QUIZ FOR LUKE CHAPTER NINETEEN 1. According to Luke chapter nineteen, what job did Zacchaeus hold? a. He was a scribe. b. He was a Pharisee. c. He was a tax collector. 2. According to Luke chapter nineteen, why did Zacchaeus climb up a sycamore tree? a. To see Jesus, because Zacchaeus was of short stature. b. To make sure that Jesus saw him over the crowd. c. To watch Jesus from a place where he would not be seen by others. 3. According to Luke chapter nineteen, which of these things did Zacchaeus do? a. He gave half of his goods to the poor. b. When he took anything from anyone by false accusation, he restored it four-fold. c. He did both of these things. 4. Fill in the blank in Jesus' words from Luke chapter nineteen: “And Jesus said to him, 'Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save ___________________________.” a. “All the sons of Abraham.” b. “That which was lost.” c. “The lost sheep of Israel.” 5. According to Luke chapter nineteen, which of these is one of the reasons for which Jesus told the Parable of the Minas? a. Because he passed through Jericho. b. Because Zacchaeus was a tax collector. c. Because His listeners thought the kingdom of God would appear immediately. 6. In the Parable of the Minas in Luke chapter nineteen, why did one servant put away his mina in a handkerchief? a. He feared his master, because his master was an austere man. b. He feared his master, because his master was frivolous with money. c. The servant was neglectful and forgot that his master gave him the mina. 7. What happened to the man who put away his mina in a handkerchief? a. He was killed by his master. b. His mina was taken away and given to the servant who had ten minas. c. He was beaten and thrown out into the street. 8. In Luke chapter nineteen, the towns of Bethphage and Bethany are at what mountain? a. Mount Sinai. b. Mount Olivet. c. Mount Tabor. 9. According to Jesus in Luke chapter nineteen, if His disciples were asked why they were loosing a colt to take to Him, how were they to respond? a. “We shall pay you twice the amount of this animal when we return.” b. “Because we are going to Jerusalem to make an offering to the Lord.” c. “Because the Lord has need of it.” 10. According to Luke chapter nineteen, what did people spread on the road as Jesus road the colt into Jerusalem? a. Their clothes. b. Palm branches. c. Gold and jewels. 11. Fill in this quotation from the crowd as Jesus entered Jerusalem in Luke chapter nineteen: “Blessed is the King who comes __________________! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” a. “...In the name of the LORD!” b. “...To save His people!” c. “...To ransom captive Israel!” 12. According to Jesus in Luke chapter nineteen, what would have immediately cried out if He had silenced the crowd as He entered Jerusalem on a colt? a. The heavens and earth. b. The stones. c. The angels. 13. According to Jesus in Luke chapter nineteen, why would Jerusalem one day be surrounded and destroyed? a. Because the people of the city did not obey Pontius Pilate. b. Because the people of the city behaved improperly in the Temple. c. Because the people of the city did not know the time of their visitation. 14. Fill in the blank in Jesus' words in Luke chapter nineteen: “Then He went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it,saying to them, 'It is written, ‘My house is a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a _____________.'” a. “House of money.” b. “Den of thieves.” c. “Den of evil.” ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ FOR LUKE CHAPTER NINETEEN 1. C (Luke 19:1) 2. A (Luke 19:3-4) 3. C (Luke 19:8) 4. B (Luke 19:9-10) 5. C (Luke 19:11) 6. A (Luke 19:20-21) 7. B (Luke 19:24) 8. B (Luke 19:29) 9. C (Luke 19:30-31) 10. A (Luke 19:35) 11. A(Luke 19:38) 12. B (Luke 19:40) 13. C (Luke 19:42-44) 14. B (Luke 19:45-46) © 2007 Department of Youth Ministry — Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.