503 BEHAVIOUR OF AEROCRETE INFILLED RIBBED WALL PANELS SUBJECTED TO INPLANE LATERAL LOA,DING Or. N.C1I1THARANjAN Assistant Professor Structures Division College of Engineering Anna Universi ty Madras - 600 025 SOUTH INDlA R.SUNOARARAjAN Q.I.P.Research Scholar Structures Oivision College or Engineering Anna Unlversity Madras - 600 025 SOUTH INOIA G.SIVARAMAN Visiting Faculty Structures Division College of Engineering Anna University Madras - 600 025 SOUTH INDIA P.OEVAOAS MANOHARAN Lecturer Structures Oivision College of Engineering Anna University Madras - 600 025 SOUTH INOIA ABSTRACT This article enumerates the experimental study on the behaviour of precast. Aerocrete infilled ribbed wall panel when subjected to lateral Inplane loads. Manufacture of Inflll panels, cross rlbs and the assembly of IndividuaI elements to form the wall panels are brlefed. To slmulate the slte condltlons panels wlth or wlthout openlng were tested. To ease castlng assembJlng and testlng the selected panels were of half scale model. Formatlon of Inltlal cracks, lateral deformatlons and the progresslve fallure pattern of the test samples etc. were observed durlng the tests. From the observed rosette readlngs principal stresses were caJculated and the crack patterns of the Infllled panels at different load leveIs were Identlfled and compared wlth actual crack patterns observed on test samples. INTRODUCTlON Industriallsalon in bullding techniques only could satlsfy the growlng demand of the public for houslng. Large panel prefabricatlon technlques are unsultable for developlng countrles IIke Indla. To a certaln extent semi large panel prefabrlcatlon technlque proved to be versatlle. Scarclty of conventlonal materiaIs leads to the Innovatlon of unconventlonal materiais for houslng. One such attempt Is the development of a hlgh strength IIght welght material called 'Aerocrete' (1). EarJler studies revealed (2) the sultablllty of thls 504 material for the precast elements. It is proposed to develop a prefabrication technique using the light weight material Aerocrete, for mass housing schemes. The system consist of the following i) Prefabricated column elements. li) Prefabricated horizontal rib elements. iii) Prefabricated panel elements. These precast elements are cast seperately and the complete will be assembled at site using bolts and nuts or by grouting. wall panel AEROCRETE The flow line production of Aerocrete (Figure 1) is identical to that of lime based Microporite (3). The ingredients used are similar to that of conventlonal amated concretes. The addltion of air entraining agents were eliminated hecause the porous structure could be obtained in the mix due to voids left by the use of excess water than that Is required for chemical reaction. The optimum quantity of asbestos powder added fo r this cement based water cured material is 30 percent by weight of cement used. The suggested cement, sand ratios were 1: 1, 1:2, and 1:3 respectively. The Inelastic behaviour of thls material could be mathematically represented by a thlrd degree equatlon as shown in Table 1. When the Asbestos content (s) was 30 the value of 'K' in table 1 reduced to zero and the stress straln relationship was identlcal to that of normal concrete (4). The mechanical properties of Aerocrete with 30 percent asbestos content were obtalned from controlled test samples and compared with that of normal concrete In Table 2. The bond stress of Aerocrete at inclpient slip was far above the co de speclfied (5) value of bond stress for normal concrete of comparable strength (Figure 2). The variation of modulus of elasticity of Aerocrete was idealised as in Figure 3. Earlier studies (6) revealed that by providing chicken mesh caging aggregate interlock force could be induced and the ductllity of reinforced Aerocrete flexural members could be increased. Therefore this material is used for the present study. MANUFACTURE OF TEST SAMPLES The general survey of layouts reveal that the wldth and helght of a room In precast bulldlng vary from 2500 to 5000 mm and the thlckness of the wall vary from 100 to 300 mm. The overall dlmenslon of the selected panel are 3000 mm x 3000 mm and are tested as half scale models. The detalls of wall panels are shown in Figure 4. It conslsts of four vertical rlbs and four horizontal rlbs of slze 100 mm x 50 mm. The Inflll panels are of slze 500 mm x 500 mm wlth skin thlckness 20 mm and a pherlferal rlb of slze 450 mm x 100 mm x 20 mm wlth central holes for connectlng the inflll panels wlth the rlbs (7) . MateriaIs Aerocrete Is used for the manufacture of rlbs and panels. 100 mm x 100 mm x 10 G weld mesh and 26 G hexagonal chlcken mesh are used as relnforcement for Inflll panels (Figure 5.a). For vertical and horizontal rlbs four number of 6 mm dlameter mlld steel rods are t led wlth 3 mm diameter mlld steel stlrrups at 100 mm c/c In addltion to a layer of 26 G chlcken mesh Introduced 505 ADDI TIVES 81 N DER 'CEM ENT ON ASSES TOS WASTE POWDER CEMENT KlINKER ..c.,EROCAETE SAIo4Pl( BONO 'sr:' STRESS 41 INCIPtENT SLIP ] . ')s "'/".,m 2 90NO STAES5 Ar INCIPtENT $LlP P(RIo4IS$I BLE AEROCREiE AUTOCLAVE CURED 5 T RESS ~.H N/mm 2 AS PER 15 L5'-1'6N / ~1 FINISHED PRODUCT WATER CURED STEAM CURED BONO tO -I SLlP '''' FIG 1. FLOW LI N E PRODUCT ION AEROCRETE OF ml'rl.10 FIG2 , BONO SLIP \g~ I / RELATIONSHIP ISSO '!to f~ ~~ !'50 ~=tf0 ---d+~ 7t>~- ~. ".- / ;' -.<: / I / ~ ~ O·IIJ ~ Q·7S jl / ~ o.u ~ 0·5' j :i: 0-50 I 8 0-42 ~ , (fé- I I I. I O·)] 1: te) ___ L!!~-fc) I \€ -€d I : :: o I I I : It; INfTlAl TANGENT 10400UlUS. TAN6ENT MODUlUS . , } A.~ STR(SS lEvH ~ 2C 1~-Ic:1 • ~ ti t ,I 0.003 0.004 PAN€L 1\."8S O·OO~ 0.001 0.001 STAA'" FIG3,VARIATION OF MODULUS OF ELASTICITY j o ~ R7s - ~ t~ I~ I: ,~ __ o PLAN ISSO o 0.002 -. - tNFILL o "1 "t, ___ !' ~ 1:/ 'fe _~ " tt 11' f~l-U-~~~j I X o --'Q 8:.1 L ;g ~ l 1 506 OF TABLE: J. COMPARAT IVE STUOY OF THE OUCfI L1TY AEROCRETE ANO NORMAL CONCRETE Ic, REGION OA REGION AS NORMAL WEIGHT CONCREr'E AS AVAILASlE FROM EARlIER WORKS (IN FPS UNITS) AEROC RETE (IN METRIC UNITS) REGJONS lé{2(-~L)_~)2 +-k (k))} (o Eo Eo whfreb - l . 551-0.1215S +0.0059 S2 S,(WEIGHT OF ASBESTOS P<M'DER/ WE1GHT OF BIN DER USED) 100 Ip Ic, fc {l-Z (Ec-Eo)} whort te, I~ {l-Z (Ec -Eo )} whert Z, 0·5 --- 0·002Ic·- 0·45 REGION OC fé - 115·~ fc , ESO ' 3 +- 0 . 002f~ fe -1000 Ic' 0·2 TABLE: 2. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES CUSE CYlI N DE R COMPRESS IVE COMPRESSIVE STRE SS STRESS OC OF INDIRECT CUSE SPlI T TENSllE STRESS Dtc OCy ((o k O· 5 and ESO- E O 0.2 f é UNIAXIAl COMPRESSION TEST I - Z, and E50 - (O E50 ' I~ {2 (k(o le AEROCRETE TENSllE DIAGONAL CYlINDER SPlIT TENSIUE SPlIT TENSllE STRESS STRESS CT"ld i'} TESTS MODULUS CF RUPTURE PRISM SPlIT TENSllE STRESS CT"br Cítb Dtcy ~ W Q <> Q li AEROCRETE NWC 1· 0 1· 0 0·82 0·60 0 ·05 0·09 NWC : NORMAL WEIGI;IT CONCRETE NON' DIMENSIONAlISED . CF 0 · 14 0 ' 07 COMPARABlE 0 · 11 0 · 07 2 2 0 ·30 0'11 STRENTH. VAlUES t. ~ 0·12 0 · 13 ARE .- -- . 507 to slmulate aggregate Interlock force. castlng the samples. Detachable wooden moulds are used for Manufacture of Infill panels The relnforcement deta!ls can be seen from figure 5.a. The castlng Is done in two stages. The skln of the panel Is cast flrst uslng mould for skln (Figure 5.b). After flnlshlng the panel skln (Figure 5.0.) the mould for slde rlbs are kept In posltlon (Figure 5. .::) and the castlng of the rlbs are completed (figure 5. d). After 24 hours slde forms are removed and the samples are water cured by ponding water Inside the trough. (Figure 5.d). Manufacture of wall panel The steel relnforcement cage for the vertical and horizontal rlbs were fabrlcated in the same way as advocated for the proto and the connectlon at the junctlon of vertical and horizontal rlbs are made by extendlng 6 mm dlameter m!ld steel rods In both dlrectlons at the junctlons. Thus the system conslst of four horizontais and four verticais wlth nine openlngs to recelve the Inflll panels (Figure 5, e). A layer of chlcken mesh Is wound over the relnforcement to Induce aggregate Interlock force. The base relnforcement conslst of two numbers of 16 mm R.T.S. at bottom and two numbers of 12 mm R.T.S. at top and sldes wlth 6 mm m!ld steel two legged stlrrups at 150 mm c/c. The vertical rods from the edge rlbs are anchored well In the base beam and the base beam Is used for anchorlng the speclmen In the test bed. Precast Infllled ribbed panels are placed in posltlon In the openlng of the steel gr!lls (Figure 5.e) and the connectlng bolts are Introduced connectlng the rlb relnforcement and the precast panels to prevent the seperatlon of the panels and the rlbs under normal condltlon. Ribs are cast uslng Aerocrete and base beam Is cast uslng normal concrete. Four numbers of 40 mm dia meter holes are provlded in the base beam for anchorage purposes. for Induclng wlndow or door openlngs one or two pane I are left durlng castlngs. The samples are wter cured for 28 days and tested for lateral Inplane loading. TESTING Totally three numbers of half scale model for rlbbed precast wall panels wlth door or wlndow openlng and wlthout openlng are tested to Inplane lateral loads to study the effect of lateral deformatlon of the panels durlng assembly due to lack of fltness uneven settlement of foundatlon at slte etc. These panels are anchored to the test bed uslng vertical bolts and nuts (Figure 5.f). Load is appl!ed through hydraul!cally operated 30T jack and the load Is measured uslng a cal!brated 20T provlng rlng. Lateral deformatlons are measured uslng dlsc type displacement meters flxed at selected polnts uslng rectangular straln roset tes (Figure 5. f). ... 508 (a) Reinforcement (b) Panel (e) Ribs (d) Finished Figure. 5. Manufacture Finished (f) Test (e) Steel Grill For Wall Panel Of •• skin Finished Product Set up Test Samples 509 Testlng of rlbbed wall panel deslgnated l-H: The over-al\ dimenslon of thls panel wlthout openlng was 1550 mm x 1550 mm The flrst crack appeared at the bottom most pane I near the load face at 20 KN load (Figure 6.a). At about 20 KN the panel started cracklng and as load is Increased the number of panels cracked also Increased. At about 0.76 of the ultlmate load leveI the panel started seperatlng from the rlb (Figure 6.b). At thls stage the column started cracklng. At the ultlmate load leveI (55 KN) predomlnent cracks were observed at the topmost and Intermediate jolnts In the f1rst row of the panels. The observed lateral deformatlon ( t::.cr = 1.37 mm) of the topmost polnt at the cracklng load leveI was only 10.5% of the deflectlon ( t::. = 13.02 mm) at the ultlmate load leveI. It Is evldent from figure 7 that untll the pane I seperated from the rlb, the lateral deformatlon was linear. At about 0.76 of the ultlmate load leveI, the composlte actlon was lost and large deformatlon was exhlblted. The load deformatlon curve for the topmost panel polnt Is shown In figure 8. The inltlal stlffness of the sample was 20 KN/mm and reduced to 2.44 KN/mm at the ultlmate load leveI. The stlffness degradatlonwas gradual upto cracklng leveI and beyond whlch It was hlgher which may be due to the Ineffectlveness of the composlte actlon of the panels and rlbs (Figure 9). The tenslle and compresslon principal stress contours for the test sample at the cracklng load leveI and at the ultlmate load leveI are plotted In figure 10 and figure 11. The thick and doted IInes Indicate the tenslle and compresslve principal stress cont,?urs respectlvely. Tl").e maxlmum principal tenslle stress reached is 15 N/mm In the lower most panel near the loading face which agrees wel\ wlth the observed fallure pattern. The hlghly stressed topmost ~anel experlenced a maxlmum compresslve principal stress of 12 N/mm as antlclpated. Due to the difference In rlgldlty of the rlb members, the m~lmum compresslve principal stress experlenced by the rlbs are only 3 N/mm . The flrst crack appeared at the hlghly stressed bottom corner panel due to tenslle stress and the panels were Intact upto 0.76 times the ultlmate load levei, beyond whlch vertical cracks are Induced in the rlbs. The typlcal struct actlon of the Inflll panels are evldent from the dlrectlon of propogation of cracks (Figure 6.c). The final fallure was due to the formation of hinge at the junction between the column and base (Figure 6.a). Testlng of rlbbed wall pane} deslgnated 2-H: The dimenslon of the test sample Is the same as that of earlier one except for a window openlng of slze 450 mm x 450 mm provided by ellmlnatlng one infllI pane I. The flrst crack appeared at the topmost corner polnt at 20 KN load leveI as In the earller sample. The ultlmate capacity of the sample was only 77 percent of that of the ealier sample whlch may be due to reduction of 11 percent of panel are a due to the wlndow openlng. At about 35 KN the panel started seperatlng. At ultimate load leveI predomlnent cracks were appeared at the corners of the openlng (Figure 6.d). The lateral deformation at the topmost polnt for the test sample at the cracklng levei was 2.5 times that of the panel without openlng for the same load leveI, whlch Is due to redution In stlffness. The deflectlon ( t::.= 8.38 mm) at the load levei (35 KN) when the pane I started seperatlng is only 60 percent hlgher than that for the earller sample ( t::.= 5.0 mm) at the same stage (Figure 12). The maximum deflection ( t::. = 15.45 mm) at the ultlmate load levei (Pu' = 42.5 KN) Is only 510 • ) .. /.'", / .... . . /',; Ir V , io'(a) Craek Pattern Of (5ample l-H) (b) Pane! 5eperation (5ample l-H) (d) Craeking (Sample 2-H) (e) 5trut Action (Sample l - H) -'C_ I .. ;:J "\ ;':! " "....... '-'I '\" ',' !Jt \. .. ""----' " .:::'~ - , _:_-.:;::... ~- (e)Failure - Mode (Sample 2-H) • (f) Te 5 t ed Figure.6 Tested Wall . 5a m p I e , 2· H Panels 511 19 percent hlgher than that of the pane I wlthout openlng. Referrlng to figure 8 and figure 9 it Is evldent that the Inltlal stlffness (11.1 KN/mm) reduces to (1.09 KN/mm) near the ultlmate load levei due to the Ineffectlveness of the panel after the formatlon of the cracks. The principal stress contours (tenslle and compresslve) at the cracking and at the ultlmate load leveis are shown In figure 13 and figure 14. The observed crack patterns In the test samples agreed well wlth the principal tenslle stress contours at the cracklng levei. The compressive principal stress contours identlfled the hlghly stressed polnts. As antlclpated the panels are stressed more than the ribs due to the distlnct seperatlon of the panels from the rlb (Figure 6.d). The lateral deformatlons are linear upto the cracklng levei. The flrst cracks appeared at the hlghly stressed top corner loadlng polnt. The Inflll panels exhlblted typlcal strut actlon and the final fallure was due to the formatlon of hlngs on the vertical column at the base (Figure 6.e). The tested sample can be seen from figure 6.f. Testiog of rlbbed wall panel deslgnated 3-H: The dimenslon of the test sample Is the same as earller samples except for a door openlng of slze 450 mm x 950 mm by ellmlnatlng two panels and one cross rlb. The flrst crack load (15 KN) Is only 75 percent of that of panel wlthout openlng. Due to the reductlon of panel area by 22 percent the ultlmate load (P , = 35 KN) Is reduced to 64 percent of that of sample wlthout openlng. u As the load Increaseá beyond the cracklng leveI predomlnent cracks are observed on the panel near the loadlng face (Figure 6.g). From figure 15 It Is evldent that the deflectlon (ll cr' = 2.54 mm) at the cracklng levei Is 1.85 times that for the panel wlthout openlng. Beyond the cracklng stage the deformatlons are large compared to the earller samples because of the reduced panel are a and stlffness. The deflectlon (ll u' = 16.9 mm) at the ultimate load leveI (P , = 35 KN) Is 1.3 times that of the sample wlthout openlng. The stlffnessu degradation (Figure 9) calculated from figure 8 shows Its sensltlveness to load due to the reduced panel area. ~ ~:~l'~ .: (9) -. . ~:'. , ~-- I . Panel Seperation (Sample 3-H) (h) Failure Mode (Sample 3-H) Figure.6. (contd) Tested Wall panels 512 P. % % z z ~ z ~ 1000 ~ ~ o x ~ w. t r----ill-t ~ X O'S o.sr 1" Q. s-J.-_ P PA,NEL Q . 3~ • ". BASE la OEFORMATION IN 101M 15 FIG . 7 LATERAL DEFORMATION OF INFILLED WA LL PANEL WITHOUT OPENING 7- 4 ·1m m I ... WITHOUT OP[tWiC, SO ~'00 ~ 40 ~ii',\f.:""rNOOW ~~OOR ~ ~ OPENrNG I-- •. , z o ~ 80 ~ % õ fiO OOOR OP[NING(n·2"/.OP[HING I z I z o < ~ ~ ~ WIHOOW OPENING(l1""/.OPENING) §'O WITHOUT OPENING z ~ 20 ~ 15 FIG : / , ,I ",," ~ .P """~"~" ~ ~ . . ~'- -- (:' ,'.-- ,', '\,1 ':'~:-:~ - . //~~;;/ . / . ' 4 '~'~' ~-m ' • I ' • _, I " ,. I, •; ' I ... ,,,, ' & ,,/' ," (".. . ..' /''' /'.. '" '" \ \~ .. '~-':'/ . .. . "," ~ , ,~ • ,-·L . FIG.l0 PRINCIPAL STRE5S CONTOURS FOR THE PANEL lH AT CRACKING LOAD LEVEL , ..... " t ,( . rl , I I - ,\ \L I I . ,. / 6 .. I ,.4, . • ,. , ""I~~ . . . . ........ - ..t . .,' ~ t·. . ?.,,: _ _........ I " FIG ,ll PRINCIPAL STRESS CONTOUR FOR lHE PANEL l-H NEAR ULT I MATE LOAD LEVEL - - TENSll E _ _ o. PRINCIPA.lSTRESS COMPRESSIVE PRINCIPAL STRESS 513 O· 2L Pu' O.L 7Pu' 0.71 Pu' ...~ O soo 5 10 IS DEFORMATrON IN 104M FIG: 12 MATERIAL DEFORMATION OF INFILLED WALL PANEL WITH WINDOW OPENING Flv: 13 PRINCIPAL STRESc; CONTOUR FOR THE PANEL 2-H AT CRAlKING LOAD LEVEL -joo~~_P 0· 5M 0 ·5104 -DOO R OPENlriG / 0·5 M 0'5M' . FIG: 14 PRINCIPAL STRESS CONTOUR FOR THE PANEL 2H AT ULTIMATE LOAD LEVEL S '" o c BASE la 15 OEFOR104ATION IN MM FIG : 15 MATERIAL DEFORMATION OF INFILLED WALL PANEL WITH DOOR OPENING ,[] FIG: 16 PRINCIPAL STRESS CONTOUR FOR THE PANEL 3 H AT CRACKING LOAD LEVEL FIG: 17 PRINCIPAL STRESS CONTOUR FOR THE PANEL 3-H FOR ULTIMATE LOAD LEVEL - - TENS ILE PRINC:P.U STRESS -----COMPRES SIVE PRINCIPAL STRESS 514 The principal stress contours (Figure 16) at cracklng levei clearly agrees with the observed crack patterns on the test panels. The tenslle stress contour near the ultimate levei (Figure 17) agrees well wlth the crack patterns at the ultlmate levei. Because of the large openlng the flrst crack appeared at lower load leveI. As load increases subsequent panels started cracklng and at the ultimate levei the top horizontal rlb seperated pulllng out the vertical column of the door openlng (Figure 6.h). As in the earlier case the fallure of the sample is due to the fallure of the column wlth panels In tact with the ribs and wlth deep and distinct cracks extendlng both faces. CONCLUSION From the limited tests the following conc\usions are arrived at: 1) Considerlng the high strength and light weight Aerocrete (1) Is sul table for thls suggested system. the newly developed 2) The observed crack pattern on the panels are comparable with principal tenslle stress contour at the cracklng levei. 3) The panels behaved monolythically with the rlbs upto 75 percent of the ultimate load levei. 4) The panels became ineffectlve only after its seperatlon from the rlbs. 5) The stl ffness degradatlon after the cracklng are large. 6) The reductlon In ultimate capacitles due to the openlngs are not so serious. 7) The fallure of the system Is only due to the failure of the vertical rlbs. 8) Even at the ultlmate levei the bolted jolnts are In tact. 9) The regaln of the originai shape of the panels on release of the load Indicates the good behavlour of the material and the system adopted. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authorit les of Anna Universlty are thanked for providing the facllitles to carry out this experimental study. REFERENCES 1) Devadas Manoharan,P., 'Further Investlgatlon On the Development Of Microporites', A M.E. Thesls approved by the Anna Unlverslty, Madras India, July, 1982, pp. 57 to 67 and 101 to 197. 2) Sivasankaran,N.G., 'Development of Aerocrete - A Llght Welght High Strength Concrete', A M.E. Thesls approved by the Anna Unlverslty, Madras, India, August 1984, pp. 1 to 101. fIi' 515 3) Chitharanjan,N., 'Development of Light Welght Concrete and thelr appllcation to Reinforced Flexural Members'. 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