Process for reviewing exceptionally low SJT scores

Application to the Foundation Programme 2014
Process for reviewing exceptionally low SJT scores
There will be a small group of applicants who obtain a low SJT score of 2.5 or more standard
deviations from the mean, who will have their applications reviewed. It is anticipated there will be a
proportion of this group whose applications are withdrawn due to having an exceptionally low SJT
score, and not proving they meet all requirements on the national person specification for the
Foundation Programme. Any applicants withdrawn from the national process for this reason will be
advised on Monday 10 March 2014.
If you find yourself in the group of withdrawn applicants, you will be invited to participate in a face
to face review of your SJT outcome. Further details of the face to face review will be provided to you
on 10 March, including the choice of venues and timings. If you choose not to attend the face to
face review, you can apply to the Foundation Programme next year, including re-sitting the SJT.
A summary of the face to face review process along with the timeline can be found below:
1. If you are identified as having an exceptionally low SJT score, your application will be
withdrawn from the national process and you will be invited to attend a face to face review
of your SJT outcome. If you are in this group of applicants, you will be notified on 10 March
2. The face to face review will take place on Monday 31 March 2014 with a contingency date
on Thursday 10th April 2014. Only those individuals who are not able to attend on 31 March
due to extenuating circumstances (see Appendix 1) are able to attend on 10 April.
3. You will have the choice of attending the face to face review in one of a number of locations
across the UK. Venue details will be confirmed on 10 March to those applicants affected.
4. If you live abroad or are on elective on 31 March 2014, you will have the option to attend
the review via video or Skype. All other applicants must attend in person unless you have
extenuating circumstances (see Appendix 1).
5. The face to face review will be conducted by a panel of two people.
6. You are not required to bring additional documentation to the face to face review, and if you
do it will not be considered by the panel.
7. If the decision following your face to face review is to re-instate your application, it will be
put back in the national process with your original SJT score.
8. There will be no opportunity to appeal the outcome of the face to face review.
9. Travel expenses for attending the face to face review will not be reimbursed.
Date 2014
Monday 10 March
Monday 17 March
Monday 31 March
Thursday 10 April
Tuesday 15 April
National allocation date.
Applicants with an exceptionally low SJT score
will be withdrawn from the national process and
invited to attend a face to face review.
Further information regarding the face to face
review will be provided to those applicants
Deadline for confirming attendance at the face
to face review, and submitting venue
National face to face review date
Face to face review contingency date for those
applicants with extenuating circumstances (see
Appendix 1).
Applicants informed of outcome of face to face
Where relevant, applications re-instated in the
national process.
Further details will be sent on 10 March 2014 to all applicants withdrawn from the national process
due to an exceptionally low SJT score and who are invited to attend a face to face review.
If you have any questions about the process at this time, send your enquiry to
Appendix 1
FP 2014: Face to face review of exceptionally low SJT scores
Extenuating Circumstances Guidance
What are extenuating circumstances?
Extenuating circumstances are considered to be events which are severe, exceptional, unplanned and
unavoidable which occur close to the date of the face to the face review, and seriously affect the ability of an
applicant to undertake the face to face review on the national date. Such events include bereavement, serious
short term illness or injury.
What to do if an applicant has extenuating circumstances
Applicants should notify the UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO) if they are unable to attend the face to
face review. Applicants declare themselves fit and well by entering the venue on the date of the face to face
review. Claims of extenuating circumstances cannot be made retrospectively after attending the face to face
The ‘burden of proof' to support a claim of extenuating circumstances lies with the applicant at all times.
Applicants are required to submit their claim of extenuating circumstances using the FP 2014 face to face review
of exceptionally low SJT scores Extenuating Circumstances Claim Form with appropriate supporting independent
evidence at the earliest opportunity and normally no later than one working day after the date of the face to face
review for which they are registered. The claim must be submitted to the UKFPO.
There is one national face to face review date:
 Monday 31 March 2014
There is a second date only for applicants with extenuating circumstances:
 Thursday 10 April 2014.
Applicants can only make one claim of extenuating circumstances. Each claim of extenuating circumstances is
considered on its own merits and as an individual case, at the discretion of the UKFPO. If an applicant is deemed
by the UKFPO to have extenuating circumstances, they will be permitted to either undertake their review via
Skype on 31 March 2014, or to attend on 10 April 2014.
Any applicant unable to attend the review on either 31 March 2014 or 10 April 2014 will remain withdrawn from
the FP 2014 application process.
1. The following would normally be considered to be acceptable extenuating circumstances:
The following list illustrates examples of extenuating circumstances that seriously affect the ability of an applicant
to attend the face to face review on 31 March 2014. This list is given without prejudice and for general guidance;
it is not exhaustive, definitive or prescriptive.
Medical school final examinations on Monday 31 March 2014 - Written confirmation from the
medical school dean, or their delegated representative, is required.
Medical or dental emergency of the applicant - An original medical certificate or a letter from the
health professional who has examined the applicant for this illness/ hospitalisation on the day of, or in
the days immediately preceding, the face to face review. The evidence must confirm the nature and
severity of the circumstance, and make clear that the applicant is unfit to attend the face to face review.
For a long-term medical condition, the evidence must confirm that there has been a flare up at the time
of the face to face review.
Medical emergency of a close relative, partner, friend or third party for whom the applicant has
caring responsibilities - Where there is a demonstrably close relationship between the applicant and
the affected individual, independent evidence must confirm the impact on the applicant’s ability to attend
the face to face review.
Bereavement or funeral of a close relative, partner, friend or third party for whom the applicant
has caring responsibilities - Where there is a demonstrably close relationship between the applicant
and the deceased, the applicant must provide a death certificate or a letter confirming the death from an
independent person (not a family member) with their contact details provided.
Victim of crime on or close to the date of the face to face review - A written statement of events,
which is supported by written evidence from the police (including a verifiable crime reference number).
Where relevant, an original medical certificate or letter from an appropriate professional confirming the
impact the reported crime has had on the applicant's ability to attend the face to face review .
Severe transport disruption - Independent evidence of the incident and the scale of impact, plus
evidence of intention to travel via this route e.g. a copy of flight tickets.
2. The following would not normally be considered to be acceptable extenuating circumstances:
Late arrival at the face to face review venue - If applicants do not arrive on time for their face to face
review, they will not be given another opportunity for a face to face review, and their FP 2014
application will remain withdrawn.
Personal disruptions or events which could have been anticipated
Care responsibilities - Alternative care arrangements may need to be made by the applicant.
‘Review stress' - Feeling ‘below par' leading up to and during the face to face review will not be
3. Standard of evidence
Claims of extenuating circumstances, and accompanying evidence, must be submitted to the UKFPO at the
earliest opportunity and normally no later than one working day after the date of the face to face review.
The UKFPO reserves the right to take such steps as deemed necessary to verify the evidence submitted without
prior notification.
Evidence submitted by applicants would normally be expected to meet the following standards:
 Evidence must be written by independent, appropriately qualified professionals.
 Evidence must be on headed paper, and signed and dated by the author, and provide the GMC
reference number (or equivalent) of the practitioner, where relevant. Evidence presented by email may
be acceptable if the email has been sent by the author from the official domain name of the author's
 Full contact details of the author must be provided, including name, telephone number, email address
and postal address.
Evidence must be dated at the time of the reported extenuating circumstance and may not be
Evidence must be in English. It is the applicant's responsibility to provide supporting documentation and
any translation should be undertaken by an accredited translator (e.g. be a member of the Association
of Translation Companies -
Evidence must be original. Copies of supporting evidence will only be accepted in exceptional
Evidence must be unaltered by the applicant. Documentation that has been amended for any reason
will be deemed inadmissible by the UKFPO. If there is evidence that an applicant has fraudulently
presented documentation, this may jeopardise their application to the Foundation Programme.
Character witnesses are not acceptable.
The UKFPO should only uphold an applicant's claim of extenuating circumstances when, in their
opinion, all of the above clauses are fully satisfied.
The decision of the UKFPO is final.
4. Confidentiality of Evidence
By submitting a claim of extenuating circumstances, the applicant agrees to personal data being held for the
purposes of processing the claim, in accordance with the 1998 Data Protection Act.
Confidential information will only be shared on a ‘need to know' basis. Any applicant wishing to restrict the
sharing of such information should make his or her wishes known in writing. Normally such wishes will be
respected unless to do so would be against the best interests of safety or security of any person(s).
The UKFPO reserves the right to contact a third party directly to verify the evidence provided.
Applicants should be aware that the UKFPO cannot respond to an applicant's circumstances if they remain
unaware of relevant information.
This form should be completed if you want to make the UKFPO aware of any extenuating circumstances, which
you believe seriously affect your ability to attend the face to face review on 31 March 2014. Please note that only
the most serious extenuating circumstances are likely to result in permission to undertake the face to face review
via Video/Skype or on the contingency date of 10 April 2014. Retrospective claims of extenuating circumstance
will not normally be considered. Please read the guidance notes fully.
This form must be completed and returned to the UKFPO at the earliest opportunity, and normally no later than
one working day after the date of the face to face review.
FPAS reference number
Medical school
E-mail address
Date claim submitted
Details of extenuating circumstances
List below the documentation which you have attached in support of your statement
The UKFPO reserves the right to verify the validity of supporting evidence by contacting the third party directly.
The UKFPO reserves the right to reject claims where evidence is not provided. If there is evidence that you have
fraudulently presented documentation, this may jeopardise your application to the Foundation Programme.
I confirm that the information I have given is true, and that I have read and understood the guidelines on
extenuating circumstances
Data protection
For the purpose of processing my request for extenuating circumstances, I consent to the use of my name and
other relevant details as set out above. I understand that this information will not be used for any other purpose
without my prior consent unless authorised by law.