Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health REPORTABLE DISEASES AND EVENTS NOTIFICATION FORM Please notify to the Regional Medical Officer of Health by telephone, fax or post. Public Health Services, P.O. Box 5001, 300 St. Marys Street. Room 117 Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5H1 Phone during business hours: (506) 444-5905 Phone after hours: (506)462-0574 Fax (506) 444-4877 1. PATIENT INFORMATION Family name: ___________________________________ Given name: ___________________________________ Street address: ___________________________________ Town, village: ___________________________________ Telephone (home): (_______)________-__________________ Telephone (office/cell): (_______)________-__________________ Sex: -Male Date of birth: YYYY / MM / DD -Female Occupation and workplace or name of school/daycare attended: ___________________________________________________________ Recent travel overseas: -No -Yes If yes, specify country: __________________________________ Country of birth : __________________________________ Ethnicity: -Aboriginal -Black -Other -Caucasian -Asian 2. DETAILS OF CONDITION How was infection identified? -Clinical presentation, specify onset date: YYYY / MM / DD -Contact tracing -Screening Was the patient hospitalized? -No -Yes Laboratory confirmation of diagnosis -Laboratory confirmed -Linked to laboratory-confirmed case -Laboratory confirmation pending -No laboratory confirmation 3. REPORTING PROFESSIONAL DETAILS 5. Reportable diseases and events Phone within one hour of identification and write/fax by the end of the next working day - Anthrax - Botulism - Cholera - Clusters of illness, food or water-borne - Clusters of severe or atypical illness, respiratory borne - Diphtheria - Hemorrhagic fever diseases - Measles - Plague - pneumonic - Poliomyelitis - Severe acute respiratory syndrome - Smallpox - Yellow fever Phone within 24 hours of identification and write/fax within seven days - Brucellosis - Escherichia coli (pathogenic) - Exposure to suspected rabid animal - Guillain-Barré syndrome - Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome - Haemophilus influenzae type B and non-B (invasive) - Hepatitis A - Legionellosis - Listeriosis (invasive) - Meningococcal (invasive) disease - Mumps - Paralytic shellfish poisoning - Pertussis - Plague – bubonic - Q fever - Rabies - Rubella - Staphylococcus aureus intoxications - Streptococcus A beta-hemolytic (invasive) - Tularemia - Tuberculosis (active) - Typhoid - Unusual illness - presence of symptoms that do not fit any recognizable clinical picture - known etiology but not expected to occur in New Brunswick - known etiology that does not behave as expected - clusters presenting with unknown etiology - Varicella - West Nile Virus infection Name: ______________________________________ Telephone number: ______________________________________ Write within seven days of identification Affiliation: ______________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ - Adverse reaction to a vaccine or other immunizing agent - Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea - Creutzfeld-Jacob-Classic and New Variant - Cytomegalovirus (congenital and neonatal) - Hepatitis – other viral - Herpes (congenital and neonatal) - HIV/AIDS - Leprosy - Leptospirosis - Lyme borreliosis - Psittaccosis - Streptococcus B beta-hemolytic (neonatal) - Syphilis - Tetanus Date: 4. CLINICAL COMMENTS YYYY / MM / DD