CLIN. CHEM. 25/5, 769-772 (1979) Direct Determination of Mercury in Blood by Use of Sodium BorohydrideReduction and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Dinesh C. Sharma1 and Peter S. Davis A method is presented for the rapid determination of total mercury in blood. The reagent used is alkaline sodium borohydride, and no digestionof the sample is needed. The detection limit and sensitivity are 1.15 and 1.59 ng of Hg, respectively. The method gives reproducible results (the CV ranged from 5.3 to 6.7% for low and high mercury blood samples, respectively), comparable to those obtained by the digestion method. The mean analytical recoveries of added mercuric chloride and methylmercuric chloride were 106.65 and 99.02%, respectively. Other advantages of the method are freedom from contamination encountered with digestion methods and elimination of matrix effects. Additional Keyphrases: trace elements . environmental hazards Mercuric Clarkson chloride. Prepare as described by Magos and (4). Stock solution (500 mg of Hg per liter): Dissolve 676.7 mg of mercuric chloride (B.D.H. Analar) in 50 g/L H2S04 and dilute to 1 L with the same acid. Dilute stock solution (500 zg of Hg per liter): Dilute 1 mL of the stock solution to 1 L with water that contains 9.0 g of NaCI, 754.5 mg of disodium dihydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate, and 0.1 g of L-cysteine. The dilute stock solution is stable for at least six months if stored refrigerated. Working standard solution: Prepare further dilutions from the dilute stock solution in fresh water, daily, as required. Met hylmercuric chloride. Prepare suitable dilutions from methylmercuric chloride standard solution in water (Alfa Products, Ventron Corp., Danvers, MA 01923). Antifoaming agent. Tri-n-butyl phosphate (B.D.H.). Apparatus The estimation of mercury in blood has acquired increasing importance because of current concern about environmental mercury contamination, and because blood is readily sampled and reflects the extent of exposure (1). Most of the published methods of blood mercury assay require wet digestion of the sample as a necessary preliminary to cold-vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometry, a technique surpassed for sensitivity only by neutron activation analysis. All these methods suffer from disadvantages inherent in wet digestion and oxidation procedures, such as high reagent blanks, and in the case of mercury the difficulties are compounded by the extreme volatility of the element itself and many of its compounds (2, 3). To our knowledge, the only published method capable of directly determining mercury in blood without resort to prior destruction of organic matter is that of Magos and Clarkson (4). We report another method for the direct determination of blood mercury, in which sodium borohydride is used as a reductant. The method is sensitive, simple,and rapid. Materials and Methods Reagents Sodium borohydride. Prepare a 50 g/L solution of sodium borohydride (Merck) in 1 molfL NaOH just before use. The manufacturer’s instructions for the safe handling of this compound must be strictly observed. The University of Adelaide Department laide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia of Medicine, 5000. 1 Present address: Department of Biochemistry, College, Jaipur, India. Received June 20, 1977; accepted Mar. 2, 1979. Royal Ade- S.M.S. Medical An atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Varian Techtron, North Springvale, 3171 Australia), Model AA-6, was used. The air-acetylene burner was replaced by an absorption cell with quartz end windows as described in the instrument manual. In practice, most commercially available atomic absorption instruments can be used for the cold-vapor technique as suggested by Gilbert and Hume (5). The apparatus was assembled as shown in Figure 1. The reaction tube and the drying tube were both 15 )< 2.5 cm hard-glass test tubes. The air inlet to both these tubes had a fine jet tip. The inlet to the reaction tube was connected to the air supply through a flowmeter; the outlet of the drying tube was connected to the absorption cell. All connections were made with polyvinyl chloride tubing of minimum convenient length. Procedure Measure 2.0 mL of heparinized whole blood into the reaction tube. Add 3.0 mL of glass-distilled water followed by 1 drop of antifoam. Then add 1.0 mL of sodium borohydride reagent; immediately cap the tube and stir vigorously for 2 mm on a vortex-type stirrer. Read the absorbance peak by turning on the air supply (Test). When the absorbance reading has almost declined to zero or background, turn off the air supply. Remove the cap and add a known amount of mercuric chloride solution by Eppendorf micropipet so as to give an absorbance reading about equal to that of the test. Stir for 30s, then purge the solution with air and note the absorbance peak height (Standard). Remove the rubber stopper and cap it onto another tube containing distilled water alone and pass air to purge any residual mercury vapor from the system. Turn off the air when the absorption reading returns to zero or to the background level. Remove the stopper and the system is ready for the next sample. For “blank” or “background” reading take CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 25, No. 5, 1979 769 air flow meter _ -i-:.___ii - -+ -4 __ I -4 ‘Hi’ I vent - . crushed ice -5 reaction tube drying tube Fig. 1. Diagram of the apparatus 5.0 mL of glass-distilled water containing 1 drop of antifoaming agent and add 1.0 mL of sodium borohydride reagent, then purge with air to obtain the peak reading (Blank). Calculate the total mercury from the following relationship: Total blood mercury = (test X blank)/(standard - blank) (ng Hg added/vol.ofblood,mL) - If many samples are to be run, a calibration curve can be constructed and the values of the unknown samples can be speedily determined by a reference to this curve. The following instrument arrangements were used: mercury hollow-cathode lamp; lamp current, 3 mA; wavelength, 253.7 nm; slit width, 0.5 mm; scale expansion, Xl; and air flow rate, 3 L/min. Notes: 1. All glassware must be adequately cleaned to minimize contamination. 2. The peak absorbance, and hence the sensitivity of the method, depends upon severalfactors, some of which are the final volume and surface area of the liquid inthereaction tube, airflow,lengthofabsorptioncell, and thedead volume ofthe apparatus (6), so all of these variablesmust be kept constant. 3. The high air-flushing rate is advantageous, as it causes the peak to be attained rapidly with less residual mercury to cause memory effects. 4. It is essential to flush the system efficiently to get rid of residual mercury before introducing the next sample. 5. Because the rate of release of mercury from the reaction tube is temperature dependent, all reagents should be allowed to reach room temperature before use. 6. Organomercurial compounds other than methylmercury compounds may or may not be measured by this method. Results and Discussion Analytical Conditions Sodium borohydride, a powerful reducing agent, reduces acids, esters, acid chlorides, disulfides, nitriles, and inorganic anions. Although it reacts violently with water to liberate 770 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY,Vol. 25, No. 5, 1979 flammable gases, the aqueous solutions are stable in the presence of small amounts of sodium hydroxide and can be kept for several days. Although reduction can be carried out under neutral, basic, or acidic conditions, use of a pH between 9 and 10 results in a reaction rate suitable for most analytical purposes (7). It is now well established that mercury in blood is present predominantly as methylmercury and to a lesser extent as inorganic mercury (8). The method reported here was based on the knowledge that attempts to prepare a hydride of mercury by the reaction of an alkyl mercury compound with a complex metal hydride have led to the rapid production of mercury (9). Similarly, the reaction with diphenylmercury results in the immediate separation of elemental mercury. Apart from this, sodium borohydride is known to reduce a variety of compounds containing sulfur-including disulfides, trisulfides, and tetrasulfides-to mercaptans, and mercury salts to metal. Recently Cohen and Schrier (10) used this reagent to remove mercury from fish protein concentrates,and Toffaletti and Savory (11) to determine the total mercury content of urine. We have satisfactorily applied it to the direct determination of mercury in blood samples and have developed a method that is simple and rapid. The calibration curve with mercuric chloride standards containing 0 to 400 ng of mercury is given in Figure 2. The curve is linear to 300 ng, but beyond this value it bends slightly. The stirring methylmercuric time we chloride used was standards 1 mm. In the case of it is essential to create conditions by adding a few drops of 500 g/L sulfuric acid; otherwise, no reduction takes place. In the presence of acid there is an instantaneous evolution of hydrogen, which would release mercury and drive away some of the mercury vapor, and soit is necessary to work in a closed system. Sodium borohydride solution was added to the reaction tube from a syringe by passing the needle through the rubber stopper of the reaction tube. Because the reduction in the acid medium is very rapid, it is necessary to stir for only 30 s. It may appear to be paradoxical that mercury from a pure acidic - / Table 1. Analytical Recovery of Mercury Added to Blood8 Hg added, HOCI2 MMC1’ HOCI2 MMCb 10 20 50 100 200 82.35 79.00 89.20 87.67 89.21 66.22 58.51 61.20 74.88 62.89 118.70 123.90 104.70 100.30 97.10 100.00 117.30 103.70 94.30 96.60 300 101.86 93.05 88.90 70.46 72.96 66.73 99.10 102.80 106.65 ng/2 mL blood 400 Mean MERCURY (,g) Fig. 2. Calibration curve standard solution of a methylmercury salt is not released by alkaline sodium borohydride without the prior addition of acid, whereas reduction does take place in the case of blood or methylmercury added to blood. The phenomenon can be explained on the basis of the amphoteric character of the proteins of plasma and blood cells. In alkaline medium these proteins behave as protein anions, which furnish the protons essential for reduction of methylmercury to metallic mercury. This is supported by the fact that polarographic reduction of R-Hg-X compounds proceeds in two distinct steps (12) with formation of an intermediate free radical. R-Hg-X R-Hg. It is not possible + e + e - + H to distinguish R-Hg. - + X R-H + Hg between organic and inor- ganic mercury in the presence of blood proteins, because alkalone sodium borohydride releases mercury from both forms. In the absence of a proton donor, only inorganic mercury salts liberate mercury by this reagent. Thus this method cannot be extended to distinguish between industrial and environmental exposure. Analytical Recovery, % (mean of duplicate determinations) 1-mm stIrring 2-mm stirrIng 92.70 88.60 99.02 B Blood Hg in 15 unexposed persons was 3.004 ± 2.012 gIL. b Methylmercuric chloride. the time course of mercury release from this compound is considered (Figure 3). Stirring for 1 mm resulted in the release of only 75% of the added mercury; 2 mm of stirring was necessary to complete the release of mercury. On the other hand, the release of mercury from mercuric chloride was complete even after 30 s of stirring. Accordingly, a 2-mm stirring time is suggested. In this connection it is pertinent to mention that Kubasik et al. (13) recovered only some 45% of mercury when [203Hg]methylmercuric chloride was added to whole blood and digested overnight with sulfuric acid and potassium permanganate; in contrast, the recovery of added inorganic mercury exceeded 96%. Precision. The precision or reproducibility of the method was tested by replicate analysis of blood samples from two individuals known to have high and low blood-mercury values, respectively, and calculating the standard deviation of the results of nine replicate analyses of each. The standard deviations were 0.18 (mean value 2.70) tg of Hg per liter in the low range and 0.77 (mean value 14.59) g of Hg per liter in the high blood-mercury range. Precision was slightly less when the calibration curve was used, the corresponding values being 0.30 (mean 3.03) and 0.83 (mean 14.67) zg of Hg per liter. Detection limit. In atomic absorption spectrophotometry, the detection limit is defined as that quantity of the element that gives a reading equal to twicethe standarddeviationof a series of at least 10 determinations of a near-blank concen- Variables Analytical recovery of added mercuric chloride and met hylmercuric chloride. Known amounts of mercuric chloride and methylmercuricchloridewere added to blood samples. The peak absorbance was compared with the absorbance of the corresponding standard in aqueous solution. The mean recovery of inorganic mercury was 88.9%, thus confirming the observations of Magos and Clarkson (4) that the peak height obtained when a standard amount of mercury is added to blood is always less than for the same amount in water if all other conditions (such as stirring time) are kept the same. This fact illustrates the importance of running the calibration standard in the same matrix as the sample. Of course, use of an internal standard would automatically overcome this difficulty. The analytical recovery of methylmercury was even lower than that of mercuric chloride. This is to be expected when z C., 90 120 STIRRING TIME Fig. 3. Time course of mercury release chloride ( 400 ng Hg) added to blood CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, ISO SECONOS from methylmercuric Vol. 25, No. 5, 1979 771 tration (14). This was found to be 1.15 ng of Hg for this Work is now in progress to extend the use of sodium borohyof mercury in hair and in fish after method. dride to the determination Sensitivity. The sensitivity of an atomic absorption method as the concentration, in solution, of the element to be determined that will result in 1% absorption of the incident radiation at the wavelength used (14). Using this definition, we found the sensitivity of the method here reported to be 0.26 tg of Hg per liter and the absolute sensitivity 1.59 ng of Hg. Accuracy. The most commonly used method for estimating the accuracy or reliability of a method is to compare the results obtained by the method with those obtained with some wellestablished independent method. Accordingly, 15 different blood samples were analyzed by this method as well as by the nitric acid digestion procedure (15). The coefficient of correlation was calculated for the paired values and the value of r was 0.91, which was significant at the 1% level. Interference. As the method depends upon the reducing property of sodium borohydride, all oxidizing substances such as nitric acid must be absent and oxidizing conditions should not be allowed to prevail. Acids should be absent from standards because they decompose the reagent with evolution of hydrogen, which may be hazardous. Interference from liberated hydrogen in the atomic absorption of mercury is negligible. In a medium sufficiently acid to decompose the whole of the added sodium borohydride, the liberated hydrogen accounted for 1% absorption. the sample is dissolved in sodium hydroxide. is defined Advantages The present method offers several advantages over the methods already published. It is very simple. It is rapid; the time required for the analysis itself is only 2.5 mm. It is easy to carry out, as no pretreatment of the blood sample is required. Because the same sample acts as test and standard, matrix effects are avoided. A further advantage is that even commercial grades of sodium borohydride contain no metal impurities, whereas such impurities in acids and reagents used in sample-digestion methods can appreciably affect blank values. We conclude that sodium borohydride can be used safely and effectively for the rapid and accurate determination of blood mercury and that the method is well suited to (e.g.) epidemiological studies in which many samples are processed. 772 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 25, No. 5, 1979 References I. Study Group on Mercury Hazards. Hazards of mercury. Environ. Res. 4, 1(1971). 2. Gorsuch, T. T., The Destruction of Organic Matter, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1971, pp 79-84. 3. Ure, A. M., The determination of mercury by non-flame atomic absorption arid fluorescence spectrometry. A review. Anal. Chim. Acta 76, 1(1975). 4. Magos, L., and Clarkson, T. W., Atomic absorption determination of total, inorganic, and organic mercury in blood. J. Assoc. Off. Agr. Chem. 55, 966 (1972). 5. Gilbert, T. R., and Hume, D. N., Improved apparatus for determination of mercury by flameless atomic absorption. Anal. Chim. Acta 65, 461 (1973). 6. Hawley, J. E., and Ingle, J. D., Jr., Improvements in cold vapor atomic absorption determination of mercury. Anal. Chem. 47, 719 (1975). 7. Sullivan, E. A., Sodium Borohydride: Handling, Uses, Properties and Analytical Procedures, Chemical Division, Ventron Corp., Beverley, MA, 1973. S. MacGregor, J. T., and Clarkson, T. W., Distribution, tissue binding and toxicity of mercurials. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 48, 463 (1974). 9. Gaylord, N. G., Reduction with Complex Metal Hydrides, Interscience, New York, N.Y., 1956, p 73. 10. Cohen, G. 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