10nF • Current channeled to 10nF capacitor • Internal capacitor still charges to the same voltage ! 105 106 Chapter 7 RECTIFIER DIODES LOSSLESS SNUBBERS PHASE SHIFTED PWM (PSPWM) [18, 19, 27] ZVS of main switches + Q 1 Vin A Q2 - C1 C4 L1 Q4 B C2 Q3 C3 Cc T Lo Co Ro Vo Basic Phase Shifted PWM Stage • Leading and lagging legs (bridge non-symmetrical) • Coupling capacitor Cc needed to block current • Asymmetry of control (+noise !) • Can be eliminated by applying peak current mode control 107 + Q 1 Vin C1 Q2 - C2 L1 C4 Q4 C3 Q3 Do1 T Lo Lm Do2 Co Ro Vo Stage 1 - Powering + Q 1 Vin Q 2 - C1 L1 C2 C4 Q C3 Q3 T 4 Do1 Lo Lm Do2 Co Ro Vo Stage 2 - Power to toff transition - capacitor charge 108 + Q 1 Vin C1 Q2 - C2 L1 C4 Q C3 Q3 T 4 Do1 Lo Lm Do2 Co Ro Vo Stage 3 - Power to toff transition - Diode catch + Q 1 Vin C1 Q2 - C2 L1 C4 Q4 C3 Q3 T Do1 Lo Lm Do2 Co Ro Vo Stage 4 - toff (circulating current) 109 + Q 1 Vin C1 Q2 - L1 C2 C4 Q4 C3 Q 3 Do1 T Lo Lm Do2 Co Ro Vo Stage 5 - toff to Power Transition + Q 1 Vin C 1 Q2 - C2 L1 C4 Q C3 Q 3 4 Do1 T Lo Lm Do2 Co Ro Vo Back to Power Mode t off VAB IL 1 td ID o1 ID o2 t0 t1 t 2 t 3 t4 t5 t 6 t7 t 8 t Waveforms ✎ Two rectifier diodes are conducting during toff 110 PSPWM DESIGN OVERVIEW Basic Conventional Phase Shift PWM design equations 2 L Ioff r (CA + CB )V 2BUS 2 2 CA +C B = total leg capacitance ≥ or: Ioff Lr > V BUS ==> Ioff Zr > V BUS C A + CB where the characteristic impedance is defined as usual: Zr = Lr C A + CB The transition time (need to be larger than 1/4 of the resonant period td ≥ 2π Lr (C A + CB ) 4 In the conventional scheme, L1 need to be relatively large to store sufficient energy at low load current . This can be somewhat improved by making the primary current larger (lower Lm transformers magnetization inductance) . If the short circuit ( two diodes conducting) during toff is avoided (only one diode conducts ) L1 can be small since the energy comes from the secondary 111 + Q 1 Vin C 1 Q 2 - C2 L1 C4 Q C3 Q3 4 Do1 T Lo Lm Do2 Co Ro Vo Stage 5 - toff to Power Transition - two diodes conducting + Q 1 Vin C1 Q 2 - C2 L1 C4 Q C3 Q3 T 4 Do1 Lo Lm Do2 Co Ro Vo Stage 5 - toff to Power Transition - one diode conducting If only one diode conducting ==> L1 id not needed 112 RESIDUAL ISSUES IN PSPWM 1. Circulating Current Circulating Current Losses Primary current • Thermal design of power stage for duty cycle D ==>1 =>The circulating current at D < 1 not a major problem • Possible Solution Apply the 'One Way' capacitor to block primary current at toff + Q 1 Vin Q2 - C 1 L1 C4 Q4 C3 Q3 C2 T Lm Do1 L o Do2 Ds2 Cs2 L r D s1 C s1 Co Ro Vo Ds3 D o3 Lossless output snubber SNB16 [18] • L r and C s form a resonant circuit 113 + Q 1 Vin Q2 - C 1 L1 C4 Q4 C3 Q3 C2 T Do1 L o Lm Do2 Ds2 Cs2 L r D s1 C s1 D o3 Co Ro Vo Ds3 Modified lossless output snubber SNB17 [19] Resonant inductor can be moved to primary Bridge voltage Primary current Rectifier diode current Rectifier diode current Basic waveforms of SNB17 (Simulation) • Suitable for IGBT (zero current at toff combats current tail) 114 RESIDUAL ISSUES IN PSPWM 2. Rectifier's diodes reverse recovery Llkg 1 + Llkg 2 CO Leakage inductance at secondary Diode voltage Voltage at input to filter inductor Experimental waveforms • Greatly influenced by transformer leakage 115 RO RESIDUAL ISSUES IN PSPWM 2. Rectifiers' diodes reverse recovery • Possible Remedy -> Saturable reactor (SR) [7, 8, 9, 14, 43] B Operating point ∆B H V=-400v L sr I=5A 150 MUR860 R s D Cs 0.5nF Simulation Circuit • Using fast diode • Current source establishes the forward current and abrupt change • L sr emulate "large" back inductance 116 0.1KV Diode voltage SEL>> -1.0KV v(dd) 7.0A Current source 0A i(ipulse) 6.0A Diode current -5.0A 0s i(dout) 100ns 200ns 300ns 400ns 500ns Time Exit File Add_trace Remove_trace X_axis Macros Hard_copy Cursor Zoom Y_axis Label Plot_control Display_control Simulation waveforms (Lsr = 50µH) RESIDUAL ISSUES IN PSPW 2. Rectifiers' diodes reverse recovery • Design equations overview Magnetic flux swing (one sided) VT ∆B = 2 n A c VT = volt-second across SR A c = core effective cross section area n= number of turns For Amorphous Alloy 2714AF (Allied): Core Losses : Pcore (W/Kg, mW/gr)) = 10-6 (fs )1.73 (∆B)1.88 B = Magnetic flux (T) ; fs = Switching frequency (Hz) ∆B=(Pcore/(10-6 (fs )1.73))(1/1.88) 117 Amorphous Alloy 2714AF (Allied) CORE LOSS (W/Kg, mW/g) 103 350KHz 300KHz 250KHz 200KHz 150KHz 100KHz 100 50KHz 10.0 1.00 0.100 0.0100 0.01 0.1 ∆Β 1 [Τ] Extrapolated from Allied's data (originally given up to 200KHz) RESIDUAL ISSUES IN PSPWM [42, 43] 2. Rectifiers' diodes reverse recovery • Implementation in PSPWM Q 1 C1 C3 Q4 Q2 C2 C4 Q3 Vin T Co Ro Vo PSPWM with SR at output (SNB18) 118 RESIDUAL ISSUES IN PSPWM 2. Rectifiers' diodes reverse recovery • Implementation in PSPWM T SR1 Vc Io I1 Ic SR2 n:1 Situation at first commutation instance (power to toff ) SR1 n2 C Co - V2 SR2 Equivalent circuit during toff RESIDUAL ISSUES IN PSPWM • Theoretical considerations SR1 Vc I I1 I2 c Io SR2 n:1 toff T Vc I SR1 I1 I2 c Io SR2 n:1 toff release 119 Ro T _ Vc I1 I2 Ic + SR1 Io SR2 n:1 toff to Power transition T _ I1 I2 Ic + SR1 Io SR2 n:1 Transition end (SR1 blocks reverse recovery current) Do1 Current Voltage across SR1 Voltage across SR2 Current through rectifier leg and voltage across SR 120 VT across SR1 (1 VuS/div) Voltage across SR1 Current of Do1 Volt Second of SR Design Guidelines 1. Choose SR to keep core losses low say : 50 mW/gr 2. Estimate VT Example: Diode reverse voltage 100V trr ≈ 100 nSec => V T ≈ 10 VµS For Amorphous Alloy 2714AF (Allied): Pcore (W/Kg, mW/gr)) = 10-6 f1.73 ∆B1.88 Assume Pcore = 50 mW/gr; f = 270KHz 121 Amorphous Alloy 2714AF (Allied) 103 CORE LOSS (W/Kg, mW/g) 350KHz 300KHz 250KHz 200KHz 150KHz 100KHz 100 50KHz 10.0 1.00 0.100 0.0100 0.01 0.1 ∆Β 1 [Τ] From loss equation => ∆B = 0.125T VT From ∆B = 2 n A => Ac = 0.4 cm 2 c Using MP1906P-4AF (Allied): OD = 21mm; ID = 10mm; Ac = 0.16 cm2; n=1; 6.1 gr Need at least 3 units per leg Effective frequency is much higher than switching frequency Being a small body (small surface area), might get very hot. 4 units per leg were used in experimental converter. Experimental PSPWM Converter Transformer: Payton 3000W T250-12-4C Nominal Operating frequency = 350KHz Input Voltage = 360 -390 Volt Max. VT = 864 VµS 122 Primary to half secondary 6:1 Primary Max rms current: 11 Amp Dielectric strength (primary to secondary) 2500 Vrms Dielectric strength ( secondary to core ) 500 Vdc Estimated power loss 65W (@ 600C base plate) Estimated hot spot 1100C Mechanical dimensions 88*65*30(h) mm 123 + Q 1 2250µF 2x 0.047 µF Q4 Vin Q2 Q3 L s1 T1 Do1 Lo 3.6µH T250DC-12-4C L s2 Do2 Co2 C o1 10µF 220µF L s1 , Ls2 - 4 x MP1906P-4AF Experimental power stage 124 Ro Experimental Results Primary current (upper) and leg voltages (lower) Bridge output voltage Transformer primary voltage Primary current SR Voltage Rectifier diode current Primary current In circuit SR Performance` Rectifier diode voltage SR Voltage Rectifier diode current Leg voltage SR VT ( 10 V µ S/Div) SR Voltage Leg voltage 125 Experimental Results Diode voltage Voltage at input to filter inductor Experimental waveforms (no SR snubber) Rectifier diode voltage (upper trace) and current (lower) with amorphous core • Some overshoot due to energy stored in SR 126 Improved magnetic snubber for rectifier diodes in DC/DC converters + Cin1 C1 D1 Cin2 C2 D2 Q1 Vin - Q2 T1 SR1 D5 SR2 L1 D3 D4 Lo Co • Basic solution [42,43] 127 Ro Vo Dependence on L - Simulation Idiode Idiode Diode reverse recovery switching waveforms Actual reverse recovery time is a function of series inductance B Operating point ∆B H Long reverse recovery time will increase core losses 128 Improved magnetic snubber for rectifier diodes in DC/DC converters [44] + Cin1 C1 D1 Cin2 C2 D2 Vin - Q1 Q2 T1 SR1 D5 L1 C3 L2 D3 SR2 D6 D4 C4 Lo Do Co Ro Vo Added elements: C3, C 4, Do, L1 D5 & L2 D6 -> Extra resonant circuit to sweep out stored charge D5 C3 + D3 L1 L2 iL iL 1 2 D6 D4 - C4 + Do Do The stored charge of the diode D3 (D4) is pulled out rapidly ; therefore (trr ) D3 and (trr ) D4 desrease and hence core losses in SR1 and SR2 also reduce. 129 Chapter 8 COMBINING SNUBBER AND POWER SUPPLY FUNCTIONS Turn-off snubber with energy recovery back to the input bus or into a local power supply (SNB20) [39] Vin Load D0 C + S D2 L SMPS Vin + Co D1 just after S is turned off just after S is turned on C = Snubber capacitor Co = Filter capacitor Negative polarity of voltage across Co ! • The main purpose of the device: turn-off snubber • Additional appointment: local power supply Watch for power level (in PS applications), might be too high 130 A local power supply with turn off snubber features [47] Lin Do + Cgd Vin Q C - gs C1 Cds Vo L Co D2 C2 VS DZ RS Ro D1 LPS LPS - local power supply Rs - load resistance C2 >> C1; DZ - Zener diode • Positive polarity of output voltage V s • The main purpose of the device: A local power supply. Secondary objective: turn-off snubber A local power supply with turn off snubber features Main assumptions of analysis 1. Ideal diodes and ideal transistor. Parasitic capacitences of MOSFET are taken into account. It is assumed that these capacitences are linear. 2. Lin, Co and C 2 are infinitely high 131 Equivalent circuits Iin Do + C1- Ic + - D2 CQout C2 Vo RS DZ • t0-t1: energy injection into LPS Equivalent circuits Iin Do + - C2 Vo RS DZ • t1-t2: no interconnection between the processes in the LPS and in the converter 132 Equivalent circuits C1 + - L IL C2 RS D1 DZ t2-t3: energy transfer from the capacitor C1 to the inductor L L D2 IL C2 RS D1 DZ • t3-t4: energy transfer from the inductor L to the C2 - D2 - Rs circuit Current and voltage waveforms vC1 400V -15V t iQ 11A 0A t iDo 11A 0A t IC1m 4A -6A 6A 0A VS Vo-VS t 4 iC1 ILm iL 8 12 Time t0 t1 t2 t3 133 t4 t [µS] Proposed Local Power Supply (LPS) connected in a boost converter Main relationships Energy injected to LPS during one switching period C V2 E = 1 o = Vs (Is + I Z )T s 2 V2 I s + I Z = f sC1 o 2V s V2 I s max = f sC1 o 2V s (when IZ=0) LPS loaded by the MOSFET's controller driver d Cgd g Cds Cgs s The average input current to the gate of the MOSFET I g av = CQin Vgsf s = kIs max k= fraction of Is used to power the gate (k<1) The required value of C1 V V 2 Vgs 1+ gs + Cgs gs C1 = C gd k Vo Vo V o 134 If V gs <<V o C1 ≈ 2 Vgs C k V o gd C1 is of the same order of magnitude as the parasitic capacitences of the transistor! If additional power is required (e. g. DC fans) C1 will be larger. Experimental boost converter with proposed LPS Lin Do + Cgd Vin Q C - gs C1 Cds Vo L Co D2 C2 VS DZ RS Ro D1 LPS Q=IRFP460; D0=MUR460; D1=1N5819; D2=MUR160 Power stage: fs =100kHz; Lin =1mH; L=24.2µH; C 0=1mF; Vo = 260V; Po=85W Snubber: V s =15V; C 2=100µF; R s =10-64Ω ; C1=1.0-5.5nF 135 Output power and efficiency as functions of the charge pump capacitor C1 20 100 Pout, W 60 10 Pout - Theoretical Pout - Experimental 40 5 Efficiency, % 80 Efficiency 15 20 0 0 0 1 2 3 C1, nF 4 5 6 f C V2 P out(theor) = f sE = s 1 o 2 Application of proposed local power supply in a boost APFC Lin Q D2 C2 DZ D3-6 R1 Vo L C1 Cin AC Do Control & Logic 136 Ro D1 VS Co on-off Experimental waveforms of the LPS operating in a soft switched APFC circuit Vdrain Ic1 C1≈220pF, Vin =220Vrms , Vo=380V, Vs=12.4V, Rs≈170Ω 137 CONCLUSIONS • Passive lossless snubbers can improve performance of switch mode systems: di dv • Controlled dt and dt • Increased efficiency at high switching frequency • Reduction of voltage and current spikes • Relatively low cost • High reliability • The magnitude of the reverse recovery current of the diode may affect performance of the snubber • Check points to watch: • Extra stresses • Duty cycle limitation • Current limitation Snubber/LPS combination could be useful in some applications Methods to increase the snubbing capacitor without increasing LPS power - are now under investigation 138 REFERENCES 1] L. 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