Bay The ;: "'"";■.' w' Plenty of 'irjLTJksnr ■"- "■ Times. . '$v/ : V^^^a?Circulating in the Connties of Taurangas Whakata^e, Waikato, Waipa, Piako, and Thames. .TOL/XTf No 2,054 [Established 1872.] Hotels. Shipping, OTAB Wpitii Business M"otices. TTOTHL, - Lutd, Houie, Estatb, Lm Stock, The Stab ii th« largest and most lituated Commercial and Ws»ta«e «sd«tiier oiroomstanees permitting - AUCTIONEBB, TAURANGA. Txmb Tajlb—Octobbb. NELSON, J. P. COOES, MOBTHEBN i Isteamship DE&fm COBNSB 07 WM CO. (LIMITED). DEVONPORTROAD &SPRINGSTREET ■ TAURANGA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1886. Gsiceih Coioassiov Aoeht, -Ainily Hotel in Tauraoga, and is ?Ofl AUCKLAND AND NORTH. replete with erery convenience and PABBOA A2O) TB ABOHA. Bssamar. | Date of Bailing. |Tine. deemed esiential to the apcoiafort Wednesday,Bipt. 29 10 ».m« p^^tmentof a firit-claai hotel. lona p.m* Oot 2 4 SatuKUj, OlusmsA The travelling^public will find com- Agent— Bdwibt Edwaeds, Paeroa, lons, . 6 10 a.m* Wednesday, 9 4 p.m. fort and attention, combined with Clansman Satprdsy, * who willreceive entries and communiWednesday, lona 18 10 a.m. moderate charges. j aiions. v 16 4 p.m. €laasmaa Satorday, Sample Booms for Commercial joaa^ ; Wednesday, „ 20 10 a.m. Gentlemen. 23 4 p.m. Oansman Saturday, Wednesday, lona 27 10 a.m. PRIVATE SUITES OF APARTMENTS P. 4 p.m. Clansman JSatnrday, 80 for Families. lons, at Nora.— The calls TairaaandMerGOOD BILLIARD TAima. N saiy Bay; theClsnamanfor Anoklanddirect. &c, &c. „„ „„ „ „ »HAUGHI¥E»S^ FOR WHAEATANE and OPOTIKI. | EveryTuesday. Goeds received for shipmentjby any of the advantage to give the Stab acall. *bove steamers at store, TownWharf. PassageTickets must betakem at the -offlos J. "W. CLABEBBOTTGH, before emlttrkins;. V* Panels orQdods taken without aship- , ' ' [Proprietor. . inrnote; TFSAEF STBSST, TAXmANQA. HOUSE HOTEL, OHmKMXJTU BOTOBUA. LAKE W. M. COMMONS, Agent. WILLIAM M°A*KHI*HJ & — WYufIEEV^ " ■ Foa Proprietor. I B.S. ROTOMAHANA/ P,R, JBNTERPMSB,Ms,% T¥^AITEMATA AIT© ANNS MHiBANS. ——— — Ifoto- I Bnter: prite mahaaa - Anne —— Monday Taesday 1.30 -^ Wedaes Thus Friday 11s,m. — QUEEN "' Milbank Bp.m, — — » P."»« *-■■■■ Tuesday Than Enterpriss —— . 12 —noon -—— — — Friday 5.30 p.m. Satnrday " ■ ~ Btfalaesj Hoticas. JAMES MoINTTBE, TTOBNB, A. W. B UEBOWSI AECHITiICT, Ac, ASD EOTOBITI. -IMMENSEREDUCTION IN PRICES J. TURNER'S tfAILOKING ESTABLISHMENT, Whabp steebt, Tattbikch. ■■ COACHES, Secretary. andManufacturers of allkinds ' IS Importers FURNITURE, IRON ANDBR&.SS SQLD IN J. MAXWELL ' BEDSTEADS, COTS, AND BEDDING. TERMS MODERATE. Telegrams punctually attended to. TAURANC^. fe BY ," Buggies, Coaches, and Saddle Howes on hire at the shortest notice. rHE LABGEST AND BEST-SELECTED STOCK OJ X jBODBLL. BRUSSELS TAPESTRY, VELVET PILE, and KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS, HEARTHRUGS, GEORGE CROSBY, IN THE NOBTH ISLAND. General Notices FRENCH & ENGLISH CRETONNES TIMBER AT SEDUCED PBiCES. JSIvl; GO., macs we Drain SHOHTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND, ■Jfeaply opporito Post Office. '■ T>EPPBBS, ~ pehpabbaxdoiuiujre*aD : LABEL, VIZ.: MOST IMPORT4ST. The purchaser of Tweeds from ihp[above Company can have their garments cut Free of Man&ger* AXD CONTAIN ONLY PUBS " Agent. \TEW JX ZEALAND INSUBANOE CO»£PANY. Oiptxal.. Unlimited £1,000,000 lia>^lity Insurance against Loss by Fire of every description of Property may be effected with this Company. t AUCKLAND SIXAXOOFFEB AND SPICEKILLS, THE PUBLIC TRUST _OFFICE OF N£|SEALAHD. P Auckland, Alho, TEA, SUGARS, GROCERDBS position. po. Have onhand and to arrive per Syren and TIMBER. steamers following— Tl7O tons quarter-inch Bone«") ia I dust, onr ownAl brand ( o | SO tons Wellington Bonedust, } s£g-3,| ju 3 grindings— fine, me- j»B qq !g*i £ 8 I dium, and coarse 8"SB 30 tons AucklandBoneFlour rg 8"g, rpHE undersignedhas on;hand a largf X and well-seleoted stock of builders' Ironmongery, ITS ADVANTAGES. 1. The PublicTrustee inhis corporatecapacityNEVE~R DIES, NEVEE LEAVES THE COUNTEY, andNEVEE BECOMES INCAPACITATED; thus,by his appointment, the expense of fresh appointments of Trusteesconsequent on death, change of abode, or mental or bodily infirmity, isaltogether ;* avoided. investments a; proposed by 2. All of Officers, are considered "Board v ensuring careful consideration of all securities offered. 3. The Government of the Colony isresponsible for thehonestfulfilment of all trusts placed in the office. ITS INCREASING" POPULARITY. Scales of charges with existing regulations and all information may be Wellington,^"'any of Mb agents LEND in Large or Small obtained from the PUBLIC TEUSTEE, Sums on FreeholdSecurity throughout the Colony. Apply to JACKSON k, RUSSELL Solioitora, Fort Street, Wellington, December 5, 1885, TO - 17 tons Peruvian Guano, £17 ) For cash 2J 22 tonsHuon Island Guano, £5 j discount Superphosphate(London),bestquality,£8 10 Gypsum or Sulphate of Lime, from Whit* Island, £5 Salt,Rock, Manure, and Dairy CORRUGATED IRON. Paint and Oils a Also, Beans, Linseed, Lucerne, &c. CloverandGrass Seeds,Turnip,Carrot, Mangold, &c, all fresh and good. Garden Seeds, new andreliable. iPUEIBI AITD KaUBI POSTS. J. W- GRAY* 3. The Administration of all kinds of Money Trusts,including Marriage Settlements andand every kind of fuud, the trusts of which aredefinitely set Potatoes (Canterbury),grandquality for table STRA.ND, SPRING and WILLOW forthin the deed creating the Trust. Potatoes (Oamaru), wellsuitedfor seed STREETS, OILMAN'S STORES COARSE AND FINESALT THIS WILL BE SHEWN BT THE FOLLOWING-TIGUBES:— KEROSENE, AMERICAN OobnBROOMS "*■■'■.■ -i WASHING & 81-OARBONATEOFSODA 1881 1882 ,1884 1880 1883 o1QKnm CASH TOBACCOS, CIGARS, &o. £41,813 £68,262 £71,318 £90,119 £U6,136 estimated RECEIPTS. CANDLES, SOAPS, &c, 4e. / j MONEY ADAM TAYBOURN & 2. The Executorship of.the "Wills of persons vrko may appoint the Public Seed Wheat, Seed Cats, Eye Corn, Tares, Peas, QUEEN STREET WHARF, Trustee their executor, and thus avoid the necessity which otherwise would exist of committing their friends to the responsibilities involved by such HAS ON SAL E,— MODBBATX BATES, U2TDOTTBTKD SBOUIiITY, VBOICPT AMD ÜBERAI. BETTCKICBNT Pobxabu!STEAM ENGINES, r«rr auperior Of CLAIMS. BONE DUST, LONG ISLAND GUANO FENCING WIRE, BarbedandPlain E. Q. NOBBIS, MANURE SALT, CORN SACKS Tauranga. Agent, FLOUR, inSacks, 100'a, 60's, and 2i'« MAIZE, OATS, BRAN, SHARPS, to. GeneralIfotices. COUSLLAN'S WAGGONS FARMING IMPLEMENTS Matrimonial Agency. J.T. tenders his best thanks to hii numerous customers during the past four years, and begs to notifyhe hai made an immense reduction in pricei & Co, 9, Station Boad, all round. Special care being takei JENSEN Plaistow,London, England. Es♥J in tbe interest and comfort of hii tablished to supply Bettlsrg is the patrons. Colonies with theaddresses of respecyoung women who are willing to table MAXSJt OFZADIJBS'EABITS, JACKET communicate with bona fide TradesAND UZBTJESB. man, Farmers, andothers desirous of meeting witL useful wives. They will V. A. PURVIS, be supplied from tho Agricultural Ireland, Scotof SOLIOITOB Districts BARRISTEE, well land, Wales, and as as the ConAND NOTARY PUBLIC. tinent of Europe. Applicants should state their particularrequirementsand GOMMISBieSKK TO TAKE AOKKOWLKDOMKNJ preferences, enclosing Postal Ordei for Two Shillings tomeet preliminary Admittea-I.;.idon, 1868. „ Nbw Zealacd,1879. expenses. TTTItfKS & TTALL. 68per ton will be saved tobuyers tineat'ty, mdstorage by orders eonmg in tinio *& be sentfrom ship's tide, ITS OBJECTS. nPHB AUCKLAND AGBICTJL1. TheAdministration of Intestate Estatei, and the realiiation and disAND MEECANTILE JL TTJEAL tribution of the Personal Estate. COMPANY (Limited), 9 and 11, 5 per cent discount on allcash purchases. Bricks, Lime, Cement '" * TIRpWN, TD ABBEIT fW. Pipea^j^^^H J (. to our last shipment Buyers of 5 tons and upwards, at wholesale Sashes,Doors, Mouldinga . prices, Shingles,Palings, Rails MHttUn thspublit againtt Ptpperitold Marine Bisksof Every Description ffinWt tXU marfutrety largelyaiulttraUi. Covered. " Deyonpobt Road akd Q-ekt StbHl^ Taueanga. :: .-, | (Waroock's) BJ^ "3 28 tons Queensland Bone ?*§■ Flour, quality quite equal <j g-9 « COFFEE," Insurances granted on iJweDinghouses, Stores, Shops, Buildings n mixedinproportions whloh trade if carried on, Merchan WithPan toChicory," prioe. sulk taste and on desoriptio every disc, andgopds of LowestCurrentBates. CONSOLE TABLES. ; any charges. Sends offamilies can thMs rely on having a garment of N.Z. Tweed c4t by a first-class artist, and guaranteed thoroughly shrunk, at a lower price than what ready -niade clothing can be obtainedfor that would nqtilast ■■"< quarter the time. JOSEPH MOSES, f OUBBBKOWKEO BEAKDS ABE INOBNTEB 07 "UON," "ANCHOR," "CROWN," r-0 ■ : NOTiOE THE ADULTBEATEB AETIOIE, BUI YOU TAUEAiToTBEANOH. Reqd^^^H Fencing Materials SXAV6TJB,188 «M» OB6CEB90S OWI "EXCELSIOR/ "STANDARD," W. MToOi£MONB, 3OIR AND FLAX MATTING AND AH Builders' TB YOUPSEF2B OLBIXUnSB, STHHKCHH, AND /COFFEES A»D bl^^^H AND |^^mts, Oils, &c. COMTOET AMI) BATISFAOTIOIC. FIBI OEPABTMBOT. TIM ALSO, '' QBITUimOHIiY. Peopbietob. f#EED Ipb.IMPORT^! TTEEEundersignedhiy^^^ugn^^^^H A alarge Stock °?^^^^|^^^^| ESNGLISH & AMERICAN PERAMBULATORS, & VELOCIPEDES. : QAHXAIm« % « « t « t « « t « " t< ,£2,000,000 AOENT, Strand, TAUaAjrftA. .» WHI, HNJOV YOUB KBALS WITH LAND AND COMMISSION TaUEAHGA OF FITZ-GIBBON LOUCH, March, 1885. Avoid Imitations. Pee th^tithename, NELSON, MOATE & Co. Package. ■*■:. THB PEICE YOU WCUd PAYIS THB BAKE AS SOB .— DisoharghigliveStook. FRABBR k TXNNB, Agents. . ; TTNIONINSUBANOECOMPANY .7".^ U OFNEW ZEAI&ND. midnight Ko-cargoreceived for Rotomahana sithin hour ofadvertisedtimeof lea/ing. Not Shipping,Carrying, or "p-OBB»T 'AUCKLAJTD. Anne Milbank mshana 4#frs*,m, STREETS, Insurance. Koto- Monday * CUSTOMS TTOTEL, r- 8 p.m. TBAU THAMM. " jDOYAL jyfAIL T INI LOCAL GROCERS, Householders,Hotel-keepers,Butchers, —- , the same Management. " time Stable Satnrday TELE&RAPH^ Leare the Booking Office, Tauranga, for the undermentioned places,— VTTINKS & TTALL For Rotobtja, Tattpov and.NAPiEB, every Tuesday and Eriday. WHOLESALE ANDRETAIL Inpound and Packets, and 61b and CABINETMAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS For the Thames, via Paeroa, erejf Wednesday and Saturday. lQlb Boxes. AND Coaches also leave the Booking Office CARPET WAREHOUSEMEN, daily for Te Waieoa (Lake Tata wera) and all the surrounding dii SHOBTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND See Circulars— For Press Opinioni and Chemical Analysis. trict. BOBEBT GBAHAM, TJbLKTJSJIIIAUJIiiIUi.iiL/, VOILKOA^ "^OT^'fOOTEITSSETISIENT. \ For theEotomaAana Terraces,is under ■"■ AEE NOW LAE&ELY SOLD BY THE RP,rE^? STSAMICRS. '* '- -QOIJ>^tRLI)3,.. _ IJ m|dALS, ceeding ten years. DEPOSITS received from Members or others'. Present rate of interest allowed— 6 per cent, per annum on sums lodged for twelvemonths ; 5 per cent, for six months ; and 4 per cent, per annum for threemonths' Formsof applicationfor Shares, andBooks ofthe Rules of theSociety can be obtained on application. - STraUNGWORTK, CTfINEMUBI, WAITEKAURI, WAUi:. i>n? TE ABO3A. " aEORaE CROSBY'S LOANS granted upon approvedsecurities on Freehold or Leasehold Properties, The repayments extend over any term not ex- yr? . — £JO. " The House" par excellence in the IMPORTERS AND WAREHOUSEMEN, Hot Lake District. Patronised by QvsEir Steekt, Hia Excellency Sir W. F. D, Jervofij and Suite. AUCKLAND. Union SteamshipCompany of New Bedrooms, comfortable PriLofty, Zealand Limited. vate Sitting-rooms, Ladies' Drawingrooms, Ball-room, Smoking-room, Eesident Partners OASSENGEBS and Cargo booked Beading-room. " Zealand and I:toallPortsinNew [P. Labkuts Billiards,Shooting,Fishing, Tacht- C.0. MoMnaiK.] lustralia at throughrates. ng, Boating, Croquet, Lawn Tennis, Quoits, &c. COMMONS, The Hvdropathie system of Baths A^ent. and Medicinal Springs belonging to iho EstabluKment,and conducted on OTEAM TO rnHAMES, .Smedley'splan,areunrivalledthroughout the world. Connecting with <53flS^^Sv_ l^.M. mAURANGA AND KATIKATI PERh MANENT BUILDING & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Office— Spring Street, Tauranga, BEEN AWABDED AND SILVER, . ■' Wo Goodsreoeivedafterfirst whistle. GOLt* GeneralNotices. & Co.s X BLENDED TE|4s, WHICH^VE PEICE TWO PENCE half-|onu(i The settlers of the surrounding neighbourhood will find it to their Douglas JMOATE TUBLISDED TBI-WBEKLYr J.A. CLARK, Local Agent at Tauranga.^ TATJRANGA.- Potatoes, Early Kidneys, Pinkeyes, &c., very scarce ADAM LAYBOUKN & Co. --400-gallon IronTanker DURHAM STREET, AUCKLAND, XTEW ZEALAND LOAN AND J3| MER- SYDNEY J. SAFNDERS & Co., CANTILE AGENCY COMPANY PAPER MANUFACTURERS, (Limited)makeliberaladvances on WOOLandOTHER PRODUCE consignedto them for Salein London. WHOLESALE EXPORT STATIONERS, For furtherparticulars apply to the Score tary, Queen street, Auckland; or to the and Bank's Agents at Tauranga and Opotikl, DAY t0 C% A PER fl*t" b9. \ TO g? >"r made by persons of ■3" %l i* either sex, in their Publishers of Chromo. calendars, , Chriotmas Cards, &p., own localities, at work for us. New buwness. 45 ST. MARY AXE, LONDON, ExGLAND meet with wonderful euccesß. A.ny oneoan: dothe work. Capitalnotrequired. We will start you. Outfit worthJ6l mailed free. The employment iB particularly adapted to the region in which this publication circulates. Boys nud girls earn nearly as muchas men. ! Wholesale Price Lists (illustrated), together to Fullparticulars and instructions mailed free. with samples of Stationery,' forwarded throughout the World freeImport Now is the time— don't delay,but writeto us Traderß thVoflgb Indents can be sent application, ' at onco. Address SiiNSON « Co., Portland, on Maine,United States. any.Merohant, .- : THE BAY OF PLENTY TIMfe,;IAT|FR©AY.<)CT(^|IIt 23, 1886. TELEGRAPHIC. the Te Pake cattle salelast Wednesday Some igt^^sHng- experimentsliave recently LADIESCOLUMN. THE BULGARIAN CRISIS. character. We now. propose to go AtR. C. Jordan, the auctioneer, reports, iboen Oftrried out atSpithead with a view to more fully into the subject, and to Mr owing to the inolemenfc weather not more ascertaining thevalue of asbestos and indiaPORT OF TAURANGA. LAST NIGHT'SDESPATCHES suggest tothe settlers of this district that than half the nutnber of cattle entered, put rubber covered, bulkheads' in stopping l«aka Tm&L&EEST^f ajrttibn. amongst;Ameri" ' ■v Sofia, October 19;" and to the fgoverning bodies, a means, in an appearance. Dairy cows of fair quality- onboard Vesselß- of war;' The:old itonolad caa belles is 't&".'drive donkey carts ., ■"..TIDE TABLE. of utilising tbis new scheme to the were closely competed for if near calving,' frigate/Resistamce,» was prepared for 'this The fancy iifor'the Urge white>. don- G-rdban EfEendi, the Turkish Special \ I [Pfflfc J»aK»» JtiioCLlTIOF.] HlglTWater Sim advantage "of the Government, the butbackward oilvers or inferior stock were purpose and fcnon fired into by two gunjboats key, whichis difficult to g«t. Envoy, has arrived with the object of not in demand...Cows ranged from £3 to for a considerabletime. When the experiOCTOBBB. AN ABORIGINAL ENGINEER. Morn. Even. rißea. seta. district, and the Tillage settlers we £6 10s, yearlingsjfrom 15b to £1 10s each,~ ments werq^ concluded ah' unfavourable The tailor-made dresses of this bringing about areconciliationbetween Auoklakd, last night. below to introduce. Every store cowswerenot in demand. all afford facilities for achange Bulgaria and Biissia. Itis.understood decision 'waii arrived! tit witH^regard to the iilx propose JH.Xi KJf H.M. « The 'ship was now value *ofboth Russian claim of Keremetu Henakur money a considerable sum of is materials. he the demandsof the The year give supports scope for Yesterday from the small hours of the 23 Saturday 240 325 6 9 620 * practically-wrecked, and; although 100 tons of waistcoat* aad thus £500, for the 24 Sunday 4 2 439 6 8 621 expended in Iceeping open and in morning, heavyrain fell untilmidday with of water wereadmittedas ballast astarn, the a variety being introduced into thej Grovernment ia connection with the Kotorua Eailway Co. of railway route, wms 5 8 537 S 7 622 good repair the ror.d to Kotorua via stiff blowfrom the northeast; quitesix inches of the theicountry. discovery 25 Monday future costume., ' (government same of. fore-part of the vessel was seen to be 26 Tuesday 657 6 17 5 6 623 Oropi bush ; and yet frequent st6p- of rain hare fallen London, October 20-. settled yesterday, theclaimant getting ' in this district during the gradually sinking. It was accordingly " Some pretty simple travelling week. 27 Wednesday 638 669 5 5 624 determined her into after harbour, delays caused, report and unto tew A is current that Turkey isi £50 and expenses. pages are and Thursday 28 717 734 6 4 625 There is a project on foot to organise a plugging th© holes and keeping the pumps dresses are being made of blue willing concenaRussian garrison to avoidably, by difficulty the of to admit Friday 29 THE BARRIER MURDERERS. 752 8 9 5 3 626 series cheap entertainments to take place going. She be prepared to be white very narrow striped cloth; fine on condition that she trating a sufficient amount of labour duringofthe summer theDardanelles at intermonths, regular texture. There are velvet collars torpedoes. of The prisoners coinecfed- with- tW by Whltohead Phases of the Moor: within a short period of time on any vals,in connection with theMutual, the net firedinto is allowed .to occupy Bulgaria and| Barrier murder will arrive here next cuffs, two having large and each butFirstquarter, sth, 10.3 a.m. Horse aazette and Oards Admiralty The given point on theroad where a block proceeds to bedevoted to some deserving ob- says. Full moon, 13th, 3.3 p.m. Asan of the callousness of the ton-holes through which satin ribbon' Roumelia herself. Tuesday. Mr Napier, has been enThe Porte has formally protested gaged for Perm'« defence. may occur, and also by the long dis- ject. Lastquarter, 2let, 2.20 a.m. traitorous'srew. who are -supplying '.untrust- is passed and tied. NewMoon, 27th, 6.64 p.m. .The Dog-Registrar is again on tiie war- worthyweapon'stothedefensiveioroeß,^eniay "against th« election ofUoumeliatis. to tances the men hare to travel to path', LARCHENCY A. YACHT. andhas youchsafedussome usefulitjems imeationlthe,issue of '^tin tlie2nd /p'NbV'-lje said, a? they congratu- the Sobraaji.' The Regency dec!ar^ reach work "We wish therefore their : ? Ac,£' [ ■ Drpaktobbs— October. general,*and t)itagoon \ 'Guards . (QieenV ;.?aysj of information the him"' on "I'm engagements boy^naiied! Alfred Patti^^ his" Y.k little jn lated tointerSO— Douglas, s.s., 40 tons, Austin, for to draw the attention of our readers his interpretationofitiu-particular^ This time mediately beforetheir departure for India. not so particularly charmed wjth the they will not permit Turkey " was:to-day charged with st^aliog /' son .. advantages to ! ■ vene. macy that would he intends prosecuting the owners of dogs As luck would have it, Colonel French Whakatane and Opotiki, with general! the expect to be very happy. England, in conjunction with otherf ajacht from Beronport, and commit-' cargo. Passenger*— Mr andMrs Harvey, accure from theestablishment ot one > whichhe wellknowsto beregistered,because tested a few of the new swords inthe Riding girl, butI | r' : Messrs TickersandHolmden. village settlements on the ( the dogs are not wearing their collars. ; r School, cutting them at an ordinary "Turk's Her motheris about the b.est-tempered Grreat Powers, has assured the'Russian ted for trial. or more know of." 21— Besnlt, s.t,Williams, forKatikati,with line of road passing through the > By afterbladeshiveredinhishand. woman I Government that, they do not favour HOKIANGA VILLAGESETTLEMENTS. the s.l.Result onThursday,MrViokery head." Blade ' sundries. Passengers— Messrs Vickery Oropi-bush. > was apassenger for Katikati, where he goes The curtain at thePrincess Theatre, the ' return of Prince ,to> : Mr John Lundon returned to-day our tws opinion . In andßebro. TAURANGA REVISITED. Melbourne,is,composed oj: silk vel- Bulgaria, nor ,approve of his election1 from a house of seven or eight1rooms, HpHanga," and reports very such settlements might usefully be j to buildoffices .■&<>., forMrFletcher. Thenew ' The "". Douglas is bar-boundat Opotiki, planted in this bush ; such settle- besides weighs one ton, and cost the large to the throne.,. ....., vet Vil;; ; ; favourably of the /progress of tli« ' ". ■'."■. A FORECAST? \ : ..' . ■.. 5 ' ' ; building willstanda little distancein front and maynot be expectedhereuntilMonday. ments , sumpf£3oa ;-., v' '.., :.; vSoFiA,,Octqbex;2l. lage Settlementiinthat district. to consist, Bay, of 10 to 1c \ of theold cottage' which was builtwhen-this Itwas Christmastimeof 'ninety^six, *> By the canons of English etiquette, Aninterview;has:takenplace.between men with their families, if thej C gentleman first went tothesettlement. . When a longing o'er me came, SPORTING. po»sets|any, the one mi^ht be placec * There wasa capitalmeeting ak-ilieMutual To tread on«<3 more the-ferfcil« shoro lavender water is the only perfume Statnboulof?/P^resid^nt of. jthe Council COMMERCIAL. , on either side of the Tautau creels:, last night, though the attendance was not BeariagTaucanga's world-knownname Which aman. may pour onhishandker- of.tfhe Regency,.and Gfadban E^endi,i V"' lastmgW. v " Bay or Plbutt Times office, very large. The subjeot of debate was "the I sailed in astately merchantship , Envoy, 14J- miles from Taurangaand 2^- mile* I extension chief: it » at; theiTurlcish Jocltey Bay which". was 'OlubV ; Island. The of franchise to women," several IVomLondon townso gay ; : if f evening. m the bush ;and the other, betweer Pique in a new soft form, and ba- decided not to postpone the meeting» Spri-ng- Meeting opened to-day, the; ladies took part in the discussion, which She'd cargo aboardworth a misers--hoard, the Maungarawa gorge and the 1 lastedoveran hour, anddecision was finally 'Noath her hatches stowedaway. tistt with open stripes of embroidery of the S^brauji. Stambouloftwarned1 weather was fine but there was only* THE TAUBANGA MARKETS, * * *■ ,* * Mangapouri creek, this latter bein| J given against such extension. It was de# . Gadban Effendi that the .'days of 'the moderate attendance. The principal areresuscitations of old friends. nous iUbxbts to close the session at once and to re.11miles from Ohinemutu. At eithe]pi cided the Ottoman Empire would be num- events were the Hurdles, won byPreeof-the bouclM creped: The harvest moonrose full andred None new and open in March next. bered if Russia were permitted to-0 boeter}Island Bay Handicap,Eumour stream, fipaHm*Flour, ailk dressed, 6O'« 0 7 0 of these sites the land Jis good, am tide inthe swung the j As we materials are ironed after being 100's \0 16 0 fairly level, and there would be nc j Our par. referring to our Dutch exchange, jAnd the lights shone bright in the clear stii washed; theyare only do do enter Bulgaria. let; Pasha 2nd; Normanby 3rd. out . "Do en shaken and Express Oranjevrijstaatsch Adver- | do 200's 18 0 difficulty in picking out sufficient " do -night, Steward's Plate, Krst .Mate Ist. tentieblad" round to a brought our office | Prom tbi tbwn abreast of our beam. smoothed with the hands. 60's 0 7 6 Southern " do BRITISH TROOPS EGYPT. IN Steward Stake Handicap, Rumour " do 100's 0 13 0 areas for settlements of the size eug gentleman desirous of taking the billet of in- | moored tho do the new makes of Irish linen are to vrhavf next mid-day terpreter. On a searching: examination being We do do 8O4'« ISO gested of excellent quality for cultiva instituted Ist. Ladies Bracelet, Miss Barnum "' ; to discover his qualifications: for "When- the ship's belltoUetL'tWhour,'likely to be popular in-dark and. pale [kSUXEIt'STEEEftKAMS.];' 0 2 6 tion.. Timber both for fencing anc I the Bran, per bushel , "'. Ist. . . . '■. "' :,-'.;'' we found that - iAnd themerry chime of dinner time ? charming office, : his of knowledge blues, oi' and indigo, a; ; oldSharps do .026 house building, is plentiful, and of , Los-do^ October 2l. its language, was limited to the Eang out fixmi many a tower. DEPARTURE OF THER.M.S. RUAColonialBread,per case 130 fashioned yellow-pink, the dyes being Tlhe British'gar'risori goodquantity, there being numerous 5 Hollandand and use of a Dutch oven. "We then I"Whose voics is that that grcsts me? at "Wady-HaiiV Oatmeal, 25's ..046 rimu and ninau trees, scattered I possession " purely vegetable well; they and fast as asked the historical question, "Did anyone do 60' a 0 8 6 Sear a hand, run tho gangwayaboard !' should is suffering severely from jpieat and The ■Euapehu departed for prove of everlasting wear. ..004 through the bush, thus the settler* I 'Bee you enter here," guilelossly he roplied Why, Willies, our old friend Willies, Fmrl Barley,, diseaseandlias implored to berelieved. mouth last evening, shecarried a large "No. We mercifully draw a veil over the . Not a line in Mb face bap, tiuie.jscoyed.. . , J»y» Bice 0 0 4 could economically erect their owr t tragedy " Hany pretty ,mantles for carriage that'thenensued. mailandal)out 60 passengers. Bread, per21b loaf 0 0 4 dwellings ;moreover the Government Andwho are these others around us? evening being CHOLERA, and .wear ar-o .made of of thoseinterested in the Ter- , Why the followsI COMPLETION OF WELLINGTONknew yearsago; undertake to advance money at 5 pei n A meeting VABX ASH DAISY - VBODVOS. MANA.WATU RAILWAT. j movement washeldin the the Good jThere aco Tumor, and Swindloy, andJordan black lace over yellow and other cos d s d cent, interest to the amount of £2C perance Templar's Hall on Wednesday last— The fol- And a score or twomore or so. TELSaKAMS.]^ , lours, in ;the inautelette style. j-1 lowing ..09 10 for a house, . Batter, fresh per lb last link in the line oa the , i The ' and not exceeding a tota wereelected acommittee tomakesiritac, October. 19. i Wellington-Manawatu iKailway w»i : doubt, ..08 09 '.Ribbed Velvet no Boar Cheefe will^thereis alllook move than They hearty ever, arrangements for furthering MrBurnett's 010 1 0 o£ £50 for bush felling aad grasaing, ble Eggs, per dozen Their faces withhealth still aglow, be largely used in the future; it re- Ciholerabas now entirelydisappeared completed this, afternoon,, the Tauranga viz. Roy. S. Griffith, ..0 8 Lard, perlb 0 0 We now come to the portion of oui c mission in Theresult of content and good living . . sembles fine cbrdutfoy, 0. A. *" Clarke, Muuro, ' and is excellent froin-Italy:. " , Messrs P. James formal opening of traffic to" Taranaki Bacon andHam*, Provincial 0 10|— 1 0 scheme where the interest of th< 9 Bodell,James Turner, J.Neighbour, C. ' Such as seldomoae gets herebelow. _ .. .. Y-iw^a, October.,19< is:fixed for November 9(;h-. wear. '.. .-, _, %. 'Tis true they're Jams ..07 08 Government and the settlers arein i Crabbo,It. Cains andD. Gco, together with ' a littlebit older, ..04—05 The cholera at Buda Pesth is inMilk, per quark rloteh Priteh ia old-fashioned an COAL MINERS' STRIKE. Hore and there a grey hair or two more, 10 2 0 unison, and this point;is fcbe mam- thethe officers of the Tauraiiga Lodge ISFo. Fowl*each , creasing Many ia virulence. fresh Scotch dish, 1.0.G-.T. andmembers of Blue Butlook when 43, spring, the Ribat these crowds of made Jn'tho strangers hundred and thirty miners, ..2 2 6 tainence of the road. Th« One ' Duck* do 0— GovernCommittee. A letter ,was read stating That never were ssen he"rß of yore! there areplenty of freah vegetables. cases are reported"■.daily.. , -. workingin the KaitangataCoalMine, O«eae do ..30 —60 ment annually spend from £600 to bon would bo in Tauranga on Andis itso long since I " left here;. It maybe either made from fresh or ..40 —70 £900 inIceeping the bu§"b part of th( 9 thatMr Burnett Torkerido struck work to-day over disSaturday week, and would leave for Auck It seems only yesterday.; : .- " GRAND DUKE NICHOLAS. Ofcago, coo'ltedmeat;Blb. Pr 4lb. of loin chops BAT AMA COBM ICABSSff. r« employing repair, Jand the presence o¥ , land fclio following Wednesday. It was ro- Old road in 1 putes withthe Company Time iii "busy MUS©, apace moves Hie a ' " 3 S— 3 9 tfaiza per bushel are.put into a saucepan, with about "■■' solved that the Temperance Hall be engaged 'Tis ton years&ince Iwent away. ' 25, men. say working non Union along settlers this [rEUTEB'S TELEGJ2AMS.] ..30 do 34 and 3qts. Pe&s, for and 30th October "of water. Saturday Monday, boiling haricot MEETING OF SHAREHOLEES N.Z.S.S. (old) do ..00-00 line, would enable its overseer t< Ist November,andthat the Church Choirsbe When wasbat a village, ' I.left there beans, carrots; half a turnip, parsley, St. PETEESBUiia, October 19. CO. fowl.. 4 6— 4 0 obtain, close at, hand,any quantity o: asked to assistat the Services. The ComNow i-find- a mighty town.; . A report is current that the Grand A large meeting of the Wellington perowt ..^-S 6 79 labour that he would be likely tc > mitfcee meets at the sameplace at 8. SO p.m. Everyone striving, andnnost.arecontriving alittle bit of cabbage, and some green £7 a ton require, at. lower a well- earaedrenown. onions ,ar« ,added,v Boil.this very Duke Nicholas, the Czarevitch,' is Bhareholders of the New Zealand rates than a t on Tuesdaynext whenitis hopedeverymom- To establish £ a i £ b d present and with less delay, while a bar will make an effort to attend. slowlyf for an hour and^'-■'£ quarter, seriously ill. YetstillImiss oneor two faces, Shipping Co; washeld last night, and 20 0 oto 23 0 0 the Ten jeira see them peacefully sleeping;" seasonwith pepper and salt* It should Gardiner, *( > G. who has returned just same time the amount of Mr a series of resolutions favourmoney adopted 0 0 12 0 0 In theearth's breast laid to quiet they are res' from a trip through America and England, be thick broth;When d<iae. MACPHERSON. ing theeatablishme»t GENERAL 6 4—o o o expended ancong the settlers, aver&g notifies Securein of alocal directheir If&eping. Mother's thathe is now better perparedthan 0 o—6o 0 0 ing probably £25 perhead per annum ' Diamond earring* for " favourite tory, and a more efficient managesupply|the requirements of settlers, The scream-of the railway whistle ' ever to [eEUTEE'B TELEaBAMS.} horse* are the latest extravagance of wouldbe a groa# assistance to them > storekeepers,builders, &c. Re-eoboed along the Strand, of the company. Eautgooit, October 20. And a trifle flurriedbur passengershurried wealthy rancK ownerbintheFar West. beiidei furnishing them with tistivi l eet 15 0 employment, mostly Messrs R. C. Jordan and A. C/ Tjurrier,i ,To *ake seats for the Wonderland, v. A small gold tube is inserted in the General MacPherson, in command SPORTING. the winter joint auctioneers, give a 'detailed'- liss' in do n o when work wouldbe in But whither do these vessels sail, DuifEDnr,last night. to Borne exten"£ Ianother column of the stock and implements' ear-^-likealady's screw earring, with of the British forces in Burmah, is "* extra. 2 jTd their Pliufsoll marks^d«e£ ladonf a disc at «'acli end, coritii.ihing a good- suffering fromfever. b j tofc<s duposedo* at their sale of. Mr SnodTrident is a good deal easier Here »» < Wo dairy- stock on Tuesday November T^Wghj^^lgfyv^^ 2nd class 7 0 21< .injsrm'iMia»* »-««Jif JihQJES.9eipt oi. apriI[- xvns expeccea Lowdox. vhKt'October tfenwar^Sjf vatecablegram, the tenSr of~whicu i»" nt-B«rarKV »iigmi6n t# a notinoaT; tradeUstill iriikerthan'ever, j name and address are engraved round Frederick Eoberts, Cemmander-in- bettered to be that Mr White's colt And the.eettlersjikebees in 'a hive, ppnon fromtheCrownLandte Office, Auckland From the edge. certain allotments in the Parisfi o Chief in India, will succeed the late exhibited signsof footsore. pleasureor toil the neverrecoil, the followingplaces— pfJnHßi^PHHHp^mi^ ,* that Waioeka, Whakatane C6unty, ar« open iot They're'the happiestpeople aliveff General Sir H. MacPherson in comman; Se Hariner,-— |^^%Bkland wai.a. careful (by steamer) Wednesdays, at it by m«a»i of tEe many waggons tha t seleotionon GOLD ESCORT. deferredpayment, on and after mand of the. British JlxpediijiQii in 9.80 a.m;. andSaturdays, at S.SO p.m. "Sail, now, Biln sir? Nicebreeze on up ; and down the road the 27th inst, by application to the Comsir." P* e Vm Auckland (viaThames) everj Tueaday, *'j escort arrivedin town togold The Burmah. "'.'■■ Isaucs, and which, when returning to Tole,Esq.. Forms of ap- THE AGRICULTURAL DEPRES Mr "Vot! After a dinner as at.7.30 p.m. Tan missioner,toD.beA.had night with goldvalued at £20,000. at the Landl SION. three-an'-thixpenth? and cost F« Whakatane and Opotiki (by steamer) ranga are generally empty or nearl plication Post me Not , bo ;in firtwood alone we believe thei 1 officesTaurangaand Opotiki. INCREASE INBANK RATE. CENTRAL DUNEDIN ELECTION. , ereryTuesday at 4.80 tun. m" ; ' ForTaum everyTuesday,at 7.30 a.m. Sugfeib|d Remedy, c' ; e £ might farourablr compete with ouir of At the official declaration of the Acclimatisation Irish meeting Atan race a notice ForTe Fuke,Botoiti, Haketu, 4ndBotoxua, other (BETTTEfi'S TELEGBJLSIS.) Sooiety, MiG-. Gardiner;:ismakingarrange- At the Wtstminister Palace Hotel a of iupply. Whereai » menti for Dunedin Central,, there was poll, to that, wasissued the effect unless jourcei Tnerfmya«nd Saturdays, at 7.30 a.m. for the distribution of the American public meeting, ha* been held to conchange no \>f figures Thecandidates LoirDOsr, Fe» October 21. makatane, Ohlwa,.Waiotahi, the settlen at the other extremity oi t trout which arrived from Christchurch all thehorses in at a places were their on Mata^ ?; and Opotikv (orerland)every Saturday, the bush,being from 10 to U milei B Wednesday morning per s.s. lona. There aider the present agricultural depres- stated time, the race would proceed of England to-day raised made short speeches. The Bank : " " at7.3oa.m;: , only distant from Ohinemutu, wouk j were1,600 of these fishyiej;ween U and 2i sion arid the promotion of the \ flax without them. the" rate of discount to 4 per cent. A ■/ ESCAPE OF PRISONER. For Maketu, *y tteamer o» opportunity be probably inlength, forwardedfrom the south, industry as aremedy. The chair was| m a belter position gtill,» inches " .. Percy Fisher,thenotorious criminal- ' 'Offers. .■ bnfc owing- to.thelong; ,tod tempestuous trip occupiedby Mr TLomas as t&ifl Briggs, who Nearly all the .cottons worn this latter place, SOCIALIST AGITATION. at present import) I of the lona' a krgei "number, about half briefly Fw Aoneaieie,kaiikati» Tfoihi» Ovharoa, who was sentenced at :last Criminal:> summer are trimmed with velvet cuffs T, JatrocJuced Mr Henly, L. MaflkaytowD, Paeroa, BSrikiii, and nearly all ifes articles of- consumptioa perished. It is intended to send 300 to Sittings to three yeara itnpri*onm«nfc, [hettiee's telegbjlms.] Thames, Tuesdays and Fridays,at 7.30 butter, |eggs, vegetables, &c, eithei f Waipapa, and 100 each to Te Puke and thereader of the paper entitled. "The and collars;one very pretty dress of BucCee,ded in making his escape from heliotrope cotton, spots, with white from Maketu, Te Puke, or Tauranga, Katikati, the destination of the balance is Elax Indistry aBemedy for AgriculLoiTDoy, October 21. the; hard laboar gang ,at the Heads For Thames (via Auckland), every Saturday, and good trimmed with a unsettled. deal of velvet of Depression." tural Mr Henly mainJ consequently thesebuah settlers 1 Hyndman; one of the Socialist yesterday, and has not yet been rejat^.SO p.m. MrHolmden, recently appointed manager tamed that thecultivation of flax, if a darker shade, was worn at Good- leaders, wouldhave a good market within r has written a letter to the captured. ; eas? of the Orders 'and Begistered branch office of the Bank of New- carried out to the full extemt of wood. V2?" %""* Papers, stating that great. distress half-an-hcur previous to timei distance, ona goodroad, where then* Zealand at Opotiki, was a passenger for which it was capable, Iftten, would do more Gauze leaves for faus have for the prelvails among of closingmail. commodities would fetch remunerative that place per s.s. Douglas on Wednesday Jthe working classes, OYSTER EATERSBEWARE, prices. And lastly the district and * last, where he will at once, take charge of towards restoring prosperity to prtsent superseded all others. On and proposes aprocession of theunthe- business of the Bank. MALLS ARRIVALat Post Office, Tauranga, from the general (public would benefit gauze agriculture! \ than these fans different any thing, designs other are employed on the 9th prox. as the only Ayjinquest hag been opened at Bright and by ■'■ the followingplaces— important sale wiTl be held to day would give employment to thousands pictured in a realistic manner: The means the firlEllmeat of. the scheme of compelling attention of the tonjrespecting the death of "William , here atAn From Auckland, (by steamer) Tuesdays and bnefly U Messrs Turaer and Buddie at of agricultural labourers and their fan, sticks are mostly of smoked pearl, sketched out;the road \would their authorities Jerjsmias Brett, caretaker; of 36, " .I be kept to the,existing distress. Saturdays. store on the Strand. As' this firm is families all the year in better repair at less cost, disolvlng round. The which can be smoked to any colour. Fwm Auckland, (viaThames) everyMonday St. Helen's,Bishopsgati street, partnership it is necessary that a quantity Great 7 delays would be less frequent; of flax fibre annually im- A soft- grey tint is lovely with' blacb and Thursday, at 7.30 p.m. largaquantity of miscellaneous articles now a who was supposed tohare London, REVIVAL OF TRADE. From Whakatane and Opotiki, (by steamer) a hardy, self-reliant class stock ebouldhe disposed of to close ac- ported averaged about 85,000 tons, gauze,and arich reddish .hro.w,n goes of settlers in died from theeffects of eating oysters , the sale will counts, [produce equally .^^rayTuesday. well witha white mount. Lace r [REtTTEIt's TEIJEGBAMS.] , include feiicrag wire, the of fully 500,000 acres, JWTtaPoke,Rotciii, Make*.,andßotorus, would be introduced, and a new rails, weighing- machines, Deceased' went to put; of season. wheels, tables, and worth nearly3£ millions sterling. mounts are enriched with quantities country openedup,andnew centres of B»fe, &0. _TuMiay» ana Saturdays, 3.30p.m. Brighton, was takea illon the same " .; Zioneon, October " -, 18. The (linseed) flaxseeS ofbrilliants. ."" yearlyimported »om Tanpp, Matata, Whakatane, Ohiwa, population formed. The speedy October this y«ar ao J f LordDerby, speaking at .Liverpool, dajt, ani died next morning. B»fore far been a great amounted to some 20,000,000 bushels, purchase, therefore, of the necessary contrast to the samehas The new white inußlins are of month last year, whan tho very' predicts an early and rapid revival of his,death-he said he had been eating produce,of 1,500,000" acres more, diy weather was experienced, telling designs, and are covered traile. From Maketu, hy steamer as opportunily blocks of land from the native or .very oys|;ers, arid I)r.^Black, formerly of *=' other owners,and their Bubdiyi»ion for seriously on the grass andcrops. Thi« year and wortk,inroundfigures,£5,000,000; beautiful embroidery kind, with of a solid which thej Sussex County Hospital, statedhas been plentiful, and the country while the linseed ; oil ,and *jlinseed looks quite raised so as FromAongatete,Katikati,Waihi, Owharoa special village settlements, cannot, we rain to:stand up in there were cases on record in around Tauranga has never,■we- suppose cafce imported annually AUSTRALIAN that TELEGRAMS. >»apkaytown, Paeroa, EMriri, and think, be too strongly urgedupon the presented keie *worih ljigh relief. These muslins will be agreeneror morefertileappeacance. probably another £2,000,000. which serious illness has been caused -."Thajaeß, Mondaya and Thursdays, At much -used for wedding dresses, as 7.30 Government, and we hope ere long to For the frsttime in recordedhistory, almost, GOLD EIJSH. ANOTHER by oysters out of season, when eating p.m. rare phenomena as reaHy satisfied present^ this industry was almost well as for eveningwear. FromThames(via Auckland)everySaturday. see this matter seriously taken up by auch they contained adeleterious substance fanners to be : ;otally are met with. ik thehands foreigners. [REUTEB's of the . 'tELEC&AMS.] some of the leading men of this disDirty oil-paintings. ean-;b& cleaned like; .that found in mussels, but he At Hie Supreme Court, Auckland, during Hemaintained that the soil of Engportal AjhTery within the town boun- trict. ; 21taking the'frame, Adelaide, fk from fOctober not jpreriously .met with/ aninhadj using and half thehearing of the charge of arson at Opotiki land was vrell fitted for growing flax My- T^ePostman J"S?l^Cfvtw^ a raw.potato to rub them with. The - :Hundred* areleaving Adelaide for stance in which death had ensued. It against Wm. MarwoodEnglish, a reference and<by the new modes Post Office, Tawnga, w£,?t^frwnae TheU.S.B. Co'a. Omaperc leavesDmedm was made to the depositions. of preparation J.30 a.m. and 4.30p.m.each day. Hia Honor and manufacture now introduced this,rubbing should be circular,gentle, and Wankarhiga. goldfields. The Qovern- was! st.ited that it was customary for Tauvanga via Jiteuiediate ports on said the original depositions were absolutely Geologist repora tbe gold is die- among the best dealers not to conReceiving Boxes are cleareddaily— at Mr Mondaynezt, and is industry could be carried on vrith good firm, not hard. When clean, wipe mont Crabbe'B atore, Quarter Acres, at 9 a.m. and on-November Ist. expected to arrive hero useless, being hopeles3lj undecipherable with a clean sponge and pure vrater. tributedgenerally over the field: sider oysters in season until early in profit. and whenhe referred A to the copies they weie short discussion followed,, and in Spring street, at 9.15 ; ABELAroE, September. We remind our readers that the annual equally useless, and a hiatus had to October 22: The jury thought that a a.m. Ho, "How do you like Signor be left and a memorial was adopted to the and3.10 p.m. cattle fair at Katikati w lbe held at Mr where the original could .not be guessed Mining The at Teblupla post-mortem Warden examination should be at Marquis of Salisbury asking him to WUlrinsonio's voice? Beautiful is it Tie followingare licensedtoseU stamps "— McDonnell's yards at the Uretara on He thoughtIlesideatMagistratesshouldpass tel&graphs that1,000 men are on the made, ..and the inquiry was adjourned Wednot?" She.' "I don't thick deputation JdmM«^eU, Strand,' nesday nextat noon. bo. I on tho subject. an examination in writing. They ouVlit at receive a Ao^*^-?^' prefer yours. But then,you know, 'Igoldiield at Wankaringa. He assei'ts for ;tba't -purpose. andG. A. Crabbe,CameronRoad.; The s.s. lona which left this port on Wed- least to consider that when they "wrole that only one gully is giHag gold in AN UNSAFE SAFETY LAMP. am peculiar!" J. H. SnEATH^ nesday nunaing about 10. 50, amvcd'ia depositions other people had to read thepi, quantities,- and*any great rush payable and there was groat Josh of time in«ndeaPosta ««te' Auckland at 6 a.m. on Thursday andleft for voiuing- to deciper and Our' Barber. "Whafc you want, unjustified. * Post Office, Tauranga, DISSOLUTION OF fABTNEBSHIP. copy badly taken The evidence, supplied by..the collier the Bavuer twohours later. sir," (running) his 'fingers through July 14, 1886. So far as' those depositions "Woolley liecntter Tokerauleft har anchorage at depositions. \ wbo r Auction Sale on Saturday, 23rd inst.; ■aevQvely scorched, his customer'sfew remaining hairs) "is. ' were concerned, they would be equa"y inan early hour yesterday morn?rjg SPORTING. — at 11 o'clock. seems to bound for leave uo doubt telligible if '.uuied that the ex4g" Esqubb Mail via SawPbanoiboo they upside were a bottle of myHair-resto." Customer down. plosion at Maketu, but was compelled by stress of weaWoodend .-pit, near Leigh, (virulently) '"What I rXe»veß Tauranga— (rEUTEe's TELEGRAMS.) ther to put back and anchor inside the Tlie sultry weather is hardly to boheld want, sir is a November 6. undersigned will sell by public accountable for theprosence of mosquitoes in which has caußod the Jobs of thirty- Divorce." Leaves Auckland November9. heads. MelbottWe, October 22. The aiuction, at their Mart, on the above one or more Londonhotels. They had made eight lives, ignition from 'the resisted Arrives Auckland November12. At the Wesleyan Church to-morrow the their appearance beforq the The betting on the Melbourne Cup date (in order to close accounts) sultry weather of gas in theiutcrior of aDavy lamp. .The success of' "Florian'' by the Key. R. Arrives Tauranga November 16. Eaviu of Auckland will preach! began. It was discovered that they English second little animation,', latest "quotalady shtfws composer had the "Woolley "*d evening special eermoiiß, on harboured in the luggage of WIRE (Galvanized, that he observed. the century has produced lias been suf- tiona are: arrivals' from gas in theutates behalf of tho Wealoyan Homo Missions: tho tropical countries, who are;pretty lamp a day Barb, THE man and No. 6 plain), Staples, o£ named > numerous to, "'■:-,annualMissionary meeting is ficiently marked 6to 1 against succqbwarrant a annoanced to in the metropolis this .'season. Mosquitoes Brotrn, who \ras working begide him, ' Trident " \,Office and Table, Long (Perry's) Safe takeplace on the io)lowiaS evening, wfiea alike ;n the lands o£ those ; 10*0 1 Ben Bolt aud. in thl aad thatou dca^-iftg'.!«>" .aiitenfion. ,to sorr-thenew Opera willbe Nautical. pining Table, Truck, Avery'i Gong, addresses on Home Mission work' \s111 be countries which they visit,nativity lOtol ■.— -;. Iscmoiny V '■''-..', ' fondof infest- It tried to'MoTv /Jut-tHe- lamp, :buf in^ 'Equal to the occasion— Fact,— Seiv i Weighbridge, Fairbanks' Ditto 2 pven, interspersed with Sacrod musical se- <i£ bedrooms, those beingare the apartments to 1 . 10 Silvermiue "What name snail I say ma'am?''' where they are least wanted, and it is not a making the attempt .the gauze gavje vant: Dobbin Wheels and Frames, 1Grub— Lady; THAMES VALLEY WARDEN. lections. Little John/ "Just say I'm a1 widow with .-.. 12tpl b6r,,Wire Strainer, Pack Saddle, 200 Good ResOmjions.— At tho commence- easy task exterminating-; them when they way and the explosion immediately 12 to 1 Hexham tr Th9Bpirinfth9 Timesshaflteaoh ment of every new year hundreds and thou- have once found an entranceanywhere. The took place,. For a considerable threo children, and am in distressed Ti-tree .Rails, Mouth-piece for Chaffma speed sands sldns of wild animals wrapped round lug- time it has been, suspected 20 to 1 of our young men— and old as we.H— Britisher KIHO JOHK, ACT IV. circumstances." Servant: "So's our cutter, SiJLTura Bojlt, half -decked, that 'the' gage " are to afford apt lodgment tomosquitoes. formresolutionsfor their guidance for the 20tol —. Maltia Davy safetylamp wasnot* cjuite safe, master, and got three children, too, - : ;.fr- Sheet Anchor* with sails and oars complete ; Hams coming year. Many keep them, while others The Tidy Housewife.— The; careful, tidy SATUEDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1886. 25 tcr-l break them. To such we wish to give a housewife, when giving her house its spring- but this i«. the first.time anyone hat but he's old and infirm, and won't Bacon, Factory Milk Can,* Beeand again, so it's no use. your call- Rough onCorns. hives, Iw our iißue of the 12th mat. we re- word of advice. In order to sustain your cleaning, Bhould bear in mind that the*lear miraculously.escaped.'jo.fix it as ths marry Marble Mantelpieces, Milner'a for "Rough —Ask Wells' of leading- a bettai- life in the inmates are more precious thannouses, direct ~>cause ;of j,an explosion. The, ing here." on Corns." Quick relief, complete permanent; Patent Fire-resisting Safe, &c. <tc. printed from the New Zealand determination future you/ should use hop Bitters. The systems need cleansing, by purifying their the surreptitious lighting of tobacco pipes' Cora (chewing on thelast caramel): cure. Corns, warts, bunions. At ohemists Gazette the regulationsunder which judicious use of Hop strengthens,/ cieanaca, blood, regulating- the stomach and bowels. by colliers may offcon We' been as- *TV"hat makea you always twirl your and druggists. land can now be held on perpetual and purifies the stomach, bowels, Mood' And she should know that" there is nothingRotr(&o& itoh.^''Rough on Itch" cures' Tebms Cash befobe Delivebt. liver, kidneys, nerves, and and is that will do it so just surely lease horn the Crown, and prefaced you what as American Co's signed as the c^-trse of explosions jauer Mr Merritt?"'- Little Johnny skin humours, pcupbioiis, ring, worm, tetter, wantto buildup and invigorate your- HopBitters, thepurest and beltof all mcdi- which were really due to the ignition- >ho is .always ground): TURNER & BTJDDLE, thtmwith » few remarki of a general wU.r-Qremtouh "Because he ualtj rheum, frosted feet, chilblains,itoh, ivy V,8.A., Dm. Kead. ernes. of gai in i)avy lanipi. '"■■■■' iin/t got any moustache." Auctioneers. poisjon, barber'sitch. : 1 A season ( ...... .... i - 1 T ; . . ( ■ v ■ ■ ■' ■ - i .- "■ ; ; ■ 1 "- - . .. .. .. .. * ■ 1 ■ . 1 T ■ - ■ ■'' .. < ; ——— —— — — ...... .. .. ..... ...... .... .... .. ...... .. .. .. .. n' .. — — . - . ; tr - t : 1 -* — > ■ ; _ ■ ; j. ; . .... .. .. . " 1 — ■ * T _ . ; - m _ . ... . . ... ■ «^° . . -i '" ■ ■ ( ______ , j ■ ■ ■» ■ 4 ■ .... - _ . : 1 ■ .. °' ;i — r —— — Bay of Plenty Times. — — — i ■ ■ I - — ——— . — EENOING- ■ ; ■" — ■" ■ . ■ . . — - } THE BA^TOF PLENTY TIMES. SATURDAY, OOTGBER 28, 1886. Saturday, 90th October, at 11 o'clock. Wesleyan Home Missions. at the Wesleyan Church To-morrow by the Rev. R. Bavin, of Auckland. On MONDAY, 25th inst., tha. AnXVAII MISSIOITAET MEETING Will bt held, commencing at 7.30 p.m. Addresses by Hera. R. Bavin,S. Griffith, 1 and others. Wine, Beer, and Spirit Merchants^ and A LL OVERDUE ACCOUNTSare ilrespectfully requested to be sent inby Noiember lit. After that date they will be placed in the hands of a ■ LOT JP^l^l^sß^^R^^D COTTSTY^PiviSBrOT WHAKATANB Allotment. CATTLE FAIR, 331 334 364 365 " ' WILL BE HELB AT V^ °' "*awn^'«* Tartar!^ Bioatboilate ? A> ? " 55_l£& Waioeka. Area. |Upset price. £ aep 5 5 8 8 3 0 0 0 0 16 2 16 b d 43 2 6 Churns amiChaff-cutters |"Pannister, Store,Shoe, & ScrubbingBt ashes , &!, Sab: m"2>?» SEE? Clavets,Portß, *a' Madeira, y Ginj B " ■ 'Axe, Pick, Scj the, and Sledge Handlis Pails, Tubs, Washboards, a*dPegs " Spades, Shoyels. Forks, Rakes,Eoes Lxes, Matehets, Scy.hes, Buckets Fencing ViroandBarbed Wm Hair andBus Brooms ' '^leixy Brandy, Chartreuse, Ginger Brandy Marsa)lft, Noyeau, Curacoa, d Wm»Wes BW.4^^^ Ale and Gmnuess's Stout Bass A. Agents for Baguall Bros., Turua, Thames—Hires and HireMaterial. Goods subject to duty warehoused in bond. American and European Q-oods indented for on commission. G-oods carfully packed and forwarded per carrier or steamer. BELFAST BAKERY AND 37 10 0 6015 0 AISO, 2 Tip Drays (new) . , (second-hand) 1 Gray's Plough .1 1set Harness 1capital Express Waggon „ BOOTS,SHOES AND gTEWART DAWSON SLIPPERS. GROCERY-STORE. EAST COAST HARDWAREISTORE. o^msb,': dvJVIAXWELb. 'T\ U jt;-el. a M TT OUS " ' E. TaurangaImprovement Co., Limited. '' "'L/ I "...'".■:.-—^-JJtl arenow open to the public. andHacks Draught Horses P. TAIT/GBKEElJnjfcvfl^j^T. - . A pair of Working BATHS Bullocks, ,i«! Tickets Family £1 10 Oeach with bows, yokes, and GEORGE GARDINER. Single Season Ex Coptic and Efapbhit— \„ Do. 045 0 . . chains . ■ ■'- --■,"?—^r FOE ONE MONTH ONLT. DON't MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY To purchase a single pair at less than the wholesale price, .'- ■■ ■ ___ I Cutlery Single BathTickets -0 2 6 doz. Hardware E.P. Goods ; Tubs ' Charcoal Irons ■* .■■.■-_■per , Buckets KB.— A discount of 6d share silber Lamps Tea Trays allowed on Season Tickets to all fully Brackets' Saucepans paid up shareholders. Tea Kettles Eondwß Tickets on application. Mre-irons BrawnMoulds CHABLES P, HFLME, Tire Grates Frypaus Secretary. Chamber Pails Candlesticks Tauranga, j)UBt panß September 29,1886. Iron and Steel Trarelling Trunks _._, Tourists' Handy Cash Boxes o -r^ -¥-i t>w « 3 FEaSle Eanges (Leamington prin. ciple) CHEAP FOR CASH.' Purple-top Aberdeen Turnip * ,J White Early Turnip Skirring's Swede Turnip ffil^-4[Op& Mammoth Long Bed Mangold %_nj!tfYjK. ; "White Belgian Carrot if/M Pl ir>*sg_i!l!£v» Grand"Wiltshire Carrot BUY YOUR BOOTS Important Sale {by Auction of Dairy I and Farm Stock. . ■* ■ ■ On tuef4ay,\Npyeml»er 2, at Noon. The 4ndersign«d will sell thajwhole of ihe Dairy and Farm Stock of Mi Johi)>Snpdgrass on the premises WHERE YOU CAN GET THEM REPAIRED. ... \EW SIS JflDS. AT THE "PINK OF FASHIOH." - * . _. . > I^BB UY DIRECTjgIi JFROM THE MAKERS, STEWART DAWSON AND CO. - — — ... .... ... ... ... ...... ...... ... - Open £5 10s. jrj |5/._The wonderful Sterling Silver „ Defiance Hunter, worth £3 10s,'Open face, £1 7s 6d. ., R ailway^ S. D. andCo.'s Official [Ol.— English Keyless Lever, un- . £Q equalledat £10 10s. 10/, £15 10/-, £18 -- . Tanners and Boot Manufacturers^ £6 10/T# SJRAND, JAURAN6A, ne>c M<mzu^M^__ G. H. WHITCOMBE, Wholesale and Retail avine & spirit Merchant, HAS ON SALE- i ■ m - - £12 fwlL GEORGE BONNER, . ** "~ The order in which they areadvertised will'be the order of sale. Con: signees are requested to have their cattlefit tb« yard*byNuts o'clock. THE ONLY WATCH MAnrUI'ACTURKRIS Inthe coloniestradingdirectwith thepnblio- THE GOODS ARE CAEEPULLT SELECTED AND SUITABLE FOR Compare ours with the usualretailprices, and remember that wesell 500 watches where THE COMING SEASON. a retailer sells one— hence the differenceand \" Itis impossible to quote here the hundreds of different styles and prices, the saving to customers. ' ''' " """ " Stock must be seen to judge of its value. The r :; . , >. * following are a few of these . genuine bargains : S. D. andCo.'s well-knownEn- C .'. £3 15/- lish Silver Hunting Levera, the sd s d very begt. Worth £7 7s. Child's Strap Shoes 1 6 Men's Hand-raado "WatertigMs 10 6 do,; Do., Is9dand 111 Do. Bluchers 6 6 £4- ISA— S: D. audCo.'s English Silver HuntingLevers, chron^ balance, -. Ladieß' SuperiorWalking Bootß 1 6 Do. do. 7 6 extra jewelled. Worth £8 Bs. \(worth 9s 6d) Do. do. do. 8 6 s D and Co.'s new Excelsior , Do. :. do. 9s 6dand 10 6 Men's Spring-side Boots 10/-— 9 6 £s |-plate English Lever. The / (wonderful value) Do. do. Calf... 12 6 Model Watch,weliworth£10 10s. Ladies' Clotljifdp ButtonBoots 9 6 Men's "Walkifig Shoes 7 6 S.D.and Co.'s Ladies' English Ladies' Calfrkid do. 11 6 Do. do. Erench Calf 12 6 3E3 ISA— Silver Hunters, fully worth £7 7s Ladies' "Walking Shoes 7 6 Boys' Boots, from 4 6 Will last a lifetime. Do. Button-kid 9 6 Men's Patent Oxford Shoes — 12 6 &" nnd- Co-s Superb Hunting IS/- s Ladies' Extra High-leg Calf Men's Superior Shooting Boots 12 6 Chronograph Levers, worth £12 Balmorals 11 6 103; orCrystal Glass, £5 15s Women's Dairy Boots, House Boots, Evening Shoes, Slippers, &c, &c,in £6 JO/-— S. D. and Co.'s Silver Keyless "HuntingLever,valuefor £10 10s. endless variety. face, ■ > C°" Have beenproved to Supersede allother*. Iwould respectfully call attention W Heads of Families should avaM themselves of this » the fact that my ACCOUNTS are chance to buy at less than Auckland prices. turned from avisit paid to the American andEnglishmanufacturing centres haveselected a splendid assortwhereI ment of NEW. & SUITABLE GOODS FOR EVERT PURCHASER. Havinglarge itoclcr-ouJhand and to arrive,I possess better facilities than ever for supplying the wants of Storekeepers,Settlers,Builders, and others. & LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. - HAVE PLEASUREininforming I the inhabitants of the Bay of Plenty districts that I have just re- THE ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES , Manufacturedby OP JZealandput together. sharp. 130 head of all descriptions,including grown Steers, Yearlings, Ac. Hotmb of various descriptions ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3, at 11 o'clock punctually, to allow getting through samejiay. including Calves, AAA HEAD, *±\)\J Yearlings, 2- year -bids, GrowD Steers, Dairy Cows, and a few useful Bulls. Appreciated by All! "* " 001 I'Tobaccos, Tt^FTH*^ w Hires, Section Boxes, andApiary Ware — AKB AT Known Everywhere! W\k Punch, and Shrub Angostaw,Orange,Qainffie, & Yolk'ftßitiers : Lime Juice,Limefcta, Baspberry.Viuegax^&c. Valued at £2,000. Now selling at 30 per cent, below usual prices. The * largest and most genuine Sale of Boots everheld in this district. Koold or in caddies andboxes Sales;larger thanall theRetail BhopsinNew |Ropes, T iae, Taper, Paper Bags shop-worn rubbish is included,but every article is guaranteed new. 8 64 10 0 KATIKATI, 21, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ON Forms of application can beobtained at noon. at this office, the Land Office, TauTempleton's Household Fur* ranga, and at thePost Office, Opotiki. Mr ? niture and Effects, in Mr ' ,*"'" i, MacDonnell's Yard, atnoon THE TOPCROFT YABDS, World! Cv xau s, Raiains, Peel,NvAi, BriedApples Soaps, Sopo Powders, Soda, Whiiing PP and 2reserres Candles, Kerosine, Matches, _SVfL *» Salt,Oi?s, 7iaegar, Sauces, Pickles, Ciutnies PerfuaeryandFancy Soap« Wioka Sulphar,EpsomSatta,ExtractRennet,Aimato Citric, andSalicyiio Acids er of Soda and Cream of Twtw V Citrate Magnesia Sno Fruit Sa.ts, Carbonate-Ammonia, Quinine Linseed,Castor, andifeat's-lbotOil Sarslparilla, CodUver Oil ! ' TAURANGA ANNUAL TO SELECT FROM! Guaranteed theBest Timekeepersin the Spices,Mustard, Conies Ai.owroot juc'.H, Ground Hico ■ CHARLES G. CARTER. The undersigned have been favoured with instructions to sell bypublic auctfon asabove at theirSale Boom, Spring street, Tauranga, Public Notification. Jyo. 492, SECTION 2, Town of Taur&Bga, containing one LANDS FOE SALE ON DEFERRED PAYMENTS. Bood, with neat DWELLINGgood.ordjar thereon, in and HOUSE Crowi Lands Office, condition. This allotmentlisitaated Auckland, 20th October,1886. Boad. Edgcumbe on LANDS will npHEFOLLOWING Tjaitd Tbakbfbst Title. JL be open forselection on Deferred Payments,on application at this office, LOUCH & Co., on and after Wednesday, the 27th Auctioneers. inst. D. A. TOLE, Commissioner of CrownLands. ' 10,000 WATCHES General Importers, Waiom, BtORDERor the MORTGAGEES Solicitor, ■*— Wholesale Grocers, LoHes Biscay Lorn Flour, Hp-o, Ippioca, NOTICE. Saturday,30th October, at 12noon. ' CLEARANCE Sacred Selections,Soloi,&c, will be BONDED STOREB,I TAUBAN(iA rendered during the evening. Hare always on hand well-selected stocks of— Teas,Coffees, Cocoas Sugars, Starch, Blup, Blacking,Black-lead V " Collections will be made on bthalf Flour, Tre^ a Peao Preserred Brap,Polla.'.-d,iOald, Wneat,Eice, W\, Meal Fish of theHomeMission Pund. . ' (plam and fancy), J. BODELL, i Auctioneer. ——— MOBSTER MANN & Co., QPECIALSERMONS inconnectioi O with the above will be preached The undersigned has been instructed to sell by auction as above, at his Mart, the Strand, LIGHT SPRING CART, with portable top, suitable for a baker "-;; or butcher 1Spring Cart, suitable for .farm work 1Pair-horse Express, to carry one ton / 1Family Buggy 1Spider Buggy Cushions and Lamps for above - -. 10/sand £25-— s D and Co.'s Superb 18-carat . Gold English Layero and Half Chronometers, never equalledunder:4oper cent.more. and £7 10/--S- D. and Go/a , Ladies' 18-carat Gold Eeriest £10 ios~*^^^je^t^^i «»* £11 16/- and^i4ls/^T £BiO/' S.D. andCo.'s Ladies' lß-oar|i i Gold English Leversi Saye^M s least 60 per cent, by purchasing' '; . .„,■",, . ; from €he makers. and £|2 i : iOl^f&&V?*h £11 10/- £30, and Gold,worth £60. - ** £27'and£30-— lB-oarat s.D.andCo.'sNewPatent t ; : .-j Eng« Ifah Double Chronographo, with independent start, Btop, andflyback minute and second hands. For quality and accuracy never equalledat any price. Obtained Exhibi- \ Prize Medal Inventionspamphlet tion last year. Special on this stamp. .- watch, post free, for£2d Every Watchfully guaranteed." HALL-MAREED STERLING SILVER ALBERTS, 9s 6d, 12s 6d, I4s 6d, and158 6a, prta*,. Newest patterns, atnearlyhalf usual ditto 3-star, Courvoisier, Muller IVeres (flasks, pints, halves and quarters). " HBST- CLASS DA.IBY Powdered Wnite H»lldDor» \ For DALE x ENTIRE Xinnahan's LL, Teacher's, Coleraine, THE WEALEMEFNA, in Sterling flttret, Whiskies-^Kilinarnock,Grtencairn, Oil GOWS > Paris Green Orchard ■i -.---. ,--. 12b 6d* Greenlees and Oolville, Campbelton, GHlbey's and Kilmarnock 25 head ofMixed Cattle FERGUS, ) use. Caustic Potash KING" it over a surfwethewaot passing DBVONPORT EOAD. simply By Plaskß. 15 Weaners infeetandinohesisreoordedon distance By Loch Fergvs datn imported. AXL ax lowest BATES. ,Several Good Draught |Horiei Heart, Key, and Jamaica. the dial. Mso forms ft splendid King Fergus is a dark bay, stands Rum— Loundes' Red and Hacks, Chaff-cutter, Tip I appendage for tbiAlbert. 2o's, N A x Falcon— 15's and 10's. Key, ; and JDKZ, Anchor, 16*3 thoroughly staunch in harness Gin— Dray, Chain Harrows, Ac. Burnett's OlcTTon^ and a sure foal-getter. R ft A L" E Ploughs Double-fuTrow O "Will stand at the Glen Farm this provided. Luncheon GENTB% Schnappi— "Wolfe's and Henke's (quarts and~pitrfeu)^_^ GOLD ALBERTS, LADIES' and Single-furrow Ploughs Cheese-makingPlant,up to 200 gals, season. .Newest Styles, WholesalePrices, Scarifiers combined and Maraschino. D'Absinthe,, liiqueUFSf-rCuracoa, Compound single Cheese Press Teems 35s mare ; two or AllDlufltrated inPamphlet. The Auctioneers confidently recom- Zig-zagHarrows, light,medium, heavy Corbett's Cheese Vats, Boiler, complete more as per agreement. £1 on ser- Bitters— rAngostura, Orange, Quinine,and American Hop. -■" ;' -r^r mend purchasers to inspect the Cows; IReidand Gray's rice,balance whenmare prows infoal. jkieg—Bass's Bull Dog, Griffin, Sparkling, Ashby, Younger, and Colonial they*are theresult of careful selection PloughFittings < Hornsby and Son Measuring Can amazed at our prices, and for some yearsput. Eetaildealers aropopularity ( and other makers (quarts andpints). our system;<« *■'H. ROBINSON. the unbounded at Australian, qualities). Claret, Blades and Snaiths Dalwood Scythe (various In vain have, they v , Sherry Port and Wines has attained. R. C. JORDAN. business \ B. C. JORDAN. Coil, Bullock, Trace, Plough, Back, success by the closest, (red and white), Hock, Conatantia, Fronfciguac, Madeira, Her- tried to emulate our THAMES ' imitations, but with the s A. C. TURNER. most servile and Tug Chains and mitage. ..-. Post CardProof .- , the resemblanceends. and Railings, plain and ' Ginger "Wine, Towndsend's Sarsapariila, Hitchen's imitation A Good Ploughman. Iron Gates Bernard's Samsbtjet, Tens., April 4, 1883. CARRIAGE ft Cordials— ornamental :. Genis. Iwasafflicted withserious Kidney Blood Eestorer, G-illon's Lime Juice, Cherry Brandy, Ginger j [ESTABLISHED1876.] Wages 20s per week and Bullock Bows, Ydkes, and Fittings "' '■:!;' ' Cloves, and trouble for Lemon THIKS. Urinary years. Pineapple, Easpberry, Peppermint, twelve After OF PEENTT Brandy. BAY found,— Apply to H. W.Veecoe. Bolts and Nuts, all sizes trying all the doctors andpatent medicines I Syrup. to could hear of, I used two bottles of Hop XT T) T V Hinges Gate T\ Forward a P.O. Order, payable 6d pleasantly-situated Cavito, Manilla, Musica, That Sign'ora, Bella withes Clay, Golosnia, Henry _. rt O LET.— Bitt e r B andamperfectlycured.-B.F.BooTH. Cigars— pr^ESSIOnA and Co., Auckland, Barrow Wheels S.D. or v- * Cottage, registration, I Comfortable G-roomed added to paypost and letter, Sir Bobert Peel, and Matilda's. Wedges Rings andMaul &TEIMMER, Timber PAINTER and registered we f~IOACH Bend together with three quarter-acres of Spade, Shovel,and AxeHandles \j SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL Champagnes— Eoederer, Pol Eoger, Perrier and Co. Washington, D.C., April 3, 1883. will forward watch on a w«ek a free "' Land, all fenced, at present occupied Wise and Fraser's : Hop post. Axle Grease To the mum Co. trial, by first - DECORATOR. Cigarettes Vanity Pair, Thorbeck's Monopoly, Eichmond G-ems. by the undersigned, from whom par- Ironbark, Hickory, and Ash Planking Sibs, I-write this as a to^on of the great WBITER AND F. Ozenedine, obtained. —^J. Lemonade, "Wellington Ginger Sante, be I have for Bitters. I was Dixon's may appreciation your ticulars > Sundries Yin . . Horse-power and Chaff-cutter ' afflicted withInflammatoryRheumatismseven JJ JJ DIX, late of Thames, begs BUDBLE;" Ale, Hop Beer, Soda "Water, &c. Notb.— AllLetters tobe addressed— yeara, and no medicine seemed to do me any t{ f theiphabitants " of Tauranga , , , ,° Guinness' Pig, Boars-head,Griffin, Tounger's, and Colonial (quarts good until Itned throe bottles of your Hop TBD T0 LET,— Grazing AGENT fob MESSRS TAIT BROS., Bitterß,andtomyßurprißelama districts that hehas Stout— Swellto-day and surrounding r and pints). and Trig of Farm portion W MONUMENTAL MASONS. was. Ihope you may have great decided to commence in the abore as everI Tauranga Cheese Paddpcts [opposite success in this great and valuable me«?rcine. business in those premises adjacent to same to order. --94, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND/ HOP BEEE, 2s 6d PEE DOZEN. Anyonewittingio know more about mycure, Messrg galt and JJ aines Coach Smith Factory, withsome first-claas Milking RAILINGS for -~ " > g me E< M WU Cows ; also, Te Puke Hotel and Padand Wheelwright, and trusts by good laShaSS ' docks, FouT-norse Expi?ess Waggon and moderate- charges to RE, worinanship A. GIL MO our Splendid Write at onco for a copy of tp run between,Tauranga and Lakes, f hl wi and JewelleryPam^ P»^n»ge. Mna air « Watch Illustrated New COACHBUILDER. Prosecute the Swindlers! with produce .and goods.— Apply T. phlet, and read full particulars and most A copy willbesent cases Wines, Spirits, &c, made up to suit WonderfulTestimonials. COBBET*. return post for 4din stamps, the cost ol per TNDENTTJBE TfIORMS Customers, quick despatch, and on most reasonable postageonly. , , Dr'Soule'snamebioton inihe hotiU), the renciov -, Thanks. hands outany thingbutAmericanHopBitters, fcf House PaintingandPaper-hanging Tauranga. three" miles of within Delivered terms. refuse it and shun that vendor as you would contracted for. T ICENSING "OORMS a viper; andif he haß taken your money for rpHE Trustees of the Wesleyai corit:njthing elseindict him for the fraud and sue Other ColonialBranches inMELBOUR^^H tt X Church beg to present their t x v tt Ti A SYDNEY, andDUNEDIN. !r n for ■*"» damages who, h for will swindle, bj friends the and w« dial THA.NKS to all for the liberally you TTvEBT "inORMS conviotion. & pay COACH PAINTER TRIMMER lendingExhibits, contributing to th« T>ROOF OFI ~~~~ Hamilton stbeet, Taubaitgi.. Refresbmont .Stall, taking patt in th( ONEY TO LEND, in sums to _Programi»e, or in decorating anc ON SALE AT THE suit. E.Q-. B.Moss Solicitor, QryeH. H.D.a trialand you are sur< j arranging the Hall,assisted inmaking BAY OFPLENTY TIMESOFFICE Tawaog*. STBAND, fcob©datiflfi«d. therecent CoaT©i»&&wtt« a luweu. S tores— Wiilow Street. ats>tumoetfti,including-— or/ THE STRAND. ULSTER SMITH WORKS, 0 S~ — "-""--, ________ *"- - — FO . — ___ ■ WHEEL^FAGTORVI — - WANTED,— .. ■ — ■ ■" :\ ... ' ; ■"" — ■ — —— —^ J ". ■ . . ttf^ - S£iT"o8 ■ - — STEWART DAWSOu&'Co.,- ,i } »»fP« "... ■ ■ ■■ f ° N.B^—Xssorted witi . - - -\ ■:""■.; / ■■--.■■■ ■■■.■■■■■■■■■■.: "■"■"■ ". 23, THE BAT m PifflNTT MMfiS, SATURDAY, OCTOBBB 1886. "■■■.'-■-:. """ ■ T Published Annually. THE TJITOH ' B N S f ■ *sg?"-- ■■■-■■ v, -: ■.';■■■'■■ ■ ■ A SIGNAL S IHB GEBATESTEBVBL4TION OF THE NINBTEENTH RESTORER, TEAJt-BOOK OF NEW FAMOUSBLOOD ZEALAND. and Invigorating For ClMnstaft Purifying, Blood. land Government.) [Soven Ywra* TestIn AnckUoa.) OF COMMON SENSE. Medicine differs from ordinary proprietary preparations, inasmnch as it BY ORDER OT THE SUPREME COURT. was the prodnct of years of study andinvesGeSBBAZ. CONTEKT9. tigation by an eminent physician of the ADescriptive Tour throughout theColony, ArmyMedicalStaff, withwhomMr Hitchens witha (Gazetteer of Cities, Towns, 'Villages, served during theNew ZealandWar. Steamboat Its curativeanddepurativepropertieshave Bailway and Telegraph Stations— — Berriae— Health Resorts Travellers'. Routes been fully testified by the numerous testi■ flettWnonfrr fhrnuh^ tor Trade— Capital monials received by the proprietor from "— Agriculture andLabour, withCurrentBates patientswhohad long sufferedf10mtheabove xrf >vages Food— The various Routes- distressing maladies, whohad appliedinvain fitflftmboai Pares— Omtfits and other Infor- to physicians for relief,, and in whose cases mation indispensableto Travellers, Tourists, Turkish Baths,Hot Springs, and otherpopumd Settlers. lar remedies had been resorted to without The Tear-Bookoflfew Zealand also contains effect fallInformationon th« LandLaws Political, This celebrated Medicine is compounded fteUgious, Masonic, andEducationalInstitu- from products of the vegetable kingdom, is tions— -Newspapers andBookspublishedupon palatable and easily taken, mild, but effecthe CJolony— Mining— lndustries connected ;ual, in its action upon the animaleconomy. RESWith the Boil— Engineering— Public Com- It is, in sooth, a veritableBLOOD panies—Forwarding Agencies— Bailwayand TORER, cleansingit, and thereby restoring Steamboat Fares— Patent Laws— Tariffs- diminished vitality. It presents, unquesStamp Duties, &0., ftc; and the Names, tionably, a pnrer, safer, better, and aore Trades, andAddressesofallleadingImport- reK&blealterativemedicine thanany thatus ng Firms,Merchants, and Storekeepers. hithertobeen availableto thepeople. Tht Tear-Book of New Zealandis unique in Ha compilation, as it contains the essential featuresof aGazetteer,a Directory,anOfficial MORE TESTIMONY! Summary of Colonial Progress, a Business Index,' arrangedin a readable form for the NOT A SURPRISING CURE J J Mklio, referential for Statesmen, Bankers, Iteohants, andManufacturers, and designed The following testimonial in reference to M ft tpteiait retiabkGuidefor intending Settlen the efficacy of Hitchens' Blood Restore* |nNewZealand. The workconsists ofnearlj speaks for itself:— Auckland, October 15th, 1,000pages,Bvo., inscarletclothandgold. 1883;— Dear Sir,— For twelve-monthsI"sufP and ' " ' 25/. ' feredseverelyfrom sciatica, andtriedvarious O Horrocks's Best Calicoes at Engiisu List Prices, by remedieswithout a?ail, andas a lastresource ' publication 0 can behad Oopiw| the piece. wasrecommended to give your BloodRes- Ladies' Four-fold Neat Linen.Collars (allsizes), 2/9 * |BaioiTiumr Tmsa Office. at th< I M =================^ torer a trial, which Idid, and Ihavemuch per dozen; reduced from 8/6. p^ pleasurein testifying that after taking it fo through),. my Bpys' Knicker Suits (good Tweed, lined completely recovered three months I it at 2/11, 3/11, ancU/11. health. Imay say Ihad nofaith in $1 first, but theresult wassuch a thorough cure Dress Materials,2|d per yard; enormously reduced. acknowledge thatI consider it my duty to mi21/ ;£omer unsolicited its curative powers,— lam, Sir, Men Price ( DresßMaterial9) 6idperyMa; c faithfullyyours, W Fakqtthax, — THIS — . " ' =;; * /|\ THE MOST RECENT 'DISCOVBBIBfiJ.;IW Tttjß MEAI-IW« A»T« THERE IS HOPE FOR THE WEAJC, THE DEBILITATED, and Tip DISEASED\ To Si At H» Biteheus, Esq. f2^^. hehdersohV^ .y \a \ohemißt/ v - - EH iiz&t^^F^' - Dress Materials (this Season's Goods), 4|d,6fd, and 9*d j reduced from 10|d, 1/3, and1/9. I? 03 © "" aood Tweed Coats, T/Q, former price 80/ 5 Hen's Nelson Tweed Trousers, 5/11 per pair. Sheridan Staeet, off WellingtonStreet, ■. youths' Suits (for Young;Menfrom13 to 20 years), Auckland,Dec. 1, 1882. per 6d former price, pair, Josephine Gloves, - jj^f t^ejr former' price. Mr Hitchen —Dear Sir,— As you have White Gloves, per 2d Coloured Silt ; Children's ff \ askedme to describe my state at the time. 3/11 po.pair.raducdW^ Mr McMillan recommendedme to use your (for Boyi and Youtllß) from y/6 to 10/6; BloodRestorer, andthe effect it had on me, I willsimply say that whetherit was LumW " bago, Sciatica, orParalysis thatmade meso Eibhons,Id per yard, former ]srice 6d; Ladies'Hose \. © ««■»»«===» helplessIdonot know; but, at any rate, shades), perpair. (new sid was unable to standfornine months, andhad C 3 Bannels, specially reduced} Calico, from 2Jd per to be lifted like a baby, and my taste was said Ihad an af- Embroidery, dper yard, worth entirelygone.' Dr ~ === ~~ If 4Jd per yard ;Wide " ~\ fection of the spine, and that Ishould never , ; yard, price and2d former 6d 200Laces, per brought have the useof my limbsagain. He l^d halt usual cost. now do m at Purmshmg can Parties me, Cotton, per and Iwas 6d dozen. yards Eeels Brookes'Best another medicalman to see toldthat I wouldprobably live only aalwrt time, and it masno me if their MlMmg mti falsehope*. I thankedthem, andfelt as they STOBEKEEPEES INTOWN AND COUNTER CAN PTJEOHASE GOODS AT ABOUT ONE-HALF THE ' J did. MrMcMillan,living opposite,enquire* WHOLESALE PEIOES. V what was the matter, and my husband told him. TTr~fitHTTT~» -mirl. her take Mr THE WHOLE ESTATE MUSTS BE EEALISED UPON IN AFEW WEEKS; REGAEDLESS OF PEICE, ~ Hitchens' Blood B^toTerTT?l^*-*—^^ ; HENCE THE ENOEMOUS EEDUCTIONS. —^"-^7;^ willput her allright." Idid week, I the third third bottle usbi the begat* to feel a change, and a tinghng lensationinmy limbs. Every subsequent.bottie seemed to be A^,""*^,*^"!"?bottles,! am resultis thatafter umng eight all washing, nowauite well, do my ownquite as welai :the iousework, and feel ■ , ° "\X _js6c With Storekeepers this usaful Remedy JmE»« rapid and increasing demand, its prleot beingwithin the reach of ail,«n^ f Hs^ftues second to none. Tobehad wholesalefrom:— ARTHUR H. NATHAN, 33 QUEEN STREET. KIPIPTHORNK & 00., SHORTLAND STREET. a' HBNDERtON, QUEEN ST. JUNCTION —— * . ' «« * goodyoudidme, for X am rareI shouldno aewbewelland, hearty bat most likely in grave, my if I had not put myself in your handselam, dear Sir,yours faithfully, FlokaNicoli Witness— Hknbt Babtnoll, Nelson Street. , COCOAS-BREAKFAST. EPPS' "By a thoroughknowledgeof the natura lawswhich govern theoperationsof digestion and nutrition, and by. a careful application of the fineproperties of wellselected cocoa, Mr Eppshas provided our breakfast tables with a delicately Savoured beverage which maysay«» us manyheavy&Oih>rB} bills. Jtia by the judicioususeof such articles of diet that a constitutionmay be graduallybuilt up until flUuiigeuuueh to resistevery tendenoy to disease. Hundredsof subtlemaladies are floatingaroundus ready to attack wherever thereis a weak point. We mayescapemany a fatalshaftby keeping ourselveswell fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." See article in the Civil Strviet Gautte. Made simply with boiling water or milk Soldinilbpacketsbygrocers,labelledthug— — American Co.'s Hop Bitters ABB The Purest And Best. WHOCESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS) Importers of Every Description of English and American Hardware, Agricultural Implements and Machinery, Plain and Barbed # Fencing Wire, Wire Netting, Galvanised Cor- R. HORNSBY * 'Men,Labourers,Ladies, and all those "whose sedentary employments cause "irregularities of the Blood, Stomach, 'Bowels, or Lidneys, or who require an 'Appetizer,Tonic, and mild Stimulant, these Bitters are invaluable, being SONS' 1 SirCCESS OEB.TAIN" IN ALL OASES TJNDERTAKEN". CAN BE TREATED EQUALLY WELL AT A DISTANCE. SUFFERERS &U CONFIDENCE ABSOLUTE. OT^ Daily. FFICB Houes, 10 to 2, and 4to 8 P.O. Box 239. FREE tqthe.POOß- evgry Note —SIGNOR RENAUD will give advice and medicine local clergymanshowing th«r any signed by bringing on note 10 a TUESDAY, from " P.S.-The book Shadows," post free onapplication. inability tc.ply. * ° t?l2, AN INEXPRESSIBLE BOON TO MOTHERS. DE AUGUSTE KURSTEINER^S NECKLET, ELECTRO-GALVANIC TEETHING pronounced . by all Endorsedby theMedicalFaculty of Europe, and Leading Physicians > THE GREATEST DISCOVEKY OF THE AGE 1 -„ .: TNplacing the Eleotmo Neckletbeforelhe New Zealand P^ifSJ^S' surrounding; the inner prietor begs to draw Special Attentionto the fact that the matenalharmless 1 iteelf, and a chemical solution, chaii of metalUcsubstances is impregnatedwith light current of galvan^m,.and vet containing titanic powers, whichgenerate a continuous erefpre, theK£Le in ccLquence.contains aU the virtues of a minia ure battery and thpossibly not a useless article like many of th*so-calledelectrical appliances, which cannot i in is, produce any gobd results, as they are incomplete in the most essential requirements,-and gating who ib the eminent scientist anVspecialist, Dr Anguate that highest Europeanauthority on all diseases of womenand onudwn. Thefcct that the "The Lancet," the leading medical journal of the world£gay«:-* « a sufficient of thwa Nkoklets iiannounced by Br Kuwteinerof discovery and griafSSt^means has atlastbeen ducovewd which will»*> thehv*. millionsof 1 OhiM t« hay. jeen^d forihelastfive England, in on the Continent, and in fteUnited States, suooess with most wondeefdl 6 phy*oians m andare now constantly prescribedby the most eminent nighto pa*ed by thousandsof sleepleai anxious and tb« is to comment on It needless period of theteettungof mothfridurmgthepainfal of th«.staple NscraOT. grew hundred!of infants whoselivesmighthavebeensavedby tiiejwe Necklet*luring&*I**°*°* Sln additionto therelieffrom painaffordedby thj by its nerve-giving force it wards off and preventsMewles,Whooping Cough, Scarl«t Fever, and Chicken Pox, thus relievingTchUdhopd of itimartyrdom, and gladdeningth» |Soup, °^^^^^£ZZ^rio^^t^^ wXkno^and ■ invention -. £S ffio^ tie %s*££ aU^ infant^ ff^' j.Cokbad & Co., AuoUandthM.iple agentginNew of whomonly they can be obtained. Theprice bM Zealand for the sale of these Necklets,point, barely covering thejoflt of importation, andla been placed at the very lowestpossible wiUlast a-life time. v«j within the waohof all, asone Nkcklet xr""-V. a ft handandpreventive agent, the Nkckubb Aside from it* many virtues as aremedial petal note, mon»j by on One Pound receipt free of bewntpoit ornament, andWill some order, or registeredletter. No cheque, C0NBAI) & co t P.O.Box 408, Auckland,N.Z . IN STOCKMAN'S, QROIHARY AND RIDINQ OUT, : Jfl©CAN BJE PURCHASED RETAIL tROM AU DRAPERSFEO|| STOREKEEPERS IN THE COLONY, AND WHOLESALE ; ALL WAREHOUSEMEN AND IMPORTERS. " ■ r EACH ARTICLE BEARS.THE TRADE MARK OF ONB ; . OR MORE CROWNS ACCORDING TO QUAUtY. BOSS'S BTJILDmG3, OCTOGAN CHAMBEES, EALL, OPPOSITE TOWN DVNUJDIN. Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of CHRONIC, NERTOUS, AND SPECIAL DISEASES. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DE. SPEER, atHarvardCollege, U.S. He£as devotedaltfetim* educated regulargraduatedPhysician, a Is 1 ' t in the¥mted States. to andis acknowledged to be the most expertPhysicianinhis specialty suffer from Nervous aadPhysical YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN" whoFace, Mental Depression, Kidney Debility, Loss of Energy and Memory, Eruptions on the and Bladder Troubles, &c, &c, will do well to consult Dr. Speer. :HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE.— Having been Physicianin one of the leading hospitali wishit of the United States enables me to treat allprivate troubleswith oxoellent results. I distinctly understoodthatIdonot claim toperformimpossibilities,or tohavemiraculouspower; Iclaim only to be a skilledand successful physician, thoroughly informed inmy specialty. CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN.— AII applying tome will rewiv« my honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. Iwill guaranteea positive *ux» undertake, or forfeit£200. Consultation in Office or by Letter Vbxb. in everyoase I CHARGES MODERATE. EXAMINATIONAND ADVICE, FREE. . English and American Horse Eakes. THRESHING RIACHINES, for Hand and Power. Hornsby's Portable Engines, 4, 6, 8, 103 and 12 horse-power. Hornsby's Portable Threshing Machines, 3^ and 4 feet Drums. Horse Gears, 1, 2,3, and 4 horse. Reap Hooks. Scythes and Snaths. Hay Rakes, Hay Eorks, &c, &c. 200 Tricks vdth. Conjuring Apparatus Allillustrated, explained,aud made simple; with a catalogue of English, French, and AmericanNovelties,Games,Toys, &c, covering over 300pages, and illustrated with 400 woodblocks. Bothbooks free for 2s. fjAOK theuse of Mineral Drugs andPoisons. Dr.SPEER'S Private Dispensary, — aged and Infirm, Coinplaints^ K^.Km, C^J^P^J^f^SS- FIRST PRIZE 'LIGHT DRAUitSHT STRING BINDING HARVESTERS. . "ToClergymen, Lawyers, Literary theFace, Lassitude and Depression;Nervous, Head, andMind Kidney, and Bladder Affections;Diseases PecuUar to Females, .! Medicine evermake. For °^ the perform'-^) ffi^.if.l-. ' :', -nig ~^ ance 'vhichonly ■" '. ■'■'■ THEY ABE COMPOUNDED FROM 4ji pack of a common *" Bopn, ■>' L 1 cards and theordi- fiji i*3^ --nary coins of the "The Oldest, Best, mostRenowned, hr '■'"■ ■ realm needed ; are i 'and ValuableMedicinesin the World. f\<> = ._^= allfullyexplained. ■■ , \f[ ■■Trr=^ 'and in addition' contain all the best 'and most effective curative properties 'ofallother bitters, being the greatest liverRegulator,BLOOD PURIFIER 'andlife andhealth restoring agent on iPre=T-===^Riddlea,Charades, "earft.f ;— GAMES, &c, TheyGiveNew Life and Vigorto the '■ I. i L-aJJ AND OVEE ■ ■ and ComplicatedDiseases." LETTER) FREE. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE (PERSONAL OR BY the studyof Mslife, and complaints of following has the class made SIGNOR RENAUD TROUSERS; MOLESKIN CROWN WHITE AND PRINTED. A WONDERFUL BOOK FOR Is. "V. [ lOOTticksandDe- T.'^T', ; :\ j s^gi^./#| Lusions withCards, x*-ry^^i — has ESTABLISHED the NEW ZEALANDECLECTIC for the effectual andperfflanent 42; SHORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND, Affections, andChroflid Cure of "FunctionalDerangements* Nervous rugated Iron, all sizes. HOMOOPITHIOCHHHISn, CNDOV, ENGLAND. M* '" '■ . DrKu3e£er haslippointed^MeLra JAMES EPPS & Co., READ.IT ALL. IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE. Batioi^tlc^ndJlßleotic "Shadows," &tsi, Stq^i . , geme the residents ofAucWandand NgtZealand announcing honor to the of Has MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Botany," "The hear 1 GmAXXFUL— OoxTOAxara. f __ _____ — — $"*J" Specialist. Professor of Natural Science, Theceiebtated Eclectppathist,BotanicPractitioner,Piinciples andPracticeof Medical the wotks:-"The following &c, authorof Treatment of Disease," , ============================ ' New^uL fri w ======= Master Mariner, Ponsouby < Stomach ConNo more Mercury, Noxious Drugs, or other taminatidns.— The Practice of Medicine revolutionised, THE AUCKLAND GO-OPERATIVE BICxNOR BKN^CTB CLOTHING CO., "4^ DRAPERY &(LIMITED). — ]^^Ha^v^^e2sl CENTTJHT. "PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE," /"the (Dedicated by permisaionUBa EiuwflW D. Bnx,K.C.H.G., Agent-Generalfor New Zealand, and published,with the offioial reoognitionandapprovalof the New Zea- VICTORYJVER DISEASE. Call, or Addressr Dr. H. J. SPEER, OCTOGAN CHAMBERS, ROSS'S BUILDINGS, DTJNEDINOffice Hours: 9to 12,-1 to 4, 6to 8p.m. ; Sundays, 10 to 12. ANDHIS BeTDB. gMgfc. Mechanical figures "Mjrhly curative, tonic and stimulating, dance tomusic, and /&*b&\ 'Without intoxicating." keepperfect time, Is /g^^wh "No matter what your feelings er 3d each, the pair 2s. 'symptoms are, or what the disease or The Wizabd of the Juf|SAk The Universal Remedy for Acidity of tfee Stomao^ SSS^^S^SS^iFt Hop 'ailmentis, usej American Co'a DAIRY UTENSILS IN GREAT VARIETY. NoßTH'e.Changoable S^EmjW Headaohe, Heartburn, Indiff«Btiion, Sour Bruotation* mMM "Bitters, ixm't waitnntil you aresick, Pfjaancy. % *i*!'OlJSLSUS?" Packof Cards/won- -^SSff Bilious Affection*;. *but ifyou only feel bad or miserable, derful changes,with tarAT "use theBitters at once. It may save lightning rapidity, wj|l "your life. Hundredshave been saved Is 2d, post free. "by so doing,at a trifling cost." T & S. M. & Co., Limited, direct special attention to their exceedingly heavy stock of N.S.W. stamps taken at par, poet office AMkytmrl>ruggiot or Phyaieiau, ratten offered at greatly reduced prices, to Machinery, tfMcli is being 6i postal notesptdfexied. H stamps Failming Implements ' r-" -Tgfß-'-t'-^-'-i'^v gojd ayl Druggists and itorakcepm. ■JMtja^!Po not suffer yourself or let your of othercolonies are sent add2d in theshilA ; -' ■ 9 ; ,;■ „- "„-, ," suffer, but useand urge themto ling for exohange. effect a clearance. N«B. ASK FOR American Go's Hop Bitters." R^R^R^Remember, these Hop Bitters are Tasb Sotiob. To advertise our business, "rinted and Published by Eobekt Hensy R^R^R^R^vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, wew^U for a shorttime send the wholeof the Customs Forms. for the Proprietora,Stbwabtamo Bbtoe,a ever and best Medicine purest above-mentioned articles to oneaddress post R^R^R^RSheandno person or family should paid for 2s 6d. Address all and their Printing Office, Harington street TOEMS— lnwards orders /CUSTOMS Tauranga. withoutit." \J Outwards, for sale at the Bay H. TOBKE & Co.j SATURDAY,OOTOBEB 23, 1886. 401 Gboeqb Stebet, Stomot.l ' that the nameDr.Souleblown of Plenty Times offioe. N.Z ' ' ' ' '" ' ' ■tofftfybottle,none other genuine. Lock.Box 41Si»g Street,Pwt-offiw.J '"' "■ : ;5:... ?.,''' y "" [ . ■<■■,■: 1 R^R^R^^fcds .^^« - — ,„ ■ .■■■ DINNEFORD'S^ MAGNESIA^ T& S. MOKRIMr* GO., LIMITED 1 '' :"■":" :~'- '\ '\ .^W' "'' "'*i' / ■