Xperience Fitness Customer Service Updates

As I mentioned in my previous email, we are constantly assessing our internal processes. Let me explain
a little bit of what that means. Since last summer/ early last fall we have been building an entirely new
Customer Service platform in order to be more aware and more responsive to all of our member
concerns, including billing issues. The rare instance when a cancellation letter doesn't arrive certainly
falls into this category of concern.
One piece of this platform has been to roll out member surveys through a system known as Net
Promoter Score. This has been in beta testing with 2 of our locations since November. This is our
listening platform so that we can hear the voice of our members. What they like about us and what
frustrates them as well.
Two discoveries have led to subtle yet effective changes that we are in the process of implementing:
We discovered that it is important to document each conversation our Customer Care Team has with
members, regardless of how simple the issue is or how easy the solution is. This has allowed us to look
back at the documentation and see the original date and content of the communication. So for example,
relevant specifically to your story, if a member contacts us with a request such as “how do I cancel my
membership?", that conversation and information will be recorded. We still need them to fax, mail or
deliver their cancellation in writing. However, if for any reason they fail to send the letter, or the letter is
lost in the mail, or their fax fails we will have the notation on their account. That is enough information
for us to determine that their intent was to cancel, something went wrong, and we can cancel them
immediately. If appropriate we will refund any payments they made from the time they first contacted
us with their clear intent to cancel.
Again, 99.9% of the time the process works. For those handful of times that something goes wrong this
helps us quickly resolve the situation.
We have also discovered that, even though we have our policies such as how to cancel published on the
member side of our website, people are not taking the time to log in and locate the information or they
aren't taking the time to locate their original paperwork where they will also find the information. So
we want to make sure we are viewed as transparent and helpful with our customer service efforts and
as part of a larger website refresh, our web designers are placing all of our contact information in a
prominent spot on the first page of our website. This will advertise very clearly and conspicuously, how
to contact us and where to send your cancellation notice.
Xperience Fitness – P.O. Box 657 – Appleton, WI 54912 - http://myxperiencefitness.com/