Academic guidelines for an exchange semester at a partner institution 1 It is possible to study at one of our 35 or more European partner institutions and circa 16 th worldwide partners only during the 6 semester. If you wish to undertake an exchange th semester you must apply to do so during your 3/4 semester. 2 The grades achieved in your exchange semester will be fully accepted as equivalent to th your 6 semester HfG grades and will contribute to your final degree grade. 3 If you are studying at a European partner institution you should achieve 30 ECTS-credits points (ECTS-cp) under the ECTS scheme, which is now being operated by most of our European partner institutions. 1 ECTS-cp is equal to 25-30 hours workload (this includes all work activity: lectures, seminars, research, workshop time etc.). This equals to a total workload of 750-900 hours per semester. 4 If you are studying at a non-European partner institution where other credit systems are awarded you should also take on the equivalent workload of 750-900 hours. 5 You should aim to undertake a range of studies similar to those normally taken at the HfG th during the 6 semester, namely: • • a major design project (workload ca.15 ECTS-cp) projects or subjects with theoretical content e.g. social sciences, design theory or history, cultural studies, human sciences, media analysis, or similar content, (workload ca. 5 ECTS-cp) projects or subjects you are interested in e.g. technical subjects, computer studies, or hand oriented skills such as drawing, modelmaking, etc. (workload ca. 10 ECTS-cp) • You could contribute to your credit points by undertaking language studies if these are offered by the partner institution. Some institutions offer pre-semester language courses (max. 2 ECTS-cp). Recommendations – new possibilities Some of our partner schools are organised according to an annual timetable with trimesters (with less than 30 ECTS-cp) rather than a semester schedule. This means that finding a comparable range of studies for sufficient credit points may take some careful planning e.g. by organizing an additional topical or local project, documentation, or essay with us or your host tutors. Do not automatically attempt to do exactly the same studies that you would have done at the HfG. Compare the curriculum offered by the partner institution with your previous experience and outlook and try to use it as an extension of the HfG curriculum to increase your flexibility and skills. Take the opportunity to study new subjects. You could also choose introductory subjects from the lower semesters. This will provide cultural insights into new design approaches which will th not be so obvious if you only do 6 semester design projects. Prof. Ulrich Schendzielorz, Claire Garnier November 2013