

NAME: Leslie B. King

ADDRESS: 421 Curie Blvd.


University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA 19104-6142

Phone: (215) 573-9835

FAX: (215) 573-2014




B.S., Duke University, Durham, NC

Ph.D., Duke University, Durham, NC


1982 - 1983 Clinical Technician, Dept. of Pathology, Duke University,

Durham, NC. Supervisor: Dr. Alfred P. Sanfilippo.

1983 - 1989 Graduate student, Dept. of Microbiology and

Immunology, Duke University, Durham, NC. Ph.D. thesis advisor: Dr. Ronald B. Corley.

1989 - 1991 IRTA Fellow, Cellular Immunology Section,

National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal, and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), National Institutes of

Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD.

Mentor: Dr. Alfred D. Steinberg.

1991 - 1992 IRTA Fellow, Laboratory of Immune Cell Biology,

Biological Response Modifiers Program (BRMP),

National Cancer Institute (NCI), NIH, Bethesda, MD.

Mentor: Dr. Jonathan D. Ashwell.

1992 - 1995 NRSA Fellow, Laboratory of Immune Cell Biology,

BRMP, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, MD. Mentor: Dr.

Jonathan D. Ashwell.

1996-present Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Mentor: Dr. John G. Monroe


Regulation of apoptosis in immature lymphocytes

Regulation of lymphocyte activation

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1991 - present

1998- 2001

American Association of Immunologists

Associate Editor for Journal of Immunology




1983 -1987

1992 - 1995



Graduation summa cum laude

Elected to Phi Beta Kappa

Duke University Graduate School Merit Scholarship

NRSA Post-doctoral Fellowship

NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence

1. McCarty, G.A., L.B. King, and A.P. Sanfilippo. 1984. Autoantibodies to nuclear, cytoplasmic and cytoskeletal antigens in renal allograft rejection. Transplantation 37:


2. Sharma, S., L.B. King, R.B. Corley, and R. Maki. 1987. Comparative sequence analysis of cDNA clones encoding I-A molecules of the CH12 B cell lymphoma:

Nucleotide differences do not account for their "defective" function in B cell stimulation. Immunological Investigations 16: 425-436.

3. Sharma, S., L.B. King, and R.B. Corley. 1988. Changes in gene expression in differentiating B lymphocytes. In: Lymphocyte Activation and Differentiation.

(Ed. by

J.C. Mani and J. Dornand) Walter de Gruyter and Co., Berlin. p. 591-594.

4. King, L.B., S. Sharma, and R.B. Corley. 1988. Complete coding region sequence of


β k cDNA clones: Lack of polymorphism in the NH2- terminus between E

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β b molecules. J. Immunogenetics 15: 209-214.

5. Sharma, S., L.B. King, and R.B. Corley. 1988. Molecular events during B cell differentiation. Induction of endogenous mouse mammary tumor proviral env transcripts following B cell stimulation. J. Immunol. 141: 2510-2518.

6. King, L.B. and R.B. Corley. 1989. Characterization of a presecretory phase in B-cell differentiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86: 2814-2818.


King, L.B., F.E. Lund, D.A. White, S. Sharma, and R.B. Corley. 1990. Molecular events in B lymphocyte differentiation. Inducible expression of the endogenous mouse mammary tumor proviral gene, Mtv-9 . J. Immunol. 144: 3218-3227.

8. King, L.B. and R.B. Corley. 1990. Lipopolysaccharide and dexamethasone induce mouse mammary tumor proviral gene expression and differentiation in B lymphocytes through distinct regulatory pathways. Mol. Cell. Biol. 10: 4211-4220.


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9. Randall, T.D., L.B. King, and R.B. Corley. 1990. The biological effects of IgM hexamer formation. Eur. J. Immunol. 20: 1971-1979.

10. Corley, R.B., F.E. Lund, T.D. Randall, L.B. King, S. Doerre, and D.L. Woodland.

1992. Mouse mammary tumor proviral gene expression in cells of the B lineage.

Seminars in Immunology 4: 287-296.

11. Gourley, M.F., W.J. Kisch, C.F. Mojcik, L.B. King, A.M. Krieg, and A.D. Steinberg.

1992. Molecular aspects of systemic lupus erythematosus: murine endogenous retroviral expression. DNA Cell Biol. 11: 253-257.

12. King, L.B. and J.D. Ashwell. 1993. Signaling for death of lymphoid cells. Current

Opinions in Immunology 5: 368-373.

13. Gattass, C.R.*, L.B. King*, A.D. Luster, and J.D. Ashwell. 1994. Constitutive expression of interferon


-inducible protein 10 in lymphoid organs and inducible expression in T cells and thymocytes. J. Exp. Med. 179: 1373-1378.

14. King, L.B., M.S. Vacchio, and J.D. Ashwell. 1994. To be or not to be:mutually antagonistic death signals regulate thymocyte apoptosis. Int. Archives Allergy

Immunol. 105: 355-358.

15. King, L.B. and J.D. Ashwell. 1995. Thymocyte and T cell apoptosis: is all death created equal?. Thymus 23: 209-230.

16. King, L.B., M.S. Vacchio, K. Dixon, R. Hunziker, D.M. Margulies, and J.D. Ashwell.

1995. A targeted glucocorticoid receptor antisense transgene increases thymocyte apoptosis and alters thymocyte development. Immunity 3: 647-656.

17. Tian, H., R. Lempicki, L. King, E. Donoghue, L.E. Samelson, and D.I. Cohen. 1996.

HIV envelope-directed signaling aberrancies and cell death of CD4+ T cells in the absence of TCR co-stimulation. Int. Immunol. 8: 65-74.

18. Vacchio, M.S., L.B. King, and J.D.Ashwell. 1996. Regulation of thymocyte development by glucocorticoids. Behring Inst Mitt 97:24-31

19. Ashwell, J.D., L.B. King, and M.S. Vacchio. 1996. Cross-talk between the T-cell receptor and the glucocorticoid receptor regulates thymocyte development. Stem Cells

14: 490-500.

20. Lenczowski, J.M., L. Dominquez, A. Eder, L.B. King, C.M. Zacharchuk, and J.D.

Ashwell. 1997. Lack of a role for Jun kinase and AP-1 in Fas-induced apoptosis. Mol.

Cell. Biol. 17:170-181.


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21. Kolesnitchenko, V., L. King, A. Riva, Y. Tani, S.J. Korsmeyer, and D.I. Cohen. 1997.

A major Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1-initiated killing pathway distinct from apoptosis. J. Virol. 71:9753-9763.

22. Vacchio, M.S., J.D. Ashwell, and L.B. King. 1998. A positive role for thymusderived steroids in formation of the T-cell repertoire. Ann.N.Y. Acad. Sci. 840:317-



Tolosa, E., L.B. King, and J.D. Ashwell. 1998. Thymocyte glucocorticoid resistance alters positive selection and inhibits autoimmunity and lymphoproliferative disease in

MRLlpr/lpr mice. Immunity 8:67-76.


King L.B., A. Norvell, and J.G. Monroe. 1999. Antigen receptor-induced signal transduction imbalances associated with the negative selection of immature B cells. J.

Immunol. 162: 2655-26662.


King L.B., E.Tolosa, J.M. Lenczowski, F. Lu, E.F. Lind, R. Hunziker, H.T. Petrie, and J.D. Ashwell. 1999. A dominant-negative mutant of c-Jun inhibits cell cycle progression during the transition of CD4 CD8 to CD4 + CD8 + thymocytes. Int.

Immunol. 8:1203-1216.


King L.B. and J.G. Monroe. 2000. Immunobiology of the immature B cell: plasticity in the B-cell antigen receptor-induced response fine tunes negative selection. Immunol.



King L.B. and J.G. Monroe. 2001. Immunology. B cell receptor rehabilitation-pausing to reflect. Science 291:1503-5.


Monroe J.G., G. Bannish, E.M. Fuentes-Panana , L.B. King, P.C. Sandel, J. Chung, and R. Sater. 2003. Positive and negative selection during B lymphocyte development.. Immunol Res. 27:427-42.


Feng B., S. Cheng, C.Y. Hsia, L.B. King, J.G. Monroe, and H.C. Liou. 2004. NFkappaB inducible genes BCL-X and cyclin E promote immature B-cell proliferation and survival. Cell Immunol.;232:9-20.


Liu Q.H., X. Liu, Z. Wen, B. Hondowicz, L. King, J. Monroe, and B.D. Freedman.

2005. Distinct calcium channels regulate responses of primary B lymphocytes to B cell receptor engagement and mechanical stimuli. J Immunol. 174:68-79.


Fuentes-Panana E.M., G. Bannish , D. van der Voort , L.B. King, and J.G. Monroe.

2005. Ig{alpha}/Ig{beta} complexes generate signals for B cell development independent of selective plasma membrane compartmentalization. J Immunol.



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Karnell F.G., R.J. Brezski, L.B. King, M.A. Silverman, J.G. Monroe. 2005.

Membrane cholesterol content accounts for developmental differences in surface B cell receptor compartmentalization and signaling. J Biol Chem. 280:25621-8.


Katz E., M.H. Lareef, J.C. Rassa, S.M. Grande, L.B. King, J. Russo, S.R. Ross, and

J.G. Monroe. 2005. MMTV Env encodes an ITAM responsible for transformation of mammary epithelial cells in three-dimensional culture. J Exp Med. 201:431-9.


Skalet A.H., J.A. Isler, L.B. King, H.P. Harding, D. Ron, and J.G. Monroe. 2005.

Rapid B cell receptor-induced unfolded protein response in nonsecretory B cells correlates with pro- versus antiapoptotic cell fate. J Biol Chem. 280:39762-71.


* First two authors contributed equally

