Chapter 2 The ATLAS experiment Contents 2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 13 2.2 Detector set-up................................................................................................................. 13 2.2.1 Detector components .................................................................................................. 13 2.2.2 Particle identification .................................................................................................. 14 2.3 Magnet system ................................................................................................................. 15 2.4 Inner detector .................................................................................................................. 17 2.4.1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 17 2.4.2 Precision tracker.......................................................................................................... 20 2.4.3 TRT ............................................................................................................................. 24 2.4.4 Radiation environment................................................................................................ 26 2.4.5 Material ....................................................................................................................... 26 2.5 Calorimeter ...................................................................................................................... 27 2.6 Muon spectrometer ......................................................................................................... 28 2.6.1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 28 2.6.2 Muon precision system ............................................................................................... 29 2.6.3 Muon trigger detector system...................................................................................... 31 2.7 References ........................................................................................................................ 32 2.1 Introduction This chapter describes the ATLAS experiment, which is one of the future LHC experiments. It is a so-called general-purpose experiment, studying all physics topics described in section 1.4. The global detector set-up is described in section 2.2. The ATLAS magnet system is described in section 2.3. Each detector component is described in a separate section: the inner detector is described in section 2.4, the calorimeter is described in section 2.5 and the muon spectrometer is finally described in section 2.6. The ATLAS trigger and data acquisition system will be described separately in chapter 5. 2.2 Detector set-up 2.2.1 Detector components The ATLAS detector (figure 2.1) has a layout that is typical for a collider detector and consists of two types of detector components: tracking detectors, which measure the position of a crossing charged particle with minimal disturbance, and calorimeters, which measure the energy of a particle by total absorption. From the collision point outwards first tracking detectors (inner detector) are placed, then calorimeters, divided in electromagnetic (em) and hadronic calorimeters, and then tracking detectors (muon spectrometer) again. The complete ATLAS detector is split into a barrel part, where detector layers are positioned on cylindrical surfaces around the beam axis, and two end-cap parts, where detector 13 Chapter 2 The ATLAS experiment layers are positioned in planes of constant z perpendicular to the beam pipe. The calorimeter consists also of a forward1 and a backward part, extending up to a pseudorapidity of |η| = 4.9. The most important dimensions of the ATLAS detector are summarised in table 2.1. Each detector component is optimised to satisfy various requirements, e.g. resolution with respect to position and/or energy, particle identification, covered range, costs and material. The inner detector and muon spectrometer are placed in a magnetic field for the measurement of the momentum of charged particles. This magnetic field causes a bending of the track, with a radius of curvature dependent on the momentum value. ATLAS Hadron Calorimeters Forward Calorimeters S. C. Solenoid S. C. Air Core Toroids Muon Detectors Inner Detector EM Calorimeters Figure 2.1 Three-dimensional view of the ATLAS detector. Table 2.1 Dimensions of the ATLAS sub-detectors. component barrel muon spectrometer end-cap muon spectrometer barrel hadronic calorimeter end-cap hadronic calorimeter barrel em-calorimeter end-cap em-calorimeter forward/backward calorimeter barrel + end-cap inner detector radius [m] length [m] 11 26 11 2.8 4.25 12.2 2.25 2.25 2.25 6.42 2.25 0.63 integrated in end-cap 1.15 6.8 η-coverage |η| < 1.4 1.1 < |η| < 2.8 |η| < 1.0 1.5 < |η| < 3.2 |η| < 1.4 1.4 < |η| < 3.2 3.1 < |η| < 4.9 |η| < 2.4 2.2.2 Particle identification Each particle gives a different signature in the ATLAS detector, making particle identification possible. The signatures for the most important particles are summarised in figure 2.2. 1 Throughout this thesis the term forward is also used for the end-cap part of the inner detector at positive z (opposite side backward). 14 2.3 Magnet system An electron gives a signal in the inner detector, losing a small part of its energy (see also section 2.4.5), and in the calorimeter (mainly in the electromagnetic calorimeter), depositing its remaining energy part. Photons give also a signal in the calorimeter, but not in the inner detector (unless a photon converts into an electron-positron pair). Muons traverse the calorimeter and give a signal in the inner detector and muon spectrometer and eventually a small signal in the calorimeter. Charged hadrons give a signal in the inner detector and the calorimeters. Hadrons shower2 deeper into the calorimeter than electrons and photons and give a signal in both the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeter. Jets (not shown in figure 2.2) are a combination of hadronic and leptonic particles, and cause a signal in the inner detector and calorimeters and eventually also in the muon spectrometer. Neutrinos can not be detected and leave only a signal of missing transverse energy, see also section 1.1. Figure 2.2 Signature of some highly energetic particles in the inner detector (inner tracker), calorimeter and muon spectrometer (outer tracker). 2.3 Magnet system An appropriate magnetic field distribution is required for measuring the transverse momenta of the produced charged particles. The magnet system of the ATLAS detector consists of four superconducting magnets: • A central solenoid [1] • An air-core barrel toroid [2] • Two air-core end-cap toroids [3] A three-dimensional view of the bare windings of the ATLAS magnet system is given in figure 2.3. In principle the three toroidal magnets could have been combined into a single large toroidal magnet. For technical reasons the toroidal system is split into three subsystems [4]. 2 A shower is defined as the cascade production of electrons, photons and hadrons (for hadron showers) initiated by a highly energetic particle that was incident on a thick absorber. See also section 2.5. 15 Chapter 2 The ATLAS experiment Toroid magnets Each toroid consists of eight coils with 120 (barrel) or 116 (end-cap) turns. As all coils are superconducting, cooling circuits, a vacuum system and cryostats for optimum thermal insulation of the coils are required. Each coil has an operation temperature of 4.5 K [4] and is enclosed by a cryostat. The Lorentz forces between the coils and the weight of the coils require additional mechanical structures between the coils (“voussoirs” and “struts” [4]). The toroid magnets generate a toroidal magnetic field configuration for the muon spectrometer. The advantage of a toroidal magnetic field is that its direction is almost perpendicular to the direction of flight of the particles. Central solenoid The central solenoid consists of one coil with 1173 turns. The central solenoid is designed to provide for the inner detector an axial magnetic field of 2 T. Its axis coincides with the beam axis. The axial length of the solenoid is 5.3 m. The magnetic field points in the positive z-direction. Field integrals The most important numbers for track momentum measurements are the field integrals over the track length inside the tracking volume [5]: ∫ I 2 = ∫∫ B sin θ (dl B ) dldr I1 = B sin θ ( dlrBr ) dl (2.1) rr with tanθ the slope in the (r, z) plane. I1 is the integral of Bdl as a measurement of the bending power of the field. I2 is the double integral of the field that is especially important for momentum measurements (see chapter 3). The toroidal magnetic field provides for typical bending powers of 3 Tm in the barrel and 6 Tm in the end-cap regions [4]. The solenoidal magnetic field provides for a typical bending power of 2.1 Tm [4]. The tracking capacity of the ATLAS solenoid has been compared with the tracking capacity of an ideal solenoid field [6]. The degradation in the tracking capacity in the high rapidity region (1.6 < |η| < 3.2) is at most 10%. Figure 2.3 Three-dimensional view of the bare windings of the ATLAS magnet system: the central solenoid, the 8 coils of the barrel toroid and the 2 × 8 coils of the end-cap toroids. 16 2.4 Inner detector 2.4 Inner detector 2.4.1 Introduction The inner detector is the part of the ATLAS detector placed the most close to the interaction point. The environment inside the electromagnetic calorimeter is very hostile: everything in the inner cavity is subject to a high flux of pions, photons and neutrons. The pions and photons are mostly created in the interaction point. The neutrons are due to backsplash from the calorimeters. A three-dimensional view of the inner detector is given in figure 2.4. The ATLAS inner detector combines high-resolution detectors at inner radii with continuous tracking elements at outer radii, all contained in a solenoid magnet with a central field of 2 T. Requirements The ATLAS inner detector has been developed to satisfy various physics requirements on electron identification, photon identification, identification of decaying K S0 mesons and the reconstruction of secondary vertices due to the decay of particles containing bottom quarks. These requirements are described in more detail in the inner detector TDR (Technical Design Report) [6]. They can be translated into requirements for the number of measurement points, the resolution of the measurement points, the covered range in η and r and track3 reconstruction specifications. Also these requirements are described in more detail in the TDR [6]. The momentum resolution requirement for a 500 GeV track varies between 30% and 50%, see also chapter 3. Detector set-up Silicon pixel detectors with the highest granularity are placed closest to the interaction point. Further away from the interaction point, silicon microstrip detectors (SCT, SemiConductor Tracker) are placed. The total number of silicon precision layers must be limited because of the material they introduce, and because of their high cost. In the current design of the ATLAS detector, a particle travelling from the interaction point crosses at least four strip layers and three pixel layers. This is shown in figure 2.5, giving one hit for each pixel layer, and two for each strip layer (rφ and stereo measurement, see section 2.4.2). The straw tube tracker (TRT, Transition Radiation Tracker) gives a much larger number of tracking points (typically 36 points per track), however with less accuracy, and provides the possibility of continuous track following with much less material per point and at lower cost. In figure 2.6 the number of crossed straws in the TRT is plotted. The combination of the TRT and precision tracker makes a very robust track recognition possible and provides a high precision in (φ, r, z) co-ordinates. The relative precisions of the different measurements (pixel detectors, SCT, TRT) are well matched, so that no single measurement dominates the momentum resolution. This is important for reasons of robustness, in the event that a single system does not perform to its full specification. A cross-section of the engineering layout of the inner detector through the beam axis is given in figure 2.7. The outer radius of the inner detector is 115 cm. This value is a compromise between the best possible tracking capacity (equation (2.1)) and restrictions due to the inner dimension of the solenoid coil. The total length is 7 m, limited by the position of the 3 The trajectory of a charged particle through the magnetic field of the inner detector (or muon spectrometer) is referred to as track. 17 Chapter 2 The ATLAS experiment end-cap calorimetry. The precision trackers elements are contained within a radius of 56 cm, followed by the TRT, and finally the general support and service area at the outermost radius. Barrel SCT Forward SCT TRT Pixel Detectors Number TRT Hits Number Hits Figure 2.4 Three-dimensional view of the ATLAS inner detector. SCT Pixels 10 5 40 20 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 |η| 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 |η| Figure 2.5 Number of hits per track in the pre- Figure 2.6 Number of hits per track in the cision detectors. Taken from [6]. TRT. Taken from [6]. 18 2.4 Inner detector Figure 2.7 Cross-section of the inner detector layout through the beam axis. 19 Chapter 2 The ATLAS experiment 2.4.2 Precision tracker The precision tracker consists of pixel and microstrip detectors, both based on silicon technology. The pixel detector is designed to provide a set of very high-precision measurements as close to the interaction point as possible. The system provides three of the precision measurements over the full acceptance, and determines the impact parameter resolution (see chapter 3) and hence the ability of the inner detector to find short-lived particles such as bottom quarks. The two-dimensional segmentation of the sensors requires the use of advanced electronic techniques and interconnections for the readout. The readout chips of the pixel sensors are described in more detail in the TDR [7]. The total pixel system consists of 1.4 × 108 detector elements. The SCT (silicon microstrip detector) is designed to provide at least four of the precision measurements per track in the intermediate radial range, and contributes to the measurement of transverse momentum, impact parameter and vertex position. The system is an order of magnitude larger in surface than previous generations of silicon microstrip detectors, and in addition must face much higher radiation levels. The total SCT contains 61 m2 of silicon detectors, with 6.2 × 106 readout channels. Silicon detector operation Silicon detectors are based on the release of free charge by a particle traversing matter. When a diode is biased in the reverse direction, there is only a small (dark) current. On the passage of a particle through the depleted region, electron-hole pairs are created, which results in a briefly enhanced conductivity of the depletion region. This gives rise to a peak in the electric current through the detector. Barrel pixel detector In the barrel area, the pixel layers are segmented in rφ and z. The pixel size is 50 µm in the rφ-direction and 300 µm in the z-direction. The system consists of three layers at average radii of about 4 cm, 11 cm and 14 cm. The innermost barrel layer is especially useful for bottom quark physics. For this reason, this layer is also referred to as B-layer. In figure 2.7 this layer is referred to as vertex barrel. The B-layer will need replacement after a few years at high luminosity, because radiation damage will limit the lifetime of this layer. The exact time depends on the luminosity profile. It has not yet been decided whether the B-layer will be present during the whole lifetime of the inner detector, or only at the initial lower luminosity running. The barrel pixel system is very modular, containing approximately 1500 identical detector modules. Only one type of support structures is used. Each barrel module is 62.4 mm long and 22.4 mm wide, with about 6.1 × 105 pixel elements, readout by 16 chips each serving an array of 24 by 160 pixels. The modules are overlapping in order to give hermetic coverage. Simulations show that the thickness of each layer is less than 1.39% of a radiation length [6]. The most important characteristics of the barrel pixel system are summarised in table 2.2. Table 2.2 Characteristics of barrel silicon pixel detector. radius [mm] 47.5 105.5 137.5 ò length of cylinder [mm] 387 387 387 tilt angle [degrees] 10.5 9.5 9.5 row pitch [µm] 50 50 50 20 column pitch [µm] 300 300 300 number of modules 260 572 754 2.4 Inner detector End-cap pixel detector The end-cap pixel system consists on each side of the interaction point of four disks with modules, placed between radii of 11 and 20 cm. These disks are located perpendicular to the beam axis, using identical support structures. The pixels are segmented in rφ and r. The pixel size is 50 µm in the rφ-direction and 300 µm in the r-direction. The total end-cap consists of 1000 identical disk modules. The end-cap modules are very similar in design to the barrel modules. The most important characteristics of the end-cap pixel system are given in table 2.3. Table 2.3 Characteristics of end-cap silicon pixel detector. z [mm] 490 608 759 1035 inner radius [mm] 107.1 107.1 107.1 151.0 outer radius [mm] 196.0 196.0 196.0 196.0 row pitch [µm] 50 50 50 50 column pitch [µm] 300 300 300 300 number of modules 140 140 140 80 Barrel SCT The barrel part of the SCT consists of four cylindrical layers of modules, placed at radii of 300, 373, 447 and 520 mm. Each module consists of four detectors. Each silicon detector is 6.36 cm × 6.40 cm with 768 readout strips of 80 µm pitch. On each side of a module, two detectors are bound together to form 12.8 cm long strips, with a 2 mm dead area in the middle. Two such detector planes are glued together at a 40 mrad angle. This small stereo angle is used to obtain the z-measurement of the (φ, r, z) precision points. The configuration of a barrel SCT module is shown in figure 2.8, an expanded view is shown in figure 2.9. The silicon detectors are glued to a central beryllia (BeO) baseboard and a heat spreader made of pyrolytic graphite (TPG [7]). An important reason to use beryllia is its long radiation length, hence minimal disturbance of the track. Modules are staggered in radius by ±1 mm to give overlap in z, and an overlap of 1% in φ makes the detector hermetic for tracks with a transverse momentum of more than 1 GeV. The most important characteristics of the barrel SCT are given in table 2.4. A transverse view of a quadrant of the ATLAS barrel silicon layers is given in figure 2.10. The tilt angle made by the modules and the staggered structure is clearly visible. 21 Chapter 2 The ATLAS experiment Figure 2.8 Configuration of barrel SCT module. Figure 2.9 Expanded view of a barrel module. 22 2.4 Inner detector Table 2.4 Barrel SCT characteristics. radius ò length tilt angle [mm] of cylinder [mm] [degrees] 300.0 746.7 10.0 373.0 746.7 10.0 447.0 746.7 10.0 520.0 746.7 10.0 pitch [µm] 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 strip length [mm] 126 126 126 126 number of orientation4 modules 12 × 32 φ,u 12 × 40 φ,v 12 × 48 φ,u 12 × 56 φ,v Figure 2.10 Transverse view of the ATLAS barrel precision layers (SCT + pixel detector). End-cap SCT The end-cap modules are very similar in construction but use tapered strips, with one set aligned radially, and the other with a 40 mrad stereo angle α. End-cap modules are made in two versions with lengths of about 12 and 7 cm. The 12 cm strips consist of two parts, with a 2 mm dead area in the middle. The layout of an end-cap module is shown in figure 2.11, an expanded view is shown in figure 2.12. The end-cap modules are mounted in up to three rings onto nine wheels, which are interconnected by a space frame. The most important characteristics of the end-cap part are given in table 2.5. The “u-layer” makes a positive stereo angle α of +40 mrad. The “v-layer” makes an angle α of –40 mrad with the z-direction. The “u/v-layer” is also referred to as “stereo-layer”. The “φ-layer” is placed parallel to the z-direction. 23 4 Chapter 2 The ATLAS experiment Figure 2.12 Expanded view of an end-cap module. Figure 2.11 End-cap module layout. Table 2.5 End-cap SCT characteristics. z [mm] radius (i/o) [mm] # modules [i/m/o] 835 925 1072 1260 1460 1695 2135 2528 2788 259-560 336-560 259-560 259-560 259-560 259-560 336-560 401-560 440-560 40/40/52 -/40/52 40/40/52 40/40/52 40/40/52 40/40/52 -/40/52 -/40/52 -/-/52 strip length (i/m/o) [mm] 72/117/121 -/117/121 72/117/121 72/117/121 72/117/121 72/117/121 -/117/121 -/72/121 -/-/121 inner strip pitch (i/m/o) [µm] 54/70/71 -/70/71 54/70/71 54/70/71 54/70/71 54/70/71 -/70/71 -/54/71 -/-/71 outer strip pitch (i/m/o) [µm] 70/95/90 -/95/90 70/95/90 70/95/90 70/95/90 70/95/90 -/95/90 -/70/90 -/-/90 orientation φ,u φ,v φ,u φ,v φ,u φ,v φ,u φ,v φ,u 2.4.3 TRT The TRT (Transition Radiation Tracker) contributes to the transverse momentum measurement. The larger number of measurements and the higher average radius compensate the lower precision per point of the TRT compared to the precision tracker. The TRT is not used for impact parameter measurements (see chapter 3). The TRT is based on the use of straw detectors, which can operate at the required very high rates by virtue of their small diameter and the isolation of the sense wires within individual gas envelopes. This technique is intrinsically radiation hard, and allows a large number 24 2.4 Inner detector of measurements to be made on every track at modest cost. However the detector must cope with a large occupancy and high counting rate at the LHC design luminosity. At this luminosity, the measurement accuracy, averaged over all straws, is better than 50 µm, including errors from alignment [7]. A schematic view of the TRT detector in the (r, z) plane, together with the main dimensions is given in figure 2.13. Straw tube operation A straw tube is a thin cylindrical tube with a conducting inner surface at negative potential. A wire is strung in its centre, which is held at positive voltage. The straws are filled with xenon gas. The distance of a traversing particle from the anode wire can be derived from the arrival time of the signal on the anode (drift time measurements). Electron identification capability is added by conversion in the xenon gas of transition-radiation photons, created in thin foils between the straws. The creation of transition-radiation photons is based on the following mechanism: when a charged particle with energy E and mass m crosses a transition of two materials with a different dielectric constant, it has a probability proportional of γ = E/m to emit photons in the keV range. This effect is most pronounced for electrons due to their high γ-factor. Each straw is 4 mm in diameter, giving a fast electrical response and good mechanical properties for a maximum straw length of 150 cm. With each straw a measurement of the drift time and amplitude is possible. The drift time measurement corresponds to a spatial resolution of 170 µm per straw. The use of two independent amplitude thresholds allows the detector to discriminate between hits without accompanying transition radiation hits, which pass the lower threshold, and hits with accompanying transition radiation hits, which pass the higher. Barrel TRT The barrel section is built of individual modules with between 329 and 793 axial straws each (parallel to the beam direction), covering the radial range from 56 to 107 cm. The total number of straws in the barrel is about 5 × 104. Each straw is divided into two at the centre in order to reduce the occupancy and is read out at each end. End-cap TRT One end-cap part consists of 18 wheels with radial straws. The 14 wheels nearest to the interaction point cover the radial range from 64 to 130 cm. The last four wheels extend to an inner radius of 48 cm. This is necessary to maintain a constant number of crossed straws over the full acceptance. The wheels 7 to 14 have half as many straws per cm in z as the other wheels. The total number of straws in the end-cap part is about 3.2 × 105. Each straw is readout at the outer radius. 25 Chapter 2 The ATLAS experiment Figure 2.13 Schematic view of the TRT detector in the (r, z) plane, together with the main dimensions. 2.4.4 Radiation environment The radiation levels in the inner detector cavity will be extremely high, leading to damage in the silicon detectors, degradation of the electronics performance and contribution of background hits in the sensitive elements. The large |η| coverage required in the very small available volume makes it necessary to install the detector components close to the beam axis. The most relevant quantity for the damage in silicon detectors is the fluence expressed in terms of 1 MeV equivalent neutrons. The typical values vary between 1.5 × 1013 cm-2/year for the SCT to 5 × 1013 cm-2/year for the pixel detector [6]. All materials used in the inner detector cavity must be qualified to survive the doses and fluxes expected at the positions at which they are placed. The precision tracker is operated at low temperature because the effect of silicon radiation damage is strongly temperature dependent. As nominal operating temperature has been chosen -5 Û&WR-10 Û&-7 Û&DYHUDJHLQWKH6&7:LWKWKLVRSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUHWKHSUHFLVLRQ tracker will survive an operation of ten years at high luminosity. This low temperature also has the beneficial effect of reducing the leakage current and hence heat-generation inside the detector substrate. The entire silicon system will be enclosed in a cold envelope, with an active shield preventing heat transfer from the TRT. All the electronics in the inner detector cavity will be purchased from vendors using recognised radiation-hard chip fabrication processes. 2.4.5 Material Tracking detectors must cause the smallest possible disturbance of the tracks passing through it. This means that the amount of material in the inner detector must be as minimal as possible. There are however several boundary conditions which cause that the amount of material in the ATLAS detector will be much larger than that of previous tracking detectors. This is mostly due to the necessity of using radiation hard components and the necessity of installing all the front-end electronics components on the detector itself. 26 2.5 Calorimeter Absorption length Radiation length The cumulative distributions for the number of radiation lengths for the pixel detector, SCT, TRT and the services5 are shown in figure 2.14. The corresponding distributions for the absorption length are given in figure 2.15. From these distributions it follows that the amount of material in the inner detector is significant, especially in the transition region between barrel and end-cap. This large amount of material makes it much more difficult for the calorimeter to do a correct energy reconstruction. The consequences are described in the calorimeter performance TDR [8]. For the inner detector the consequences are also important: • Tracks undergo significant multiple scattering • There is a significant increase in multiplicity due to secondary interactions • Electrons have a significant bremsstrahlung probability • Photons have a significant probability to convert into an electron-positron pair • Absorption of hadrons, causing tracks to be lost The consequences for the inner detector are described in more detail in the inner detector TDR [6]. The influence of multiple scattering on the detector resolution is described in more detail in chapter 3. 1.4 Total 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.5 Total 0.4 0.3 0.2 TRT TRT 0.4 SCT 0.1 SCT Pixel 0.2 Pixel 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 |η| Figure 2.14 Cumulative distribution for number of radiation lengths for (a) pixel detector, (b) SCT, (c) TRT and (d) external services. Taken from [6]. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 |η| Figure 2.15 Cumulative distribution for number of absorption lengths for (a) pixel detector, (b) SCT, (c) TRT and (d) external services. Taken from [6]. 2.5 Calorimeter The calorimeters are placed between the inner detector and the muon spectrometer. The primary goal of the calorimeters is the energy measurement of electrons, photons and jets, and the measurement of the missing transverse energy. The calorimeters however also provide position and angular measurements and particle identification. Their radiation resistance must allow operation for more than ten years of data-taken at high luminosity. The principle of calorimetry is the energy measurement of an incident particle by total absorption, where a fraction of the total energy is transformed into a measurable quantity (charge or light). An incident electron or photon gives rise to an electromagnetic shower that 5 Detector elements like cables, cooling pipes, support structures etc. are referred to as services. 27 Chapter 2 The ATLAS experiment can be described by a cascade of e± and γ production (mainly bremsstrahlung and the creation of e+e- pairs). An incident hadron gives rise to a hadronic shower consisting of an electromagnetic component (e±, γ), a hadronic component of strongly interacting particles and a component of low energetic particles that are not detected. Particle identification is performed using both the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters on the basis of transversal and longitudinal shower profiles. An electromagnetic shower gives mainly a signal in the first part of the calorimeter (electromagnetic calorimeter). A hadron gives a signal in both parts of the calorimeter. Because of the special interest in photons and electrons the resolution of the electromagnetic calorimeter is of prime importance. The hadron calorimeters are less accurate, which is also partly due to the nature of hadronic showers in the calorimeter. The design goal energy resolution for photons and electrons is [8]: σ E 0.1 0 .3 = ⊕ 0.01 ⊕ E E E (2.2) with E in GeV. The design goal energy resolution for hadrons is: σ E 0 .5 = ⊕ 0.03 E E (2.3) All calorimeters consist of three parts, a barrel part, an end-cap part and a forward/backward part. The forward/backward calorimeter extends to |η| = 4.9. This is needed to identify events with missing transverse energy, e.g. SUSY events (chapter 4). Both the hadronic and electromagnetic forward calorimeters are liquid argon based and are integrated in the cryostats of the end-cap calorimeters. The barrel and extended barrel region of the hadron calorimetry use iron plates with scintillation plates. In the end-cap-region the hadron calorimeter is based on liquid argon. All electromagnetic calorimetry is based on liquid argon and lead absorbers [9, 10]. To make position measurements possible, the calorimeters are segmented in cells. The electromagnetic calorimeter uses a segmentation varying between ∆η × ∆φ = 0.003 × 0.1 and ∆η × ∆φ = 0.025 × 0.025. The hadronic calorimeter uses a coarser segmentation of ∆η × ∆φ = 0.1 × 0.1. Other particles than primary muons that are not stopped in the calorimeter give rise to a background signal in the muon spectrometer. The thickness of the electromagnetic calorimeter is about 25-30 radiation lengths. The thickness of the hadronic calorimeter is about 10 absorption lengths [11]. 2.6 Muon spectrometer 2.6.1 Introduction The outermost part of the ATLAS detector is a muon spectrometer. The task of the muon system is to reconstruct the momentum and direction of flight of muon tracks with the highest possible resolution. The other particles (except the neutrinos and possibly the SUSY LSP (chapter 4)) are already stopped in the calorimeters. Primary particles that are not stopped in the calorimeter and penetrate into the muon spectrometer give rise to a background signal (primary background). Another source of backgrounds are neutrons and photons in the MeV range, produced by secondary interactions in 28 2.6 Muon spectrometer the calorimeters, shielding material, the beam pipe and machine elements (radiation background). The muon detector system has approximately 1.3 × 106 readout channels (including the trigger chambers, see below). As described in section 2.3, the muon spectrometer is situated in a toroidal magnetic field with a typical bending power of 3 Tm for the barrel and 6 Tm for the end-cap. The momentum resolution for 1 TeV muons varies between 10% and 20% (chapter 3). 2.6.2 Muon precision system The muon spectrometer is divided in a barrel and two end-cap parts. The barrel extends up to a pseudorapidity of |η| ≈ 1. The end-cap chambers cover the pseudorapidity range of |η| = 1 - 2.7. A side view of one quadrant of the muon spectrometer is given in figure 2.16. Figure 2.16 Cross-section of one quadrant of the muon spectrometer. Barrel In the barrel region, cylindrical layers around the beam axis are used. A transverse view of the barrel part of the muon spectrometer is given in figure 2.17. In the transverse plane, the muon detector is divided in eight towers with large detection stations and eight towers with small stations. A tower contains in general three layers of measurement stations to locate the muon so that the curvature of its trajectory in the magnetic field can be determined. This results in knowledge of both direction and momentum of the particle. Due to the presence of support structures, two small towers contain only two detection layers. Each measurement station consist of two separated half stations. Each half station consists of three or four layers of detection elements. The detection elements are monitored drift tubes, described below. Optical alignment systems have been designed to meet the stringent requirements on the mechanical accuracy and the survey of the precision chambers. End-cap Each end-cap part consists of four rings with detectors, concentric with the beam axis, at about 7.5, 10, 14 and 21-23 m distance from the interaction point. Monitored drift tubes are used for the precision measurement in the end-caps over most of the area. At large pseudora29 Chapter 2 The ATLAS experiment pidity (|η| = 2-2.7), cathode strip chambers are used due to the demanding rate and background conditions. The chamber planes are orthogonal to the beam axis with the drift tubes oriented in the azimuthal direction. Viewed along the beam pipe the chambers are of trapezoidal shape. They are arranged with the same 16-fold azimuthal segmentation as in the barrel, with large and small chambers covering the same azimuthal range as the barrel chambers (figure 2.18). ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Trigger chambers Precision chambers End-cap toroid Barrel coils Figure 2.17 Transverse view of the ATLAS muon spectrometer in the underground hall. Figure 2.18 The end-cap wheel placed at 14 m with the MDT chambers arranged in 16 sectors with small and large chambers alternating. The barrel chamber towers are indicated. 30 2.6 Muon spectrometer MDT operation Pressurised MDT (Monitored Drift Tube) chambers combine high intrinsic spatial resolution with an internal monitoring system to observe internal deformations of the chamber. They provide for a robust, cost-effective instrumentation suitable for mass production. The basic detection element of an MDT is a cylindrical aluminium drift tube of 30 mm diameter and a central wire of 50 µm diameter at 3270 V with respect to the tube [12]. The detector is operated with a non-flammable gas mixture at 3 bar absolute pressure for reduced diffusion and ionisation fluctuation [12]. There is a linear relation between the drift time and drift distance. A schematic drawing of a barrel MDT chamber is given in figure 2.19. The chambers for the end-cap are of trapezoidal shape, but are of similar design otherwise. The average single tube resolution has a value of 80 µm [12]. Figure 2.19 Schematic drawing of a rectangular MDT chamber constructed from multilayers of three monolayers each, for installation in the barrel spectrometer. CSC operation CSCs (Cathode Strip Chambers) are multiwire proportional chambers with wires on a high voltage strung parallel in a gas volume, closed by conducting planes at 0 V. One of the two enclosing planes is appropriately segmented in strips with a readout pitch of 5 mm. The CSCs have a symmetric cell in which the anode-conducting plane distance equals the anode wire spacing. The anode wire spacing has now been fixed at 2.54 mm, which is considerably lower than the tube radius of the MDTs to reduce the occupancy per wire. Precise positionmeasurements along the wires are achieved by determining the centre of gravity of the charge induced on the strips of one of the two conducting planes. With prototypes, resolutions of better than 50 µm have been achieved in test beams [12]. 2.6.3 Muon trigger detector system The muon spectrometer plays an important role in the ATLAS trigger system (chapter 5). The muon trigger system covers the pseudorapidity range |η| ≤ 2.4. The muon trigger system must allow for the online reconstruction of muon tracks above 6 GeV and 20 GeV (transverse momentum) at the bunch-crossing frequency of 40 MHz. The muon trigger detector system consists of dedicated and fast chambers especially developed for trigger purposes, which are independent from the MDT/CSC chambers and have a low occupancy. The MDTs and CSCs can not be used in the trigger system because these 31 Chapter 2 The ATLAS experiment chambers will have too long drift times, which can be much longer than the LHC bunchcrossing period of 25 ns. A system of RPCs (Resistive Plate Chambers) provide trigger signals in the barrel region. The trigger detector in the barrel is made up of three stations, each with two detection layers. They are located on both sides of the middle MDT station, and either directly above or directly below the outer MDT station. The two stations near the centre provide the low-pT trigger (pT > 6 GeV). The third station, at the outer radius of the magnet, allows to increase the pT threshold to 20 GeV, for the high-pT trigger. An RPC is a gaseous parallel-plate detector with a typical spatial resolution of the order of 1 cm and a typical time resolution of the order of 1 ns. A detailed description of the RPCs is given in the muon spectrometer TDR [12]. TGCs (Thin Gap Chambers) provide trigger capabilities in the end-cap region. Seven layers of TGCs complement the middle MDT station. Two layers of TGCs complement the inner MDT station. TGCs are standard multiwire proportional chambers [12], but with small anode-to-anode, (wire-to-wire) distance (1.8 mm) and small cathode-to-anode distance (1.4 mm). The spatial and time resolution of TGCs is similar to RPCs. 2.7 References 1. ATLAS Magnet Project Collaboration, ATLAS Central Solenoid Technical Design Report, ATLAS TDR-9, CERN/LHCC 97-21 (1997). 2. ATLAS Magnet Project Collaboration, ATLAS Barrel Toroid Technical Design Report, ATLAS TDR-7, CERN/LHCC 97-19 (1997). 3. ATLAS Magnet Project Collaboration, ATLAS End-cap Toroids Technical Design Report, ATLAS TDR-8, CERN/LHCC 97-20 (1997). 4. ATLAS Magnet Project Collaboration, ATLAS Magnet System Technical Design Report, ATLAS TDR-6, CERN/LHCC 97-18 (1997). 5. V.I. Klyukhin, A. Poppleton and J. Schmitz, Field Integrals for the ATLAS Tracking Volume, ATLAS INDET-NO-023 (1993). 6. ATLAS Inner Detector Community, ATLAS Inner Detector Technical Design Report Volume 1, ATLAS TDR-4, CERN/LHCC 97-16 (1997). 7. ATLAS Inner Detector Community, ATLAS Inner Detector Technical Design Report Volume 2, ATLAS TDR-5, CERN/LHCC 97-17 (1997). 8. ATLAS Calorimeter Community, ATLAS Calorimeter Performance Technical Design Report, CERN/LHCC 94-40 (1996). 9. ATLAS Calorimeter Community, ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Technical Design Report, ATLAS TDR-3, CERN/LHCC 96-42 (1996). 10. ATLAS Calorimeter Community, ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Technical Design Report, ATLAS TDR-2, CERN/LHCC 96-41 (1996). 11. ATLAS Collaboration, ATLAS Technical Proposal for a General Purpose pp Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, CERN/LHCC 94-43, LHCC-P2 (1994). 12. ATLAS Muon Collaboration, ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Technical Design Report, ATLAS TDR-10, CERN/LHCC 97-22 (1997). 13. D. Fourier and L. Serin, Notes on Lecture Series Experimental Techniques. 32