Missed class documentation PSYC 2220 – Sensation and perception I Department of Psychology York University Fall term 2013 Instructor: Dr. Richard F. Murray, 416-736-2100 x 23025, rfm@yorku.ca Part I – To be completed by the student Student’s information Name _______________________________________ Student number _______________________________________ Student missed (check all that apply) class quiz midterm test final exam Reason for absence illness religious obligation family emergency other __________________________ Person providing confirmation physician religious official other ___________________ Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Telephone number _____________________________ Part II – To be completed by person providing confirmation Reason for student’s absence _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Do you think this would have seriously affected the student’s ability to attend class or write a test? (It is not necessary to answer this question if the reason for absence is a religious obligation.) Circle one: yes no Dates during which the event required the student to miss class Start date: ______________________ End date: ______________________ Name and signature of person providing confirmation ________________________________ Name ____________________________ Position ________________________________ Signature ____________________________ Date