Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference Guide June 8, 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the Cisco website at Text Part Number: OL-31209-02 THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS. THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR CISCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY. The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCB’s public domain version of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1981, Regents of the University of California. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER WARRANTY HEREIN, ALL DOCUMENT FILES AND SOFTWARE OF THESE SUPPLIERS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH ALL FAULTS. CISCO AND THE ABOVE-NAMED SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS MANUAL, EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R) Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference Guide © 2004–2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. CONTENTS Preface xv Document Revision History Document Organization Audience xv xv xvi Conventions xvi Related Documentation xvii Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request CHAPTER 1 Command-Line Interface Command Summary Using CDS Device Modes xviii 1-1 1-1 Using Command-Line Processing 1-1 Using Command Modes 1-2 Using EXEC Mode 1-3 Using Global Configuration Mode 1-3 Using Interface Configuration Mode 1-4 Using Other Configuration Modes 1-4 Checking the Command Syntax System Help 1-5 1-6 Filtering Output Using Output Modifiers Saving Configuration Changes CHAPTER 2 1-6 1-6 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands aaa 2-1 2-23 access-lists 2-27 acquirer (EXEC) 2-30 acquirer (Global configuration) acquisition-distribution alarm 2-39 area stub 2-40 authsvr 2-35 2-37 area nssa asset 2-33 2-41 2-42 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 iii Contents bandwidth (Global configuration) bandwidth (interface configuration) banner 2-50 bitrate 2-53 blink 2-48 2-56 bootstrap-node cache 2-57 2-59 capability cd 2-45 2-63 2-64 cdn-select 2-65 cdnfs 2-66 cdsm 2-69 clear cache 2-72 clear content clear ip 2-74 2-76 clear ipv6 clear isis 2-78 2-79 clear logging 2-81 clear service-router 2-82 clear srp database offline clear srp descriptor 2-84 clear srp neighbor 2-86 clear srp resource 2-89 clear srp route 2-91 clear statistics 2-93 clear transaction-logs clear users 2-99 clear wmt 2-100 clock (EXEC) 2-83 2-98 2-101 clock (Global configuration) cms (EXEC) 2-106 cms (Global configuration) configure contentmgr 2-103 2-110 2-113 2-114 content-mgr disk-info force-reset 2-117 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference iv OL-31209-02 Contents content-origin copy 2-118 2-119 cpfile 2-122 debug 2-123 debug ip bgp 2-134 debug ip ospf 2-136 debug ip proximity debug ip rib 2-140 debug isis 2-142 debug srp 2-144 delfile 2-146 deltree 2-147 device 2-148 dir 2-139 2-150 direct-server-return disable 2-151 2-152 disk (EXEC) 2-153 disk (Global configuration) distribution 2-162 dnslookup 2-166 domain 2-167 enable 2-168 enable password end 2-169 2-170 exec-timeout exit 2-158 2-171 2-172 expert-mode password external-ip 2-174 find-pattern 2-176 flash-media-streaming flooding 2-178 2-181 geo-location-server gulp 2-184 help 2-187 hostname 2-173 2-182 2-188 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 v Contents install 2-189 interface 2-190 ip (Global configuration) 2-195 ip (Interface configuration) ip access-list 2-204 ip ospf priority ip rib route 2-212 2-213 ip router isis ipv6 2-215 2-216 isis 2-220 is-type 2-223 kernel 2-225 key 2-226 key-string 2-227 key chain 2-228 lacp 2-230 line 2-232 lls 2-234 location community 2-235 log-adjacency-changes logging 2-243 2-244 lsp-mtu 2-245 mkdir 2-246 mkfile 2-247 model 2-248 movie-streamer mtu 2-238 2-239 log-neighbor-changes ls 2-201 2-249 2-252 multicast (Global Configuration) multicast (EXEC Configuration) neighbor net 2-253 2-256 2-263 2-266 netmon 2-267 netstatr 2-268 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference vi OL-31209-02 Contents network area 2-269 no (Global configuration) 2-271 no (interface configuration) ntp 2-273 2-274 ntpdate ping 2-276 2-277 ping srp ping6 2-278 2-279 port-channel 2-280 primary-interface 2-282 proximity algorithm bgp 2-284 proximity engine enable 2-290 pwd 2-293 radius-server rcp 2-294 2-298 reload 2-299 rename 2-300 restore 2-301 rmdir 2-304 router bgp 2-305 router isis 2-306 router ospf router srp 2-310 rtsp 2-311 rule 2-314 script 2-308 2-325 service 2-326 service-router setup 2-327 2-343 show aaa 2-344 show access-lists 300 show acquirer show alarms show arp 2-347 2-348 2-350 2-353 show authentication 2-354 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 vii Contents show authsvr 2-355 show bandwidth 2-356 show banner 2-358 show bitrate 2-359 show cache 2-360 show cache-router 2-362 show capability 2-363 show cdn-select 2-364 show cdnfs 2-365 show clock 2-367 show cms 2-370 show content 2-372 show content-mgr 2-375 show content-origin show debugging 2-378 2-380 show debugging srp 2-383 show device-mode 2-384 show direct-server-return show disks 2-386 2-387 show distribution show flash 2-392 2-406 show flash-media-streaming show ftp 2-408 2-410 show hardware show hosts 2-411 2-417 show interface 2-418 show inventory 2-423 show ip access-list show ip bgp 2-425 2-427 show ip bgp all 2-429 show ip bgp community 2-430 show ip bgp ipv4 unicast show ip bgp memory show ip bgp neighbors 2-432 2-433 2-434 show ip bgp nexthop-database 2-436 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference viii OL-31209-02 Contents show ip bgp summary show ip interface show ip ospf 2-437 2-438 2-439 show ip ospf border-routers 2-441 show ip ospf database 2-442 show ip ospf interface 2-448 show ip ospf memory 2-450 show ip ospf neighbor 2-452 show ip ospf request-list 2-454 show ip ospf retransmission-list show ip ospf route 2-456 show ip ospf rspf route show ip ospf traffic 2-458 2-460 show ip proximity algorithm show ip proximity servers show ip rib clients 2-462 2-463 2-464 show ip rib memory 2-465 show ip rib recursive-next-hop show ip rib route 2-455 2-467 2-468 show ip rib unresolved-next-hop show ip routes 2-471 show ip static route show ipv6 2-470 2-473 2-474 show isis adjacency 2-476 show isis clns route 2-478 show isis database 2-479 show isis hostname-table show isis interface show isis ip route 2-484 2-487 show isis ip rspf route 2-489 show isis memory 2-491 show isis process 2-492 show isis rrm 2-493 show isis spf-log show isis srm 2-483 2-494 2-496 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 ix Contents show isis ssn 2-497 show key chain show lacp 2-498 2-499 show logging 2-501 show movie-streamer show multicast show ntp 2-503 2-505 2-506 show processes 2-508 show programs 2-510 show radius-server show rcp 2-516 2-518 show rtsp 2-519 show rule 2-520 show running-config 2-522 show service-router 2-526 show services show snmp 2-532 2-534 show srp database show srp leafset 2-538 2-545 show srp memory 2-547 show srp multicast database show srp neighbor show srp process 2-551 2-554 show srp replica-set show srp route 2-555 2-556 show srp subscribers show ssh 2-548 2-558 2-559 show standby 2-560 show startup-config 2-561 show statistics aaa 2-564 show statistics access-lists 300 show statistics acquirer show statistics admission show statistics authsvr show statistics cdn-select 2-565 2-566 2-569 2-571 2-574 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference x OL-31209-02 Contents show statistics cdnfs 2-575 show statistics content-mgr 2-577 show statistics distribution 3-577 show statistics flash-media-streaming show statistics icmp show statistics ip 3-589 3-595 show statistics isis 3-599 show statistics movie-streamer show statistics netstat 3-605 show statistics replication 3-606 show statistics service-router show statistics services show statistics snmp show statistics srp 3-601 3-604 show statistics radius 3-610 3-615 3-616 3-618 show statistics tacacs show statistics tcp 3-619 3-620 show statistics transaction-logs show statistics udp show statistics wmt 3-647 3-649 3-655 show transaction-logging show url-signature show user show users show version 3-656 3-660 3-661 3-662 3-663 show web-engine show wmt 3-632 3-641 show tech-support show telnet 3-629 3-631 show statistics web-engine show tacacs 3-580 3-665 3-667 shutdown (interface configuration) shutdown (EXEC) 3-673 3-674 snmp-server community snmp-server contact 3-682 3-683 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 xi Contents snmp-server enable traps snmp-server group 3-684 3-686 snmp-server host 3-688 snmp-server location 3-691 snmp-server notify inform snmp-server user 3-694 snmp-server view 3-696 splunk-uf-monitor 3-698 ss 3-700 sshd 3-702 streaming-interface sysmon tacacs 3-706 3-707 tcpdump 3-711 tcpmon 3-716 tcp timestamp telnet 3-718 3-719 telnet enable terminal test-url 3-720 3-721 3-722 3-726 traceroute 3-727 traceroute srp traceroute6 3-730 3-731 transaction-log force transaction-logs type 3-704 3-705 sysreport top 3-692 3-732 3-734 3-748 type-tail 3-750 undebug 3-753 url-signature username 3-755 3-759 web-engine (EXEC) 3-762 web-engine (Global configuration) whoami 3-765 3-771 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference xii OL-31209-02 Contents wmt write 3-772 3-786 APPENDIX A Acronyms APPENDIX B Standard Time Zones A-1 B-1 INDEX Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 xiii Contents Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Command Reference xiv OL-31209-02 Preface This preface describes the objectives and organization of this guide and contains the following sections: • Document Revision History, page xv • Document Organization, page xv • Audience, page xvi • Conventions, page xvi • Related Documentation, page xvii • Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page xviii Document Revision History Table 1 records the technical changes to the Document Revision History. Table 1 Document Revision History Document Version Date Change Summary OL-31209-02 June 9, 2016 Modified show content, show statistics web-engine, show statistics distribution, and clear statistics commands for the VDS-IS 3.3.1 Release. OL-31209-01 December13, 2013 Initial release Document Organization Table 2 describes the organization of the document. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 xv Table 2 Document Organization Chapter Description Chapter 1, “Command-Line Interface Command Summary” This chapter describes how to use the CDS1 CLI2 to configure software features. Chapter 2, “Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release This chapter provides a complete list of Cisco 3.3 Software Commands” Internet Streamer commands, listed alphabetically. Appendix A, “Acronyms” This appendix lists the abbreviations and acronyms used in this guide. Appendix B, “Standard Time Zones” This appendix lists all the standard time zones that you can configure on a CDE3 and the offset from UTC4 for each standard time zone. 1. CDS = content delivery system 2. CLI = command-line interface 3. CDE = content delivery engine 4. UTC = coordinated universal time Audience This guide is for the networking professional using Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3. Before using this guide, you should have experience working with the Cisco Internet Streamer CDS and the concepts and terminology of Ethernet and local area networking. Conventions This publication uses various conventions to convey instructions and information. Command descriptions use these conventions: • Commands and keywords are in boldface text. • Arguments for which you supply values are in italic. • Square brackets ( [ ] ) means optional elements. • Braces ( { } ) group required choices, and vertical bars ( | ) separate the alternative elements. • Braces and vertical bars within square brackets ( [ { | } ] ) mean a required choice within an optional element. Interactive examples use these conventions: • Terminal sessions and system displays are in screen font. • Information you enter is in boldface screen font. • Nonprinting characters, such as passwords or tabs, are in angle brackets (< >). Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference xvi OL-31209-02 Notes, cautions, and warnings use these conventions and symbols: Note Caution Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in this manual. Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data. Related Documentation These documents provide complete information about the CDS and are available from • Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Software Configuration Guide • Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.0–3.1 Quick Start Guide • Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference • Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Alarms and Error Messages Guide • Release Notes for Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3.1 • Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.0–3.3 Software Installation Guide for non-CDEs • Cisco Content Delivery Engine 205/220/250/420 Hardware Installation Guide • Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco Content Delivery Engines • Open Sources Used in VDS IS Release 3.3 You can access the software documents at the following URL: You can access the hardware documents at the following URL: These documents provide complete information about the installation and service of the C200 and C210 and are available from • Cisco UCS C200 Installation and Service Guide • Cisco UCS C210 Installation and Service Guide The Cisco UCS C-Series Rack Servers documentation is available from at: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 xvii Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at: Subscribe to the What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service and Cisco currently supports RSS Version 2.0. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference xviii OL-31209-02 CH A P T E R 1 Command-Line Interface Command Summary This chapter provides an overview of how to use the Cisco Internet Streamer Content Delivery System (CDS) software command-line interface (CLI), including an explanation of CLI command modes, CDS devices modes, and tables that summarize the purpose of the commands in each mode. The chapter includes the following sections: Note • Using CDS Device Modes, page 1-1 • Using Command-Line Processing, page 1-1 • Using Command Modes, page 1-2 • Checking the Command Syntax, page 1-5 • System Help, page 1-6 • Filtering Output Using Output Modifiers, page 1-6 • Saving Configuration Changes, page 1-6 The CLI can be accessed through the console port or Telnet. Using CDS Device Modes In the Cisco Internet Streamer CDS software, the device mode determines whether the CDS device is functioning as a Service Engine (SE), CDS Manager (CDSM), or Service Router (SR). The commands available from a specific CLI mode are determined by the CDS device mode that us in effect. Use the device mode Global configuration command to change the current device mode to another configuration. Use the show device-mode command to display the current device configuration. To determine if a specific command is available for a specific device type, see Table 2-1. Using Command-Line Processing Cisco Internet Streamer CDS software commands are not case sensitive. You can abbreviate commands and parameters as long as they contain enough letters to be different from any other currently available commands or parameters. You can scroll through the last 20 commands stored in the history buffer and enter or edit the command at the prompt (see Table 1-1). Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-26431-01 1-1 Chapter 1 Command-Line Interface Command Summary Using Command Modes Table 1-1 Command-Line Processing Keystroke Combinations Keystroke Combination Function Ctrl-A Jumps to the first character of the command line. Ctrl-B or the Left Arrow key Moves the cursor back one character. Ctrl-C Escapes and terminates prompts and tasks. Ctrl-D Deletes the character at the cursor. Ctrl-E Jumps to the end of the current command line. Ctrl-F or the Right Arrow key Moves the cursor forward one character. Ctrl-K Deletes from the cursor to the end of the command line. Ctrl-L Repeats the current command line on a new line. Ctrl-N or the Down Arrow key Enters the next command line in the history buffer. Ctrl-P or the Up Arrow key Enters the previous command line in the history buffer. Ctrl-T Transposes the character at the cursor with the character to the left of the cursor. Ctrl-U; Ctrl-X Deletes from the cursor to the beginning of the command line. Ctrl-W Deletes the last word entered. Esc-B Moves the cursor back one word. Esc-D Deletes from the cursor to the end of the word. Esc-F Moves the cursor forward one word. Delete key or Backspace key Erases a mistake made when entering a command; re-enter the command after using this key. Using Command Modes The CLI for Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 software is similar to the CLI for the Cisco IOS software. Both the Cisco IOS software and the CDS CLI are organized into different commands and configuration modes. Each mode provides access to a specific set of commands. This section describes the command modes provided by Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 software CLI, and includes the following topics: • Using EXEC Mode, page 1-3 • Using Global Configuration Mode, page 1-3 • Using Interface Configuration Mode, page 1-4 • Using Other Configuration Modes, page 1-4 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 1-2 OL-31209-02 Chapter 1 Command-Line Interface Command Summary Using Command Modes Using EXEC Mode Use the EXEC mode for setting, viewing, and testing system operations. The EXEC mode is divided into two access levels, user and privileged. Use the enable and disable commands to switch between the two levels. Access to the user-level EXEC command line requires a valid password. The user-level EXEC commands are a subset of the privileged-level EXEC commands. The user-level EXEC prompt is the host name followed by a right-angle bracket (>). The prompt for the privileged-level EXEC command line is the pound sign (# ). To execute an EXEC command, enter the command at the EXEC system prompt and press the Return key. In the following example, a user accesses the privileged-level EXEC command line from the user level: ServiceEngine> enable ServiceEngine# Use the Delete or Backspace key sequences to edit commands when you enter commands at the EXEC prompt. As a shortcut, you can abbreviate commands to the fewest letters that make them unique. For example, the letters sho can be entered for the show command. Certain EXEC commands display multiple screens with the following prompt at the bottom of the screen: --More-- Press the Spacebar to continue the output, or press Return to display the next line. Press any other key to return to the prompt. Also, at the --More-- prompt, you can enter a question mark (?) to display the help message. To leave EXEC mode, use the exit command at the system prompt: ServiceEngine# exit The EXEC commands are entered in EXEC mode. Using Global Configuration Mode Use Global configuration mode for setting, viewing, and testing the configuration of Internet Streamer CDS software features for the entire device. To enter this mode, enter the configure command from privileged EXEC mode. You must be in Global configuration mode to enter Global configuration commands: ServiceEngine# configure ServiceEngine(config)# To exit Global configuration mode, use the end Global configuration command: ServiceEngine(config)# end You can also exit Global configuration mode by entering the exit command or by pressing Ctrl-Z. Global configuration commands are entered in Global configuration mode. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 1-3 Chapter 1 Command-Line Interface Command Summary Using Command Modes Using Interface Configuration Mode Use the interface configuration mode for setting, viewing, and testing the configuration of Internet Streamer CDS software features on a specific interface. To enter this mode, enter the interface command from the Global configuration mode. The following example demonstrates how to enter interface configuration mode: ServiceEngine# configure ServiceEngine(config)# interface ? GigabitEthernet Select a gigabit ethernet interface to configure PortChannel Ethernet Channel of interfaces Standby Standby groups To exit interface configuration mode, enter exit to return to Global configuration mode: ServiceEngine(config-if)# exit ServiceEngine(config)# The interface configuration commands are entered in interface configuration mode. Using Other Configuration Modes The CLI provides several other configuration modes that make it easier to configure specific features, including the configuration modes described in Table 1-2. Table 1-2 Commands Used to Access Configuration Modes for Specific Features Configuration Mode Command to Enter from Global Configuration Mode Standard access control list (ACL) configuration ip access-list standard mode Extended ACL configuration mode ip access-list extended Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP) service configuration mode icap service Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) configuration mode router ospf Service Routing Protocol (SRP) configuration mode router srp Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration mode router bgp Intermediate System -to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) configuration mode router isis To work with these configuration modes, enter the appropriate command from the Global configuration mode prompt. The CLI can enter a new configuration mode where all subsequent commands apply to the current entry. To return to Global configuration mode, enter the exit command. For further information about these configuration modes and the commands permitted in each one, see Chapter 2, “Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands.” Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 1-4 OL-31209-02 Chapter 1 Command-Line Interface Command Summary Checking the Command Syntax Checking the Command Syntax The user interface provides error isolation in the form of an error indicator, a caret symbol (^). The ^ symbol appears at the point in the command string where you have entered an incorrect command, keyword, or argument. For example, if you want to set the clock, use context-sensitive help to check the syntax for setting the clock. An example of a mistake is as follows: ServiceEngine# clock ? read-calendar Read the calendar and update system clock set Set the time and date update-calendar Update the calendar with system clock The help output shows that the set keyword is required. Check the syntax for entering the time: ServiceEngine# clock set ? <0-23>: Current Time (hh:mm:ss) Enter the current time in a 24-hour format with hours, minutes, and seconds separated by colons: ServiceEngine# clock set 13:32:00 % Incomplete command. The system indicates that you need to provide additional arguments to complete the command. Press the Up Arrow to automatically repeat the previous command entry. Then add a space and question mark (?) to display the additional arguments: ServiceEngine# clock set 13:32:00 ? <1-31> Day of the month January Month of the year February March . . . Enter the day and month as prompted, and use the question mark for additional instructions: ServiceEngine# clock set 13:32:00 12 April ? <1993-2035> Year Now you can complete the command entry by entering the year: ServiceEngine# clock set 13:32:00 12 April 00 ^ %Invalid input detected at '^' marker. ServiceEngine# The caret symbol (^) and help response indicate an error with the 00 entry. To display the correct syntax, press Ctrl-P or the Up Arrow. You can also re-enter the command string, and then enter a space character, a question mark, and press Enter: ServiceEngine# clock set 13:32:00 12 April ? <1993-2035> Year ServiceEngine# clock set 13:32:00 12 April Enter the year using the correct syntax and press Return to execute the command: ServiceEngine# clock set 13:32:00 12 April 2009 Sun Aor 12 13:32:00 UTC 2009 Restarting acquisition and distribution ServiceEngine# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 1-5 Chapter 1 Command-Line Interface Command Summary System Help System Help You can obtain help when you enter commands by using the following methods: • For a brief description of the context-sensitive help system, enter help. • To list all commands for a command mode, enter a question mark (?) at the system prompt. • To obtain a list of commands that start with a particular character set, enter an abbreviated command immediately followed by a question mark (?): ServiceEngine# cl? clear clock • To list the command keywords or arguments, enter a space and a question mark (?) after the command: ServiceEngine# clock ? read-calendarRead the calendar and update system clock setSet the time and date update-calendarUpdate the calendar with system clock Filtering Output Using Output Modifiers Many commands produce lengthy output that may use several screens to display. Using output modifiers, you can filter this output to show only the information that you want to see. The following three output modifiers are available: • begin regular-expression—Displays the first line in which a match of the regular expression is found and all lines that follow. • count regular-expression—Counts the line number of the regular expression. • exclude regular-expression—Displays all lines except those in which a match of the regular expression is found. • include regular-expression—Displays all lines in which a match of the regular expression is found To use one of these output modifiers, type the command followed by the pipe symbol (|), the modifier, and the regular expression that you want to search for or filter. A regular expression is a case-sensitive alphanumeric pattern. It can be a single character or number, a phrase, or a more complex string. Saving Configuration Changes To avoid losing new configurations, save them to NVRAM using the copy or write commands, as shown in the following examples: ServiceEngine# copy running-config startup-config or ServiceEngine# write See the command description for the copy running-config startup-config command for more information about the running and saved configuration modes. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 1-6 OL-31209-02 CH A P T E R 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands This chapter contains an alphabetical listing of all the commands in Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 software. The Internet Streamer CDS software CLI is organized into the following command modes: • EXEC mode—For setting, viewing, and testing system operations. It is divided into two access levels, user and privileged. To use the privileged access level, enter the enable command at the user access level prompt and then enter the privileged EXEC password when you see the password prompt. • Global configuration (config) mode—For setting, viewing, and testing the configuration of Internet Streamer CDS software features for the entire device. To use this mode, enter the configure command from privileged EXEC mode. • Interface configuration (config-if) mode—For setting, viewing, and testing the configuration of a specific interface. To use this mode, enter the interface command from Global configuration mode. • Other configuration modes—Several configuration modes are available from the Global configuration mode for managing specific features. The commands used to access these modes are marked with a footnote in Table 2-1. See Chapter 1, “Using Command Modes,” for a complete discussion of using CLI command modes. Table 2-1 summarizes the Internet Streamer CDS commands and indicates the command mode for each command. The same command may have different effects when entered in a different command mode, and for this reason, they are listed and documented separately. In Table 2-1, when the first occurrence is entered in EXEC mode, the second occurrence is entered in Global configuration mode. When the first occurrence is entered in Global configuration mode, the second occurrence is entered in interface configuration mode. The Internet Streamer CDS software device mode determines whether the Internet Streamer CDS device is functioning as a Service Engine (SE), CDS Manager (CDSM), or Service Router (SR). The commands available from a specific CLI mode are determined by the Internet Streamer CDS device mode in effect. Table 2-1 also indicates the device mode for each command. All indicates that the command is available for every device mode. Note When viewing this guide online, click the name of the command in the left column of the table to jump to the command page, which provides the command syntax, examples, and usage guidelines. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-1 Chapter 2 Note Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands See Appendix A, “Acronyms” for an expansion of all acronyms used in this publication. Table 2-1 CLI Commands Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode aaa Specifies accounting, authentication and authorization methods. Global configuration All access-lists Configures the access control list entries. Global configuration SE acquirer (EXEC) Configures the content acquirer. Privileged-level EXEC SE acquirer (Global configuration) Enables authentication when the acquirer obtains content through a proxy server. Global configuration SE acquisition-distribution Starts and stops the acquisition and distribution database cleanup process and the content acquisition and distribution process. Privileged-level EXEC SE alarm Configures alarms. Global configuration All area nssa Configures an area as an NSSA1. OSPF configuration SR area stub Defines an area as a stub area. OSPF configuration SR asset Configures the CISCO-ENTITYASSET-MIB. Global configuration All authsvr Enables and configures the Authorization server. Global configuration SE bandwidth (Global configuration) Sets the allowable bandwidth usage Global and its duration for the Movie configuration Streamer and WMT2 streaming media. SE bandwidth (interface configuration) Sets the specified interface bandwidth Interface to 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps. configuration All banner Configures the EXEC, login, and MOTD3 banners. Global configuration All bitrate Configures the maximum pacing bit rate for the Movie Streamer and configures WMT bit-rate settings. Global configuration SE blink Identifies physical devices by blinking Privileged-level their LED(s). EXEC All bootstrap-node Configures a bootstrap node IP address. SRP configuration SR cache Specifies the cache commands. Global configuration SE capability Modifies the capability configuration. Global configuration SE Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-2 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands Table 2-1 CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode cd Changes the directory. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All cdn-select Enables the CDN Selector for third-party service selection. Global Configuration SR cdnfs Manages the Internet Streamer CDNFS4. Privileged-level EXEC SE cdsm Configures the CDSM IP address and primary or standby role settings. Global configuration All clear cache Clears the HTTP object cache. Privileged-level EXEC SE, SR clear content Clears the URL content. Privileged-level EXEC SE, SR clear ip Clears the IP configuration. Privileged-level EXEC All clear ipv6 Clears the IPv6 configuration. Privileged-level EXEC All clear isis Clears the IS-IS Routing for IP. Privileged-level EXEC SR clear logging Clears the syslog messages saved in the disk file. Privileged-level EXEC All clear service-router Clears the Service Router. Privileged-level EXEC SR clear srp database offline Clears the SRP database while it is offline. Privileged-level EXEC SR clear srp descriptor Deletes a single descriptor or all descriptors from the service routing layer. Privileged-level EXEC SR clear srp neighbor Removes a neighbor Proximity Engine Privileged-level from the neighbor list of the local EXEC Proximity Engine. SR clear srp resource Deletes a resource from a descriptor in Privileged-level the service routing layer. EXEC SR clear srp route Deletes a single route entry from the DHT routing table of the local Proximity Engine. Privileged-level EXEC SR clear statistics Clears the statistics. Privileged-level EXEC All clear transaction-logs Clears and archives the working transaction logs. Privileged-level EXEC SE, SR clear users Clears the connections (login) of authenticated users. Privileged-level EXEC All Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-3 Chapter 2 Table 2-1 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode clear wmt Clears the WMT streams. Privileged-level EXEC SE clock (EXEC) Manages the system clock. Privileged-level EXEC All clock (Global configuration) Sets the summer daylight saving time of day and time zone. Global configuration All cms (EXEC) Configures the CMS5-embedded database parameters. Privileged-level EXEC All cms (Global configuration) Schedules the maintenance and enables the Centralized Management System on a given node. Global configuration All configure6 Enters configuration mode from privileged EXEC mode. Privileged-level EXEC All contentmgr Configures the Content Manager. Global configuration SE content-mgr disk-info force-reset Forces the Content Manager to reset the disk share memory information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE content-origin Supports multiple origin servers within a content origin. Global configuration SE copy Copies the configuration or image files Privileged-level to and from the CD-ROM, flash EXEC memory, disk, or remote hosts. All cpfile Copies a file. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All debug Configures the debugging options. Privileged-level EXEC All debug ip bgp Displays information related to the BGP process. Privileged-level EXEC SR debug ip ospf Displays information related to the OSPF process. Privileged-level EXEC SR debug ip proximity Debugs the transport layer of proximity process. Privileged-level EXEC SR debug ip rib Turns on proximity debugging information. Privileged-level EXEC SR debug isis Displays information related to the IS-IS process. Privileged-level EXEC SR debug srp Turns on SRP debugging information. Privileged-level EXEC SR delfile Deletes a file. All User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-4 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands Table 2-1 CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode deltree Deletes a directory and its subdirectories. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All device Configures the mode of operation on a Global device. configuration All dir Displays the list of files in a directory. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All direct-server-return Enables a VIP for direct server return. Global configuration SE, SR disable Turns off the privileged EXEC commands. Privileged-level EXEC All disk (EXEC) Allocates the disks among the CDNFS Privileged-level and sysfs file systems. EXEC All disk (Global configuration) Configures how the disk errors should Global be handled. configuration All distribution Reschedules and refreshes the content Privileged-level redistribution through multicast for all EXEC delivery services or a specified delivery service ID or name. SE dnslookup Resolves a host or domain name to an User-level EXEC IP address. and privileged-level EXEC All domain Sets the domain ID for the SRP. SRP configuration SR enable6 Accesses the privileged EXEC commands. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All enable password Changes the enable password. Global configuration All end Exits configuration and privileged EXEC modes. Global configuration All exec-timeout Configures the length of time that an inactive Telnet or SSH7 session remains open. Global configuration All exit Exits from interface, Global configuration, or privileged EXEC modes. All All expert-mode password Sets the expert-mode password. Global configuration All external-ip Configures up to a maximum of eight external IP addresses. Global configuration All find-pattern Searches for a particular pattern in a file. Privileged-level EXEC All Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-5 Chapter 2 Table 2-1 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode flash-media-streaming Enables and configures Flash Media Streaming. Global configuration SE, SR flooding Sets the flooding threshold for SRP multicast. SRP configuration SR geo-location-server Redirects requests to different CDNs based on the geographic location of the client. Global configuration SR gulp Captures lossless gigabit packets and writes them to disk. Privileged-level EXEC SE help Obtains online help for the command-line interface. Global configuration and user-level EXEC All hostname Configures the device network name. Global configuration All install Installs a new version of the caching application. Privileged-level EXEC All interface6 Configures a Gigabit Ethernet or port channel interface. Provides access to interface configuration mode. Global configuration All ip (Global configuration) Configures the Internet Protocol. Global configuration All ip (Interface configuration) Configures the interface Internet Protocol. Interface configuration All ip access-list6 Creates and modifies the access lists for controlling access to interfaces or applications. Provides access to ACL configuration mode. Global configuration All ip ospf priority Sets the router priority, which helps determine the designated router for this network. Interface configuration mode under OSPF configuration SR ip rib route Configures unicast static routes for the Global Proximity Engine. configuration SR ip router isis Specifies the interfaces to be used for routing IS-IS. Interface configuration mode under IS-IS configuration mode SR ipv6 Specifies the default gateway’s IPv6 address. Global configuration SE isis Configures IS-IS routing for IP. Interface configuration mode under IS-IS configuration SR Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-6 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands Table 2-1 CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode is-type Configures a Proximity Engine to act IS-IS configuration as a Level 1 (intra-area) router, as both a Level 1 router and a Level 2 (interarea) router, or as an inter-area router only. SR kernel Configures the kernel. All key Creates a key ID and enters into key ID Key chain submode configuration submode. SR key-string Creates a key string to be used for authentication. Key ID configuration submode SR key chain Creates a key chain and enters into key Global chain configuration submode. configuration SR lacp8 Turns on LACP. Interface configuration All line Specifies the terminal line settings. Global configuration All lls Displays the files in a long-list format. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All location community Configures the community values that BGP configuration are associated with a Proximity Engine. SR log-adjacency-changes Configures the router to send a syslog BGP, IS-IS and message when an IS-IS neighbor goes OSPF configuration up or down. SR logging Configures syslog9. Global configuration All log-neighbor-changes Enables logging of BGP neighbor resets. BGP configuration SR ls Lists the files and subdirectories in a directory. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All lsp-mtu Sets the maximum transmission unit MTU10 size of IS-IS LSPs. IS-IS configuration SR mkdir Makes a directory. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All mkfile Makes a file (for testing). User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All Global configuration Device Mode Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-7 Chapter 2 Table 2-1 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode model Changes the CDE250 platform model number after a remanufacturing or rescue process. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All movie-streamer Enables and configures the Movie Streamer server. Global configuration SE multicast (Global Configuration) Configures multicast options. Global configuration SE multicast (EXEC Configuration) Generate multicast packets and tests User-level EXEC connectivity through multicast routers. and privileged-level EXEC SE, CDSM mtu Sets the interface maximum transmission unit packet size. Interface configuration All neighbor Configures the BGP neighbors. BGP configuration SR IS-IS configuration SR 11 for a net Configures an IS-IS NET CLNS12 routing process. netmon Displays the transmit and receive activity on an interface. Privileged-level EXEC SE netstatr Displays the rate of change of netstat statistics. Privileged-level EXEC SE network area Defines the interfaces on which OSPF OSPF configuration runs and defines the area ID for those interfaces. SR no (Global configuration) Negates a Global configuration command or sets its defaults. Global configuration All no (interface configuration) Negates an interface command or sets Interface its defaults. configuration All ntp Configures the Network Time Protocol Global server. configuration All ntpdate Sets the NTP software clock. Privileged-level EXEC All ping Sends the echo packets. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All ping srp Pings the SRP ring. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR ping6 Pings the IPv6 address. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE port-channel Configures the port channel load balancing options. Global configuration All Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-8 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands Table 2-1 CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode primary-interface Configures a primary interface for the Global Internet Streamer CDS network to be a configuration Gigabit Ethernet or port channel interface. All proximity algorithm bgp Enables a BGP proximity algorithm option for the Proximity Engine. Global configuration SR proximity engine enable Enables the Proximity Engine. Global Configuration SR pwd Displays the present working directory. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All radius-server Configures the RADIUS authentication. Global configuration All rcp Enables RCP. Global configuration All reload Halts a device and performs a cold restart. Privileged-level EXEC All rename Renames a file. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All restore Restores a device to its manufactured default status. Privileged-level EXEC All rmdir Removes a directory. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All router bgp Configures a BGP routing process. Global configuration SR router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and Global specifies an IS-IS process. configuration SR router ospf Enables the OSPF13 routing process. Global configuration SR router srp Enters SRP configuration mode. Global configuration SR rtsp Configures the Real-Time Streaming Protocol-related parameters. Global configuration SE rule Sets the rules by which the SE filters HTTP, HTTPS, and RTSP traffic. Global configuration SE script Checks the errors in a script or executes a script. Privileged-level EXEC All service Specifies the type of service. Privileged-level EXEC All service-router Configures service routing. Global configuration All Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-9 Chapter 2 Table 2-1 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode setup Configures the basic configuration settings and a set of commonly used caching services. Privileged-level EXEC All show aaa Displays the accounting, authentication, and authorization configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show access-lists 300 Displays the access control list configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show acquirer Displays the acquirer delivery service User-level EXEC and privileged-level information and progress for a EXEC specified delivery service number or name. SE show alarms Displays information on various types User-level EXEC of alarms, their status, and history. and privileged-level EXEC All show arp Displays the Address Resolution Protocol entries. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show authentication Displays the authentication configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show authsvr Displays the Authorization Server status. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show bandwidth Displays the bandwidth allocated to a particular device. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE, SR show banner Displays information on various types User-level EXEC of banners. and privileged-level EXEC All show bitrate Displays the SE bit-rate configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE, SR show cache Displays a list of cached contents. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show cache-router Displays cache-route information for various Protocol Engines. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show capability Displays information for the Cap-X profile ID. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-10 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands Table 2-1 CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode show cdn-select Displays the status of the CDN Selector. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show cdnfs Displays the Internet Streamer CDS network file system information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC CDSM, SE show clock Displays the system clock. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show cms Displays the Centralized Management User-level EXEC System protocol, embedded database and privileged-level content, maintenance status, and other EXEC information. All show content Displays all content entries in the CDS. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show content-mgr Displays all content management information in the CDS. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show content-origin Displays information about the NAS14 User-level EXEC mount. and privileged-level EXEC SE show debugging Displays the state of each debugging option. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show debugging srp Displays the debug flags that are turned on for the SRP. Privileged-level EXEC SR show device-mode Displays the configured or current mode of a CDSM, SE, or SR device. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show direct-server-return Displays the Direct Server return information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE, SR show disks Displays the disk configurations. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show distribution Displays the distribution information for a specified delivery service. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show flash Displays the flash memory information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-11 Chapter 2 Table 2-1 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode show flash-media-streaming Displays the Flash Media Streaming information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE, SR show flash-media-streaming Displays the caching configuration of the FTP15. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show hardware Displays the system hardware information. Privileged-level EXEC All show hosts Displays the IP domain name, name servers, IP addresses, and host table. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show interface Displays the hardware interface information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show inventory Displays the system inventory information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show ip access-list Displays the information about access Privileged-level lists that are defined and applied to EXEC specific interfaces or applications. All show ip bgp Displays the contents of a particular host in the BGP routing table. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip bgp all Displays the contents of the BGP routing table. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip bgp community Displays BGP routes that match a specified BGP community string. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip bgp ipv4 unicast Displays information relating to all User-level EXEC IPV4 unicast routes in the BGP routing and privileged-level table. EXEC SR show ip bgp memory Displays memory usage information of the running BGP daemon. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip bgp neighbors Displays information about the TCP and BGP connections to neighbors. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip bgp nexthop-database Displays the next-hop database information in the BGP routing table. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip bgp summary Displays the status of all BGP connections. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-12 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands Table 2-1 CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode show ip interface Displays the IP interface state and its address and mask for all interfaces. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip ospf Displays general information about OSPF routing processes. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip ospf border-routers Displays general information about OSPF border routers. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip ospf database Displays information specific to the OSPF database for a specific router. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip ospf interface Displays OSPF-related interface information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip ospf memory Displays memory usage of the OSPF process. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip ospf neighbor Displays OSPF neighbor information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip ospf request-list Displays a list of all LSAs16 requested User-level EXEC by a router. and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip ospf retransmission-list Displays a list of all LSAs waiting to be re-sent. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip ospf route Displays the OSPF RSPF route for OSPF routes. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip ospf rspf route Displays OSPF RSPF17 from specific routers. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip ospf traffic Displays OSPF traffic statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip proximity algorithm Displays the proximity algorithm options currently in use by this Proximity Engine. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip proximity servers Displays the interface addresses and hostnames of the proximity servers currently in use by this Proximity Engine. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-13 Chapter 2 Table 2-1 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode show ip rib clients Displays details of all the routing protocol instances that are clients of the RIB. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip rib memory Displays the memory usage information of the RIB. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip rib recursive-next-hop Displays IP recursive next-hop information from the RIB. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip rib route Displays IP RIB route information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip rib unresolved-next-hop Displays unresolved next-hop information from the RIB. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ip routes Displays the IP routing table. Privileged-level EXEC All show ip static route Displays IP static route information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show ipv6 Displays IPv6 information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show isis adjacency Displays IS-IS adjacencies. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show isis clns route Displays one or all the destinations to User-level EXEC which the router knows how to route and privileged-level EXEC CLNS packets. SR show isis database Displays the IS-IS link-state database. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show isis hostname-table Displays the router-name-to-system-ID mapping table entries for an IS-IS router. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show isis interface Displays information about the IS-IS interfaces. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show isis ip route Displays the Intermediate IS-IS RSPF User-level EXEC route for IS-IS learned routes. and privileged-level EXEC SR show isis ip rspf route Displays the Intermediate IS-IS RSPF User-level EXEC route for IS-IS learned routes. and privileged-level EXEC SR Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-14 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands Table 2-1 CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode show isis memory Displays memory usage information for an IS-IS instance. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show isis process Displays summary information about an IS-IS instance. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show isis rrm Displays IS-IS RRM18 information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show isis spf-log Displays how often and why the router User-level EXEC and privileged-level has run a full SPF19 calculation. EXEC SR show isis srm Displays SRM20 information for an IS-IS process. Privileged-level EXEC SR show isis ssn Displays SSN21 information for an IS-IS process. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show key chain Displays the key chains in the system. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show lacp Displays LACP information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show logging Displays the system logging configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show movie-streamer Displays the Movie Streamer configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show movie-streamer Displays whether or not the multicast sender and receiver are enabled. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show ntp Displays the Network Time Protocol configuration status. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show processes Displays the process status. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show programs Displays the scheduled programs. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show radius-server Displays the RADIUS server information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-15 Chapter 2 Table 2-1 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode show rcp Displays RCP information User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show rtsp Displays the RTSP configurations. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show rule Displays the Rules Template configuration information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show running-config Displays the current operating configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show service-router Displays the Service Router configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show services Displays the services-related information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show snmp Displays the SNMP parameters. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show srp database Displays the descriptor-related information saved in the descriptor database. Privileged-level EXEC SR show srp leafset Displays SRP leafset information. Privileged-level EXEC SR show srp memory Displays SRP memory usage information. Privileged-level EXEC SR show srp multicast database Displays multicast database information for an SRP process. Privileged-level EXEC SR show srp neighbor Displays SRP neighbor information. Privileged-level EXEC SR show srp process Displays the basic configurations for SRP. Privileged-level EXEC SR show srp replica-set Displays the replica-set information for a Proximity Engine. Privileged-level EXEC SR show srp route Displays route information for a Proximity Engine to its neighbor nodes on the same DHT network. Privileged-level EXEC SR show srp subscribers Displays SRP multicast group subscriber information. Privileged-level EXEC SR Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-16 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands Table 2-1 CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode show ssh Displays the Secure Shell status and configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show standby Displays the information related to the User-level EXEC standby interface. and privileged-level EXEC All show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show statistics aaa Displays accounting, authentication, and authorization statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show statistics access-lists 300 Displays the access control list statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show statistics acquirer Displays the SE acquirer delivery service statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show statistics admission Displays admission control statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE, CDSM show statistics authsvr Displays the Authentication Server statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show statistics cdn-select Displays the statistics for the CDN Selector. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show statistics cdnfs Displays the SE Internet Streamer CDS network file system statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show statistics content-mgr Displays the Content Manager statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show statistics distribution Displays the simplified statistics for content distribution components. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show statistics flash-media-streaming Displays the statistics for Flash Media User-level EXEC Streaming. and privileged-level EXEC SE show statistics icmp Displays the Internet Control Message User-level EXEC Protocol statistics. and privileged-level EXEC All Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-17 Chapter 2 Table 2-1 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode show statistics ip Displays the Internet Protocol statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show statistics isis Displays IS-IS traffic counters. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show statistics movie-streamer Displays statistics for the Movie Streamer. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show statistics netstat Displays the Internet socket connection statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show statistics radius Displays the RADIUS authentication statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show statistics replication User-level EXEC Displays the delivery service replication status and related statistical and privileged-level EXEC data. CDSM, SR show statistics service-router Displays the Service Router statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR show statistics services Displays the services statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show statistics snmp Displays the SNMP statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show statistics srp Displays SRP statistics information. Privileged-level EXEC SR show statistics tacacs Displays the Service Engine TACACS+ authentication and authorization statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show statistics tcp Displays the Transmission Control Protocol statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show statistics transaction-logs Displays the transaction log export statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show statistics udp Displays the User Datagram Protocol statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show statistics web-engine Displays the Web Engine statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-18 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands Table 2-1 CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode show statistics wmt Displays the Windows Media Technologies statistics. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show tacacs Displays TACACS+ authentication protocol configuration information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show tech-support Displays the system information for Cisco technical support. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show telnet Displays the Telnet services configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show transaction-logging Displays the transaction logging information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show url-signature Displays the URL signature information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show user Displays the user identification number and username information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show users Displays the specified users. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show version Displays the software version. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All show web-engine Displays the Web Engine information. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE show wmt Displays the WMT configuration. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE shutdown (interface configuration) Shuts down the specified interface. Interface configuration All shutdown (EXEC) Shuts down the device (stops all applications and operating system). Privileged-level EXEC All snmp-server community Configures the community access string to permit access to the SNMP. Global configuration All snmp-server contact Specifies the text for the MIB object sysContact. Global configuration All snmp-server enable traps Enables the SNMP traps. Global configuration All Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-19 Chapter 2 Table 2-1 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode snmp-server group Defines a user security model group. Global configuration All snmp-server host Specifies the hosts to receive SNMP traps. Global configuration All snmp-server location Specifies the path for the MIB object sysLocation. Global configuration All snmp-server notify inform Configures the SNMP inform request. Global configuration All snmp-server user Defines a user who can access the SNMP engine. Global configuration All snmp-server view Defines an SNMPv222 MIB view. Global configuration All splunk-uf-monitor Configure Splunk Universal Forwarder monitoring, Global configuration SE, SR ss Dumps socket statistics. Privileged-level EXEC SE sshd Configures the SSH service parameters. Global configuration All streaming-interface Configures the streaming interface. Global configuration SE sysreport Saves the sysreport to a user-specified Privileged-level file. EXEC SE tacacs Configures TACACS+ server parameters. All tcpdump Dumps the TCP traffic on the network. Privileged-level EXEC All tcpmon Searches all TCP connections. Privileged-level EXEC SE tcp timestamp Enables and disables TCP timestamp. Global configuration All telnet Starts the Telnet client. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All telnet enable Enables the Telnet services. Global configuration All terminal Sets the terminal output commands. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All test-url Tests the accessibility of a URL using User-level EXEC FTP, HTTP, or HTTPS. and privileged-level EXEC Global configuration SE, SR Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-20 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands Table 2-1 CLI Commands (continued) Command Description CLI Mode Device Mode top Displays a dynamic real-time view of a Privileged-level running CDS. EXEC All traceroute Traces the route to a remote host. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All traceroute srp Traces the route of the SRP ring. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SR traceroute6 Traces the route to a remote IPv6-enabled host. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC SE, SR transaction-log force Forces archiving of the working log file to make a transaction log file. Privileged-level EXEC All transaction-logs Configures and enables the transaction Global logging parameters. configuration SE type Displays a file. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All type-tail Displays the last several lines of a file. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All undebug Disables debugging functions. Privileged-level EXEC All url-signature Configures the URL signature. Global configuration SE username Establishes the username authentication. Global configuration All web-engine (EXEC) Configures the Web Engine. User-level EXEC SE web-engine (Global configuration) Configures the Web Engine caching parameters and disables revalidation. Global configuration SE whoami Displays the current user’s name. User-level EXEC and privileged-level EXEC All wmt Configures the WMT. Global configuration SE write Writes or erases the startup configurations to NVRAM or to a terminal session, or writes the MIB persistence configuration to disk. Privileged-level EXEC All 1. NSSA = not-so-stubby area 2. WMT = Windows Media Technologies 3. MOTD = message-of-the-day 4. CDNFS = CDS network file system Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-21 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands 5. CMS = centralized management system 6. Commands used to access configuration modes. 7. SSH = secure shell 8. Link Aggregation Control Protocol 9. syslog = system logging 10. MTU = maximum transmission unit 11. NET = network entity title 12. CLNS = Connectionless Network Service 13. OSPF = Open Shortest Path First 14. Network-attached Storage 15. FTP = File Transfer Protocol 16. LSAs = link-state advertisements 17. RSPF = reverse shortest path first 18. RRM = received routing message 19. SPF = Shortest Path First 20. SRM = send routing message 21. SSN = send sequence number 22. SNMPv2 = SNMP Version 2 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-22 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands aaa aaa To specify accounting, authentication, and authorization methods, use the aaa command in global configuration mode. To selectively disable options, use the no form of this command. aaa {accounting {commands {0 {start-stop tacacs + | stop-only tacacs+} | 15 {start-stop tacacs + | stop-only tacacs+}} | exec {start-stop tacacs + | stop-only tacacs+} | system {start-stop tacacs + | stop-only tacacs+}} | authentication {enable {primary | secondary | tertiary} | radius {primary | secondary | tertiary} | tacacs+ {primary | secondary | tertiary}} | login {fail-over server-unreachable | local {primary | secondary | tertiary} | radius {primary | secondary | tertiary} | tacacs+ {primary | secondary | tertiary}} | authorization {commands {0 tacacs+ [if-authenticated] | 15 tacacs+ [if-authenticated]} | config-commands | console | exec {local {primary | secondary | tertiary} | radius {primary | secondary | tertiary} | tacacs+ {primary | secondary | tertiary}}}} no aaa {accounting {commands {0 {start-stop tacacs + | stop-only tacacs+} | 15 {start-stop tacacs + | stop-only tacacs+}} | exec {start-stop tacacs + | stop-only tacacs+} | system {start-stop tacacs + | stop-only tacacs+}} | authentication {enable {enable {primary | secondary | tertiary} | radius {primary | secondary | tertiary} | tacacs+ {primary | secondary | tertiary}} | login {fail-over server-unreachable | local {primary | secondary | tertiary} | radius {primary | secondary | tertiary} | tacacs+ {primary | secondary | tertiary}} | authorization {commands {0 tacacs+ [if-authenticated] | 15 tacacs+ [if-authenticated]} | config-commands | console | exec {local {primary | secondary | tertiary} | radius {primary | secondary | tertiary} | tacacs+ {primary | secondary | tertiary}}}} Syntax Description accounting Sets the Accounting configurations parameters. commands Configures exec (shell) commands. 0 Enables level for normal user. start-stop Records start and stop without waiting. tacacs+ Uses Tacacs+ hosts for accounting. stop-only Records stop when service terminates. 15 Enables level for super user. exec Starts an exec (shell). system Configures System events. authentication Sets the Authentication configurations parameters. enable Sets authentication for enable. enable Uses enable password for authentication. primary Sets authentication method as primary. secondary Sets authentication method as secondary. tertiary Sets authentication method as tertiary. radius Uses Radius hosts for authentication. tacacs+ Uses Tacacs+ hosts for authentication. login Sets authentication for logins. fail-over Specifies a condition to switch to a local authentication scheme. server-unreachable Fail-over if server is unreachable. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-23 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands aaa local Uses local username authentication. radius Uses Radius hosts for authentication. tacacs+ Uses Tacacs+ hosts for authentication. authorization Sets the Authorization configurations parameters. commands Configures exec (shell) commands. 0 Enables level for normal user. tacacs+ Uses Tacacs+ hosts for authorization. 15 Enables level for super user. config-commands Sets configuration mode commands. console Sets all commands on the console line. local Uses local username authorization. primary Sets authorization method as primary. secondary Sets authorization method as secondary. tertiary Sets authorization method as tertiary. radius Uses Radius hosts for authorization. tacacs+ Uses Tacacs+ hosts for authorization Tacacs+ hosts for authorization. Defaults aaa authorization config-commands: disabled Command Modes Global configuration Usage Guidelines The aaa accounting commands command enables accounting using TACACS+ for normal and supper users. The aaa accounting exec command enables accounting records for user EXEC terminal sessions on the Tacacs+ server, including username, date, start, and stop times. The aaa accounting system command enables accounting of the system events, such as system reboot, NIC interface up or down, accounting configuration enabled or disabled, and using TACACS+. The aaa authentication login command enables authentication using TACACS+ or the RADIUS server to determine if the user has access permission on the SE. The local authentication uses the local database for authentication, if configured. This can be enabled to provide a fallback in case of TACACS+ or Radius server failure. If there are multi-authentication methods configured, the SE tries to authenticating the user through all configured methods, one by one, until one of them succeeds. The authentication order complies with the priority specified (primary, secondary, then tertiary). If the primary is empty, the secondary is considered as primary, and so on. If the configured TACACS+ or Radius server is unreachable, use the aaa authentication login fail-over server-unreachable command to switch off the TACACS+ or Radius server, and enable fail-over to use the local password file for authentication. The aaa authentication enable command enables authentication using TACACS+ or the RADIUS server to determine if the normal user can enter the privileged exec mode. Alternatively, the enable authentication method uses the local database (the enable password) for authentication. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-24 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands aaa The aaa authorization command enables authorization using the TACACS+ server to determine if the specified user can execute commands or not. In case the configured TACACS+ server is unreachable, the if-authenticated option can switch off the TACACS+ server and authorization is granted to anyone who is authenticated. Note The following commands bypass authorization and accounting: CTRL+C, CTRL+Z, exit, end, and all of configuration commands for entering submode, for example, interface GigabitEthernet 1/0. The aaa authorization config-commands command reestablishes the default created when the aaa authorization commands command was issued. If the aaa authorization commands level method command is enabled, all commands, including configuration commands, are authorized using the method specified for the specified user. To bypass the configuration commands, using the no aaa authorization config-commands command stops the network access server from attempting configuration command authorization. After the no form of this command is entered, AAA authorization of configuration commands is completely disabled. Take care before entering the no form of this command because it potentially reduces the amount of administrative control on configuration commands. Use the aaa authorization config-commands command if, after using the no form of this command, you need to reestablish the default set by the aaa authorization commands level method command. Note This command is disabled by default. You get the same result if you (1) do not configure this command, or (2) configure the no aaa authorization config-commands. The aaa authorization console command applies authorization to a console. To disable the authorization, use the no form of this command. The no aaa authorization console command is the default, and the authorization that is configured on the console line always succeeds. If you do not want the default, you need to configure the aaa authorization console command. The aaa authorization exec command enables authorization using the TACACS+ or RADIUS server to determine if the user can startup an exec (shell). The local authentication uses the local database for authorization, if configured. This can be enabled to provide a fallback in case the TACACS+ or Radius server fails. If you are trying to disable the aaa authorization exec command, at least one authorization method must be selected (local is the default). At least one authentication method must be selected for login. Note Examples As long as the login authentication fail-over is enabled, it is applied to the exec authorization as well. In other words, the local database is used for authorization as well if the remote severs is unreachable. The following configures accounting commands for a normal user using Tacacs+ hosts: ServiceEngine(config)# aaa accounting commands 0 start-stop tacacs+ The following example enables/disables authentication for login: ServiceEngine(config)# aaa authentication login Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-25 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands aaa The following example applies authorization to a console: ServiceEngine(config)# aaa authorization console Related Commands Command Description enable password Changes the password. show aaa Shows the AAA configuration for a different service. show statistics aaa Shows the AAA statistics. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-26 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands access-lists access-lists To configure access control list (ACL) entries, use the access-lists command in Global configuration mode. To remove access control list entries, use the no form of this command. access-lists {300 {deny groupname {any [position number] | groupname [position number]}} | {permit groupname {any [position number] | groupname [position number]}} | enable} no access-lists {300 {deny groupname {any [position number] | groupname [position number}} | {permit groupname {any [position number] | groupname [position number]}} | enable} Syntax Description 300 Specifies the group name-based access control list (ACL). deny Specifies the rejection action. groupname Defines which groups are granted or denied access to content that is served by this SE. any Specifies any group name. position (Optional) Specifies the position of the ACL record within the access list. number (Optional) Position number within the ACL. The range is from 1 to 4294967294. groupname Name of the group that is permitted or denied from accessing the Internet using an SE. permit Specifies the permission action. enable Enables the ACL. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines You can configure group authorization using an ACL only after a user has been authenticated against an LDAP HTTP-request Authentication Server. The use of this list configures group privileges when members of the group are accessing content provided by an SE. You can use the ACL to allow the users who belong to certain groups or to prevent them from viewing specific content. This authorization feature offers more granular access control by specifying that access is only allowed to specific groups. Use the access-lists enable Global configuration command to enable the use of the ACL. Use the access-lists 300 command to permit or deny a group from accessing the Internet using an SE. For instance, use the access-lists 300 deny groupname marketing command to prevent any user from the marketing group from accessing content through an SE. At least one login authentication method, such as local, TACACS+, or RADIUS, must be enabled. Note We recommend that you configure the local login authentication method as the primary method. The ACL contains the following feature enhancements and limitations: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-27 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands access-lists • A user can belong to several groups. • A user can belong to an unlimited number of groups within group name strings. • A group name string is a case-sensitive string with mixed-case alphanumeric characters. • Each unique group name string cannot exceed 128 characters. Note If the unique group name string is longer than 128 characters, the group is ignored. • Group names in a group name string are separated by a comma. • Total string of individual group names cannot exceed 750 characters. For Windows-based user groups, append the domain name in front of the group name in the form domain or group as follows: For Windows NT-based user groups, use the domain NetBIOS name. Wildcards The access-list command does not use a netmask; it uses a wildcard bitmask. The source and destination IP and wildcard usage is as follows: • source_ip—Number of the network or host from which the packet is being sent. There are three alternative ways to specify the source: – Use a 32-bit quantity in four-part dotted decimal format. – Use the any keyword => source and source-wildcard of – Use the host keyword => specific source and source_wildcard equal • source-wildcard—Wildcard bits to be applied to source. Each wildcard bit set to 0 indicates the corresponding bit position in the source. Each wildcard bit set to 1 indicates that both a 0 bit and a 1 bit in the corresponding position of the IP address of the packet is considered a match to this access list entry. To specify the source wildcard, use a 32-bit quantity in four-part dotted decimal format. Place 1s in the bit positions you want to ignore. Note Examples Wildcard bits set to 1 need not be contiguous in the source wildcard. For example, a source wildcard of would be valid. The following example shows how to display the configuration of the ACL by using the show access-lists 300 command: ServiceEngine# show access-lists 300 Access Control List Configuration --------------------------------Access Control List is enabled Groupname-based List (300) 1. permit groupname techpubs 2. permit groupname acme1 3. permit groupname engineering 4. permit groupname sales 5. permit groupname marketing 6. deny groupname any Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-28 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands access-lists The following example shows how to display statistical information for the ACL by using the show statistics access-lists 300 command: ServiceEngine# show statistics access-lists 300 Access Control Lists Statistics ----------------------------------------Groupname and username-based List (300) Number of requests: 1 Number of deny responses: 0 Number of permit responses: 1 The following example shows how to reset the statistical information for the ACL by using the clear statistics access-lists 300 command: ServiceEngine# clear statistics access-lists 300 ServiceEngine(config)# access-lists 300 permit groupname acme1 position 2 Related Commands Command Description show access-lists 300 Displays the ACL configuration. show statistics access-list 300 Displays the ACL statistics. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-29 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands acquirer (EXEC) acquirer (EXEC) To start or stop content acquisition on a specified acquirer delivery service, use the acquirer command in EXEC configuration mode. You can also use this command to verify and correct the Last-Modified-Time attribute in content acquired using the Cisco Internet Streamer CDS software. acquirer {check-time-for-old-content [delivery-service-id delivery-service-num | delivery-service-name delivery-service-name] | [correct [delivery-service-id delivery-service-num | delivery-service-name delivery-service-name]] | start-delivery-service {delivery-service-id delivery-service-num | delivery-service-name delivery-service-name} | stop-delivery-service {delivery-service-id delivery-service-num | delivery-service-name delivery-service-name} | test-url url [use-http-proxy url | use-smb-options smb-options]} Syntax Description check-time-for-old-content Checks the content for the Last-Modified-Time attributes in the local time format. delivery-service-id (Optional) Sets the delivery service number identifier. delivery-service-num (Optional) Delivery service number. The range is from 0 to 4294967295. delivery-service-name (Optional) Sets the delivery service name descriptor. delivery-service-name (Optional) Delivery service name. correct (Optional) Changes the Last-Modified-Time attributes in the local time format to the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) format. start-delivery-service Starts the content acquisition. stop-delivery-service Stops the content acquisition. test-url Tests the accessibility of a URL, using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or SMB. url URL to be tested. Note For the SMB protocol, use the Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) path, for example, //host/share/file. use-http-proxy (Optional) Specifies the HTTP proxy. The connectivity of the URL (content request over HTTP) through the HTTP proxy server (SE) is tested. Use this option only when the HTTP protocol is used. url (Optional) HTTP proxy URL. Use one of the following formats to specify the HTTP proxy URL: http://proxyIpAddress:proxyPort http://proxyUser:proxypasswd@proxyIpAddress:proxyPort use-smb-options (Optional) Specifies the username, password, port, and domain for the SMB URL. smb-options (Optional) Parameters to be specified when an SMB URL is used. Use the following format to specify these parameters: username=xxx,password=xxx,port=xxx,workgroup=xxx Note Defaults All the comma-separated key=value pairs are optional and need to be specified only if the SMB host requires them. If you do not specify the delivery service, this command applies to all delivery services assigned to the Content Acquirer. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-30 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands acquirer (EXEC) Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The acquirer is a software agent that gathers delivery service content before it is distributed to the receiver SEs in an Internet Streamer CDS network. The acquirer maintains a task list, which it updates after receiving a notification of changes in its delivery service configuration. The acquirer stores the Last-Modified-Time attribute in the local time format. Content acquired using earlier software releases has a Last-Modified-Time attribute that is incorrect if used with later versions of the Internet Streamer CDS software, which use GMT format. Correct the Last-Modified-Time attributes for content acquired with earlier releases by entering the following command from the privileged EXEC prompt: acquirer check-time-for-old-content correct [delivery-service-id delivery-service-num delivery-service-name delivery-service-name] This command changes the Last-Modified-Time attributes for content in all delivery services assigned to the Content Acquirer unless you specify the delivery service ID or name. SEs identify changes in the Last-Modified-Time attribute and download content only when changes have occurred. Use the acquirer start-delivery-service command to immediately start acquisition tasks for the selected delivery service. Use the acquirer stop-delivery-service command to immediately stop all acquisition tasks for the selected delivery service. Use the acquirer test-url url command in EXEC configuration mode to test whether a URL is accessible or not. The actual content is dumped into the /dev/null path. Examples The following example shows how the acquirer starts acquiring content on delivery service 86: ServiceEngine# acquirer start-delivery-service delivery-service-id 86 ServiceEngine# acquirer start-delivery-service delivery-service-name corporate The following example shows how the acquirer stops acquiring content on delivery service 86: ServiceEngine# acquirer stop-delivery-service delivery-service-id 86 ServiceEngine# acquirer stop-delivery-service delivery-service-name corporate The following example shows how the acquirer test-url command is used to test a URL: ServiceEngine# acquirer test-url --05:16:41-- => `/dev/null' Connecting to connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 1,722 [ text/html ] 100% [ ====================================> ] 1,722 02:45:40 (1.64 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [ 1722/1722 1.64M/s ETA 00:00 ] Related Commands Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-31 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands acquirer (EXEC) Command Description show acquirer Displays the acquirer delivery service information and progress for a specified delivery service number or name. show statistics acquirer Displays the SE acquirer delivery service statistics. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-32 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands acquirer (Global configuration) acquirer (Global configuration) To provide authentication when the acquirer obtains content through a proxy server, use the acquirer command in Global configuration mode. To disable acquirer proxy authentication, use the no form of this command. acquirer proxy authentication {outgoing {hostname | ip-address} port-num} username | password password} no acquirer proxy authentication {outgoing {hostname | ip-address} port-num} username | password password} Syntax Description proxy Configures parameters for outgoing proxy mode requests for content acquisition. authentication Enables authentication so that the acquirer can obtain content through a proxy server. outgoing Enables authentication for a nontransparent proxy server. hostname Hostname of a nontransparent proxy server. ip-address IP address of a nontransparent proxy server. port-num Port number of a nontransparent proxy server. The range is from 1 to 65535. username Username for authentication using a maximum of 256 characters. password Allows the use of a password for authentication. password Password for authentication using a maximum of 256 characters. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Use the acquirer proxy authentication outgoing Global configuration command to configure authentication when you enable content acquisition through a proxy server. First configure the proxy host and the port using the http proxy outgoing host Global configuration command. The maximum number of outgoing proxies allowed is eight. When you remove an outgoing proxy using the no http outgoing proxy command, the authentication information associated with that proxy is automatically removed. Use the acquirer proxy authentication transparent command for transparent caches in the Internet Streamer CDS network that require authentication. The acquirer supports a proxy with basic authentication. Content acquisition through a proxy server is supported only for HTTP and not for HTTPS or FTP. Also, authentication is only supported for a single proxy server in a chain, so if multiple proxy servers in a chain require authentication, the request fails. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-33 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands acquirer (Global configuration) Acquisition through a proxy server can be configured when the Content Acquirer cannot directly access the origin server because the origin server is set up to allow access only by a specified proxy server. When a proxy server is configured for Content Acquirer content acquisition, the acquirer contacts the proxy server instead of the origin server, and all requests to that origin server go through the proxy server. Note Content acquisition through a proxy server is only supported for HTTP requests. It is not supported for HTTPS, FTP, MMS, or MMS-over-HTTP requests. There are three ways to configure the proxy server: through the CDSM GUI. If you need to configure the SE to use the proxy for both caching and prepositioned content, use the CLI to configure the proxy. The CLI command is a Global configuration command that configures the entire SE to use the proxy. If only the acquirer portion of the SE needs to use the proxy for acquiring the prepositioned content, use the manifest file or specify the outgoing proxy. When you configure the proxy server in the manifest file, you are configuring the acquirer to use the proxy to fetch the content for a particular delivery service. Note Proxy configurations in the manifest file take precedence over proxy configurations in the CLI. A noProxy attribute configuration in the manifest file takes precedence over the other proxy server configurations in the manifest file. You can also configure a proxy for fetching the manifest file by using the CDSM GUI (the Creating New Delivery Service or Modifying Delivery Service window). When you configure a proxy server in the CDSM GUI, the proxy configuration is valid only for acquiring the manifest file and not for acquiring the delivery service content. Requests for the manifest file go through the proxy server, and requests for the content go directly to the origin server. Tip Examples Before configuring a proxy server, verify that the Content Acquirer is able to ping the proxy server. To check whether the proxy server is accepting incoming HTTP traffic at the configured port, use the acquirer test-url http://proxyIP:proxyport command in Global configuration mode in the Content Acquirer CLI, where the URL in the command is the URL of the proxy server being tested. If the proxy is not servicing the configured port, the message “failed: Connection refused.” The following example shows the authentication configuration for a transparent proxy server with basic authentication: ServiceEngine(config)# acquirer proxy authentication transparent 8080 myname Related Commands Command Description http proxy outgoing Configures an SE to direct all HTTP miss traffic to a parent cache. show acquirer Displays the acquirer delivery service information and progress for a specified delivery service number or name. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-34 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands acquisition-distribution acquisition-distribution To start or stop the content acquisition and distribution process, use the acquisition-distribution command in EXEC configuration mode. acquisition-distribution {database-cleanup {start | stop} | start | stop} Syntax Description database-cleanup Cleans up the acquisition and distribution database to maintain consistency with the file system. start Starts the cleanup of the acquisition and distribution database. stop Stops the cleanup of the acquisition and distribution database. start Starts the acquisition and distribution process. stop Stops the acquisition and distribution process. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines When you use the acquisition-distribution database-cleanup command, the acquisition and distribution database is checked to ensure that all prepositioned content is available in Cisco Network File System (CDNFS). If any prepositioned content is found to be missing from CDNFS, the content is replicated to all SEs in the Internet Streamer CDS network. Content Acquirers assigned to a delivery service acquire the content directly from the origin server and replicate the content through the delivery service either by unicast or multicast transmission to other SEs in the delivery service. Receiver SEs obtain the content from forwarder SEs either by unicast or multicast. In the case of a disk00 failure, when the database is stored on disk00 in an internal file system (/state), the recovery of the acquisition and distribution database is done automatically. You should run the acquisition and distribution database cleanup if a failure occurs or if you have to replace a disk drive other than disk00. Examples The following example shows how to start the acquisition and distribution database cleanup process: ServiceEngine# acquisition-distribution database-cleanup start The following example shows how to start the acquisition and distribution process: ServiceEngine# acquisition-distribution start The following example shows how to stop the acquisition and distribution process: ServiceEngine# acquisition-distribution stop Related Commands Command Description cdnfs cleanup Cleans up the content of deleted channels from the acquisition and distribution database. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-35 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands acquisition-distribution show acquirer Displays the acquirer delivery service information and progress for a specified delivery service number or name. show distribution Displays the distribution information for a specified delivery service. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-36 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands alarm alarm To configure alarms, use the alarm command in Global configuration mode. To disable alarms, use the no form of this command. alarm {admin-shutdown-alarm enable | overload-detect {clear 1-999 [raise 10-1000] | enable | raise 10-1000 [clear 1-999]}} no alarm {admin-shutdown-alarm enable | overload-detect {clear 1-999 [raise 10-1000] | enable | raise 10-1000 [clear 1-999]}} Syntax Description admin-shutdown-alarm Generates a linkdown alarm when an interface shuts down. enable Enables admin shutdown alarm overload detection. overload-detect Specifies alarm overload configuration. clear Specifies the threshold below which the alarm overload state on an SE is cleared and the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps and alarm notifications to the Centralized Management System (CMS) resume. Note Defaults The alarm overload-detect clear command value must be less than the alarm overload-detect raise value. 1-999 Number of alarms per second that ends an alarm overload condition. raise (Optional) Specifies the threshold at which the CDE enters an alarm overload state and SNMP traps and alarm notifications to CMS are suspended. 10-1000 Number of alarms per second that triggers an alarm overload. enable Enables the detection of alarm overload situations. admin-shutdown-alarm: disabled raise: 10 alarms per second clear: 1 alarm per second Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines The alarm admin-shutdown-alarm command must be enabled for an admin-shutdown alarm to take effect. If an admin-shutdown alarm occurs, disabling this option does not clear the outstanding alarm properly. There are two ways to avoid this situation: • Clear the outstanding admin-shutdown alarm first before disabling this option. • Disable this option and reboot, which clears this alarm. When multiple applications running on an SE experience problems at the same time, numerous alarms are set off simultaneously, and an SE may stop responding. Use the alarm overload-detect command to set an overload limit for the incoming alarms from the node Health Manager. If the number of alarms exceeds the maximum number of alarms allowed, an SE enters an alarm overload state until the number of alarms drops down to the number defined in the clear. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-37 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands alarm When an SE is in the alarm overload state, the following events occur: • Alarm overload notification is sent to SNMP and the CMS. The clear and raise values are also communicated to SNMP and the CMS. • SNMP traps and CMS notifications for subsequent alarm raise and clear operations are suspended. • Alarm overload clear notification is sent. • SE remains in the alarm overload state until the rate of incoming alarms decreases to the clear value. Note Examples In the alarm overload state, applications continue to raise alarms and the alarms are recorded within an SE. The show alarms and show alarms history command in EXEC configuration modes display all the alarms even in the alarm overload state. The following example shows how to generate a linkdown alarm when an interface shuts down: ServiceEngine(config)# alarm admin-shutdown-alarm enable The following example shows how to enable the detection of alarm overload: ServiceEngine(config)# alarm overload-detect enable The following example shows how to set the threshold for triggering the alarm overload at 100 alarms per second: ServiceEngine(config)# alarm overload-detect raise 100 The following example shows how to set the level for clearing the alarm overload at 10 alarms per second: ServiceEngine(config)# alarm overload-detect clear 10 Related Commands Command Description show alarms Displays information on various types of alarms, their status, and history. show alarm status Displays the status of various alarms and alarm overload settings. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-38 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands area nssa area nssa To configure an area as a not-so-stubby area (NSSA), use the area nssa router configuration command. To remove the NSSA distinction from the area, use the no form of this command. area area-id nssa no area area-id nssa Syntax Description area-id Command Default No NSSA area is defined. Command Modes OSPF configuration (config-ospf) mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to configure an area as a NSSA. The area ID range is given as 0 to 4294967295, but area 0 cannot be configured as an NSSA area. Examples In the following example area 1 is configured as an NSSA area: Identifier of the area for which authentication is to be enabled. The identifier can be specified as either a decimal value or an IP address (ID range is from 0 to 4294967295). ServiceRouter(config)# router ospf ServiceRouter(config-ospf)# network area 1 ServiceRouter(config-ospf)# area 1 nssa ServiceRouter(config-ospf)# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-39 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands area stub area stub To define an area as a stub area, use the area stub router configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command area area-id stub no area area-id stub Syntax Description area-id Command Default No stub area is defined. Command Modes OSPF configuration (config-ospf) mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to define an area as a stub area. The area ID range is given as 0 to 4294967295, but area 0 cannot be configured as a stub area. Examples The following example shows how to configure area 1 as a stub area: Identifier for the stub area. The identifier can be specified as either a decimal value or an IP address (ID range is from 0 to 4294967295). ServiceRouter(config)# router ospf ServiceRouter(config-ospf)# network area 1 ServiceRouter(config-ospf)# area 1 stub ServiceRouter(config-ospf)# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-40 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands asset asset To configure the CISCO-ENTITY-ASSET-MIB, use the asset command in Global configuration mode. To remove the asset tag name, use the no form of this command. asset tag name no asset tag name Syntax Description tag Sets the asset tag. name Asset tag name string. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Examples The following example shows how to configure a tag name for the asset tag string: ServiceEngine(config)# asset tag entitymib Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-41 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands authsvr authsvr To enable and configure the Authorization server, use the authsvr command in Global configuration mode. To disable the Authorization server, use the no form of this command. authsvr {enable | location-server {cache-timeout num | enable | primary ip addr port num [ service-name name ] [ retry num ] [ timeout num ] | secondary ip addr port num [ service-name name ] [ retry num ] [ timeout num ] | server-type [ maxmind-restful-hosted [ http | https ] service name | quova-restful-gds | quova-restful-hosted [ http [ api-key key | shared-secret secret ] ] ]} | unknown-server allow} no authsvr {enable | location-server {cache-timeout num | enable | primary ip addr port num [ service-name name ] [ retry num ] [ timeout num ] | secondary ip addr port num [ service-name name ] [ retry num ] [ timeout num ] | server-type [ maxmind-restful-hosted [ http | https ] service name | quova-restful-gds | quova-restful-hosted [ http [ api-key key | shared-secret secret ] ] ]} | unknown-server allow} Syntax Description enable Enables the Authorization server. location-server Configures the geo location server IP address and port. cache-timeout Configures the location server cache timeout. num Location server cache timeout in seconds. The range is from 1 to 864000. enable Enable geo location based blocking. primary Configures the primary geo location server IP address and port. ip addr IP address of the primary geo location server. port num Port number of the primary geo location server. secondary Configures the secondary geo location server IP address and port. ip addr IP address of the secondary geo location server. port num Port number of the secondary geo location server. server-type Configure geo location server type maxmind-restful-hosted Configure Maxmind hosted server Defaults http Configure HTTP server https Configure HTTPS server quova-restful-gds Configure Quova GDS server quova-restful-hosted Configure Quova hosted server api-key Configure API key key API key (256 characters maximum) unknown-server Configures the Authorization server unknown server or domain. allow Allows requests for an unknown server or domain. authsvr: enabled cache-timeout: 691200 seconds or 8 days. unknown-server: blocked Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-42 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands authsvr Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Changing the primary or secondary Geo-Location server configuration requires a restart of the authsvr for the configuration change to take effect. To restart the authsvr, disable it by entering the no authsvr enable and then re-enable it by entering the authsvr enable command. The no authsvr unknown-server allow command causes all blocked requests to increment the authsvr block statistic. Examples The following example shows how to enable the Authorization server: ServiceEngine(config)# authsvr enable Authserver is enabled Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-43 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands authsvr Related Commands Command Description debug authsvr Debugs the Autnentication Server. debug authsvr error Sets the debug level to error. debug authsvr trace Sets the debug level to trace. show authsvr Display the status of the Authorization server. show statistics authsvr Displays the Authentication Server statistics. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-44 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands bandwidth (Global configuration) bandwidth (Global configuration) To set an allowable bandwidth usage limit and its duration for Cisco Streaming Engine Windows Media Technology (WMT) streaming media, use the bandwidth command in Global configuration mode. To remove individual options, use the no form of this command. bandwidth {movie-streamer {incoming bandwidth | outgoing bandwidth {default | max-bandwidth start-time day hour end-time day hour}} | wmt {incoming bandwidth | outgoing bandwidth}} no bandwidth {movie-streamer {incoming bandwidth | outgoing bandwidth {default | max-bandwidth start-time day hour end-time day hour}} | wmt {incoming bandwidth | outgoing bandwidth}} Syntax Description movie-streamer Configures the maximum pacing bit rate, in kilobits per second (kbps), for the Movie Streamer. incoming Configures the duration of allowable incoming bandwidth settings for WMT. bandwidth Bandwidth size for the Movie Streamer, in kbps. The range is from 0 to 2147483647. outgoing Configures the duration of allowable outgoing bandwidth settings for WMT. default Specifies the default value for bandwidth if the scheduled bandwidth is not configured. max-bandwidth Specifies the maximum value of bandwidth, in kbps. start-time Specifies the start time for this bandwidth setting. day Day of the week. hour Time to start (hh:mm). The range is from 00 to 23:00 to 59. end-time Specifies the end time for this bandwidth setting. wmt Configures the duration of allowable bandwidth settings for WMT. For more information, see the “Configuring Incoming and Outgoing WMT Bandwidth” section on page 2-46. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines With the various types of traffic originating from a device, every type of traffic, such as streaming media, HTTP, and metadata, consumes network resources. Use the bandwidth command to limit the amount of network bandwidth used by the WMT streaming media. The content services bandwidth includes the bandwidth allocation for WMT. WMT bandwidth settings apply to WMT streaming of live, cached, and prepositioned content. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-45 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands bandwidth (Global configuration) For each type of bandwidth, you can specify the amount of bandwidth to be used for a particular time period. This type is called scheduled bandwidth. The default bandwidth is the amount of bandwidth associated with each content service type when there is no scheduled bandwidth. In centrally managed deployments (the SEs are registered with a CDSM), if the SE is assigned to a device group and no default bandwidth has been configured for the SE itself, the device group default bandwidth settings are applied. However, if the default bandwidth has been configured for the SE, then that setting overrides the device group settings. If the SE is a member of multiple device groups, the most recently updated default bandwidth settings are applied. The maximum bandwidth specifies the upper limit for the allowable bandwidth. The total bandwidth configured for all content services must not exceed the bandwidth limits specified for any SE platform model in the Internet Streamer CDS network. In addition, the license keys configured for WMT further restrict the maximum bandwidth available for each SE model. Configuring Incoming and Outgoing WMT Bandwidth The bandwidth between the WMT proxy server (the SE) and the WMT client is called the WMT outgoing bandwidth. The bandwidth between the WMT proxy and the origin streaming server is called the incoming bandwidth. Because the bandwidth from the edge to the outside IP WAN is limited, you must specify a per session limit (the maximum bit rate per request) for each service that is running on the SE and that consumes the incoming bandwidth (for example, the WMT streaming service), and an aggregate limit (the maximum incoming bandwidth.) You need to control the outgoing bandwidth based on the WMT license that is configured on the SE. The bandwidth wmt outgoing and bandwidth incoming commands enable you to specify a WMT incoming and an outgoing bandwidth as follows: • Use the bandwidth wmt outgoing kbits command in Global configuration mode to specify the outgoing WMT bandwidth in kbps. This command sets the maximum bandwidth for the WMT content that can delivered to a client that is requesting WMT content. The range of values is between 0 and 2,147,483,647 kbps. If the specified outgoing bandwidth is above the limit specified by the WMT license, then a warning message is displayed. However, the specified outgoing bandwidth setting is applied to the SE because the outgoing bandwidth may be configured before the WMT licenses are enabled or an enabled WMT license may be changed to a higher value at a later time. • Use the bandwidth wmt incoming kbits command in Global configuration mode to specify the incoming WMT bandwidth in kbps. This command sets the maximum bandwidth for the WMT content that can delivered to the SE from the origin streaming server or another SE in the case of a cache miss. The specified bit rate is the maximum incoming WMT per session bit rate. The range of values is between 0 and 2,147,483,647 kbps. The incoming bandwidth applies to VoD content from the origin server for a cache miss. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-46 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands bandwidth (Global configuration) Related Commands Command Description bandwidth (interface configuration) Sets the specified interface bandwidth to 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps. interface Configures a Gigabit Ethernet or port channel interface. Provides access to interface configuration mode. show bandwidth Displays the bandwidth allocated to a particular device. show interface Displays the hardware interface information. show running-config Displays the current operating configuration. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-47 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands bandwidth (interface configuration) bandwidth (interface configuration) To configure an interface bandwidth, use the bandwidth command in interface configuration mode. To restore default values, use the no form of this command. bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} no bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} Syntax Description 10 Sets the bandwidth to 10 megabits per second (Mbps). 100 Sets the bandwidth to 100 Mbps. 1000 Sets the bandwidth to 1000 Mbps. This option is not available on all ports. Defaults None Command Modes Interface configuration (config-if) mode. Usage Guidelines The bandwidth is specified in Mbps. The 1000 Mbps option is not available on all ports. On an SE model that has an optical Gigabit Ethernet interface, you cannot change the bandwidth of this interface. Therefore, Gigabit Ethernet interfaces run only at 1000 Mbps. For newer models of the SE that have a Gigabit Ethernet interface over copper, this restriction does not apply; you can configure these Gigabit Ethernet interfaces to run at 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps. You can configure the Gigabit Ethernet interface settings (bandwidth, and duplex settings) if the Gigabit-over-copper-interface is up or down. If the interface is up, it applies the specific interface settings. If the interface is down, the specified settings are stored and then applied when the interface is brought up. For example, you can specify any of the following commands for a Gigabit-over-copper-interface, which is currently down, and have these settings automatically applied when the interface is brought up: ServiceEngine(config-if)# ServiceEngine(config-if)# ServiceEngine(config-if)# bandwidth 10 bandwidth 100 bandwidth 1000 You cannot configure the Gigabit Ethernet interface settings on an optical Gigabit Ethernet interface. Examples The following example shows how to set an interface bandwidth to 10 Mbps: ServiceEngine(config-if)# bandwidth 10 The following example shows how to restore default bandwidth values on an interface: ServiceEngine(config-if)# no bandwidth Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-48 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands bandwidth (interface configuration) Related Commands Command Description interface Configures a Gigabit Ethernet or port channel interface. Provides access to interface configuration mode. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-49 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands banner banner To configure the EXEC, login, and message-of-the-day (MOTD) banners, use the banner command in Global configuration mode. To disable the banner feature, use the no form of this command. banner {enable | exec {message line | message_text} | login {message line | message_text} | motd {message line | message_text}} no banner {enable | exec [message] | login [message] | motd [message]} Syntax Description enable Enables banner support on the SE. exec Configures an EXEC banner. message Specifies a message to be displayed when an EXEC process is created. line EXEC message text on a single line. The SE translates the \n portion of the message to a new line when the EXEC banner is displayed to the user. message_text EXEC message text on one or more lines. Press the Return key or enter delimiting characters (\n) to specify an EXEC message to appear on a new line. Supports up to a maximum of 980 characters, including new line characters (\n). Enter a period (.) at the beginning of a new line to save the message and return to the prompt for the Global configuration mode. Note The EXEC banner content is obtained from the command- line input that the user enters after being prompted for the input. login Configures a login banner. message Specifies a message to be displayed before the username and password login prompts. line Login message text on a single line. The SE translates the \n portion of the message to a new line when the login banner is displayed to the user. message_text Login message text on one or more lines. Press the Return key or enter delimiting characters (\n) to specify a login message to appear on a new line. Supports up to a maximum of 980 characters, including new line characters (\n). Enter a period (.) at the beginning of a new line to save the message and return to the prompt for the Global configuration mode. Note The login banner content is obtained from the command-line input that the user enters after being prompted for the input. motd Configures an MOTD banner. message Specifies an MOTD message. line MOTD message text on a single line. The SE translates the \n portion of the message to a new line when the MOTD banner is displayed to the user. message_text MOTD message text on one or more lines. Press the Return key or enter delimiting characters (\n) to specify an MOTD message to appear on a new line. Supports up to a maximum of 980 characters, including new-line characters (\n). Enter a period (.) at the beginning of a new line to save the message and return to the prompt for the Global configuration mode. Note The MOTD banner content is obtained from the command line input that the user enters after being prompted for the input. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-50 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands banner Defaults Banner support is disabled by default. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines You can configure the following three types of banners in any Internet Streamer CDS software device mode: Note • MOTD banner sets the message of the day. This message is the first message that is displayed when a login is attempted. • Login banner is displayed after the MOTD banner but before the actual login prompt appears. • EXEC banner is displayed after the EXEC CLI shell has started. All these banners are effective on a console, Telnet, or a Secure Shell (SSH) Version 2 session. After you configure the banners, enter the banner enable command to enable banner support on the SE. Enter the show banner command in EXEC configuration mode to display information about the configured banners. Note Examples When you run an SSH Version 1 client and log in to the SE, the MOTD and login banners are not displayed. You need to use SSH Version 2 to display the banners when you log in to the SE. The following example shows how to enable banner support on the SE: ServiceEngine(config)# banner enable The following example shows how to use the banner motd message command to configure the MOTD banner. In this example, the MOTD message consists of a single line of text. ServiceEngine(config)# banner motd message This is an Internet Streamer CDS 2.3 device The following example shows how to use the banner motd message global command to configure a MOTD message that is longer than a single line. In this case, the SE translates the \n portion of the message to a new line when the MOTD message is displayed to the user. ServiceEngine(config)# banner motd message "This is the motd message. \nThis is an Internet Streamer CDS 2.3 device\n" The following example shows how to use the banner login message command to configure a MOTD message that is longer than a single line. In this case, SE A translates the \n portion of the message to a new line in the login message that is displayed to the user. ServiceEngine(config)# banner login message "This is login banner. \nUse your password to login\n" Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-51 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands banner The following example shows how to use the banner exec command to configure an interactive banner. The banner exec command is similar to the banner motd message commands except that for the banner exec command, the banner content is obtained from the command-line input that the user enters after being prompted for the input. ServiceEngine(config)# banner exec Please type your MOTD messages below and end it with '.' at beginning of line: (plain text only, no longer than 980 bytes including newline) This is the EXEC banner.\nUse your Internet Streamer CDS username and password to log in to this SE.\n . Message has 99 characters. ServiceEngine(config)# Assume that the SE has been configured with the MOTD, login, and EXEC banners as shown in the previous examples. When a user uses an SSH session to log in to the SE, the user sees a login session that includes a MOTD banner and a login banner that asks the user to enter a login password as follows: This is the motd banner. This is an Internet Streamer CDS 2.3 device This is login banner. Use your password to login. Cisco SE admin@ce's password: After the user enters a valid login password, the EXEC banner is displayed, and the user is asked to enter the Internet Streamer CDS username and password as follows: Last login: Fri Oct 1 14:54:03 2004 from client System Initialization Finished. This is the EXEC banner. Use your Internet Streamer CDS username and password to log in to this SE. After the user enters a valid Internet Streamer CDS username and password, the SE CLI is displayed. The CLI prompt varies depending on the privilege level of the login account. In the following example, because the user entered a username and password that had administrative privileges (privilege level of 15), the EXEC configuration mode CLI prompt is displayed: ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description show banner Enables banner support on the SE. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-52 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands bitrate bitrate To configure the maximum pacing bit rate for large files for the Movie Streamer and to separately configure WMT bit-rate settings, use the bitrate command in Global configuration mode. To remove the bit-rate settings, use the no form of this command. bitrate {movie-streamer bitrate | wmt {incoming bitrate | outgoing bitrate}} no bitrate {movie-streamer bitrate | wmt {incoming | outgoing}} Syntax Description Defaults movie-streamer Configures the maximum pacing bit rate, in kbps, for the Movie Streamer. bitrate Bit rate in kbps. The range is from 1 to 2147483647. wmt Configures the bit rate, in kbps, for large files sent using the WMT protocol. incoming Sets the incoming bit-rate settings. bitrate Incoming bit rate, in kbps. The range is from 0 to 2147483647. outgoing Sets the outgoing bit-rate settings. bitrate Outgoing bit rate, in kbps. The range is from 0 to 2147483647. movie-streamer bitrate: 1500 kbps wmt incoming bitrate: 0 (no limit) wmt outgoing bitrate: 0 (no limit) Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines The WMT proxy has the ability to cache on-demand media files when the user requests these files for the first time. All subsequent requests for the same file are served by the WMT proxy using the RTSP protocol. The WMT proxy can also live-split a broadcast, which causes only a single unicast stream to be requested from the origin server in response to multiple client requests for the stream. The bit rate between the proxy and the origin server is called the incoming bit rate. Use the bitrate command to limit the maximum bit rate per session for large files. The bitrate wmt incoming and bitrate wmt outgoing commands enable you to specify a WMT incoming and outgoing per session bit rate as follows: • Use the bitrate wmt incoming bitrate command to specify the maximum incoming streaming bit rate per session that can be delivered to the WMT proxy server (the SE) from the origin streaming server or another SE in the case of a cache miss. The specified bit rate is the maximum incoming WMT per session bit rate. The range of values is between 0 and 2,147,483,647 kbps. The default value is 0 (no bit-rate limit). • Use the bitrate wmt outgoing bitrate command to set the maximum outgoing streaming bit rate per session that can delivered to a client requesting WMT content. The specified bit rate is the maximum outgoing WMT per session bit rate). The range of values is between 0 and 2,147,483,647 kbps. The default value is 0 (no bit-rate limit). The outgoing bandwidth applies to VoD content from the WMT proxy server on the SE in the case of a cache miss. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-53 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands bitrate Note The aggregate bandwidth used by all concurrent users is still limited by the default device bandwidth or by the limit configured using the bandwidth command. Variable WMT Bit Rates A content provider can create streaming media files at different bit rates to ensure that different clients who have different connections—for example, modem, DSL, or LAN—can choose a particular bit rate. The WMT caching proxy can cache multiple bit-rate files or variable bit-rate (VBR) files, and based on the bit rate specified by the client, it serves the appropriate stream. Another advantage of creating variable bit-rate files is that you only need to specify a single URL for the delivery of streaming media. Note Examples In the case of multiple bit-rate files, the SE that is acting as the WMT proxy server retrieves only the bit rate that the client has requested. The following example shows how to configure an incoming bit rate for the Movie Streamer: ServiceEngine(config)# bitrate movie-streamer incoming 100 The following example shows how to configure an incoming bit rate for a file sent using WMT. Use the show wmt command to verify that the incoming bit rate has been modified. ServiceEngine(config)# bitrate wmt incoming 300000 ServiceEngine(config)# exit ServiceEngine# show wmt --------- WMT Server Configurations ----------------WMT is enabled WMT disallowed client protocols: none WMT bandwidth platform limit: 1000000 Kbits/sec WMT outgoing bandwidth configured is 500000 Kbits/sec WMT incoming bandwidth configured is 500000 Kbits/sec WMT max sessions configured: 14000 WMT max sessions platform limit: 14000 WMT max sessions enforced: 14000 sessions WMT max outgoing bit rate allowed per stream has no limit WMT max incoming bit rate allowed per stream has no limit WMT cache is enabled WMT cache max-obj-size: 25600 MB WMT cache revalidate for each request is not enabled WMT cache age-multiplier: 30% WMT cache min-ttl: 60 minutes WMT cache max-ttl: 1 days WMT debug client ip not set WMT debug server ip not set WMT accelerate live-split is enabled WMT accelerate proxy-cache is enabled WMT accelerate VOD is enabled WMT fast-start is enabled WMT fast-start max. bandwidth per player is 3500 (Kbps) WMT fast-cache is enabled WMT fast-cache acceleration factor is 5 WMT maximum data packet MTU (TCP) enforced is 1472 bytes WMT maximum data packet MTU (UDP) is 1500 bytes WMT client idle timeout is 60 seconds WMT forward logs is enabled WMT server inactivity-timeout is 65535 WMT Transaction Log format is Windows Media Services 4.1 logging RTSP Gateway incoming port 554 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-54 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands bitrate --------- WMT HTTP Configurations ------------------WMT http extensions allowed: asf none nsc wma wmv nsclog --------- WMT Proxy Configurations -----------------Outgoing Proxy-Mode: -------------------MMS-over-HTTP Proxy-Mode: is not configured. RTSP Proxy-Mode: is not configured. ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description show wmt Displays the WMT configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-55 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands blink blink To identify physical devices by blinking their LED(s), use the blink command in EXEC configuration mode. blink {disk name | interface {GigabitEthernet slot/port_num | TenGigabitEthernet slot/port_num}} Syntax Description disk Flash disk LED for 3s. name disk name (format is disk00). interface Flash network interface port LED for 3s. GigabitEthernet Selects a Gigabit Ethernet interface. slot/port_num Slot and port number for the selected interface. The slot range is from 1 to 14; the port range is from 0 to 0. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/). TenGigabitEthernet Selects a Ten Gigabit Ethernet interface. Command Default None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The blink disk command submits IO to a disk, do not use this command in systems with live traffic. Examples The following example shows how to blink a disk: ServiceRouter# blink disk disk00 Blinking disk00 LED for 3 seconds The following example shows how to blink a GigabitEthernet interface: ServiceRouter# blink interface gigabitEthernet 1/0 Blinking eth0 LED for 3 seconds Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-56 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands bootstrap-node bootstrap-node To configure a bootstrap node IP address, use the bootstrap-node Service Routing Protocol (SRP) configuration command. To remove a bootstrap node address, use the no or default form of the command. bootstrap-node ip-address [no | default] bootstrap-node ip-address Syntax Description ip-address Command Default No bootstrap node address is configured. Command Modes SRP configuration (config-srp) mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to set bootstrap nodes for an SRP. A Proximity Engine specifies one or more bootstrap nodes to join a DHT network. In a DHT network, the domain ID of the bootstrap nodes and the Proximity Engine must the same. Valid IP address for the bootstrap node. IP addresses and are not valid addresses for a bootstrap node. The first Proximity Engine in the network, which acts as the bootstrap node for others, does not have to configure the bootstrap node address itself. This is the only exception to configuring bootstrap nodes. All other nodes need to configure a bootstrap node address before they can join any network. The no and default forms of the command remove a given bootstrap node from the list of available bootstrap nodes of a Proximity Engine. The port number for bootstrap node is 9000. The show srp process command lists configured bootstrap nodes. A Proximity Engine cannot be its own bootstrap node. A maximum 25 bootstrap nodes are allowed. Examples The following example shows how to configure a bootstrap node address with the bootstrap-node command: ServiceRouter# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ServiceRouter(config)# router srp ServiceRouter(config-srp)# bootstrap-node ServiceRouter(config-srp)# end ServiceRouter# The following example shows how the show srp process command displays configured bootstrap nodes: ServiceRouter# show srp process Process: Domain: 0 Node Id: 6b05858ab28345e62e9e614a48e1206445ec9ca0884fa0e827c1072f5fe8c5f5 Port: 9000 Interfaces running SRP: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-57 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands bootstrap-node *GigabitEthernet 1/0 Database Mirroring: Disabled # of storages requested for mirroring: 2 # of storages used for mirroring : 1 ... ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description domain Sets the domain ID for the SRP. router srp Enters SRP configuration mode. show srp process Displays the basic configurations for SRP. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-58 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cache cache To restrict the maximum number of contents in the CDS, use the cache command in Global configuration mode. cache content {eviction-preferred-size {small | large} | eviction-protection {min-size-100MB {min-duration-1hr | min-duration-2hr | min-duration-3hr | min-duration-4hr}| min-size-1GB {min-duration-1hr | min-duration-2hr | min-duration-3hr | min-duration-4hr} | min-size-4GB {min-duration-1hr | min-duration-2hr | min-duration-3hr | min-duration-4hr} | min-size-500MB {min-duration-1hr | min-duration-2hr | min-duration-3hr | min-duration-4hr}}| max-cached-entries num Syntax Description content Configures the cached contents. eviction-preferred-size Configures cache content eviction preferred. large Selects cache content eviction preferred size (Retain smaller objects). small Selects cache content eviction preferred size (Retain larger objects). eviction-protection Configures the eviction protection. min-size-100MB Minimum cache entry size to protect. min-duration-1hr Minimum duration to protect the content from eviction. min-duration-2hrs Minimum duration to protect the content from eviction. min-duration-3hrs Minimum duration to protect the content from eviction. min-duration-4hrs Minimum duration to protect the content from eviction. min-size-1GB Minimum cache entry size to protect. min-size-4GB Minimum cache entry size to protect. min-size-500MB Minimum cache entry size to protect. max-cached-entries Cleans up the unwanted entries in the CDNFS. num Max cached entries. The range is from 1 to 20000000. Defaults The max-cached-entries default is 2000000 entries. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines The Content Manager manages the caching, storage, and deletion of content. Current priority favors small objects. The cache content eviction-preferred size command allows users to configure a preference for small or large objects in the Content Manager. Once a preference is specified, it only applies on contents made after the configurative; contents prior to configuration remain unchanged. Addition and Deletion Processes Previously, the Internet Streamer CDS software did not restrict adding new content to CDNFS as long as there was enough disk space for the asset. The cache content max-cached-entries command restricted the number of assets, but it was not a hard limit. New content was always added and the CDS Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-59 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cache would delete old content in an attempt to keep within the limits configured. The CDS could actually have more content than the configured limit, because the process to delete content is slower than the process to add content. The same situation applies to disk-usage based deletion, where deletion occurs when 90 percent of the CDNFS is used. Content addition stops at 105 percent of the maximum object count or 95 percent of the CDNFS capacity (disk usage). For example, if the maximum number of objects has been configured as 20 million (which is the default value), the CDS starts deleting content if the object count reaches 20 million, but adding content is still allowed. Adding content stops when the maximum number of content objects reaches 21 million (105 percent of 20 million), which allows time for the content deletion process to reduce the number of objects in the CDS to the configured limit. Adding content resumes only after the number of objects is 20 million or less. The same logic applies to disk usage. The deletion process starts when disk usage reaches 93 percent, adding content stops when disk usage reaches 98 percent, and adding content resumes only after the disk usage percentage reaches 95 percent or less. Note We recommend that any CDE model that has hard-disk drives (HDDs) (instead of solid-state drives [SDDs]), and is used to stream ABR content, be configured with a maximum of 5 million objects instead of the default of 20 million. This is because HDD-based hardware requires more seek time to access content. The software can handle 20 million objects, but the hard-drive access time impacts the ABR streaming performance. ABR content consists of a large number of small files, which results in a lot of overhead. For long-tail content (Windows Media Streaming, Flash Media Streaming, Movie Streamer, and progressive download), the maximum number of content objects can be configured with the default of 20 million on the HDD-based hardware models. Two of the HDD-based hardware models are the CDE220-2G2 and CDE250-2M0. If adding content has been stopped because either the content count reached 105 percent of the limit or the disk usage reached 98 percent of capacity, the un-writable flag is set in the share memory and when the protocol engine calls create, FastCAL library looks into the share memory and denies the creation request. The protocol engine performs a bypass or cut-through operation. The show cdnfs usage command shows the current status of whether the content is able to be cached or not. Following is an example of the output: ServiceEngine# show cdnfs usage Total number of CDNFS entries : 2522634 Total space : 4656.3 GB Total bytes available : 4626.0 GB Total cache size : 2.4 GB Total cached entries : 2522634 Cache-content mgr status : Cachable Units: 1KB = 1024B; 1MB = 1024KB; 1GB = 1024MB If the maximum object count is reached, the following is displayed: Cache-content mgr status: Not cacheable on the following disk(s): [/disk00-06] [/disk01-06] [/disk02-01] 105% of max obj count reached : [/disk00-06] [/disk01-06] [/disk02-01] If the disk usage reaches more than 98 percent, the following is displayed: Cache-content mgr status: Not cacheable on the following disk(s): [/disk01-06] [/disk02-01] 98% of disk usage reached: [/disk01-06] [/disk02-01] Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-60 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cache Eviction Protection The Content Manager provides configurable eviction protection for some content. The Content Manager eviction algorithm is triggered when the disk usage reaches 93 percent or when the cached object count reaches the configured maximum object count. The eviction algorithm assigns a priority number to each content object based on an algorithm similar to the greedy-dual-size-frequency (GDSF) algorithm. The priority number is based on the size and usage of the object. Small objects are given preference over large objects; that is, they are less likely to be deleted. To protect incoming large objects from getting a low priority and being deleted, use the cache content eviction-protection global configure command. The cache content eviction-protection command allows you to set the minimum content size (100 MB, 500 MB, 1 GB, and 4 GB) and the minimum age (1-4 hours for 100 MB size, 1, 4, 8, or 24 hours for all other sizes) of the content object to be protected from deletion. For example, to set the eviction protection for content objects larger than 100 MB that were ingested in the last two hours, you would enter the following command: ServiceEngine(config)# cache content eviction-protection min-size-100MB min-duration-2hrs If the content object being cached is larger than the configured size, it is inserted into a protection table along with the current time stamp. If the difference between the object’s time stamp and the current time is greater than the configured time duration, the object is removed from the protection table. If the eviction algorithm is triggered, before it selects an object for deletion, it first looks at the protection table, and if the object is found, it is skipped for that iteration. The clear-cache-content command also checks the protection table before deleting an object. The clear-cache-all command does not check the eviction protection table; cache content is just deleted. As for relative cache content, content in the protection table might still be deleted if the relative content that is not protected is deleted. The eviction protection is disabled by default. If the Content Manager eviction algorithm is not able to find any content to delete, a syslog message is sent to notify the administrator to revisit the configuration. Changing the settings of the cache content eviction-protection command only affect the content that are currently in the protection table and any new content that is added. Any object that is removed from the protection table prior to the configuration change is not brought back into the protection table. Reloading the SE or entering the no cache content eviction-protection min-size-xx duration-xx command removes all entries in the eviction protection table. Note Changing the time on the SE affects the Content Manager eviction process. If the time is set forward, content is deleted sooner than expected. If the time is set back, content is protected longer. The show cache content command displays the eviction protection status and the number of elements in the eviction protection table. Examples The following example shows how to configure the cache content: ServiceEngine# cache content max-cached-entries 1000 The show cdnfs usage command shows the current status of whether the content is able to be cached or not. Following is an example of the output: # show cdnfs usage Total number of CDNFS entries Total space Total bytes available Total cache size Total cached entries : : : : : 2522634 4656.3 GB 4626.0 GB 2.4 GB 2522634 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-61 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cache Cache-content mgr status : Cachable Units: 1KB = 1024B; 1MB = 1024KB; 1GB = 1024MB If the maximum object count is reached, the following is displayed: Cache-content mgr status : caching paused[ max count 105% of configured reached ] If the disk usage reaches more than 95 percent, the following is displayed: Cache-content mgr status Note Related Commands : caching paused[ disk max 95% of disk usage reached ] When the CDS is started or the cache Content Manager is restarted, it performs a scan of the entire CDNFS. During this period, the deletion starts at 94 percent (not 90 percent) and adding content stops at 95 percent. Command Description show cache Displays a list of cached contents. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-62 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands capability capability To modify the capability configuration, use the capability command in Global configuration mode. To disable capability, use the no form of this command. capability config profile number [add attrib {capability-url url | user-agent name} | description] no capability config Syntax Description config Enters the capability exchange submode. profile Populates the profile database. number The profile ID. The range is from 1 to 65535. add (Optional) Adds the capability attributes. attrib Adds the capability attributes. capability-url Specifies the capability URL. url The capability URL string. user-agent Specifies the user-agent. name The user-agent name. description (Optional) Specifies the profile description. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Related Commands Command Description show capability Displays information for the Cap-X profile ID. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-63 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cd cd To change from one directory to another directory, use the cd command in EXEC configuration mode. cd directoryname Syntax Description directoryname Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to maneuver between directories and for file management. The directory name becomes the default prefix for all relative paths. Relative paths do not begin with a slash (/). Absolute paths begin with a slash (/). Examples The following example shows how to use a relative path: Directory name. ServiceEngine(config)# cd local1 The following example shows how to use an absolute path: ServiceEngine(config)# cd /local1 Related Commands Command Description deltree Deletes a directory and its subdirectories. dir Displays the files in a long list format. lls Displays the files in a long list format. ls Lists the files and subdirectories in a directory. mkdir Makes a directory. pwd Displays the present working directory. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-64 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cdn-select cdn-select To enable the CDN Selector for third-party service selection, use the cdn-select command in Global configuration mode. To disable the CDN Selector, use the no form of this command. cdn-select enable no cdn-select enable Syntax Description enable Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines The cdn-select command enables the CDN Selector, which provides a method to do third-party service selection based on parameters like content type and geographic location. Examples The following example shows how to enable the CDN Selector: Enables the CDN Selector. ServiceRouter(config)# cdn-select enable ServiceRouter(config)# The following example shows how to disable the CDN Selector: ServiceRouter(config)# no cdn-select enable ServiceRouter(config)# Related Commands Command Description geo-location-server Redirects requests to different Content Delivery Networks based on the geographic location of the client. show cdn-select Displays the status of the CDN Selector. show statistics cdn-select Displays the statistics for the CDN Selector. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-65 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cdnfs cdnfs To browse the Internet Streamer CDS network file system (CDNFS), use the cdnfs browse command in EXEC configuration mode. cdnfs {browse | cleanup {info | start force | stop}} Syntax Description browse Browses the CDNFS directories and files. cleanup Cleans up the unwanted entries in the CDNFS. info Summary information of the garbage entries. No cleanup. start Starts the CDNFS garbage collection. force Forces removing objections that are in transient states. stop Stops the CDNFS garbage collection. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The Internet Streamer CDS CDNFS stores the prepositioned Internet Streamer CDS network content to be delivered by all supported protocols. Use the cdnfs browse command to browse the CDNFS directories and files. It does not display cached content for the Web Engine or Flash Media Streaming. It only caches content for Windows Media Streaming and Movie Streamer, and displays prefetched content. To display cached content, use the show cache content command. ServiceEngine# cdnfs browse ------ CDNFS interactive browsing -----dir, ls: list directory contents cd,chdir: change current working directory info: display attributes of a file more: page through a file cat: display a file exit,quit: quit CDNFS browse shell />dir />cd />dir 764 Bytes index.html />info index.html CDNFS File Attributes: Status File Size Start Time End Time Last-modified Time 3 (Ready) 764 Bytes null null Sun Sep 9 01:46:40 2001 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-66 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cdnfs Internal path to data file: /disk06-00/d/ note: data file actual last-modified time: Tue Feb 15 00:47:35 2005 /> Because the CDNFS is empty in this example, the ls command does not show any results. Typically, if the CDNFS contains information, it lists the websites as directories, and file attributes and content could be viewed using these subcommands. The cdnfs cleanup command, which is used to cleanup unwanted entries in CDNFS, is deprecated in Release 2.6. in the following manner. When an SE is removed from a delivery service, the Content Manager removes all cache content for that delivery service. All prefetched content for that delivery service is removed by the Acquisition and Distribution process. However, if the Acquisition and Distribution process fails because of an SE being offline or for any other reason, then the cdnfs cleanup command is still required to remove the prefetched content. In certain cases, the Acquirer is not notified by the Centralized Management System (CMS) about deleted channels, and it fails to clear all unified name space (UNS) content. In such cases, the cdnfs cleanup command can be used to clean up all UNS content associated with deleted channels. Note You can use the cdnfs cleanup start command to clean up the orphan content. The orphan content is content that is not associated with any channel to which the SE is subscribed. The cdnfs database recover command must be run when the cdnfs_db_corrupt alarm is raised. This alarm is raised when the Total Cached entries is more than Total CDNFS entries in the output for the show cdnfs usage command: ServiceEngine# show cdnfs usage Total number of CDNFS entries : 202 Total space : 5037.9 GB Total bytes available : 5019.5 GB Total cache size : 21.0 GB Total cached entries : 218 Cache-content mgr status : Cachable Units: 1KB = 1024B; 1MB = 1024KB; 1GB = 1024MB This occurs generally when an internal bookkeeping file is corrupted. With the server in the offloading status, enter the cdnfs database recover command to remove this inconsistency, then reload the server. Examples The following example shows the output of the cdnfs cleanup info command: ServiceEngine# cdnfs cleanup info Gathering cleanup information. This may take some time.... (Use Ctrl+C or 'cdnfs cleanup stop' to interrupt) .............................. Summary of garbage resource entries found ------------------------------------------Number of entries : 605 Size of entries (KB) : 60820911 The following example shows the output for the cdnfs database recover command: ServiceEngine# cdnfs database recover CDNFS database inconsistency issue found. CDNFS database recovery operation would impact existing and new client sessions. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-67 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cdnfs Recovering database would need device in offloaded state. Do you want to recover the CDNFS database now (y/n)? y Recovering CDNFS database. It may take few minutes. Please wait... CDNFS database recovery is complete. Please reload the device now. ServiceEngine# reload Proceed with reload? [confirm] yes Shutting down all services, will timeout in 15 minutes. reload in progress... Related Commands Command Description show cdnfs Displays the Internet Streamer CDS network file system information. show statistics cdnfs Displays the SE Internet Streamer CDS network file system statistics. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-68 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cdsm cdsm To configure the Content Delivery System (CDSM) IP address to be used for the SEs or SRs, or to configure the role and GUI parameters on a CDSM device, use the cdsm command in Global configuration mode. To negate these actions, use the no form of this command. cdsm {ip {hostname | ip-address | role {primary | standby} | ui port port-num}} no cdsm {ip | role {primary | standby} | ui port} Syntax Description ip Configures the CDSM hostname or IP address. hostname Hostname of the CDSM. ip-address IP address of the CDSM. role Configures the CDSM role to either primary or standby (available only from the CDSM CLI). primary Configures the CDSM to be the primary CDSM. standby Configures the CDSM to be the standby CDSM. ui Configures the CDSM GUI port address (available only from the CDSM CLI). port Configures the CDSM GUI port. port-num Port number. The range is from 1 to 65535. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines You can use the cdsm ui port command to change the CDSM GUI port from the standard number 8443 as follows: CDSM(config)# cdsm ui port 35535 Note The role and ui options are only available on CDSM devices. Changing the CDSM GUI port number automatically restarts the Centralized Management System (CMS) service if this has been enabled. The cdsm ip command associates the device with the CDSM so that the device can be approved as a part of the network. After the device is configured with the CDSM IP address, it presents a self-signed security certificate and other essential information, such as its IP address or hostname, disk space allocation, and so forth, to the CDSM. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-69 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cdsm Configuring Devices Inside a NAT In an Internet Streamer CDS network, there are two methods for a device registered with the CDSM (SEs, SRs, or standby CDSM) to obtain configuration information from the primary CDSM. The primary method is for the device to periodically poll the primary CDSM on port 443 to request a configuration update. You cannot configure this port number. The backup method is when the CDSM pushes configuration updates to a registered device as soon as possible by issuing a notification to the registered device on port 443. This method allows changes to take effect in a timelier manner. You cannot configure this port number even when the backup method is being used. Internet Streamer CDS networks do not work reliably if devices registered with the CDSM are unable to poll the CDSM for configuration updates. Similarly, when a receiver SE requests content and content metadata from a forwarder SE, it contacts the forwarder SE on port 443. All the above methods become complex in the presence of Network Address Translation (NAT) firewalls. When a device (SEs at the edge of the network, SRs, and primary or standby CDSMs) is inside a NAT firewall, those devices that are inside the same NAT use one IP address (the inside local IP address) to access the device and those devices that are outside the NAT use a different IP address (the inside global IP address) to access the device. A centrally managed device advertises only its inside local IP address to the CDSM. All other devices inside the NAT use the inside local IP address to contact the centrally managed device that resides inside the NAT. A device that is not inside the same NAT as the centrally managed device is not able to contact it without special configuration. If the primary CDSM is inside a NAT, you can allow a device outside the NAT to poll it for getUpdate requests by configuring a static translation (inside global IP address) for the CDSM’s inside local IP address on its NAT, and using this address, rather than the CDSM’s inside local IP address, in the cdsm ip ip-address command when you register the device to the CDSM. If the SE or SR is inside a NAT and the CDSM is outside the NAT, you can allow the SE or SR to poll for getUpdate requests by configuring a static translation (inside global IP address) for the SE or SIR’s inside local address on its NAT and specifying this address in the Use IP Address field under the NAT Configuration heading in the Device Activation window. Note Static translation establishes a one-to-one mapping between your inside local address and an inside global address. Static translation is useful when a host on the inside must be accessible by a fixed address from the outside. Standby CDSMs The Cisco Internet Streamer CDS software implements a standby CDSM. This process allows you to maintain a copy of the Internet Streamer CDS network configuration. If the primary CDSM fails, the standby can be used to replace the primary. For interoperability, when a standby CDSM is used, it must be at the same software version as the primary CDSM to maintain the full CDSM configuration. Otherwise, the standby CDSM detects this status and does not process any configuration updates that it receives from the primary CDSM until the problem is corrected. Note We recommend that you upgrade your standby CDSM first and then upgrade your primary CDSM. We also recommend that you create a database backup on your primary CDSM and copy the database backup file to a safe place before you upgrade the software. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-70 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cdsm Switching a CDSM from Warm Standby to Primary If your primary CDSM becomes inoperable for some reason, you can manually reconfigure one of your warm standby CDSMs to be the primary CDSM. Configure the new role by using the Global configuration cdsm role primary command as follows: ServiceEngine# configure ServiceEngine(config)# cdsm role primary This command changes the role from standby to primary and restarts the management service to recognize the change. Note Check the status of recent updates from the primary CDSM. Use the show cms info command in EXEC configuration mode and check the time of the last update. To be current, the update time should be between 1 and 5 minutes old. You are verifying that the standby CDSM has fully replicated the primary CDSM configuration. If the update time is not current, check whether there is a connectivity problem or if the primary CDSM is down. Fix the problem, if necessary, and wait until the configuration has replicated as indicated by the time of the last update. Make sure that both CDSMs have the same Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) configured. If you switch a warm standby CDSM to primary while your primary CDSM is still online and active, both CDSMs detect each other, automatically shut themselves down, and disable management services. The CDSMs are switched to halted, which is automatically saved in flash memory. Examples The following example shows how to configure an IP address and a primary role for a CDSM: CDSM(config)# cdsm ip CDSM(config)# cdsm role primary The following example shows how to configure a new GUI port to access the CDSM GUI: CDSM(config)# cdsm ui port 8550 The following example shows how to configure the CDSM as the standby CDSM: CDSM(config)# cdsm role standby Switching CDSM to standby will cause all configuration settings made on this CDSM to be lost. Please confirm you want to continue [ no ] ?yes Restarting CMS services The following example shows how to configure the standby CDSM with the IP address of the primary CDSM by using the cdsm ip ip-address command. This command associates the device with the primary CDSM so that it can be approved as a part of the network. CDSM# cdsm ip Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-71 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear cache clear cache To clear the HTTP object cache use the clear command in EXEC configuration mode. clear cache [all | content 1-1000000 | flash-media-streaming | url url] Syntax Description all (Optional) Clears all cached objects. content (Optional) Clears cached content. 1-15000 Free space, in Mbytes. flash-media-streaming Clears the Flash Media Streaming edge server cached content and DVR cached content. url Clear cached objects by URL url The original URL(s) (grouped by wildcard) for content object (s) to delete Defaults Cached content is 1000 Mbytes if not specified. Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear cache command removes all cached contents from the currently mounted cache volumes. Objects being read or written are removed when they stop being busy. The clear cache all command requests the Content Manager to delete all cache contents. Only one clear cache all command can be executed at a time, and the Control-C option is not allowed with this command. During the clear cache all operation, the show cache content and show cdnfs usage outputs display a line about running the clear cache all command, and the progress is displayed in the output of these commands. Caution The clear cache all command is irreversible, and all cached content is erased. Cisco does not recommend using this command on production systems. When the clear cache content command is executed, by default, the command evicts 1000MB of content from all disks in the SE. For example, if the SE has 12 disks, then 1000MB/12 = ~83MB content is evicted from each disk. In this case, all content in the SE is 450MB content; therefore, each disk results in a minimum content of 450MB. This causes 450MB * 12 = 5400MB to be evicted. Each disk maintains its own eviction tree, so to avoid this issue, evict each disk separately. Examples The following example shows how to clear all cached contents: ServiceEngine# clear cache all This operation tries to free up all cached contents. Proceed? [yes|NO] yes Clear cache all operation will stop CMGRSlowScan process running Starting clear cache all operation, 100 contents will be deleted. Clear cache all progress: done[100], total[100], progress[100.00%][####################] Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-72 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear cache Clear cache all finished, duration[3], tps[33.33]. Related Commands Command Description cache content Configures the cached contents. show cache content Displays a list of cached contents. show cdnfs usage Displays Content Delivery Network (CDN) current usage. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-73 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear content clear content To clear the content of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), use the clear content command in EXEC configuration mode. clear content {last-folder-url url | url url} Syntax Description last-folder-url Clears all content with a relative diskpath from the given URL without a filename. url The valid URL without the filename. Protocol is ignored. url Clears cached content with its original URL. url The URL for the content object to delete. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear content url command requests the Fast Content Abstraction Layer (FastCAL) API to delete the content of the specified URL and inform the Content Manager to remove it from its internal data structure. Examples The following example shows how to clear the content URL: 1. Verify the URL that is to be deleted from the SE. ServiceEngine# show cache Max-cached-entries is set as 10000000 Number of cal cached assets: 10 -----------------------------------------------Priority Size URL -----------------------------------------------1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 ServiceRouter# 2. Clear the URL content from that SE: ServiceEngine# clear content url Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-74 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear content 3. Verify the content is removed from SE: ServiceEngine# show cache Max-cached-entries is set as 10000000 Number of cal cached assets: 10 -----------------------------------------------Priority Size URL -----------------------------------------------1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 1.87390e+01 64000 ServiceEngine# This example shows how to delete all the contents matching the last-folder-url: ServiceEngine# clear content last-folder-url http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod This operation tries to free up all content which matches last-folder-url. Proceed?[yes|NO] yes Content to be deleted: url: [http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod/rab1.flv] url: [http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod/rab2.flv] url: [http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod/119M.flv] Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-75 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear ip clear ip To clear the IP configuration, use the clear ip command in EXEC configuration mode. On the SE: clear ip access-list counters [standard_acl-num | extended_acl_num | acl-name] On the SR: clear ip access-list counters [standard_acl-num | extended_acl_num | acl-name] | bgp {ip address | all} | ospf {neighbor {all | GigabitEthernet slot/port num | PortChannel num} | rspf route [router-id} | traffic} Syntax Description access-list Clears the IP access list statistical information. counters Clears the IP access list counters. standard_acl_num (Optional) Counters for the specified access list, identified using a numeric identifier. The range is from 1 to 99. extended_acl_num (Optional) Counters for the specified access list, identified using a numeric identifier. The range is from 100 to 199 acl-name (Optional) Counters for the specified access list, identified using an alphanumeric identifier up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter. bgp Clears the BGP1 neighbors. all Specifies that all current BGP sessions are reset. ip-address Specifies that only the identified BGP neighbor is reset. ospf Clears the OSPF2 tables. neighbor Neighbor statistics per interface. all Clears all neighbors. GigabitEthernet Selects a GigabitEthernet interface. slot/port num Slot and port number for the selected interface. The slot range is 1 to 14, and the port is 0. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/). PortChannel Selects the Ethernet Channel of interfaces. num Specifies the Ethernet Channel interface number. The range is from 1 to 4. rspf OSPF rspf. route Internal OSPF rspf routes. router-id (Optional) Specifies the ID of a router for clear routing information. traffic OSPF traffic counters. 1. BGP = Border Gateway Protocol 2. OSPF = Open Shortest Path First Defaults None Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-76 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear ip Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use the clear ip bgp command whenever any of the following changes occur: Examples • Additions or changes to the BGP-related access lists • Changes to BGP-related weights • Changes to BGP-related distribution lists • Changes to BGP-related route maps The clear ip bgp all command is used to clear all routes in the local routing table. In the following example, the Proximity Engine has only one neighbor, ServiceRouter# clear ip bgp all ServiceRouter# show ip bgp summary BGP router identifier, local AS number 1 BGP table version is 3626, IPv4 Unicast config peers 3, capable peers 2 2 network entries and 2 paths using 216 bytes of memory BGP attribute entries [2/168], BGP AS path entries [3/14] BGP community entries [2/8], BGP clusterlist entries [0/0] BGP Location Communities: Location Communities value: 1:1-2:2 target 1:1-2:2 weight 4 Neighbor V 4 4 4 AS MsgRcvd MsgSent 10 12787 8819 3 2036 2035 2 2036 2035 TblVer 0 3626 3626 InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 0 0 00:00:03 Closing 0 0 1d09h 1 0 0 1d09h 1 ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to clear OSPF of all neighbors: ServiceRouter# clear ip ospf neighbor all ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to clear OSPF of all neighbors in the GigabitEthernet 1/0 interface: ServiceRouter# clear ip ospf neighbor GigabitEthernet 1/0 ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to clear OSPF RSPF information for all routers: ServiceRouter# clear ip ospf rspf route ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to clear OSPF RSPF information for the router with the ID 172. 20.168.41: ServiceRouter# clear ip ospf rspf route ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show ip bgp summary Displays the status of all BGP connections. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-77 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear ipv6 clear ipv6 To clear the IPv6 ACL counters, use the clear ipv6 command in EXEC configuration mode. clear ipv6 access-list counters [standard_acl-num | extended_acl_num | acl_name] Syntax Description access-list Clears the IP access list statistical information. counters Clears the IP access list counters. standard_acl_num (Optional) Counters for the specified access list, identified using a numeric identifier. The range is from 1 to 99. extended_acl_num (Optional) Counters for the specified access list, identified using a numeric identifier. The range is from 100 to 199 acl-name (Optional) Counters for the specified access list, identified using an alphanumeric identifier up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter. Defaults No Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to clear IPv6 ACL counters: ServiceRouter# clear ipv6 access-list counters 99 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description ipv6 Specifies the default gateway’s IPv6 address. show ipv6 Displays the IPv6 information. traceroute6 Traces the route to a remote IPv6-enabled host. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-78 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear isis clear isis To clear IS-IS Routing for an IP, use the clear isis command in EXEC configuration mode. clear isis {adjacency {all | GigabitEthernet slot/port num | PortChannel num} | ip rspf route [ LSP-ID]} Syntax Description adjacency Clears the IS-IS adjacency information. all Clears IS-IS adjacencies on all interfaces. GigabitEthernet Selects a GigabitEthernet interface. slot/port num Slot and port number for the selected interface. The slot range is 1 to 14; the port is 0. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/). PortChannel Selects the Ethernet Channel of interfaces. num Specifies the Ethernet Channel interface number. The range is from 1 to 4. ip IS-IS IP information. rspf IS-IS Reverse SPF1 routing information. route Specifies the IS-IS route. LSP_ID (Optional) Clears information for LSPs2 ID in the form of xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx or name. 1. SPF = Shortest Path First 2. LSP = link-state packet Defaults If no LSP ID is specified in the clear isis ip rspf route command, IS-IS RSPF information is cleared for all LSP IDs. Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear isis ip rspf route command is used to clear IS-IS RSPF routing information. IS-IS RSPF routing information is displayed only with the show isis ip rspf route command when a new proximity request has been received. Examples The following is sample output from the show isis adjacency command before and after running the clear isis adjacency command: ServiceRouter# show isis adjacency IS-IS adjacency System ID 0200.c0a8.5401 7301-7-core 7301-7-core database: SNPA 0000.a1e8.e019 001d.a1e9.c41b 001d.a1e9.c41b Level 1 1 2 State UP UP UP Hold Time 00:00:21 00:00:08 00:00:08 Interface GigabitEthernet 3/0 GigabitEthernet 3/0 GigabitEthernet 3/0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-79 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear isis ServiceRouter# ServiceRouter# clear isis adjacency all ServiceRouter# show isis adjacency IS-IS adjacency System ID 7301-7-core 7301-7-core database: SNPA 001d.a1e9.c41b 001d.a1e9.c41b Level 1 2 State UP UP Hold Time 00:00:09 00:00:09 Interface GigabitEthernet 3/0 GigabitEthernet 3/0 ServiceRouter# The following is a sample from the show isis ip rspf route command before and after running the show isis ip rspf route command: ServiceRouter# show isis ip rspf route LSP ID 0200.c0a8.0a01.00-00 SPF Time 3d22h Cache Hit 0 Level Age Max range 1 3d22h 10 ServiceRouters# clear isis ip rspf route ServiceRouter# show isis ip rspf route LSP ID Related Commands SPF Time Cache Hit Level Age Max range Command Description show isis adjacency Displays IS-IS adjacencies. show isis ip rspf route Displays the Intermediate IS-IS RSPF route for IS-IS learned routes. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-80 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear logging clear logging To clear the syslog messages saved in the disk file, use the clear logging command in EXEC configuration mode. clear logging Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear logging command removes all current entries from the syslog.txt file, but does not make an archive of the file. It puts a “Syslog cleared” message in the syslog.txt file to indicate that the syslog has been cleared, as shown in the following example: Feb 14 12:17:18 ServiceEngine# exec_clear_logging:Syslog cleared Examples The following example shows how to clear the syslogs: ServiceRouter# clear logging U11-CDE220-2# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-81 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear service-router clear service-router To clear the proximity-based routing proximity cache , use the clear service-router command in EXEC configuration mode. clear service-router proximity-based-routing proximity-cache Syntax Description proximity-based-routing Clears proximity-based routing. proximity-cache Clears proximity cache. Defaults Clears the cache for all proximity ratings. Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines When an SR receives a redirect request from a client network 1 with proximity-based routing enabled, the SR queries the proximity server for the proximity rating of the SEs. The ratings returned from the proximity server are cached, and the default timeout for the cache is 1800 seconds . If there is any network or proximity rating change within this period, the SR does not know as it redirects based on the ratings cached for that network. The clear service-router command is used to force clear cache. Examples The following example shows how to clear the Service Router. ServiceRouter# clear service-router proximity-based-routing proximity-cache ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show service-router Shows the cache timeout period. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-82 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear srp database offline clear srp database offline To clear the SRP database while it is offline, use the clear srp database offline command in privileged EXEC mode. clear srp database offline Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear srp database offline command is used to clear the SRP database while it is offline. Note Examples You must turn off SRP before executing this command by entering the no router srp command. The following example shows how to clear the SRP database offline: ServiceRouter# clear srp database offline Clearing database offline ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show srp database Displays the descriptor-related information saved in the descriptor database. show srp multicast database Displays multicast database information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-83 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear srp descriptor clear srp descriptor To delete either a single descriptor or all descriptors from the service routing layer, use the clear srp descriptor command in privileged EXEC mode. clear srp descriptor key Syntax Description key Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear srp descriptor command is used to delete a single descriptor in the descriptor database. The delete operation deletes the descriptor at the descriptor root node (which may not necessarily be the local Proximity Engine). Therefore, the descriptor is deleted from the entire network. Note The DHT key in hexadecimal format for the descriptor to be deleted. A valid DHT key has 1 to 64 hexadecimal digits. Deleting a group descriptor also causes the deletion of the group from the network (not just the group’s descriptor). A valid DHT key must be specified in key to identify the descriptor that is deleted. Keys with less than 64 hexadecimal characters are appended with zeroes. Deleting a nonexistent descriptor or a descriptor that does not appear in the descriptor database of the Proximity Engine results in an error message stating that the DHT key does not exist. Examples The following example shows how use the clear srp descriptor command to delete a descriptor with key 123. After the deletion, the show srp database command is used to verify that the descriptor has been deleted. ServiceRouter# clear srp descriptor 123 ServiceRouter# show srp database 123 Getting database entry for 123 Entity key: 1230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity was DELETED on (47b4269b599afa86) Thu Feb 14 11:31:39 2008 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-84 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear srp descriptor Related Commands Command Description show srp database Displays the descriptor-related information saved in the descriptor database. show srp multicast database Displays multicast database information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-85 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear srp neighbor clear srp neighbor To remove a neighbor Proximity Engine from the neighbor list of the local Proximity Engine, use the clear srp neighbor command in privileged EXEC mode. clear srp neighbor key Syntax Description key Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear srp neighbor command is used to delete a single neighbor in the service routing layer from the local Proximity Engine neighbor list. After a small interval, the neighbor list is refreshed and the deleted neighbor may be included in the neighbor list again if it is still a neighbor of the local Proximity Engine in the service routing layer. The DHT key in hexadecimal format for the node to be removed from the neighbor list. A valid DHT key has 1 to 64 hexadecimal digits. A valid DHT key should be specified in key to identify the neighbor. Keys with less than 64 hexadecimal characters are appended with zeroes. If you attempt to delete a neighbor that does not appear in the neighbor list of the local Proximity Engine, clear srp neighbor displays an error message stating that the neighbor could not be found. Examples The following example shows how to use Proximity Engine sn-sj85 with one neighbor sn-sj81 as seen in the following show srp neighbor command output. The neighbor sn-sj81 is also in the leafset of sn-sj85 as can be seen in the show srp leafset output. All commands are issued from Proximity Engine sn-sj85. ServiceRouter# show srp neighbor Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, D - delay, H - hold time Number of neighbors in the database: 1 PL 8886822171add71887d54107c266d814b605eaa0d5cc9b54b9160a137f4355d1 via sn-sj81 [ ] :9000, D=0.389864 ms, H=00:00:09 ServiceRouter# show srp leafset Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, W - wrapped Leafset count: total 3, left 1, right 1 PL 8886822171add71887d54107c266d814b605eaa0d5cc9b54b9160a137f4355d1 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-86 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear srp neighbor via sn-sj81 [ ] :9000, 0.389864 ms, 00:00:08 9f752f56f347ca8fcc40a4e09b645f9b4c9b71c73401083f4c04920b30215b0a via sn-sj85 [,, ] :9000 WPL 8886822171add71887d54107c266d814b605eaa0d5cc9b54b9160a137f4355d1 via sn-sj81 [ ] :9000, 0.389864 ms, 00:00:08 T The clear srp neighbor command is used to remove sn-sj81 from the neighbor list. ServiceRouter# clear srp neighbor sn-sj81:9000 Clearing neighbor sn-sj81:9000 Neighbor is found and cleared Finally, the show srp neighbor and show srp leafset commands are issued again and show the following: • Output from show srp neighbor shows that the neighbor sn-sj81 is in the intransitive state (I). The intransitive state means node sn-sj85 cannot reach node sn-sj81. ServiceRouter# show srp neighbor Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, D - delay, H - hold time Number of neighbors in the database: 1 I • 8886822171add71887d54107c266d814b605eaa0d5cc9b54b9160a137f4355d1 via sn-sj81 [ ] :9000, D=0.000 ms, H=00:00:07 Output from show srp leafset shows that there are no leafset entries (PL or WPL) for the Proximity Engine sn-sj85. ServiceRouter# show srp leafset Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, W - wrapped Leafset count: total 1, left 0, right 0 T 9f752f56f347ca8fcc40a4e09b645f9b4c9b71c73401083f4c04920b30215b0a via sn-sj85 [,, ] :9000 ServiceRouter# # The following example shows how to use the clear srp resource command to delete a resource having resource ID 456 from a descriptor with the key 123. The show srp database command is used to verify that the resource exists before the delete operation and that it has been deleted after the delete operation. ServiceRouter# show srp database 123 Getting database entry for 123 Entity key: 1230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity rec type: 101 Entity total length: 175 Entity type: 38b73479 Entity flags: 0 --------------- Element 0 (main)----------------Element ID: main Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-87 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear srp neighbor Element total len 49 ID len: 0 Delete Time: 47b426ca5c706042 Flags 0 Last Update: Thu Feb 14 11:38:59 2008 (47b42853902a02b6) Expiration : Sat Mar 15 11:38:59 2008 (47dbb553902a0000) Element data len: 9 Element data: mycontent --------------- Element 1 (comp)----------------Element ID: "456"(343536) Element total len 54 ID len: 3 Last Update: Thu Feb 14 11:39:27 2008 (47b4286f0ad1055a) Expiration : Sat Mar 15 11:39:27 2008 (47dbb56f0ad10000) Element data len: 11 Element data: newResource ServiceRouter# clear srp resource 123 456 ServiceRouter# show srp database 123 Getting database entry for 123 Entity key: 1230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity rec type: 101 Entity total length: 113 Entity type: 38b73479 Entity flags: 0 --------------- Element 0 (main)----------------Element ID: main Element total len 49 ID len: 0 Delete Time: 47b426ca5c706042 Flags 0 Last Update: Thu Feb 14 11:38:59 2008 (47b42853902a02b6) Expiration : Sat Mar 15 11:38:59 2008 (47dbb553902a0000) Element data len: 9 Element data: mycontent ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show srp leafset Displays SRP leafset information. show srp neighbors Displays SRP neighbor information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-88 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear srp resource clear srp resource To delete a resource from a descriptor in the service routing layer, use the clear srp resource command in privileged EXEC mode. clear srp resource key Syntax Description key Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear srp resource command is used to delete a resource from a descriptor in the service routing layer. Resources can be added to and deleted from any descriptor that exists in the descriptor database. The DHT key in hexadecimal format for the descriptor from which the resource are deleted. A valid DHT key has 1 to 64 hexadecimal digits. A valid DHT key must be specified in key to identify the descriptor from which a resource is deleted. Keys with less than 64 hexadecimal characters are appended with zeroes. If you attempt to delete a resource from a nonexistent descriptor, clear srp resource displays an error stating that the DHT key does not exist. Deleting a nonexistent resource has no impact, and no error warning is generated. Examples The following example shows how to use clear srp resource to delete a resource, newResource, having resource ID 456 from a descriptor with the key 123. The show srp database command is used to verify that the resource exists before the delete operation and that it has been deleted after the delete operation. ServiceRouter# show srp database 123 Getting database entry for 123 Entity key: 1230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity rec type: 101 Entity total length: 175 Entity type: 38b73479 Entity flags: 0 --------------- Element 0 (main)----------------Element ID: main Element total len 49 ID len: 0 Delete Time: 47b426ca5c706042 Flags 0 Last Update: Thu Feb 14 11:38:59 2008 (47b42853902a02b6) Expiration : Sat Mar 15 11:38:59 2008 (47dbb553902a0000) Element data len: 9 Element data: mycontent --------------- Element 1 (comp)----------------Element ID: "456"(343536) Element total len 54 ID len: 3 Last Update: Thu Feb 14 11:39:27 2008 (47b4286f0ad1055a) Expiration : Sat Mar 15 11:39:27 2008 (47dbb56f0ad10000) Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-89 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear srp resource Element data len: Element data: newResource 11 ServiceRouter# clear srp resource 123 456 ServiceRouter# show srp database 123 Getting database entry for 123 Entity key: 1230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity rec type: 101 Entity total length: 113 Entity type: 38b73479 Entity flags: 0 --------------- Element 0 (main)----------------Element ID: main Element total len 49 ID len: 0 Delete Time: 47b426ca5c706042 Flags 0 Last Update: Thu Feb 14 11:38:59 2008 (47b42853902a02b6) Expiration : Sat Mar 15 11:38:59 2008 (47dbb553902a0000) Element data len: 9 Element data: mycontent ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description clear srp descriptor Deletes a single descriptor or all descriptors from the service routing layer show srp database Displays the descriptor-related information saved in the descriptor database. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-90 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear srp route clear srp route To delete a single route entry from the DHT routing table of the local Proximity Engine, use the clear srp route command in privileged EXEC mode. clear srp route prefix/length Syntax Description prefix The prefix of the DHT key of the route entry to delete. length The length of the prefix (in multiples of 4). Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear srp route command deletes a single routing table entry from the local DHT routing table. Similar to other routing protocols, the DHT routing table entries consist of a prefix and length that index the DHT ID of the next-hop Proximity Engine. A valid DHT key prefix (1 to 64 hexadecimal characters) and valid prefix length (multiples of four) must be supplied to identify the neighbor to be deleted. The clear srp route command provides a manual way to delete routing table entries. After a small interval, the DHT routing table is refreshed and the deleted next-hop Proximity Engine may be included in the DHT routing table again if it is still a viable neighbor. The clear srp route command can be used to test the presence and persistence of neighbors. Deleting a routing entry that does not exist results in an error message. Examples In the following example, Proximity Engine sn-sj85 has four routing table entries. The example shows how to use the clear srp route command to clear the routing table entry that has 8/4 as its prefix/length. The show srp route command is used to verify the deletion of the route. ServiceRouter# show srp route Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive PL 8/4 via 8886822171add71887d54107c266d814b605eaa0d5cc9b54b9160a137f4355d1 sn-sj81 [ ] :9000, 0.389525 ms, 00:00:08 PL a/4 via ad3a659121442210a68b79348e9a42eaebfb229f388afb2628fa871f26bc750c sn-sj67 [,,,, 192.168 .22.42 ] :9000, 1.825903 ms, 00:00:09 PL b/4 via b5ca21563f5b938e46e2cb8f33a148ae00a1f6666f2a5eb735b7ed90c012c882 sn-sj82 [ ] :9000, 0.333920 ms, 00:00:08 PL d/4 via d2fc632c53c9ff1de8683e265386b09502791aedd65f28025fe7f64ad8cab2d9 sn-sj87 [ ] :9000, 0.642357 ms, 00:00:09 ServiceRouter# clear srp route 8/4 Clearing entry 8/4 The entry is found and cleared Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-91 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear srp route ServiceRouter# show srp route Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive PL a/4 via ad3a659121442210a68b79348e9a42eaebfb229f388afb2628fa871f26bc750c sn-sj67 [,,,, 192.168 .22.42 ] :9000, 1.846593 ms, 00:00:09 PL b/4 via b5ca21563f5b938e46e2cb8f33a148ae00a1f6666f2a5eb735b7ed90c012c882 sn-sj82 [ ] :9000, 0.333920 ms, 00:00:09 PL d/4 via d2fc632c53c9ff1de8683e265386b09502791aedd65f28025fe7f64ad8cab2d9 sn-sj87 [ ] :9000, 0.572056 ms, 00:00:09 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show srp route Displays route information for a Proximity Engine to its neighbor nodes on the same DHT network. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-92 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear statistics clear statistics To clear the statistics, use the clear statistics command in EXEC configuration mode. On the SE: clear statistics {aaa | access-lists 300 | all | authentication | authsvr {all | delivery-service-id | global} | distribution {all | mcast-data-receiver | mcast-data-sender | mcast-fx-receiver | mcast-fx-sender| metadata-receiver | metadata-sender | unicast-data-receiver | unicast-data-sender} | flash-media-streaming | history | icap | icmp | ip | movie-streamer | radius | rule {action action-type | all | pattern {1-512 | all} | rtsp} | running | snmp | tacacs | tcp | transaction-logs | udp | web-engine [force] | web-engine [force] | wmt} On the SR: clear statistics {aaa | all | authentication | history | http requests | icmp | ip [ospf | proximity {rib | server}] | isis [GigabitEthernet slot/port num | PortChannel num] | radius | running | service-registry | service-router | snmp | srp | tacacs | tcp | udp} Syntax Description aaa Clears AAA statistics. access-lists Clears the ACL statistics. 300 Clears the group name-based ACL. all Clears all statistics. authentication Clears the authentication statistics. authsvr Clears the Authorization Server statistics. all Clears global and delivery service-based statistics. delivery-service-id Clears Authentication Server statistics for the delivery service global Clears Authentication Server global statistics. distribution Clears the distribution statistics. all Clears the distribution statistics for every component. mcast-receiver Clears the distribution statistics for the mcast receiver. Note mcast-sender Clears the distribution statistics for the mcast sender. Note mcast-fx-receiver The clear mcast-fx-receiver command restarts the receiver server. Clear statistics for Multicast Fx Sender. Note metadata-receiver This command is only available on Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.1.1. Clear statistics for Multicast Fx Receiver. Note mcast-fx-sender This command is only available on Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.1.1. The clear mcast-fx-sender command restarts the sender server. Clears the distribution statistics for the metadata receiver. Note This command is only available on Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.1.1. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-93 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear statistics metadata-sender Clears the distribution statistics for the metadata sender. Note unicast-data-receiver Clears the distribution statistics for the unicast data receiver. Note unicast-data-sender This command is only available on Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.1.1. This command is only available on Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.1.1. Clears the distribution statistics for the unicast data sender. This command is only available on Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.1.1. flash-media-streaming Clears the Flash Media Streaming statistics. history Clears the statistics history. icap Clears the ICAP1 statistics. icmp Clears the ICMP statistics. ip Clears the IP statistics. ospf Clears the OSPF statistics. proximity Clears the proximity statistics. rib Clears the RIB proximity statistics. server Clears the Proximity Server statistics. isis Clears counters for an IS-IS instance. GigabitEthernet (Optional) Selects a GigabitEthernet interface. slot/port num Slot and port number for the selected interface. The slot range is 0 to 14; the port is 0. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/). PortChannel (Optional) Selects the Ethernet Channel of interfaces. num Specifies the Ethernet Channel interface number. The range is from 1 to 4. movie-streamer Clears the Movie Streamer statistics. radius Clears the RADIUS statistics. rule Clears the rules statistics. action Clears the statistics of all the rules with the same action. action-type Specifies one of the following actions: allow block generate-url-signature no-cache redirect rewrite use-icap-service validate-url-signature all Clears the statistics of all the rules. pattern Clears the statistics of the pattern lists. 1-512 Pattern list number. all Clears the statistics for all the pattern lists. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-94 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear statistics rtsp Clears the statistics for the configured RTSP rules (rules configured for RTSP requests from RealMedia players [the RTSP rules] and rules configured for RTSP requests from Windows Media 9 players [the WMT-RTSP rules]). running Clears the running statistics. snmp Clears the SNMP statistics. srp Resets to zero all statistics counters kept by the local DHT service tacacs Clears the TACACS+ statistics. tcp Clears the TCP statistics. transaction-logs Clears the transaction log export statistics. udp Clears the UDP statistics. web-engine Clears the Web Engine statistics. force Clears the Web Engine detail statistics. web-engine Clears Web Engine statistics. force (Optional) Clears Web Engine detail statistics. wmt Clears all WMT statistics. 1. ICAP = Internet Content Adaptation Protocol Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear statistics command clears all statistical counters from the parameters given. Use this command to monitor fresh statistical data for some or all features without losing cached objects or configurations. This command is used to reset to zero proximity statistics related to the Proximity Engine components that are used for the proximity function. Use the show statistics ip proximity command to display proximity statistics. The DHT service keeps several counters, such as the number of requests and responses for DHT lookups. These counters can be displayed using the show statistics srp command. The clear statistics web-engine and clear statistics all commands clear only normal statistics, not the Web Engine statistics details. To clear all Web Engine statistics, use the clear statistics web-engine force command. The clear stats authsvr delivery-service-id command only clears the authsvr delivery-service specific statistics. It does not clear global statistics. If you want to clear the global statistics, you must use the clear statistics authsvr all or clear statistics authsvr global commands. Note The clear statistics web-engine and clear statistics all commands clear only normal statistics, not the Web Engine statistics details. To clear all Web Engine statistics, use the clear statistics web-engine force command. We do not recommend using the clear statistics web-engine force command, but if it is used, restart the Web Engine service by entering the web-engine stop and web-engine start commands. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-95 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear statistics Examples The following example shows how to clear proximity statistics with the clear statistics ip proximity command: ServiceRouter# clear statistics ip proximity server ServiceRouter# show statistics ip proximity server Proximity server: Requests received = Proximity server: Responses sent = 0 Proximity server: Faults sent = 0 ServiceRouter# 0 ServiceRouter# show statistics ip proximity rib Total number of proximity requests received from applications: Total number of proximity replies sent to applications: Proximity msg exchanges between urib and routing protocols: Sent Prox Req Received Prox Resp isis-p1 0 0 ospf-p1 0 0 isis-p1-te 0 0 ospf-p1-te 0 0 bgp-123 0 0 mbgp-123 0 0 Local proximity requests from applications: 0 Invalid proximity requests from applications: 0 PSA non-rankable proximity requests from applications: 0 Failed proximity requests to routing protocols: 0 Failed PSA lookups: 0 Failed PTA lookups: 0 ServiceRouter# 0 0 The following is sample output from the show statistics isis command before and after running clear statistics isis command: ServiceRouter# show statistics isis IS-IS statistics: PDU Received LAN-IIH 51 P2P-IIH 0 CSNP 67 PSNP 0 PDU Received LSP 69 DIS elections: 10 SPF calculations: 82 LSPs sourced: 0 LSPs refreshed: 8 LSPs purged: 0 Sent 14 0 0 0 Flooded 4 RcvAuthErr OtherRcvErr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RcvAuthErr OtherRcvErr 0 0 ReTransmit 0 ServiceRouter# ServiceRouter# clear statistics isis * ServiceRouter# show statistics isis IS-IS statistics: PDU Received LAN-IIH 1 P2P-IIH 0 CSNP 4 PSNP 0 PDU Received LSP 1 Sent 0 0 0 0 Flooded 0 RcvAuthErr OtherRcvErr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RcvAuthErr OtherRcvErr 0 0 ReTransmit 0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-96 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear statistics DIS elections: SPF calculations: LSPs sourced: LSPs refreshed: LSPs purged: 0 1 0 0 0 ServiceRouter# The following example shows the use of the clear statistics srp command. The show statistics srp command is used to verify that the SRP counters have been reset to zero: ServiceRouter# show statistics srp Join request Join response LS exchange request LS exchange response Route exchange request Route exchange response Ping request Ping response Lookup request Lookup response Ping traceroute request Ping traceroute response Sent 0 22 309 310 65 0 410 412 34 867 0 0 Received 22 0 310 309 0 64 412 410 867 34 0 0 Neighbors 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 Received 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 Neighbors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ServiceRouter# clear statistics srp Clearing all statistics counters ServiceRouter# show statistics srp Join request Join response LS exchange request LS exchange response Route exchange request Route exchange response Ping request Ping response Lookup request Lookup response Ping traceroute request Ping traceroute response ServiceRouter# Related Commands Sent 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 Command Description show statistics Displays statistics information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-97 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear transaction-logs clear transaction-logs To clear and archive the working transaction log files, use the clear transaction-log command in EXEC configuration mode. clear transaction-logs Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear transaction-log command causes the transaction log to be archived immediately to the SE hard disk. This command has the same effect as the transaction-log force archive command. Examples The following example shows that the clear transaction-log command forces the working transaction log file to be archived: ServiceEngine# clear transaction-log Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-98 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear users clear users To clear the connections (login) of authenticated users, use the clear users command in EXEC configuration mode. clear users administrative Syntax Description administrative Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The clear users administrative command clears the connections for all administrative users who are authenticated through a remote login service, such as TACACS. This command does not affect an administrative user who is authenticated through the local database. Examples The following example shows how to clear the connections of the authenticated users: Clears the connections of administrative users who have been authenticated through a remote login service. ServiceRouter# clear users administrative ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-99 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clear wmt clear wmt To clear the WMT streams, use the clear wmt command in EXEC configuration mode. clear wmt {encoder-alarm-msg msg | stale-stat | stream-id num [stale-stat]} Syntax Description encoder-alarm-msg Detailed alarm message of the Encoder Alarm to be cleared. msg Detailed alarm message. stream-id Clears the WMT streams that have the specified WMT stream ID. Also stops the SE’s WMT process that is associated with the specified stream ID. 1-999999 WMT stream ID to clear. stale-stat Stale statistic of the WMT stream to be cleared. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to clear a WMT stream for a stream ID of 22689: ServiceEngine# clear wmt stream-id 22689 ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description show statistics wmt Displays the WMT statistics. show wmt Displays WMT bandwidth and proxy mode configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-100 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clock (EXEC) clock (EXEC) To set or clear clock functions or update the calendar, use the clock command in EXEC configuration mode. clock {read-calendar | set time day month year | update-calendar} Syntax Description read-calendar Reads the calendar and updates the system clock. set Sets the time and date. time Current time in hh:mm:ss format (hh: 00 to 23; mm: 00 to 59; ss: 00 to 59). day Day of the month. The range is from 1 to 31. month Month of the year (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December). year Year. The range is from 1993 to 2035. update-calendar Updates the calendar with the system clock. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines If you have an outside source on your network that provides time services (such as a Network Time Protocol [NTP] server), you do not have to set the system clock manually. Enter the local time when setting the clock. The SE calculates the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) based on the time zone set by the clock timezone command. Note We strongly recommend that you configure the SE for the NTP by using the ntp command. See the “ntp” section on page 2-274 for more details. Note If you change the local time on the device, you must change the BIOS clock time as well; otherwise, the timestamps on the error logs are not synchronized. Changing the BIOS clock is required because the kernel does not handle time zones. Two clocks exist in the system: the software clock and the hardware clock. The software uses the software clock. The hardware clock is used only at bootup to initialize the software clock. The calendar clock is the same as the hardware clock that runs continuously on the system, even if the system is powered off or rebooted. This clock is separate from the software clock settings that are erased when the system is powered cycled or rebooted. The set keyword sets the software clock. If the system is synchronized by a valid outside timing mechanism, such as a NTP clock source, you do not have to set the system clock. Use this command if no other time sources are available. The time specified in this command is relative to the configured time zone. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-101 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clock (EXEC) To perform a one-time update of the hardware clock (calendar) from the software clock or to copy the software clock settings to the hardware clock (calendar), use the clock update-calendar command. Examples The following example shows how to set the software clock on the SE: ServiceEngine# clock set 13:32:00 01 February 2000 Related Commands Command Description clock timezone Sets the clock timezone. ntp Configures the Network Time Protocol server. show clock detail Displays the UTC and local time. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-102 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clock (Global configuration) clock (Global configuration) To set the summer daylight saving time and time zone for display purposes, use the clock command in Global configuration mode. To disable this function, use the no form of this command. clock {summertime timezone {date startday startmonth startyear starthour endday endmonth endyear offset | recurring {1-4 startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour offset | first startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour offset | last startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour offset}} | timezone {timezone hoursoffset minutesoffset}} no clock {summertime timezone {date startday startmonth startyear starthour endday endmonth endyear offset | recurring {1-4 startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour offset | first startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour offset | last startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour offset}} | timezone {timezone hoursoffset minutesoffset}} Syntax Description summertime Configures the summer or daylight saving time. timezone Name of the summer time zone. date Configures the absolute summer time. startday Date to start. The range is from 1 to 31. startmonth Month to start. The range is from January through December. startyear Year to start. The range is from 1993–2032. starthour Hour to start in (hh:mm) format. The range is from 0 to 23. endday Date to end. The range is from 1 to 31. endmonth Month to end. The range is from January through December. endyear Year to end. The range is from 1993–2032. endhour Hour to end in (hh:mm) format. The range is from 0 to 23. offset Minutes offset (see Table B-1) from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) The range is from 0 to 59. recurring Configures the recurring summer time. 1-4 Configures the starting week number. The range is from 1 to 4. first Configures the summer time to recur beginning the first week of the month. last Configures the summer time to recur beginning the last week of the month. startweekday Day of the week to start. The range is from Monday to Friday. startmonth Month to start. The range is from January through December. starthour Hour to start in hh:mm format. The range is from 0 to 23. endweekday Weekday to end. The range is from Monday to Friday endmonth Month to end. The range is from January through December. endhour Hour to end in hour:minute (hh:mm) format. The range is from 0 to 23. offset Minutes offset (see Table B-1) from UTC. The range is from 0 to 59. timezone Configures the standard time zone. timezone Name of the time zone. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-103 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clock (Global configuration) hoursoffset Hours offset (see Table B-1) from UTC. The range is from –23 to +23. minutesoffset Minutes offset (see Table B-1) from UTC. The range is from 0 to 59. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines To set and display the local and UTC current time of day without an NTP server, use the clock timezone command with the clock set command. The clock timezone parameter specifies the difference between UTC and local time, which is set with the clock set command in EXEC configuration mode. The UTC and local time are displayed with the show clock detail command in EXEC configuration mode. Use the clock timezone offset command to specify a time zone, where timezone is the desired time zone entry from Table B-1 and 0 0 is the offset (ahead or behind) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in hours and minutes. UTC was formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). SE(config)# clock timezone timezone 0 0 Note The time zone entry is case sensitive and must be specified in the exact notation listed in the time zone table as shown in Appendix B, “Standard Time Zones.” When you use a time zone entry from Table B-1, the system is automatically adjusted for daylight saving time. Note If you change the local time on the device, you must change the BIOS clock time as well; otherwise, the timestamps on the error logs are not synchronized. Changing the BIOS clock is required because the kernel does not handle time zones. The offset (ahead or behind) UTC in hours, as displayed in Table B-1, is in effect during winter time. During summer time or daylight saving time, the offset may be different from the values in the table and are calculated and displayed accordingly by the system clock. Note Examples An accurate clock and timezone setting is required for the correct operation of the HTTP proxy caches. The following example shows how to specify the local time zone as Pacific Standard Time with an offset of 8 hours behind UTC: ServiceEngine(config)# clock timezone PST -8 Custom Timezone: PST will be used. The following example shows how to configure a standard time zone on the SE: ServiceEngine(config)# clock timezone US/Pacific 0 0 Resetting offset from 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) to -8 hour(s) 0 minute(s) Standard Timezone: US/Pacific will be used. ServiceEngine(config)# The following example negates the time zone setting on the SE: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-104 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands clock (Global configuration) ServiceEngine(config)# no clock timezone The following example shows how to configure daylight saving time: ServiceEngine(config)# clock summertime PDT date 10 October 2001 23:59 29 April 2002 23:59 60 Related Commands Command Description clock To set the summer daylight saving time and time zone for display purposes. show clock detail Displays the UTC and local time. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-105 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cms (EXEC) cms (EXEC) To configure the Centralized Management System (CMS) embedded database parameters, use the cms command in EXEC configuration mode. cms {config-sync | database {backup | create | delete | downgrade [script filename] | maintenance {full | regular} | restore filename | validate} | deregister [force] | recover {identity word}} Syntax Description config-sync Sets the node to synchronize configuration with the CDSM. database Creates, backs up, deletes, restores, or validates the CMS-embedded database management tables or files. backup Backs up the database management tables. create Creates the embedded database management tables. delete Deletes the embedded database files. downgrade Downgrades the CMS database. script (Optional) Downgrades the CMS database by applying a downgrade script. filename Downgraded script filename. maintenance Cleans and reindexes the embedded database tables. full Specifies a full maintenance routine for the embedded database tables. regular Specifies a regular maintenance routine for the embedded database tables. restore Restores the database management tables using the backup local filename. filename Database local backup filename. validate Validates the database files. deregister Removes the registration of the CMS proto device. force (Optional) Forces the removal of the node registration. recover Recovers the identity of an CDS network device. identity Specifies the identity of the recovered device. word Identity of the recovered device. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The CDS network is a collection of SR, SE, and CDSM nodes. One primary CDSM retains the CDS network settings and provides other CDS network nodes with updates. Communication between nodes occurs over secure channels using the Secure Shell Layer (SSL) protocol, where each node on the CDS network uses a Rivest, Shamir, Adelman (RSA) certificate-key pair to communicate with other nodes. Use the cms config-sync command to enable registered SRs, SEs, and standby CDSM to contact the primary CDSM immediately for a getUpdate (get configuration poll) request before the default polling interval of 5 minutes. For example, when a node is registered with the primary CDSM and activated, it Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-106 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cms (EXEC) appears as Pending in the CDSM GUI until it sends a getUpdate request. The cms config-sync command causes the registered node to send a getUpdate request at once, and the status of the node changes as Online. Use the cms database create command to initialize the CMS database. Before a node can join a CDS network, it must first be registered and then activated. The cms enable command automatically registers the node in the database management tables and enables the CMS. The node sends its attribute information to the CDSM over the SSL protocol and then stores the new node information. The CDSM accepts these node registration requests without admission control and replies with registration confirmation and other pertinent security information required for getting updates. Activate the node using the CDSM GUI. Once the node is activated, it automatically receives configuration updates and the necessary security RSA certificate-key pair from the CDSM. This security key allows the node to communicate with any other node in the CDS network. The cms deregister command removes the node from the CDS network by deleting registration information and database tables. Note The cms deregister command cleans up the database automatically. You do not need to use the cms database delete command. If the deregistration fails, the best practice is to resolve any issues that caused the deregistration failure; for example, the Service Engine is the Content Acquirer of a delivery service and cannot be deleted or deactivated. Assign a different SE as the Content Acquirer in each delivery service where this SE is assigned as the Content Acquirer and try the cms deregister command again. To back up the existing management database for the CDSM, use the cms database backup command. For database backups, specify the following items: • Location, password, and user ID • Dump format in PostgreSQL plain text syntax The naming convention for backup files includes the time stamp. When you use the cms recover identity word command when recovering lost registration information, or replacing a failed node with a new node that has the same registration information, specify the device recovery key that you configured in the Modifying Config Property, System.device.recovery.key window of the CDSM GUI. Use the lcm command to configure local or central management (LCM) on an CDS network device. The LCM feature allows settings configured using the device CLI or GUI to be stored as part of the CDS network-wide configuration data (enable or disable). When you enter the cms lcm enable command, the CMS process running on SEs, SRs, and the standby CDSM detects the configuration changes that you made on these devices using CLIs and sends the changes to the primary CDSM. When you enter the cms lcm disable command, the CMS process running on SEs, SRs, and the standby CDSM does not send the CLI changes to the primary CDSM. Settings configured using the device CLIs are not sent to the primary CDSM. If LCM is disabled, the settings configured through the CDSM GUI overwrite the settings configured from the SE or SR; however, this rule applies only to those local device settings that have been overwritten by the CDSM when you have configured the local device settings. If you (as the local CLI user) change the local device settings after the particular configuration has been overwritten by the CDSM, the local device configuration is applicable until the CDSM requests a full-device statistics update from the SE or SR (clicking the Force full database update button from the Device Home window of the CDSM GUI triggers a full update). When the CDSM requests a full update from the device, the CDSM settings overwrite the local device settings. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-107 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cms (EXEC) The cms deregister force command should be used only as the last option, because the CDSM does not know about the device being removed. When executing the cms deregister force command, take note of any messages stating that the deregistration failed and make sure to resolve them before reregistering the device with the same CDSM or registering the device to another CDSM. The cms deregister force command forces the deregistration to continue. Examples The following example shows how to back up the database management tables: CDSM# cms database backup creating backup file with label `backup' backup file local1/CDS-db-9-22-2002-17-36.dump is ready. use `copy' commands to move the backup file to a remote host. The following example shows how to validate the database management tables: CDSM# cms database validate Management tables are valid In the following example, the CMS deregistration process has problems deregistering the SE, but it proceeds to deregister it from the CMS database when the force option is used: ServiceEngine# cms deregister force Deregistration requires management service to be stopped. You will have to manually start it. Stopping management service on this node... This operation needs to restart http proxy and streaming proxies/servers (if running) for memory reconfiguration. Proceed? [ no ] yes management services stopped Thu Jun 26 13:17:34 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: creating 24 messages Thu Jun 26 13:17:34 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: creating 12 dispatchers Thu Jun 26 13:17:34 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: sending eDeRegistration message to CDSM ... ServiceEngine# The following example shows the use of the cms recover identity command when the recovery request matches the SE record, and the CDSM updates the existing record and sends a registration response to the requesting SE: ServiceEngine# cms recover identity default Registering this node as Service Engine... Sending identity recovery request with key default Thu Jun 26 12:54:42 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: creating 24 messages Thu Jun 26 12:54:42 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: creating 12 dispatchers Thu Jun 26 12:54:42 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Sending registration message to CDSM Thu Jun 26 12:54:44 UTC 2003 [ W ] main: Unable to load device info file in TestServer Thu Jun 26 12:54:44 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Connecting storeSetup for SE. Thu Jun 26 12:54:44 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Instantiating AStore ''... Thu Jun 26 12:54:45 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Successfully connected to database Thu Jun 26 12:54:45 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Registering object factories for persistent store... Thu Jun 26 12:54:51 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Dropped Sequence IDSET. Thu Jun 26 12:54:51 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Successfully removed old management tables Thu Jun 26 12:54:51 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Registering object factories for persistent store... . . . Thu Jun 26 12:54:54 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Created Table FILE_CDSM. Thu Jun 26 12:54:55 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Created SYS_MESS_TIME_IDX index. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-108 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cms (EXEC) Thu Jun 26 12:54:55 UTC 2003 Thu Jun 26 12:54:55 UTC 2003 Thu Jun 26 12:54:55 UTC 2003 Thu Jun 26 12:54:55 UTC 2003 store... Thu Jun 26 12:54:55 UTC 2003 Thu Jun 26 12:54:56 UTC 2003 Thu Jun 26 12:54:56 UTC 2003 non-CDSM node. Thu Jun 26 12:54:56 UTC 2003 Thu Jun 26 12:54:56 UTC 2003 Thu Jun 26 12:54:56 UTC 2003 Thu Jun 26 12:54:56 UTC 2003 Thu Jun 26 12:54:56 UTC 2003 Node successfully registered Registration complete. ServiceEngine# [ [ [ [ I I I I ] ] ] ] main: main: main: main: Created SYS_MESS_NODE_IDX index. No Consistency check for store. Successfully created management tables Registering object factories for persistent [ I ] main: AStore Loading store data... [ I ] main: ExtExpiresRecord Loaded 0 Expires records. [ I ] main: Skipping Construction RdToClusterMappings on [ I ] main: [ I ] main: [ I ] main: [ I ] main: [ I ] main: with id 103 AStore Done Loading. 327 Created SYS_MESS_TIME_IDX index. Created SYS_MESS_NODE_IDX index. No Consistency check for store. Successfully initialized management tables The following example shows the use of the cms recover identity command when the hostname of the SE does not match the hostname configured in the CDSM GUI: ServiceEngine# cms recover identity default Registering this node as Service Engine... Sending identity recovery request with key default Thu Jun 26 13:16:09 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: creating 24 messages Thu Jun 26 13:16:09 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: creating 12 dispatchers Thu Jun 26 13:16:09 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Sending registration message to CDSM There are no SE devices in CDN register: Registration failed. ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description cms enable Enables the CMS. show cms Displays the CMS protocol, embedded database content, maintenance status, and other information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-109 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cms (Global configuration) cms (Global configuration) To schedule maintenance and enable the Centralized Management System (CMS) on a given node, use the cms command in Global configuration mode. To negate these actions, use the no form of this command. cms {database maintenance {full {enable | schedule weekday at time} | regular {enable | schedule weekday at time}} | enable | rpc timeout {connection 5-1800 | incoming-wait 10-600 | transfer 10-7200}} no cms {database maintenance {full {enable | schedule weekday at time} | regular {enable | schedule weekday at time}} | enable | rpc timeout {connection 5-1800 | incoming-wait 10-600 | transfer 10-7200}} Syntax Description database maintenance Configures the embedded database, clean, or reindex maintenance routine. full Configures the full maintenance routine and cleans the embedded database tables. enable Enables the full maintenance routine to be performed on the embedded database tables. schedule Sets the schedule for performing the maintenance routine. weekday Day of the week to start the maintenance routine. every-day—Every day Fri—every Friday Mon—every Monday Sat—every Saturday Sun—every Sunday Thu—every Thursday Tue—every Tuesday Wed—every Wednesday at Sets the maintenance schedule time of day to start the maintenance routine. time Time of day to start the maintenance routine. The range is from 0 to 23:0 to 59 in hh:mm format. regular Configures the regular maintenance routine and reindexes the embedded database tables. enable Enables the node CMS process. rpc timeout Configures the timeout values for remote procedure call connections. connection Specifies the maximum time to wait for when making a connection. 5-1800 Timeout period, in seconds. The default for the CDSM is 30; the default for the SE and the SR is 180. incoming-wait Specifies the maximum time to wait for a client response. 10-600 Timeout period, in seconds. The default is 30. transfer Specifies the maximum time to allow a connection to remain open. 10-7200 Timeout period, in seconds. The default is 300. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-110 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cms (Global configuration) Defaults database maintenance regular: enabled database maintenance full: enabled connection: 30 seconds for CDSM; 180 seconds for the SE and the SR incoming wait: 30 seconds transfer: 300 seconds Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Use the cms database maintenance command to schedule routine, full-maintenance cleaning (vacuuming) or a regular maintenance reindexing of the embedded database. The full maintenance routine runs only when the disk is more than 90 percent full and runs only once a week. Cleaning the tables returns reusable space to the database system. The cms enable command automatically registers the node in the database management tables and enables the CMS process. The no cms enable command stops only the management services on the device and does not disable a primary sender. You can use the cms deregister command to remove a primary or backup sender SE from the CDS network and to disable communication between two multicast senders. Examples The following example shows how to schedule a regular (reindexing) maintenance routine to start every Friday at 11:00 p.m.: ServiceEngine(config)# cms database maintenance regular schedule Fri at 23:00 The following example shows how to enable the CMS process on an SE: ServiceEngine(config)# cms enable This operation needs to restart http proxy and streaming proxies/servers (if running) for memory reconfiguration. Proceed? [ no ] yes Registering this node as Service Engine... Thu Jun 26 13:18:24 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: creating 24 messages Thu Jun 26 13:18:25 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: creating 12 dispatchers Thu Jun 26 13:18:25 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Sending registration message to CDSM Thu Jun 26 13:18:27 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Connecting storeSetup for SE. Thu Jun 26 13:18:27 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Instantiating AStore ''... Thu Jun 26 13:18:28 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Successfully connected to database Thu Jun 26 13:18:28 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Registering object factories for persistent store... Thu Jun 26 13:18:35 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Dropped Sequence IDSET. Thu Jun 26 13:18:35 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Dropped Sequence GENSET. Thu Jun 26 13:18:35 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Dropped Table USER_TO_DOMAIN. . . . Thu Jun 26 13:18:39 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Created Table FILE_CDSM. Thu Jun 26 13:18:40 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Created SYS_MESS_TIME_IDX index. Thu Jun 26 13:18:40 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Created SYS_MESS_NODE_IDX index. Thu Jun 26 13:18:40 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: No Consistency check for store. Thu Jun 26 13:18:40 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Successfully created management tables Thu Jun 26 13:18:40 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Registering object factories for persistent store... Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-111 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cms (Global configuration) Thu Jun 26 13:18:40 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: AStore Loading store data... Thu Jun 26 13:18:41 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: ExtExpiresRecord Loaded 0 Expires records. Thu Jun 26 13:18:41 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Skipping Construction RdToClusterMappings on non-CDSM node. Thu Jun 26 13:18:41 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: AStore Done Loading. 336 Thu Jun 26 13:18:41 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Created SYS_MESS_TIME_IDX index. Thu Jun 26 13:18:41 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Created SYS_MESS_NODE_IDX index. Thu Jun 26 13:18:41 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: No Consistency check for store. Thu Jun 26 13:18:41 UTC 2003 [ I ] main: Successfully initialized management tables Node successfully registered with id 28940 Registration complete. Warning: The device will now be managed by the CDSM. Any configuration changes made via CLI on this device will be overwritten if they conflict with settings on the CDSM. Please preserve running configuration using 'copy running-config startup-config'. Otherwise management service will not be started on reload and node will be shown 'offline' in CDSM UI. management services enabled ServiceEngine(config)# Related Commands Command Description cms database Creates, backs up, deletes, restores, or validates the CMS-embedded database management tables or files. show cms Displays the CMS protocol, embedded database content, maintenance status, and other information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-112 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands configure configure To enter Global configuration mode, use the configure command in EXEC configuration mode. configure To exit Global configuration mode, use the end or exit commands. In addition, you can press Ctrl-Z to exit from Global configuration mode. Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to enable Global configuration mode: ServiceEngine# configure ServiceEngine(config)# Related Commands Command Description end Exits configuration and privileged EXEC configuration modes. exit Exits from interface, Global configuration, or privileged EXEC configuration modes. show running-config Displays the current operating configuration. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-113 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands contentmgr contentmgr To configure the Content Manager, use the contentmgr command in Global configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command. contentmgr {delivery-service cache-content purge-on-delete num | disk-bucket-fail-threshold num | hitcnt-decay-half-life num | slowscan-time time | slowscan-rate num | transaction-logs-disable | rollback} no contentmgr {delivery-service cache-content purge-on-delete num | disk-bucket-fail-threshold num | hitcnt-decay-half-life num | slowscan-time time | slowscan-rate num | transaction-logs-disable | rollback} Syntax Description delivery-service Configures the Content Manager delivery service. Note This command was introduced in the 2.6.3 software release. cache-content Configures the Content Manager delivery service cache content. purge-on-delete Configures the Content Manager delivery service cache content purge on delete. num Purge after minutes (0 to 1440). Note 0 means not deleting. disk-bucket-fail-thresho Configures threshold percentage of disk failures per bucket, to raise alarm. ld Defaults num Threshold percentage (1 to 100). slowscan-time Schedule the primary start time of CMGRSlowScan every-day (the default is 00:00) time Time of day to run CMGRSlowscan in local time (hh:mm). slowscan-rate Configure CMGRSlowScan rate. time Pacing scanning in between objects (unit: us). hitcnt-decay-half-life Configure half life decay period for cache hit count updates. num Half life decay for cache content hit count updates (1 to 30). transaction-logs-disable Disable transaction-logs written in the device. rollback Rollback Content Manager. purge-on-delete: 5 minutes disk-bucket-fail-threshold: default is 30 percent. hitcnt-decay-half-life: default is 14 days. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines As part of FastCAL, the Content Manager module replaces the Ucache process in Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 2.6 Release software. The Content Manager keeps track of all the files in CDNFS, and maintains all content popularity information and stores it in a snapshot file. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-114 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands contentmgr The contentmgr disk-bucket-fail-threshold command monitors the percentage of disks failed in a particular disk bucket. A minor alarm would be raised if the percentage disk failure crosses the configured threshold value. A disk bucket is a logical unit in FastCAL module, where all the disks on an SE are distributed equally among each disk bucket. The number of disk buckets can be 1, 3, or 4 depending on the platform. For example: • A CDE220 with 12 hard-disks (disk00 to disk11): – This hardware has 3 disk-buckets. – Each disk-bucket has 4 disks in it (sequentially allocated). – The allocation of disks is as follows: disk-bucket00 | disk-bucket01 | disk-bucket02 --------------|-----------------|--------------disk00 | disk01 | disk02 disk03 | disk04 | disk05 disk06 | disk07 | disk08 disk09 | disk10 | disk11 – The Number of Disk buckets for each platform type is as as follows: 2S6 = 4 2M1 = 3 2M0 = 4 2S3I = 3 CDE220 = 3 2G2 = 3 CDE205 = 1 Use the contentmgr hitcnt-decay-half-life command to configure the time period after which cache hit count is decayed. The Content Manager transaction logs help identify whether a content is being added, updated, deleted, or evicted. The format for Content Manager transaction logging is as follows: ServiceEngine# tail -f /local/local1/logs/content_mgr/working.log Examples The following example shows how to configure the Content Manager delivery service cache content purge on delete after 10 minutes: ServiceEngine# delivery-service cache-content purge-on-delete 10 ServiceEngine(config)# The following example shows how to configure the cache hit count half life to 10 days: ServiceEngine# contentmgr hitcnt-decay-half-life 10 ServiceEngine(config)# The following example shows how to configure the percentage of disk failures to 20 percent: ServiceEngine# contentmgr disk-bucket-fail-threshold 20 ServiceEngine(config)# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-115 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands contentmgr The following example shows the disk bucket alarm: ServiceEngine# show alarms Critical Alarms: ---------------None Major Alarms: ------------Alarm ID Module/Submodule Instance -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------1 cms_clock_alarm cms Minor Alarms: ------------Alarm ID -------------------1 psu 2 disk_bucket_thresh 3 disk_bucket_thresh 4 disk_failure 5 disk_failure 6 disk_failure Related Commands Module/Submodule -------------------sysmon sysmon/cmgr/bucket00 sysmon/cmgr/bucket01 sysmon sysmon sysmon Instance ------------------------Power Supply Disk Bucket 00 Disk Bucket 01 disk05 disk09 disk12 Command Description content-mgr disk-info force-reset Forces the Content Manager to reset the disk share memory information show content-mgr Displays all content management information. show statistics content-mgr Displays the Content Manager statistics. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-116 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands content-mgr disk-info force-reset content-mgr disk-info force-reset To force the Content Manager to reset the disk share memory information, use the copy command in EXEC configuration mode. content-mgr disk-info-force-reset Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to force the Content Manager to reset the disk share memory information: ServiceEngine# content-mgr disk-info force-reset Disk info force reset completed. Related Commands Command Description contentmgr Configures the Content Manager. show content-mgr Displays all content management information. show statistics content-mgr Displays the Content Manager statistics. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-117 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands content-origin content-origin To support multiple origin servers within a content origin, use the content-origin command in Global configuration mode. To remove configured content origin, use the no form of this command. content-origin request-fqdn domain config-url url [username username password password] no content-origin request-fqdn domain config-url url [username username password password] Syntax Description request-fqdn Configures the request FQDN1. domain Domain of the request FQDN. Domain size range should be between 1to 255 characters. config-url URL of the content origin configuration file. url URL name. username Configures a username to access configuration file. username Specifies a username. password Configures a password to access configuration file. password Specifies a password. 1. fully qualified domain name. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Previously, only one origin server per content origin was allowed and the same origin server could not be shared across multiple content origins. Users had to create delivery services or content origins and different content origin domain names resolving to same IP addresses of the origin server. This created much overhead during deployment. The content-origin command supports multiple origin servers within a content origin and allows users to share single origin servers across multiple delivery service or content origins. Examples The following example shows how to create a ServiceEngine# content-origin request-fqdn config-url http://171.XX.XX.XXX/cdsorigin.xml username admin password default Related Commands Command Description show content-origin Displays information about the NAS mount. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-118 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands copy copy To copy the configuration or image data from a source to a destination, use the copy command in EXEC configuration mode. copy cdnfs disk url sysfs-filename copy disk {ftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename localfilename | startup-config filename} copy ftp {disk {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename localfilename | install {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename} copy http install {{hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename} [port port-num [proxy {hostname | ip-address} | username username password [proxy {hostname | ip-address} proxy_portnum]] | proxy {hostname | ip-address} proxy_portnum | username username password [proxy {hostname | ip-address} proxy_portnum]] copy running-config {disk filename | startup-config} copy startup-config {disk filename | running-config} copy system-status disk filename copy tech-support {disk filename | remotefilename} Syntax Description cdnfs Copies a file from the CDNFS to the sysfs. disk Copies a file to the disk. url URL of the CDNFS file to be copied to the sysfs. sysfs-filename Filename to be copied in the sysfs. disk Copies a local disk file. ftp Copies to a file on an FTP server. hostname Hostname of the FTP server. ip-address IP address of the FTP server. remotefiledir Directory on the FTP server to which the local file is copied. remotefilename Name of the local file after it has been copied to the FTP server. localfilename Name of the local file to be copied. startup-config Copies the configuration file from the disk to startup configuration (NVRAM). filename Name of the existing configuration file. ftp Copies a file from an FTP server. disk Copies a file to a local disk. hostname Hostname of the FTP server. ip-address IP address of the FTP server. remotefiledir Directory on the FTP server where the file to be copied is located. remotefilename Name of the file to be copied to the local disk. localfilename Name of the copied file as it appears on the local disk. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-119 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands copy Defaults install Copies the file from an FTP server and installs the software release file to the local device. hostname Name of the FTP server. ip-address IP address of the FTP server. remotefiledir Remote file directory. remotefilename Remote filename. http install Copies the file from an HTTP server and installs the software release file on a local device. hostname Name of the HTTP server. ip-address IP address of the HTTP server. remotefiledir Remote file directory. remotefilename Remote filename. port (Optional) Specifies the port to connect to the HTTP server. The default is 80. port-num HTTP server port number. The range is from 1 to 65535. proxy Allows the request to be redirected to an HTTP proxy server. hostname Name of the HTTP server. ip-address IP address of the HTTP server. proxy_portnum HTTP proxy server port number. The range is from 1 to 65535. username Specifies the username to access the HTTP proxy server. username User login name. running-config Copies the current system configuration. disk Copies the current system configuration to a disk file. filename Name of the file to be created on disk. startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration (NVRAM). disk Copies the startup configuration to a disk file. filename Name of the startup configuration file to be copied to the local disk. running-config Copies the startup configuration to a running configuration. system-status disk Copies the system status to a disk file. filename Name of the file to be created on the disk. tech-support Copies system information for technical support. disk Copies system information for technical support to a disk file. filename Name of the file to be created on disk. remotefilename Remote filename of the system information file to be created on the TFTP server. Use the complete pathname. HTTP server port: 80 Default working directory for sysfs files: /local1 Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-120 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands copy Usage Guidelines The copy cdnfs command in EXEC configuration mode copies data files from of the CDNFS to the sysfs for further processing. For example, you can use the install imagefilename command in EXEC configuration mode to provide the copied files to the command. The copy disk ftp command copies files from a sysfs partition to an FTP server. The copy disk startup-config command copies a startup configuration file to NVRAM. The copy ftp disk command copies a file from an FTP server to a sysfs partition. Use the copy ftp install command to install an image file from an FTP server. Part of the image goes to the disk and part goes to the flash memory. Use the copy http install command to install an image file from an HTTP server and install it on a local device. It transfers the image from an HTTP server to the SE using HTTP as the transport protocol and installs the software on the device. Part of the image goes to the disk and part goes to the flash memory. You can also use this command to redirect your transfer to a different location or HTTP proxy server, by specifying the proxy hostname | ip-address option. A username and a password have to be authenticated with the remote HTTP server if the server is password protected and requires authentication before the transfer of the software release file to the SE is allowed. Use the copy running-config command to copy the running system configuration to a sysfs partition or flash memory. The copy running-config startup-config command is equivalent to the write memory command. The copy startup-config command copies the startup configuration file to a sysfs partition. The copy system-status command creates a file on a sysfs partition containing hardware and software status information. The copy tech-support tftp command copies technical support information to a a sysfs partition. Related Commands Command Description install Installs a new version of the caching application. reload Halts a device and performs a cold restart. show running-config Displays the current operating configuration. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. write Writes or erases the startup configurations to NVRAM or to a terminal session, or writes the MIB persistence configuration to disk. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-121 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands cpfile cpfile To make a copy of a file, use the cpfile command in EXEC configuration mode. cpfile oldfilename newfilename Syntax Description oldfilename Name of the file to be copied. newfilename Name of the copy to be created. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to create a copy of a file. Only sysfs files can be copied. Examples The following example shows how to create a copy of a file: ServiceEngine# cpfile syslog.txt Related Commands Command Description copy Copies the configuration or image files to and from the CD-ROM, flash memory, disk, or remote hosts. dir Displays the files in a long-list format. lls Displays the files in a long-list format. ls Lists the files and subdirectories in a directory. mkfile Makes a file (for testing). rename Renames a file. rmdir Removes a directory. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-122 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug debug To monitor and record caching application functions, use the debug command in EXEC configuration mode. To disable these functions, use the no form of this command. debug option no debug option Syntax Description option Defaults debug all: default logging level is ERROR. Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines We recommend that you use the debug command only at the direction of Cisco TAC because the SE performance is affected when you enter the debug command. Specifies the debugger type; see the Usage Guidelines section for valid values. You can use the logging disk priority debug command with the debug command. This configuration causes the debugging messages to be logged in the syslog file, which is available in the /local1 directory by default. You can then download the messages from the SE, copy them to a local disk file (for example, using the copy disk ftp command), and forward the logs to Cisco TAC for further investigation. By default, system log messages are logged to the console and you need to copy and paste the output to a file. However, this method of obtaining logs is more prone to errors than capturing all messages in the syslog.txt file. When you use system logging to a disk file instead of system logging to a console, there is no immediate feedback that debug logging is occurring, except that the syslog.txt file gets larger (you can track the lines added to the syslog.txt file by entering the type-tail syslog.txt follow command). When you have completed downloading the system logs to a local disk, disable the debugging functions by using the undebug command (see the “undebug” section on page 2-753 section for more details), and reset the level of logging disk priority to any other setting that you want (for example, notice priority). Table 2-2 shows valid values for the debug command options. Table 2-2 debug Command Options aaa debugs AAA. access-lists 300 Debugs the ACL. dump Dumps the ACL contents. query Queries the ACL configuration. username username Queries the ACL username. groupname groupnames Queries the ACL group name or names of groups of which the user is a member. Each group name must be separated by a comma. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-123 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug Table 2-2 debug Command Options acquirer Debugs the acquirer. error Sets the debug level to error. trace Sets the debug level to trace. all Enables all debugging. authentication Debugs authentication. user Debugs the user login against the system authentication. Debugs the Autnentication Server. authsvr error Sets the debug level to error. trace Sets the debug level to trace. bandwidth advanced Debugs the bandwidth module. Advanced bandwidth controller debug commands. error Sets the debug level to error. trace Sets the debug level to trace. Debugs the buffer manager. buf all Debugs all buffer manager functions. dmbuf Debugs the buffer manager dmbuf. dmsg Debugs the buffer manager dmsg. cache-content Debugs the caching service. all (Optional) Sets the debug level to all. error (Optional) Sets the debug level to error. trace (Optional) Sets the debug level to trace. cache-router Debugs the caching router. error Sets the debug level to error. trace Sets the debug level to trace. cdnfs Debugs the CNNFS. cli Debugs the CLI command. all Debugs all CLI commands. bin Debugs the CLI command binary program. parser Debugs the CLI command parser. cms Debugs the CMS. content-mgr Debugs the Content Manager. error Sets the debug level to error. trace Sets the debug level to trace. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-124 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug Table 2-2 dataserver debug Command Options Debugs the data server. all Debuts all data server functions. clientlib Debugs the data server client library module. server Debugs the data server module. Debugs the DFS. dfs all Sets the debug level to all. api Debugs the DFS application API. diskcache Debugs the DFS in-memory disk-directory cache management. memcache Debugs the DFS in-memory cache. rawio Debugs the DFS raw disk I/O. dhcp Debugs the DHCP. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-125 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug Table 2-2 debug Command Options distribution Debugs the distribution components. all Debugs all distribution components. error Debugs all distribution components to error level 1 (show error). trace Debugs all distribution components to trace level 2 (show error and trace). mcast-data-receiver Debugs the multicast receiver distribution component. error Debugs the multicast receiver distribution component to error level 1. trace Debugs the multicast receiver distribution component to trace level 2. mcast-data-sender Debugs the multicast sender distribution component. error Debugs the multicast sender distribution component to error level 1. trace Debugs the multicast sender distribution component to trace level 2. metadata-receiver Debugs the metadata receiver distribution component. error Debugs the metadata receiver distribution component to error level 1. trace Debugs the metadata receiver distribution component to trace level 2. metadata-sender Debugs the metadata sender distribution component. error Debugs the metadata sender distribution component to error level 1. trace Debugs the metadata sender distribution component to trace level 2. unicast-data-receiver Debugs the unicast receiver distribution component. error Debugs the unicast receiver distribution component to error level 1. trace Debugs the unicast receiver distribution component to trace level 2. unicast-data-sender Debugs the unicast sender distribution component. error Debugs the unicast sender distribution component to error level 1. trace Debugs the unicast sender distribution component to trace level 2. emdb Debugs the embedded database. level (0-16) flash-media-streaming (Optional) Debug level. Debug level 0 through 16. Debugs Flash Media Streaming. error Debugs the Flash Media Streaming log level error. trace Debugs the Flash Media Streaming log level debug. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-126 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug Table 2-2 debug Command Options http Debugs HTTP. service-router Debugs the HTTP Service Router. Debugs ICAP. icap all Debugs both ICAP client and ICAP daemon processing. client Debugs the ICAP client (caching proxy) processing. daemon Debugs the ICAP daemon processing. Debugs Internet Protocol. ip bgp Debugs Border Gateway Protocol. ospf Debugs OSPF events. proximity Proximity debug commands. all All Proximity debugging information. ippc Proximity IPPC debugs. rib Debugs IP routing table events. Debugs IS-IS Routing for IP. isis adjacency Debugs IS-IS adjacency information. all Debugs all IS-IS debugging. csnp dis Debugs IS-IS Complete Sequence Number PDU (CSNP) information. esis Debugs IS-IS DIS election information. event Debugs IS-IS ESIS information. hello Debugs IS-IS event information. lsp Debugs IS-IS hello information. mpls Debugs IS-IS timer LSP information. psnp Debugs IS-IS MPLS information. spf Debugs IS-IS PSNP information. timer Debugs IS-IS SPF information. Debugs IS-IS timer information. logging all Debugs logging. Debugs all logging functions. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-127 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug Table 2-2 debug Command Options Debug commands for memory allocation. malloc cache-app Debugging commands for cache application memory allocation. all Sets the debug level to all. caller-accounting Collects statistics for every distinct allocation call-stack. catch-double-free Alerts if application attempts to release the same memory twice. check-boundaries Checks boundary over and under run scribble. check-free-chunks Checks if free chunks are over-written after release. clear-on-alloc Ensures all allocations are zero-cleared. statistics Allocator use statistical summary. dns-server DNS Caching Service memory allocation debugging. all Sets the debug level to all. caller-accounting Collects statistics for every distinct allocation call-stack. catch-double-free Alerts if application attempts to release the same memory twice. check-boundaries Checks boundary over and under run scribble. icap ICAP Service memory allocation debugging. caller-accounting Collects statistics for every distinct allocation call-stack. catch-double-free Alerts if application attempts to release the same memory twice. check-boundaries Checks boundary over and under run scribble. log-directory word movie-streamer Memory allocation debugging log directory. Directory path name. Debug commands for the Movie Streamer. error Sets the debug level to error. trace Sets the debug level to trace. ntp Debugs NTP. qos Debug commands for the QoS component. policy service Debug commands for the policy service. error Sets the debug level to error. trace Sets the debug level to trace. rbcp Debugs the RBCP (Router Blade Configuration Protocol) functions. rpc Displays the remote procedure call (RPC) logs. detail Displays the RPC logs of priority detail level or higher. trace Displays the RPC logs of priority trace level or higher. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-128 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug Table 2-2 debug Command Options Debugs the RTSP functions. rtsp gateway Debugs the RTSP gateway. error Debugs the RTSP gateway to level 1 (show error). trace Debugs the RTSP gateway to level 2 (show error and trace). Debugs the Rules Template. rule action Debugs the rule action. all Debugs all rule functions. pattern Debugs the rule pattern. service-router servicemonitor session-manager Debug commands for the Service Router. Debug commands for the service monitor. Session manager debug commands. critical Sets the debug level to critical. error Sets the debug level to error. trace Sets the debug level to trace. snmp Debugs SNMP. agent SNMP agent debug. all Debugs all SNMP functions. cli Debugs the SNMP CLI. main Debugs the SNMP main. mib Debugs the SNMP MIB. traps Debugs the SNMP traps. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-129 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug Table 2-2 debug Command Options Debugs the Service Routing Protocols. srp all Debugs all SRP. api Debugs the SRP API. configuration Debugs the SRP configuration. database Debugs the SRP database. error Debugs the SRP error. function Debugs the SRP function. host Debugs the SRP host. internal Debugs the SRP internal. ippc Debugs the SRP ippc (inter process command). ippc-dump Debugs the SRP ippc (pkt) dump. key Debugs the SRP key. leafset Debugs the SRP leafset. lock Debugs the SRP lock. multicast Debugs the SRP multicast. neighbor Debugs the SRP neighbor. packet Debugs the SRP packet. private Debugs the SRP private. replica Debugs the SRP replica. route Debugs the SRP route. session Debugs the SRP session. srhp-packet Debugs the SRP srhp packet. startup Debugs the SRP startup. sync Debugs the SRP sync. standby all stats Debugs standby functions. (Optional) Debugs all standby functions. Debugs the statistics. all Debugs all statistics functions. collection Debugs the statistics collection. computation Debugs the statistics computation. history Debugs the statistics history. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-130 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug Table 2-2 debug Command Options Debugs the Service Registration Daemon and Descriptor Interpreter. svc Debugs all SVCREG and Descriptor Interpreter Library (DESCI). all DESCI debug commands. desci desc Debugs DESCI desc. DESCI internal error. err Debugs DESCI ippc (inter process comm). ippc Debugs DESCI xml. xml registry err if Service Registry Daemon (SVCREG) debug commands. SVCREG internal error. Debugs SVCREG interface. Debugs SVCREG ippc (inter process comm). ippc Debugs SVCREG svc. svc Debugs SVCREG ven. ven translog all Debugs all transaction logging. archive Debugs the transaction log archive. export Debugs the transaction log FTP export. Unified naming service debug commands. uns all (Optional) Sets the debug level to all. error (Optional) Sets the debug level to error. trace (Optional) Sets the debug level to trace. webengine wi Debugs the transaction logging. WebEngine debug commands. error Sets the debug level to error. trace Sets the debug level to trace. Debugs the web interface. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-131 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug Table 2-2 debug Command Options Debugs the WMT component. wmt Debugs the WMT level 1 functionality. For more information, see the “Using WMT Error Logging” section on page 2-133. error client-ip cl-ip-address (Optional) Debugs the request from a specific client IP address to level 1 (show error). server-ip sv-ip-address (Optional) Debugs the request to a specific server IP address to level 1 (show error). Debugs the WMT level 2 functionality. trace client-ip cl-ip-address (Optional) Debugs the request from a specific client IP address to level 2 (show error and trace). server-ip sv-ip-address (Optional) Debugs the request to a specific server IP address to level 2 (show error and trace). Debugging Keywords All modules have debug error as the default level if they support the error keyword; however, when you execute the show debug command, the error does not display. Some modules have two debugging keywords (error and trace), but you cannot enable both at the same time. See the table above to identify commands with only the error and trace keywords. Some modules have the all keyword through which you can enable both the error and trace keywords at the same time. This results in debug set to everything. See Table 2-2 to identify commands with the all keyword. Note When debugging is set to trace level, it uses a lot of the CPU on the SE to handle error log writing. When writing the trace-level error logs reaches 100 percent of the CPU usage, 504 timeout error messages start to occur. Therefore, trace-level error logging should not be enabled in production systems. Debugging the Authsvr Table 2-3 shows the authsvr debugging commands and provides the corresponding log and error display information. Table 2-3 Debug Authsvr Command Chart Command Debug Log Levels Printed Show Debugging undebug authsvr trace error log — undebug authsvr error error log — undebug all error log — debug all error log Debug Authsvr error is on. no debug all error log — Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-132 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug Table 2-3 Debug Authsvr Command Chart Command Debug Log Levels Printed Show Debugging debug authsvr error error log Debug Authsvr error is on. debug authsvr trace trace error log Debug Authsvr trace is on. no debug authsvr trace error log — no debug authsvr error error log — Debugging Cdnfs You can use the debug cdnfs command to monitor the lookup and serving of prepositioned files. If prepositioned files are available in CDNFS but are not served properly, you can use the debug cdnfs command. Using WMT Error Logging Error logs are in the same format and location as syslogs. The WMT log messages are logged to /local1/errorlog/wmt_errorlog.current. You can configure the SE for WMT error logging by using the debug wmt error command in EXEC configuration mode. This command debugs WMT level 1 functionality. Logging WMT Client Disconnects When a WMT client is disconnected abruptly, the reasons for the client disconnect (for example, the request was blocked by the rules, the maximum incoming or outgoing bit-rate limit was reached, the maximum incoming or outgoing bandwidth limit was reached) are logged in Internet Streamer CDS software error logs. The client information includes the client IP address, the server IP address, the requested URL, the client protocol, the version of the client media player, the number of packets that the client received, and the number of packets that the server sent. Related Commands Command Description logging Configures system logging (syslog). show debugging Displays the state of each debugging option. undebug Disables the debugging functions (see also debug). Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-133 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug ip bgp debug ip bgp To display information relating to the BGP process, use the debug ip bgp command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. To disable the display of BGP information, use the undebug form of this command. debug ip bgp {A.B.C.D. | all | brib | events | internal | io | keepalives | list | packets | rib | updates} undebug ip bgp {A.B.C.D. | all | brib | events | internal | io | keepalives | list | packets | rib | updates} Syntax Description A.B.C.D. Displays the BGP neighbor IP address. all Displays all BGP debugging information. brib Displays the BGP BRIB. dampening Displays the BGP dampening. events Displays BGP events. internal Displays BGP internal information. io Displays BGP IO information. keepalives Displays BGP keepalives. list Displays the BGP list. packets Displays the BGP packets. rib Displays the BGP RIB. updates Displays BGP updates. Command Default Debugging of the keepalives is turned on upon the start of the BGP daemon. Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command turns on BGP debugging information. When debug ip bgp is turned on, the performance of the Proximity Engine may be impacted slightly. Examples The following example shows sample output displayed before and after running the debug ip bgp all command: ServiceRouter# show debugging ip bgp Debugs Enabled: Keepalives ServiceRouter# debug ip bgp all BGP all information debug is on ServiceRouter# show debugging ip bgp Debugs Enabled: Events Internal RIB BRIB Updates Keepalives Packets IO List ServiceRouter# When the undebug ip bgp all command is run, the following output is displayed: ServiceRouter# undebug ip bgp all Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-134 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug ip bgp BGP all information debug is off Related Commands Command Description show debugging ip bgp Displays the debugging flags that have been set for BGP. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-135 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug ip ospf debug ip ospf To display information related to OSPF process, use the debug ip ospf command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. To disable the display of OSPF information, use the undebug form of this command. debug ip ospf {adjacency [detail | terse] | all [detail | terse] | database [detail | terse] | database-timers | events [detail | terse] | flooding [detail | terse] | hello | lsa-generation [detail | terse] | packets | retransmission | spf [detail | terse] | spf-trigger [detail]} undebug ip ospf {adjacency [detail | terse] | all [detail | terse] | database [detail | terse] | database-timers | events [detail | terse] | flooding [detail | terse] | hello | lsa-generation [detail | terse] | packets | retransmission | spf [detail | terse] | spf-trigger [detail]} Syntax Description adjacency Specifies the adjacency events. detail Displays detailed neighbor events. terse Displays only major events. all All OSPF debugging. database OSPF LSDB1 changes. database-timers OSPF LSDB timers. events OSPF related events. flooding LSAs2 flooding. hello Hello packet and DR elections. lsa-generation Local OSPF LSA generation. packets OSPF packets. retransmission OSPF retransmission events. spf SPF calculation. spf-trigger Show SPF triggers 1. LSDB = link-state database 2. LSAs = link-state advertisement Command Default Display of information related to the OSPF process is disabled. Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines When debug ip ospf is turned on, the performance of the Proximity Engine may be impacted slightly. Examples Add the detail or terse keywords to each of the following commands to enable detailed or major events respectively. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-136 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug ip ospf The following example shows how to enable neighbor adjacency events: ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf adjacency ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable all OSPF debugging: ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf all ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable debugging for OSPF LSDB changes: ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf database ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable debugging for OSPF LSDB timers: ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf database-timers ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable debugging for OSPF-related events: ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf events ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable debugging for LSA flooding events: ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf flooding ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable debugging for hello packets and DR elections: ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf hello ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable debugging for local OSPF LSA generation events: ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf lsa-generation ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable debugging for of OSPF packets: ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf packets ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable debugging for OSPF retransmission events: ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf retransmission ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable debugging for SPF calculations: ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf spf ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable debugging for SPF triggers: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-137 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug ip ospf ServiceRouter# debug ip ospf spf-trigger ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show debugging ip ospf Displays the state of each debugging option for the OSPF process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-138 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug ip proximity debug ip proximity To debug the transport layer of proximity process in an SR, use the debug ip proximity command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of RIB information, use the no form of this command. debug ip proximity {all | ippc {connection | execute | message | response | send}} no debug ip proximity {all | ippc {connection | execute | message | response | send}} Syntax Description all Enables all proximity debugging. ippc Enables proximity transport logic. connection Enables transport connection debugging. execute Enables request execution debugging. message Enables message creation debugging. response Enables received message debugging. send Enables sent message debugging. Command Default None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The debug ip proximity command enables debugging of the transport layer of the proximity process in an SR to troubleshoot problems with proximity request and response. Examples The following example shows how to : ServiceRouter# debug ip proximity all ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show debugging ip proximity Displays the debug options that are enabled for the proximity process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-139 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug ip rib debug ip rib To display RIB information, use the debug ip rib command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of RIB information, use the no form of this command. debug ip rib [add-route | all | delete-route | detail | mod-route | proximity | rnh | summary] no debug ip rib [add-route | all | delete-route | detail | mod-route | proximity | rnh | summary] Syntax Description add-route Adds route events. all Displays all IP routing table events. delete-route Deletes route events. detail Enables detailed debugging for IP routing. mod-route Modifies route events. proximity Turns on proximity debugging information. rnh Turns on recursive next hop events. summary Displays a one-line summary of URIB I/O events. Command Default None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to display debug information related to the routing information base (RIB). Examples The following example shows how to display the RIB information: ServiceRouter# debug ip rib ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to add routes: ServiceRouter# debug ip rib add-route ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to turn on all IP routing table events: ServiceRouter# debug ip rib all ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to remove routes: ServiceRouter# debug ip rib delete-route ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-140 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug ip rib The following example shows how to enable detailed debugging for IP routing: ServiceRouter# debug ip rib detail ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to modify IP routing events: ServiceRouter# debug ip rib mod-route ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to turn on proximity debugging information: ServiceRouter# debug ip rib proximity URIB proximity routing information debug is on ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to enable recursive next hop events: ServiceRouter# debug ip rib rnh ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to display a one-line summary or URIB I/O events: ServiceRouter# debug ip rib summary ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show debugging ip rib Displays the debug options that are enabled for the RIB process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-141 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug isis debug isis To display information related to IS-IS process, use the debug isis command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. To disable the display of IS-IS information, use the undebug form of this command. debug isis [adjacency | all | csnp | dis | esis | event | hello | lsp | mpls | psnp | route-map | spf | timer] undebug isis [adjacency | all | csnp | dis | esis | event | hello | lsp | mpls | psnp | route-map | spf | timer] Syntax Description adjacency Displays IS adjacency information. all Displays all IS-IS debugging information. csnp Displays IS-IS CSNP information. dis Displays IS-IS DIS election information. esis Displays IS-IS ESIS information. event Displays IS-IS event information. hello Displays IS-IS hello information. lsp Displays IS-IS LSP information. mpls Displays IS-IS MPLS information. psnp Displays IS-IS PSNP information. route-map Displays IS-IS route-map policy information. spf Displays IS-IS SPF information. timer Displays IS-IS timer information. Command Default Display of debugging information is disabled. Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines When debug isis is turned on, the performance of the Proximity Engine may be impacted slightly. Examples The following example shows how to turn on the debug information for the interaction between IS-IS and the RPM API library: ServiceRouter# debug isis route-map ServiceRouter# Related Commands Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-142 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug isis Command Description show debugging isis Displays the debug options that are enabled for the IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-143 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug srp debug srp To turn on SRP debugging information, use the debug srp command in Privileged EXEC configuration mode. To turn off the debugging information, use the no form of this command. debug srp option no debug srp option Syntax Description option Command Default None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command turns on SRP debugging information logging either in the trace file or log file. Specifies the category of SRP debugging information to turn on. See Table 2-4 for a list of option values. The log file for SRP is /local/local1/errorlog/srp_log.current. The option argument to the debug srp command specifies a keyword indicating the category of SRP debugging information logging to turn on. Table 2-4 lists the values that can be specified in the option argument. Each debugging information message includes a tag that indicates the debugging category. For example, the SRP API debug messages include the tag SRP_DEBUG_API. Table 2-4 lists the tags that are used for each category of debugging information. To turn off SRP debugging information, use the undebug srp command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. Table 2-4 debug SRP Options Option Tag Description all not applicable Turns on all categories of SRP debugging information. api SRP_DEBUG_API Turns on SRP API debugging information. configuration SRP_DEBUG_CONFIG Turns on SRP configuration debugging information. database SRP_DEBUG_DATABASE Turns on SRP database debugging information. error SRP_DEBUG_ERROR Turns on SRP error debugging information. Usually, thread creation errors, no memory, key not found, and so forth are reported by this log information. function SRP_DEBUG_FUNC Turns on SRP function debugging information. host SRP_DEBUG_HOST Turns on SRP host debugging information. internal SRP_DEBUG_INT_DUMP Turns on SRP internal debugging information. ippc SRP_DEBUG_IPPC Turns on SRP inter-process procedure (IPPC) call debugging information. ippc-dump SRP_DEBUG_IPPC_DUMP Turns on SRP complete IPPC packet debugging information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-144 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands debug srp Table 2-4 debug SRP Options (continued) Option Tag Description key SRP_DEBUG_KEY Turns on SRP key-related debugging information. leafset SRP_DEBUG_LEAFSET Turns on SRP leafset debugging information. lock SRP_DEBUG_LOCK Turns on SRP lock and unlock debugging information. multicast SRP_DEBUG_MCAST Turns on SRP multicast debugging information. neighbor SRP_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR Turns on SRP neighbor debugging information. packet SRP_DEBUG_PACKET Turns on SRP packet debugging information (for example, packet type, key, and so forth). private SRP_DEBUG_PRIVATE Turns on SRP debugging information related to private variables and operations. replica SRP_DEBUG_REPLICA Turns on SRP replica debugging information. route SRP_DEBUG_ROUTE Turns on SRP route debugging information. session SRP_DEBUG_SESSION Turns on SRP session debugging information. srhp-packet SRP_DEBUG_SRHP_PACKET Turns on SRP service routing host packet (SRHP) debugging information. startup SRP_DEBUG_STARTUP Turns on SRP startup debugging information. sync SRP_DEBUG_SYNC Turns on SRP debugging information related to synchronization among peers. Examples The following example shows how to use the debug srp command to turn on SRP host and neighbor debugging information logging: ServiceRouter# debug srp host ServiceRouter# debug srp neighbor Related Commands Command Description show debugging srp Displays the debug flags that are turned on for the SRP. undebug srp Turns off SRP debugging information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-145 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands delfile delfile To delete a file, use the delfile command in EXEC configuration mode. delfile filename Syntax Description filename Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to remove a file from a sysfs partition. Examples The following example shows how to delete a file: Name of the file to delete. ServiceEngine# delfile /local1/tempfile Related Commands Command Description cpfile Copies a file. deltree Deletes a directory and its subdirectories. mkdir Creates a directory. mkfile Creates a file (for testing). rmdir Removes a directory. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-146 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands deltree deltree To remove a directory with its subdirectories and files, use the deltree command in EXEC configuration mode. deltree directory Syntax Description directory Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to remove a directory and all files within the directory from the SE sysfs file system. Do not remove files or directories required for proper SE functioning. Examples The following example shows how to delete a directory from the /local1 directory: Name of the directory tree to delete. ServiceEngine# deltree /local1/testdir Related Commands Command Description delfile Deletes a file. mkdir Creates a directory. mkfile Creates a file (for testing). rmdir Removes a directory. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-147 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands device device To configure the mode of operation on a device as a CDSM, SE or SR, use the device command in Global configuration mode. To reset the mode of operation on a device, use the no form of this command. device mode {content-delivery-system-manager | service-engine | service-router} no device mode {content-delivery-system-manager | service-engine | service-router} Syntax Description mode Sets the mode of operation of a device to CDSM, SE or SR. content-delivery-systemmanager Configures the device operation mode as a CDSM. service-engine Configures the device operation mode as an SE. service-router Configures the device operation mode as an SR. Defaults The default device operation mode is SE. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines A CDSM is the content management and device management station of an CDS network that allows you to specify what content is to be distributed, and where the content should be distributed. If an SR is deployed in the CDS network, the SR redirects the client based on redirecting policy. An SE is the device that serves content to the clients. There are typically many SEs deployed in an CDS network, each serving a local set of clients. IP/TV brings movie-quality video over enterprise networks to the desktop of the CDS network user. Because different device modes require disk space to be used in different ways, disk space must also be configured when the device mode changes from being an SE or SR to CDSM (or the other way around). You must reboot the device before the configuration changes to the device mode take effect. Disks must be configured before device configuration is changed. Use the disk configure command to configure the disk before reconfiguring the device to the SE or SR mode. Disk configuration changes using the disk configure command takes effect after the next device reboot. To enable CDS network-related applications and services, use the cms enable command. Use the no form of this command to disable the CDS network. All CDS devices ship from the factory as SEs. Before configuring network settings for CDSMs and SRs using the CLI, change the device from an SE to the proper device mode. Configuring the device mode is not a supported option on all hardware models. However, you can configure some hardware models to operate as any one of the four content networking device types. Devices that can be reconfigured using the device mode command are shipped from the factory by default as SEs. To change the device mode of your SE, you must also configure the disk space allocations, as required by the different device modes, and reboot the device for the new configuration to take effect. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-148 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands device When you change the device mode of an SE to an SR or CDSM, you may need to reconfigure the system file system (sysfs). However, SRs and CDSMs do not require any disk space other than sysfs. When you change the device mode to an SR or a CDSM, disk configuration changes are not required because the device already has some space allotted for sysfs. sysfs disk space is always preconfigured on a factory-fresh CDS network device. If you are changing the device mode of an SR or a CDSM back to an SE, configure disk space allocations for the caching, pre-positioning (CDNFS) and system use (sysfs) file systems that are used on the SE. You can configure disk space allocations either before or after you change the device mode to an SE. Examples The following examples show the configuration from the default mode, SE, to the CDSM, SR, and SE modes: ServiceEngine(config)# device mode content-delivery-system-manager CDSM(config)# device mode service-router ServiceRouter(config)# device mode service-engine Related Commands Command Description show device-mode Displays the configured or current mode of a CDSM, SE, or SR device. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-149 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands dir dir To view a long list of files in a directory, use the dir command in EXEC configuration mode. dir [directory] Syntax Description directory Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to view a detailed list of files contained within the working directory, including names, sizes, and time created. The equivalent command is lls. Examples The following example shows how to view a list of files in a directory: (Optional) Name of the directory to list. ServiceEngine# dir size time of last change -------------- ------------------------3931934 Tue Sep 19 10:41:32 2000 431 Mon Sep 18 16:57:40 2000 431 Mon Sep 18 17:27:46 2000 431 Mon Sep 18 16:54:50 2000 1453 Tue Sep 19 10:34:03 2000 1024 Tue Sep 19 10:41:31 2000 <DIR> Related Commands name ----------errlog-cache-20000918-164015 ii.cfg ii4.cfg iii.cfg syslog.txt testdir Command Description lls Displays the files in a long list format. ls Lists the files and subdirectories in a directory. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-150 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands direct-server-return direct-server-return To enable a VIP for direct server return, use the direct-server-return command in Global configuration mode. To disable direct server return, use the no form of this command. direct-server-return vip ip_address no direct-server-return vip ip_address Syntax Description vip Specifies the VIP for direct-server-return. ip_address VIP for direct-server-return. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Direct Server Return (DSR) is a method used by load balancer servers in a load balancing configuration. DSR responds directly to the client, bypassing the load balancer in the response path. Table 2-5 shows the Direct Server Return flow. Table 2-5 Note Examples Direct Server Return Flow Step Process Source IP Destination IP Destination MAC Step 1 Client to load balancer 00:30:48:C3:C7:C5 Step 2 Load balancer to SR 00:14:5E:83:6E:7E Step 3 SR to client Default Gateway MAC When issuing the direct-server-return vip command on an SE, the DSR VIP IP address cannot be the same as the Origin Server FQDN (OFQDN). The following example shows how to enable direct server return: ServiceEngine(config)# direct-server-return vip ServiceEngine(config)# Related Commands Command Description show direct-server-return Displays the Direct Server Return information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-151 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands disable disable To turn off privileged command in EXEC configuration mode, use the disable command in EXEC configuration mode. disable Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The disable command places you in the user-level EXEC shell. To turn privileged EXEC configuration mode back on, use the enable command. Examples The following example shows how to enter the user-level EXEC configuration mode: ServiceEngine# disable ServiceEngine> Related Commands Command Description enable Accesses the privileged EXEC commands. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-152 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands disk (EXEC) disk (EXEC) To configure disks and allocate disk space for devices that are using the CDS software, use the disk command in EXEC configuration mode. disk {erase diskname | mark diskname {bad | good} | policy apply | recover-cdnfs-volumes | recover-system-volumes | repair diskname sector sector_address_in_decimal | unuse diskname} Syntax Description erase Erases drive (DANGEROUS). diskname Name of the disk to be erased (disk00, disk01, and so on). mark Marks a disk drive as good or bad. diskname Name of the disk to be marked (disk01, disk02, and so on). bad Marks the disk drive as bad. good Marks the disk drive as good. policy Applies disk policy management. apply Invokes the disk policy manager for a disk. recover-cdnfs-volumes Erases all CDNFS volumes and reboots. recover-system-volumes Erases all SYSTEM and SYSFS volumes. repair Repairs the drive. diskname Name of the disk to be repaired (disk00, disk01, and so on). sector Repairs an uncorrectable sector. sector_address_in_decimal Name of the sector address in decimal. unuse Stops applications from using a disk drive. diskname Name of the disk to be stopped for application use (disk01, disk02, and so on). Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The disk space in the CDS software is allocated on a per-file system basis, rather than on a per-disk basis. Note For details on the Cisco Internet Streamer CDS software disk storage and configuration requirements for SEs, see the Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.3 Software Configuration Guide. The CDNFS amounts are reported by the actual usable amounts of storage for applications. Because of the internal file system overhead of approximately 3 percent, the reported amounts may be smaller than what you configured. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-153 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands disk (EXEC) To view disk details, use the show disk details command. Note The show disk details command shows the amount of disk space that is allocated to system use. This detail is not shown by using the show disk current command. To show the space allocation in each individual file system type, use the show statistics cdnfs command. After upgrading, the disk space allocation remains the same as previously configured. Remapping of Bad Sectors on Disk Drives The disk erase command in EXEC configuration mode performs a low-level format of the SCSI or SATA disks. This command erases all the content on the disk. If a disk drive continues to report a failure after you have used the disk erase command, you must replace the disk drive. Caution Note Be careful when using the disk erase command because this command causes all content on the specified disk to be deleted. SCSI and SATA drives can be reformatted. Erasing Disk Drives The disk erase command replaced the disk reformat command. This command erases all the content on the disk. The sequence to erase a disk with the disk erase and then use the disk policy apply commands. If a disk drive continues to report a failure after you have used the disk erase command, you must replace the disk drive. Caution Be careful when using the disk erase command because this command causes all content on the specified disk to be deleted. Disk Hot Swapping A new disk is recognized and the RAID is rebuilt when the device is rebooted. After inserting the new disk, enter the disk policy apply command to force the Internet Streamer CDS software to detect the new disk and rebuild the RAID. Note RAID is not supported for generic hardware (UCS servers). These systems have a single un-RAIDed system disk. Any disk replacement requires that the system first be taken off-line. The disk policy's design, when adding new disks, is to always favor safety. If when a new disk is added, the disk manager detects “degraded” or “bad” system volumes, the new disk is used to repair the system volumes. Thus, the disk manager always strives to have two disks allocated to the system volumes. If when a new disk is added, the system volumes are “normal” or “syncing,” the new disk is added to the cdnfs volume. Note For the CDE220-2S3i,and the CDE220-2S3, because the system disks are internal drives, if the system disk is “bad,” the CDE should be replaced. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-154 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands disk (EXEC) Repairing a Disk The disk repair command re pairs the bad sector, including the proximal sectors. All data on the drive is lost, but the sectors are repaired and available for data storage again. This command provides equivalent functionality as the repair-disk utility. The disk repair command takes approximately three hours to complete per disk; after the repair disk command completes, reboot the SE to ensure all CDS software services are functioning correctly. Caution The device should be offline before running the disk repair command. Because this command involves complex steps, we recommend you contact Cisco Technical Support before running this command. The disk repair command not only repairs the bad sectors, but reformats the entire drive, so all data on the drive is lost. The difference between the disk repair command and the disk erase command is that the disk erase command only re-initializes the file system and does not repair bad sectors. A minor alarm is set when an LSE is detected. After the sector is repaired with the disk repair command, the alarm is turned off. Minor Alarms: ------------Alarm ID Module/Submodule -------------------- -------------------1 badsector sysmon May 19 20:40:38.213 UTC, Equipment Alarm, "Device: /dev/sdl, 1 Currently unreadable Instance ------------------------disk11 #000003, 1000:445011 (pending) sectors" Stopping Applications from Using a Disk Drive The disk unuse command in EXEC configuration mode allows you to stop applications from using a specific disk drive (for example, disk01) without having to reboot the device. Note When executing the disk unuse command, any applications using the disk will be terminated. Off-line the device before executing this command. The disk unuse command has the following behavior: Examples • Cannot be used with system disk if the state of RAID-1 is not “Normal”. • Cannot be used with the CDNFS disk, which contains the “/uns-symlink-tree” directory. • Can be used with any disk except as in scenario 1 and 2 above. The following example shows how to repair the sector 4660 on disk 02: ServiceEngine# disk repair disk02 sector 4660 Note A system disk cannot be unused in a non-RAID system (generic/ucs). The following examples show usage of the disk unuse command and the resultant actions: ServiceEngine# disk unuse disk00 disk00 has key CDNFS data and can not be unused! ServiceEngine# disk unuse disk01 This will restart applications currently using disk01 and unmount all partitions on disk01. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-155 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands disk (EXEC) Do you want to continue? (Yes/No): yes [WARNING] CDNFS and RAID SYSTEM partitions detected on disk01 To safely remove a RAID SYSTEM disk, the entire drive must be erased. This operation has little effect on the RAID-ed SYSTEM volumes, as their data can be resynced. However, because the drive also contains non-RAID CDNFS data, it will result in loss of all CDNFS data for this drive! Unuse disk01, erasing all CDNFS data? (Yes/No): yes disk01 is now unused. All partitions on disk01 have been erased. ServiceEngine# disk unuse disk02 This will restart applications currently using disk02 and unmount all partitions on disk02. Do you want to continue? (Yes/No): yes disk02 is now unused The following example shows how to view disk details: ServiceEngine# show disk details disk00: Normal (h02 c00 i00 l00 - mptsas) 476940MB(465.8GB) disk00/01: SYSTEM 5120MB(5.0GB) mounted internally disk00/02: SYSTEM 2560MB(2.5GB) mounted internally disk00/04: SYSTEM 1536MB(1.5GB) mounted internally disk00/05: SYSFS 32767MB(32.0GB) mounted at /local1 disk00/06: CDNFS 434948MB(424.8GB) mounted internally disk01: Normal (h02 c00 i01 l00 - mptsas) 476940MB(465.8GB) Unallocated: 476940MB(465.8GB) disk02: Normal (h02 c00 i02 l00 - mptsas) 476940MB(465.8GB) disk02/01: CDNFS 476932MB(465.8GB) mounted internally The following example shows how to display the current disk space configuration: ServiceEngine# show disk current Local disks: SYSFS 32.0GB 0.7% CDNFS 4616.0GB 99.3% The following examples show how to view space allocation in each file system type: ServiceEngine# show statistics cdnfs CDNFS Statistics: -----------------Volume on : size of physical filesystem: space assigned for CDNFS purposes: number of CDNFS entries: space reserved for CDNFS entries: available space for new entries: physical filesystem space in use: physical filesystem space free: physical filesystem percentage in use: 444740904 444740904 40 436011947 8728957 435593864 9147040 98 KB KB entries KB KB KB KB % Volume on : size of physical filesystem: space assigned for CDNFS purposes: number of CDNFS entries: space reserved for CDNFS entries: available space for new entries: physical filesystem space in use: physical filesystem space free: physical filesystem percentage in use: 444740904 444740904 43 436011384 8729520 435593720 9147184 98 KB KB entries KB KB KB KB % Volume on : size of physical filesystem: 488244924 KB Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-156 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands disk (EXEC) space assigned for CDNFS purposes: number of CDNFS entries: space reserved for CDNFS entries: available space for new entries: physical filesystem space in use: physical filesystem space free: physical filesystem percentage in use: 488244924 48 479612533 8632391 479152708 9092216 99 KB entries KB KB KB KB % The following example shows how to erase all CDNFS volumes and reboot the SE: ServiceEngine# disk recover-cdnfs-volumes This will erase all CDNFS volumes. Any applications using CDNFS, including streaming applications, will be killed and the system will be rebooted. Please make sure you have offloaded the SE on the CDSM GUI so the SR is no longer sending traffic to this SE. Are you sure you want to proceed? [no] yes Are you really sure you want to proceed to recover and reload? [yes/no] yes Stopping all services (this may take several minutes) ... diskman will now recover CDNFS volumes... CDNFS recovery complete, rebooting now... Related Commands Command Description disk (Global configuration mode) Configures how the disk errors should be handled. show cdnfs Displays the Internet Streamer CDS network file system information. show disk Displays the disk configurations. show disk details Displays more detailed SMART disk monitoring information. show statistics Displays statistics by module. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-157 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands disk (Global configuration) disk (Global configuration) To configure how disk errors should be handled and to define a disk device error-handling threshold, use the disk command in Global configuration mode. To remove the device error-handling options, use the no form of this command. disk error-handling {bad-sectors-mon-period minutes | reload | threshold {alarm-bad-sectors bad-sectors | alarm-remapped-sectors remapped-sectors | bad-sectors bad-sectors | errors errors}} no disk error-handling {bad-sectors-mon-period minutes | reload | threshold {alarm-bad-sectors bad-sectors | alarm-remapped-sectors remapped-sectors | bad-sectors bad-sectors | errors errors}} Syntax Description error-handling Configures disk error handling. bad-sectors-monperiod Active bad sectors monitoring period (minutes). minutes Default value is 1440 minutes (24 hours); 0 disables sector monitoring. The range is from 0 to 525600. reload Whether to reload system if SYSFS disk(s) have problems. threshold Configure disk error handling thresholds. alarm-bad-sectors Configures the bad sector alarm threshold. bad-sectors Number of bad sectors allowed before the disk is marked as bad. The range is from 0 to 100. The default value is 15. The value 0 means that the disk should never be marked as bad. alarm-remappedsectors Configure SMARTinfo remapped sectors alarm threshold (hard drives only). remapped-sectors Number of remapped sectors before alarm is triggered. Default value is 128 (hard drives only). The range is from 0 to 8192. bad-sectors Configure number of allowed (Active) bad sectors before disk is marked bad. Note Only applies to bad sectors detected since system boot. bad-sectors Number of bad sectors allowed before disk is marked bad. Default value is 30; 0 means the disk is never mark bad. The range is from 0 to 100. errors Configure number of allowed disk errors before marking disk bad. Note errors Only applies to disk or sector errors detected since system boot. The number of disk errors allowed before the disk is marked bad. Default value is 500; 0 means never mark disk bad. The range is from 0-100000. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-158 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands disk (Global configuration) Defaults Bad sector minutes: 1440 Bad sectors alarm: 15 Remapped sectors: 128 Disk bad sectors: 30 Errors: 500 Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines To operate properly, the SE must have critical disk drives. A critical disk drive is the first disk drive that also contains the first sysfs (system file system) partition. It is referred to as disk00. Disk00 is not guaranteed to be the system drive or the 'key' CDNFS drive. For example, the system drives on a 2S6 are internal (disk24 and disk25), and the 'key' CDNSF disk is typically disk00, although it can move to other disks as a result of a missing or bad disk00. The sysfs partition is used to store log files, including transaction logs, system logs (syslogs), and internal debugging logs. It can also be used to store image files and configuration files on an SE. Note A critical drive is a disk drive that is either disk00 or a disk drive that contains the first sysfs partition. Smaller single disk drive SEs have only one critical disk drive. Higher-end SEs that have more than one disk drive may have more than one critical disk drive. When an SE is booted and a critical disk drive is not detected at system startup time, the CDS system on the SE runs at a degraded state. On a generic UCS system the boot partition resides on the system disk (single disk, no RAID). In the event that this disk dies, the system is unbootable. If one of the critical disk drives goes bad at run time, the CDS system applications can malfunction, hang, or crash, or the CDS system can hang or crash. Monitor the critical disk drives on an SE and report any disk drive errors to Cisco TAC. In a RAIDed system, if a single system disk fails, the system handles the failure seamlessly (apart from any would be CDNFS partitions). If the 'key' CDNFS disk, typically the lowest numbered disk containing CDNFS, fails the system enters an bad state and must be rebooted. In a non-RAID system, if the system disk fails, the system is no longer boots. With an CDS system, a disk device error is defined as any of the following events: • Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) or Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) device error is printed by a Linux kernel. • Disk device access by an application (for example, an open(2), read(2), or write(2) system call) fails with an EIO error code. • Disk device that existed at startup time is not accessible at run time. The disk status is recorded in flash (nonvolatile storage). When an error on an SE disk device occurs, a message is written to the system log (syslog) if the sysfs partition is still intact, and an SNMP trap is generated if SNMP is configured on the SE. In addition to tracking the state of critical disk drives, you can define a disk device error-handling threshold on the SE. If the number of disk device errors reaches the specified threshold, the corresponding disk device is automatically marked as bad. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-159 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands disk (Global configuration) If the specified threshold is exceeded, the SE either records this event or reboots. If the automatic reload feature is enabled and this threshold is exceeded, then the CDS system automatically reboots the SE. For more information about specifying this threshold, see the “Specifying the Disk Error-Handling Threshold” section on page 2-160. You can remap bad (but unused) sectors on a SCSI drive and SATA drives using the disk repair command. Disk Latent Sector Error Handling Latent Sector Errors (LSE) are when a particular disk sector cannot be read from or written to, or when there is an uncorrectable ECC error. Any data previously stored in the sector is lost. There is also a high probability that sectors in close proximity to the known bad sector have as yet undetected errors, and therefore are included in the repair process. The syslog file shows the following disk I/O error message and smartd error message when there are disk sector errors: Apr 28 21:00:26 U11-CDE220-2 kernel: %SE-SYS-4-900000: end_request: I/O error, dev sdd, sector 4660 Apr 28 21:00:26 U11-CDE220-2 kernel: %SE-SYS-3-900000: Buffer I/O error on device sdd, logical block 582 Apr 28 21:04:54 U11-CDE220-2 smartd[7396]: %SE-UNKNOWN-6-899999: Device: /dev/sdd, SMART Prefailure Attribute: 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate changed from 75 to 73 Apr 28 21:04:54 U11-CDE220-2 smartd[7396]: %SE-UNKNOWN-6-899999: Device: /dev/sdd, SMART Usage Attribute: 187 Reported_Uncorrect changed from 99 to 97 Apr 28 21:04:54 U11-CDE220-2 smartd[7396]: %SE-UNKNOWN-2-899999: Device: /dev/sdd, ATA error count increased from 1 to 3 Specifying the Disk Error-Handling Threshold You can configure a disk error-handling threshold to determine how many disk errors or bad sectors can be detected before the disk drive is automatically marked as bad. The disk error-handling threshold bad-sectors command determines how many bad sectors can be detected before the disk drive is automatically marked as bad. By default, this threshold is set to 15. To change the default threshold, use the disk error-handling threshold bad-sectors command. Specify 0 if you never want the disk drive to be marked as bad. If the bad disk drive is a critical disk drive, and the automatic reload feature (disk error-handling reload command) is enabled, then the Internet Streamer CDS software marks the disk drive as bad and the SE is automatically reloaded. After the SE is reloaded, a syslog message and an SNMP trap are generated. The disk error-handling threshold errors command determines how many disk errors can be detected before the disk drive is automatically marked as bad. By default, this threshold is set to 500. To change the default threshold, use the disk error-handling threshold errors command. Specify 0 if you never want the disk drive to be marked as bad. By default, the automatic reload feature is disabled on an SE. To enable the automatic reload feature, use the disk error-handling reload command. After enabling the automatic reload feature, use the no disk error-handling reload command to disable it. Examples The following example shows that five disk drive errors for a particular disk drive (for example, disk00) are allowed before the disk drive is automatically marked as bad: ServiceEngine(config)# disk error-handling threshold errors 5 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-160 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands disk (Global configuration) Related Commands Command Description disk (EXEC mode) Allocates the disks among the CDNFS and sysfs file systems. show disk Displays the disk configurations. show disk details Displays currently effective configurations with more details. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-161 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands distribution distribution To reschedule and refresh content redistribution for a specified delivery service ID or name, use the distribution command in EXEC configuration mode. distribution {failover {delivery-service-id delivery_service_num | delivery-service-name delivery_service_name} [force] | fallback {delivery-service-id delivery_service_num | delivery-service-name delivery_service_name} | multicast {resend {all [on-demand-only]| delivery-service-id delivery_service_num [object url | on-demand-only]| delivery-service-name delivery_service_name [object url | on-demand-only] | send-nack-now | stop {all | delivery-service-id delivery_service_num [object url] | delivery-service-name delivery_service_name [object url]} | primary-ip-fallback {forwarder-id forwarder_num | forwarder-name forwarder_name} | refresh {meta-data delivery-service-id delivery_service_num | object object_url}} Syntax Description failover Triggers the root or forwarder SE to fail over and make this SE the temporary Content Acquirer. delivery-service-id Specifies the delivery service ID to be used. delivery_service_num Delivery service number. The range is from 0 to 4294967295. delivery-service-name Specifies the delivery service name descriptor to be used. name Delivery service name. force (Optional) Forces a failover regardless of whether the root or forwarder SE is active. fallback Forces the temporary Content Acquirer to become a receiver SE. multicast Resends or stops multicast distribution. resend Resends multicast distribution delivery service. all Stops multicast distribution for all delivery services. on-demand-only (Optional) Triggers a resend only on demand of content NAK for the delivery service. object (Optional) Specifies the URL of object to be stopped. url Object URL. send-nack-now Generates a NACK for uncompleted objects and sends it to the multicast sender immediately. stop Stops multicast distribution delivery service. primary-ip-fallback Triggers the downstream receiver SEs to contact a forwarder using the forwarder’s primary IP address. For more information, see the “distribution primary-ip-fallback Command” section on page 2-163. forwarder-id Specifies the forwarder SE ID that is contacted by the receiver SE. forwarder_num Forwarder SE ID. forwarder-name Specifies the name of the forwarder SE that is contacted by the receiver SE. name Forwarder SE name. refresh Forces the redistribution of content to be refreshed on every SE. meta-data Forces the redistribution of metadata to be refreshed on every SE. delivery-service-id Specifies the delivery service ID to be used in the distribution. delivery_service_num Delivery service number. The range is from 0 to 4294967295. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-162 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands distribution object Forces the distribution of objects to be refreshed on every SE. object_url Specifies the object URL that needs to be refreshed on every SE. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Note This command is only available on Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.1.1. When the Content Acquirer fails, use the distribution failover command in EXEC configuration mode on an SE that is going to be the temporary Content Acquirer to trigger an immediate failover to the temporary Content Acquirer if you do not want to wait for the automatic failover process to occur. When you enter this command, the current SE becomes the temporary Content Acquirer if its forwarder is an inactive Content Acquirer. If the Content Acquirer has not failed, a failover to the temporary Content Acquirer does not occur if you use the distribution failover command in EXEC configuration mode. Use the distribution failover force command to force a failover even if the Content Acquirer is active. Use the distribution fallback command on an SE that is currently the temporary Content Acquirer to cause it to become a receiver SE. Use the distribution refresh meta-data {delivery-service-id delivery_service_num} command to request that the metadata receiver repeat a previous request for all the content metadata for the specified delivery service from its forwarder SE. This method allows you to start over if the metadata receiver fails to replicate some metadata properly. The content metadata (machine-readable information that describes the characteristics of the content) must be distributed to a receiver first before the content can be replicated. The content metadata helps to define what content to retrieve, how content is retrieved, how recently the content has been updated, how the content is to be prepositioned (for example, expiration time), and so forth. The metadata is always distributed using unicast. The content can also be replicated using unicast. Use the distribution refresh object object_url command to reissue a request for unicast distribution of the specified object. This command lets you obtain a new copy of an object if there is a corrupted copy on the SE. After you enter this command, if the distribution is unicast, the unicast receiver reissues the request to its forwarder SE. The old content on the SE is removed and a new copy is replicated. NACK Interval Multiplier To identify missing content and trigger a resend of a file, receiver SEs send a negative acknowledgement (NACK) message to the sender SE. NACK messages generated by many receiver SEs could generate more traffic than the sender can handle. You can adjust the average interval between NACKs by configuring a NACK interval multiplier for an individual receiver SE. This value (an integer between 0.1 to 10) adjusts the default average NACK interval (the default is 20 minutes) by the value configured as the interval multiplier. For example, if you set the NACK interval multiplier to 3, the interval between NACKs becomes 20 minutes x 3, or 60 minutes. This adjustment can be made as needed by choosing Devices > Devices > Prepositioning > Distribution in the CDSM GUI. distribution primary-ip-fallback Command When downstream receiver SEs at the edge of the network try to access a forwarder SE that is inside a NAT firewall, those receiver SEs that are inside the same NAT use one IP address (called the inside local IP address) to access the forwarder, but other receiver SEs that are outside the NAT need to use a Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-163 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands distribution different forwarder’s IP address (called the inside global IP address or NAT address) to access the forwarder. A forwarder SE registers the IP address configured on its primary interface with the CDSM, and the CDSM uses the primary IP address for communication with devices in the CDS network. If the registered primary IP address is the inside local IP address and the forwarder is behind a NAT firewall, a receiver that is not inside the same NAT as the forwarder cannot contact it without special configuration. All other receivers inside the NAT use the inside local IP address to contact the forwarder that resides inside the NAT. Cisco Internet Streamer CDS supports NAT for unicast distribution (see the “NAT Firewall” section on page 2-164 for more information). When the receiver SE polls its forwarder from an upstream location for the content metadata or content, the receiver first connects to the forwarder using the forwarder’s primary IP address. If it fails and the NAT address of the forwarder has been configured, then the unicast receiver tries to poll the forwarder using the forwarder’s NAT address. If the receiver polls the forwarder successfully using the NAT address, the receiver continues to use the forwarder’s NAT address during the subsequent polling intervals with the same forwarder. The unicast receiver retries to connect to the forwarder using the forwarder’s primary IP address only after one hour. Even if the unicast receiver is able to poll the forwarder using the forwarder’s primary IP address, it would take one hour for the receiver to fall back to the forwarder's primary IP address automatically. You can use the distribution primary-ip-fallback command to enable the receiver that is using the NAT address of the forwarder to fall back to the primary IP address immediately, if you are certain that the forwarder’s primary IP address is working. NAT Firewall NAT enables private IP internetworks that use nonregistered IP addresses to connect to the Internet. NAT is configured on the firewall at the border of a stub domain (referred to as the inside network) and a public network such as the Internet (referred to as the outside network). NAT translates the internal local addresses to globally unique IP addresses before sending packets to the outside network. You can configure NAT to advertise only one address for the entire network to the outside world. This configuration provides additional security, effectively hiding the entire internal network from the world behind that address. NAT has the dual functionality of security and address conservation and is typically implemented in remote access environments. In the inside network’s domain, hosts have addresses in the one address space. While on the outside, they appear to have addresses in another address space when NAT is configured. The first address space is referred to as the local address space while the second is referred to as the global address space. Hosts in outside networks can be subject to translation and can have local and global addresses. NAT uses the following definitions: • Inside local address—The IP address that is assigned to a host on the inside network. The address is probably not a legitimate IP address assigned by the Network Information Center (NIC) or service provider. • Inside global address—A legitimate IP address (assigned by the NIC or service provider) that represents one or more inside local IP addresses to the outside world. • Outside local address—The IP address of an outside host as it appears to the inside network. Not necessarily a legitimate address, it was allocated from an address space routable on the inside. • Outside global address—The IP address assigned to a host on the outside network by the host’s owner. The address was allocated from a globally routable address or network space. Multicasting Content Use the distribution multicast command to resend or stop metadata transfer. It is important to note that content metadata must be distributed to a receiver before the content itself can be replicated via either multicast or unicast. The meta data is sent to receiver only by unicast. Content metadata specifies what Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-164 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands distribution content to distribute, how the content will be distributed, how the content has been updated, how the content is to be pre-positioned. A multicast receiver rejects a multicast sender’s advertisement of a file if the proper content metadata has not arrived yet. Multicast transmission happens on an SE if the following conditions are met: • The SE is capable of sending multicast. • The SE belongs to a multicast-enabled delivery service. • The SE has an IP multicast address assigned to that delivery service. Then, the multicast replicator on the SE multicasts out every file of that delivery service to the assigned addresses. Related Commands Command Description clear Clears the HTTP object cache, the hardware interface, statistics, archive working transaction logs, and other settings. show distribution Displays the distribution information for a specified delivery service. show statistics distribution Displays the simplified statistics for content distribution components. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-165 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands dnslookup dnslookup To resolve a host or domain name to an IP address, use the dnslookup command in EXEC configuration mode. dnslookup line Syntax Description line Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The dnslookup command accepts IPv6 address. If an IPv6 address is specified in the dnslookup command, the server replies to a query including the IPv6 address and the IPv6 address displays in the output of the and tcpdump and netstat commands and all logs. Examples The following examples show that the dnslookup command is used to resolve the hostname myhost to IP address, to IP address, and an IP address used as a hostname to Domain name of host on the network. ServiceEngine# dnslookup myhost official hostname: address: ServiceEngine# dnslookup official hostname: address: ServiceEngine# dnslookup official hostname: address: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-166 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands domain domain To set the domain ID for the SRP, use the domain SRP configuration command. To remove a domain ID, use the no or default form of the command. domain [id] [no | default] domain [id] Syntax Description id Command Default If the no domain command is used, the domain ID is 0. Command Modes SRP configuration (config-srp) mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to set the domain ID for an SRP. All Proximity Engines running SRP routing with the same domain ID form a single network if the nodes are found through a bootstrap node. By changing a Proximity Engine’s domain, the Proximity Engine leaves its current network. (Optional) A positive 32-bit integer for the domain. The no and default forms of the command replace current domain ID with the default domain ID, which is 0. Examples The following example shows how to configure a domain ID with domain. ServiceRouter# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ServiceRouter(config)# router srp ServiceRouter(config-srp)# domain 100 ServiceRouter(config-srp)# end ServiceRouter# The following example illustrates how show srp process command displays the configured domain ID. ServiceRouter# show srp process Process: Domain: 100 Node Id: 2a2db308fd3dc172940a7902a4db7c16c98c3a32e1b048005bce1e832b6d056f Host name: sn-sj88 Port: 9000 Interfaces running SRP: *GigabitEthernet 1/0, GigabitEthernet 2/0, GigabitEthernet 3/0 Related Commands Command Description bootstrap-node Configures a bootstrap node IP address. router srp Enters SRP configuration mode. show srp process Displays the basic configurations for SRP. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-167 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands enable enable To access privileged commands in EXEC configuration modes, use the enable command in EXEC configuration mode. enable Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines To access privileged EXEC configuration mode from EXEC configuration mode, use the enable command. The disable command takes you from privileged EXEC configuration mode to user EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to access privileged EXEC configuration mode: ServiceEngine> enable ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description disable Turns off the privileged EXEC commands. exit Exits from interface, Global configuration, or privileged EXEC configuration modes. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-168 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands enable password enable password To change the enable password, which is used if aaa authentication enable enable is configured, use the enable password command in Global configuration mode. enable password Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The enable password changes the enable password, which is used if aaa authentication enable enable is configured. Examples The following example shows how to access privileged EXEC configuration mode: ServiceEngine> enable password ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description aaa authentication enable enable Enables authentication. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-169 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands end end To exit Global configuration mode, use the end command in Global configuration mode. end Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Use the end command to exit Global configuration mode after completing any changes to the running configuration. To save new configurations to NVRAM, use the write command. In addition, you can press Ctrl-Z to exit Global configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to exit Global configuration mode: ServiceEngine(config)# end ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description exit Exits from interface, Global configuration, or privileged EXEC configuration modes. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-170 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands exec-timeout exec-timeout To configure the length of time that an inactive Telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) session remains open, use the exec-timeout command in Global configuration mode. To revert to the default value, use the no form of this command. exec-timeout timeout no exec-timeout Syntax Description timeout Defaults The default is 15 minutes. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines A Telnet or SSH session with the SE can remain open and inactive for the interval of time specified by the exec-timeout command. When the exec-timeout interval elapses, the SE automatically closes the Telnet or SSH session. Timeout in minutes. The range is from 0–44640. The default is 15. Configuring a timeout interval of 0 minutes by entering the exec-timeout 0 command is equivalent to disabling the session-timeout feature. Examples The following example shows how to configure a timeout of 100 minutes: ServiceEngine(config)# exec-timeout 100 The following example negates the configured timeout of 100 minutes and reverts to the default value of 15 minutes: ServiceEngine(config)# no exec-timeout Related Commands Command Description sshd Configures the SSH service parameters. telnet enable Enables the Telnet services. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-171 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands exit exit To access commands in EXEC configuration mode shell from the global, interface, and debug configuration command shells, use the exit command. exit Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC, Global configuration (config), and interface configuration (config-if) modes. Usage Guidelines Use the exit command in any configuration mode to return to EXEC configuration mode. Using this command is equivalent to pressing the Ctrl-Z key or entering the end command. The exit command issued in the user-level EXEC shell terminates the console or Telnet session. You can also use the exit command to exit other configuration modes that are available from the Global configuration mode for managing specific features (see the commands marked with a footnote in Table 2-1). Examples The following example shows how to exit the Global configuration mode and return to the privileged-level EXEC configuration mode: ServiceEngine(config)# exit ServiceEngine# The following example shows how to exit the privileged-level EXEC configuration mode and return to the user-level EXEC configuration mode: ServiceEngine# exit ServiceEngine> Related Commands Command Description end Exits configuration and privileged EXEC configuration modes. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-172 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands expert-mode password expert-mode password To set the customer configurable password, use the expert-mode password command in Global configuration mode. expert-mode password [encrypted] password Syntax Description encrypted (Optional) Encrypts the password. password The encrypted password. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines This is a customer configurable password for allowing to enter engineering mode for troubleshooting purposes. The function prompts the user for the current admin password to verify that the user attempting to set the expert-mode password is authorized to do so. If the user is authenticated, the user is prompted twice to enter the new expert-mode password. The new expert-mode password is encrypted prior to being persisted. Examples The following example shows how to configure four external NAT IP addresses: ServiceEngine(config)# expert-mode password encrypted xxxx New Expert Mode Password: xxxx Confirm New Expert Mode Password: xxxx Password successfully changed Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-173 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands external-ip external-ip To configure up to eight external Network Address Translation (NAT) IP addresses, use the external-ip command in Global configuration mode. To remove the NAT IP addresses, use the no form of this command. external-ip ip_addresses no external-ip ip_addresses Syntax Description ip_addresses Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to configure up to eight Network Address Translation IP addresses to allow the router to translate up to eight internal addresses to registered unique addresses and translate external registered addresses to addresses that are unique to the private network. If the IP address of the RTSP gateway has not been configured on the SE, then the external IP address is configured as the IP address of the RTSP gateway. A maximum of eight external or NAT IP addresses can be configured. In an CDS network, there are two methods for a device registered with the CDSM (SEs, SRs, or the standby CDSM) to obtain configuration information from the primary CDSM. The primary method is for the device to periodically poll the primary CDSM on port 443 to request a configuration update. You cannot configure this port number. The backup method is when the CDSM pushes configuration updates to a registered device as soon as possible by issuing a notification to the registered device on port 443. This method allows changes to take effect in a timelier manner. You cannot configure this port number even when the backup method is being used. CDS networks do not work reliably if devices registered with the CDSM are unable to poll the CDSM for configuration updates. When a receiver SE requests the content and content metadata from a forwarder SE, it contacts the forwarder SE on port 443. When a device (SEs at the edge of the network, SRs, and primary or standby CDSMs) is inside a NAT firewall, those devices that are inside the same NAT use one IP address (the inside local IP address) to access the device and those devices that are outside the NAT use a different IP address (the NAT IP address or inside global IP address) to access the device. A centrally managed device advertises only its inside local IP address to the CDSM. All other devices inside the NAT use the inside local IP address to contact the centrally managed device that resides inside the NAT. A device that is not inside the same NAT as the centrally managed device cannot contact it without a special configuration. If the primary CDSM is inside a NAT, you can allow a device outside the NAT to poll it for getUpdate requests by configuring a static translation (NAT IP address or inside global IP address) for the CDSM’s inside local IP address on its NAT, and using this address, rather than the CDSM’s inside local IP address in the cdsm ip ip_address command when you register the device to the CDSM. If an SE or SR is inside a NAT and the CDSM is outside the NAT, you can allow the SE or SR to poll for getUpdate requests by configuring a static translation (NAT IP address or inside global IP address) for the SE or SR’s inside local address on its NAT. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-174 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands external-ip Note Examples Static translation establishes a one-to-one mapping between your inside local address and an inside global address. Static translation is useful when a host on the inside must be accessible by a fixed address from the outside. The following example shows how to configure four external NAT IP addresses: ServiceEngine(config)# external-ip Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-175 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands find-pattern find-pattern To search for a particular pattern in a file, use the find-pattern command in EXEC configuration mode. find-pattern {binary filename | case {binary filename | count filename | lineno filename | match filename | nomatch filename | recursive filename} | count filename | lineno filename | match filename | nomatch filename | recursive filename} Syntax Description binary Does not suppress the binary output. filename Filename. case Matches the case-sensitive pattern. count Prints the number of matching lines. lineno Prints the line number with output. match Prints the matching lines. nomatch Prints the nonmatching lines. recursive Searches a directory recursively. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to search for a particular regular expression pattern in a file. Examples The following example shows how to search a file recursively for a case-sensitive pattern: ServiceEngine# find-pattern case recursive admin removed_core -rw------1 admin root 95600640 Oct 12 10:27 /local/local1/core_dir/c -rw------1 admin root 97054720 Jan 11 11:31 /local/local1/core_dir/c ore.cache.5.3.0.b131.cnbuild.14086 -rw------1 admin root 96845824 Jan 11 11:32 /local/local1/core_dir/c ore.cache.5.3.0.b131.cnbuild.14823 -rw------1 admin root 101580800 Jan 11 12:01 /local/local1/core_dir/ core.cache.5.3.0.b131.cnbuild.15134 -rw------1 admin root 96759808 Jan 11 12:59 /local/local1/core_dir/c ore.cache.5.3.0.b131.cnbuild.20016 -rw------1 admin root 97124352 Jan 11 13:26 /local/local1/core_dir/c ore.cache.5.3.0.b131.cnbuild.30249 -rw------1 admin root 98328576 Jan 11 11:27 /local/local1/core_dir/c ore.cache.5.3.0.b131.cnbuild.8095 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-176 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands find-pattern The following example searches a file for a pattern and prints the matching lines: ServiceEngine# find-pattern match 10 removed_core Tue Oct 12 10:30:03 UTC 2004 -rw------1 admin root 95600640 Oct 12 10:27 /local/local1/core_dir/c -rw------1 admin root 101580800 Jan 11 12:01 /local/local1/core_dir/ core.cache.5.3.0.b131.cnbuild.15134 The following example searches a file for a pattern and prints the number of matching lines: ServiceEngine# find-pattern count 10 removed_core 3 Related Commands Command Description cd Changes the directory. dir Displays the list of files in a directory. lls Displays the files in a long list format. ls Lists the files and subdirectories in a directory. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-177 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands flash-media-streaming flash-media-streaming To enable and configure Flash Media Streaming, use the flash-media-streaming command in Global configuration mode. To disable Flash Media Streaming, use the no form of this command. On the SE: flash-media-streaming {admin-api [ip {allow ip_address}] | application-virtual-path vod map mapping string | enable | ignore-query-string enable | max-bandwidth number | max-sessions number | monitoring enable}} no flash-media-streaming {admin-api [ip {allow ip address}] | application-virtual-path vod map mapping_string | enable | ignore-query-string enable | max-bandwidth number | max-sessions number | monitoring enable}} On the SR: flash-media-streaming {application-virtual-path vod map mapping string | enable | monitoring enable} no flash-media-streaming {application-virtual-path vod map mapping string | enable | monitoring enable} Syntax Description Defaults admin-api Allows accessing admin API from the IP. ip Allows an IP Address. allow Allows an IP Address. ip_address IP Address or hostname (input maximum 32 of partial or full IP address or hostname, such as 10.60,, or application-virtualpath Configures the virtual-path for applications. vod Configures the virtual-path for VOD applications. map Maps to a directory. mapping_string Mapping string. enable Enables Flash Media Streaming. ignore-query-string Configures Flash Media Streaming to ignore query strings in requests. enable Enables ignoring query string in requests. max-bandwidth Configures max bandwidth for Flash Media Streaming. number Max bandwidth number Kbps. The range is from 1000 to 8000000). max-sessions Configures maximum sessions for Flash Media Streaming. number Maximum sessions number. The range is from 1 to 15000. monitoring Configures Flash Media Streaming monitoring. enable Enables monitoring. The ignore- query-string is disabled. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-178 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands flash-media-streaming Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Flash Media Streaming needs an application name (vod, live or dvrcast) as part of a client’s request. In the case of a VOD application, the origin server should have a first level directory of vod for dynamic ingestion. For example, in a Flash Media Streaming VOD cache miss case, the request from the client should be rtmp://, and the origin server should have However, this restricts customer deployments when vod is the only folder name they can use. Therefore, an application-virtual-path vod command is available so customers can map to whichever folder they want on the origin server. For VOD streams, all RTMP calls in the SWF file must be in the following format: rtmp://rfqdn/vod/path/foo.flv In this format, rfqdn is the routing domain name of the Service Router, vod is the required directory, and path is the directory path to the content file that conforms to the standard URL specification. If you are unable to store the VOD content in the required “vod” directory on your origin server, you can create a VOD virtual path for all RTMP requests. All client requests for RTMPcalls still use the rtmp://rfqdn/vod/path/foo.flv format for VOD streams, but the SE replaces the “vod” directory with the string specified in the flash-media-streaming application-virtual-path vod map command. Use the flash-media-streaming application-virtual-path vod map <mapping_string> command on each SE participating in a Flash Media Streaming delivery service. The mapping string variable accepts all alpha-numeric characters and the slash (/) character, and can be from 1 to 128 characters. For example, to map the “vod” directory to “media” for the origin server, use the flash-media-streaming application-virtual-path vod map media command. If comedy.flv is the content being requested, the RTMP call in the SWF file would be rtmp:// comedy.flv. The SE would replace the “vod” directory and request comedy.flv from the upstream SE or origin server. If just the slash (/) character is used to replace the “vod” directory, the SE request would be Editing a Wholesale License The wholesale license feature has four operations from the CLI—adding and removing licenses and enabling and disabling alerts. Users read license details from the documentation and add them to the CLI and CDSM. If a user enters a license incorrectly, the only way to edit it is to delete the license and add the it again. Ignore Query String Previously, if an RTMP request had a query string in the URL for VOD, the Web Engine could decide whether or not to cache the content based on the Web Engine configuration. However, if the query string in the RTMP URL included the end user and not the stream name, every request would have a different URL because every user has a different query string. This leads to the same content getting cached multiple times. The flash-media-streaming ignore-query-string enable command tells Flash Media Streaming to remove the query string before forwarding the request to the Web Engine in the case of VOD, or before forwarding the request to the forwarder SE in the case of live streaming. If URL signature verification is required, the sign verification is performed before the query string check is invoked. The URL signing and validation, which adds its own query string to the URL, continues to work independently of this enhancement. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-179 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands flash-media-streaming When the flash-media-streaming ignore-query-string enable command is entered, for every request in which the query string has been ignored, a message is written to the FMS error log, and the Query String Bypassed counter is incremented in the output of the show statistics flash-media-streaming command. The FMS access log on the edge SE contains the original URL before the query string was removed. The flash-media-streaming ignore-query-string enable command affects every VOD and live streaming request and is not applicable to proxy-style requests. Examples The following example shows how to map a vod folder: ServiceEngine(config)# flash-media-streaming application-virtual-path vod map media This means mapping vod folder to media. When client request cache-miss case: rtmp:// is mapped to rtmp:// ServiceEngine(config)# flash-media-streaming application-virtual-path vod map / This means mapping vod folder to /. When client request cache-miss case: rtmp:// is mapped to rtmp:// When client request cache-miss case: rtmp:// is mapped to rtmp:// Related Commands Command Description show flash-media-streaming Displays the Flash Media Streaming information. show statistics flash-media-streaming Displays the statistics for Flash Media Streaming. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-180 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands flooding flooding To set the flooding threshold for SRP multicast, use the flooding threshold SRP configuration command. To restore the default flooding threshold, use the no or default form of the command. flooding threshold value [no | default] flooding threshold value Syntax Description threshold Configures the flooding threshold. value A positive integer for the flooding threshold. Command Default If no flooding command is issued, the default threshold is 50. Command Modes SRP configuration (config-srp) mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to set the flooding threshold for SRP multicasting. SRP protocol uses flooding to send multicast messages for a multicast group if the number of subscribers of the group is equal or more than the value specified in flooding. An effective threshold value may improve protocol message overhead. The threshold value depends on the number of nodes in your DHT network. In general, the threshold value should be greater than half and smaller than 3/4 of the total number of DHT nodes in the network. The no or default forms of the command replace the current flooding threshold value with the default flooding threshold value (50). Examples The following example shows how use the flooding command to set a flooding threshold value of 45. ServiceRouter(config)# router srp ServiceRouter(config-srp)# flooding threshold 45 ServiceRouter(config-srp)# end ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router srp Enters SRP configuration mode. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-181 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands geo-location-server geo-location-server To redirect requests to different Content Delivery Networks based on the geographic location of the client, use the geo-location-server command in Global configuration mode. To cancel the request, use the no form of this command. geo-location-server { primary ip addr port num [ service-name name ] [ retry num ] [ timeout num ] | secondary ip addr port num [ service-name name ] [ retry num ] [ timeout num ] } | server-type { maxmind-restful-hosted [ http | https ] service name | license-key key| quova-restful-gds | quova-restful-hosted [ http [ api-key key | shared-secret secret ] ] }} no geo-location-server { primary ip addr port num [ service-name name ] [ retry num ] [ timeout num ] | secondary ip addr port num [ service-name name ] [ retry num ] [ timeout num ] } | server-type { maxmind-restful-hosted [ http | https ] service name | license-key key| quova-restful-gds | quova-restful-hosted [ http [ api-key key | shared-secret secret ] ] }} Syntax Description primary Configures the primary geo location server IP address and port. secondary Configure secondary geo location server IP address and port. ip_address IP address of the geo location server. port_num Port number of the geo location server. server-type Configure geo location server type maxmind-restful-hosted Configure Maxmind hosted server http Configure HTTP server https Configure HTTPS server quova-restful-gds Configure Quova GDS server quova-restful-hosted Configure Quova hosted server api-key Configure API key key API key (256 characters maximum) Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Use the geo-location-server command to redirect requests to different CDNs based on the geographic location of the client. You can configure requests from different countries to be redirected to different third party services. Note Examples A Quova server is mandatory to support this feature. The following example shows how to configure a primary geo-location-server: ServiceRouter# geo-location-server primary 7000 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-182 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands geo-location-server Related Commands Command Description cdn-select Enables the CDN Selector for third-party service selection. show cdn-select Displays the status of the CDN Selector. show statistics cdn-select Displays the statistics for the CDN Selector. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-183 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands gulp gulp To capture lossless gigabit packets and write them to disk, use the gulp command in EXEC configuration mode. gulp line Syntax Description line Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The gulp utility captures lossless gigabit packets and writes them to disk, as well as captures packets remotely. The gulp utility has the ability to read directly from the network. (Optional) Specifies gulp options, enter -h to get help. To view the list of options, enter gulp --h. ServiceEngine# gulp --help Usage: /ruby/bin/gulp [--help | options] --help prints this usage summary supported options include: -d decapsulate Cisco ERSPAN GRE packets (sets -f value) -f "..." specify a pcap filter - see manpage and -d -i eth#|- specify ethernet capture interface or '-' for stdin -s # specify packet capture "snapshot" length limit -r # specify ring buffer size in megabytes (1-1024) -c just buffer stdin to stdout (works with arbitrary data) -x request exclusive lock (to be the only instance running) -X run even when locking would forbid it -v print program version and exit -Vx...x display packet loss and buffer use - see manpage -p # specify full/empty polling interval in microseconds -q suppress buffer full warnings -z # specify write blocksize (power of 2, default 65536) for long-term capture -o dir redirect pcap output to a collection of files in dir -C # limit each pcap file in -o dir to # times the (-r #) size -W # overwrite pcap files in -o dir rather than start #+1 -B check if select(2) would ever have blocked on write -Y avoid writes which would block Table 2-6 lists the gulp options and provides a description of each. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-184 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands gulp Table 2-6 gulp Options Option Description -d Decapsulates packets from a Cisco Encapsulated Remote SPAN Port (ERSPAN). Sets the pcap filter expression to “proto gre” and strips off Cisco GRE headers (50 bytes) from the packets captured. (If used with -f option note that arguments are processed left to right). -f Specify a pcap filter expression. This may be useful to select one from many GRE streams if using -d, or if not using -d, because filtering out packets in the kernel is more efficient than passing them first through the gulp utility and then filtering them out. -i eth# Specify the network interface to read from. The default is eth1 or the value of the environment variable $CAP_IFACE, if present. Specifying a hyphen (-) as the interface reads a pcap file from the standard input instead. (If you forget the -d option during a live capture, you can decapsulate offline this way.) -r # Specify a ring buffer size (in megabytes). Values from 1–1024 are permitted. The default is 100. If possible, the ring buffer is locked into RAM. -c Copy and buffer bytes from stdin to stdout—do not read packets from the network and do not assume anything about the format of the data. This may be useful to improve the real-time performance of another application. -s # Specify packet capture snapshot length. By default, complete packets are captured. For efficiency, captured packets can be truncated to a given length during the capture process, which reduces capture overhead and pcap file sizes. (If used with the -d option, it specifies the length after decapsulation.) -x Use file locking to request (by way of exclusive lock) that this is the only instance of the gulp utility running. If other instances are already running, they must be stopped before the gulp utility can start with this option. -X Override an exclusive lock (-x option) and run anyway. An instance of gulp started this way holds a shared lock if no exclusive locks were broken; otherwise, it holds no locks at all (causing a subsequent attempt to get an exclusive lock to succeed). -v Print program version and exit. -V xxxxxxxx If the string of Xs is wide enough (10 or more), it is overwritten twice per second with a brief capture status update consisting of one digit followed by two percentages. The digit is the number of decimal digits in the actual count of lost packets (0 indicates no drops). The two percentages are the current and maximum ring buffer utilization. The updated argument string can be seen with the ps -x option (or equivalent). If the string of Xs is too short to hold the information above, a more verbose status line is written, twice per second, to standard error instead. The first method is probably more useful to occasionally check on long captures and the second is more convenient while experimenting and setting up a capture. -p # Specify the thread polling interval (in microseconds). The reader and writer threads poll at this interval when the ring buffer is full or empty. Polling (even frequently) on modern hardware consumes immeasurably few resources. The default interval is 1000. -q Suppress warnings about the ring buffer being full. If input is not from a live capture, no data is lost when the ring buffer fills so the warning can be safely suppressed. If stdin is actually a file, warning suppression happens automatically. -z # Specify output write block size. Any power of two between 4096 and 65536. The default is 65536. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-185 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands gulp Examples Table 2-6 gulp Options (continued) Option Description -o dir Redirects pcap output into a collection of files in the specified directory. Pcap files are named pcap###, where ### starts at 000 and increments. The directory must exist and be writable by the user running the gulp utility. -C # When using the -o option, start a new pcap file when the old one reaches about # times the size of the ring buffer. The default value is 10 and the default ring buffer size is 100MB; so by default, pcap files grow to about 1000 MB before a new one is started. Since some programs read an entire pcap file into memory when using it, splitting the output into chunks can be helpful. -W # Specifies a maximum number of pcap files to create before overwriting them. The default is to never overwrite them. This option allows capturing to occur indefinitely with finite disk space. -B This option enables the code to check before each write whether the write would block. When the gulp utility exits, it announces whether any writes would have been blocked. -Y This option writes which ones would be blocked, but are deferred until they are not blocked. The following example shows how to get a basic capture on eth1 with a pcap filter: ServiceEngine# gulp -i eth1 -f "..." > pcapfile The ellipsis (...) refers to the Berkeley Packet Filter (pcap) expressions, such as “host foo.” The following example shows how to get a capture of the 10 most recent files of a 200 MB ring buffer to 1000 MB files: ServiceEngine# gulp -i eth1 -r 200 -C 10 -W 10 -o pcapdir Related Commands Command Description netmon Displays the transmit and receive activity on an interface. netstatr Displays the rate of change of netstat statistics. ss Dumps socket statistics. tcpmon Searches all TCP connections. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-186 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands help help To obtain online help for the command-line interface, use the help command in EXEC and Global configuration modes. help Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration and Global configuration (config) modes. Usage Guidelines You can get help at any point in a command by entering a question mark (?). If nothing matches, the help list is empty, and you must back up until entering a ? shows the available options. Two styles of help are provided: Examples • Full help is available when you are ready to enter a command argument (for example, show ?). In addition, full help describes each possible argument. • Partial help is provided when you enter an abbreviated command and you want to know what arguments match the input (for example, show stat?). The following example shows the output of the help command in EXEC configuration mode: ServiceEngine# help Help may be requested at any point in a command by entering a question mark '?'. If nothing matches, the help list will be empty and you must backup until entering a '?' shows the available options. Two styles of help are provided: 1. Full help is available when you are ready to enter a command argument (e.g. 'show ?') and describes each possible argument. 2. Partial help is provided when an abbreviated argument is entered and you want to know what arguments match the input (e.g. 'show stat?'.) Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-187 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands hostname hostname To configure the device’s network hostname, use the hostname command in Global configuration mode. To reset the hostname to the default setting, use the no form of this command. hostname name no hostname Syntax Description name Defaults The default hostname is the SE model number. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to configure the hostname for the SE. The hostname is used for the command prompts and default configuration filenames. This name is also used by content routing and conforms to the following rules: Examples New hostname for the device; the name is case sensitive. The name may be from 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters. • It can use only alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-). • Maximum length is 30 characters. • Following characters are considered invalid and cannot be used when naming a device: @, # , $,%, ^, &, *, (), | , \””/, <>. The following example changes the hostname to Sandbox: ServiceEngine(config)# hostname Sandbox Sandbox(config)# The following example removes the hostname: ServiceEngine(config)# no hostname NO-HOSTNAME(config)# Related Commands Command Description dnslookup Resolves a host or domain name to an IP address. ip Configures the IP. show hosts Displays the IP domain name, name servers, IP addresses, and host table. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-188 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands install install To install the Internet Streamer CDS software image, use the install command in EXEC configuration mode. install imagefile_name Syntax Description imagefile_name Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The install command loads the system image into flash memory and the disk. Name of the .bin file that you want to install. To install a system image, copy the image file to the sysfs directory local1 or local2. Before entering the install command, change the present working directory to the directory where the system image resides. When the install command is executed, the image file is expanded. The expanded files overwrite the existing files in the SE. The newly installed version takes effect after the system image is reloaded. Note Examples The install command does not accept .pax files. Files should be of the .bin type (for example, CDS- Also, if the release being installed does not require a new system image, then it may not be necessary to write to flash memory. If the newer version has changes that require a new system image to be installed, then the install command may result in a write to flash memory. The following example shows how to install a .bin file on the SE: ServiceEngine# install CDS- Related Commands Command Description copy ftp install Installs an image file from an FTP server onto a local device. copy http install Installs an image file from an HTTP server onto a local device. reload Halts a device and performs a cold restart. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-189 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands interface interface To configure a Gigabit Ethernet or port channel interface, use the interface command in Global configuration mode. To disable selected options, restore default values, or enable a shutdown interface, use the no form of this command. interface {GigabitEthernet slot/port_num [autosense | bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} | channel-group group_interface | description line | full-duplex | half-duplex | ip {access-group {access_list_num {in | out} | name} | address {ip_address_netmask | range low_num high_num netmask} | ipv6 {access-group {access_list_num {in | out}| access_list_name {in | out}} | address {range low_num high_num netmask {prefix | subnet_mask} | ip_addr/mask} | mtu mtu_size | shutdown | standby num [priority num] | tx-queue-limit queue_length] | PortChannel num [autosense | bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} | description line | full-duplex | half-duplex | ip line | ipv6 line | lacp | shutdown | standby num [priority num] | Standby group_number [description line | errors error_num | ip address {ip_address_netmask | range low_num high_num netmask}| ipv6 address {range low_num high_num netmask {prefix | subnet_mask} | ip_addr/mask} | shutdown] | TenGigabitEthernet slot/port_num [autosense | bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} channel-group group_interface | description line | full-duplex | half-duplex | ip {access-group {access_list_num {in | out} | name} | address {ip_address_netmask | range low_num high_num netmask} | ipv6 {acccess-group {access_list_num {in | out}| access_list_name {in | out}} | address {range low_num high_num netmask {prefix | subnet_mask} | ip_addr/mask} | mtu mtu_size | shutdown | standby num [priority num] | tx-queue-limit queue_length] no interface {GigabitEthernet slot/port_num [autosense | bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} | channel-group group_interface | description line | full-duplex | half-duplex | ip {access-group {access_list_num {in | out} | name} | address {ip_address_netmask | range low_num high_num netmask} | ipv6 {access-group {access_list_num {in | out}| access_list_name {in | out}} | address {range low_num high_num netmask {prefix | subnet_mask} | ip_addr/mask} | mtu mtu_size | shutdown | standby num [priority num] | tx-queue-limit queue_length] | PortChannel num [autosense | bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} | description line | full-duplex | half-duplex | ip line | ipv6 line | lacp | shutdown | standby num [priority num] | Standby group_number [description line | errors error_num | ip address {ip_address_netmask | range low_num high_num netmask}| ipv6 address {range low_num high_num netmask {prefix | subnet_mask} | ip_addr/mask} | shutdown] | TenGigabitEthernet slot/port_num [autosense | bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} channel-group group_interface | description line | full-duplex | half-duplex | ip {access-group {access_list_num {in | out} | name} | address {ip_address_netmask | range low_num high_num netmask} | ipv6 {acccess-group {access_list_num {in | out}| access_list_name {in | out}} | address {range low_num high_num netmask {prefix | subnet_mask} | ip_addr/mask} | mtu mtu_size | shutdown | standby num [priority num] | tx-queue-limit queue_length] Syntax Description GigabitEthernet Selects a Gigabit Ethernet interface to configure. slot/port_num Slot and port number for the selected interface. The slot range is from 1 to 14; the port range is from 0 to 0. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/). autosense (Optional) Specifies interface autosense. bandwidth (Optional) Configures the interface bandwidth. 10 Specifies the interface bandwidth as 10 Mbits per second. 100 Specifies the interface bandwidth as 100 Mbits per second. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-190 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands interface 1000 Specifies the interface bandwidth as 1000 Mbits per second. channel-group (Optional) Configures the EtherChannel group. group_interface EtherChannel group to which the interface belongs. The range is 1 to 4. description (Optional) Specifies interface specific description. line Text describing this interface full-duplex (Optional) Specifies full-duplex. half-duplex (Optional) Specifies half-duplex. ip (Optional) Interface Internet Protocol configuration commands. access-group Specifies access control for packets. acccess_list_num IP access list (standard or extended). in Specifies inbound packets. out Specifies outbound packets. name Specifies the access-list name. address Sets the IP address of the interface. ip_address IP address of the interface netmask Netmask of the interface. range IP address range. low_num IP address low range of the interface. high_num IP address low range of the interface. netmask Netmask of the interface. ipv6 (Optional) Interface IPv6 configuration commands. access-group Specifies access control for packets. ip_access_list IP access list (standard or extended). in Inbound packets. out Outbound packets. access-list-name Specifies an access list name. address Specifies the IPv6 address of the interface. range Specifies the IPv6 address range. low-num Specifies the IPv6 address low range of the interface. high-num Specifies the IPv6 address high range of the interface. prefix Interface prefix. The range is from 1 to 128. ip_addr/netmask IPv6 address/netmask of the interface in format X:X:X:X::X/<0-128>. mtu Sets the interface Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). mtu_size MTU size in bytes. The range is 576 to 9216. shutdown (Optional) Shuts down the specific portchannel interface. standby (Optional) Standby interface configuration commands. interface_group_num Group number for the selected interface. The range is from 1 to 4. priority Sets the priority of the interface. Default value is 100. standby_group_priority Set the priority of the interface for the standby group. The range is from 0 to 4294967295. tx-queue-limit Sets the interface maximum Transmission Queue Length. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-191 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands interface queue_length Sets the limit on the transmission queue length. The range is from 1000 to 80000. PortChannel Selects the Ethernet Channel of interfaces to be configured. num Sets the Ethernet Channel interface number. The range is from 1 to 4. lacp Specifies Link Aggregation Control Protocol. Standby Specifies a standby group number. standby_group_num Standby group number. The range is from 1 to 4. description (Optional) Standby interface description. line Text describing this interface. errors Sets the maximum number of errors allowed on this interface. error_num Maximum number of errors allowed on this interface for the standby group. The range is from 1 to 2147483647. ip Sets the IP address of the standby group. address Sets the IP address of the interface. standby_group_ip_addr IP address of the standby group. standby_group_ netmask Netmask of the standby group. range Sets the IP address range of the standby group. low_range IP address low range of an interface. high_range IP address high range of an interface. interface_netmask Netmask of the interface. TenGigabitEthernet Selects a ten Gigabit Ethernet interface to configure. Defaults Standby priority: 100. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines String to Be Set as Cookie Port Channel (EtherChannel) Interface EtherChannel for Cisco Internet Streamer CDS supports the grouping of up to four same- network interfaces into one virtual interface. This grouping allows the setting or removing of a virtual interface that consists of two Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. EtherChannel also provides interoperability with Cisco routers, switches, and other networking devices or hosts supporting EtherChannel, load balancing, and automatic failure detection and recovery based on current link status of each interface. You can use the Gigabit Ethernet ports to form an EtherChannel. A physical interface can be added to an EtherChannel subject to the device configuration. Configuring Multiple IP Addresses The Multiple Logical IP Addresses feature supports up to 24 unique IP addresses within the same subnet for the same interface. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-192 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands interface When you configure multiple IP addresses on an SE using either the range option or using individual commands, the show running-config output displays all the IP addresses individually. The netmask value is unique for each interface, so under a single interface you cannot have multiple IP addresses with different netmask values. Configuring IPv6 When configuring an IPv6 address on the interface, if <ipv6addr> is specified, it must be in the form of hexadecimal using16-bit values between colons (X:X:X:X::X). Optionally, a double colon may be used when consecutive 16-bit values are denoted as zero. To configure the IPv6 access list on an interface, first configure the Access List using the access-list enable command; <in | out> means apply for inbound or outbound packets. interface {<GigabitEthernet | Portchannel | Standby | TenGigabitEthernet>} ipv6 access-group <access_ list_number | access_list_name> <in | out> Examples The following example shows how to create an EtherChannel. The port channel is port channel 2 and is assigned an IP address of and a netmask of ServiceEngine# configure ServiceEngine(config)# interface PortChannel 2 ServiceEngine(config-if)# exit The following example how to remove an EtherChannel: ServiceEngine(config)# interface PortChannel 2 ServiceEngine(config-if)# exit ServiceEngine(config)# no interface PortChannel 2 The following example shows a sample output of the show running-config command in EXEC configuration mode: ServiceEngine# show running-config . . . interface GigabitEthernet 0/0 description This is an interface to the WAN ip address bandwidth 100 exit . . The following example shows the sample output of the show interface command: ServiceEngine# show interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 Description: This is the interface to the lab type: Ethernet The following example shows how to create standby groups on SEs: ServiceEngine(config)# ServiceEngine(config)# ServiceEngine(config)# ServiceEngine(config)# interface interface interface interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 standby 2 priority 300 GigabitEthernet 2/0 standby 2 priority 200 GigabitEthernet 3/0 standby 2 priority 100 standby 2 errors 10000 The following example shows how to configure multiple IP addresses using a range command: ServiceEngine(config)# interface PortChannel 2 ServiceEngine(config-if)# ip address range Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-193 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands interface The following example shows a sample output of the show running-config command in EXEC configuration mode after configuring multiple IP addresses: ServiceEngine# show running-config . interface PortChannel 4 ip address ip address ip address ip address exit Related Commands Command Description show interface Displays the hardware interface information. show running-config Displays the current operating configuration. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-194 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip (Global configuration) ip (Global configuration) To change initial network device configuration settings, use the ip command in Global configuration mode. To delete or disable these settings, use the no form of this command.ip {access-list (see “ip access-list” section on page 204) | default-gateway ip_address [gateway_ip_addr] | domain-name name1 name2 name3 | name-server ip_addresses | path-mtu-discovery enable | route dest_IP_addr dest_netmask default_gateway [interface source_IP_addr]} no ip {access-list | default-gateway ip_address [gateway_ip_addr] | domain-name name1 name2 name3 | name-server ip_addresses | path-mtu-discovery enable | route dest_IP_addr dest_netmask default_gateway [interface source_IP_addr]} Syntax Description access-list Specifies the access list. default-gateway Specifies the default gateway (if not routing IP). ip_address IP address of the default gateway. gateway_ip_addr (Optional) Gateway IP address (maximum of 14). domain-name Specifies domain names. name1 through name3 Domain name (up to three can be specified). name-server Specifies the address of the name server. ip_addresses IP addresses of the domain server (up to a maximum of eight). path-mtu-discovery Configures RFC 1191 Path Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) discovery. enable Enables Path MTU discovery. route Specifies the net route. dest_IP_addr Destination route address. dest_netmask Netmask address. default_gateway Gateway address. interface Configures source policy routing to route outgoing traffic using the same interface where the request was received. source_IP_addr IP address of the interface configured for source policy routing. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines To define a default gateway, use the ip default-gateway command. Only one default gateway can be configured. To remove the IP default gateway, use the no form of this command. The SE uses the default gateway to route IP packets when there is no specific route found to the destination. To define a default domain name, use the ip domain-name command. To remove the IP default domain name, use the no form of this command. Up to three domain names can be entered. If a request arrives without a domain name appended in its hostname, the proxy tries to resolve the hostname by appending name1, name2, and name3 in that order until one of these names succeeds. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-195 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip (Global configuration) The SE appends the configured domain name to any IP hostname that does not contain a domain name. The appended name is resolved by the DNS server and then added to the host table. The SE must have at least one domain name server specified for hostname resolution to work correctly. To specify the address of one or more name servers to use for name and address resolution, use the ip name-server ip_addresses command. To disable IP name servers, use the no form of this command. For proper resolution of the hostname to the IP address or the IP address to the hostname, the SE uses DNS servers. Use the ip name-server command to point the SE to a specific DNS server. You can configure up to eight servers. Path MTU autodiscovery discovers the MTU and automatically sets the correct value. Use the ip path-mtu-discovery enable command to start this autodiscovery utility. By default, this feature is enabled. When this feature is disabled, the sending device uses a packet size that is smaller than 576 bytes and the next hop MTU. Existing connections are not affected when this feature is turned on or off. The Cisco Internet Streamer CDS software supports IP Path MTU Discovery, as defined in RFC 1191. When enabled, Path MTU Discovery discovers the largest IP packet size allowable between the various links along the forwarding path and automatically sets the correct value for the packet size. By using the largest MTU that the links bear, the sending device can minimize the number of packets that it must send. Note IP Path MTU Discovery is useful when a link in a network goes down, forcing the use of another, different MTU-sized link. IP Path MTU Discovery is also useful when a connection is first being established and the sender has no information at all about the intervening links. IP Path MTU Discovery is started by the sending device. If a server does not support IP Path MTU Discovery, the receiving device has no mechanism available to avoid fragmenting datagrams generated by the server. Use the ip route command to add a specific static route for a network or host. Any IP packet designated for the specified destination uses the configured route. To configure static IP routing, use the ip route command. To remove the route, use the no form of this command. Do not use the ip route command to configure the default gateway; use the ip default-gateway command instead. Source Policy Routes To configure source policy routing, use the ip route command with the interface option. By using source policy routing, the reply packet to a client leaves the SE on the same interface where the request came in. Source policy routing tables are automatically instantiated based on the interface subnets defined on the system. The policy routes are added automatically to the policy routing tables based on the nexthop gateway of the routes in the main routing table. When configuring multiple IP address you must configure a default gateway in the same subnet. You can configure multiple gateways (up to 14) . The CDE220-2S3i supports multiple IP addresses, which includes specifying the default gateway and IP routes. The IP routes, source policy routes, were added to ensure incoming traffic would go out the same interface it came in on. An IP route was added using the interface keyword and has the following syntax: ip route <dest_IP_addr> <dest_netmask> <default_gateway> interface <source_IP_addr> In the following example, all destination traffic (IP address of and netmask of sent from the source interface,, uses the default gateway, This is a default policy route. ip route interface Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-196 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip (Global configuration) A non-default policy route defines a specific destination (IP address and netmask). The following ip route command is an example of a non-default policy route: ip route <gateway> interface <source_IP_addr> When upgrading to Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 2.5.9 software, any source policy routes configured using the Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 2.5.7 software interface keyword are rejected and are not displayed when the show running-config command is used. However, because you had to define the default gateway for all the interfaces as part of the multi-port support feature, the equivalent source policy route is automatically generated in the routing table. The following example shows the output for the show ip route command after upgrading to Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 2.5.9 software with the default source policy routes highlighted in bold and the non-default policy routes highlighted in italics: ServiceEngine# show ip route Destination --------------- Gateway Netmask ---------------- --------------- Source policy routing table for interface Source policy routing table for interface Source policy routing table for interface If you have a default source policy route where the gateway is not defined as a default gateway, then you must add it after upgrading to Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 2.5.9 software. For example, if you had a source policy route with a gateway of for a source interface of, and you did not specify the gateway as one of the default gateways, you would need to add it. If you have a non-default source policy route, then you must add it as a regular static route (without the obsoleted interface keyword) after upgrading to Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 2.5.9 software. This route is then added to the main routing table as well as the policy routing table. Differentiated Services The differentiated services (DiffServ) architecture is based on a simple model where traffic entering a network is classified and possibly conditioned at the boundaries of the network. The class of traffic is then identified with a differentiated services (DS) code point or bit marking in the IP header. Within the core of the network, packets are forwarded according to the per-hop behavior associated with the DS code point. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-197 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip (Global configuration) DiffServ describes a set of end-to-end QoS (Quality of Service) capabilities. End-to-end QoS is the ability of the network to deliver service required by specific network traffic from one end of the network to another. QoS in the Internet Streamer CDS software supports differentiated services. With differentiated services, the network tries to deliver a particular kind of service based on the QoS specified by each packet. The network uses the QoS specification to classify, mark, shape, and police traffic, and to perform intelligent queueing. Differentiated services is used for several mission-critical applications and for providing end-to-end QoS. Typically, differentiated services is appropriate for aggregate flows because it performs a relatively coarse level of traffic classification. DS Field Definition A replacement header field, called the DS field, is defined by differentiated services. The DS field supersedes the existing definitions of the IPv4 ToS octet (RFC 791) and the IPv6 traffic class octet. A currently unused (CU) 2-bit field is reserved for explicit congestion notification (ECN). The value of the CU bits is ignored by DS-compliant interfaces when determining the PHB to apply to a received packet. Per-Hop Behaviors RFC 2475 defines PHB as the externally observable forwarding behavior applied at a DiffServ-compliant node to a DiffServ Behavior Aggregate (BA). A PHB refers to the packet scheduling, queueing, policing, or shaping behavior of a node on any given packet belonging to a BA, as configured by a service level agreement (SLA) or a policy map. There are four available standard PHBs: • Default PHB (as defined in RFC 2474) • Class-Selector PHB (as defined in RFC 2474) • Assured Forwarding (AFny) PHB (as defined in RFC 2597) • Expedited Forwarding (EF) PHB (as defined in RFC 2598) The following sections describe the PHBs. Assured Forwarding PHB Assured Forwarding PHB is nearly equivalent to Controlled Load Service, which is available in the integrated services model. AFny PHB defines a method by which BAs can be given different forwarding assurances. For example, network traffic can be divided into the following classes: • Gold—Traffic in this category is allocated 50 percent of the available bandwidth. • Silver—Traffic in this category is allocated 30 percent of the available bandwidth. • Bronze—Traffic in this category is allocated 20 percent of the available bandwidth. The AFny PHB defines four AF classes: AF1, AF2, AF3, and AF4. Each class is assigned a specific amount of buffer space and interface bandwidth according to the SLA with the service provider or policy map. Within each AF class, you can specify three drop precedence (dP) values: 1, 2, and 3. Assured Forwarding PHB can be expressed as shown in the following example: AFny. In this example, n represents the AF class number (1, 2, or 3) and y represents the dP value (1, 2, or 3) within the AFn class. In instances of network traffic congestion, if packets in a particular AF class (for example, AF1) need to be dropped, packets in the AF1 class are dropped according to the following guideline: dP(AFny) >= dP(AFnz) >= dP(AFnx) Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-198 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip (Global configuration) where dP (AFny) is the probability that packets of the AFny class are dropped and y denotes the dP within an AFn class. In the following example, packets in the AF13 class are dropped before packets in the AF12 class, which in turn are dropped before packets in the AF11 class: dP(AF13) >= dP (AF12) >= dP(AF11) The dP method penalizes traffic flows within a particular BA that exceed the assigned bandwidth. Packets on these offending flows could be re-marked by a policer to a higher drop precedence. Expedited Forwarding PHB Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), a component of the integrated services model, provides a guaranteed bandwidth service. Applications, such as Voice over IP (VoIP), video, and online trading programs, require this type of service. The EF PHB, a key ingredient of DiffServ, supplies this kind of service by providing low loss, low latency, low jitter, and assured bandwidth service. You can implement EF by using priority queueing (PQ) and rate limiting on the class (or BA). When implemented in a DiffServ network, EF PHB provides a virtual leased line or premium service. For optimal efficiency, however, you should reserve EF PHB for only the most critical applications because, in instances of traffic congestion, it is not feasible to treat all or most traffic as high priority. EF PHB is suited for applications such as VoIP that require low bandwidth, guaranteed bandwidth, low delay, and low jitter. IP Precedence for ToS IP precedence allows you to specify the class of service (CoS) for a packet. You use the three precedence bits in the IPv4 header’s type of service (ToS) field for this purpose. Using the ToS bits, you can define up to six classes of service. Other features configured throughout the network can then use these bits to determine how to treat the packet. These other QoS features can assign appropriate traffic-handling policies including congestion management strategy and bandwidth allocation. For example, although IP precedence is not a queueing method, queueing methods such as weighted fair queueing (WFQ) and Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) can use the IP precedence setting of the packet to prioritize traffic. By setting precedence levels on incoming traffic and using them with the Internet Streamer CDS software QoS queueing features, you can create differentiated service. You can use features, such as policy-based routing (PBR) and Committed Access Rate (CAR), to set the precedence based on an extended access list classification. For example, you can assign the precedence based on the application or user or by destination and source subnetwork. So that each subsequent network element can provide service based on the determined policy, IP precedence is usually deployed as close to the edge of the network or the administrative domain as possible. IP precedence is an edge function that allows core or backbone QoS features, such as WRED, to forward traffic based on CoS. You can also set IP precedence in the host or network client, but this setting can be overridden by the service provisioning policy of the domain within the network. The following QoS features can use the IP precedence field to determine how traffic is treated: • Distributed-WRED • WFQ • CAR Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-199 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip (Global configuration) How the IP Precedence Bits Are Used to Classify Packets You use the three IP precedence bits in the ToS field of the IP header to specify a CoS assignment for each packet. You can partition traffic into up to six classes—the remaining two classes are reserved for internal network use—and then use policy maps and extended ACLs to define network policies in terms of congestion handling and bandwidth allocation for each class. Each precedence corresponds to a name. These names, which continue to evolve, are defined in RFC 791. The numbers and their corresponding names, are listed from least to most important. IP precedence allows you to define your own classification mechanism. For example, you might want to assign the precedence based on an application or an access router. IP precedence bit settings 96 and 112 are reserved for network control information, such as routing updates. The IP precedence field occupies the three most significant bits of the ToS byte. Only the three IP precedence bits reflect the priority or importance of the packet, not the full value of the ToS byte. Examples The following example shows how to configure a default gateway for the SE: ServiceEngine(config)# ip default-gateway The following example disables the default gateway: ServiceEngine(config)# no ip default-gateway The following example shows how to configure a static IP route for the SE: ServiceEngine(config)# ip route The following example negates the static IP route: ServiceEngine(config)# no ip route The following example shows how to configure a default domain name for the SE: ServiceEngine(config)# ip domain-name The following example negates the default domain name: ServiceEngine(config)# no ip domain-name The following example shows how to configure a name server for the SE: ServiceEngine(config)# ip name-server The following example disables the name server: ServiceEngine(config)# no ip name-server The following example shows how to configure source policy routing for the SE interface assigned with the IP address ServiceEngine(config)# ip route interface Related Commands Command Description ip (Interface configuration) Configures the interface Internet Protocol. show ip routes Displays the IP routing table. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-200 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip (Interface configuration) ip (Interface configuration) To configure the interface Internet Protocol, use the interface command in interface configuration mode. To delete or disable these settings, use the no form of this command. ip {access-group {num {in | out} {name {in | out} | address {ip_addr netmask | range {ip_addr_low ip_addr_high netmask}} no ip {access-group {num {in | out} {name {in | out} | address {ip_addr netmask | range {ip_addr_low ip_addr_high netmask}} Syntax Description access-group Specifies access control for incoming or outgoing packets. num Specifies an IP access list by number, in standard or extended form. The range is from 1-199. in Configures the IP access list that apply to inbound packets. out Configures the IP access list that apply to outbound packets. name Name of the access list. in Configures the access list name inbound packets. out Configures the access list name outbound packets. address Set the IP address of an interface. ip-addr IP address of the interface. netmask Netmask of the interface. range Specifies the IP address range. ip_addr_low IP address low range of an interface. ip_addr_high IP address high range of an interface. netmask Netmask of the interface. Defaults None Command Modes Interface configuration (config-if) mode. Usage Guidelines You can configure multiple IP addresses for Gigabit Ethernet, port channel and Standby interfaces in the SEs. With multiple IP support, the SEs can stream the content under a specific IP while having another stream with different source IP address under the same interface. The ip command configures up to 24 unique IP addresses within the same subnet for the same Gigabit Ethernet, port channel and Standby interface. You can add and delete IP addresses for each interface without affecting other configured IP addresses. Note All IP addresses configured in the same interface must be in the same subnet. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-201 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip (Interface configuration) The ip range command adds and deletes an IP address range per interface without affecting other configured IP addresses, and it notifies the SR and CDSM on the added and deleted IP address. The IP address can only be deleted when it is already disassociated from the delivery service. If the delivery service’s IP address has been updated, for example from to, the service is not interrupted. The new stream uses the new IP address. Examples Configuring an IP Address Range The following example shows how to configure an IP address in a range: ServiceEngine(config)# interface PortChannel 1 ServiceEngine(config-if)# ip address ServiceEngine(config-if)# ip address range ServiceEngine(config-if)# ip address range If the user configures an IP address range but one or more of the IP addresses in the range matched with an already configured IP address, the configuration is still accepted. For example, if interface PortChannel 1 has the following configuration: interface PortChannel 1 ip address ip address ip address ip address The following configuration is accepted and the IP address in the range (not the same subnet) is rejected: ServiceEngine# configure terminal ServiceEngine(config)# interface PortChannel 1 ServiceEngine(config-if)# ip address range ServiceEngine(config-if)# end If the interface PortChannel 1 has the following configuration: interface PortChannel 1 ip address ip address ip address And you enter the following commands: ServiceEngine# configure terminal ServiceEngine(config)# interface PortChannel 1 ServiceEngine(config-if)# ip address range ServiceEngine(config-if)# end It is an invalid IP address range and an incompatible netmask. Configuring an IP Address The following example shows how to configure an individual IP address: ServiceEngine(config)# interface PortChannel 1 ServiceEngine(config-if)# ip address ServiceEngine(config-if)# ip address ServiceEngine(config-if)# ip address Removing an IP Address The following example shows how to remove an IP address range configuration: ServiceEngine(config)# interface PortChannel 1 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-202 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip (Interface configuration) ServiceEngine(config-if)# no ip address range The following example shows how to remove an IP address configuration: ServiceEngine(config)# interface PortChannel 1 ServiceEngine(config-if)# no ip address 255.255.255. Related Commands Command Description interface (Global configuration) Configures a Gigabit Ethernet or port channel interface. show interface Displays the hardware interface information. show running-config Displays the current operating configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-203 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip access-list ip access-list To create and modify access lists for controlling access to interfaces or applications, use the ip access-list standard or ip access-list extended command in Global configuration modes. To remove access control lists, use the no form of this command. ip access-list {extended {acl_name | acl_num {delete num | deny {num {ip address | any | host} | gre {ip address | any | host} | icmp {ip address | any | host} | ip {ip address | any | host} | tcp {ip address | any | host} | udp {ip address | any | host}} | insert {num {deny | permit} | list {start_line_num | end_line_num} | move {old_line_num | new_line_num} | permit {num {ip address | any | host} | gre {ip address | any | host} | icmp {ip address | any | host} | ip {ip address | any | host} | tcp {ip address | any | host} | udp {ip address | any | host}}} | {standard {acl_num | acl_name {delete num | deny {num {ip address | any | host} | gre {ip address | any | host} | icmp {ip address | any | host} | ip {ip address | any | host} | tcp {ip address | any | host} | udp {ip address | any | host}} | insert {num {deny | permit} | list {start_line_num | end_line_num} | move {old_line_num | new_line_num} | permit {ip address | any | host}}}} no ip access-list {extended {acl_name | acl_num {delete num | deny {num {ip address | any | host} | gre {ip address | any | host} | icmp {ip address | any | host} | ip {ip address | any | host} | tcp {ip address | any | host} | udp {ip address | any | host}} | insert {num {deny | permit} | list {start_line_num | end_line_num} | move {old_line_num | new_line_num} | permit {num {ip address | any | host} | gre {ip address | any | host} | icmp {ip address | any | host} | ip {ip address | any | host} | tcp {ip address | any | host} | udp {ip address | any | host}}} | {standard {acl_num | acl_name {delete num | deny {num {ip address | any | host} | gre {ip address | any | host} | icmp {ip address | any | host} | ip {ip address | any | host} | tcp {ip address | any | host} | udp {ip address | any | host}} | insert {num {deny | permit} | list {start_line_num | end_line_num} | move {old_line_num | new_line_num} | permit {ip address | any | host}}}} Syntax Description standard Enables the standard ACL configuration mode. acl_num Access list to which all commands entered from access list configuration mode apply, using a numeric identifier. For standard access lists, the valid range is 1 to 99; for extended access lists, the valid range is 100 to 199. acl_name Access list to which all commands entered from ACL configuration mode apply, using an alphanumeric string of up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter. delete (Optional) Deletes the specified entry. num (Optional) Position of condition to delete. The range is from 1 to 500. deny (Optional) Causes packets that match the specified conditions to be dropped. num IP Protocol Number. ip address Source IP address. any Any source host. host A single host address. gre Specifies GRE Tunneling by Cisco. icmp Specifies Internet Control Message Protocol. ip Specifies Any IP Protocol. tcp Specifies Transport Control Protocol. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-204 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip access-list udp Specifies User Datagram Protocol. insert (Optional) Inserts the conditions following the specified line number into the access list. num Identifies the position at which to insert a new condition. deny Specifies packets to deny. permit Specifies packets to permit. list (Optional) Lists the specified entries (or all entries when none are specified). start_line_num (Optional) Line number from which the list begins. end_line_num (Optional) Last line number in the list. move (Optional) Moves the specified entry in the access list to a new position in the list. old_line_num Line number of the entry to move. new_line_num New position of the entry. The existing entry is moved to the following position in the access list. permit (Optional) Causes packets that match the specified conditions to be accepted for further processing. extended Enables the extended ACL configuration mode. Defaults An access list drops all packets unless you configure at least one permit entry. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Standard ACL Configuration Mode Commands To work with a standard access list, enter the ip access-list standard command from the Global configuration mode prompt. The CLI enters a configuration mode in which all subsequent commands apply to the current access list. To add a line to the standard IP ACL, enter the following command. For example, choose a purpose (permit or deny) that specifies whether a packet is to be passed or dropped, enter the source IP address, and enter the source IP wildcard address as follows: [insert line_num] {deny | permit} {source_ip [wildcard] | host source_ip | any} To delete a line from the standard IP ACL, enter the following command: delete line_num To display a list of specified entries within the standard IP ACL, enter the following command: list [start_line_num [end_line_num]] To move a line to a new position within the standard IP ACL, enter the following command: move old_line_num new_line_num Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-205 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip access-list To return to the CLI Global configuration mode prompt, enter the following command: exit To negate a standard IP ACL, enter the following command: no {deny | permit} {source_ip [wildcard] | host source_ip | any} Extended ACL Configuration Mode Commands To work with an extended access list, enter the ip access-list extended command from the Global configuration mode prompt. The CLI enters a configuration mode in which all subsequent commands apply to the current access list. To delete a line from the extended IP ACL, enter the following command: delete line_num To move a line to a new position within the extended IP ACL, enter the following command: move old_line_num new_line_num To display a list of specified entries within the standard IP ACL, enter the following command: list [start_line_num [end_line_num]] To return to the CLI Global configuration mode prompt, enter the following command: exit To add a condition to the extended IP ACL, note that the options depend on the chosen protocol. For IP, enter the following command to add a condition: [insert line_num] {deny | permit} {gre | ip | proto_num} {source_ip [wildcard] | host source_ip | any} {dest_ip [wildcard] | host dest_ip | any} no {deny | permit} {gre | ip | proto_num} {source_ip [wildcard] | host source_ip | any} {dest_ip [wildcard] | host dest_ip | any} where if you enter proto_num is 47 or 0, they represent the equivalent value for GRE or IP. For TCP, enter the following command to add a condition: [insert line_num] {deny | permit} {tcp | proto_num} {source_ip [wildcard] | host source_ip | any} [operator port [port]] {dest_ip [wildcard] | host dest_ip | any} [operator port [port]] [established] no {deny | permit} {tcp | proto_num} {source_ip [wildcard] | host source_ip | any} [operator port [port]] {dest_ip [wildcard] | host dest_ip | any} [operator port [port]] [established] where proto_num can be 6, which is the equivalent value for TCP. For UDP, enter the following command to add a condition: [insert line_num] {deny | permit} {udp | proto_num} {source_ip [wildcard] | host source_ip | any} [operator port [port]] {dest_ip [wildcard] | host dest_ip | any} [operator port [port]] Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-206 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip access-list no {deny | permit} {udp | proto_num} {source_ip [wildcard] | host source_ip | any} [operator port [port]] {dest_ip [wildcard] | host dest_ip | any} [operator port [port]] where proto_num can be 17, which is the equivalent value for UDP. For ICMP, enter the following command to add a condition: [insert line_num] {deny | permit} {icmp | proto_num} {source_ip [wildcard] | host source_ip | any} {dest_ip [wildcard] | host dest_ip | any} [icmp_type [code] | icmp_msg] no {deny | permit} {icmp | proto_num} {source_ip [wildcard] | host source_ip | any} {dest_ip [wildcard] | host dest_ip | any} [icmp_type [code] | icmp_msg] where proto_num can be 2, which is the equivalent value for ICMP. For extended IP ACLs, the wildcard keyword is required if the host keyword is not specified. For a list of the keywords that you can use to match specific ICMP message types and codes, see Table 2-9. For a list of supported UDP and TCP keywords, see Table 2-7 and Table 2-8. Use access lists to control access to specific applications or interfaces on an SE. An ACL consists of one or more condition entries that specify the kind of packets that the SE drops or accepts for further processing. The SE applies each entry in the order in which it occurs in the access list, which by default, is the order in which you configured the entry. The following are some examples of how IP ACLs can be used in environments that have SEs: • SE resides on the customer premises and is managed by a service provider, and the service provider wants to secure the device for its management only. • SE is deployed anywhere within the enterprise. As with routers and switches, the administrator wants to limit Telnet and SSH access to the IT source subnets. • Application layer proxy firewall with a hardened outside interface has no ports exposed. (Hardened means that the interface carefully restricts which ports are available for access, primarily for security reasons. With an outside interface, many types of security attacks are possible.) The SE's outside address is Internet global, and its inside address is private. The inside interface has an IP ACL to limit Telnet and SSH access to the SE. • SE is deployed as a reverse proxy in an untrusted environment. The SE administrator wants to allow only port 80 inbound traffic on the outside interface and outbound connections on the back-end interface. Within ACL configuration mode, you can use the editing commands (list, delete, and move) to display the current condition entries, to delete a specific entry, or to change the order in which the entries are evaluated. To return to Global configuration mode, enter exit at the ACL configuration mode prompt. To create an entry, use a deny or permit keyword and specify the type of packets that you want the SE to drop or to accept for further processing. By default, an access list denies everything because the list is terminated by an implicit deny any entry. You must include at least one permit entry to create a valid access list. After creating an access list, you can include the access list in an access group using the access-group command, which determines how the access list is applied. You can also apply the access list to a specific application using the appropriate command. A reference to an access list that does not exist is the equivalent of a permit any condition statement. To work with access lists, enter either the ip access-list standard or ip access-list extended Global configuration command. Identify the new or existing access list with a name up to 30 characters long beginning with a letter or with a number. If you use a number to identify a standard access list, it must be between 1 and 99; for an extended access list, use a number from 100 to 199. Use a standard access list for providing access to the SNMP server or to the TFTP gateway or server. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-207 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip access-list After you identify the access list, the CLI enters the appropriate configuration mode and all subsequent commands apply to the specified access list. ip access-list standard Command You typically use a standard access list to allow connections from a host with a specific IP address or from hosts on a specific network. To allow connections from a specific host, use the permit host source_ip option and replace source_ip with the IP address of the specific host. To allow connections from a specific network, use the permit source_ip wildcard option. Replace source_ip with a network ID or the IP address of any host on the network that you want to specify. Replace wildcard with the dotted decimal notation for a mask that is the reverse of a subnet mask, where a 0 indicates a position that must be matched and a 1 indicates a position that does not matter. For instance, the wildcard causes the last eight bits in the source IP address to be ignored. Therefore, the permit entry allows access from any host on the network. ip access-list extended Command Use an extended access list to control connections based on the destination IP address or based on the protocol type. You can combine these conditions with information about the source IP address to create more restrictive conditions. Table 2-7 lists the UDP keywords that you can use with extended access lists. Table 2-7 CLI Keyword UDP Keywords and Port Numbers Description 1 UDP Port Number bootpc BOOTP client service 68 bootps BOOTP server service 67 domain DNS2 service 53 netbios-dgm NetBIOS datagram service 138 netbios-ns NetBIOS name resolution service 137 netbios-ss NetBIOS session service 139 nfs Network File System service 2049 ntp Network Time Protocol settings 123 snmp Simple Network Management Protocol service 161 snmptrap SNMP traps 162 tftp Trivial File Transfer Protocol service 69 1. BOOTP = bootstrap protocol 2. DNS = Domain Name System Table 2-8 lists the TCP keywords that you can use with extended access lists. Table 2-8 TCP Keywords and Port Numbers CLI Keyword Description TCP Port Number domain Domain Name System 53 exec Remote process execution 512 ftp File Transfer Protocol service 21 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-208 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip access-list Table 2-8 TCP Keywords and Port Numbers (continued) CLI Keyword Description TCP Port Number ftp-data FTP data connections (used infrequently) 20 nfs Network File System service applications 2049 rtsp Real-Time Streaming Protocol applications 554 ssh Secure Shell login 22 telnet Remote login using telnet 23 www World Wide Web (HTTP) service 80 Table 2-9 lists the keywords that you can use to match specific ICMP message types and codes. Table 2-9 Keywords for ICMP Message Type and Code Field Description administratively-prohibited Messages that are administratively prohibited from being allowed access. alternate-address Messages that specify alternate IP addresses. conversion-error Messages that denote a datagram conversion error. dod-host-prohibited Messages that signify a DoD1 protocol Internet host denial. dod-net-prohibited Messages that specify a DoD protocol network denial. echo Messages that are used to send echo packets to test basic network connectivity. echo-reply Messages that are used to send echo reply packets. general-parameter-problem Messages that report general parameter problems. host-isolated Messages that indicate that the host is isolated. host-precedence-unreachable Messages that have been received with the protocol field of the IP header set to one (ICMP) and the type field in the ICMP header set to three (Host Unreachable). This is the most common response. Large numbers of this datagram type on the network are indicative of network difficulties or hostile actions. host-redirect Messages that specify redirection to a host. host-tos-redirect Messages that specify redirection to a host for type of service-based (ToS) routing. host-tos-unreachable Messages that denote that the host is unreachable for ToS-based routing. host-unknown Messages that specify that the host or source is unknown. host-unreachable Messages that specify that the host is unreachable. information-reply Messages that contain domain name replies. information-request Messages that contain domain name requests. mask-reply Messages that contain subnet mask replies. mask-request Messages that contain subnet mask requests. mobile-redirect Messages that specify redirection to a mobile host. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-209 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip access-list Table 2-9 Keywords for ICMP Message Type and Code (continued) Field Description net-redirect Messages that are used for redirection to a different network. net-tos-redirect Messages that are used for redirection to a different network for ToS-based routing. net-tos-unreachable Messages that specify that the network is unreachable for the ToS-based routing. net-unreachable Messages that specify that the network is unreachable. network-unknown Messages that denote that the network is unknown. no-room-for-option Messages that specify the requirement of a parameter, but that no room is unavailable for it. option-missing Messages that specify the requirement of a parameter, but that parameter is not available. packet-too-big Messages that specify that the ICMP packet requires fragmentation but the DF2 bit is set. parameter-problem Messages that signify parameter-related problems. port-unreachable Messages that specify that the port is unreachable. precedence-unreachable Messages that specify that host precedence is not available. protocol-unreachable Messages that specify that the protocol is unreachable. reassembly-timeout Messages that specify a timeout during reassembling of packets. redirect Messages that have been received with the protocol field of the IP header set to one (ICMP) and the type field in the ICMP header set to five (Redirect). ICMP redirect messages are used by routers to notify the hosts on the data link that a better route is available for a particular destination. router-advertisement Messages that contain ICMP router discovery messages called router advertisements. router-solicitation Messages that are multicast to ask for immediate updates on neighboring router interface states. source-quench Messages that have been received with the protocol field of the IP header set to one (ICMP) and the type field in the ICMP header set to four (Source Quench). This datagram may be used in network management to provide congestion control. A source quench packet is issued when a router is beginning to lose packets because of the transmission rate of a source. The source quench is a request to the source to reduce the rate of a datagram transmission. source-route-failed Messages that specify the failure of a source route. time-exceeded Messages that specify information about all instances when specified times were exceeded. timestamp-reply Messages that contain time stamp replies. timestamp-request Messages that contain time stamp requests. traceroute Messages that specify the entire route to a network host from the source. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-210 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip access-list Table 2-9 Keywords for ICMP Message Type and Code (continued) Field Description ttl-exceeded Messages that specify that ICMP packets have exceeded the Time-To-Live configuration. unreachable Messages that are sent when packets are denied by an access list; these packets are not dropped in the hardware but generate the ICMP-unreachable message. 1. DoD = department of defense 2. DF = do not fragment Examples The following example shows how to create an access list to allow all web traffic and to allow only a specific host administrative access using Secure Shell (SSH): ServiceEngine(config)# ip access-list extended example ServiceEngine(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any any eq www ServiceEngine(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp host any eq ssh ServiceEngine(config-ext-nacl)# exit The following example shows how to activate the access list for an interface: ServiceEngine(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0 ServiceEngine(config-if)# exit The following example shows how this configuration appears when you enter the show running-configuration command: ... ! ip access-list extended example permit tcp any any eq www permit tcp host any eq ssh exit . . . Related Commands Command Description clear ip access-list counters Clears the IP access list statistical information. show ip access-list Displays the access lists that are defined and applied to specific interfaces or applications. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-211 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip ospf priority ip ospf priority To set the router priority, which helps determine the designated router for this network; use the ip ospf priority command in interface configuration mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command. ip ospf priority number_value no ip ospf priority number_value Syntax Description number_value Command Default Priority of 1 Command Modes Interface configuration (config-if) mode. Usage Guidelines When two routers attached to a network both attempt to become the designated router, the one with the higher router priority takes precedence. If there is a tie, the router with the higher router ID takes precedence. A router with a router priority set to zero is ineligible to become the designated router or backup designated router. Router priority is configured only for interfaces to multi-access networks (that is, not to point-to-point networks). Examples The following example shows how to set the router priority value to 4: A number value that specifies the priority of the router (the range is 0 to 255). ServiceRouter(config)# router ospf ServiceRouter(config-ospf)# interface GigabitEthernet 2/0 ServiceRouter(config-ospf-if)# ip ospf priority 4 ServiceRouter(config-ospf-if) Related Commands Command Description router ospf Enables the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-212 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip rib route ip rib route To configure unicast static routes for the Proximity Engine, use the ip rib route command in Global configuration mode. To , use the no form of the command. ip rib route destination prefix netmask {gateway ip_addr | GigabitEthernet num [gateway ip_addr]} no ip rib route destination prefix netmask {gateway ip_addr | GigabitEthernet num [gateway ip_addr]} Syntax Description destination prefix Destination network prefix. netmask Network mask. gateway ip_addr Gateway IP address. GigabitEthernet Selects a GigabitEthernet interface to configure. num GigabitEthernet slot/port number. Command Default None Command Modes Global configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Unicast static routes can be configured for the Proximity Engine. Static routes provide the Proximity Engine the ability to resolve learned BGP route next hops without IGP routing information. The show ip rib route static command displays the static routes. The show ip static route command displays the static route configured and stored in the RIB table. The ip rib route command allows static route configuration where the next-hop resolution depends on other static route configuration, The maximum number of static routes that can be configured is 200. The maximum number of equal cost multiple path (ECMP) static routes is 16. When the next hop cannot be resolved, the static route configuration is not rejected, but the static route is not installed in Routing Information Base (RIB). When the next hop is resolved, the static route is installed automatically. Examples The following examples shows how to configure a static route: ServiceRouter(config)# ip rib route ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to configure a static route with disabled nexthop: ServiceRouter(config)# ip rib route gigabitEthernet 2/0 ServiceRouter(config)# ip rib route ServiceRouter(config)# The following examples shows how to configure a static route on a GigabitEthernet interface: ServiceRouter(config)# ip rib route gigabitethernet1/0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-213 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip rib route ServiceRouter# The following examples shows how to configure a static route on a GigabitEthernet interface with a gateway IP address: ServiceRouter(config)# ip rib route gigabitethernet1/0 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show ip rib route Displays IP RIB route information. show ip static route Displays IP Static route information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-214 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ip router isis ip router isis To specify the interfaces to be used for routing IS-IS, use the ip router isis command in interface sub-configuration mode under IS-IS configuration mode. To detach the IS-IS process from an interface, use the no form of the command. ip router isis no ip router isis Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Default None Command Modes Interface configuration mode under IS-IS (config-isis-if) configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to specify the interfaces to actively route IS-IS. Before an IS-IS routing process can be attached to an interface, you must assign a network entity title (NET) using the net command and enter the interface sub-configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to configure an IS-IS process to be attached and form adjacency on Ethernet interface 1: ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# net 49.0001.aaaa.aaaa.aaaa.00 ServiceRouter(config-isis)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# ip router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-215 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ipv6 ipv6 To specify the default gateway’s IPv6 address, use the ipv6 command in Global configuration mode. To disable the IPv6 address, use the no form of this command. ipv6 {access-list {extended {extended_acess_list_num [delete num | deny {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | insert position_num {deny {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr}} | permit {any | host | ipv6_addr}} | list [position_start position_end] | move {move_from move_to} | permit {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr}}] | access_list name [delete num | deny {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr}} | insert position_num {deny {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr}} | permit} | list [position_start position_end] | move {move_from move_to} | permit {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr}}]} | standard {standard_acess_list_num [delete num | deny {any | host | ipv6_addr} | insert position_num {deny {any | host | ipv6_addr} | permit {any | host | ipv6_addr}} | list [position_start position_end] | move {move_from move_to} | permit {any | host | ipv6_addr} | default-gateway ip_address | route dest_ip_adder gateway_ip_addr} no ipv6 {access-list {extended {extended_acess_list_num [delete num | deny {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | insert position_num {deny {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr}} | permit {any | host | ipv6_addr}} | list [position_start position_end] | move {move_from move_to} | permit {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr}}] | access_list name [delete num | deny {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr}} | insert position_num {deny {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr}} | permit} | list [position_start position_end] | move {move_from move_to} | permit {protocol_num {any | host | ipv6_addr} | gre {any | host | ipv6_addr} | icmpv6 {any | host | ipv6_addr} | ip {any | host | ipv6_addr} | tcp {any | host | ipv6_addr} | udp {any | host | ipv6_addr}}]} | standard {standard_acess_list_num [delete num | deny {any | host | ipv6_addr} | insert position_num {deny {any | host | ipv6_addr} | permit {any | host | ipv6_addr}} | list [position_start position_end] | move {move_from move_to} | permit {any | host | ipv6_addr} | default-gateway ip_address | route dest_ip_adder gateway_ip_addr} Syntax Description default-gateway Specifies the default gateway’s IPv6 address. ip_address IPv6 address of the default gateway. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-216 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ipv6 access-list Named access-list. route Specifies IPv6 net route. extended Specifies extended IPv6 Access List. extended_access_list_num Extended IPv6 access-list number. The range is from 100 to199. extended_access_list_name Extended IPv6 Access-list name (maximum 30 characters). delete (Optional) Deletes a condition. num Position of condition to delete. The range is from 1 to 500. deny (Optional) Specifies packets to reject. protocol_num An IP Protocol Number. The range is from 1 to 255. any Any source or destination host. host A single host address. ipv6_addr Source or Destination IPv6 address, in format X:X:X:X::X/(0-128). gre Cisco’s GRE Tunneling. icmpv6 Internet Control Message Protocol. ip Any IP Protocol. tcp Transport Control Protocol. udp User Datagram Protocol. insert (Optional) Inserts a condition. position_num Position to insert new condition. The range is from 1 to 500. eq Matches only packets on a given port number. gt Matches only packet with a greater port number. host A single host address. lt Matches only packets with a lower port number. neq Matches only packets not on a given port. range Matches only packets in the range of port numbers. list (Optional) Lists conditions. position_start (Optional) Position of condition to start listing. The range is from 1 to 500. position_end (Optional) Position of condition to end listing. The range is from 1 to 500. move (Optional) Moves a condition. move_from (Optional) Position to move condition from. The range is from 1 to 500. move_to (Optional) Position to move condition to. The range is from 1 to 500. permit (Optional) Specifies packets to accept. standard Specifies Standard IPv6 Access List. standard_access_list_num Standard IPv6 access-list number. The range is from 100 to 199. standard_access_list_name Standard IPv6 Access-list name (maximum 30 characters). default-gateway Defines the default gateway’s IPv6 address. ip_address Default gateway IPv6 address (maximum of 14), in format X:X:X. route Specifies the IPv6 net route. dest_ip_adder Destination IPv6 address, in format X:X:X:X::X/<0-128. gateway_ip_addr Gateway IPv6 address, in format X:X:X:X::X. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-217 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ipv6 Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Explosive growth in network device diversity and mobile communications, along with global adoption of networking technologies have resulted in IPv4 addresses getting exhausted. IPv4 address space has a theoretical limit of 4.3 billion addresses. IPv6 quadruples the number of network address bits from 32 bits (in IPv4) to 128 bits. This provides more than enough globally unique IP addresses for every networked device in use. CDS-IS IPv6 ACL, a permit or deny policy for IPv6 traffic you want to filter is based on source and destination IPv6 address, plus other IPv6 protocol factors such as TCP/UDP, ICMPv6 and GRE, or specify the port number. This command mirrors IPv4: [no] ipv6 access-list {<standard|extended>} {<name|number>} {<permit|deny|delete|move|insert|list>} {protocol no|protocol name}[any|host|ipv6addr/prefix] {any|host|ipv6addr/prefix} IPv6 access lists are identified by user selected names. Access lists are defined by a list of “permit” and “deny” statements. [no] ip name-server {<hostname|ipv6addr|ipv4addr>} [no] ntp server {<hostname|ipv6addr|ipv4addr>} These above configurations should support both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses. DNS Configuration The IPv6 address name server must be configured by using the ipv6 name-server ip-address command. Note The Service Router acts as the authoritative DNS server, and supports IPv6 DNS extensions. If an IPv6 address is configured on the SR for DNS, the communication between the SR and the DNS server is over the IPv6 transport. The IPv4 address of the Service Router must be configured in the DNS server, so that the Service Router can respond to both A and AAAA queries. In this case, the communication between the DNS Server and the SR is over IPv4 transport. Service Router Communication between the SE and SR is through the IPv4 stack, including the keep-alive message. If IPv6 is enabled, then the keep-alive message includes the IPv6 address of the SE in the keep-alive message payload. This enables the SR to resolve the SE's IPv6 address correctly. The SR operates as a DNS Server for the requests that belong to the delivery service to which the SR is associated. The SR is provisioned to respond to A or AAAA queries for the configured Service Routing Domain Name (RFQDN). The query can be on either an IPv4 or IPv6 transport. The SR accepts the HTTP, RTSP, and RTMP requests and sends back the response by way of the IPv6 transport. The SR also supports the IP-based redirection, and includes the IPv6 address of the SE in the redirect URL. If the redirect URL has the SE host name, the client sends a DNS query to the SR, and the SR responds with the SE’s IPv4 address for the A query and the SE’s IPv6 address for the AAAA query. The Coverage Zone file supports IPv6 and IPv4 addresses. The network and subnetwork addresses in the Coverage Zone file support CIDR format (IP address with a prefix). Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-218 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands ipv6 Note Examples The Geo-Location servers do no support IPv6 client configuration; therefore, location-based routing only supports IPv4 addresses. The following example shows how to configure an IPv6-related address: ServiceRouter(config)# ipv6 default-gateway fec0::100/64 When configuring a static IPv6 prefix route, specify the host ipv6 address and prefix. <next-hop> is the IPv6 address of the next-hop to reach the destination prefix. The following example shows how to configure a static IPv6 prefix route: ServiceRouter(config)# ipv6 route <ipv6addr/prefix> <next-hop> Related Commands Command Description clear ipv6 Clears IPv6 ACL counters. show ipv6 Displays the IPv6 information. traceroute6 Traces the route to a remote IPv6-enabled host. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-219 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands isis isis To configure IS-IS routing for IP, use the isis command in interface configuration mode under route IS-IS configuration mode. To turn off this function, use the no form of this command. isis {authentication key-chain name {level-1 | level-2} | authentication-check {level-1 | level-2} | authentication-type {cleartext | md5} | circuit-type [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] | priority priority_value {level-1 | level-2}} no isis {authentication key-chain name {level-1 | level-2} | authentication-check {level-1 | level-2} | authentication-type {cleartext | md5} | circuit-type [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] | priority priority_value {level-1 | level-2}} Syntax Description Command Default authentication Sets hello authentication key chain. key-chain Sets hello authentication key chain. name Authentication key chain name. level-1 Specifies authentication key chain for level-1 IIHs. level-2 Specifies authentication key chain for level-2 IIHs. authenticationcheck Checks authentication. authentication-type Sets hello authentication type. cleartext Specifies cleartext. md5 Specifies HMAC-MD5. circuit-type Configures circuit type for interface. level-1 (Optional) Configures a router for Level 1 adjacency only. level-1-2 (Optional) Configures a router for Level 1 and Level 2 adjacency. level-2 (Optional) Configures a router for Level 2 adjacency only. priority Sets the priority for DIS election. priority_value Priority setting for interfaces. The range is from 0 to 127. A Level 1 and Level 2 adjacency is established. Priority is set to 64 for interfaces. Authentication-check is on. Command Modes Interface configuration mode under IS-IS (config-isis-if) configuration. Usage Guidelines Use the isis authentication key-chain command to specify the key chain to be used for the interface and the corresponding level. The key chain range cannot exceed 63 characters. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-220 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands isis Use the isis authentication-check command to enables or disables the checking of received packets for the interface on the corresponding level. When authentication-check is disabled, IS-IS adds authentication to the outgoing packets, but it does not check authentication on incoming packets. This feature allows smooth transition of enabling authentication without disrupting the network operation. Use the isis authentication-type command to specify the md5 or cleartext authentication type for the interface and the corresponding level. Use the isis circuit-type command to specify adjacency levels on a specified interface. Use the isis priority configuration command to configure the priority of a specific interface. Examples The following example shows how to specify the key chain to be used for ‘GigabitEthernet 3/0’, level-1 for the IS-IS process running on that interface: ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# interface GigabitEthernet 3/0 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# isis authentication key-chain my-key level-1 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# The following example shows how to configure the authentication check of interface ‘GigabitEthernet 3/0’, level-1 for the IS-IS process running on that interface: ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# interface GigabitEthernet 3/0 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# isis authentication-check level-1 ServiceRouter(config-isis-ifSVCREG internal error if SVCREG interface debugs ippc SVCREG ippc (inter process comm) debugs svc SVCREG svc debugs ven SVCREG ven debugs )# The following example shows how to configure the authentication type of interface ‘GigabitEthernet 3/0’ to be md5 level-1 for the IS-IS process running on that interface: ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# interface GigabitEthernet 3/0 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# isis authentication-type md5 level-1 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# The following example shows how to configure the circuit type of interface ‘GigabitEthernet 3/0’ to be level-1-2 for the IS-IS process running on that interface: ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# interface GigabitEthernet 3/0 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# isis circuit-type level-1-2 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# end ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to set the priority of interface ‘GigabitEthernet 3/0’ to 100 for the IS-IS process running on that interface: ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# interface GigabitEthernet 3/0 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# isis priority 100 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# end ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-221 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands isis Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies the IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-222 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands is-type is-type To configure a Proximity Engine to act as a Level 1 (intra-area) router, as both a Level 1 router and a Level 2 (interarea) router, or as an inter-area router only, use the is-type IS-IS configuration command. To reset the default value, use the no form of this command. is-type [level-1| level-1-2 | level-2] no is-type [level-1| level-1-2 | level-2] Syntax Description level-1 (Optional) Router performs only Level 1 (intra-area) routing. This router learns only about destinations inside its area. Level 2 (inter-area) routing is performed by the closest Level 1-2 router. level-1-2 (Optional) Router performs both Level 1 and Level 2 routing. This router runs two instances of the routing process. It has one link-state packet database (LSDB) for destinations inside the area (Level 1 routing) and runs a shortest path first (SPF) calculation to discover the area topology. It also has another LSDB with link state packets (LSPs) of all other backbone (Level 2) routers, and runs another SPF calculation to discover the topology of the backbone, and the existence of all other areas. level-2 (Optional) Routing process acts as a Level 2 (inter-area) router only. This router is part of the backbone, and does not communicate with Level 1-only routers in its own area. Command Default The IS-IS routing process configured is a Level 1-2 (intra-area and inter-area) router. Command Modes IS-IS configuration (config-isis) mode. Usage Guidelines By default, the first instance of the IS-IS routing process that you configure using the router isis command is a Level 1-2 router. If the network has only one area, there is no need to run both Level 1 and Level 2 routing algorithms. If IS-IS is used for Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) routing (and there is only one area), Level 1 only must be used everywhere. If IS-IS is used for IP routing only (and there is only one area), you can run Level 2 only everywhere. Areas you add after the Level 1-2 area exists are, by default, Level 1 areas. If the router instance has been configured for Level 1-2 (the default for the first instance of the IS-IS routing process in a Cisco device), you can remove Level 2 (inter-area) routing for the area by using the is-type command. You can also use the is-type command to configure Level 2 routing for an area, but it must be the only instance of the IS-IS routing process configured for Level 2 on the Cisco device. Examples The following example shows how to specify an area router: ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# is-type level-2 ServiceRouter(config-isis)# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-223 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands is-type Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies the IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-224 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands kernel kernel To configure the kernel, use the kernel command in Global configuration mode. To disable the kernel configuration, use the no form of this command. kernel {kdb | optimization network} no kernel {kdb | optimization network} Syntax Description kdb Specifies the kernel debugger (kdb). optimization Enables kernel performance optimization. network Optimizes network performance. Defaults Kdb is disabled by default. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Once enabled, KDB is automatically activated when kernel problems occur. Once activated, all normal functioning of the CDS device is suspended until KDB is manually deactivated. The KDB prompt looks like this prompt: [ 0 ] kdb> To deactivate KDB, enter go at the KDB prompt. If KDB was automatically activated because of kernel problems, you must reboot to recover from the issue. If you activated KDB manually for diagnostic purposes, the system resumes normal functioning in whatever state it was when you activated KDB. In either case, if you enter reboot, the system restarts and normal operation resumes. Examples The following example shows how to enable KDB: ServiceEngine(config)# kernel kdb The following example shows how to disable KDB: ServiceEngine(config)# no kernel kdb Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-225 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands key key To create a key ID and enter into key configuration submode, use the key command in Global configuration mode. To exit key chain configuration submode, use the no form of this command. key keyid no key keyid Syntax Description keyid Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Multiple key ID’s may be configured under the same key chain. The key chain string cannot exceed 63 characters. Key identifier. The range is from 0 to 65535. When IS-IS is configured to use a particular key chain for the authentication and the corresponding key chain is not configured in the system, it causes IS-IS to always reject incoming packets that require the key chain. When a key chain has multiple keys, IS-IS should advertise the first key in the chain. For validation of received packets, it should iterate through all the keys until there is a match. They key command is within the key chain command context, not simply the key chain itself. Examples The following example shows how to create a key ID and enter the key configuration submode: ServiceRouter(config)# key chain my-key ServiceRouter(config-keychain)# Related Commands Command Description key chain Creates a key chain and enter into key chain configuration submode. key-string Creates a key string to be used for authentication. show key chain Displays the key chains in the system. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-226 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands key-string key-string To create a key string to be used for authentication, use the key chain command in Key ID configuration submode. To remove the key-string, use the no form of this command. key-string keyid no key-string keyid Syntax Description keyid Defaults None Command Modes Key ID configuration submode. Usage Guidelines The key-string command creates a key string to be used for authentication. The unencrypted (cleartext) user password. A key string is always valid upon creation. The Proximity Engine does not support key-string expiration. You can only create one key-string per key ID. Key-chain string cannot exceed 63 characters. Examples The following example shows how to specify terminal line settings: ServiceRouter(config-keychain-key)# key-string topos123 ServiceRouter(config-keychain-key)# Related Commands Command Description key Creates a key ID and enters into key configuration submode. key chain Creates a key chain and enter into key chain configuration submode. show key chain Displays the key chains in the system. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-227 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands key chain key chain To create a key chain and enter into key chain configuration submode, use the key chain command in Global configuration mode. To exit key chain configuration submode, use the no form of this command. key chain name no key chain name Syntax Description name Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Multiple key ID’s may be configured under the same key chain. Key chain string cannot exceed 63 characters. Name of the key chain. When IS-IS is configured to use a particular key chain for the authentication and the corresponding key chain is not configured in the system, it results IS-IS to always reject incoming packets that requires the key chain. When a key chain has multiple keys, IS-IS should advertise the first key in the chain. For validation of received packets, it should iterate through all the keys until there is a match. Examples The following example shows how to create a key and enter into key ID configuration submode: ServiceRouter(config)# key chain my-key ServiceRouter(config-keychain)# The following example shows a complete sample configuration for IS-IS MD5 authentication: ServiceRouter(config)# key chain lsp-key ServiceRouter(config-keychain)# key 1 ServiceRouter(config-keychain-key)# key-string lsp ServiceRouter(config-keychain-key)# exit ServiceRouter(config-keychain)# exit ServiceRouter(config)# key chain int-key ServiceRouter(config-keychain)# key 1 ServiceRouter(config-keychain-key)# key-string topos123 ServiceRouter(config-keychain-key)# exit ServiceRouter(config-keychain)# exit ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# net 10.1111.1111.1111.00 ServiceRouter(config-isis)# is-type level-1 ServiceRouter(config-isis)# authentication-type md5 level-1 ServiceRouter(config-isis)# authentication key-chain lsp-key level-1 ServiceRouter(config-isis)# interface giagabitethernet 1/0 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# isis authentication-type md5 level-1 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# isis authentication key-chain int-key level-1 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-228 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands key chain Related Commands Command Description key Creates a key chain and enter s into key chain configuration submode. key-string Creates a key string to be used for authentication. show key chain Displays the key chains in the system. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-229 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands lacp lacp To turn on Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), use the lacp command in Interface configuration mode. To turn off lacp, use the no form of this command. lacp no lacp Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Defaults None Command Modes Interface configuration (config-if) mode. Usage Guidelines The port channel must be configured on both the switch and the host side before enabling LACP. Speed and duplex must be the same for both the switch and host. To configure LACP on the switch side, every interface must be configured. For load balancing, the round robin method alone is not supported with LACP. Examples The following example shows how to turn on LACP: ServiceEngine(config)# interface portChannel 1 ServiceEngine(config-if)# lacp The following example shows how to turn off LACP: ServiceEngine(config)# interface portChannel 1 ServiceEngine(config)# no lacp The following example shows how to configure the load balancing on a global basis: ServiceEngine(config)# port-channel load-balance This command can also include various load balancing methods: • dst-ip—Destination IP Address (default) • dst-mac—Destination Mac Address • dst-mixed-ip-port—Destination IP Address and Layer 4 port, supported in 6500 and 7600 • dst-port—Destination Layer 4 port • round-robin—Round Robin • src-dst-ip—Source and Destination IP Address • src-dst-ma—Source Destination Mac Address • src-dst-mixed-ip-port—Source and Destination IP Address and Layer 4 port, supported in 6500 and 7600 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-230 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands lacp Related Commands • src-dst-port—Source and Destination Layer 4 port • src-mixed-ip-port—Source IP Address and Layer 4 port, supported in 6500 and 7600 • src-port—Source Layer 4 port Command Description show interface portchannel 1 lacp Displays the LACP port channel status. show lacp Displays LACP information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-231 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands line line To specify terminal line settings, use the line command in Global configuration mode. To disable terminal line settings, use the no form of this command. line console carrier-detect no line console carrier-detect Syntax Description console Configures the console terminal line settings. carrier-detect Sets the device to check the carrier detect signal before writing to the console. Defaults This feature is disabled by default. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines You should enable carrier detection if you connect the SE, SR, or CDSM to a modem for receiving calls. If you are using a null modem cable with no carrier detect pin, the device might appear unresponsive on the console until the carrier detect signal is asserted. To recover from a misconfiguration, you should reboot the device and set the 0x2000 bootflag to ignore the carrier detect setting. Examples The following example shows how to specify terminal line settings: ServiceEngine(config)# line console carrier-detect Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-232 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 Software Commands line Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-233 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands lls lls To view a long list of directory names, use the lls user command in user EXEC configuration mode. lls [directory] Syntax Description directory Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command provides detailed information about files and subdirectories stored in the present working directory (including size, date, time of creation, sysfs name, and long name of the file). This information can also be viewed with the dir command. Examples The following example shows how to view a long list of directory names: ServiceEngine# size -------------4096 4096 10203 4096 4096 382 1604 4096 4096 53248 16384 438 8192 4096 40960 4096 384802 16296 4096 4096 Related Commands (Optional) Name of the directory for which you want a long list of files. lls time of last change ------------------------Mon Jan 10 14:02:26 2005 <DIR> Mon Jan 10 14:02:26 2005 <DIR> Mon Feb 28 04:24:53 2005 Wed Feb 9 00:59:48 2005 <DIR> Mon Jan 10 13:49:27 2005 <DIR> Tue Mar 1 03:32:13 2005 Tue Feb 22 03:55:04 2005 Mon Jan 10 14:02:31 2005 <DIR> Mon Feb 28 04:17:32 2005 <DIR> Tue Mar 1 03:01:53 2005 <DIR> Mon Jan 10 13:49:26 2005 <DIR> Tue Jan 11 05:37:57 2005 Tue Mar 1 00:00:00 2005 <DIR> Tue Mar 1 03:26:00 2005 <DIR> Tue Mar 1 03:32:15 2005 <DIR> Tue Feb 22 03:51:25 2005 <DIR> Mon Feb 28 03:46:00 2005 Mon Feb 21 04:42:12 2005 Mon Jan 10 14:02:24 2005 <DIR> Sat Feb 12 07:15:23 2005 <DIR> name ----------WebsenseEnterprise Websense_config_backup WsInstallLog core_dir crash crka.log dbupgrade.log downgrade errorlog logs lost+found new_file.xml preload_dir sa service_logs smartfilter syslog.txt test var wmt_vod Command Description dir Displays a detailed list of files contained within the working directory, including names, sizes, and time created. ls Lists the files or subdirectory names within a directory. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-234 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands location community location community To configure the community values that are associated with a Proximity Engine, use the location community command in BGP configuration (config-bgp) mode. To remove community values that are associated with a Proximity Engine, use the no form of this command. location community community_string [target community_string | weight num] no location community community_string [target community_string | weight num] Syntax Description community_string Community value string associated with the Proximity Engine. target (Optional) Specifies the BGP target community. weight (Optional) Specifies the location community weight. num Location community weight (the range is 1-7). Command Defaults By default, no community values are associated with the Proximity Engine. Command Modes BGP configuration (config-bgp) mode. Usage Guidelines Use the location community command to configure community string values. The configuration includes all community values that represent location. When community values are configured, the Proximity Engine creates and maintains a sorted table of communities within BGP. The maximum number of location communities allowed for each SE is 128. The community_string can be in one of the following forms: • Community number, such as 100:3535 or 200:4566 • Interval of community numbers, such as 100:3000 to 100:4000 or 100:5000 to 100:6000 Use the show ip bgp summary and show ip bgp community commands to display the community values that are configured for a Proximity Engine. In order for the proximity function to work, one of the following is required: Note • Enabled link-state protocol, such as OSPF or IS-IS for IGP proximity. • Enabled policy routing protocol, such as BGP for best-path proximity, and one of the IGP (OSPF or IS-IS) is required for next hop resolution. All BGP routes must resolve to IGP next hops or directly connected routes. Previously location-specific communities must be manually configured using the location community command. The location community weight command includes the weight that must be assigned to the location community. Also in this release, the order the community strings are displayed in the running-config was changed. In the old releases, community strings were displayed in the order of lengths of the strings, but now they are displayed in alphabetical order. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-235 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands location community Location community ranges overlaps are not allowed. Specific location communities are always allowed. Thus if location community 5:1-5:10 is already configured, then 5:2-5:3 is not allowed, 5:2-5:7 is also not allowed. 5:5 is allowed: ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 5:1-5:10 weight 2 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 5:2-5:3 %BGP: Invalid or overlapping location community. ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 5:2-5:7 %BGP: Invalid or overlapping location community. ServiceRouter(config-bgp) #location community 5:5 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# For the proximity calculation, the most specific match’s weight is taken. If there is no such match, then the weight of the range is taken. In the example above, a PTA with location-community 5:5, has weight 1 if both PSA and PTA location-community match, and a PTA with location community 5:1 has weight 2, if PSA And PTA location-community also match. Examples The following example shows how use the location community command to configure community values for a Proximity Engine. ServiceRouter# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 100:3535 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 100:50-100:100 The following example shows how to configure the location community weight of 2: ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 5:1-5:10 weight 2 The following example associates a source/PSA with a location-community community 1:1 with a target/PTA with a location community 2:2 and the weight of this association is 2. Also, the source and/or target community might be a range: ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 1:1 target 2:2 weight 2 The following example associates the source community 1:1 with all target communities in the range 2:0-2:10 with preference weight 2: ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 1:1 target 2:0-2:10 weight 2 The following example associates all source communities in the range 1:0-1:10 with target community 2:2 with preference weight 2: ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 1:0-1:10 target 2:2 weight 2 The following example associates all source communities in the range 1:0-1:10 with all target communities in the range 2:0-2:10 with preference weight 2. It can also be seen that a PSA with community 1:1 and a PTA with community 2:2 would satisfy all four commands above since 1:1 falls in the range 1:0-1:10 and 2:2 falls in the range 2:0-2:10. In such scenario, where multiple commands satisfy the matching criteria, the weight is based on the preference level of the commands. The preference level of the four commands above is descending in the following order: 1. Specific source community(1:1)-specific target community(2:2) 2. Specific source community(1:1)-range target community(2:0-2:10) Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-236 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands location community 3. Range source community(1:0-1:10)-specific target community(2:2) 4. Range source community(1:0-1:10)-range target community(2:0-2:10) ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 1:0-1:10 target 2:0-2:10 weight 2 Related Commands Command Description proximity algorithm bgp location-community Specifies that the community-based proximity algorithm be used. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-237 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands log-adjacency-changes log-adjacency-changes To configure the router to send a syslog message when an IS-IS neighbor goes up or down, use the log-adjacency-changes router configuration command. To turn off this function, use the no form of this command. log-adjacency-changes no log-adjacency-changes Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults Sending syslog messages when an IS-IS neighbor goes up or down is enabled. Command Modes BGP (config-bgp), IS-IS (config-isis) and OSPF configuration (config-ospf) modes. Usage Guidelines This command allows you to know about IS-IS neighbors going up or down without turning on the debug IS-IS adjacency command. The log-adjacency-changes command provides a higher level view of changes in the peer relationship with less output. This command is enabled by default but messages are sent only when up or down (full or down) events are reported. Examples The following example shows how to configure the router to send a syslog message when an IS-IS neighbor’s state changes: ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# log-adjacency-changes ServiceRouter(config-isis)# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-238 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands logging logging To configure system logging, use the logging command in Global configuration mode. To disable logging functions, use the no form of this command. logging {console {enable | priority loglevel} | disk {enable | filename filename | priority loglevel | recycle size} | facility facility | host {hostname | ip_address} [port port_num | priority loglevel | rate-limit message_rate]} no logging {console {enable | priority loglevel} | disk {enable | filename filename | priority loglevel | recycle size} | facility facility | host {hostname | ip_address} [port port_num | priority loglevel | rate-limit message_rate]} Syntax Description console Sets system logging to a console. enable Enables system logging to a console. priority Sets which priority level messages to send to a syslog file. loglevel alert Immediate action needed. Priority 1. critical Immediate action needed. Priority 2. debug Debugging messages. Priority 7. emergency System is unusable. Priority 0. error Error conditions. Priority 3. information Informational messages. Priority 6. notice Normal but significant conditions. Priority 5. warning Warning conditions. Priority 4. disk Sets system logging to a disk file. enable Enables system logging to a disk file. filename Sets the name of the syslog file. filename Specifies the name of the syslog file. recycle Overwrites the syslog.txt when it surpasses the recycle size. size Size of the syslog file in bytes (100000000 to 500000000). facility Sets the facility parameter for syslog messages. facility auth Authorization system. daemon System daemons. kernel Kernel. local0 Local use. local1 Local use. local2 Local use. local3 Local use. local4 Local use. local5 Local use. local6 Local use. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-239 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands logging local7 Local use. mail Mail system. news USENET news. syslog Syslog itself. user User process. uucp UUCP system. host Sets the system logging to a remote host. hostname Hostname of the remote syslog host. Specifies up to four remote syslog hosts. Note ip_address To specify more than one syslog host, use multiple command lines; specify one host per command. IP address of the remote syslog host. Specifies up to four remote syslog hosts. Note To specify more than one syslog host, use multiple command lines; specify one host per command. port (Optional) Specifies the port to be used when logging to a host. port_num Port to be used when logging to a host. The default port is 514. priority (Optional) Sets the priority level for messages when logging messages to a host. The default priority is warning. loglevel Command Defaults alert Immediate action needed. Priority 1. critical Immediate action needed. Priority 2. debug Debugging messages. Priority 7. emergency System is unusable. Priority 0. error Error conditions. Priority 3. information Informational messages. Priority 6. notice Normal but significant conditions. Priority 5. warning Warning conditions. Priority 4. rate-limit (Optional) Sets the rate limit (in messages per second) for sending messages to a host. message_rate Rate limit (in messages per second) for sending messages to the host. (0 to 10000). Setting the rate limit to 0 disables rate limiting. Logging: on Priority of message for console: warning Priority of message for log file: debug Priority of message for a host: warning Log file: /local1/syslog.txt Log file recycle size: 10,000,000 Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-240 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands logging Usage Guidelines Use the logging command to set specific parameters of the system log file. System logging is always enabled internally on the SE. The system log file is located on the sysfs partition as /local1/syslog.txt. This file contains the output from many of the CDS components running on the SE, such as authentication entries, privilege levels, administrative details, and diagnostic output during the boot process. To view information about events that have occurred in all devices in your CDS network, you can use the system message log feature. When a problem occurs in the CDS network, use the system message logs to diagnose and correct such problems. The syslog.txt file on the CDSM contains information about events that have occurred on the CDSM and not on the registered nodes. The messages written to the syslog.txt file depend on specific parameters of the system log file that you have set using the logging Global configuration command. For example, a critical error message logged on a registered node does not appear in the syslog.txt file on the CDSM because the problem never occurred on the CDSM but occurred only on the registered node. However, such an error message is displayed in the syslog.txt file on the registered node. A disk failure syslog message is generated every time that a failed sector is accessed. Support for filtering multiple syslog messages for a single failed sector on an IDE disk was added. Support for filtering multiple syslog messages for a single failed section for SCSI disks and SATA disks exists. To configure the SE to send varying levels of event messages to an external syslog host, use the logging host command. Logging can be configured to send various levels of messages to the console using the logging console priority command. The no logging disk recycle size command sets the file size to the default value. Whenever the current log file size surpasses the recycle size, the log file is rotated. The log file cycles through at most five rotations, and they are saved as [log file name]. [1-5] under the same directory as the original log. The rotated log file is the one configured using the logging disk filename command. Configuring System Logging to Remote Syslog Hosts Users can log to only a single remote syslog host Use one of the following two commands to configure a single remote syslog host for an SE: ServiceEngine(config)# logging host hostname ServiceEngine(config)# logging priority priority You can configure an SE to send varying levels of messages to up to four remote syslog hosts. To accommodate this, logging host priority priority Global configuration command (shown above) is deprecated, and the logging host hostname Global configuration command is extended as follows: ServiceEngine(config)# [no] logging host hostname [priority priority-code | port port | rate-limit limit] where the following is true: • hostname is the hostname or IP address of the remote syslog host. Specify up to four remote syslog hosts. To specify more than one syslog host, use multiple command lines; specify one host per command. • priority-code is the severity level of the message that should be sent to the specified remote syslog host. The default priority code is warning (level 4). Each syslog host can receive a different level of event messages. Note You can achieve syslog host redundancy by configuring multiple syslog hosts on the SE and assigning the same priority code to each configured syslog host (for example, assigning a priority code of critical level 2 to syslog host 1, syslog host 2, and syslog host 3). Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-241 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands logging • port is the destination port of the remote syslog host to which the SE is to send the messages. The default port is port 514. • rate-limit specifies the number of messages that are allowed to be sent to the remote syslog host per second. To limit bandwidth and other resource consumption, messages to the remote syslog host can be rate limited. If this limit is exceeded, messages to the specified remote syslog host are dropped. There is no default rate limit, and by default all syslog messages are sent to all the configured syslog hosts. If the rate limit is exceeded, a message of the day (MOTD) is printed for any CLI EXEC shell login. Mapping syslog Priority Levels to RealProxy Error Codes The RealProxy system generates error messages and writes them to the RealProxy log file. These error messages are captured by the caching application and passed to the system log file. A one-to-one mapping exists between the RealProxy error codes and the syslog priority levels. Examples The following example shows that the SE is configured to send messages that have a priority code of “error” (level 3) to the console: ServiceEngine(config)# logging console priority warnings The following example shows that the SE is configured to disable sending of messages that have a priority code of “error” (level 3) to the console: ServiceEngine(config)# no logging console warnings The following example shows that the SE is configured to send messages that have a priority code of “error” (level 3) to the remote syslog host that has an IP address of ServiceEngine(config)# Related Commands logging host priority error Command Description clear logging Removes all current entries from the syslog.txt file, but does not make an archive of the file. debug Monitors and records caching application functions. show logging Displays the system message log confirmation. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-242 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands log-neighbor-changes log-neighbor-changes To enable logging of BGP neighbor resets, use the log-neighbor-changes BGP configuration command. To disable the logging of BGP neighbor changes, use the no form of this command. log-neighbor-changes no log-neighbor-changes Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults If the log-neighbor-changes command is not issued, neighbor status change messages are not tracked. One exception is a reset, which is always available as output of the show ip bgp neighbors command. Command Modes BGP configuration (config-bgp) mode. Usage Guidelines The log-neighbor-changes command enables logging of BGP neighbor status changes (up or down) and resets for troubleshooting network connectivity problems and measuring network stability. Unexpected neighbor resets might indicate high error rates or high packet loss in the network and should be investigated. Using the log-neighbor-changes command to enable status change message logging does not cause a substantial performance impact, unlike, for example, enabling per BGP update debugging. In order for the proximity function to work, one of the following is required: Note • Enabled link-state protocol, such as OSPF or IS-IS for IGP proximity. • Enabled policy routing protocol, such as BGP for best-path proximity, and one of the IGP (OSPF or IS-IS) is required for next hop resolution. All BGP routes must resolve to IGP next hops or directly connected routes. Log neighbor changes help keep track of the adjacency changes. Once you enable the log-neighbor-changes command, you can monitor BGP logs to see changes and troubleshoot issues by using the type-tail errorlog/bgp_log.current command. Examples The following example logs neighbor changes for BGP: ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# log-neighbor-changes ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-243 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands ls ls To view a list of files or subdirectory names within a directory, use the ls command in EXEC configuration mode. ls [directory] Syntax Description directory Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines To list the filenames and subdirectories within a particular directory, use the ls directory command; to list the filenames and subdirectories of the current working directory, use the ls command. To view the present working directory, use the pwd command. Examples The following example shows how to display a list of files within the current working directory: (Optional) Name of the directory for which you want a list of files. ServiceEngine# ls /local1 The following example shows how to display a list of files within the /local1 directory: ServiceEngine# ls /local1 core_dir crash errorlog logs lost+found service_logs smartfilter syslog.txt Related Commands Command Description dir Displays a detailed list of files contained within the working directory, including names, sizes, and time created. lls Provides detailed information about files and subdirectories stored in the present working directory, including size, date, time of creation, sysfs name, and long name of the file. pwd Displays the present working directory of the SE. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-244 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands lsp-mtu lsp-mtu To set the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of IS-IS LSPs, use the lsp-mtu IS-IS configuration command. To set the MTU to it’s default value, use the no form of this command. lsp-mtu size no lsp-mtu size Syntax Description size Command Defaults The default size is 1497 bytes. Command Modes IS-IS configuration (config-isis) mode. Usage Guidelines The LSP MTU size describes the amount of information that can be recorded in a single LSP. The lsp-mtu command is used to configure the maximum number of bytes allowed in an LSP. If this command is not configured, IS-IS uses the default size of 1500 bytes while sending LSPs for Gigabit Ethernet. Use the no lsp-mtu command to configure the maximum number of bytes allowed in an LSP at the default value of 1497 bytes. Examples The following example shows how to configure the MTU size to be 1400 bytes. Maximum number of bytes allowed in LSPs (the range is 128 to 4352). ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# lsp-mtu 1400 ServiceRouter(config-isis)# end ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies the IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-245 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands mkdir mkdir To create a directory, use the mkdir command in EXEC configuration mode. mkdir directory Syntax Description directory Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to create a new directory or subdirectory in the SE file system. Examples The following example shows how to create a new directory under local1: Name of the directory to create. ServiceEngine# mkdir /local1/mydir Related Commands Command Description dir Displays a detailed list of files contained within the working directory, including names, sizes, and time created. lls Provides detailed information about files and subdirectories stored in the present working directory, including size, date, time of creation, sysfs name, and long name of the file. ls Lists the files or subdirectory names within a directory. pwd Displays the present working directory of the SE. rmdir Removes a directory from the SE file system. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-246 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands mkfile mkfile To create a new file, use the mkfile command in EXEC configuration mode. mkfile filename Syntax Description filename Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to create a new file in any directory of the SE. Examples The following example shows how to create a new file: Name of the file that you want to create. ServiceEngine# mkfile traceinfo Related Commands Command Description lls Provides detailed information about files and subdirectories stored in the present working directory, including size, date, time of creation, sysfs name, and long name of the file. ls Lists the files or subdirectory names within a directory. mkdir Creates a new directory or subdirectory in the SE file system. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-247 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands model model To change the CDE250 platform model number after a remanufacturing or rescue process, use the model command in EXEC configuration mode. model {cde250-2S10 | cde250-2S6 | cde250-2S8 | cde250-2S9} Syntax Description cde250-2S10 Configures this platform as CDE250-2S10. cde250-2S6 Configures this platform as CDE250-2S6. cde250-2S8 Configures this platform as CDE250-2S8. cde250-2S9 Configures this platform as CDE250-2S9. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use the model command to change the CDE250 model type. Table 0-1 shows the internal and external drives for the CDE250 models. Table 0-1 Examples CDE250 Model Drives CDE250 Variation Internal Drives External Drives 2S6 Intel 100GB LV SSD Intel 300GB PVR SSD x 24 2S8 Intel 100GB LV SSD Intel 300GB PVR SSD x 24 2S9 Intel 100GB LV SSD Intel 300GB PVR SSD x 12 2S10 Intel 100GB LV SSD Intel 300GB PVR SSD x 24 The following example shows how to change the CDE250 to model 2S9: ServiceEngine# model CDE250-2S6 This platform is already a CDE250-2S6. ServiceEngine# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-248 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands movie-streamer movie-streamer To enable and configure the Movie Streamer server, use the movie-streamer command in Global configuration mode. To disable the Movie Streamer, use the no form of this command. movie-streamer {accelerate vod enable | advanced {client {idle-timeout num | rtp-timeout} | origin server idle-interval num} |broadcast port-list num port_num | cache {age-multiplier num | enable | max-ttl {days num | hours num | minutes num | seconds num} | reval-each-request} | enable | max-concurrent-sessions num | proxy outgoing rtsp host ip_address port_num | transport-src-address ip_address} no movie streamer {accelerate vod enable | advanced {client {idle-timeout num | rtp-timeout} | origin server idle-interval num} | broadcast port-list num port num | cache {age-multiplier num | enable | max-ttl {days num | hours num | minutes num | seconds num} | reval-each-request} | enable | max-concurrent-sessions num | proxy outgoing rtsp host ip address port num | transport-src-address ip address} Syntax Description accelerate Configures Movie Streamer kernel streaming acceleration. vod Configures kernel streaming acceleration for VOD. enable Enables kernel streaming acceleration. advanced Configures Movie Streamer Advanced features. client Configures advanced client features. idle-timeout Sets the RTSP timeout. num Client idle timeout, in seconds. The range is from 0 to 300. rtp-timeout Sets the RTP timeout. origin-server Configures the advanced origin server. idle-interval Sets the origin server idle interval. num Server idle interval, in seconds. The range is from 1 to 10. broadcast Configures the Movie Streamer live broadcast. port-list Specifies a port list. num Broadcast list number. The range is from 1 to 1024. port_num Broadcast port number. cache Configures the Movie Streamer cache. age-multiplier Sets the Movie Streamer cache heuristic modifier. num Expiration time as a percentage of their age. The range is from 0 to 100. enable Enables the Movie Streamer media cache. max-ttl Sets the maximum time to live for objects in the cache. days Specifies the maximum time to live units, in days. num Maximum time to live. The range is from 1 to 1825. hours Specifies the maximum time to live units, in hours. num Maximum time to live. The range is from 1 to 43800. minutes Specifies the maximum time to live units, in minutes. num Maximum time to live. The range is from 1 to 2628000. seconds Specifies the maximum time to live units, in seconds. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-249 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands movie-streamer num Maximum time to live. The range is from 1 to 157680000. reval-each-request Sets the scope of revalidation for the request. enable Enables the Movie Streamer. max-concurrent-sessions Specifies the Movie Streamer maximum concurrent sessions. num The maximum concurrent sessions. The range is from 1 to 16000. proxy Configures the Movie Streamer proxy. outgoing Configures the outgoing proxy. rtsp Configures the outgoing RTSP proxy. host Specifies the outgoing proxy server. ip_address IP address of outgoing proxy server. port_num Port number of outgoing proxy server. The range is from 1 to 65535. transport-src-address Specifies the source IP address to be set in transport header (useful if behind NAT). ip_address Source IP address in transport header. Command Defaults days: 1 hours: 72 minutes: 4320 seconds: 259200 Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines The movie-streamer accelerate vod enable command enables kernel streaming acceleration for VOD. The movie-streamer advanced client command sets the RTSP or RTP timeout value. The movie-streamer advanced origin-server command sets the origin server idle interval value, which can determine the origin server RTP timeout value. The Idle Timeout field and the movie-streamer advanced client idle-timeout command (as well as the movie-streamer advanced client rtp-timeout command), are only intended for performance testing when using certain testing tools that do not have full support of the RTCP receiver report. Setting these timeouts to high values causes inefficient tear-down of client connections when the streaming sessions have ended. For typical deployments, it is preferable to leave these parameters set to their defaults. The default is 60. The movie-streamer advanced client idle-timeout command has a range from 0 to 300, whereas the Idle Timeout field has a range from 30 to 180. This is by design. Examples The following example shows how to set the original server interval: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer advanced origin-server idle-interval 5 The following example shows how to set the broadcast port list: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer broadcast port-list 1 5000 5002 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-250 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands movie-streamer The following example shows how to set the expiration time as a percentage of the age: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer cache age-multiplier 50 The following example shows how to set the content cache maximum TTL: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer cache max-ttl days 100 The following example shows how to set the maximum concurrent sessions: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer max-concurrent-sessions 7000 The following example shows how to set the outgoing proxy: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer proxy outgoing rtsp host 554 The following example shows how to set the source IP of the transport header while behind NAT: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer transport-src-address The following example shows how to set the client timeout: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer advanced client idle-timeout 150 The following example shows how to set the RPT time out: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer advanced client rtp-timeout 150 The following example shows how to set the original server interval to 5 second: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer advanced origin-server idle-interval 5 The following example shows how to set the broadcast port list: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer broadcast port-list 1 5000 5002 The following example shows how to set the Expiration time as a percentage of their age’s 50%: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer cache age-multiplier 50 The following example shows how to set the cache content max ttl to 100 days: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer cache max-ttl days 100 The following example shows how to set the max concurrent sessions to 7000: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer max-concurrent-sessions 7000 The following example shows how to set the out going proxy: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer proxy outgoing rtsp host 554 The following example shows how to set the source the IP of the transport header while behind NAT: ServiceEngine(config)# movie-streamer transport-src-address Related Commands Command Description show movie-streamer Displays the Movie Streamer configuration. show statistics movie-streamer Displays statistics for the Movie Streamer. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-251 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands mtu mtu To set the interface maximum transmission unit (MTU) packet size, use the mtu interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to reset the MTU packet size. mtu mtu_size no mtu mtu_size Syntax Description mtu_size Command Defaults The default MTU packet size for an Ethernet interface is 1500 bytes. Command Modes Interface configuration (config-if) mode. Usage Guidelines The MTU is the largest size of IP datagram that can be transferred using a specific data link connection. Use the mtu command to set the maximum packet size in bytes. Examples The following example shows how to set the MTU packet size as 1500 bytes: MTU packet size in bytes (576 to 1500). ServiceEngine(config-if)# mtu 1500 The following example shows how to reset the MTU packet size: ServiceEngine(config-if)# no mtu 1500 Related Commands Command Description show interface Displays the hardware interface information. show running-config Displays the current running configuration information on the terminal. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-252 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands multicast (Global Configuration) multicast (Global Configuration) To configure multicast options, use the multicast command in Global configuration mode. To disable individual options, use the no form of this command. multicast {client {receiver enable | sender enable} | fixed-carousel enable | max-concurrent-jobs number_jobs | priority-weight num | sender-delay delay} no multicast {client {receiver enable | sender enable} | fixed-carousel enable | max-concurrent-jobs number_jobs | priority-weight num | sender-delay delay} Note Syntax Description Defaults The 3.2.3 release does not support max-concurrent-jobs client Selects multicast sender or receiver. receiver Configures multicast receiver. enable Enables the multicast client for receiver. sender Configures multicast sender. enable Enables the multicast client for the sender. fixed-carousel enable Enable fixed carousel sending, regardless of receiver feedback. The intelligent carousel will be disabled, which does carousel based on receiver feedback. This configuration is applicable only to primary sender and will be removed if this SE is moved to backup sender. number_jobs Maximum number of jobs (1–50). The default is 5. priority-weight (Optional) Specifies the percentage of multicast bandwidth that is used for priority-based scheduling. num Bandwidth percentage to be used for priority-based scheduling. The range is from 0 to 100. sender-delay Sets the multicast sender delay time. delay Delay time in seconds. The range is between 120 seconds to 7200 seconds. Sender Delay: 960 seconds. Maximum Concurrent Jobs: 5 Priority Weight: 50% Command Modes Global configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Note This command is only available on Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.1.1. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-253 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands multicast (Global Configuration) In the CDS, content is replicated through a channel distribution architecture. Content in channels can be transmitted by unicast pull, or if multicasting is enabled, by multicast push. Multicasting allows efficient distribution of content to multiple SEs and is useful when many end users are interested in the same content. The Internet Streamer CDS software supports Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM)-based multicast replication using either satellite or multicast-enabled terrestrial infrastructures. Multicast delivery enables the distribution of streaming media by allowing different receiving devices on the IP multicast to receive a single stream of media content from the SE simultaneously. This method can save significant network bandwidth consumption, because a single stream is sent to many devices, rather than sending a single stream to a single device every time that this stream is requested. This multicast delivery feature is enabled by setting up a multicast address on the SE to which different devices, configured to receive content from the same channel, can subscribe. The delivering device sends content to the multicast address set up at the SE, from which it becomes available to all subscribed receiving devices. To take advantage of multicasting, all devices, including SEs, routers, and clients, must be multicast enabled. For this reason, multicasting is mostly used in local networks where routers can be configured for multicasting. Multicast delivery over the Internet can only be accomplished when all the devices that participate in the multicast have been enabled for multicasting. For multicast content replication, SEs are grouped into multicast clouds. A multicast cloud consists of one sender SE, an optional backup sender SE, and at least one receiver SE in a hub and spoke topology. All the SEs in one multicast cloud share a unique advertisement address that allows them to communicate multicast session information. The multicast cloud is then associated with one or more multicast-enabled channels. In pull-based unicast content distribution, a unicast receiver pulls file data out of the proper forwarder (or root SE) when a client requests the content. In multicast content distribution, the sender SE in a multicast cloud proactively pushes content into the cloud according to a preconfigured schedule. The receiver SEs listen on the advertisement IP address for information on the content to be replicated from the sender and decide whether to accept an advertisement and whether to receive the content. The content metadata (machine-readable information that describes the characteristics of the content) must be distributed to a receiver first before the content can be replicated. The content metadata helps to define what content to retrieve, how the content will be retrieved, how recently the content has been updated, how the content is to be pre-positioned (for example, the expiration time), and so forth. The metadata is always distributed using unicast. The content, however, can be replicated using either multicast or unicast. A multicast receiver rejects the multicast sender’s advertisement of a file if the proper content metadata has not arrived. During the content distribution process, both the content and its associated information describing the content, called the metadata, are distributed. A multicast receiver does not accept any multicast content unless it has already received the associated metadata for that particular content. Use the multicast fixed-carousel enable command to enable fixed-carousel sending. Carousel sending, which refers to the multicast retransmission of content, allows receivers who join a multicast group after a distribution has ended or who miss some content to receive the content without requiring a unicast transmission. By default, the SE uses intelligent carousel sending, which means that the retransmission is guided by feedback from the content receivers. Late-joining receivers or receivers that missed some content send a negative acknowledgement (NACK) to the sender for any files that were not received. Fixed-carousel sending causes the content to be sent without depending on any receiver feedback. When this feature is enabled, the SE continuously retransmits the content after waiting for the time specified by the sender-delay option. You can use the fixed-carousel option when sending the content to receivers, which do not send NACKs to the sender. This configuration is allowed only for the primary Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-254 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands multicast (Global Configuration) sender and is not supported for an SE configured as a backup sender. Use the no multicast fixed-carousel enable command to disable fixed-carousel sending and to restore the default configuration. Use the multicast max-concurrent-jobs command option to set the maximum number of objects that can be scheduled concurrently for multicast distribution. When networks are reliable or the size of files being multicast is small, we recommend that you set the maximum number of concurrent objects to 50. However, when networks are unreliable or the size of files being multicast is large, a smaller number of concurrent objects (for example, five) is recommended. The default maximum number of jobs is five. The priority-weight option allows you to change the percentage of multicast bandwidth that is used for priority-based scheduling. By default, 50 percent of the bandwidth is allocated for a priority-based queue and 50 percent is allocated for a time-based, first in, first out (FIFO) queue. The time-based queue allows the system to process lower-priority traffic in a timely way even when it frequently receives large, high-priority requests. Multicast Sender Delay The multicast sender delay interval is the amount of time before each multicast transmission begins. A period of delay before the actual multicast transmission begins is required to allow the content metadata time to propagate to the receiver SE. The metadata contains the content file and configuration information that is necessary for the successful transmission of content files. The sender delay parameter is used to configure an extra delay before a multicast transmission can begin. When configuring the sender delay interval, you must take into account that the content metadata must first propagate to the receiver before the multicast transmission can begin. During a multicast session, a receiver SE sends out periodic requests for files that it has not received. The sender retransmits files only as requested by the receiver SE. A multicast receiver will reject a multicast sender’s advertisement of a file if the associated content metadata has not arrived. The sender delay option allows you to configure enough time for the metadata to propagate to the receiver, and avoid having the receiver reject the multicast sender's advertisement of a file. To configure the sender delay interval, use the multicast sender-delay global configuration command on a sender SE. The sender-delay option controls the length of time that the multicast sender must wait for its associated metadata to propagate to the multicast receivers. The default delay time value is 960 seconds, the minimum is 480 seconds, and the maximum is 7200 seconds. You can configure the duration of the delay based on your expectation or best guess of the amount of time required for the metadata to be propagated. The system takes this user-configured sender delay value and delays the multicast transmission for a period defined by the sender delay. Note Examples The sender delay interval cannot be configured using the CDSM GUI. You must configure the sender delay interval using the CLI of the sender SE. The following example shows how to enable the multicast client for the receiver on an SE: ServiceEngine(config)# multicast client receiver enable Related Commands Command Description multicast (EXEC configuration Generates multicast packets and test connectivity through multicast routers. show multicast Shows whether multicast sender and receiver are enabled or disable. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-255 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands multicast (EXEC Configuration) multicast (EXEC Configuration) To generate multicast packets and test connectivity through multicast routers, use the multicast command in EXEC configuration mode. multicast connectivity-test {cloud-id cloud_id [duration duration_num [message-length | mullticast-address multicast_addr | output-style {detail | error} | port port_num] | packet-count packet_num] | cloud-name name [duration duration [message-length | multicast-address multicast_addr | output-style {detail | error} | port port_num] | packet-count packet_num] | receive multicast_ip_addr interface interface_ip_addr | send multicast_ip_addr ttl interface interface_ip_addr | streamer receiver_ip_addr {receiver_ip_addr | multicast-address multicast_addr [duration duration [FEC-size size | max-transfer-rate rate | message-length | output-style {detail | error} | port port_num] | packet-count packet_num | time-to-live ttl]}} Syntax Description connectivity-test Verifies multicast connectivity between a sender and multiple receivers. cloud-id Sends Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) packets to the multicast cloud. cloud_id Cloud ID. The range is from 0 to 4294967295. duration (Optional) Configures the length of time over which PGM packets are to be sent to receiver SEs. This is the default option for multicast-address. duration Number of seconds that PGM packets are sent to receiver SEs. The range is from 30 to 3600; suggested number is 180. message-length (Optional) Message length to send. multicast-address (Optional) Configures the multicast IP address to be used for sending PGM packets. When you use the cloud-id or cloud-name option, you can choose not to specify the multicast address. When the multicast address is not specified, the advertising IP address specified in the multicast cloud configuration is used as the multicast address. multicast_addr Multicast Address to use for generating PGM Packets. output-style (Optional) Define the output display style. detail Prints the Detailed Report. error Prints the Error Report. port (Optional) Destination port to send packets. port_num Destination port to send packets. Range is 1025 to 65535; suggested amount is 7000. packet-count (Optional) Configures the number of PGM packets to be sent to receiver SEs. packet_num Number of PGM packets to send each receiver SE. The range is from 50 to 4096; suggested number is 100. cloud-name Sends PGM packets to the multicast cloud. cloud-name Name of the cloud. receive Receives PGM packets from the multicast address. multicast_ip_addr Multicast IP address to listen for PGM Packets. interface Interface to be used for Multicast. interfrace_ip_addr Interface IP address. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-256 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands multicast (EXEC Configuration) Command Defaults send Sends PGM packets to the multicast address. ttl Time to Live for the multicast packet. Range is from 1 to 255; suggested is 255. streamer Sends PGM packets to receiver SEs. receiver_ip_addr IP Address of the Receiver SE (max up to 20 Receivers) to check the multicast connectivity. FEC-size (Optional) Configures the appending of forward error correction (FEC) redundancy bytes. size Number of FEC redundancy bytes to be appended (8–128). The values must be powers of 2 (for example, 8, 16, 32, or 64). The default is 8. max-transfer-rate (Optional) Configures the maximum bandwidth that can be used for this multicast transmission. rate Maximum Transfer Rate to generate PGM Packets. The range is from 56 to 1000000; suggested is 128Kb. time-to-live (Optional) Configures the maximum number of hops permitted for PGM packets before they expire on the network. For each hop, the original specified TTL is decremented by 1. When the TTL reaches 0, PGM packets expire and are no longer forwarded through the network. Duration: 180 seconds Packet Count: 100 FEC Size: 8 Maximum Transfer Rate: 128 kbps Port: 7000 Time-to-live: 255 Message Length: 1024 Output Style: Detail Report Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Note This command is only available on Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.1.1. You can use the multicast connectivity-test command to test multicast connectivity within the CDS network. The multicast connectivity-test command options run pgmrategen (the PGM packet generation application) and pgmratemon (the PGM packet receiver application) in the background to test multicast connectivity. These applications use the PGM protocol, which allows a receiver to report lost data and to request retransmission from the sender. With PGM, the sender multicasts sequenced data packets, and the receivers reply with unicast negative acknowledgments (NACKs) when data packets are missing from the expected sequence. Network elements forward the NACKs to the multicast sender and confirm each hop by multicasting a NACK confirmation on the interface on which the NACK was received. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-257 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands multicast (EXEC Configuration) Multicast Forward Error Correction Forward error correction (FEC) is a type of data encoding that protects transmissions against errors, without requiring retransmission. The FEC number denotes the number of packets that will be encoded into one FEC transmission group. A higher FEC number means that the transmission group size is larger. The multicast may be more error-resistant, but there will also be more computational overhead on the multicast sender and receivers. No bandwidth overhead is related to FEC. The FEC default value is 8. If the multicast sender device is a high-end SE model, you can set this number higher to improve multicast reliability when your network connectivity has a high uniform loss rate. However, we do not recommend that you set this number beyond 64, because it may place too much of a load on all the receiver SEs. You can also set proactive FEC using the PGM configuration file (a text file accessible from the SE CLI in the /local1/multicast-expert-config/ directory). Proactive FEC is the number of extra packets that the multicast sender proactively sends out for every FEC number of data packets. The proactive FEC default value is 0. You can set the proactive FEC number higher for better multicast reliability. For example, you can set 2 proactive packets for every 16 FEC packets at the expense of 12.5 percent traffic overhead (2 divided by 16). Proactive FEC is an additional reliability measure above and beyond that of normal FEC. Although normal FEC does not incur bandwidth overhead, proactive FEC does use bandwidth overhead. Proactive FEC primarily protects the multicast from uniform losses. For example, if the network has a uniform loss rate of 15 percent, then a proactive FEC of 2 extra packets for every 16 FEC packets (a 12.5 percent bandwidth overhead) cuts the effective loss rate down to 2.5 percent. Most network losses are not completely uniform. Still, during bursts, proactive FEC undercuts the effective burst loss rate. For example, if the burst loss rate is 20 percent while the average loss rate is 2 percent, with proactive FEC at 12.5 percent, the receiver SEs experience a burst loss rate of 7.5 percent and an average loss rate near 0 percent. Testing Multicast Connectivity in CDS Networks The multicast connectivity-test command options allow you to test multicast connectivity in the CDS networks. You can specify a maximum of 20 multicast receiver SEs using this option. Use the cloud-id or cloud-name options to test multicast connectivity to receiver SEs grouped into multicast clouds in the CDS network. There is no limit to the number of SEs you can have in a multicast cloud. The cloud-id or cloud-name options initiate the following sequence of events: 1. When you specify the IP addresses of the receiver SEs, multicast cloud ID, or multicast cloud name, you initiate the multicast connectivity test. 2. The multicast sender initiates RPC calls to the receiver SEs, which prompt them to listen for the PGM multicast data on the default port or the port specified in the multicast connectivity-test command. 3. The SE displays the following: – A list of receiver SEs that failed to respond to the RPC calls – Warning messages if multicast is not enabled on any receiver SE 4. The multicast sender starts sending PGM packets to the specified multicast address. The receiver SE keeps updating the session statistics for each packet received. If you interrupt the test by pressing Ctrl-C, the multicast sender sends a notification to all receiver SEs to stop listening and displays the information obtained so far. 5. After the multicast session is completed or the transmission has timed out, the receiver SE sends the statistics to the multicast sender using an RPC call. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-258 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands multicast (EXEC Configuration) Note If the multicast receiver SE times out, it sends a “no packet received” error message to the multicast sender if it has not received any PGM packets for 60 seconds. Similarly, the multicast sender waits for 60 seconds for a response from the receiver SE before timing out. 6. The multicast sender displays the statistics obtained for the session. 7. The multicast sender repeats the test with the receiver SEs and generates a consolidated report. Using the cloud-id or cloud-name Option You can use the cloud-id or cloud-name options to test multicast connectivity in large networks where a number of SEs are grouped under multicast clouds. Note You cannot specify values for the optional parameters FEC-size and max-transfer-rate when the cloud-id or cloud-name options are used. The values for these two parameters are taken from the multicast cloud configuration. Use the multicast connectivity-test cloud-name command to test the multicast connectivity to the receiver SEs in the multicast cloud mcloud1. The multicast address is not specified in this example. The Internet Streamer CDS software uses the advertisement IP address specified in the multicast cloud configuration as the multicast address. Because no values were specified for the options, the Internet Streamer CDS software uses the default values for all the optional parameters. multicast connectivity-test send Command To test the multicast connectivity to the receiver SEs listening to a specific multicast address, use the multicast connectivity-test send command. This command runs the pgmrategen application, which continuously sends PGM packets to the specified multicast IP address. After you enter this command, the system displays the percentage of packets that have been multicast and stops sending packets when the packets sent reaches 100 percent. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt the PGM application and return to the EXEC prompt. To determine the number of network elements through which the packet can pass before reaching the receiver, specify the Time To Live (TTL), which can vary between 1 and 255. multicast connectivity-test receive Command To receive PGM packets, use the multicast connectivity-test receive command. Entering this command runs the pgmratemon application, which listens for the PGM multicast data transmitted from a PGM sender on the specified multicast IP address. When a packet is received, the pgrmratemon application lists the packet size and bandwidth. To test the multicast connectivity between two SEs, use the same multicast IP address for both send and receive. The pgmratemon application terminates by itself after a default period of 3 minutes and returns to the EXEC prompt. You can press Ctrl-C to terminate the pgmratemon application and return to the EXEC prompt. Examples The following example shows the output of the multicast connectivity-test command for a multicast IP address of and receiver SE IP addresses and ServiceEngine# multicast connectivity-test multicast-address Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-259 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands multicast (EXEC Configuration) Connecting to Receiver : Starting PGM Receiver on the SE Connecting to Receiver : Starting PGM Receiver on the SE Packet Generation thread has started. It will start sending packets after PGMReceivers have been started Time Elapsed : 180 seconds PGM Sender has finished sending packets. Awaiting Receiver response Will wait for 60 seconds... Configuration ------------Multicast Address : Port : 7000 Max Rate to send PGM Packets : 128 kbps Time to live for multicast packets : 255 Forwarder Error Correction Size : 8 Detailed Report ---------------Receiver IP : Duration : 180 seconds No of Packets received : 1134 Packet Length : 1024 Bytes Minimum BW : 5.714 KBps Maximum BW : 7 KBps Average BW : 6.291 KBps NAK Count : 0 Receiver IP : Duration : 180 seconds No of Packets received : 1134 Packet Length : 1024 Bytes Minimum BW : 5.691 KBps Maximum BW : 7 KBps Average BW : 6.298 KBps NAK Count : 0 Summary Report -------------Total number of receivers : 2 No: of receivers which received Packets : 2 No: of receivers which did not receive Packets : 0 No: of RPC calls failures : 0 No: of Other Errors obtained from Receivers : 0 The following example shows all the optional parameters and default values: ServiceEngine# multicast connectivity-test multicast-address duration 180 FEC-size 8 max-transfer-rate 128 message-length 1024 output-style detail port 7000 time-to-live 255 The following example shows the multicast connectivity-test cloud-name command with all the optional parameters and default values: ServiceEngine# multicast connectivity-test cloud-name mcloud1 duration 180 message-length 1024 output-style detail port 7000 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-260 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands multicast (EXEC Configuration) The following example shows the output of the multicast connectivity-test cloud-name command for the multicast cloud Mcloud1. Because the multicast address was not specified, the Internet Streamer CDS software uses the advertisement IP address, specified in the multicast cloud configuration, as the multicast IP address. PGM packets are sent to the two receiver SEs (IP addresses and that make up the multicast cloud Mcloud1. ServiceEngine# multicast connectivity-test cloud-name Mcloud1 Connecting to Receiver : Starting PGM Receiver on the SE Connecting to Receiver : Starting PGM Receiver on the SE Packet Generation thread has started. It will start sending packets after PGMReceivers have been started Time Elapsed : 180 seconds PGM Sender has finished sending packets. Awaiting Receiver response Will wait for 60 seconds... Configuration ------------Multicast Address : Port : 7000 Max Rate to send PGM Packets : 10000 kbps Time to live for multicast packets : 255 Forwarder Error Correction Size : 16 Detailed Report ---------------Receiver IP : Duration : 180 seconds No of Packets received : 1139 Packet Length : 1024 Bytes Minimum BW : 4.903 KBps Maximum BW : 7 KBps Average BW : 6.296 KBps NAK Count : 0 Receiver IP : Duration : 180 seconds No of Packets received : 1139 Packet Length : 1024 Bytes Minimum BW : 5.641 KBps Maximum BW : 7 KBps Average BW : 6.319 KBps NAK Count : 0 Summary Report -------------Total number of receivers : 2 No: of receivers which received Packets : 2 No: of receivers which did not receive Packets : 0 No: of RPC calls failures : 0 No: of Other Errors obtained from Receivers : 0 The following example shows the output of the multicast connectivity-test send command for a multicast IP address of and TTL of 255: ServiceEngine# multicast connectivity-test send 255 Starting pgmrategen .... pgmrategen is already running. Exiting previous instance Sending 1024 messages of 1024 bytes (1024 Kbytes) PGM rate is 1024 Kbps Progress: 99% Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-261 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands multicast (EXEC Configuration) Total time 159.924 seconds, 6.40302 KBps, 52.4536 Kbps The following example shows the output of the multicast connectivity-test receive command: ServiceEngine# multicast connectivity-test receive Starting pgmratemon .... This SE is not configured as Multicast receiver in any cloud Configuring this SE as Satellite mode receiver Press ^C to abort or wait for 3 mins to exit.... Multicasting PGM multicast data to SmartPGM receivers on multicast address 239.1 Sending 1024 messages of 1024 bytes (1024 Kbytes) PGM rate is 1024 Kbps Progress: 99% Total time 8.39756 seconds, 121.94 KBps, 998.934 Kbps Exiting.... Stopping pgmratemon ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description multicast (Global configuration) Configure multicast options. show multicast Displays whether or not the multicast sender and receiver are enabled. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-262 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands neighbor neighbor To configure BGP neighbors, use the neighbor BGP configuration command. To return to the default, use the no form of this command. neighbor ip_address {ebgp-multihop TTL | password word | remote-as as_number | timers keepalive_timer hold_timer} no ip_address {ebgp-multihop TTL | password word | remote-as as_number | timers keepalive_timer hold_timer} Syntax Description Command Defaults ip_address IP address of the neighbor. ebgp-multihop Sets the Time-to-Live (TTL) value for the EBGP multihop scenarios. TTL Time-to-Live value. The range is from 1 to 255. password Specifies the BGP neighbor password. word BGP MD5 password. remote-as Specifies the Remote Autonomous Systems (AS) number. as_number Autonomous system to which the neighbor belongs. timers Configures keepalive and hold timers. keepalive_timer Keepalive timer interval, in seconds. The range is from 0 to 3600. hold_timer Hold timer interval, in seconds. The range is from 0 to 3600. • There are no BGP or multi protocol BGP neighbor peers. • Default TTL value is 1 for all neighbors. • Keepalive timer interval is set to 60 seconds, and the hold timer interval is set to 180 seconds. Command Modes BGP configuration (config-bgp) mode. Usage Guidelines Use the neighbor ebgp-multihop BGP configuration command to set the TTL value for the EBGP multihop scenarios. Specifying a neighbor with an autonomous system number that matches the autonomous system number specified in the router bgp Global configuration command identifies the neighbor as internal to the local autonomous system. Otherwise, the neighbor is considered as external. Use the neighbor remote-as command to add a neighbor to the BGP, or multi protocol BGP table, before setting the TTL value for the neighbor. By default, neighbors that are defined using the neighbor remote-as command in router configuration mode exchange only unicast address prefixes. Use the neighbor remote-as command before setting the TTL value. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-263 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands neighbor In order for the proximity function to work, one of the following is required: Note Examples • Enabled link-state protocol, such as OSPF or IS-IS for IGP proximity. • Enabled policy routing protocol, such as BGP for best-path proximity, and one of the IGP (OSPF or IS-IS) is required for next hop resolution. All BGP routes must resolve to IGP next hops or directly connected routes. The following example shows that a router at the address is a neighbor in autonomous system number 23, and has a ebgp-multihop TTL value of 3: ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# neighbor remote-as 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# neighbor ebgp-multihop 3 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# The following example shows how to specify that a router at the address is a neighbor in autonomous system number 23: ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# neighbor remote-as 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# The following example shows that a router at the address is a neighbor in autonomous system number 23, and its keepalive timer interval and hold timer interval are set to be 100 seconds and 200 seconds, respectively. ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# neighbor remote-as 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# neighbor timers 100 200 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# To confirm that timers are updated correctly, use the show ip bgp neighbors command. The following example output shows that the keepalive interval has been changed to 100 seconds and the hold timer has been changed to 200 seconds: ServiceRouter> show ip bgp neighbors BGP neighbor is, remote AS 23, ibgp link, Peer index 1 BGP version 4, remote router ID BGP state = Established, up for 1d05h Peer is directly attached, interface GigabitEthernet 2/0 Last read 0.868226, hold time = 200, keepalive interval is 100 seconds Last written 00:00:09, keepalive timer expiry due 00:01:30 Received 78444 messages, 0 notifications, 0 bytes in queue Sent 1788 messages, 0 notifications, 0 bytes in queue Connections established 1; dropped 0 Last reset by us never, due to process restart Last reset by peer never, due to process restart Neighbor capabilities: Dynamic capability: advertised (mp, refresh, gr) Dynamic capability (old): advertised Route refresh capability (new): advertised received Route refresh capability (old): advertised received Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised received For address family: IPv4 Unicast BGP table version 1, neighbor version 810749 8518 accepted paths consume 613296 bytes of memory Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-264 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands neighbor 0 sent paths Local host:, Local port: 58920 Foreign host:, Foreign port: 179 fd = 35 ServiceRouter> Related Commands Command Description router bgp Configures a BGP routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-265 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands net net To configure an IS-IS network entity title (NET) for a Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) routing process, use the net IS-IS configuration command. To remove a NET, use the no form of this command. net network_entity_title no net network_entity_title Syntax Description network_entity_title Command Defaults No NET is configured and the CLNS process does not start without a NET. Command Modes IS-IS configuration (config-isis) mode. Usage Guidelines Under most circumstances, one and only one NET must be configured. NET that specifies the area address and the system ID for a CLNS routing process. Either an address or a name may be specified. A NET is a network service access point (NSAP) where the last byte is always zero. On a Proximity Engine running IS-IS, a NET can be 8 to 20 bytes. The last byte is always the n-selector and must be zero. The six bytes directly in front of the n-selector are the system ID. The system ID length is a fixed size and cannot be changed. The system ID must be unique throughout each area (Level 1) and throughout the backbone (Level 2). All bytes in front of the system ID are the area ID. Even when IS-IS is used to perform IP routing only (that is, no CLNS routing enabled), a NET must still be configured to define the router system ID and area ID. Examples • Area ID must match the area ID of the IS-IS router that the Proximity Engine is pairing with. • System ID is unique for each Proximity Engine. The following example shows how to use the net command to configure a router with system ID 0001.0c11.1111.00 and area ID 47.0004.004d.0001: ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# net 47.0004.004d.0001.0001.0c11.1111.00 ServiceRouter(config-isis)# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-266 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands netmon netmon To display the transmit and receive activity on an interface, use the netmon command in EXEC configuration mode. netmon line Syntax Description line Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The netmon utility displays the transmit and receive activity on each interface in megabits per second (Mbps), bytes per second (Bps), and packets per second (pps). Examples The following example shows how to display the netmon list of options: netmon options, -h to get help. ServiceEngine# netmon -h Usage: netmon [<loop-time-in-seconds>] [<iterations>] (runs forever if iterations not specified) Related Commands Command Description gulp Captures lossless gigabit packets and writes them to disk. netstatr Displays the rate of change of netstat statistics. ss Dumps socket statistics. tcpmon Searches all TCP connections. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-267 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands netstatr netstatr To display the rate of change of netstat statistics, use the netstatr command in EXEC configuration mode. netstatr line Syntax Description line Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The netstatr utility displays the rate of change, per second, of netstat statistics for a given period of time. The average rate per second is displayed, regardless of the sample period. To view the list of options, enter netstatr -h. Examples The following example shows how to display the netstart list of options: netmon options, -h to get help. ServiceEngine# netstatr -h Usage: netstatr [-v] [<loop-time-in-seconds>] [<iterations>] -v verbose mode (default is 3 sec loop time, run forever) Related Commands Command Description gulp Captures lossless gigabit packets and writes them to disk. netmon Displays the transmit and receive activity on an interface. ss Dumps socket statistics. tcpmon Searches all TCP connections. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-268 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands network area network area To define the interfaces on which OSPF runs and the area ID for those interfaces, use the network area router configuration command. To disable OSPF routing for interfaces defined with the address wildcard-mask pair, use the no form of this command. network ip_address wildcard_mask area area_id no network ip_address wildcard_mask area area_id Syntax Description Note ip_address IP address in the form of wildcard_mask IP-address-type mask that includes “don’t care” bits. area_id Area that is to be associated with the OSPF address range. It can be specified as either a decimal value or as an IP address. If you intend to associate areas with IP subnets, you can specify a subnet address as the value of the area_id. Any individual interface can only be attached to a single area. If the address ranges specified for different areas overlap, the software adopts the first area in the network command list and ignore the subsequent overlapping portions. In general, it is recommend that you configure address ranges that do not overlap to avoid inadvertent conflicts. Command Defaults OSPF routing for interfaces is disabled by default. Command Modes OSPF configuration (config-ospf) mode. Usage Guidelines The ip_address and wildcard_mask arguments together allow you to define one or multiple interfaces to be associated with a specific OSPF area using a single command. Using the wildcard_mask argument allows you to define one or multiple interfaces to be associated with a specific OSPF area using a single command. If you intend to associate areas with IP subnets, you can specify a subnet address as the value of the area_id argument. For OSPF to operate on the interface, the primary address of the interface must be covered by the network area command. If the network area command covers only the secondary address, it does not enable OSPF over that interface. The Proximity Engine sequentially evaluates the ip_address wildcard_mask pair for each interface as follows: 1. The wildcard_mask is logically ORed with the interface IP address. 2. The wildcard_mask is logically ORed with the ip_address argument in the network command. 3. The software compares the two resulting values. If they match, OSPF is enabled on the associated interface and this interface is attached to the OSPF area specified. There is no limit to the number of network area commands that can be used on the router. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-269 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands network area Note Any individual interface can only be attached to a single area. If the address ranges specified for different areas overlap, the software adopts the first area in the network command list and ignores the subsequent overlapping portions. In general, we recommend that you configure address ranges that do not overlap to avoid inadvertent conflicts. When a more specific OSPF network range is removed, interfaces belonging to that network range are retained and remain active if, and only if, a less specific network range exists. For example, consider the following configuration: router ospf network network network network network area 20 area 20 area 20 area 20 area 20 Enter the following: no network area 20 Interfaces falling into the network range still remains active because the superset,, exists for area 20. A more specific network statement causes interfaces belonging to that range to be removed from a different area only if a less specific network statement (superset) exists. Consider a configuration such as the following: router ospf 1 network area 20 If the following network statement is entered: network area 40 the interfaces belonging to range are removed from area 20 and moved to area 40. Network statements with identical ranges but different area IDs are considered as area changes. For example, the following network statements cause interfaces belonging to network range to move from area 20 to area 40: network area 20 network area 40 Examples The following example shows how to initialize OSPF routing process. Area 0 enables OSPF. ServiceRouter(config)# router ospf ServiceRouter(config-ospf)# network area 0 ServiceRouter(config-ospf)# Related Commands Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-270 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands no (Global configuration) no (Global configuration) To undo a command in Global configuration mode or set its defaults, use the no form of a command in Global configuration mode. no command Note The commands you can use with a CDS device (including the no form of each command) vary based on whether the device is configured as a CDSM, SE, or SR. See Table 2-1 to identify the commands available for a specific device. Syntax Description command Command Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Valid values for command are as follows: Specifies the command type; see the Usage Guidelines section for valid values. aaa Configures AAA1. access-lists Configures access control list entries. acquirer Configures acquisition parameters. asset Configures the asset tag name string. authentication Configures the authentication. bandwidth Configures bandwidth controls. banner Defines a login banner. bitrate Configures the bit rate. cdsm Configures the CDSM settings. clock Configures the time-of-day clock. cms Configures the CMS2. device Configures the device mode. direct-server-return Configures direct-server-return. disk Configures disk-related settings. dns Configures the SE DNS cache. exec-timeout Configures the EXEC timeout. external-ip Configures up to eight external (NAT) IP addresses. ftp Configures FTP caching-related parameters. help Configures the assistance for the command-line interface. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-271 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands no (Global configuration) hostname Configures the system’s network name. http Configures HTTP-related parameters. icap Configures the ICAP feature for the HTTP protocol. interface Configures a Gigabit Ethernet interface. ip Configures IP parameters. ip access-list Configures IP access lists. kernel Enables access to the kernel debugger. ldap Configures LDAP3 parameters. logging Configures the syslog4. network-filesystem Configures the network file system server and client. ntp Configures the NTP5. offline-operation Configures the offline service operation. pace Configures the Movie Streamer 7H90C0CHand WMT pacing bandwidth and bit rate. port-channel Configures port channel global options. primary-interface Configures a primary interface. radius-server Configures RADIUS server authentication. rtsp Configures RTSP6-related parameters. rule Configures the Rules Template. snmp-server Configures the SNMP server. sshd Configures the SSH7 service. tcp Configures global TCP parameters. telnet enable Configures Telnet services. transaction-logs Configures the transaction logging. username Establishes username authentication. wmt Configures WMT8 parameters. 1. AAA = authentication, authorization, and accounting 2. CMS = Centralized Management System 3. LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 4. syslog = system logging 5. NTP = Network Time Protocol 6. RTSP = Real-time Streaming Protocol 7. SSH = Secure Shell 8. WMT = Windows Media Technologies7H90C0CH Use the no command to disable functions or negate a command. If you need to negate a specific command, such as the default gateway IP address, you must include the specific string in your command, such as no ip default-gateway ip-address. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-272 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands no (interface configuration) no (interface configuration) To negate a Gigabit Ethernet or port channel command in interface configuration mode or set its defaults, use the no command in interface configuration mode. no interface {GigabitEthernet slot/port | PortChannel {1 | 2 | 3 | 4}[ ip | address [ip-address | netmask | secondary ] ] | Standby group_num} Syntax Description GigabitEthernet Selects a Gigabit Ethernet interface to configure. slot/port Slot and port number for the selected interface. The slot range is 0 to 2; the port range is 0 to 3. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/). PortChannel Selects the EtherChannel of interfaces to be configured. 1 Sets the port channel interface number to 1. 2 Sets the port channel interface number to 2. Standby Sets the standby group for the interface. group_num Group number for the selected interface. The group number range is 1 to 4. Command Defaults None Command Modes Interface configuration (config-if) mode. Related Commands Command Description interface Configures a Gigabit Ethernet or port channel interface. show interface Displays the hardware interface information. show running-config Displays the current running configuration information on the terminal. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-273 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands ntp ntp To configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server and to allow the system clock to be synchronized by a time server, use the ntp command in Global configuration mode. To disable this function, use the no form of this command. ntp server {ip_address | hostname} [ip_addresses | hostnames] no ntp server {ip_address | hostname} [ip_addresses | hostnames] Syntax Description server Sets the NTP server IP address. ip_address NTP server IP address. hostname NTP server hostname. ip_addresses (Optional) IP address of the time server providing the clock synchronization (maximum of four). hostnames (Optional) Hostname of the time server providing the clock synchronization (maximum of four). Command Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to synchronize the SE, SR or CDSM clock with the specified NTP server. The ntp server command enables NTP servers for timekeeping purposes and is the only way to synchronize the system clock with a time server. When you synchronize the CDSM clock with an NTP server, there is a possibility of all devices registered with the CDSM being shown as offline and then reverted to online status. This situation can occur when synchronization with the NTP server sets the CDSM clock forward in time by an interval greater than at least two polling intervals or when the software clock on the CDSM is changed by a similar value using the clock command in EXEC configuration mode. The CDSM determines the status of devices in the CDS network depending on when it was last contacted by the devices for a getUpdate request. If you set the CDSM clock ahead in time, you have added that amount of time to the period since the CDSM received the last getUpdate request. However, it is only a transient effect. Once the devices contact the CDSM for their next getUpdate request after the clock setting change, the CDSM GUI reports the status of all devices correctly. Examples The following example shows how to configure the IP address of the time server providing the clock synchronization: ServiceEngine(config)# ntp The following example shows how to reset the time server providing the clock synchronization: ServiceEngine(config)# no ntp Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-274 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands ntp Related Commands Command Description clock Sets or clears clock functions or updates the calendar. show clock Displays the system clock. show ntp status Displays the Network Time Protocol parameters. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-275 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands ntpdate ntpdate To set the software clock (time and date) using a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, use the ntpdate command in EXEC configuration mode. ntpdate {hostname | ip_address} Syntax Description hostname NTP hostname. ip_address NTP server IP address. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use NTP to find the current time of day and set the SE current time to match. The ntpdate command synchronizes the software clock with the hardware clock. Examples The following example shows how to set the software clock of the SE using an NTP server: ServiceEngine# ntpdate Related Commands Command Description clock set Sets the time and date. show clock Displays the system clock. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-276 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands ping ping To send echo packets for diagnosing basic network connectivity on networks, use the ping command in EXEC configuration mode. On the CDSM and SE: ping {hostname | ip_address} On the SR: ping {hostname | ip_address | srp {hostname | ip_address}} Syntax Description hostname Hostname of system to ping. ip_address IP address of system to ping. srp Pings the Service Routing Protocol. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines To use this command with the hostname argument, be sure that DNS functionality is configured on your SE. To force the timeout of a nonresponsive host or to eliminate a loop cycle, press Ctrl-C. Following are sample results of the ping command: Examples • Normal response—The normal response occurs in 1 to 10 seconds, depending on network traffic. • Destination does not respond—If the host does not respond, a no answer from host message appears in 10 seconds. • Destination unreachable—The gateway for this destination indicates that the destination is unreachable. • Network or host unreachable—The SE found no corresponding entry in the route table. The following example shows how to test the basic network connectivity with a host: ServiceEngine# ping PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=249 time=613 usec 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=249 time=485 usec 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=249 time=494 usec 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=249 time=510 usec 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=249 time=493 usec --- ping statistics --5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/mdev = 0.485/0.519/0.613/0.047 ms ServiceEngine# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-277 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands ping srp ping srp To ping the Service Routing Protocol ring, use the ping command in EXEC configuration mode. ping srp Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines In an ipv4 or ipv6 environment, the ping command uses the ipv4 or ipv6 address. The ping srp command uses The DHT key (64 bits hex-id). In the example below, the node that owns the DHT key (node SR-205-5) responds to this ping. The TTL is 64, and the response time is 0.330585 ms. Examples The following example shows how to test the basic network connectivity with a host: ServiceRouter# ping srp 6aab6568d794a77bc20633b0cb3aef14d906e4aef00a3fa2a93973524337e40c Ping response from SR-205-5:9000, ttl=64, time=0.330585 ms id=6aab6568d794a77bc20633b0cb3aef14d906e4aef00a3fa2a93973524337e40c Ping response from SR-205-5:9000, ttl=64, time=0.282069 ms id=6aab6568d794a77bc20633b0cb3aef14d906e4aef00a3fa2a93973524337e40c Ping response from SR-205-5:9000, ttl=64, time=0.278821 ms id=6aab6568d794a77bc20633b0cb3aef14d906e4aef00a3fa2a93973524337e40c Ping response from SR-205-5:9000, ttl=64, time=0.279144 ms id=6aab6568d794a77bc20633b0cb3aef14d906e4aef00a3fa2a93973524337e40c Ping response from SR-205-5:9000, ttl=64, time=0.283236 ms id=6aab6568d794a77bc20633b0cb3aef14d906e4aef00a3fa2a93973524337e40c ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description traceroute srp Traces the route of the Service Routing Protocol ring. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-278 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands ping6 ping6 To ping the IPv6 address, use the ping6 command in EXEC configuration mode. ping6 line ip_address Syntax Description line Destination Host or IP Address. ip_address IP address of system to ping. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to ping the IPv6 address: ServiceEngine# ping6 fec0::100/64 Related Commands Command Description ping Sends echo packets for diagnosing basic network connectivity on networks. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-279 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands port-channel port-channel To configure the port channel load balancing, use the port-channel command in Global configuration mode. To disable load balancing, use the no form of this command. port-channel load-balance {dst-ip | dst-mac | dst-port | round-robin | src-dst-mac | src-dst-port | src-port} no port-channel load-balance Syntax Description load-balance Configures the load balancing method. dst-ip Specifies the load balancing method using destination IP addresses. dst-mac Specifies the load balancing method using destination MAC addresses. dst-port Specifies the load balancing method using destination Layer 4 port. round-robin Specifies the load balancing method using round-robin sequential, cyclical resource allocation (each interface in the channel group). src-dst-mac Specifies the load balancing method using source and destination MAC address. src-dst-port Specifies the load balancing method using source and destination port. src-port Specifies the load balancing method using source Layer 4 port. Command Defaults Round-robin is the default load balancing method. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines The port-channel load-balance command configures one of three load balancing algorithms and provides flexibility in choosing interfaces when an Ethernet frame is sent. The round-robin keyword allows evenly balanced usage of identical network interfaces in a channel group. Because this command takes effect globally, if two channel groups are configured, they must use the same load balancing. The other balancing options give you the flexibility to choose specific interfaces (by IP address, MAC address, port) when sending an Ethernet frame. The source and destination options, while calculating the outgoing interface, take into account both the source and destination (MAC address or port). Because the Internet Streamer CDS software normally starts IP packets or Ethernet frames, it does not support hashing based on the source IP address and source MAC address. The round-robin keyword is the default load balancing algorithm to evenly distribute traffic among several identical network interfaces. To remove a port channel, use the no port-channel interface PortChannel command. Note Ingress traffic from NAS mounts is not distributed evenly over port channels. Separate interfaces can be used for NAS outside of the port-channel configuration to achieve better load balancing. Ingress traffic to the CDS is determined by the switch, this applies to all application traffic over port channels. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-280 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands port-channel Note Examples For load balancing, the round robin method alone is not supported with LACP. The following example shows how to configure the round-robin load balancing method on an SE: ServiceEngine(config)# port-channel load-balance round-robin Related Commands Command Description interface Configures a Gigabit Ethernet or port-channel interface Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-281 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands primary-interface primary-interface To configure the primary interface for the CDS network, use the primary-interface command in Global configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to remove the configured primary interface. primary-interface {GigabitEthernet 1-2/port | PortChannel 1-2 | Standby group_num} no primary-interface {GigabitEthernet 1-2/port | PortChannel 1-2 | Standby group_num} Syntax Description Command Defaults GigabitEthernet Selects a Gigabit Ethernet interface as the CDS network primary interface. 1-2/ Gigabit Ethernet slot numbers 1 or 2. port Port number of the Gigabit Ethernet interface. PortChannel Selects a port channel interface as the CDS network primary interface. 1-2 Port channel number 1 or 2. Standby Selects a standby group as the CDS network primary interface. group_num Standby group number. The default primary interface is the first operational interface on which a link beat is detected. Interfaces with lower-number IDs are polled first (for example, GigabitEthernet 0/0 is checked before 1/0). Primary interface configuration is required for the proper functioning of the Centralized Management System (CMS). After devices are registered to the CDSM, the CDSM uses the configured primary interface to communicated with the registered devices. You cannot enable the CDS network without specifying the primary interface. Also, you must have chosen the primary interface before you enable the CMS. The primary interface can be changed without disabling the CDS network. The primary interface specifies the default route for an interface. To change the primary interface, choose a different interface as the primary interface. Note Whenever the IP address of the primary interface is changed, the DNS server must be restarted. You can select a standby interface as the primary interface (you can enter the primary-interface Standby group_num command) to specify a standby group as the primary interface on an SE. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines The primary-interface command in Global configuration mode allows the administrator to specify the primary interface for the CDS network. The primary interface can be changed without disabling the CDS network. To change the primary interface, re-enter the command string and specify a different interface. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-282 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands primary-interface Note Examples If you use the restore factory-default preserve basic-config command, the configuration for the primary interface is not preserved. On a device in a CDS network, if you want to re-enable the CDS network after using the restore factory-default preserve basic-config command, make sure to reconfigure the primary interface after the factory defaults are restored. The following example shows how to specify the Gigabit Ethernet slot 1 port 0 as the primary interface on an SE: ServiceEngine(config)# primary-interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 The following example shows how to specify the Gigabit Ethernet slot 2 port 0 as the primary interface on an SE: ServiceEngine(config)# primary-interface GigabitEthernet 2/0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-283 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands proximity algorithm bgp proximity algorithm bgp To enable a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) proximity algorithm option for the Proximity Engine, use the proximity algorithm bgp command in Global configuration mode. To disable a BGP proximity algorithm option, use the no form of the command. proximity algorithm bgp {best-path | location-community [strict] | redirect} no proximity algorithm bgp {best-path | location-community [strict] | redirect} Syntax Description best-path Specifies the BGP Autonomous Systems (AS) path length-based proximity. location-community Specifies that the community-based proximity algorithm be used. strict (Optional) Strict matching. redirect Specifies the BGP AS-based redirection. Command Defaults By default, the BGP algorithms are turned off. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines When BGP is configured as the routing protocol, the proximity algorithm bgp command enables a BGP proximity option for the Proximity Engine. The Proximity algorithm bgp commands are not effective unless BGP is configured first. Best-Path When the BGP routing protocol is configured the Proximity Engine learns routes from other AS, and therefore can rank proximity target addressees (PTAs) that originate in an external AS using not only the basic BGP proximity (which ranks the PTAs based on their next-hop), but also based on the AS path length of the PTAs. This capability is enabled by the proximity algorithm bgp best-path command. A PTA that has a longer AS path length is less preferred. It should be noted that the Proximity Engines takes into account the AS path length of the PTAs only if the proximity source address (PSA) is originated in the same AS as the Proximity Engine, since the AS path length learnt by the Proximity Engine is with reference to its own AS. If the PSA originates in an external AS, it is recommended that the proximity algorithm bgp redirect be enabled to redirect the request to a Proximity Engine in the same AS as the PSA if such a Proximity Engine exists. Location Community When the proximity algorithm bgp location-community command is enabled, additional location information is included in the proximity calculation to influence application-level traffic optimization in the network. Many service providers are already using BGP community values to identify prefixes originated from a given POP. Taking advantage of the community information can greatly improve the scalability and flexibility of the proximity calculation algorithm. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-284 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands proximity algorithm bgp BGP community-based proximity is used when community-based proximity option is enabled and the PSA has a BGP community string that is configured in the location community command. PTAs that have the same BGP community string as the PSA are ranked as more preferred than PTAs that do not have the same BGP community string as the PSA. For the remaining PTAs that have different community strings, they are ranked by either IGP or BGP proximity. Community-based proximity requires the use of the location community command to configure the Proximity Engine community values. Each Proximity Engine must be configured with the community numbers that are used within the network to locate the prefix origination point. When community values are configured, the Proximity Engine creates and maintains a sorted table of communities within BGP. Currently, location community configurations must be manually configured on each Proximity Engine. Redirect If the PSA, where the proximity request is initiated, is learned from another AS, the current Proximity Engine does not have the best knowledge to handle the proximity request. If the proximity redirect option is enabled, the Proximity Engine sends back a Redirect response to the Service Router. The Redirect response contains the list of Proximity Engines that reside in the same AS as the PSA. The Service Router then sends the proximity request to one of these Proximity Engines. Configuring Proximity Algorithm BGP Perform the following steps to configure Proximity Algorithm BGP: Step 1 Turn on BGP Best Path algorithm in the Proximity Engine. ServiceRouter(config)# proximity engine enable ServiceRouter(config)# proximity algorithm bgp best-path Step 2 Enable router bgp 1: ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 1 ServiceRouter(config)# neighbor remote-as 1 Step 3 Turn on EBGP in the routers. Result Analysis When PSA is and PTA is, the returned proximity cost is 2164260884. ServiceRouter# show ip rib route, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops, attached *via, GigabitEthernet 1/0, [0/0], 00:01:59, direct, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops, attached *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [0/0], 00:01:59, direct, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [200/0], 00:00:29, bgp-1, internal, tag 2 extended route information: AS Hops 1, BGP PxEer AS 1, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [115/20], 00:01:27, isis-p1, L1 The AS Path length can be calculated from the show ip route command: AS Path length for PTA - 1 The 31st community bit set to 1 since no location community match, AS Path length is 1(set the 24th bit to 1), the IGP cost is 20. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-285 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands proximity algorithm bgp 2147483648+ 16777216 + 20 = 2164260884 The proximity calculation rendered using the following formula: rating(PSA,PTA)= 2^31Cc comm_match(PSA,PTA) +2^24CBPAS_path_len(PTA)+ IGP_rating(PSA,PTA) Examples • The result is given in 32 bits. • The 31st Location community is zero if the location community matches. It is effective only when the BGP location community algorithm is turned on. • The bits (24-30) denote the AS Best path distance. It is effective only on turning on the BGP redirect algorithm. • The the remaining 24 bits hold the IGP rating returned by the IGP daemons. The IGP daemons returns 32-bit values that are normalized to occupy the 24 bits. Proximity Algorithm Redirect The following example shows how to use the proximity redirect option: ServiceRouter(config)# proximity algorithm bgp redirect First, each Proximity Engine must form a DHT ring. ProximityEngine1(config)# router srp ProximityEngine1(config-srp)# domain 100 ProximityEngine2(config)# router srp ProximityEngine2(config-srp)# domain 100 ProximityEngine1(config-srp)# bootstrap Configure both the Proximity Servers on the Service Router and enable proximity-based-routing: ServiceRouter(config)# service-router proximity-based-routing proximity-server ServiceRouter(config)# service-router proximity-based-routing proximity-server ServiceRouter(config)# service-router proximity-based-routing enable Next, enable BGP on both the Proximity Engines such that both are in different AS: ProximityEngine1(config)# router bgp 1 ProximityEngine1(config-bgp)# neighbor remote-as 1 ProximityEngine2(config)# router bgp 2 ProximityEngine2(config-bgp)# neighbor remote-as 2 For Proximity Redirect to work efficiently, it is recommended that there are at least two Proximity Servers, one each in a different autonomous system. In the above example each Proximity Engine is connected with routers and routers advertise the routes to the respective Proximity Engines and the neighbor IP addresses are the corresponding neighbor router's directly connected interfaces: ProximityEngine1# sh ip bgp all BGP routing table information for address family IPv4 Unicast BGP table version is 5, local router ID is Status: s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history, *-valid, >-best Path type: i-internal, e-external, c-confed, l-local, a-aggregate, r-redist Origin codes: I - IGP, E - EGP, ? - incomplete Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-286 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands proximity algorithm bgp *>i3.1.14.0/24 0 100 0 2 I *>i3.4.0.0/16 0 100 0 I BGP routing table information for address family IPv4 Multicast ProximityEngine2# sh ip bgp all BGP routing table information for address family IPv4 Unicast BGP table version is 5, local router ID is Status: s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history, *-valid, >-best Path type: i-internal, e-external, c-confed, l-local, a-aggregate, r-redist Origin codes: I - IGP, E - EGP, ? - incomplete Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path *>i3.1.14.0/24 0 100 0 I *>i3.4.0.0/16 0 100 0 1 I BGP routing table information for address family IPv4 Multicast Next, it needs to be checked if the DHT Ring is formed appropriately: ServiceRouter# show srp neighbor Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, R - Replicate Set, D - delay, ND - New Delay H - hold time, U - up time Number of neighbors in the database: 1 RPL c152b683f000c6be3ff82214e4d8084d52a44dee85b29d67c49e60fbaf3e4737 via U6-CDE205-2 [] 9000, D=0.223891 ms, ND=0.230440 ms H=00:00:07, U=00:00:15 ProximityEngine2# show srp neighbor Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, R - Replicate Set, D - delay, ND - New Delay H - hold time, U - up time Number of neighbors in the database: 1 RPL 97d35b9f3cb020799d9cbfec2adcca50e9644f2613f041648734459d29f88a0d via U6-CDE205-1 [] 9000, D=0.229732 ms, ND=0.223568 ms H=00:00:08, U=00:00:22 Where is ProximityEngine1’s interface and is ProximityEngine2’s interface and is stored in each other tables. When a request arrives from the client machine, whose client IP belongs to the network (which happens to be from AS-1), say for example,, the SR looks up in the configured Proximity Servers and selects the Proximity Server with the lowest IP address, which in this case happens to be The SR would send the SOAP request with the PSA to ProximityEngine2 ( ProximityEngine2, would lookup the URIB table to find out if there is another Proximity Engine from the same AS. Since, in this case, there is ProximityEngine1 in AS-1 from where the request has emanated, it returns a Redirect message with ProximityEngine1’s IP address as the request end-point. The SR redirects the SOAP request to the ProximityEngine1. ProximityEngine1 would look up its URIB table and return the cost for the available PTAs. The Service Router, upon receiving the cost from the ProximityEngine1, would choose the PTA with lowest cost and give the SE redirection to the client. The client would now contact the SE and play the content. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-287 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands proximity algorithm bgp Community-Based Proximity Algorithm Example The following example shows how to use the proximity algorithm bgp command to enable the community-based proximity algorithm: ServiceRouter(config)# proximity algorithm bgp location-community ServiceRouter(config)# exit ServiceRouter# show ip proximity algorithm Proximity algorithm: bgp community The following example shows how to configure community values. In this example, the first location community command configures the community value 100:10 and the second command configures community values from 100:100 to 100:200: ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 100:10 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 100:100-100:200 The following example shows how to enable the proximity redirect option: ServiceRouter(config)# proximity algorithm bgp redirect First, each Proximity Engine must form a DHT ring: ServiceRouter(config)# router srp ServiceRouter(config-srp)# domain 100 ServiceRouter(config-srp)# bootstrap Each Proximity Engine must advertise its interface address to the BGP cloud by configuring IGP for OSPF and IS-IS or configuring BGP with the neighbor. The following example is for OSPF: ServiceRouter(config)# router ospf ServiceRouter(config-ospf)# network area 0 The following example is for configuring BGP: ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# neighbor remote-as 23 The following examples shows how to configure the BGP AS path length-based proximity. This example is for the same AS configuration: ServiceRouter(config)# proximity algorithm bgp best-path ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# neighbor remote-as 23 The following example is for a different AS configuration: ServiceRouter(config)# proximity algorithm bgp best-path ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 10 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# neighbor remote-as 23 Proximity Algorith BGP Best-Path Example The following example shows how to turn on the BGP Best-Path algorithm: ProximityEngine(config)# proximity algorithm bgp best-path ProximityEngine# show ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 4 Paths: (1 available, best #1) Flags: on xmit-list, is in urib, is best urib route Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-288 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands proximity algorithm bgp Path type: internal, path is valid, is best path AS-Path: 2 , path sourced external to AS (metric 0) from ( Origin IGP, MED 0, localpref 100, weight 0 Community: 1:1 Not advertised to any peer The following is a sample of the service-router logs with respect to the cost returned by the Proximity Engine: 02/08/2010 07:34:42.290(Local)(5792)TRCE:SRNetProxClient.cpp:86-> Target Hostname => U6-WAE612-2 IpAddress => Rating => 2147483648 02/08/2010 07:34:42.290(Local)(5792)TRCE:SRNetProxClient.cpp:86-> Target Hostname => U6-WAE612-1 IpAddress => Rating => 2164260864 In the previous example, since the PTA has a higher cost, the PTA gets a higher preference owing to the lower cost. The following example shows how to verify proper connectivity between the two Proximity Engines: ProximityEngine1# show srp neighbor Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, R - Replicate Set, D - delay, ND - New Delay H - hold time, U - up time Number of neighbors in the database: 1 RPL c152b683f000c6be3ff82214e4d8084d52a44dee85b29d67c49e60fbaf3e4737 via U6-CDE205-2 [] 9000, D=0.395056 ms, ND=0.378471 ms H=00:00:09, U=00:38:37 ProximityEngine1# show srp database c9bc3e170457a6a08d8a218a15a00d8feb73e4295d06f7e014b6f66fee01c9e4: 793 Enter the same commands to check the SRP connection on the other Proximity engine: ServiceRouter# show srp neighbor Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, R - Replicate Set, D - delay, ND - New Delay H - hold time, U - up time Number of neighbors in the database: 1 RPL 97d35b9f3cb020799d9cbfec2adcca50e9644f2613f041648734459d29f88a0d via U6-CDE205-1 [] 9000, D=0.495889 ms, ND=0.470399 ms H=00:00:07, U=00:40:57 ProximityEngine2# show srp database c9bc3e170457a6a08d8a218a15a00d8feb73e4295d06f7e014b6f66fee01c9e4: 793 Related Commands Command Description show ip proximity algorithm Displays the proximity algorithm options currently in use by this Proximity Engine. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-289 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands proximity engine enable proximity engine enable To enable the Proximity Engine, use the proximity engine enable command in Global configuration mode. To disable the Proximity Engine, use the no form of this command. proximity engine enable no proximity engine enable Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines The Proximity Engine is a device mode which needs to be enabled on the Service Router in order to enable dynamic routing protocols OSPF/IS-IS/BGP. You can turn on the Proximity Engine functionality using the proximity engine enable command. Only after enabling the Proximity Engine, all the routing functionality is enabled and related commands are unlocked. Once the Proximity Engine is enabled, you can turn on either OSPF or IS-IS for IGP and/or BGP. But in the Proximity Engine device, we do not make use of the OSPF process-id, which we generally do on the router. When disabling the Proximity Engine after issuing the no proximity engine enable command, you are asked to confirm this action because all Proximity Engine configurations are lost when you enter this command. Examples The following example shows how to enable the Proximity Engine: ServiceRouter# configure terminal ServiceRouter(config)# proximity engine enable The following example shows how to disable the Proximity Engine: ServiceRouter# configure terminal ServiceRouter(config)# no proximity engine enable All Proximity Engine configuration will be lost! Proceed? [ no ] yes ServiceRouter(config)# The following example shows how to enable OSPF: ServiceRouter# config ServiceRouter (config)# proximity engine enable Starting Proximity Engine .... Proximity Engine Started. ServiceRouter (config)# router ospf ServiceRouter (config-ospf)# network ? A.B.C.D IP wildcard mask ServiceRouter (config-ospf)# network ? area Configure area properties ServiceRouter (config-ospf)# network area 0 ServiceRouter# ServiceRouter (config-ospf)# Note OSPF process ID is used. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-290 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands proximity engine enable Enter the following commands on the router: Router (config)# router ospf 1 Router (config-ospf)# network area 0 Router (config-ospf)# <Turned on OSPF debugging on Router> *Jun 29 01:14:08.642: OSPF: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0 going Up *Jun 29 01:14:09.142: OSPF: Build router LSA for area 0, router ID, seq 0x80000001, process 1 *Jun 29 ... Output omitted < is the Router-id of the Router> Verify adjacency on the Proximity Engine by entering the following commands: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf route OSPF Process ID p1 context default, Routing Table (D) denotes route is directly attached (R) denotes route is in RIB (intra)(D) area 0 via 2/0*, cost 65535, adv router ServiceRouter# show ip ospf database OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID p1 context default) Router Link States (Area 0) Link ID Count ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Link 140 140 0x80000002 0xb04d 0x80000002 0x100d 1 1 Network Link States (Area 0) Link ID ADV Router Age 140 Seq# Checksum 0x80000001 0x2408 The following example shows how to enable BGP: ServiceRouter# config ServiceRouter(config)# proximity algorithm bgp location-community ! ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 1 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# neighbor remote-as 1 <-- configures a BGP peer in Autonomous System (AS) 1. This peer advertises BGP routes to the PxE. ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# location community 1:1 <-- configures 1:1 as a location-community used by BGP location-community proximity algorithm. ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# exit The following example shows how to enable IS-IS: ServiceRouter# config ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# net 49.0000.0000.0205.0002.00 <-- Configures the Network Entity Title (NET). ServiceRouter(config-isis)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 <-- PxE interface actively running IS-IS. ServiceRouter(config-isis)# ip router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# exit ServiceRouter(config-isis)# interface GigabitEthernet 2/0 <-- PxE interface actively running IS-IS. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-291 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands proximity engine enable ServiceRouter(config-isis)# ip router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# exit The following example shows how to enable SRP: ServiceRouter# config ServiceRouter(config)# router srp ServiceRouter(config-srp)# bootstrap <-- A boot-strap-node is an existing member of the DHT ring. ServiceRouter(config-srp)# domain 1 <-- All SRP nodes have the same domain number to be in a DHT ring ServiceRouter(config-srp)# exit Related Commands Command Description service-router proximity-based-routing Configures proximity-based routing on the Service Router. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-292 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands pwd pwd To view the present working directory, use the pwd command in EXEC configuration mode. pwd Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to display the present working directory of the SE. Examples The following example shows how to view the present working directory: ServiceEngine# pwd /local1 Related Commands Command Description cd Changes from one directory to another directory. dir Displays a detailed list of files contained within the working directory, including names, sizes, and time created. lls Provides detailed information about files and subdirectories stored in the present working directory, including size, date, time of creation, sysfs name, and long name of the file. ls Lists the files or subdirectory names within a directory. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-293 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands radius-server radius-server To configure RADIUS authentication parameters, use the radius-server command in Global configuration mode. To disable RADIUS authentication parameters, use the no form of this command. radius-server {enable | host {hostname | host_ipaddr} [auth-port port] | key keyword | redirect {enable | message reply location url} | retransmit retries | timeout seconds} no radius-server {enable | host {hostname | host_ipaddr} | key | redirect {enable | message reply location url} | retransmit | timeout} Syntax Description Command Defaults enable Enables HTTP RADIUS authentication. host Specifies a RADIUS server. hostname Hostname of the RADIUS server. host_ipaddr IP address of the RADIUS server. auth-port (Optional) Sets the UDP port for the RADIUS Authentication Server. port UDP port number (from 1 to 65535). The default is 1645. key Specifies the encryption key shared with the RADIUS server. keyword Text of the shared key (maximum of 15 characters). redirect Redirects the response if an authentication request fails. enable Enables the redirect feature. message Replies with an authentication failure message. reply Reply message text string (maximum of 24 characters). location Sets the HTML page location, for example, url URL destination of authentication failure instructions. retransmit Specifies the number of transmission attempts to an active server. retries Number of transmission attempts for a transaction (from 1 to 3). timeout Time to wait for a RADIUS server to reply. seconds Wait time in seconds (from 1 to 20). auth-port port: UDP port 1645 retransmit retries: 2 timeout seconds: 5 Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines RADIUS is a client/server authentication and authorization access protocol used by an CDS network device to authenticate users attempting to connect to a network device. The CDS network device functions as a client, passing user information to one or more RADIUS servers. The CDS network device Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-294 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands radius-server permits or denies network access to a user based on the response that it receives from one or more RADIUS servers. RADIUS uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) for transport between the RADIUS client and server. You can configure a RADIUS key on the client and server. If you configure a key on the client, it must be the same as the one configured on the RADIUS servers. The RADIUS clients and servers use the key to encrypt all RADIUS packets sent. If you do not configure a RADIUS key, packets are not encrypted. The key itself is never sent over the network. Note For more information about how the RADIUS protocol operates, see RFC 2138, Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS). RADIUS authentication usually occurs in these instances: • Administrative login authentication—When an administrator first logs in to the SE to configure the SE for monitoring, configuration, or troubleshooting purposes. For more information, see the “Enabling and Disabling Administrative Login Authentication Through RADIUS” section on page 2-295. • HTTP request authentication—When an end user sends a service request that requires privileged access to content that is served by the SE. For more information, see the “Configuring RADIUS Authentication of HTTP Requests” section on page 2-296. RADIUS authentication is disabled by default. You can enable RADIUS authentication and other authentication methods at the same time. You can also specify which method to use first. To configure RADIUS parameters, use the radius-server command in Global configuration mode. To disable RADIUS authentication parameters, use the no form of this command. The redirect keyword of the radius-server command redirects an authentication response to a different Authentication Server if an authentication request using the RADIUS server fails. Note The following rule command is relevant to RADIUS authentication only if the redirect keyword has been configured. To exclude domains from RADIUS authentication, use the rule no-auth domain command. RADIUS authentication takes place only if the site requested does not match the specified pattern. Enabling and Disabling Administrative Login Authentication Through RADIUS When configuring an SE to use RADIUS to authenticate and authorize administrative login requests, follow these guidelines: • By default, RADIUS authentication and authorization is disabled on an SE. • Before enabling RADIUS authentication on the SE, you must specify at least one RADIUS server for the SE to use. • You can enable RADIUS authentication and other authentication methods at the same time. You can specify which method to use first using the primary keyword. When local authentication is disabled, if you disable all other authentication methods, local authentication is re-enabled automatically. • You can use the CDSM GUI or the CLI to enable RADIUS authentication on an SE. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-295 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands radius-server Tip From the CDSM GUI, choose Devices > General Settings > Authentication. Use the displayed Authentication Configuration window. To use the SE CLI to enable RADIUS authentication on an SE, enable RADIUS authentication for normal login mode by entering the authentication login radius command in Global configuration mode as follows: ServiceEngine(config)# authentication login radius enable [primary] [secondary] Use the authentication configuration radius command in Global configuration mode to enable RADIUS authorization as follows: ServiceEngine(config)# authentication configuration radius enable [primary] [secondary] Note To disable RADIUS authentication and authorization on an SE, use the no radius-server enable command. Configuring RADIUS Authentication of HTTP Requests To configure RADIUS authentication for HTTP requests on an SE, configure the RADIUS server settings on the SE and enable RADIUS authentication for HTTP requests on the SE using the radius-server command in Global configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to enable the RADIUS client, specify a RADIUS server, specify the RADIUS key, accept retransmit defaults, and excludes the domain name,, from RADIUS authentication. You can verify the configuration with the show radius-server and show rule all commands. ServiceEngine(config)# ServiceEngine(config)# ServiceEngine(config)# ServiceEngine(config)# ServiceEngine(config)# radius-server enable radius-server host radius-server key myradiuskey rule action no-auth pattern-list 2 rule pattern-list 2 domain ServiceEngine# show radius-server Login Authentication for Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session: enabled Configuration Authentication for Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session: enabled (secondary) Radius Configuration: --------------------Radius Authentication is on Timeout = 5 Retransmit = 2 Key = **** Radius Redirect is off There is no URL to authentication failure instructions Servers ------IP Port = 1645 ServiceEngine# show rule all Rules Template Configuration ---------------------------Rule Processing Enabled rule no-auth domain Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-296 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands radius-server The following example disables RADIUS authentication on the SE: ServiceEngine(config)# no radius-server enable The following example shows how to force the SE to try RADIUS authentication first: ServiceEngine(config)# authentication login radius enable primary Related Commands Command Description debug authentication user Debugs the user login against the system authentication. rule Sets the rules by which the SE filters HTTP, HTTPS, and RTSP traffic. show radius-server Displays RADIUS information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-297 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rcp rcp To enable the Remote Copy Program (RCP), use the rcp command in Global configuration mode. To disable RCP, use the no form of this command. rcp enable no rcp enable Syntax Description enable Command Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Examples The following example shows how to enable RCP: ServiceEngine(config)# Related Commands Enables RCP services. rcp enable Command Description show rcp Displays RCP information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-298 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands reload reload To halt and perform a cold restart on the SE, use the reload command in EXEC configuration mode. reload [force] Syntax Description force Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines To reboot the SE, use the reload command. If the current running configuration is different from the startup configuration and if the configuration changes are not saved to flash memory, you are prompted to save the current running configuration parameters to the startup configuration. (Optional) Forces a reboot without further prompting. To save any file system contents to disk from memory before a restart, use the cache synchronize command. Examples The following example shows how to reload the SE after you have saved the configuration changes. ServiceEngine# reload System configuration has been modified. Save? [ yes ] :yes Proceed with reload? [ confirm ] yes Shutting down all services, will timeout in 15 minutes. reload in progress ..... The following example forces a reboot on the SE: ServiceEngine# reload force Related Commands Command Description cache synchronize Saves any file system contents to disk from memory before a restart. write Saves startup configurations. write erase Erases the startup configuration from NVRAM. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-299 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rename rename To rename a file on the SE, use the rename command in EXEC configuration mode. rename old_filename new_filename Syntax Description old_filename Original filename. new_filename New filename. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to rename any sysfs file without making a copy of the file. Examples The following example renames a file named errlog.txt as old_errlog.txt: ServiceEngine# rename errlog.txt old_errlog.txt Related Commands Command Description cpfile Creates a copy of a file. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-300 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands restore restore To restore the device to its manufactured default status, removing the user data from the disk and flash memory, use the restore command in EXEC configuration mode. This command erases all existing content on the device. restore factory-default [preserve basic-config] Syntax Description factory-default Resets the device configuration and data to their manufactured default status. preserve (Optional) Preserves certain configurations and data on the device. basic-config (Optional) Selects basic network configurations. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to restore data on disk and in flash memory to the factory default, while preserving particular time stamp evaluation data. You need to enter this command from the root directory, or else the following error message is displayed: ServiceEngine# restore factory-default Need to cd to / before issuing this command Command aborted. SERVICEENGINE# Be sure to back up the CDSM database and copy the backup file to a safe location that is separate from that of the CDSM, or change over from the primary to a standby CDSM before you use the restore factory-default command on your primary CDSM. The primary CDSM operation must be halted before proceeding with backup and restore commands. Caution This command erases user-specified configuration information stored in the flash image and removes the data on the disk, the user-defined disk partitions, and the entire CDSM database. User-defined disk partitions that are removed include the sysfs and cdnfs partitions. The configuration being removed includes the starting configuration of the device. By removing the CDSM database, all configuration records for the entire CDS network are deleted. If you do not have a valid backup file or a standby CDSM, you must use the cms deregister force command and reregister every SE and SR after you have reconfigured the CDSM, because all previously configured data is lost. If you used your standby CDSM to store the database while you reconfigured the primary, you can simply register the former primary as a new standby CDSM. If you created a backup file while you configured the primary CDSM, you can copy the backup file to this newly reconfigured CDSM and use the cms database restore command. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-301 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands restore Caution If you upgraded your software after you received your software recovery CD-ROM, using the CD-ROM software images may downgrade your system. Cisco Internet Streamer CDS software consists of three basic components: • Disk-based software • Flash-based software • Hardware platform cookie (stored in flash memory) All these components must be correctly installed for Cisco Internet Streamer CDS software to work properly. Examples The following two examples show the results of using the restore factory-default and restore factory-default preserve basic-config commands. Because configuration parameters and data are lost, prompts are given before initiating the restore operation to ensure that you want to proceed. Note If you use the restore factory-default preserve basic-config command, the configuration for the primary interface is not preserved. If you want to re-enable the CDS network after using the restore factory-default preserve basic-config command, reconfigure the primary interface after the factory defaults have been restored. CDSM# restore factory-default This command will wipe out all of data on the disks and wipe out CDS CLI configurations you have ever made. If the box is in evaluation period of certain product, the evaluation process will not be affected though. It is highly recommended that you stop all active services before this command is run. Are you sure you want to go ahead? [ yes/no ] CDSM# restore factory-default preserve basic-config This command will wipe out all of data on the disks and all of CDS CLI configurations except basic network configurations for keeping the device online. The to-be-preserved configurations are network interfaces, default gateway, domain name, name server and hostname. If the box is in evaluation period of certain product, the evaluation process will not be affected. It is highly recommended that you stop all active services before this command is run. Are you sure you want to go ahead? [ yes/no ] Note You can enter basic configuration parameters (such as the IP address, hostname, and name server) at this point or later through entries in the command-line interface. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-302 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands restore The following example shows that entering the show disks command after the restore command verifies that the restore command has removed data from the partitioned file systems (sysfs and cdnfs): ServiceEngine# show disks SYSFS CDNFS FREE 0.0GB 0.0GB 29.9GB 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% Because flash memory configurations were removed after the restore command was used, the show startup-config command does not return any flash memory data. The show running-config command returns the default running configurations. The show wmt command continues to display the same license evaluation periods as before the restore factory-default command was invoked, because the evaluation period is not affected by this restore command. For example, if there were 21 days remaining in the evaluation period before the restore factory-default command was used, there would continue to be 21 days remaining in the evaluation period. Related Commands Command Description cms database backup Backs up the existing management database for the CDSM. cms database restore Restores the database management tables using the backup local filename. show disks Displays the names of the disks currently attached to the SE. show running-config Displays the current running configuration information on the terminal. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. show wmt Displays WMT bandwidth and proxy mode configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-303 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rmdir rmdir To delete a directory, use the rmdir command in EXEC configuration mode. rmdir directory Syntax Description directory Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to remove any directory from the SE file system. The rmdir command removes only empty directories. Examples The following example shows how to remove the oldfiles directory under /local1: Name of the directory that you want to delete. ServiceEngine# rmdir /local1/oldfiles Related Commands Command Description lls Provides detailed information about files and subdirectories stored in the present working directory, including size, date, time of creation, sysfs name, and long name of the file. ls Lists the files or subdirectory names within a directory. mkdir Creates a new directory or subdirectory in the SE file system. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-304 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands router bgp router bgp To configure a BGP routing process, use the router bgp command in Global configuration mode. To remove a BGP routing process, use the no form of this command. router bgp as_number no router bgp as_number Syntax Description as_number Command Defaults No BGP routing process is configured. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to set up a distributed routing core that automatically guarantees the loop-free exchange of routing information between autonomous systems. Number of an Autonomous System (AS) that identifies the router to other BGP routers, and tags the routing information that is passed along. Enable the Proximity Engine by entering the proximity engine enable command before executing this command. For the proximity function to work, one of the following is required: Note Examples • Enabled link-state protocol, such as OSPF or IS-IS for IGP proximity. • Enabled policy routing protocol, such as BGP for best-path proximity, and one of the IGP (OSPF or IS-IS) is required for next hop resolution. All BGP routes must resolve to IGP next hops or directly connected routes. The following example shows how to configure a BGP process for autonomous system 23: ServiceRouter(config)# router bgp 23 ServiceRouter(config-bgp)# Related Commands Command Description location community Configures the community values that are associated with a Proximity Engine. log-neighbor-changes Enables logging of BGP neighbor resets. neighbor Configures the BGP neighbors. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-305 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands router isis router isis To enable the IS-IS routing protocol and to specify an IS-IS process, use the router isis command in Global configuration mode. To disable IS-IS routing, use the no form of this command. router isis no router isis Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults IS-IS routing is disabled. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to enable routing for an area. An appropriate network entity title (NET) must be configured to specify the area address and the system ID of the router. Routing must be enabled on one or more interfaces before adjacencies can be established and dynamic routing is made possible. Enable the Proximity Engine by entering the proximity engine enable command before executing this command. Note It is not possible to configure IS-IS and OSPF simultaneously. If you are running OSPF and try to enter the router isis command, you receive the following warning message: %Cannot configure both IS-IS and OSPF together. Please remove 'router ospf' first. (Error number: 1137) If you want to configure IS-IS and you already have OSPF running, you must enter the no router ospf command first before entering the router isis command. Examples The following example shows how to configure IS-IS for IP routing. In this example, system ID is set to 0001.0c11.1111.00 and area is set to ID 47.0004.004d.0001. IS-IS is configured to form adjacencies on Ethernet interface 0 and serial interface 0. The IP prefix assigned to Ethernet interface 0 is advertised to other IS-IS routers. ServiceRouter# show node-type PROXIMITY_ENGINE ServiceRouter# config t ServiceRouter(config)# router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis)# net 47.0004.004d.0001.0001.0c11.1111.00 ServiceRouter(config-isis)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# ip router isis ServiceRouter(config-isis-if)# end ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-306 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands router isis Related Commands Command Description authentication Configures the authentication parameters. authentication-check Enables the checking of received packets on the corresponding level. authentication-type Specifies the cleartext or MD5 authentication for the corresponding level. interface Configures a Gigabit Ethernet or port channel interface. Provides access to interface configuration mode. is-type Configures a Proximity Engine to act as a Level 1 (intra-area) router, as both a Level 1 router and a Level 2 (intra-area) router, or as an inter-area router only. log-adjacency-changes Configures the router to send a syslog message when an IS-IS neighbor goes up or down. lsp-mtu Sets the maximum transmission unit MTU size of IS-IS LSPs. net Configures an IS-IS NET for a CLNS routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-307 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands router ospf router ospf To enable the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing process, use the router ospf command in Global configuration mode. To terminate the OSPF process, use the no form of this command. router ospf no router ospf Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults This command is disabled by default. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines For Proximity Engine, the fixed process ID “p1” is used internally. This allows only one instance of the OSPF process, but it supports multiple areas. Routing must be enabled on one or more interfaces before adjacencies can be established and before dynamic routing is possible. Enable the Proximity Engine by entering the proximity engine enable command before executing this command. Note It is not possible to configure IS-IS and OSPF simultaneously. If you are running IS-IS and try to enter the router ospf command, you receive the following warning message: %Cannot configure both IS-IS and OSPF together. Please remove 'router ospf' first. (Error number: 1137) If you want to configure OSPF and you already have IS-IS running, you must enter the no router isis command first before entering the router ospf command. Examples The following example shows how to configure an OSPF routing process: ServiceRouter# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ServiceRouter(config)# router ospf ServiceRouter(config-ospf)# end ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-308 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands router ospf Related Commands Command Description area Configures the area. authentication Configures the authentication parameters. authentication-check Enables the checking of received packets on the corresponding level. authentication-type Specifies the cleartext or MD5 authentication for the corresponding level. interface Configures a Gigabit Ethernet or port channel interface. Provides access to interface configuration mode. log-adjacency-changes Configures the router to send a syslog message when an IS-IS neighbor goes up or down. network area Defines the interfaces on which OSPF runs and defines the area ID for those interfaces. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-309 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands router srp router srp To enter SRP configuration mode, use the router srp command in Global configuration mode. To negate the SRP daemon and remove all SRP running configuration, use the no form of this command. router srp no router srp Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to enter SRP configuration mode, where a system administrator can configure different parameters of the SRP. Enable the Proximity Engine by entering the proximity engine enable command before executing this command. For SRP to run properly, it is necessary to configure the NTP server on the SR. Configure NTP as follows: ServiceRouter(config)# ntp server ServiceRouter(config)# end ServiceRouter# sh ntp status ntp enabled server list: remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter ============================================================================== 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00 * 2 u 63m 137m 177 1.625 -1.806 0.881 ServiceRouter# Examples The following example shows the use of router srp: ServiceRouter# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ServiceRouter(config)# router srp ServiceRouter(config-srp)# Related Commands Command Description bootstrap-node Configures a bootstrap node IP address. domain Sets the domain ID for an SRP. flooding Configures the flooding threshold. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-310 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rtsp rtsp To configure the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)-related parameters, use the rtsp command in Global configuration mode. To disable individual options, use the no form of this command. rtsp {advanced ip_address {bypass-gateway movie-streamer | max-initial-setup-delay time_delay | max-request-rate num} | ip-address ip_address} no rtsp {advanced ip_address {bypass-gateway movie-streamer | max-initial-setup-delay time_delay | max-request-rate num} | ip-address ip_address} Syntax Description advanced Performs advanced configuration of the RTSP gateway. ip_address The IP address of RTSP gateway. bypass-gateway Allows bypassing the RTSP gateway for RTSP requests. movie-streamer Allows bypassing the RTSP gateway for Movie Streamer RTSP requests. max-initial-setup-delay Specifies the maximum delay, in seconds, between the TCP accept and first RTSP message from the client. The default is 10. Command Defaults time_delay The RTSP advanced maximum initial setup delay, in seconds. The range is from 0 to 2147483647. max-request-rate Specifies the maximum incoming requests allowed by the RTSP Gateway per second. num The maximum requests per second. The range is from 1 to 2147483647. ip-address Configures the IP address for the RTSP gateway. max-initial-setup-delay time_delay: 10 max-request-rate num: 40 requests Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a standard Internet streaming control protocol (RFC 2326). It is an application-level protocol that controls the delivery of data with real-time properties, such as video and audio. Apple QuickTime, Real Networks, and the Cisco Streaming Engine use RTSP as the streaming control protocol. Live Streaming with the Cisco Streaming Engine The Internet Streamer CDS software supports live streaming content with many kinds of network topologies and deployment scenarios. This feature allows the integration of streaming content from Cisco IP/TV Servers and QuickTime live broadcast servers with the CDS network. Support for broadcast of playlists is included (except for SEs at the network edge), allowing you to convert one or more disk files into a playlist and to send them out through simulated live streaming. An RTSP source is a fully qualified RTSP URL that references an external streaming server, such as a parent SE, which provides the corresponding RTSP request point. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-311 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rtsp RTSP Gateway The RTSP gateway is a process that runs on the SE. The RTSP gateway accepts an RTSP request and performs the initial RTSP handshake with RTSP-based clients (for example, Windows Media 9 players) on behalf of the back-end RTSP servers (for example, the WMT RTSP server) that are running on the SE. For every RTSP request, the RTSP gateway examines the following properties of the request: • URL and its position in the Unified Name Space (UNS) • User agent • IP address of the final destination • Media type After the successful completion of uniformity checks, the RTSP gateway tunnels the request to the appropriate back-end RTSP server that is running on the SE. The RTSP gateway can tunnel the request to RealProxy, RealSubscriber, or the Cisco Streaming Engine on the SE, depending on the requested media type, the back-end RTSP servers that are currently enabled on the SE, and the media player that is requesting the content. After the RTSP gateway tunnels the request to a particular back-end RTSP server that is running on the SE and the back-end server and the client negotiate the UDP ports, the RTSP gateway continues with RTSP message passing (SETUP). When the RTSP client issues a PLAY request, the streaming server starts streaming the data to the client over UDP. Based on the properties of the incoming request, including user agent, final destination, and media file type, the RTSP gateway performs the following tasks with SEs: • Forwards the incoming request to the appropriate back-end RTSP server that is running on the SE. The incoming request goes to the WMT RTSP server if the client is a Windows Media 9 player. The SE uses the IETF standard RTSP protocol and proprietary Microsoft extensions to serve the content to Windows Media 9 players. • Redirects the incoming request. • Rejects the incoming request. If the SE is registered with a CDSM, the RTSP gateway also redirects the incoming requests to other content distributors (for example, RealSubscriber or Cisco Streaming Engine) that are configured on the SE. Network Address Translation (NAT) is designed for IP address simplification and conservation because it enables private IP internetworks that use nonregistered IP addresses to connect to the Internet. NAT operates on a router, usually connecting two networks together, and translates the private addresses in the internal network into legal addresses before packets are forwarded onto another network. As part of this functionality, NAT can be configured to advertise only one external address for the entire network. This configuration provides additional security, effectively hiding the entire internal network from the world behind that address. NAT has the dual functionality of security and address conservation and is typically implemented in remote access environments. Note If the SE is behind a NAT-enabled router, you must specify the IP address of the RTSP gateway that is running on the SE. By default, no IP address is specified. Default RTSP Gateway Settings The RTSP gateway is automatically enabled on the SE and cannot be disabled with a command. Table 2-2 lists the default settings for the RTSP gateway. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-312 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rtsp Table 2-2 Default Settings for the RTSP Gateway RTSP Gateway Setting Default Setting IP address of RTSP gateway Not specified Incoming RTSP port Port 554 Incoming RTSP request rate 40 requests per second Layer 4 switching Not enabled Maximum initial setup delay 10 seconds Maximum request rate 40 requests per second By default, the RTSP gateway is always enabled on an SE and cannot be disabled by entering a CLI command. As Table 2-2 shows, the RTSP gateway has a set of default settings. You only need to change these default settings under the following conditions: Note Examples • You want to configure the RTSP gateway to listen for incoming RTSP requests on a port other than the default port (port 554). • SE is behind a NAT-enabled router. In this case, you must specify the IP address of the RTSP gateway. By default, an IP address for the RTSP gateway is not specified. A description of the RTSP is available as IETF RFC 2326. The following example shows how to set up the Movie Streamer RTSP bypass gateway: ServiceEngine(config)# rtsp advanced bypass-gateway movie-streamer The following example shows how to establish the maximum initial setup delay: ServiceEngine(config)# rtsp advanced max-initial-setup-delay 15 The following example shows how to establish the maximum request rate: ServiceEngine(config)# rtsp advanced max-request-rate 50 The following example shows how to assign the RTSP IP address: ServiceEngine(config)# rtsp ip-address Related Commands Command Description show rtsp Displays the RTSP configurations. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-313 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rule rule To set the rules by which the SE filters HTTP, HTTPS, and RTSP traffic, use the rule command in Global configuration mode. To disable individual options, use the no form of this command. rule action {allow pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https | rtsp}] | block pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https | rtsp}] | generate-url-signature {include-client-src-ip | key-id-owner key_id {key-id-number key_id_number} {pattern-list patterm_list_num} [protocol {all | http}]} | no-cache pattern-list list_num [protocol{all | http | https}] | redirect url pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https | rtsp}] | refresh pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https}] | replace pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https | rtsp}] | rewrite pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https | rtsp}] | use-icap-service service-name pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https}] | validate-url-signature pattern-list error-redirect-url url | exclude {all error-redirect-url url pattern-list num [protocol {all | http | rtmp | rtsp}] | client-ip error-redirect-url url pattern-list num [protocol {all | http | rtmp | rtsp}] | expiry-time error-redirect-url url pattern-list num [protocol {all | http | rtmp | rtsp}] | enable | pattern-list list_num {domain dn_regexp | group-type {and | or} | header-field {referer ref_regexp | src-ip s_ipaddress s_subnet | url-regex url_regexp | url-regsub url_regexp url_sub}}} no rule action {allow pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https | rtsp}] | block pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https | rtsp}] | generate-url-signature {include-client-src-ip | key-id-owner key_id {key-id-number key_id_number} {pattern-list patterm_list_num} [protocol {all | http}]} | no-cache pattern-list list_num [protocol{all | http | https}] | redirect url pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https | rtsp}] | refresh pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https}] | replace pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https | rtsp}] | rewrite pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https | rtsp}] | use-icap-service service-name pattern-list list_num [protocol {all | http | https}] | validate-url-signature pattern-list error-redirect-url url | exclude {all error-redirect-url url pattern-list num [protocol {all | http | rtmp | rtsp}] | client-ip error-redirect-url url pattern-list num [protocol {all | http | rtmp | rtsp}] | expiry-time error-redirect-url url pattern-list num [protocol {all | http | rtmp | rtsp}] | enable | pattern-list list_num {domain dn_regexp | group-type {and | or} | header-field {referer ref_regexp | src-ip s_ipaddress s_subnet | url-regex url_regexp | url-regsub url_regexp url_sub}}} Syntax Description action Describes the action that the rule is to take. allow Allows the incoming request that matches the pattern list. This can be used in combination with block actions to allow selective types of requests. Allow does not carry any meaning as a standalone action. pattern-list Configures the pattern list. list_num Pattern list number. The range is from 1 to 512. protocol Specifies the protocol for which this rule is to be matched. all Matches this rule with all applicable protocols for this action. protocol_type Protocol types that support rule actions, namely, http, https, and rtsp. Note enable The term http traffic is used to see requests over HTTP including HTTP, FTP over HTTP, and HTTPS over HTTP. The Rules Template is not supported for FTP native requests. Enables rules processing on the SE. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-314 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rule pattern_type Types of rule patterns that you can add to a pattern list. allow Allows the incoming request that matches the pattern list. This can be used in combination with block actions to allow selective types of requests. Allow does not carry any meaning as a standalone action. http Matches this rule with HTTP. rtmp Matches this rule with RTMP. rtsp Matches this rule with RTSP. block Blocks this request and allows all others. generate-url-signature Specifies that the SE generates a signed URL that is included in the autogenerated ASX file when content routing is in use and the pattern matches. include-client-src-ip Specifies the client IP to be included in the signed URL. key-id-owner Specifies the owner of the key which ranges from 1 to 32. The key is a shared secret string. key_id Owner of the key. key-id-number Specifies the identification number of the key. The range is from 1 to 16. key_id_num Identification number of the key. pattern-list Specifies the number of the pattern list. The range is from 1 to 512. Valid patterns are domain, url-regex, or dst-ip. pattern_list_num Specifies the number of the pattern list. no-cache Does not cache the object. redirect Redirects the request to the rewritten URL. url Redirect URL. refresh Revalidates the object with the web server. replace Replaces the text string in the object. rewrite Rewrites the original request as a specified URL and fetches the rewritten URL on a cache miss. use-icap-service Uses a specific ICAP server. service_name Service name used for handling a request through an ICAP server. validate-url-signature Validates a signed URL. error-redirect-url Specifies the error HTTP URL. Note This keyword is only supported for HTTP URLs. exclude Specifies what field in the URL signature must be validated. all Specifies both client-ip and expiry time fields are excluded in validation. client-ip Specifies that the client-ip field is excluded in validation. domain-name Specifies that the domain-name is excluded in validation. expiry-time Specifies that the expire-time field is excluded in validation. domain Specifies the regular expression to match the domain name. dn_regexp Regular expression to be matched with the domain name. group-type Specifies whether the pattern list is an AND or OR type. and Specifies an AND pattern to the pattern list. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-315 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rule Command Defaults or Specifies an OR pattern to the pattern list. header-field Specifies the header field pattern of the request and substitute replacement pattern. referer Specifies the referer request header. ref_regexp Regular expression to be matched with the referer request header. request-line Specifies the request method line. req_regexp Regular expression to be matched with the request method line. user-agent Specifies the user agent request header. ua_regexp Regular expression to be matched with the User Agent request header. src-ip Specifies the source IP address of the request. s_ipaddress Source IP address of the request. s_subnet Source IP subnet mask. url-regex Specifies the regular expression to match a substring of the URL. url_regexp Regular expression to be matched with the URL string. url-regsub Sets the regular expression to match the URL and replacement pattern. url_sub URL string replacement pattern. The default is rule processing disabled. The group-type pattern is OR by default. Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines The Rules Template allows you to specify a set of rules, each clearly identified by an action and a pattern. The Rules Template allows you to configure an SE to use specific rules to filter HTTP, HTTPS, and RTSP traffic. A common use of this feature is to configure an SE to block the spread of Internet worms and viruses within an organization by checking whether a requested web page matches the pattern of a known Internet worm and if so then automatically blocking the request. If you have enabled rules processing on an SE (enabled the Rules Template feature on the SE and configured rules for the SE), the SE checks each incoming client request to determine if a rule pattern matches the requested content. If a rule pattern matches the given request, the SE uses the specified action (policy) to handle this incoming traffic. The SE can match incoming requests against the following: • Patterns in the IP address of the client requesting the content (source IP address), including the IP address, the network mask, and the port list • Patterns in the IP address of the origin web or media server (destination IP addresses), including the IP address, the network mask, and the port list • Regular expression of the URL • Regular expression of the domain portion of the URL • MIME types of the web object that the client is requesting • Regular expressions symbolizing domain names Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-316 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rule • Headers that are sent in the request, including the following: – User-agent of the request, which indicates which client software is issuing the request – Referer, which indicates the web page from which the browser jumped to this link – Request line, which indicates the request line itself Note The regsub attribute supports regular expressions, but only one substitution can be defined. Multiple substitutions are not supported. Also, only one url-regsub pattern list is supported. Multiple substitutions for the same pattern list are not supported. You can apply the policies defined in the Rules Template to HTTP (including FTP over HTTP) and HTTPS and to RTSP for streaming media objects. Policies that can be applied include the following: Note • Allowing a request to be completed • Blocking the request • Overriding the HTTP response header and caching the object • Caching the object depending on the HTTP response header • Bypassing authentication for the request • Replacing the text string • Not caching an object • Bypassing an upstream proxy for the request • Redirecting the request to a different URL • Revalidating the object with the origin server • Rewriting the URL • No URL filtering for the specified HTTP and HTTPS requests • Using a specific ICAP server • Using a specific upstream proxy • Using a specific server for the request To enter a question mark (?) in a rule regular expression from the command-line interface, use the escape character followed by a question mark (?). Use of the escape sequence prevents the command-line interface from displaying context-sensitive help. Supported Rule Actions per Protocol For RTSP, the redirect rule actions are supported for RTSP requests from RealMedia players. These two rule actions are not supported for RTSP requests from Windows Media Players. For example, Windows Media Services 9 (WMS 9) supports the block, rewrite, and allow rule actions for RTSP requests, but does not support the redirect rule actions for RTSP requests. WMT supports all the rule action types—allow, block, no-cache, redirect, refresh, replace, rewrite, validate-url-signature, and generate-url-signature. RTMP and Movie Streamer only support allow, block, and validate-url-signature. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-317 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rule Note If the rule action generate-url-signature command with the parameter include-client-src-ip key-id-owner 3 key-id-number 3 pattern-list 2 is entered, with and without protocol parameters, the “rule entry is duplicate” message is displayed. If the protocol is not specified in that particular pattern list, all protocols are accepted. This command removes the trailing “protocol all” when it displays in the running-config. All service rule-related commands have this functionality. Also, the rule action allow pattern-list 1 ? command does not have a help message indicating “protocol all” is the default value if it is omitted. Supported Action and Pattern Combinations Not all actions support all patterns for request matching because some patterns do not make sense for some actions. Understanding Actions and Patterns A rule is specified by an action and a pattern list. An action is performed on a request if this request matches the pattern list specified in the rule pattern-list command. An action is something that the SE performs when processing a request; for instance, an action could be blocking the request, using an alternative proxy, and so forth. A pattern list defines the limits of a request; for instance, a pattern list may specify that the source IP address falls in the subnet range 172.16.*.*. Rules can be dynamically added, displayed, or deleted from the SE. The rules are preserved across reboots because they are written into persistent storage, such as NVRAM, using the appropriate CLI commands or the CDSM GUI. Only the system resources limit the number of rules that the SE can support. Because rules consume resources, the more rules that you define can greatly impact how the SE performs. Note The number of actions is limited only by available resources. The maximum number of pattern lists is 512. The maximum number of patterns per action is 128. A single pattern list can contain up to 128 patterns of a particular pattern type. Actions The Rules Template supports the following types of actions: • Allow—Allows incoming requests that match the pattern list. This rule action can be used in combination with block actions to allow selective types of requests. Allow does not carry any meaning as a standalone action. • Block—Blocks this request and allows all others. • No-cache—Does not cache this object. • Redirect—Redirects the original request to a specified URL. Redirect is relevant to the RADIUS server only if the RADIUS server has been configured for redirect. • Refresh—For a cache hit, forces an object freshness check with the server. • Replace—Replaces the text string in the object. • Rewrite—Rewrites the original request as a specified URL. The SE searches for the rewritten URL in the cache, and then on a cache miss, fetches the rewritten URL and returns the object transparently to the client. You should use a redirect rule instead of a rewrite rule because of possible Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-318 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rule performance impacts. The reason for the performance impact is that, for a redirect rule, the SE sends a 302 (Found) message to the client with the new redirect URL. The client issues a separate request to the redirected URL. However, for a rewrite action, the original request URL is rewritten as the specified URL. The URL rewrite could change the domain name of the URL, which necessitates a Domain Name Server (DNS) lookup to find the destination IP address of the new rewritten server to which the request must be sent. • Use-icap-service—Uses a specified ICAP server. • Validate-url-signature—Validates a signed URL. Actions can be applied to specific protocols or to a set of protocols. If no protocol is configured, then the specified action is taken for all the traffic that goes through the SE. Execution Order of Rule Actions The order in which the rule actions are executed is different between the Web Engine and the other protocol engines (Windows Media Streaming, Movie Streamer, and Flash Media Streaming). Note For the Web Engine, the Service Rule file must be used if service rules are to be configured. This is done though the CDSM, not the CLI. For more information, see Appendix F “Creating Service Rule Files” of the Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.2 Software Configuration Guide. Note Configuring Service Rules for Flash Media Streaming is no longer done through the CLI; it is done through the Authorization Server Rules plug-in. See the “Configuring Service Rules” section in the Cisco Internet Streamer CDS 3.2 Software Configuration Guide. Note When configuring service rules, you must configure the same service rules on all SEs participating in a delivery service in order for the service rules to be fully implemented. The rule action must be common for all client requests because the SR may redirect a client request to any SE in a delivery service depending on threshold conditions. Web Engine Rule Action Order The order in which the rule actions are executed for the Web Engine is as follows: 1. block or allow The allow and block actions carry the same precedence. The order of execution depends on the order of configuration between allow and block actions. Other actions always take precedence over allow. Note 2. redirect (before cache lookup) 3. rewrite (before cache lookup) 4. use-icap-service 5. generate-url-signature 6. validate-url-signature 7. refresh (after cache lookup, in the case of cache hit) 8. no-cache Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-319 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rule All Other Protocol Engine Rule Action Order The order in which the rule actions are executed for the other protocol engines is the order in which they were configured, except for the validate-url-signature action. If the rule pattern associated with the validate-url-signature action is matched, regardless of the configuration order the rules, the validate-url-signature action is performed before any other action. 1. validate-url-signature 2. block or allow The allow and block actions carry the same precedence. The order of execution depends on the order of configuration between allow and block actions. Other actions always take precedence over allow. Note 3. redirect (before cache lookup) 4. rewrite (before cache lookup) Patterns The Rules Template supports the following pattern types: • Domain—Matches the domain name in the URL or the Host header against a regular expression. For example, .*ibm.* matches any domain name that contains the ibm substring. The \.foo\.com$ domain name matches any domain name that ends with the substring. Note • In regular expression syntax, the dollar sign ($) metacharacter directs that a match is made only when the pattern is found at the end of a line. Group-type—Specifies whether the pattern list is an AND or OR type. The default is OR. Following are the four patterns of expected behavior: – Pattern 1 rule pattern-list 22 group-type and rule pattern-list 22 url-regsub 10 airforce rule pattern-list 22 url-regsub wma wmv rule pattern-list 23 url-regsub 10 airforce rule pattern-list 23 url-regsub wma wmv – Pattern 2 rule pattern-list 22 group-type and rule pattern-list 22 url-regsub 10 airforce rule pattern-list 23 url-regsub wma wmv – Pattern 3 rule pattern-list 22 group-type or rule pattern-list 22 url-regsub 10 airforce rule pattern-list 22 url-regsub wma wmv rule pattern-list 23 url-regsub 10 airforce rule pattern-list 23 url-regsub wma wmv Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-320 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rule – Pattern 4 rule pattern-list 22 group-type or rule pattern-list 22 url-regsub 10 airforce rule pattern-list 23 url-regsub wma wmv Note The rules are that when AND is specified for a pattern-list ALL the conditions satisfy. When OR is specified, ANY of the condition are matched. • Src-ip—Matches the request’s source IP address and netmask. Specify an IP address and a netmask. • URL-regex—Matches the URL against a regular expression. The match is case insensitive. Specify a regular expression. • Header-field—Matches the header field pattern of the request. Request header field patterns referer, request-line, and user-agent are supported for the actions block, redirect, and rewrite. The referer pattern is matched against the Referer header in the request, the request-line pattern is matched against the first line of the request, and the user-agent pattern is matched against the User-Agent header in the request. • URL-regsub—Matches the URL against a regular expression to form a new URL per pattern substitution specification for the rewrite and redirect actions. The match is case insensitive. The valid substitution index range is from 1 to 9. If an empty string is given as a replacement pattern, the Referer header is stripped. Stripping of the Referer header occurs in the user-agent pattern. Multiple patterns can be entered on the same pattern list. If any of them matches the incoming request, the corresponding action is taken. Multiple patterns for the same pattern list must be entered on different lines. Rules Template Processing Considerations Actions and patterns have a predefined order of execution. A group of rules with the same action is always executed either before or after another group of rules with a different action. The block, rewrite, and redirect rule actions support the following additional patterns: request-line, referer, and user-agent regular expressions. The request-line regular expression matches the first line of the request. The user-agent regular expression matches the User-Agent header value of the request. The referer regular expression matches the Referer header value of the request. The order is not affected by the order in which the rules are entered using CLI commands. Allow and block carry the same precedence. The order of execution depends on the order of configuration between allow and block actions. Other actions always take precedence over allow. Among rules of the same action, a predefined execution order exists among the rule patterns, which means that within a group of rules of the same action, one group of rules with the same pattern is always executed either before or after another group of rules with a different pattern. Among all rules of the same action and of the same rules pattern, the rules are evaluated in a Last-Entered-First-Examined fashion (the reverse of the order in which the rules were entered). This order is not affected by the order in which the rules are entered using CLI commands. Most actions do not have any parameters. Service Rules for URLs There are three cases for service rules: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-321 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rule • If allow rules are configured, then it is an implicit deny. For example, if all URL requests that match HTML are blocked, implicitly, all requests that match other URL requests are allowed. • If deny rules are configured then it is implicit allow. If all URL requests that match WMV are allowed, implicitly, all request that match other URL requests are blocked. • If both allow and deny are configured, then it is an implicit allow. If both of the above rules are configured, then HTML URL requests are blocked, and all other URL requests are allowed. Examples The following example shows that the SE is configured to replace the string in a request to the server named dummy: ServiceEngine(config)# rule action rewrite header-field referer dummy The following example shows that if an empty string is given as a replacement pattern, then the referer header is stripped. This rule states that all requests, which have a referer header that indicates a corporate internal server in ABCBigCorp, strip the referer field so that the outside web server does not see the name of the corporate internal server. ServiceEngine(config)# “” rule action rewrite header-field referer The following example shows that the rule pattern-list command is configured to add a pattern to an existing pattern list to perform an action to be defined on destination IP address using the dst-ip pattern: ServiceEngine# show rule pattern-list 10 all Rules Template Configuration ---------------------------Rule Processing Enabled Pattern-Lists : rule pattern-list 11 dst-ip rule pattern-list 11 domain The following example shows that the rule action block command is configured and associated with an existing pattern list: ServiceEngine(config)# rule action block pattern-list 10 protocol all ServiceEngine# show rule action block Rules Template Configuration ---------------------------Rule Processing Enabled Actions : rule action block pattern-list 10 protocol all The following example shows that the rule action block command is configured and associated with an existing pattern list, which lists as its pattern the domain ServiceEngine(config)# rule pattern-list 10 domain ServiceEngine# show rule pattern-list 10 all Rules Template Configuration Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-322 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rule ---------------------------Rule Processing Enabled Pattern-Lists : rule pattern-list 10 domain ServiceEngine(config)# rule action block pattern-list 10 protocol all In this example, the request (using HTTP) to was denied three times. The following example shows that the rule action block command (action) blocks all patterns specified with the rule pattern-list 12 command: ServiceEngine(config)# rule pattern-list 12 domain \ ServiceEngine(config)# rule action block pattern-list 12 ServiceEngine(config)# The following example prevents caching of requests that match a URL request that contains the *cgi-bin* string: ServiceEngine(config)# rule pattern-list 13 url-regex \.*cgi-bin.* ServiceEngine(config)# rule action no-cache pattern-list 13 ServiceEngine(config)# The actions that are to be taken by the rules are configured through the rule action commands. Patterns that are to be matched to a particular pattern that you specify are configured through rule pattern-list commands. The following example shows how patterns use AND by configuring patterns with the same pattern list number and applying that pattern list to an action: ServiceEngine(config)# rule action block pattern-list 1 ServiceEngine(config)# rule pattern-list 1 url-regex yahoo ServiceEngine(config)# rule pattern-list 1 dst-port 80 Other options of the rule command work similarly to the preceding examples. The following example redirects a request for old-domain-name that has been changed to new-domain-name: Cache(config)# rule action redirect http://old-domain-name/ pattern-list 1 protocol http Cache(config)# rule pattern-list 1 url-regsub http://old-domain-name/ http://new-domain-name/ The following example redirects requests from an IETF site to a site that is locally mirrored: Cache(config)# rule action redirect*) pattern-list 2 protocol http The following example shows that if the request URL is, the SE rewrites the URL as and sends a 302 Temporary Redirect response with the rewritten URL in the Location header to the client. The browser automatically starts a request to the rewritten URL. Cache(config)# rule pattern-list 2 url-regsub*)\1 The following example redirects all requests for to a local server in India that is closer to where the SE is located: Cache(config)# rule action redirect*) pattern-list 3 protocol http Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-323 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands rule The following example shows that two URLs are to be matched if the pattern is url-regsub. If the URLs that are given in the action configuration are invalid, a warning is displayed during the configuration of this rule. The action URL is taken when the header field patterns are configured. Cache(config)# rule pattern-list 3 url-regsub*)\1 The following example bypasses requests with as the domain from URL filtering: ServiceEngine(config)# rule action no-url-filtering pattern-list 6 protocol all ServiceEngine(config)# rule pattern-list 6 domain The following example covers both uppercase and lowercase expressions of MP4 files: ServiceEngine(config)# rule pattern-list 2 url-regex http://(.*.)*.)[mM] [pP]4(.*) Related Commands Command Description clear Clears the HTTP object cache, the hardware interface, statistics, archive working transaction logs, and other settings. show rule Displays rules configuration information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-324 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands script script To execute a script provided by Cisco or check the script for errors, use the script command in EXEC configuration mode. script {check | execute} file_name Syntax Description check Checks the validity of the script. execute Executes the script. The script file must be a sysfs file in the current directory. file_name Name of the script file. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The script command in EXEC configuration mode opens the script utility, which allows you to execute scripts supplied by Cisco or check errors in those scripts. The script utility can read standard terminal input from the user if the script you run requires inputs from the user. Note Examples The script utility is designed to run only in scripts supplied by Cisco. You cannot execute script files that lack Cisco signatures or that have been corrupted or modified. The following example shows how to check for errors in the script file foo.script: ServiceEngine# script check foo.script Script file foo.script is valid. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-325 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service service To specify the type of service, use the service command in EXEC configuration mode. On the CDSM: service csm restart On the SE: service {acquisition restart | csm restart | distribution restart | flash-media-streaming restart | ms restart | rtspg restart | web-engine restart | wmt restart} On the SR: service {cms restart | service-router restart} Syntax Description acquisition Specifies Acquisition services. restart Restarts the specified services. csm Specifies CMS services. distribution Specifies Distribution services. flash-media-streaming Specifies Flash Media Streaming services. ms Specifies Movie Streamer services. rtspg Specifies RTSP Gateway services. service-router Specifies Service Router services. web-engine Specifies Web Engine services. wmt Specifies Windows Media services. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to start acquisition service: ServiceEngine# service acquisition restart The service acquirer has been restarted successfully! ServiceEngine# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-326 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router service-router To configure service routing, use the service-router command in Global configuration mode. To disable last-resort routing, use the no form of this command. On the SE: service-router {keepalive-interval num | service-monitor {augmentation-alarm enable | license-universal enable | number-of-samples {all num | cpu num | disk num | fms num | kmemory num | memory num | wmt num | nic num} | sample-period {all num | cpu num | disk num | fms num | kmemory num | memory num | movie-streamer num | nic num | wmt num} | threshold {augmentation num | burstcnt num | cpu num | disk num | faildisk num | fms num | kmemory num | memory num | movie-streamer num |nic num | wmt num} | transaction-log enable | type {all | cpu | disk | fms | kmemory | memory| movie-streamer | nic | wmt}}} no service-router {keepalive-interval num | service-monitor {augmentation-alarm enable | license-universal enable | number-of-samples {all num | cpu num | disk num | fms num | kmemory num | memory num | wmt num | nic num} | sample-period {all num | cpu num | disk num | fms num | kmemory num | memory num | movie-streamer num | nic num | wmt num} | threshold {augmentation num | burstcnt num | cpu num | disk num | faildisk num | fms num | kmemory num | memory num | movie-streamer num |nic num | wmt num} | transaction-log enable | type {all | cpu | disk | fms | kmemory | memory | movie-streamer | nic | wmt}}} On the SR: service-router service-monitor {augmentation-alarm enable | number-of-samples {all num | cpu num | disk num | kmemory num | memory num} | sample-period {all num | cpu num | disk num | kmemory num | memory num} | threshold {augmentation num | cpu num | disk num | faildisk num | kmemory num | memory num} | type {all | cpu | disk | kmemory | memory}} no service-router service-monitor {augmentation-alarm enable | number-of-samples {all num | cpu num | disk num | kmemory num | memory num} | sample-period {all num | cpu num | disk num | kmemory num | memory num} | threshold {augmentation num | cpu num | disk num | faildisk num | kmemory num | memory num} | type {all | cpu | disk | kmemory | memory}} On the CDSM: service-router {access-policy enable | content-based-routing {enable | redundant num} | lastresort {domain name {allow all | alternate name port_num} | error-domain name error-file port_num | translator ip_address port_num} | location-based-routing {enable | location-cache timeout num} | proximity-based-routing {enable | proximity-cache timeout num | proximity-server ip_address password password} | redirect-burst-control {enable | rate num} | redirect-mode {dns-redirect {all | domain domain} | ip-redirect} | service-monitor {augmentation-alarm enable | number-of-samples {all num | cpu num | disk num | kmemory num | memory num}} | subscribe domain domain | threshold {augmentation num | cpu num | disk num | kmemory num | memory num | transaction-log enable}} no service-router {access-policy enable | content-based-routing {enable | redundant num} | lastresort {domain name {allow all | alternate name port_num} | error-domain name error-file port_num | translator ip_address port_num} | location-based-routing {enable | location-cache timeout num} | proximity-based-routing {enable | proximity-cache timeout num | proximity-server ip_address password password} | redirect-burst-control {enable | Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-327 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router rate num} | redirect-mode {dns-redirect {all | domain domain} | ip-redirect} | service-monitor {augmentation-alarm enable | number-of-samples {all num | cpu num | disk num | kmemory num | memory num}} | subscribe domain domain | threshold {augmentation num | cpu num | disk num | kmemory num | memory num | transaction-log enable}} Syntax Description keepalive-interval Specifies the SR keepalive interval in seconds. keepalive_interval _num Number of seconds. The range is from 1 to 120. service-monitor Configures Service Monitor related parameters. augmentation-alarm Alarm for checking the device level loads. enable Enables the augmentation alarm. license-universal Universal license feature to clear all alarms for Protocol Engines. enable Enables the universal license feature. number-of-samples Counts the latest sampled values to be used when calculating average. all Sets to all monitor types. num Count of latest sampled values to be used when calculating average. The range is from 1 to 120. cpu Enables the monitor CPU load. disk Sets the disk monitor type. fms Sets the FMS1 monitor type. kmemory Sets the monitor kernel memory type. memory Sets the monitor memory type. movie-streamer Monitors the Movie Streamer stream count. wmt Sets the WMT2 monitor type. nic Sets the Network Interface Card monitor type. sample-period Configures the time interval, in seconds, between two consecutive samples. num Time interval between two consecutive samples, in seconds. The range is from 1 to 60. threshold Configures threshold values. augmentation Applies the Augmentation alarm threshold as a percentage of the device parameter threshold. num Configures the Augmentation threshold values in percentage (1 to 100). burstcnt Configures the Protocol Engine Burst License Control monitor type. num Protocol Engine Burst License Control threshold value. faildisk Sets the disk failure monitor type. num Configures the Disk Failure Count threshold percentage (1-100). The default is 75 percent. movie-streamer Sets the Movie Streamer monitor type. type Configures the type to be monitored. access-policy Configures the service-router access-policy. enable Enables the access-policy. enable Enables the CDN Selector. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-328 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router content-based-routing Configures content based routing. enable Enables content based routing. redundant Specifies the number of redundant copies of the content. num Number of redundant copies of the content. The range is from 1 to 4. lastresort Configures the lastresort domain. domain Configures the domain. name Domain name. allow Allows the client to be routed through an alternate domain or origin server. all Allows all requests. alternate Configures an alternate domain. name Alternate domain name. error-domain Configures error domain. name Error domain name. translator Configures the external translator IP address. ip_address External translator IP address. port (Optional) Specifies the port number. port_num Port number (1-65535). error-file Configures error file name. port_num Error file name. location-based-routing Configures location-based routing. enable Enables location-based routing. location-cache Configures the location cache. timeout Configures the location cache timeout. num Location cache timeout in seconds (1 to 864000). proximity-based-routing Configures proximity-based routing. enable Enables proximity-based routing. proximity-cache Configures proximity cache. timeout Configures proximity cache timeout. num Proximity cache timeout, in seconds. The range is from 1 to 86400. proximity-server Configures proximity server IP address and port. ip_address IP address of proximity server. redirect-burst-control Configures the redirect burst control. enable Enables redirect burst control. rate Configures the redirect burst control rate (requests per second). num Redirect burst control rate. The range is from 1 to 100000. redirect-mode Enables the redirect mode. The redirect mode is disabled by default. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-329 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router dns-redirect Sets the redirect mode to DNS-based redirection. Note The TTL for the DNS proxy requests is one second. A one-second TTL ensures that the DNS proxy keeps sending requests to the Request Routing Engine, which in turn causes the Request Routing Engine to determine the best Service Engine at that point in time, and not to redirect the request to the same SE. all Enables the DNS-based redirection for all domains. domain Enables the DNS-based redirection for a specific domain. domain Name of the domain. ip-redirect Sets the redirect mode to IP-based redirection. service-monitor Configures service monitor parameters. number-of-samples Counts the latest sampled values to be used when calculating average. all Allows all monitor types. num Count of latest sampled values to be used when calculating average. The range is from 1 to 120. cpu Sets the CPU monitor type. disk Sets the disk monitor type. kmemory Sets the monitor kernel memory. memory Sets the monitor memory. faildisk Sets the disk failure monitor type. sample-period Configures the time interval between two consecutive samples. subscribe Configures the domains to which the service router should be subscribed. domain Configures the domain. domain Specifies the domain name. threshold Configures threshold values. transaction-log Configures Transaction logging for the Service Monitor. enable Enables transaction logging for the Service Monitor. type Configures the type to be monitored. 1. FMS = Flash Media Server 2. WMT = Windows Media Technology Command Defaults keepalive-interval: 2 redundant copies: 1 dns-ttl: 60 burstcnt: 1 location cache timeout: 691200 seconds (8 days) content-based-routing: disabled proximity cache timeout: 1800 sample-period: 1 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-330 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router nic sample-period: 3 number of samples: 2 faildisk: 75 percent augmentation-alarm: disabled transaction-logs: disabled port number: 80 Command Modes Global configuration (config) mode. Usage Guidelines To configure last-resort routing, use the service-router command in Global configuration mode, where domain is the service routing domain name, and alternate is where to route requests. Last-resort routing is applicable when load-based routing is enabled and all SEs have exceeded their thresholds or all SEs in the domain are offline. The SR can redirect requests to a configurable alternate domain when all SEs serving a client network region are overloaded. Note If the last-resort domain is not configured and the SE thresholds are exceeded, requests are redirected to the origin server. Augmentation Alarms Augmentation alarms on the Service Monitor are soft alarms that send alerts before the threshold is reached. These alarms are applicable to all devices—Service Engines, Service Routers and CDSMs. Augmentation thresholds apply to device and Protocol Engine parameters. Note For system disks (disks that contain SYSTEM partitions), only when all system disks are bad is the disk failure augmentation and threshold alarms raised. The disk fail threshold does not apply to system disks. The threshold only applies to CDNFS disks, which is also the case for the augmentation thresholds. This is because the system disks use RAID1. There is a separate alarm for bad RAID. With the RAID system, if the critical primary disk fails, the other mirrored disk (mirroring only occurs for SYSTEM partitions) seamlessly continues operation. However, if the disk drive that is marked bad is a critical disk drive (by definition this is a disk with a SYSTEM partition), the redundancy of the system disks for this device is affected. As the show disk details command output reports, if disks have both SYSTEM and CDNFS partitions, they are treated as only system disks, which means they are not included in the accounting of the CDNFS disk calculation. Location-Based Routing The Geo-Location servers were introduced with the location-based routing method. Once you enable location-based routing, you must specify the Geo-Location servers. The Authorization Service uses an XML file to allow or deny client requests based on the client's IP address or geographic location. The country, state, and city names in the Authorization XML file must match what is used by the Geo-Location server and the names are case sensitive. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-331 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router Cross Domain Support When a client requests the content from a portal and the content then makes a request to a different remote domain (or origin server), the request cannot be served unless the origin server or the remote domain has a crossdomain.xml that grants access to the original portal to continue with the streaming. For example, a client request for (which has the content), makes a request for (which is a different domain), then the client must request a crossdomain.xml. The crossdomain.xml allows access to and can then stream sample.flv. If the does not have crossdomain.xml, then the request is denied. Note In the case of Flash, the request is made for crossdomain.xml. In the case of Silverlight the request is made for clientaccesspolicy.xml. Instead of directly going to, the request first comes to the Service Router. So when the request for crossdomain.xml comes to the Service Router, it is served to the client. This xml grants access to the portal for the file requested. So the client then sends the request for the file which is served. Note For Silverlight the client access policy is requested only when web service calls are made. Depending on the client player, for both Silverlight and Flash applications, the clientaccesspolicy.xml and crossdomain.xml need to be provisioned on the origin server. FLVPlaybackComponent does not currently crossdomain requests for video files. The crossdomain request is issued only when a query string is present. In such cases, the video gets downloaded but does not play. The number of the HTTP Requests (normal) in Request Received (show statistics service-router summary) should increase. Last-Resort Routing Last-resort routing is not supported when dns-based-redirect is enabled. Configuring the license-universal Command Universal license is like a regular license but with higher BW and it applies to all PEs. When the user buys a universal license and configures this command, alarm data for all PEs is cleared. Thereafter monitoring of the PEs continues as usual for any future alarms. If universal license was already configured upon box reload (through saved configuration in the show run command), the existing licenses on the PEs is cleared and the PEs are monitored as usual for any future alarms. The following information is cleared when you execute the service-router service-monitor license-universal enable command: • Note Protocol Engine minor and major alarms Alarm history commands continue to show all alarms as this is a different module. • Protocol Engine internal vectors • Protocol Engine alarm backup files in /tmp and /state Burst Streaming License Control Previously, the license limit was set to 500 Mbps and each protocol engine had a maximum number of sessions allowed. The base license limit is set to 200 sessions and 200 Mbps bandwidth. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-332 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router When the number of sessions or current bandwidth usage exceeds the configured license limit on the Service Engine, the protocol engine raises an alarm and sends a threshold exceeded notification to the Service Router. Any new requests for that protocol engine are not routed to that Service Engine. Note This feature only applies to the Windows Media Streaming engine, the Flash Media Streaming engine, and the Movie Streamer engine. Configure Burst Count The protocol engines can trigger multiple minor alarms for session and bandwidth exceeded threshold conditions. If multiple minor alarms are triggered for a protocol engine in a single day (24-hour interval), they are recorded as a single alarm. The burst count, which indicates the number of days after which a major alarm is raised, is configurable. On the Service Engine, use the service-router service-monitor threshold burstcnt command to configure the burst count. The default setting is one (1), which means all the minor alarms that occur in a single day (24-hour interval) are counted as one single alarm. If the service-router service-monitor threshold burstcnt command is set to two, all minor alarms that occur in two days (48-hour interval) are counted as a single alarm. Configure Universal License A universal license is similar to a regular license, except it has a higher bandwidth and applies to all protocol engines (except Web Engine). When a universal license is purchased and configured, the alarm data for all protocol engines are cleared. Thereafter, the monitoring of the protocol engines continues as usual for any future alarms. On the Service Engine, use the service-router service-monitor license-universal enable command to enable the universal license. The service-router service-monitor license-universal command is disabled by default. Disk Failure Count Threshold When the number of failed disks exceeds this threshold, no further requests are sent to this device and an alarm is raised. The Disk Failure Count Threshold is only for the CDNFS disks. Disk threshold configuration is the overall percentage of CDNFS disk failures after which an alarm is raised. Note When an alarm is received for a SYSTEM disk, it is immediately marked as a failed disk. It is not checked against the Disk Failure Count Threshold. The SR continues redirecting to the SE, unless all SYSTEM disks on the SE are marked as failed disks Domain Subscription The service-router subscribe domain command allows us to specify domains to which the service router should be subscribed. By default the service-router takes all the domains specified in the CDSM. Even if you configure only one domain subscription through this command, the SR takes the list of domains subscribed through the CLI to be the complete list. URL Translator Use the service-router lastresort domain domain translator ipaddress command to configure the IP address of the third party URL translator. If a translator configuration is not present for any domain, it falls back to the alternate domain configuration. A maximum of one translator can be configured per content origin. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-333 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router Service Router Transaction Log Fields Table 2-3 describes the fields for the Service Router transaction log. Table 2-3 Service Router Transaction Log Fields Field Description c-ip Source Internet Protocol (IP) address of the connected socket. This may be the IP address of a proxy server or firewall. user-agent Browser type used if the player was embedded in a browser. If the player was not embedded, this field refers to the user agent of the client that generated the log. date Date, in international date format, when a client is connected. time Time when the client is connected. The time format is either in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or local time, depending on how the logging plug-in is configured. url URL requested by the client. protocol Protocol used to access the content. server-picked Service Engine selected by the Service Router. status Status code. routing-method Routing method chosen. The routing-method field has the following possible values: routed-path • Last-Resort • Network • Proximity • Zero-Network • Geo-Location Request URL to redirect the client to a different CDN. Service Monitor Transaction Logs Service Monitor transaction logs provide an additional tool for analyzing the health history of a device and the protocol engines. The device and service health information are periodically logged on the device in transaction log files. Transaction logs provide a useful mechanism to monitor and debug the system. The transaction log fields include both device and protocol engine information applicable to Service Engines and Service Routers that are useful for capacity monitoring. Additionally, when a device or protocol engine threshold is exceeded, detailed information is sent to a file (threshold_exceeded.log) to capture the processes that triggered the threshold alarm. The Service Monitor transaction log filename has the following format: service_monitor_<ipaddr>_yyyymmdd_hhmmss_<>, where: • <ipaddr> represents the IP address of the SE, SR, or CDSM. • yyyymmdd_hhmmss represents the date and time when the log was created. For example, service_monitor_192.168.1.52_20110630_230001_00336 is the filename for the log file on the device with the IP address of and a time stamp of June 30, 2011 at 3:36 AM. The Service Monitor transaction log file is located in the /local1/logs/service_monitor directory. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-334 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router An entry to the Service Monitor transaction log is made every two seconds. Note The following rules apply to Service Monitor transaction logs: • A transaction log value is only logged if the Service Monitor is enabled for that component or protocol engine on the device. For example, if CPU monitoring is not enabled, the transaction log value “–” is displayed. • If Service Monitor is enabled for a protocol engine, but the protocol engine is not enabled, the value is not displayed in the log file. • If a log field can have more than one value, the values are delimited by the pipe (|) character. • If a value can have sub-values, the sub-values are delimited by the carrot (^) character. • Some of the fields display aggregate values. If the statistics are cleared using the clear statistics command, the value after clearing the statistics may be less than the previous values, or may be zero (0). Table 2-4 describes the fields for the Service Monitor transaction log on an SE. Table 2-4 SE Service Monitor Transaction Log Fields Field Sample Output Description Corresponding CLI Command date 2011-06-30 Date of log. – time 22:52:02 Time of log. – cpu_avg 21 Moving average value in percentage of show service-router service-monitor CPU usage. Device status—CPU—Average load mem_avg 44 Moving average value in percentage of show service-router service-monitor memory usage. Device status—Mem—Average used memory kernel_mem_avg 11 Moving average value in percentage of show service-router service-monitor kernel memory. Device status—KMEM—Average kernel memory disk_avg 2 Moving average value in percentage of show service-router service-monitor disk usage. Device status—Disk—Average load disk_fail_count_ threshold Y Boolean value to indicate if disk fail count threshold has been reached. per_disk_load disk03-01^2| disk04-02^5 Current load per disk, as a percentage. – The sample output indicates that disk03–partition01 has a 2 percent load and disk04–partition02 have a 5 percent load. show service-router service-monitor Device status—Device Status—Disk—Status Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-335 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router Table 2-4 SE Service Monitor Transaction Log Fields (continued) Field Sample Output Description Corresponding CLI Command bandwidth_avg Port_Channel_ 1^2^4| Port_Channel_ 2^0^0 Moving average bandwidth used, as a show service-router service-monitor Device status—NIC—Average BW percentage, of bandwidth in and In/ Average BW Out bandwidth out per interface. The sample output indicates that port channel 1 has an average bandwidth of 2 percent for receiving and 4 percent for transmitting, and port channel 2 average bandwidth usage is 0. file_desc_count 1023 Total count of file descriptors open on – the device. File descriptors are internal data structures maintained by the Linux kernel for each open file. tcp_server_connections 35 Number of TCP server connections open. show statistics tcp TCP Statistics—Server connection openings tcp_client_connections 24 Number of TCP client connections open. show statistics tcp TCP Statistics—Client connection openings processes_count 42 Number of processes running on the device. show processes dataserver_cpu_ percentage 1 Percentage of the CPU used for the dataserver process. – ms_threshold_exceeded – Boolean value to indicate if the Movie show service-router service-monitor Streamer threshold has been exceeded. Services status—MS—Threshold ms_augment_threshold_ Exceeded – Boolean value to indicate if Movie – Streamer augmentation alarm threshold has been exceeded. ms_stopped – Boolean value to indicate if the Movie Streamer protocol engine has stopped. show service-router service-monitor Services status—MS—Stopped ms_rtsp_sessions_ count – Total Movie Streamer RTSP session count (aggregate value). show statistics movie-streamer all Total RTSP sessions ms_rtp_sessions_count – Total Movie Streamer RTP session count (aggregate value). show statistics movie-streamer all Total RTP connections fms_threshold_ exceeded N Boolean value to indicate if threshold is show service-router service-monitor exceeded. Services status—FMS—Threshold fms_augment_threshold_ N exceeded Boolean value to indicate if Flash Media Streaming augmentation alarm threshold has been exceeded. – fms_stopped N Boolean value to indicate if Flash Media Streaming has stopped. show service-router service-monitor Services status—FMS—Stopped fms_connections_count 2 Total Flash Media Streaming connection count (aggregate value). show statistics flash-media-streaming Connections—Total Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-336 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router Table 2-4 SE Service Monitor Transaction Log Fields (continued) Field Sample Output Description Corresponding CLI Command web_ engine_ threshold_exceeded Y Boolean value to indicate if the Web Engine threshold has been exceeded. show service-router service-monitor Services status—Web—Threshold web_ engine_augment_ threshold_exceeded Y Boolean value to indicate if Web Engine augmentation alarm threshold has been exceeded. – web_ engine_stopped N Boolean value to indicate if Web Engine has stopped. show service-router service-monitor Services status—Web—Stopped web_engine_cpu_ percentage 3 Percentage of the CPU used by the Web – Engine. web_engine_mem (bytes) 3500 Memory (in bytes) used by the Web Engine. show web-engine health Total memory usage web_engine_get_ requests 250 Count of get requests received by the Web Engine (Aggregate value) show statistics web-engine detail HTTP Request Type Statistics—Get requests web_engine_sessions 5 Count of HTTP connections. show statistics web-engine detail Web-Engine Detail Statistics—Total HTTP Connection + Active Session web_engine_upstream_ connections 2 Count of HTTP connections to upstream SE or origin server. show statistics web-engine detail Web-Engine Detail Statistics—Total HTTP Connection wmt_threshold_ exceeded N Boolean value to indicate if Windows Media Streaming threshold has been exceeded. show service-router service-monitor Services status—WMT—Threshold wmt_augment _threshold_exceeded N – Boolean value to indicate if the Windows Media Streaming augmentation alarm threshold has been exceeded. wmt_stopped Y Boolean value to indicate if Windows Media Streaming has stopped. show service-router service-monitor Services status—WMT—Stopped wmt_ml_cpu_percentage 21 Percentage of the CPU used by the WMT_ML process. – wmt_ml_mem (bytes) 32456 Memory (in bytes) used by WMT_ML process – wmt_core_cpu_ percentage 21 Percentage of the CPU used by the WMT_Core process. – wmt_core_mem (bytes) 32456 Memory (in bytes) used by the WMT_Core process. – wmt_unicast_sessions 22 Number of current concurrent unicast client sessions. show statistics wmt usage Concurrent Unicast Client Sessions—Current wmt_remote_sessions 24 Number of current concurrent remote server sessions. show statistics wmt usage Concurrent Remote Server Sessions Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-337 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router Table 2-4 SE Service Monitor Transaction Log Fields (continued) Field Sample Output Description Corresponding CLI Command wmt_live_requests 21 Total count of Windows Media Streaming live requests (Aggregate value). show statistics wmt requests By Type of Content—Live content wmt_vod_requests 22 Total count of Windows Media Streaming VOD requests (Aggregate value). show statistics wmt requests By Type of Content—On-Demand Content wmt_http_requests 11 Total count of Windows Media Streaming HTTP requests (Aggregate value). show statistics wmt requests By Transport Protocol—HTTP wmt_rtsp_requests 8 Total count of Windows Media Streaming RTSP requests (Aggregate value). show statistics wmt requests By Transport Protocol—RTSPT/RTSPU rtspg_tps 12 Current RTSP Gateway transactions per – second (TPS). uns_cpu_percentage 3 Percentage of CPU used by the Unified – Namespace (UNS) process. uns_mem (bytes) 3500 Memory used by the UNS process. – Table 2-5 describes the fields for the Service Monitor transaction log on a SR. Table 2-5 SR Service Monitor Transaction Log Fields Field Sample Output Description Corresponding CLI Command date 2011-06-30 Date of log. – time 22:52:02 Time of log. – cpu_avg 21 Moving average value in percentage of show service-router service-monitor CPU usage. Device status—CPU—Average load mem_avg 44 Moving average value in percentage of show service-router service-monitor memory usage. Device status—Mem—Average used memory kernel_mem_avg 11 Moving average value in percentage of show service-router service-monitor kernel memory. Device status—KMEM—Average kernel memory disk_avg 2 Moving average value in percentage of show service-router service-monitor disk usage. Device status—Disk—Average load disk_fail_count_ threshold Y Boolean value to indicate if disk fail count threshold has been reached. file_desc_count 1023 Total count of file descriptors open on – the device. File descriptors are internal data structures maintained by the Linux kernel for each open file. show service-router service-monitor Device status—Device Status—Disk—Status Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-338 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router Table 2-5 SR Service Monitor Transaction Log Fields (continued) Field Sample Output Description Corresponding CLI Command tcp_server_connections 35 Number of TCP server connections open. show statistics tcp TCP Statistics—Server connection openings tcp_client_connections 24 Number of TCP client connections open. show statistics tcp TCP Statistics—Client connection openings processes_count 42 Number of processes running on the device. show processes dataserver_cpu_ percentage 1 Percentage of the CPU used for the dataserver process. – sr_cpu_percentage 12 Cpu percentage used by SR. – sr_mem (bytes) 750000 Memory (in bytes) used by SR. show processes memory and search for service_router requests_received 34 Total count of requests received by SR (aggregate value) show statistics service-router summary Requests Received http_normal_requests_ received 5 Total count of normal HTTP requests received by SR (aggregate value). show statistics service-router summary HTTP Requests (normal) http_asx_requests_ received 5 Total count of ASX HTTP requests received by SR (aggregate value). show statistics service-router summaryHTTP Requests (ASX) rtsp_requests_received 5 Total count of RTSP requests received by SR (aggregate value). show statistics service-router summary RTSP Requests rtmp_requests_received 5 Total count of RTMP requests received show statistics service-router by SR (aggregate value). summary RTMP Requests dns_requests_received 6 Total count of DNS requests received by SR (aggregate value). Examples show statistics service-router dns Total DNS queries The following example shows how to configure the keepalive interval: ServiceRouter(config)# service-router keepalive-interval 2 The following example shows how to configure the service monitor type: ServiceRouter(config)# service-router service-monitor type all Augmentation Alarms The augmentation alarms threshold is a percentage, that applies to the CPU, memory, kernel memory, disk, disk fail count, NIC, and protocol engine usages. By default it is set to 80 percent. As an example of an augmentation alarm, if the threshold configured for CPU usage is 80 percent, and the augmentation threshold is set to 80 percent, then the augmentation alarm for CPU usage is raised when the CPU usage crosses 64 percent. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-339 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router If “A” represents the Service Monitor threshold configured, and “B” represents the augmentation threshold configured, then the threshold for raising an augmentation alarm = (A * B) / 100 percent. The threshold value range is 1–100. The following command shows how to set the augmentation alarms threshold to 70 percent: ServiceRouter(config)# service router service-monitor threshold augmentation 70 The following command shows how to reset the augmentation alarm threshold to the default: ServiceRouter(config)# no service router service-monitor threshold augmentation 70 The show service-router service monitor command displays the augmentation alarm threshold configuration. The show alarms command displays the alarms output. The show alarms history detail command displays the history details. The show alarms detail command displays the alarms details. The show alarms detail support command displays the support information. Cross Domain Support The following example shows how to enable crossdomain support: ServiceEngine(config)# service-router access-policy enable The following example shows how to disable crossdomain support: ServiceEngine(config)# no service-router access-policy enable The following example shows how to configure Proximity Engine cache on an SR: ServiceRouter(config)# proximity engine enable Starting Proximity Engine.... Proximity Engine Started. ServiceRouter(config)# service-router proximity-based-routing proximity-server ServiceRouter(config)# service-router proximity-based-routing proximity-cache timeout 600 ServiceRouter(config)# service-router proximity-based-routing enable Please ensure you have purchased License for this advanced feature ServiceRouter(config)# end The following example shows how to enable DNS-based redirection with the domain as the domain used to redirect all client requests to: ServiceRouter(config)# service-router redirect-mode dns-redirect domain The following example shows how to display information about the redirect mode by entering the show service-router redirect-mode command: ServiceRouter# show service-router redirect-mode ip-redirect is enabled dns-redirect domain dns-redirect domain dns-redirect domain dns-redirect domain The following example shows how to subscribe the SR to a domain named ServiceRouter(config)# service-router subscribe domain ServiceRouter(config)# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-340 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router The following example shows how to configure the failed disk threshold to 40 percent: ServiceEngine(config)# service-router service-monitor threshold faildisk 40 U2-205-2(config)#end U2-205-2#show running-config | include threshold service-router service-monitor threshold faildisk 40 ServiceEngine# To display the statistics, use the show statistics service-router summary command and the show statistics se sename command. The new output for the DNS-Based Redirection feature is highlighted in boldface type in the examples below. In addition to these two show commands, there is also the show statistics service-router dns command, which displays the same output as before: ServiceRouter# show statistics service-router summary ----- SR Summary Statistics ----Requests Received HTTP Requests (normal) HTTP Requests (ASX) RTSP Requests RTMP Requests DNS Requests : : : : : : 2 0 0 0 0 2 Requests Served HTTP Requests Served : : 0 0 Requests Redirected HTTP 302 Redirects ASX Redirects RTSP redirects RTMP redirects DNS redirects : : : : : : 1 0 0 0 0 1 Requests Overflowed HTTP 302 Redirects ASX Redirects RTSP redirects RTMP redirects DNS redirects : : : : : : 1 0 0 0 0 1 Requests Not Redirected No SE Covering Client Unknown Content Origin Route Table Locked : : : : 0 0 0 0 : 0 “Stale SE” Requests ServiceRouter# show statistics service-router se temp2 ----- Statistics Of SE: IP Address Aliveness HTTP 302 Redirects ASX Redirects RTSP Redirects RTMP Redirects DNS Redirects Number Of Keepalives temp2 ----: : up : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 1 85261 The following example shows how to enable the Service Monitor transaction logging: ServiceEngine(config)# transaction-logs enable ServiceEngine(config)# service-router service-monitor transaction-log enable Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-341 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands service-router The following example shows how to configure the URL translator: ServiceRouter(config)# service-router last-resort domain translator 171.XX.XX.XXX ServiceRouter(config)# service-router last-resort domain translator 171.XX.XX.XXX port 8080 ServiceRouter# The following example shows how to verify the current last resort configuration details: ServiceRouter# show service-router last-resort Domain translator 171.XX.XX.XXX Domain translator 171.XX.XX.XXX port 8080 Related Commands Command Description show service-router Displays the Service Router configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-342 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands setup setup To configure basic configuration settings (general settings, device network settings, and disk configuration) on the SE and a set of commonly used caching services, use the setup command in EXEC configuration mode. You can also use the setup command in EXEC configuration mode to complete basic configuration after upgrading. setup Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows the part of the output when you enter the setup command in EXEC configuration mode on an SE running the Internet Streamer CDS software: ServiceEngine# setup Here is the current profile of this device CDN device : Yes Do you want to change this (y/n) [ n ] : Press the ESC key at any time to quit this session Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-343 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show aaa show aaa To display the accounting, authentication, and authorization configuration, use the show aaa command in EXEC configuration mode. show aaa {commands [accounting | authorization] | enable [authentication] | exec [accounting | authorization] | login [authentication] | system [accounting | authorization]} Syntax Description commands Configures exec (shell) commands. accounting (Optional) Displays the Accounting configuration. authorization (Optional) Displays the Authorization configuration. enable Configures enable. authentication (Optional) Displays Authentication configuration. exec Configures starting an exec (shell). login Configures the user’s login to the system. system Configures system events. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Table 2-6 describes the fields shown in the show aaa commands command display. Table 2-6 show aaa commands Field Descriptions Field Description Configuration commands Authorization Authorization through Tacacs+ for configuration mode commands is enabled or disabled. Commands on console Line Authorization Authorization through TACACS+ for all commands issued from console line is enabled or disabled. Exec commands Authorization: Normal Users Exec commands Authorization: Super Users Tacacs+ Authorization through Tacacs+ for exec (shell) commands issued by normal users is enabled or disabled. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-344 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show aaa Table 2-6 show aaa commands Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description Exec Commands Accounting: Normal Users Tacacs+ Authorization through Tacacs+ for exec (shell) commands issued by super users is enabled or disabled. Exec Commands Accounting: Super Users Tacacs+ Accounting through Tacacs+ for exec (shell) commands issued by normal users is enabled or disabled. Table 2-7 describes the fields shown in the show aaa enable command display. Table 2-7 show aaa enable Field Descriptions Field Description Enable Authentication: All Users Enable Authentication through local configured Enable password for enable is enabled or disabled. Radius Authentication through Radius for enable is enabled or disabled. Tacacs+ Authentication through Tacacs+ for enable is enabled or disabled. Table 2-8 describes the fields shown in the show aaa exec command display. Table 2-8 Field show aaa exec Field Descriptions Description Starting exec Authorization: Local Authorization through local for starting exec is enabled or disabled. Radius Authorization through Radius for starting exec is enabled or disabled. Tacacs+ Authorization through Tacacs+ for starting exec is enabled or disabled. Exec events Accounting Tacacs+ Accounting through Tacacs+ for exec event is enabled or disabled. Table 2-9 describes the fields shown in the show aaa login command display. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-345 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show aaa Table 2-9 show aaa login Field Descriptions Field Description Login Authentication Local Authentication through local configured user password for login is enabled or disabled. Radius Authentication through Radius for login is enabled or disabled. Tacacs+ Authentication through Tacacs+ for login is enabled or disabled. Table 2-10 describes the fields shown in the show aaa system command display. Table 2-10 show aaa system Field Descriptions Field Description System events Accounting Tacacs+ Related Commands Accounting through Tacacs+ for system event is enabled or disabled. Command Description aaa Configures accounting, authentication and authorization methods. show aaa Displays the accounting, authentication and authorization configuration. show statistics aaa Displays accounting, authentication and authorization statistics. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-346 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show access-lists 300 show access-lists 300 To display the access control list (ACL) configuration, use the show access-lists 300 command in EXEC configuration mode. show access-lists 300 Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Table 2-11 describes the fields shown in the show access-lists 300 display. Table 2-11 show access-lists Field Descriptions Field Description Access Control List is Configuration status of the access control list. enabled Groupname and username-based List Related Commands Lists the group name-based access control lists. Command Description access-lists Configures access control list entries. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-347 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show acquirer show acquirer To display the acquirer information and progress of content acquisition for a specified channel number or name, use the show acquirer command in EXEC configuration mode. show acquirer [delivery-service {delivery-service-id delivery_service_id | delivery-service-name delivery_service_name} | progress {delivery-service-id delivery_service_id | delivery-service-name delivery_service_name} | proxy authentication] Syntax Description delivery-service (Optional) Displays acquirer information for the delivery service. delivery-service-id Displays the ID for the delivery service. delivery_service_id Delivery service ID. delivery-service-name Displays the name for the delivery service. delivery_service_name Delivery service name. progress (Optional) Displays the acquisition progress for the specified channel. proxy (Optional) Displays the proxy information for the acquirer. authentication (Optional) Displays the proxy authentication details for the acquirer. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show acquirer progress command displays information for all channels for which the SE is the Content Acquirer. It displays the number of acquired objects in relation to the total number of objects for both a single item or crawler jobs. When an acquisition is in progress, it displays the number of data bytes currently being downloaded in relation to the total size of the object and its URL. The show acquirer progress command also displays information about the authentication that allows the acquirer to access content through a transparent or nontransparent proxy server. The show acquirer proxy authentication command displays the proxy authentication configuration for the acquirer if you have enabled content acquisition through a proxy server and proxy authentication is configured. Use the acquirer proxy authentication outgoing command in Global configuration mode to configure authentication when you enable content acquisition through a proxy server. You must first configure the proxy host and the port using the http proxy outgoing host command in Global configuration mode. When you enable content acquisition through a proxy server, you can provide the proxy configuration and proxy authentication information in the manifest file. If the proxy and proxy authentication are configured in the manifest file, the show acquirer proxy authentication command does not display any proxy details. The show acquirer progress command in EXEC configuration mode displays the progress of the acquirer for a specified channel. If a specific channel is not mentioned, the display shows the progress for all the channels for which the SE is the root. Table 2-12 describes the fields shown in the show acquirer progress display. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-348 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show acquirer Table 2-12 show acquirer progress Field Descriptions Field Description Channel-id Numerical identifier for the channel. Channel-Name Name for the channel. Acquired Single Items Total number of single items completed out of all the single items specified in the manifest. For example, 200/301 shows that all 200 items out of a total of 301 items have been acquired. Acquired Crawl Items Total number of links with crawling completed out of the total crawlable items for each crawling task specified in the manifest, along with the starting URL. Download Size (Bytes) Current URL fetched by the acquirer for the channel, if applicable, along with the file size details. The following example shows the output from the show acquirer proxy authentication command when there are no proxies configured using the acquirer proxy authentication command in Global configuration mode: ServiceEngine# show acquirer proxy authentication No proxy authentication information configured The following example shows the output from the show acquirer proxy authentication command after configuring the proxy using the acquirer proxy authentication command in Global configuration mode: ServiceEngine# show acquirer proxy authentication acquirer proxy authentication outgoing 8080 admin password **** My-Domain basic-auth-disable acquirer proxy authentication transparent admin password **** My-Domain basic-auth-disable Related Commands Command Description acquirer (Global configuration) Provides authentication when the acquirer obtains content through a proxy server. http Configures HTTP-related parameters. show statistics acquirer Displays SE acquirer channel statistics. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-349 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show alarms show alarms To display information on various types of alarms, their status, and history, use the show alarms command in EXEC configuration mode. show alarms [critical [detail [support] | detail [support] | history [start_num [end_num [detail [support] | detail [support]]] | critical [start_num [end_num [detail [support]] | detail [support]]] | detail [support] | major [start_num [end_num [detail [support]] | detail [support]]] | minor [start_num [end_num [detail [support]]] | detail [support]]] | major [detail [support]] | minor [detail [support]]] | status]] Syntax Description critical (Optional) Displays critical alarm information. detail (Optional) Displays detailed information for each alarm. support (Optional) Displays additional information about each alarm. history (Optional) Displays information about the history of various alarms. start_num (Optional) Alarm number that appears first in the alarm history (1 to 100). end_num (Optional) Alarm number that appears last in the alarm history (1 to 100). major (Optional) Displays information about major alarms. minor (Optional) Displays information about minor alarms. status (Optional) Displays the status of various alarms and alarm overload settings. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The Node Health Manager enables CDS applications to raise alarms to draw attention to error or significant conditions. The Node Health Manager, which is the data repository for such alarms, aggregates the health and alarm information for the applications, services (for example, the cache service), and resources (for example, disk drives) that are being monitored on the SE. For example, the Node Health Manager gives you a mechanism to determine if a monitored application (for example, the HTTP proxy caching service) is alive on the SE. These alarms are referred to as Internet Streamer CDS software alarms. The Internet Streamer CDS software uses SNMP to report error conditions by generating SNMP traps. In the Internet Streamer CDS software, the following SE applications can generate an Internet Streamer CDS software alarm: • Node Health Manager (alarm overload condition and Node Manager aliveness) • Node Manager for service failures (aliveness of monitored applications) • System Monitor (sysmon) for disk failures The three levels of alarms in the Internet Streamer CDS software are as follows: • Critical—Alarms that affect the existing traffic through the SE and are considered fatal (the SE cannot recover and continue to process traffic). Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-350 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show alarms • Major—Alarms that indicate a major service (for example, the cache service) has been damaged or lost. Urgent action is necessary to restore this service. However, other node components are fully functional and the existing service should be minimally impacted. • Minor—Alarms that indicate that a condition that will not affect a service has occurred, but corrective action is required to prevent a serious fault from occurring. You can configure alarms using the snmp-server enable traps alarm command in Global configuration mode. Use the show alarms critical command in EXEC configuration mode to display the current critical alarms being generated by the Internet Streamer CDS software applications. Use the show alarms critical detail command in EXEC configuration mode to display additional details for each of the critical alarms being generated. Use the show alarms critical detail support command in EXEC configuration mode to display an explanation about the condition that triggered the alarm and how you can find out the cause of the problem. Similarly, you can use the show alarms major and show alarms minor command in EXEC configuration modes to display the details of major and minor alarms. Use the show alarms history command in EXEC configuration mode to display a history of alarms that have been raised and cleared by the Internet Streamer CDS software on the SE. The Internet Streamer CDS software retains the last 100 alarm raise and clear events only. Use the show alarm status command in EXEC configuration mode to display the status of current alarms and the SE’s alarm overload status and alarm overload configuration. Note The maximum concurrent sessions limit for the Web Engine is based on the CDE; for the CDE220-2M0 and CDE220-2S6 the maximum is 30,000 and for the CDE205 the maximum is 20,000. Brstcnt Threshold Alarm When the number of sessions or current bandwidth usage exceeds the configured license limit on the Service Engine, the protocol engine raises an alarm and sends a threshold exceeded notification to the Service Router. Any new requests for that protocol engine are not routed to that Service Engine. Note This feature only applies to the Windows Media Streaming engine, the Flash Media Streaming engine, and the Movie Streamer engine. Table 2-13 describes the fields shown in the show alarms history display. Table 2-13 show alarms history Field Descriptions Field Description Op Operation status of the alarm. Values are R—Raised or C—Cleared. Sev Severity of the alarm. Values are Cr—Critical, Ma—Major, or Mi—Minor. Alarm ID Type of event that caused the alarm. Module/Submodule Software module affected. Instance Object that this alarm event is associated with. For example, for an alarm event with the Alarm ID disk_failed, the instance would be the name of the disk that failed. The Instance field does not have pre-defined values and is application specific. Table 2-14 describes the fields shown in the show alarms status display. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-351 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show alarms Table 2-14 show alarms status Field Descriptions Field Description Critical Alarms Number of critical alarms. Major Alarms Number of major alarms. Minor Alarms Number of minor alarms. Overall Alarm Status Aggregate status of alarms. Device is NOT in alarm overload state. Status of the device alarm overload state. Device enters alarm overload state @ 999 alarms/sec. Threshold number of alarms per second at which the device enters the alarm overload state. Device exits alarm overload state @ Threshold number of alarms per second at which the device 99 alarms/sec. exits the alarm overload state. Overload detection is enabled. Related Commands Status of whether overload detection is enabled on the device. Command Description alarm Configure alarms. snmp-server enable traps Enables the SE to send SNMP traps. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-352 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show arp show arp To display the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table, use the show arp command in EXEC configuration mode. show arp Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show arp command displays the Internet-to-Ethernet address translation tables of the ARP. Without flags, the current ARP entry for the hostname is displayed. Table 2-15 describes the fields shown in the show arp display. Table 2-15 show arp Field Descriptions Field Description Protocol Type of protocol. Address Ethernet address of the hostname. Flags Current ARP flag status. Hardware Addr Hardware Ethernet address given as six hexadecimal bytes separated by colons. Type Type of wide area network. Interface Type of Ethernet interface. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-353 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show authentication show authentication To display the authentication configuration, use the show authentication command in EXEC configuration mode. show authentication user Syntax Description user Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Related Commands Command Description aaa Specifies accounting, authentication and authorization methods. clear Clears the HTTP object cache, the hardware interface, statistics, archive working transaction logs, and other settings. Displays the authentication configuration for the user login to the system. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-354 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show authsvr show authsvr To display the status of the Authorization server, use the show authsvr command in EXEC configuration mode. show authsvr [unknown-server | location-server] Syntax Description unknown-server (Optional) Shows the allow and deny rule for unknown configured servers or domains. location-server (Optional) Shows the Location server configuration. It includes both primary and secondary geo location server information. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to display the status of the Authorization server: ServiceEngine# show authsvr Authserver is Enabled The following example shows the status of the Location server: ServiceEngine# show authsvr location-server Primary geo location server 7000 Secondary geo location server 7000 Related Commands Command Description authsvr Enables and configures the Authorization server. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-355 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show bandwidth show bandwidth To display the bandwidth allocated to a particular device, use the show bandwidth command in EXEC configuration mode. show bandwidth [flash-media-streaming | movie-streamer | wmt] Syntax Description flash-media-streaming (Optional) Displays the Flash Media Streaming bandwidth settings. movie-streamer (Optional) Displays the Movie Streamer bandwidth settings. wmt (Optional) Displays Windows Media Technology (WMT) bandwidth settings. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Table 2-16 describes the fields shown in the show bandwidth display. Table 2-16 show bandwidth Field Descriptions Field Description Module Types of application servers for which bandwidth allocation is displayed: • wmt incoming is for incoming WMT streaming content requests from end users. • wmt outgoing is for outgoing WMT media from SEs. • movie-streamer incoming is for incoming Movie Streamer content requests from end users. • movie-streamer outgoing is for outgoing Movie Streamer media from SEs. • flash-media-streaming is for Flash Media Streaming. Bandwidth Kbps Maximum amount of bandwidth that you want allowed in kbps1 for a particular period of time. Incoming and outgoing bandwidth enforced is 8000000 kbps. Start Time Time of the day for the bandwidth rate setting to begin, using a 24-hour clock in local time on the SE (hh:mm). End Time Time of the day for the bandwidth rate setting to end, using a 24-hour clock in local time on the SE (hh:mm). Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-356 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show bandwidth Table 2-16 show bandwidth Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description Default Bandwidth Kbps Amount of default bandwidth (in kbps). The default bandwidth is the amount of bandwidth associated with each content service type when there is no scheduled bandwidth. Max Bandwidth Kbps Maximum bandwidth (in kbps) permitted by the system license. This bandwidth specifies the upper limit of allowable bandwidth. 1. kbps = kilobits per second Related Commands Command Description bandwidth (Global configuration) Sets an allowable bandwidth usage limit and its duration for Cisco Streaming Engine WMT streaming media. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-357 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show banner show banner To display information on various types of banners, use the show banner command in EXEC configuration mode. show banner Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Table 2-17 describes the fields shown in the show banner display. Table 2-17 show banner Field Descriptions Field Description Banner is enabled. Configuration status of the banner feature. MOTD banner is: abc Displays the configured message of the day. Related Commands Login banner is: acb Displays the configured login banner. Exec banner is: abc Displays the configured EXEC banner. Command Description banner Configures the EXEC, login, and message-of-the-day (MOTD) banners. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-358 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show bitrate show bitrate To display the bit rate allocated to a particular device, use the show bitrate command in EXEC configuration mode. show bitrate [movie-streamer | wmt] Syntax Description movie-streamer (Optional) Displays the Movie Streamer bit rate settings. wmt (Optional) Displays Windows Media Technology (WMT) bit rate settings. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Table 2-18 describes the fields shown in the show bitrate display. Table 2-18 Related Commands show bitrate Field Descriptions Field Description Module Types of application servers for which the bit rate is displayed: • wmt outgoing is the maximum bit rate per WMT stream that can be served by the SE. • wmt incoming is the maximum bit rate per WMT stream that can be received by the SE. • movie-streamer outgoing is the maximum bit rate per streamer that can be served by the SE. • movie-streamer incoming is the maximum bit rate per streamer that can be received by the SE. Default Bitrate Kbps Bit rate associated with the application servers when the bit rate has not been configured on the SE. Configured Bitrate Kbps Bit rate configured on the SE in kilobits per second. Command Description bitrate Configures the maximum pacing bit rate for large files for the Movie Streamer and separately configures WMT bit-rate settings. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-359 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show cache show cache To display a list of cached contents, use the show cache command in EXEC configuration mode. show cache { content num | deletion [ status [ all [ | [ begin line | count [ begin line | exclude line | include line ] | exclude line | include line ] ] | transaction-id transaction-id ] | transactions [ | [ begin line | count [ begin line | exclude line | include line ] | exclude line | include line ] ] | list path | | [ begin line | count [ begin line | exclude line | include line ] | exclude line | include line ] } Syntax Description content Displays a list of cached contents in order of decreasing priority. num (Optional) Number of cached contents to be displayed. The range is from 1 to 1000. deletion Display cache deletion details status Display the status of content deletion transaction(s) all Display all of the status of pending/ongoing content deletion transactions | Output modifiers begin Begin with the line that matches line regular expression count Line count of the output exclude Exclude lines that match include Include lines that match transaction-id Display the content deletion status by transaction-id transaction-id The content deletion transaction-id transactions Display list of pending/ongoing content deletion transactions IDs list Display list of cached contents by wildcard pathname path The cache content pathname with wildcard to be displayed. Command Defaults Number of cached contents is 100. Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show cache command allows users to check the cached content in an SE. Use the show cache content command to display cache contents, such as priority, size, and URL, and to verify that content has been cached under the correct storage URL. The show cache content command also displays the eviction protection information. For relative contents such as WMT and MS, it only displays the parent URL information. Note The show cache content command does not display priority (popularity), to see popularity use the show content-mgr content cache command or view the Content Manager transaction log entries. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-360 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show cache Note Examples When executing the show cache content url url command on prepositioned content, the output shows as “prepositioned.” However, when executing the show cache content url url command on hybrid content, it shows as “cached” instead of “prepositioned.” To correct this, use the detail option. The following example shows how to display the cached contents: ServiceEngine# show cache content 1000 Max-cached-entries is set as 20000000 Number of cal cached assets: 3913 Eviction protection is disabled. Cache eviction-preferred-size configured is large -----------------------------------------------Size URL -----------------------------------------------200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 <Output truncated> Related Commands Command Description cache Configures the cached content maximum entries in the CDS. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-361 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show cache-router show cache-router To Display cache-router information for various Protocol Engines, use the show cache-route command in EXEC configuration mode. show cache-router {routes {dss-engine url | fms-engine url | web-engine url | wmt-engine url | upstream-status} Syntax Description routes Displays the cache-route information for various PEs. dss-engine Displays all RTSP protocol-related cache route information. url URL string. fms-engine Displays all Flash Media-related cache route information. web-engine Displays all HTTP protocol-related cache route information. wmt-engine Displays all Windows Media-related cache route information. upstream-status Displays Liveness information of upstream. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command can only be run on an SE to see the route taken by the appropriate Protocol Engine through the CDN (from the current SE where this command is executed) to retrieve the asset for a given URL. The sh cache-router routes command route calculation is agnostic of whether or not the URL is valid. When a new SE is added to a delivery service, the get_cache_route does not vie the path, the command dumps the cached output and does not perform a liveness query. You must first enter the show cache router upstream status command and then the commands in the following example: Examples The following examples show the cache route information: ServiceEngine# sh cache-router routes web-engine The route: [ ] will be used to cache the asset for URL= ServiceEngine# sh cache-router routes web-engine The route: [ ] will be used to cache the asset for URL= ServiceEngine# sh cache-router routes web-engine The route: [ (null) ] will be used to cache the asset for URL= ServiceEngine# sh cache-router routes web-engine The route: [ ] will be used to cache the asset for URL= Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-362 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show capability show capability To display the capabilities of the Cap-X profile ID, use the show capability command in EXEC configuration mode. show capability profile ID profile_id Syntax Description profile ID Displays information for the Cap-X profile. profile_id Profile ID number. The range is from 1 to 65535. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Related Commands Command Description capability Modifies the capability configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-363 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show cdn-select show cdn-select To display the status of the CDN Selector, use the show cdn-select command in EXEC configuration mode. show cdn-select Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Related Commands Command Description cdn-select Enables the CDN Selector for third-party service selection. geo-location-server Redirects requests to different CDNs based on the geographic location of the client. show statistics cdn-select Displays the statistics for the CDN Selector. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-364 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show cdnfs show cdnfs To display CDS network file system (CDNFS) information, use the show cdnfs command in EXEC configuration mode. show cdnfs {usage | volumes} Syntax Description usage Displays Content Delivery Network (CDN) current usage. volumes Displays CDSNFS volumes. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines If there are any clear cache all commands in progress, the show cdnfs usage command displays the progress. If any disks are marked for not creation, then the disk is listed here and the reason is provided. Table 2-19 describes the fields shown in the show cdnfs volumes display. Table 2-19 show cdnfs volumes Field Descriptions Field Description cdnfs 00–04 CDS network file system and disk number. nnnnnnKB Size of the volume in kilobytes. Table 2-20 describes the fields shown in the show cdnfs usage display. Table 2-20 show cdnfs usage Field Descriptions Field Description Total number of CDNFS entries Shows the total number of CDNFS entries. Total space Shows the total disk space. Total bytes available Shows the available disk space. Total cache size Shows the total cache size Total cached entries Shows the total cache and preposition entries. Cache-content mgr status Shows the current status of whether or not the Content Manager is cachable. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-365 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show cdnfs Examples The following example shows how to display the CDNFS usage on an SE: ServiceEngine# show cdnfs usage Total number of CDNFS entries : 13437532 Total space : 5037.9 GB Total bytes available : 2425.6 GB Total cache size : 2521.4 GB Total cached entries : 13436995 Cache-content mgr status : Cacheable Units: 1KB = 1024B; 1MB = 1024KB; 1GB = 1024MB The following example shows how to display the CDNFS volumes: ServiceEngine# show cdnfs volumes cdnfs 00: /disk00-06 444200480KB cdnfs 01: /disk01-06 444200480KB cdnfs 02: /disk03-01 488246296KB cdnfs 03: /disk04-01 488247316KB cdnfs 04: /disk05-01 488246296KB cdnfs 05: /disk06-01 488244924KB cdnfs 06: /disk07-01 488244924KB cdnfs 07: /disk09-01 488244924KB cdnfs 08: /disk10-01 488244924KB cdnfs 09: /disk11-01 488246296KB cdnfs 10: /disk08-01 488377368KB Related Commands Command Description cdnfs Manages the Internet Streamer CDS network file system (cdnfs). disk (EXEC) Configures disks and allocates disk space for devices that are using the CDS software. show disks Displays the names of the disks currently attached to the SE. show statistics cdnfs Displays SE CDS network file system (cdnfs) statistics. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-366 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show clock show clock To display the system clock, use the show clock command in EXEC configuration mode. show clock [detail | standard-timezones {all | details timezone | regions | zones region_name}] Syntax Description detail (Optional) Displays detailed information; indicates the Network Timing Protocol (NTP) clock source and the current summer time setting (if any). standard-timezones (Optional) Displays information about the standard time zones. all Displays all the standard time zones (approximately 1500 time zones). Each time zone is listed on a separate line. details Displays detailed information for the specified time zone. timezone Name of the time zone. regions Displays the region name of all the standard time zones. All 1500 time zones are organized into directories by region. zones Displays the name of every time zone that is within the specified region. region_name Name of the region. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The CDS has several predefined standard time zones. Some of these time zones have built-in summertime information while others do not. For example, if you are in an eastern region of the United States (US), you must use the US/Eastern time zone that includes summertime information and adjusts the clock automatically every April and October. There are about 1500 standard time zone names. The clock summertime command is disabled when a standard time zone is configured. You can only configure summertime if the time zone is not a standard time zone (if the time zone is a customized zone). In addition, CLI commands exist to enable you to display a list of all the standard time zones. The show clock standard-timezones all command in EXEC configuration mode enables you to browse through all standard time zones and choose from these predefined time zones. You can choose a customized name that does not conflict with the predefined names of the standard time zones. Most predefined names of the standard time zones have two components, a region name and a zone name. You can list time zones by several criteria, such as regions and zones. Table 2-21 describes the field in the show clock display. Table 2-21 show clock Field Description Field Description Local time Day of the week, month, date, time (hh:mm:ss), and year in local time relative to the UTC offset. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-367 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show clock Table 2-22 describes the fields shown in the show clock detail display. Table 2-22 show clock detail Field Descriptions Field Description Local time Local time relative to UTC. UTC time Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time. Epoch Number of seconds since Jan. 1, 1970. UTC offset UTC offset, in seconds, hours, and minutes. The following example shows an excerpt of the output from the show clock standard-timezones all command in EXEC configuration mode. As the following example shows all the standard time zones (approximately 1500 time zones) are listed. Each time zone is listed on a separate line. ServiceEngine # show clock standard-timezones all Africa/Abidjan Africa/Accra Africa/Addis_Ababa Africa/Algiers Africa/Asmera Africa/Bamako Africa/Bangui Africa/Banjul Africa/Bissau Africa/Blantyre Africa/Brazzaville Africa/Bujumbura Africa/Casablanca Africa/Ceuta Africa/Conakry Africa/Dakar Africa/Dar_es_Salaam Africa/Djibouti . . . The following example shows an excerpt of the output from the show clock standard-timezones region command in EXEC configuration mode. As the example shows, all first level time zone names or directories are listed. All 1500 time zones are organized into directories by region. ServiceEngine # Africa/ America/ Antarctica/ Arctic/ Asia/ Atlantic/ Australia/ Brazil/ CET . . . show clock standard-timezones regions The following example shows an excerpt of the output from the show clock standard-timezones zones command in EXEC configuration mode. As the following example shows, this command lists the name of every time zone that is within the specified region (for example, the US region). Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-368 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show clock ServiceEngine# show clock standard-timezones zones US Alaska Aleutian Arizona Central East-Indiana Eastern Hawaii Indiana-Starke Michigan Mountain Pacific Samoa The following example shows an excerpt of the output from the show clock standard-timezones details command in EXEC configuration mode. This command shows details about the specified time zone (for example, the US/Eastern time zone). The command output also includes the standard offset from the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). ServiceEngine # show clock standard-timezones details US/Eastern US/Eastern is standard timezone. Getting offset information (may take a while)... Standard offset from GMT is -300 minutes (-5 hour(s)). It has built-in summertime. Summer offset from GMT is -240 minutes. (-4 hour(s)). Related Commands Command Description clock (EXEC) Sets or clears clock functions or updates the calendar. clock (Global configuration Sets the summer daylight saving time and time zone for display purposes. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-369 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show cms show cms To display the Centralized Management System (CMS)-embedded database content and maintenance status and other information, use the show cms command in EXEC configuration mode. show cms {database {content {dump filename | text | xml} | maintenance [detail]} | info | processes} Syntax Description database Displays embedded database maintenance information. content Writes the database content to a file. dump Dumps all database content to a text file. filename Name of the file to be saved under local1 directory. text Writes the database content to a file in text format. xml Writes the database content to a file in XML format. maintenance Shows the current database maintenance status. detail (Optional) Displays database maintenance details and errors. info Displays CMS application information. processes Displays CMS application processes. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Table 2-23 describes the fields shown in the CDSM show cms info display. Table 2-23 show cms Field Descriptions for the CDSM Field Description CDN information Model Model name of the device. Node Id Unique identifier given to the device by the CDSM at registration, which is used to manage the device. Device Mode Configured mode of device used during registration. Current CDSM role Role of the current CDSM: Primary or Standby. CMS services information Service cms_httpd is running Status of the cms_httpd management service (running or not running). This field is specific to the CDSM only. Service cms_cdsm is running Status of the cms_cdsm management service (running or not running). This field is specific to the CDSM only. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-370 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show cms Table 2-24 describes the fields shown in the SE show cms info display. Table 2-24 show cms Field Descriptions for the SE Field Description CDN information Model Model name of the device. Node Id Unique identifier given to the device by the CDSM at registration, which is used to manage the device. Device Mode Configured mode of device used during registration. Current CDSM address Address of the CDSM as currently configured in the cdsm ip command in Global configuration mode. This address may differ from the registered address if a standby CDSM is managing the device instead of the primary CDSM with which the device is registered. Registered with CDSM Address of the CDSM with which the device is registered. Status Connection status of the device to the CDSM. This field may contain one of three values: Online, Offline, or Pending. Time of last config-sync Time when the device management service last contacted the CDSM for updates. The following example writes the database content to a file in text format: CDSM# show cms database content text Database content can be found in /local1/cms-db-12-12-2002-17:06:08:070.txt. The following example writes the database content to a file in XML format: CDSM# show cms database content xml Database content can be found in /local1/cms-db-12-12-2002-17:07:11:629.xml. The following example shows the output of the show cms database maintenance detail on an SE: ServiceEngine# show cms database maintenance detail Database maintenance is not running. Regular database maintenance is enabled. Regular database maintenance schedule is set on Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat at 02:00 Full database maintenance is enabled. Full database maintenance schedule is set on Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat at 04:00 Disk usage for STATE partition: Total: 1523564K, Available: 1443940K, Use: 6% DATABASE VACUUMING DETAILS AND ERRORS ------------------------------------Database Vacuuming never performed or it did not complete due to error. Latest Vacuuming status :No Error Last Vacuum Error : No Error Last Reindex Time : Thu Jul 15 02:02:49 2004 Latest Reindexing status :No Error Last Reindex Error: No Error ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description cms (EXEC) Configures the CMS-embedded database parameters. cms (global) Schedules maintenance and enables the CMS on a given node. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-371 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show content show content To display all content entries in the CDS, use the show content command in EXEC configuration mode. show content {all [brief | foreground] | diskpath [brief | detail] | last-folder-url [brief] | url url [brief | detail | tmpfs]} Syntax Description all Displays all cached content into a file. name Output file to log cache content query results. brief (Optional) Indicates that this brief display mode should be used. foreground (Optional) Indicates that this command should be run in the foreground. diskpath Displays cached content objects with the original diskpath. detail (Optional) Indicates that the detail display mode should be used. tmpfs Display the content cached in tmpfs. last-folder-url Displays all content with relative diskpath from the given url without a filename. url Displays the cached content object with original URL. url The original URL for cache content object query. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command allows users to check the cached or prepositioned content in an SE. Through this command, users can view content attributes such as status and file size. Note For the value of the symlink output field to be correct for the Flash Media Streaming engine, you must configure the play server as HTTP by using the Manifest file. The show content all command scans through the entire disk and transfers the information to the file specified by the user. This command runs in the background unless the foreground option is specified. The show content url command displays cached content and Web Engine metadata attributes, and it helps debug header validation issues. It also displays additional information including start, end time, UNS, and relative content information. If the input URL is parent, then it shows the child disk path. The Authorization field is only applicable for preposition content and this field is moved to the show content url detail output. When executing the show content url command with live URL, it displays as preposition content. This is because the object stored on CDNFS is either cache content or preposition content. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-372 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show content Examples The following command shows how to display cached content and Web Engine attributes for a URL: ServiceEngine# show content url http://172.XX.XX.XXX/ detail CAL content object attributes: URL: Status is 3 (Servable) Content is Complete File size is 0 Bytes Playable by WebEngine WMT Linked to [rtsp://] Content is PREPOSITIONED Start Time : Not present End Time : Not present Internal path to data file [/disk00-06/p/ mv] Protocol Engine Metadata: Authorization is Not Required uns_attr_symlink : UNS_NV_CALC_N_CACHED : PREPOSITIONED cdn_uns_id : Rm+7u02g2S8PsuaCfnOKAQ.. content-type : video/x-ms-wmv etag : "9601c7-cc3d0-11016c00" file_duration : 25 ignore_query_string : 1 last-modified : Wed, 06 Oct 2010 22:12:00 GMT server : Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) The following example shows how to display the RTSP URL in the CDS: ServiceEngine# show content url rtsp:// CAL content object attributes: URL: rtsp:// Status is 2 (Servable) File size is 16 Bytes Playable by WMT Authorization is Not Required Content is CACHED with priority 0.574964 The following example shows how to display all content entries in the CDS: ServiceEngine# show content all name background Command running in background... ServiceEngine# USER INFO: Your 'show content all' command finished The following example shows how to display cached content objects with the original diskpath. ServiceEngine# show content diskpath /disk02-01/c/ CAL content object attributes: URL: rtsp://171.XX.XX.XXX/1mbs.wmv.hdr Status is 3 (Servable) Content is Incomplete File size is 4096 Bytes Playable by WMT Authorization is Not Required Content is CACHED with priority 0.303707 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-373 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show content The following example shows how to display all the contents matching to that last-folder-url with the brief option: ServiceEngine# show content last-folder-url http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod/types brief Protocol will be ignored with last-folder-url. ----------------------------------------------------------------Type URL Size(K) Status ----------------------------------------------------------------C http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod/types/sample_s 81 Servable C http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod/types/sample_1 912 Servable 00kbit.mp4 C http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod/types/brodeo.m 3745 Servable p3 The following example shows how to display all the contents matching to that last-folder-url without the brief option: ServiceEngine# show content last-folder-url http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod/types Protocol will be ignored with last-folder-url. CAL content object attributes: URL: http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod/types/ Status is 3 (Servable) Content is Complete File size is 82395 Bytes Playable by WebEngine Content is CACHED CAL content object attributes: URL: http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod/types/sample_100kbit.mp4 Status is 3 (Servable) Content is Complete File size is 933456 Bytes Playable by WebEngine Content is CACHED CAL content object attributes: URL: http://172.XX.XX.XXX/vod/types/brodeo.mp3 Status is 3 (Servable) Content is Complete File size is 3834862 Bytes Playable by WebEngine Content is CACHED The following command shows how to display cached content and Web Engine attributes for a URL: SE#sh content url tmpfs CAL content object attributes: URL: Status is 3 (Servable) Content is Complete File size is 2097152 Bytes Playable by WebEngine Content is CACHED Internal path to data file [/tmpfs/] Web Engine attributes: Expiry date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 10:42:55 GMT Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 10:12:55 GMT Last modified time: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 10:12:53 GMT Request time: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 10:12:55 GMT Content-length: 2097152 ETag: "5c0018-200000-4edcc49c31810" Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: max-age=3 IsErrorResponse: NO HTTP Status Code: 200 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-374 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show content-mgr show content-mgr To display all content management information in the CDS, use the show content-mgr command in EXEC configuration mode. show content-mgr {content {all {all-disk-volumes output-file filename | disk-volume output-file filename| cache {all-disk-volumes output-file filename | disk-volume output-file filename | prepos {all-disk-volumes output-file filename | disk-volume output-file filename} | disk-info | eviction-list size num {all-disk-volumes output-file filename | disk-volume output-file filename | eviction-protection output-file filename | health-info} Syntax Description content Dumps Content Manager objects with priority, url, or disk path. all Dumps cached and prepositioned contents. all-disk-volumes Dumps all disks. output-file Specifies the output filename to write to. filename The output file name to write to. cache Dump cached contents. disk-volume Specifies the disks to be dumped. prepos Dump prepositioned contents. disk-info Displays disk information. eviction-list Dumps the list of contents which is evicted first. size Specifies the eviction size (in MB). eviction-protection Dumps eviction protection table. health-info Displays health information. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show content-mgr content all command dumps all the contents to the specified output file. This process goes through the entire Content Manager data structure to collect file information, and then writes it into the file specified by the user. When the Content Manager begins to dump the records, it states the number of records it prepares to write and how many are actually written in the ~/errorlog/ content_manager.current file. The following example shows a dump with no object being deleted: 03/18/2011 entries[1] 03/18/2011 03/18/2011 23:32:34.945(Local)(9633)LOG :ContentMgr.cpp:968-> Scheduled prepositioned for dump 23:32:34.945(Local)(9633)LOG :CMgrDumpStore.cpp:75-> Starting dump, entries[1] 23:32:34.946(Local)(9633)LOG :CMgrDumpStore.cpp:97-> Dump finished. The following example shows a dump with objects being deleted: 14:03/18/2011 23:36:20.195(Local)(9633)LOG :ContentMgr.cpp:951-> Scheduled cached entries[81931] for dump Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-375 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show content-mgr 14:03/18/2011 23:36:20.195(Local)(9633)LOG :CMgrDumpStore.cpp:75-> Starting dump, entries[81931] 14:03/18/2011 23:36:23.764(Local)(9633)LOG :CMgrDumpStore.cpp:97-> Dump finished. Entries removed during dump[41931]. These will not show up in the output file. The show content-mgr disk-info command prints disk and asset information for the Content Manager monitors. Examples The following example shows how to display all the Content Manager disk information in an output file: ServiceEngine# show content-mgr content all all-disk-volumes output-file dumps #type-tail dumps #ContentType Priority URL DiskPath cached-content 6 /disk00-06/c/ prepos-content 0 /disk08-01/p/ prepos-content 0 :// /disk04-01/p/ 49c9963f509d8ad2cd772fdf6 prepos-content 0 ://http- /disk06-01/p/http- 8fd5681abeb/abc.html The following example shows how to display the Content Manager disk information: ServiceEngine# show content-mgr disk-info Mount point : /disk00-01 Bucket Number Assigned to Disk : 0 File system : CDNFS Total space : 423.6 Free space : 415.1 Disk Eviction low watermark : 381.3 Disk Eviction high watermark : 394.0 Writable : Yes Usable : Yes Preposition Asset Count : 0 Cache Asset Count : 0 Preposition Asset Size : 0 B Cache Asset Size : 0 B GB GB GB GB The following example shows how to display the Content Manager health information: ServiceEngine# show content-mgr health-info Deletion Task Count : 0 Deletion Store Size disk00-06 : 0 B disk01-06 : 0 B disk02-01 : 0 B Protection Table Size : 0 B Snapshot In Progress : No Eviction In Progress : No Slow scan In Progress : No Sanity In Progress : No Clear Cache All In Progress : No Dump In Progress : No Priority Queue Asset Count : 0 HitCount Decay Half Life (days): 14 Disk Bucket Alarm Threshold(%): 30 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-376 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show content-mgr ------------------------ Printing All Asset Info Mount Point Preposition Cache Asset Preposition Cache Asset Asset Count Count Asset Size Size : : : : : disk00-06 4 0 104 B 0 B Mount Point Preposition Cache Asset Preposition Cache Asset Asset Count Count Asset Size Size : : : : : disk01-06 8 0 312 B 0 B Mount Point Preposition Cache Asset Preposition Cache Asset Asset Count Count Asset Size Size : : : : : disk02-01 2 0 52 B 0 B Memory Cached Cached Cached Prepos Prepos Prepos pool statistics File Nodes Child Nodes Dir Nodes File Nodes Child Nodes Dir Nodes : : : : : : : -----------------------CPU Usage Percent Threads Count Virtual Memory Size Resident Memory Size [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Used][ 0][ 0][ 1][ 14][ 48][ 35][ Free][ 0][ 0][ 818][ 220738][ 262096][ 784][ Printing Process Status : 0.00 : 33 : 189.6 MB : 33.4 MB ------------------------ Max Used] 0] 0] 1] 15] 49] 35] ------------------------ ------------------------ Printing Delivery Services ------------------------ Related Commands Delivery Service Id Origin FQDN Routing Domain Name : 1450 : : Delivery Service Id Origin FQDN Routing Domain Name : 1272 : : Delivery Service Id Origin FQDN Routing Domain Name : 1262 : : Delivery Service Id Origin FQDN Routing Domain Name : 1260 : : Command Description contentmgr Configures the Content Manager. content-mgr disk-info force-reset Forces the Content Manager to reset the disk share memory information. show statistics content-mgr Displays the Content Manager statistics. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-377 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show content-origin show content-origin To display information about the Network-attached Storage (NAS) mount, use the show content-origin command in user EXEC configuration mode. show content-origin request-fqdn domain Syntax Description request-fqdn Configures the request FQDN. domain Domain of the request FQDN. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Table 2-24 describes the fields shown in the show content-origin display. Table 2-25 show content-origin Field Descriptions Field Description FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name of the content origin. Protocol Protocol used. SharePoint SharePoint IP address. MountPoint MountPoint type. Status Indicates if it succeeded or failed. MaxRetry Maximum number of retries allowed. RetryCount Actual number of retries. The following syslog messages are displayed if the NAS mount fails: Cds Origin Manager writes syslog messages when NAS mount fails. Below are some sample syslog messages: Apr 28 04:25:26 nas-se CdsOriginMgr: %SE-CdsOriginMgr-3-802100: Failed to mount NFS vod/0 for NAS share Examples The following example shows how to display the content origin information: ServiceEngine# show content-origin FQDN: Protocol: CIFS SharePoint: 171.XX.XX.X:/wmroot MountPoint: WMS Status: Success Protocol: NFS SharePoint: 171.XX.XX.XXX:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/WMT Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-378 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show content-origin MountPoint: WMT Status: Failed MaxRetry: 10 RetryCount: 17 Protocol: NFS SharePoint: 171.XX.XX.XXX:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/Zeri MountPoint: ZERI Status: Failed MaxRetry: 10 RetryCount: 17 ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description content-origin Supports multiple origin servers within a content origin. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-379 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show debugging show debugging To display the state of each debugging option, use the show debugging user command in user EXEC configuration mode. show debugging [ip {bgp | ospf | proximity | rib} | isis | srp | svc {desci | registry}] Syntax Description ip (Optional) Displays the debug options for IP. bgp Displays the debugging flags that have been set for BGP. ospf Displays the debug options for OSPF processes that are enabled. proximity Displays the debug options that are enabled for the proximity process. rib Displays the debug options that are enabled for the rib process. isis (Optional) Displays the debug options that are enabled for the IS-IS process. srp (Optional) This command displays the debug flags that are turned on for the SRP. svc (Optional) desci Descriptor Interpreter Library. registry Service Registration Daemon. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show debugging ip bgp command is used to display the debugging flags that have been set for BGP. The show debugging ip ospf command is used to display debug options for OSPF processes that are enabled. The show debugging ip rib command is used to display debug options for rib processes that are enabled. The show debugging isis command is used to display debug options for IS-IS processes that are enabled. The show debugging srp command is used to displays the debug flags that are turned on for the SRP. Examples The following is sample output from the show debugging ip bgp command: ServiceRouter# debug ip bgp keepalives ServiceRouter# show debugging ip bgp BGP keepalives debug is on ServiceRouter# debug ip bgp all ServiceRouter# show debugging ip bgp BGP events debug is on BGP internal debug is on BGP RIB debug is on BGP BRIB debug is on BGP updates debug is on Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-380 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show debugging BGP BGP BGP BGP BGP keepalives debug is on packets debug is on IO debug is on list debug is on dampening debug is on ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show debugging ip ospf command: ServiceRouter# show debugging ip ospf All OSPF debug is on Adjacency events debug is on OSPF LSDB changes debug is on OSPF LSDB timers debug is on OSPF related events debug is on LSA flooding debug is on ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show debugging isis command. ServiceRouter# show debugging isis SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP error debug is on api debug is on multicast debug is on session debug is on srhp packet debug is on replica debug is on packet asiii debug is on function debug is on replay is on ServiceRouter# The following example shows the use of show srp debug command: ServiceRouter# show debugging srp SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP packet debug is on error debug is on database debug is on api debug is on host debug is on multicast packet debug is on session debug is on srhp packet debug is on replica debug is on sync debug is on configuration debug is on ippc debug is on packet ascii debug is on function debug is on ServiceRouter# In the following example, the debug icp client command coupled with the show debugging command shows that Internet Cache Protocol (ICP) debugging is enabled: ServiceEngine# debug icp client ServiceEngine# show debugging Debug icp (client) is on Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-381 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show debugging Related Commands Command Description debug Monitors and records caching application functions. undebug Disables debugging functions. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-382 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show debugging srp show debugging srp To display the debug flags that are turned on for SRP, use the show debugging srp command in privileged EXEC mode. show debugging srp Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Default None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows the use of show debugging srp: ServiceRouter# show debugging srp SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP packet debug is on error debug is on database debug is on api debug is on host debug is on multicast packet debug is on session debug is on srhp packet debug is on replica debug is on sync debug is on configuration debug is on ippc debug is on packet ascii debug is on function debug is on ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-383 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show device-mode show device-mode To display the configured or current mode of a device, use the show device-mode command in EXEC configuration mode. show device-mode {configured | current} Syntax Description configured Displays the configured device mode. current Displays the current device mode. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines If the configured and current device modes differ, a reload is required for the configured device mode to take effect. Examples The configured device mode field in the show device-mode configured display shows the device mode that has been configured, but has not yet taken effect. The current device mode field in the show device-mode current command display shows the current mode in which the CDS device is operating. The following example shows how to use the show device-mode command to show the device mode when you change the device from an SE to an SR using the device mode command: Acmehost# show device-mode current Current device mode: service-engine Acmehost# show device-mode configured Configured device mode: service-engine Acmehost(config)# device mode service-router The new configuration will take effect after a reload Acmehost(config)# exit Acmehost# show device-mode current Current device mode: service-engine Note: The configured and current device modes differ, a reload is required for the configured device mode to take effect. Acmehost# show device-mode configured Configured device mode: service-router Note: The configured and current device modes differ, a reload is required for the configured device mode to take effect. Acmehost# write memory Acmehost# reload force ...reload... Acmehost# show running-config device mode service-router ! hostname Acmehost Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-384 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show device-mode .. Acmehost# show device-mode configured Configured device mode: service-router Acmehost# show device-mode current Current device mode: service-router Related Commands Command Description device Configures the mode of operation on a device as a CDSM, SE or SR. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-385 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show direct-server-return show direct-server-return To display the Direct Server return information, use the show direct-server-return command in EXEC configuration mode. show direct-server-return Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to display the Direct Server return information: ServiceEngine# show direct-server-return direct-server-return vip Related Commands Command Description direct-server-return Enables a VIP for direct server return. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-386 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show disks show disks To view information about your disks, use the show disks command in EXEC configuration mode. show disks [current | details | error-handling [details] | health diskname | raid-state | SMART-info [details]] Syntax Description current (Optional) Displays currently effective configurations. details (Optional) Displays currently effective configurations with more details. error-handling (Optional) Displays the disk error-handling statistics. details (Optional) Displays the detail disk and sector errors. health (Optional) Displays the hard drive health. diskname (Optional) Displays the health of a specific disk. raid-state (Optional) Displays the volume and progress information for the RAID disks. SMART-info (Optional) Displays hard drive diagnostic information and information about impending disk failures. details (Optional) Displays SMART disk monitoring info with more details. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show disks command displays the names of the disks currently attached to the SE. Table 2-26 describes the fields shown in the show disks details display. Table 2-26 Field disk00 show disks details Field Descriptions Description Availability of the disk: Present, Not present or Not responding, Not used, or (*). Note Disk drives that are currently marked as bad are shown as “Not used” in the output. Future bad disk drives (drives that are not used after the next time that the SE is reloaded) are shown with an asterisk (*). Disk identification number and type. Disk size in megabytes and gigabytes. disk01 Same type of information is shown for each disk. System use Amount of disk space being used for system use. Free Amount of unused disk space available. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-387 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show disks The show disks error-handling command displays the current level of disk and sector-related errors. Table 2-27 describes the fields shown in the show disks error-handling details display. I/O e Table 2-27 show disks error-handling details Field Descriptions Field Description Disk errors since last boot Number of disk errors since the device was last rebooted. Disk total bad sectors Total number of bad sector errors. Total errors Total number of bad sector and disk errors. Diskname Sector LBA Each bad sector's Logical Block Address (LBA). I/O errors Number of I/O errors. Proactively Monitoring Disk Health with SMART The ability to proactively monitor the health of disks with Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) was added. SMART provides you with hard drive diagnostic information and information about impending disk failures. SMART is supported by most disk vendors and is a standard method used to determine the health of a disk. SMART has several read-only attributes (for example, the power-on hours attribute, the load and unload count attribute) that provide the CDS software with information about the operating and environmental conditions that may indicate an impending disk failure. To display more detailed information, enter the show disks SMART-info details command in EXEC configuration mode. The output from the show disks SMART-info and the show disks SMART-info details commands differ based on the disk vendor and the type of drive technology (Integrated Drive Electronics [IDE], Small Computer Systems Interface [SCSI], and Serial Advanced Technology Attachment [SATA] disk drives). Even though SMART attributes are vendor dependent, there is a common way of interpreting most SMART attributes. Each SMART attribute has a normalized current value and a threshold value. When the current value exceeds the threshold value, the disk is considered as failed. The CDS software monitors the SMART attributes and reports any impending failure through syslog messages, SNMP traps, and alarms. The output from the show tech-support command in EXEC configuration mode also includes SMART information. Table 2-28 describes some typical fields in the show disks SMART-info display. Table 2-28 show disks SMART-info Field Descriptions Field Description disk00—disk05 Shows information for disk drives. Device Model Vendor number and version number of the disk. Serial Number Serial number for the disk. Device type Type of device. Transport protocol Physical layer connector information, for example: Parallel SCSI (SPI-4). Local time is Day of the week, month, date, time (hh:mm:ss), year, clock standard. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-388 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show disks Table 2-28 show disks SMART-info Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description Device supports SMART and SMART is Enabled Status of SMART support: Enabled or Disabled. Temperature Warning Enabled Temperature warning status: Enabled or Disabled. SMART Health Status: Examples Health status of the disk: OK or Failed. The following example displays output for two disks experiencing sector errors: ServiceEngine# show disks error-handling Disk errors since last boot: disk05 total bad sectors = 1, total errors = 2 disk10 total bad sectors = 3, total errors = 9 If the details option is given, then each bad sector’s Logical Block Address (LBA) displays along with its corresponding I/O error count: ServiceEngine# show disks error-handling details Disk errors since last boot: disk05 total bad sectors = 1, total errors = 2 # diskname Sector (LBA) I/O errors: disk05 3000005 2 disk10 total bad sectors = 3, total errors = 9 # diskname Sector (LBA) I/O errors: disk10 16000 3 disk10 170001 4 disk10 180001 2 Total errors (since system boot) across all disks = 11 Note For additional disk health statistics, execute the show disks smart-info or show alarms commands. SMART support is vendor dependent; each disk vendor has a different set of supported SMART attributes. The following example shows the output from the show disks SMART-info command in EXEC configuration mode that was entered on two different SEs (Service Engine A and Service Engine B). These two SEs contain hard disks that were manufactured by different vendors. ServiceEngine# show disks SMART-info === disk00 === smartctl version 5.38 [ i686-spcdn-linux-gnu ] Copyright (C) 2002-8 Bruce Allen Home page is === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: ST3500320NS Serial Number: 5QM19RKR Firmware Version: SN04 User Capacity: 500,107,862,016 bytes Device is: Not in smartctl database [ for details use: -P showall ] ATA Version is: 6 ATA Standard is: ATA/ATAPI-6 T13 1410D revision 2 Local Time is: Thu May 21 14:09:19 2009 UTC SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled === START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION === Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-389 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show disks SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED RUNNING: /usr/sbin/smartctl /dev/sda -H -i === disk01 === smartctl version 5.38 [ i686-spcdn-linux-gnu ] Copyright (C) 2002-8 Bruce Allen Home page is === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: ST3500320NS Serial Number: 5QM19B0B Firmware Version: SN04 User Capacity: 500,107,862,016 bytes Device is: Not in smartctl database [ for details use: -P showall ] ATA Version is: 6 ATA Standard is: ATA/ATAPI-6 T13 1410D revision 2 Local Time is: Thu May 21 14:09:19 2009 UTC SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled === START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION === SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED RUNNING: /usr/sbin/smartctl /dev/sdb -H -i === disk02 === smartctl version 5.38 [ i686-spcdn-linux-gnu ] Copyright (C) 2002-8 Bruce Allen Home page is === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: ST3500320NS Serial Number: 5QM19SK9 Firmware Version: SN04 User Capacity: 500,107,862,016 bytes Device is: Not in smartctl database [ for details use: -P showall ] ATA Version is: 6 ATA Standard is: ATA/ATAPI-6 T13 1410D revision 2 Local Time is: Thu May 21 14:09:19 2009 UTC SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled === START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION === SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED RUNNING: /usr/sbin/smartctl /dev/sdc -H -i The following example shows the output from the show dis raid-state command, which shows all the disk partitions on a CDE: ServiceEngine# #show disks raid-state SYSTEM : RAID-1 Status: Normal Partitions: disk00/05 disk02/05 SYSTEM: RAID-1 Status: Normal Partitions: disk00/01 disk02/01 SYSTEM: RAID-1 Status: Normal Partitions: disk00/02 disk02/02 SYSTEM: RAID-1 Status: Normal Partitions: disk00/04 disk02/04 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-390 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show disks Related Commands Command Description disk (EXEC) Configures disks and allocates disk space for devices using CDS software. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-391 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution show distribution To display the distribution information for a specified delivery service and to probe a remote SE for the liveness of its associated delivery service, use the show distribution command in EXEC configuration mode. show distribution [delivery-services {delivery-service-id delivery_service_num | delivery-service-name delivery_service_name} | forwarder-list {delivery-service-id delivery_service_num | delivery-service-name delivery_service_name} | location {forwarder-load-weight | live-load-weight | location-leader-preference} {delivery-service-id delivery_service_num | delivery-service-name delivery_service_name} | mcast-data-receiver {channels | cloud detail} | mcast-data-sender {channels | cloud detail} | object-status object_url | processes | remote ip_address {metadata-sender {delivery-service-id delivery_service_num [start-generation-id gen_id end-generation-id gen_id] | {delivery-service-name delivery_service_name [start-generation-id gen_id end-generation-id gen_id]} | unicast-sender {delivery-service-id delivery_service_num {cdn-url cdn_url | probe | relative-cdn-url cdn_url}} | delivery-service-name delivery_service_name {cdn-url cdn_url | probe | relative-cdn-url cdn_url}} | traceroute {forwarder-next-hop delivery-service-id delivery_service_num {max-hop maxhop_num | trace-till-good | trace-till-root}} | unicast-sender delivery-service-id delivery_service_num {cdn-url cdn_url | probe | relative-cdn-url cdn_url} {max-hop maxhop_num | trace-till-good | trace-till-root}}] Syntax Description delivery-services (Optional) Displays information about the specified delivery service. delivery-service-id (Optional) Specifies the delivery service ID. delivery_service_num Delivery service number (64-bit number). delivery-service-name (Optional) Specifies the delivery service name. delivery_service_name Delivery service name. forwarder-list (Optional) Displays the forwarder lists for all delivery services subscribed to by the SE. location (Optional) Displays delivery service routing-related parameters for the SEs in the location (specified by the delivery service ID). forwarder-loadweight Displays the forwarder load weight value of the SEs in the location (specified by the delivery service ID). For more information, see the “Forwarder Probability” section on page 2-394. live-load-weight Displays the live load weight value of the SEs in the location (specified by the delivery service ID). For more information, see the “Live Splitting Probability” section on page 2-396. location-leaderpreference Displays the location leader preference value of the SEs in the location (specified by the delivery service ID). For more information, see the “Location Leader Preference” section on page 2-395. mcast-data-receiver Display Multicast Data Receiver information. channels (Optional) Displays the list of channels assigned. cloud (Optional) Displays the cloud configuration. detail (Optional) Displays detailed cloud configuration. mcast-data-sender Displays Multicast Data Sender information. object-status (Optional) Displays information on the status of a prepositioned object. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-392 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution object_url URL of the prepositioned object. processes (Optional) Displays information on distribution processes. remote (Optional) Displays delivery service information about a remote SE. ip_address IP address of the remote SE. metadata-sender Displays the metadata from a remote SE. start-generation-id (Optional) Specifies the beginning database value of the current version of the multicast cloud. gen_id Beginning database value. end-generation-id Specifies the ending database value of the current version of the multicast cloud. gen_id Ending database value. unicast-sender Displays the unicast data from a remote SE. cdn-url Checks the object on a remote SE using the specified URL. cdn_url CDS network URL used to check the object on a remote SE. probe Probes the remote unicast sender. relative-cdn-url Checks the object on a remote SE using the specified URL. traceroute Displays the traceroute for the delivery service routing status. forwarder-next-hop Displays the next forwarder in the path for the SE. Note This keyword lets you display the forwarding SEs to the Content Acquirer in a manner similar to the traceroute command. delivery-service-id Specifies the delivery service ID with which the unicast sender is associated. delivery_service_num Delivery service number of the delivery service with which the unicast sender is associated. max-hop Displays the maximum number of hops needed to reach the unicast sender. maxhop_num Maximum number of hops. The range is from 1 to 1024. trace-till-good Allows the device to trace the route of an object until the object is found. trace-till-root Allows the device to trace the route of an object until the device reaches the Content Acquirer. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Note This command is only available on Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.1.1. Use the show distribution remote ip_address metadata-sender delivery-service-id delivery_service_num [start-generation-id gen_id end-generation-id gen_id] command option to retrieve the metadata from a remote SE assigned to a specified delivery service ID. The start and end generation IDs specify the beginning and ending database values representing the current version of the multicast cloud stored in the local database. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-393 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution Note Generation IDs must be greater than zero. Also, you must specify both the start and the end generation IDs, or neither ID. The show distribution remote ip_address unicast-sender delivery-service-id delivery_service_num relative-cdn-url cdn_url command shows the status of the relative CDS network URL of an object at a remote SE assigned to a specified delivery service ID. A relative CDS network URL is one that lacks the prefix of the protocol and hostname. For example, the relative CDS network URL for is abc.def.html. Use the show distribution remote ip_address unicast-sender delivery-service-id delivery_service_num probe command to probe a remote SE for the liveness of the delivery service to which it is assigned. The show distribution object-status object_url command can be used to display the properties of a prepositioned object. You can view the location leader preference and forwarder weight for the SE using the show distribution command. However, you can configure the location leader preference and forwarder weight only using the CDSM GUI for each SE. Default values are assumed if you do not manually configure them. The show distribution location forwarder-load-weight command displays the probability of SEs assigned to the delivery service within the location being selected as a forwarder. The show distribution location location-leader-preference command displays the location leader preference value of SEs that are assigned to the delivery service within the location. Use the show distribution delivery-services command to view the forwarder for the SEs. If a receiver SE is unable to find its forwarder SE, one of the following reasons is displayed in the Status/Reason column of the output of the show distribution delivery-services command: • LLMT—Home SE cannot find the forwarder because the home SE has a limit on the forwarder lookup level. • FAIL—Home SE cannot find the forwarder because there is a failed SE along the path within the specified forwarder lookup level. • NGWT—Home SE cannot find the forwarder because there is an SE with a negative forwarder-load-weight along the path within the specified forwarder lookup level. Use the show distribution mcast-data-sender and show distribution mcast-data-receiver commands to see a list of assigned channels and cloud configuration for the Multicast data senders and receivers that were added to the Multicast cloud using the multicast command. Forwarder Probability When an SE (location leader) selects its forwarder from an upstream location, it uses the forwarderLoad_weight value configured for each SE in its upstream location. The weight value of each SE corresponds to the probability of the SE being selected as the forwarder. Each SE generates a unique random number. When an SE needs to select an inter-location forwarder, it views all the SEs in one remote location as a collection, with the size corresponding to their weight. It uses the generated random number to select an SE as a forwarder. SEs with a higher weight are more likely to be selected as forwarders. Note The forwarderLoad_weight value represents a probabilistic value. When a large number of children SEs select a forwarder from a location, the load on the forwarder represents the weight. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-394 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution The load on the forwarder is the replication load per delivery service on the SE because all SEs subscribed to the delivery service select a forwarder to balance the load. However, as the number of SEs assigned to different delivery services might differ, a forwarder might receive requests for content from SEs in other delivery services, which increases the load. Therefore, it is possible that the total load (of replicating content) on the forwarder does not reflect the weight but depends on the number of SEs assigned to a delivery service. For each SE, you can specify the probability of each SE acting as a forwarder to SEs from downstream locations using the CDSM GUI. You can also specify whether certain SEs should never serve as a forwarder to downstream SEs. The specification is delivery service independent. If you choose not to configure settings using the Location Leader and Forwarder Settings for SE window, the delivery service routing algorithm uses the random number method to generate one permutation of the SE ID ordered list. Location Leader Preference For intra-location (list of SEs in an SE’s own location) forwarder selection, the delivery service routing algorithm first creates an ordered list of the SEs based on their location leader preference in a descending order. Next, the delivery service routing algorithm selects the first SE in the ordered list as the location leader. When multiple SEs have the same location leader_preference, the delivery service routing algorithm guarantees that all the SEs assigned to each delivery service in the location still generate the same ordered list, which avoids routing loops. A routing loop is a deadlock situation in which the forwarder selection among multiple SEs within the loop prevents the SEs from receiving the content from upstream locations. For example, SE1 uses SE2 as the forwarder and SE2 uses SE1 as the forwarder for the same delivery service. However, for two different delivery services, the ordered list could be different (when multiple SEs have the same location leader probability value) even if the subscribed SEs are the same. When multiple SEs have the highest location leader_preference, although each SE has an equal chance of acting as the location leader (for different delivery services), only one SE always acts as the location leader for one particular delivery service. If you configure all the SEs in your network to have the same location leader_preference value, then each SE has an equal chance of acting as a location leader. When each SE has an equal probability of being selected as the location leader for any particular delivery service, only one particular SE is always selected as the location leader. Note If there are two SEs in the same location (SE1, SE2) and both of them are assigned to two delivery services (CH1, CH2), and if you want SE1 to be the location leader for CH1 and SE2 to be the location leader for CH2, you cannot configure them using location leader_preference and forwarderLoad_weight. In a location, you can specify the probability for each SE acting as the location leader. The specification is delivery service independent. The following limitations are associated with specifying a location leader preference: • When multiple SEs are configured with the same location leader_preference value and assigned to a delivery service, they have an equal probability of being selected as the location leader. In such a case, you do not have a control mechanism to decide which SE should be selected as the location leader. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-395 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution • Only the order among the SEs with the highest preference is randomized to determine the location leader preference and not other SEs with the same preference value. It is possible that if the SE(s) with the highest preference failed and there are several other SEs with the second highest preference value, they are not balanced across the different delivery services. The same SE is the location leader for all delivery services. • If an SE with a high location leader_preference is assigned to many delivery services, it is possible that the SE can be selected as the location leader for all these delivery services. Live Splitting Probability Similar to the delivery service routing application used for content replication that assigns weight and priority to SEs to tune location leader and forwarder selections, you can specify a configuration parameter liveSplit_load_weight for each SE. This parameter represents the relative probability that an SE is likely to receive live stream splitting traffic as compared to other SEs. The specification is delivery service independent. If you do not configure liveSplit_load_weight, the algorithm should work as it currently does. A weighted load balancing scheme splits the live stream load on the SEs according to the liveSplit_load_weight value because SEs of different types have an equal probability of being selected as the splitting SE on the location path. The liveSplit_load_weight is used when the delivery service routing generates the ordered list of SEs for each location. The SEs are ordered in a way that the higher the weight, the greater probability that the SEs are being ordered at the beginning of the list. The weight represents a relative value. The liveSplit_load_weight assigned to one SE is compared against the weights of other SEs in the same location. The weight is a probabilistic value. For one particular URL, all SEs generate the same ordered list for a location. It is possible that an SE with a lower weight is being ordered at the beginning while an SE with a higher weight is being ordered at the end of the list. The weighted load balancing is useful only when there are multiple live stream URLs. The liveSplit_load_weight parameter applies both within the home location and upstream locations. This setting is different from the distribution settings where locationLeader-priority controls how you choose SEs from the home location, while forwarderLoad-weight controls how you choose SEs from upstream locations. Examples The following example shows the status of the object at a remote SE with the IP address and delivery service ID 631. The URL of the content object specified in the command must not be the complete source URL. Instead, it must be the relative CDS network URL of the object. ServiceEngine# show distribution remote unicast-sender delivery-service-id 631 relative-cdn-url 101files/100.txt Forwarder-Name : AD-SE08 Forwarder-ID : 140 Forwarder IP : Forwarder Location : default-location Relative CDN URL : 101files/100.txt Actual Size : 58 Size Transferred : 58 Resource-ID : roVe2aMzp+YhmbhGUfMPpQ Content-ID : 7LC5xOlMp4YvkBJlHaQucQ Last Modified Time : 10:52:38 Jan 04 2005 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-396 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution The following example retrieves the metadata from a remote SE with the IP address assigned to delivery service ID 4999: ServiceEngine# show distribution remote metadata-sender delivery-service-id 4999 Getting meta data for delivery service(4999) from genid -1 to 2 Connecting to Remote SE replied with the following headers: Action : Processing metadata records Latest Gen id is : 2 Have more records to process : No Is metadata still in full reload: No add-size: 2, del-size: 0 Add Logs: 1 to 2 add # 1: UBsSUMwbTdJzzpqDvxSdYg.., basic_auth/public.html add # 2: NJyVL9CZwpnyCfw+Is26yw.., index.txt The following example probes the remote SE with the IP address for the liveness of its assigned delivery service ID 153: ServiceEngine# show distribution remote unicast-sender delivery-service-id 153 probe Probe Successful The following example shows the beginning database value of the current version of the multicast cloud at a remote SE with the IP address and delivery service ID 4999: ServiceEngine# show distribution remote metadata-sender delivery-service-id 4999 start-generation-id 0 end-generation-id 5 Getting meta data for delivery service(4999) from genid -1 to 5 Connecting to Remote SE replied with the following headers: Action : Processing metadata records Latest Gen id is : 2 Have more records to process : No Is metadata still in full reload: No add-size: 2, del-size: 0 Add Logs: 1 to 2 add # 1: UBsSUMwbTdJzzpqDvxSdYg.., basic_auth/public.html add # 2: NJyVL9CZwpnyCfw+Is26yw.., index.txt Note When start and end generation IDs are not specified in the show distribution remote command, the current maximum generation ID of –100 is the start generation ID. The end generation ID is equal to the sum of the start generation ID and 100. The following example shows the list of forwarders in the path toward the Content Acquirer: ServiceEngine# show distribution remote traceroute forwarder-next-hop delivery-service-id 4999 trace-till-root Hop NextHop_SEId --- -----------1 5884 2 6035 3 5683 4 6026 5 5638 NextHop_SEName NextHop_SEIp -------------- -----------AD-SE07 AD-SE13 AD-SE12 gnadaraj-507 devi-507 GenID Status/Reason ----- ------------1 REGULAR 1 LOC-LEAD 1 LOC-LEAD 1 LOC-LEAD 1 LOC-LEAD (Reached RootSE) The following example shows output from the show distribution object-status command: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-397 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution ServiceEngine# show distribution object-status ========== Website Information ========== Name Origin Server FQDN Request Routed FQDN Content UNS Reference # : : : : cisco-crawl N/A 1 ========== delivery services Information ========== *** delivery service 4999 (name = headercheck) *** Object Replication -----------------Replication : Done File State : Ready for distribution Multicast for delivery service : Not Enabled Replication Lock : Received by Unicast-Receiver/Acquirer Reference Count : 1 Total Size : 2208640 Transfered Size : 2208640 MD5 of MD5 : zwhJagyCmRAE4UmTwc0EtA.. Source Url : Source Last Modified Time : Sun Jul 11 03:23:33 2004 Object Properties ----------------Redirect To Origin Requires Authentation Alternative URL Serve Start Time Serve End Time Play servers Content Metadata Content uns_id Content gen-id : : : : : : : : : Yes No N/A N/A HTTP HTTPS None yhzR3VZ96MDz5FVHwmGD+A.. 5638:1108022220:1 ========== CDNFS Information ========== Internal File Name : /disk00-04/d/ Actual File Size : 2208640 bytes MD5 of MD5 (Re-calculated): zwhJagyCmRAE4UmTwc0EtA.. Content metadata : None Metadata match with : delivery service 4999 Number of Source-urls : 1 Source-url to CDN-object mapping: Source-url : Used by CDN object : ---- Yes ---Internal File Name : /disk00-04/d/ Actual File Size : 2208640 bytes ========== CDNFS lookup output ========== CDNFS File Attributes: Status File Size Start Time 3 (Ready) 2208640 Bytes null Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-398 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution End Time null Allowed Playback via HTTP HTTPS Last-modified Time Sun Jul 11 03:23:33 2004 cdn_uns_id yhzR3VZ96MDz5FVHwmGD+A.. last-modified Sun, 11 Jul 2004 03:23:33 GMT Internal path to data file: /disk00-04/d/ The following example shows the mcast-data-sender information: SE-5#show distribution mcast-data-sender Multicast enabled Currently a Primary Multicast Sender for Cloud : shekharMC [412] Primary Sender Details ----------------------Multicast Sender State : PRIMARY_ACTIVE(1) Current Send State : OK to Send Current MOUT BW (kbps) : 100000 Fixed Carousel : Disabled Multicast Checkpoint Transfer : Enabled Current Default Per Delivery service data rate(kbps) :100000 The following example shows the mcast-data-sender cloud detail information: SE-5#show distribution mcast-data-sender cloud detail Multicast Cloud Configuration ----------------------Multicast Cloud ID : 1621 Multicast Cloud Name : cloud1 Description : N/A Advertisement IP Address : Multicast Port : 7777 Start Multicast IP Address : End Multicast IP Address : Default Multicast-out Bandwidth (kbps) : 10000 Default Per Delivery service data rate(kbps) : 10000 Max concurrent sessions : 5 Backup Sender Default Mout Bandwidth (kbps) : 10000 Multicast Medium : Satellite Number of Carousel Passes : 5 Delay Between Carousel Passes (mins) : 0 Multicast carousel rearming : Enabled Multicast carousel rearming time : 1 TTL : 255 FEC Transmission Group : 16 FEC Proactive Parity Size : 2 FEC Practive Delay : 1 msec PGM Router Assist : Disable Primay-to-backup Failover Grace Period (mins) : 5 Backup-to-primary Fallback Grace Period (mins) : 5 SEs Assigned to the Multicast Cloud SE ID SE Name 344 CDE220-QA-26 806 CDE220-QA-23 359 CDE220-QA-25 730 CDE220-QA-24-1 SE IP SE Role Receiver Primary Sender Backup Sender Receiver Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-399 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution The show distribution delivery-services output and the show distribution forwarder-list output display additional delivery service routing information. The newly added Status/Reason field displays whether the SE is a location leader and the reason for not having a forwarder SE. The following example shows the delivery service distribution information: ServiceEngine# show distribution delivery-services Delivery Service Name ID Priority Root Forwarder Status/Reason ----------------------- -----------------------------00-AD 527 500 No Rack89-SE-11 REGULAR N/A 01-AD 586 500 Yes N/A N/A N/A 00-Live 588 500 Yes N/A LIVE N/A LOC-LEAD: REGULAR: LLMT: FAIL: NGWT: LIVE: applicable *: This SE is the location leader for this delivery service This SE is not the location leader for this delivery service This SE cannot find forwarder because this SE has limit on the forwarder lookup level This SE cannot find forwarder because there is failed SE along the path within specified forwarder lookup level This SE cannot find forwarder because there is SE with negative forwarder-load-weight along the path within the specified forwarder lookup level The specified delivery service is live delivery service, forwarder not MetaData forwarder and Unicast forwarder are different The following example provides Origin server failover information for delivery service ID 373: ServiceEngine# show distribution delivery-service delivery-service-name delivery Delivery Service Configuration --------------------Delivery Service ID : 239 Delivery Service Name : delivery Content Origin Name : 3M-Prepos-Test Content Origin fqdn : Content Origin Origin FQDN : Delivery Service Priority : 750 Configured Distribution Type : Multicast/Unicast Content Acquirer Information ------------------ID of Configured Content Acquirer Name of Configured Content Acquirer IP of Configured Content Acquirer ID of Effective Content Acquirer Current content-Acquirer-uid This SE's Role This SE in Full Reload : : : : : : : Content Acquirer Failover/Fallback Information --------------------------------------Content Acquirer Failover/Fallback Interval: Origin Server Failover Information -------------------Origin Server Failover Status : Metadata Information -------------------Metadata-Forwarder ID Metadata-Forwarder Name Metadata-Forwarder Primary IP Metadata-Forwarder NAT IP/Port Address to Poll Metadata-Forwarder : : : : : 283 SE-3 283 1381954721 Not a Content Acquirer No 20 Mins Off 283 SE-3 N/A Primary IP Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-400 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution Metadata-Forwarder Status Last gen-id Switch Current low-water-marker Current max-gen-id Current max-del-gen-id Last poll Next poll Idle poll interval Poll interval multiplier : : : : : : : : : LOC-LEAD 350469 Secs ago 1 4202 0 92 Secs ago 28 Secs from now 120 Secs 1 Unicast Information ------------------Ucast-Forwarder ID Ucast-Forwarder Name Ucast-Forwarder Primary IP Ucast-Forwarder NAT IP/Port Address to Poll Ucast-Forwarder Ucast-Forwarder Status : : : : : : 283 SE-3 N/A Primary IP LOC-LEAD Delivery service level unicast option for this SE Ucast Receiver of this SE : Enabled for this delivery service Ucast Sender of this SE : Enabled for this delivery service Multicast Information --------------------Multicast Cloud Information Mcast Receiving Mcast Sending : : No Yes Delivery service level multicast option for this SE Mcast Receiver of this SE : Enabled for this delivery service Mcast Sender of this SE : Enabled for this delivery service Mcast sender data rate : 10000 Kbps Fec value of this delivery service : 16 Carousel value of this delivery service : 4 Multicast carousel rearming : Enabled for this delivery service Multicast carousel rearming time : 1 hrs Mcast max concurrent sessions configured: 1 # FEC Proactive Parity : 2 FEC Proactive Parity Delayed : 1 QoS Configuration ----------------MetaData QoS (effective system config) Multiccast QoS : : 0 (Not Enabled) 56 [0X 38] Progress Information -------------------Number of jobs completed Has incomplete jobs : : 1056 No LOC-LEAD: REGULAR: LLMT: FAIL: NGWT: LIVE: This SE is the location leader for this delivery service This SE is not the location leader for this delivery service This SE cannot find forwarder because this SE has limit on the forwarder lookup level This SE cannot find forwarder because there is failed SE along the path within specified forwarder lookup level This SE cannot find forwarder because there is SE with negative forwarder-load-weight along the path within the specified forwarder lookup level The specified delivery service is live delivery service, forwarder not applicable Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-401 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution *: Note MetaData forwarder and Unicast forwarder are different The “Working Server of WebEngine” makes sense only on Content Acquirer. It will always keep empty on those Service Engine which are not Content Acquirer. The following example provides delivery service distribution information for delivery service ID 527: ServiceEngine# show distribution delivery-services delivery-service-id 239 Delivery Service Configuration --------------------Delivery Service ID : 239 Delivery Service Name : delivery Content Origin Name : 3M-Prepos-Test Content Origin fqdn : Content Origin Origin FQDN : Delivery Service Priority : 750 Configured Distribution Type : Multicast/Unicast Content Acquirer Information ------------------ID of Configured Content Acquirer Name of Configured Content Acquirer IP of Configured Content Acquirer ID of Effective Content Acquirer Current content-Acquirer-uid This SE's Role This SE in Full Reload : : : : : : : Content Acquirer Failover/Fallback Information --------------------------------------Content Acquirer Failover/Fallback Interval: 283 SE-3 283 1381954721 Not a Content Acquirer No 20 Mins Origin Server Failover Information -------------------Origin Server Failover Status : Metadata Information -------------------Metadata-Forwarder ID Metadata-Forwarder Name Metadata-Forwarder Primary IP Metadata-Forwarder NAT IP/Port Address to Poll Metadata-Forwarder Metadata-Forwarder Status Last gen-id Switch Current low-water-marker Current max-gen-id Current max-del-gen-id Last poll Next poll Idle poll interval Poll interval multiplier : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 283 SE-3 N/A Primary IP LOC-LEAD 350374 Secs ago 1 4202 0 117 Secs ago 3 Secs from now 120 Secs 1 Unicast Information ------------------Ucast-Forwarder ID Ucast-Forwarder Name Ucast-Forwarder Primary IP Ucast-Forwarder NAT IP/Port Address to Poll Ucast-Forwarder Ucast-Forwarder Status : : : : : : 283 SE-3 N/A Primary IP LOC-LEAD Off Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-402 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution Delivery service level unicast option for this SE Ucast Receiver of this SE : Enabled for this delivery service Ucast Sender of this SE : Enabled for this delivery service Multicast Information --------------------Multicast Cloud Information Mcast Receiving Mcast Sending : : No Yes Delivery service level multicast option for this SE Mcast Receiver of this SE : Enabled for this delivery service Mcast Sender of this SE : Enabled for this delivery service Mcast sender data rate : 10000 Kbps Fec value of this delivery service : 16 Carousel value of this delivery service : 4 Multicast carousel rearming : Enabled for this delivery service Multicast carousel rearming time : 1 hrs Mcast max concurrent sessions configured: 1 # FEC Proactive Parity : 2 FEC Proactive Parity Delayed : 1 QoS Configuration ----------------MetaData QoS (effective system config) Multiccast QoS : : 0 (Not Enabled) 56 [0X 38] Progress Information -------------------Number of jobs completed Has incomplete jobs : : 1056 No LOC-LEAD: REGULAR: LLMT: FAIL: NGWT: LIVE: *: Note This SE is the location leader for this delivery service This SE is not the location leader for this delivery service This SE cannot find forwarder because this SE has limit on the forwarder lookup level This SE cannot find forwarder because there is failed SE along the path within specified forwarder lookup level This SE cannot find forwarder because there is SE with negative forwarder-load-weight along the path within the specified forwarder lookup level The specified delivery service is live delivery service, forwarder not applicable MetaData forwarder and Unicast forwarder are different The Has Unfinished Job line is only available if the SE is not a Content Acquirer. It is only available on a receiver SE. The following example provides the forwarder list information for delivery service ID 6290: ServiceEngine# show distribution forwarder-list delivery-service-id 6290 detail ************************** delivery service 6290 ***************************Topology Information: Delivery Service : ( 6290) akot1 Content Origin : ( 6289) ako Home SE : ( 6162) W14-CDE205-1 Home Location : ( 6189) W14-CDE205-1-location Content Acquirer : ( 6181) W14-612-1 Root Location : ( 6182) W14-612-1-location Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-403 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution ======================= Forwarder Result Start ======================== Latest information for unicast Meta-Data reception and for unicast Data reception. USABLE Forwarder: SE ID SE Location SE IP address SE attributes SE state Result Status : : : : ( 6181) W14-612-1 ( 6182) W14-612-1-location SE Fowarder Level : 2 resides in root location is the Content Acquirer for the Delivery Service : USABLE applies until Thu Jul 8 05:42:43 2010 : Am Location Leader : Yes POLLABLE Forwarder: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Location Path: List of locations from Home-Location to Root-Location Number of locations : 3 ( 6189) W14-CDE205-1-location ( 6068) L1 ( 6182) W14-612-1-location -----------------------------------------------------------------List of Delivery-Service-subscribed locations from Home-Location to Root-Location Number of locations : 3 ( 6189) W14-CDE205-1-location ( 6068) L1 ( 6182) W14-612-1-location ---------------------------------------------------------------------Forwarder Lists: Location W14-CDE205-1-location(6189) REACHABLE. Showing Forwarder list for Location : ( 6189) W14-CDE205-1-location Number of forwarders in location : 1 ---------------------------------------Configured Forwarder SE List: <EMPTY> Non-configured Forwarder SE List: <EMPTY> -----------------------------------------------------------------Location L1(6068) REACHABLE. Showing Forwarder list for Location : ( 6068) L1 Number of forwarders in location : 0 ---------------------------------------Configured Forwarder SE List: <EMPTY> Non-configured Forwarder SE List: <EMPTY> -----------------------------------------------------------------Location W14-612-1-location(6182) REACHABLE. Showing Forwarder list for Location : ( 6182) W14-612-1-location Number of forwarders in location : 1 ---------------------------------------Configured Forwarder SE List: SE ID ( 6181) W14-612-1 IP state USABLE (Content Origin) Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-404 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show distribution Non-configured Forwarder SE List: <EMPTY> Related Commands Command Description clear Clears the HTTP object cache, the hardware interface, statistics, archive working transaction logs, and other settings. distribution Reschedules and refreshes content redistribution for a specified delivery service ID or name show statistics distribution Displays the statistics of the content distribution components. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-405 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show flash show flash To display the flash memory version and usage information, use the show flash command in EXEC configuration mode. show flash Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines If a new software image has been installed and is waiting to be run after a reboot, the show flash command displays this information and the version of Internet Streamer CDS software that runs on the device after reload. Note Examples If you update the CDS software on an SE, the new version displays in the show flash command output, but it says, “Pending software change will occur on next bootup.” You must reboot the device for the software update to take effect. The following example shows how to display the flash information: ServiceEngine# show flash CDS software version (disk-based code): CDS-2.4.0-b328 System image on flash: Version: System flash directory: System image: 274 sectors Bootloader, rescue image, and other reserved areas: 59 sectors 512 sectors total, 179 sectors free. Table 2-29 describes the fields shown in the show flash display. Table 2-29 show flash Field Descriptions Field Description Internet Streamer CDS software version (disk-based code) Internet Streamer CDS software version and build number that is running on the device. System image on flash: Version Version and build number of the software that is stored in flash memory. System flash directory: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-406 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show flash Table 2-29 Related Commands show flash Field Descriptions Field Description System image Number of sectors used by the system image. Bootloader, rescue image, and other reserved areas Number of sectors used by the bootloader, rescue image, and other reserved areas. XX sectors total, XX sectors free Total number of sectors. Number of free sectors. Command Description show version Displays the version information about the software. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-407 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show flash-media-streaming show flash-media-streaming To display the Flash Media Streaming information, use the show flash-media-streaming command in EXEC configuration mode. On the SE: show flash-media-streaming [license | logging name | mtrack | stream-status {dvrcast [all name] | live [all name]}] On the SR: show flash-media-streaming Note Syntax Description show flash-media-streaming is not supported in release 3.2.3 license (Optional) Shows the Flash Media Streaming licenses. logging (Optional) Sets the Tar Flash Media Streaming transaction logs to /local/local1/filename.tar.gz. name (Optional) Filename. mtrack (Optional) Displays the Flash Media Streaming memory usage. stream-status (Optional) Displays the Flash Media Streaming stream status. dvrcast Displays dvrcast stream status. all (Optional) Dumps detail statistics into /local/local1/filename. live (Optional) Displays the live stream status. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines When you execute the show flash-media-streaming stream-status live command and the Forwarder is a Content Origin server running Linux, the show command does not show statistics for the Content Origin server. Examples The following example shows how to display the Flash Media Streaming information: ServiceEngine# show flash-media-streaming Flash Media Streaming is disabled. Max. Allowed concurrent sessions are 200. Flash Media Streaming Monitoring is enabled. Admin list allow: Total number of wholesale licenses is 0. Bandwidth Details: Non wholesale bandwidth (Perpetual) is 200000 kbps. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-408 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show flash-media-streaming Configured max bandwidth is 10000 kbps. Total wholesale bandwidth (Term Based) is 0 kbps. Allowed bandwidth is 10000 kbps. ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description flash-media-streaming Enables and configures Flash Media Streaming. show statistics Displays the statistics for Flash Media Streaming. flash-media-streaming Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-409 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ftp show ftp To display the caching configuration of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), use the show ftp command in EXEC configuration mode. show ftp Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to display the caching configuration of FTP: ServiceEngine# show ftp FTP heuristic age-multipliers: directory-listing 30% file 60% Maximum Time To Live in days : directory-listing 3 file 7 Minimum Time To Live in minutes: 60 No objects are revalidated on every request. Serve-IMS without revalidation if... Directory listing object is less than 50% of max age File object is less than 80% of max age Incoming Proxy-Mode: Servicing Proxy mode FTP connections on ports: 22 23 88 66 48 488 449 90 Outgoing Proxy-Mode: Not using outgoing proxy mode. Maximum size of a cacheable object is unlimited. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-410 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show hardware show hardware To display the system hardware status, use the show hardware command in EXEC configuration mode. show hardware [all | core | cpuinfo | dmi [all | baseboard | bios | cache | chassis | connector | memory | processor | slot | system] | mapping {disk [all | diskname] | interface [all | GigabitEthernet slot/port_num | TenGigabitEthernet slot/port_num]} | meminfo | pci [details | drivers | ids | tree]] Syntax Description all (Optional) Displays all hardware class information. core (Optional) Displays core hardware information. cpuinfo (Optional) Displays CPU information. dmi (Optional) Displays DMI1. all (Optional) Displays all DMI information. baseboard (Optional) Displays motherboard information. bios (Optional) Displays BIOS information. cache (Optional) Displays processor cache information. chassis (Optional) Displays chassis information. connector (Optional) Displays connector information. memory (Optional) Displays physical memory information. processor (Optional) Displays processor information. slot (Optional) Displays PCI slot information. system (Optional) Displays system information. mapping (Optional) Shows mapping between Cisco and Linux hardware names. disk Maps Cisco disk name to Linux device name. diskname Name of the disk (disk00). interface Maps Cisco interface name to Linux device name. all Displays all interface information. GigabitEthernet Selects a 1G ethernet interface. slot/port_num Slot and port number for the selected interface. The slot range is from 1 to 14; the port range is from 0 to 0. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/). TenGigabitEthernet Selects a 10G ethernet interface. meminfo (Optional) Displays RAM information. pci (Optional) Displays PCI information. details (Optional) Show output with PCI addresses and names. drivers (Optional) Identify driver names and availability. ids (Optional) Show PCI vendor and device codes. tree (Optional) Show a tree-like diagram containing all buses, bridges and devices. 1. Desktop Management Interface Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-411 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show hardware Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The output of the show hardware command in EXEC configuration mode displays all core or Desktop Management Interface (DMI) information. The DMI output can also be filtered by optional keywords. Table 2-30 describes the fields shown in the show hardware display. Table 2-30 show hardware Field Descriptions Field Description Compiled hour:minute:second month Compile information for the software build. day year by cnbuild System was restarted on day of week Date and time that the system was last restarted. month day hour:minute:second year The system has been up for X hours, Length of time the system has been running since the last X minutes, X seconds reboot. CPU 0 is CPU manufacturer information. Total X CPU Number of CPUs on the device. XXXX Mbytes of Physical memory Number of megabytes of physical memory on the device. X CD ROM drive Number of CD-ROM drives on the device. X Console interface Number of console interfaces on the device. Cookie info SerialNumber Serial number of the device. SerialNumber (raw) Serial number of the device as an ASCII value. TestDate Date that the device was tested. ModelNum (text) Hardware model of the device. ModelNum (raw) Internal model number (ASCII value) that corresponds to the ExtModel number. HWVersion Number of the current hardware version. PartNumber Not implemented. BoardRevision Number of revisions for the current system board. ChipRev Number of revisions for the current chipset. VendID Vendor ID of the cookie. CookieVer Version number of the cookie. Chksum Checksum of the cookie showing whether the cookie is valid. List of all disk drives Physical disk information Lists the disks by number. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-412 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show hardware Table 2-30 show hardware Field Descriptions (continued) Field disk00 Description Availability of the disk: Present, Not present or Not responding, or Not used (*). Disk identification number and type. Disk size in megabytes and gigabytes. disk01 Same type of information is shown for each disk. Mounted filesystems Device Path to the partition on the disk. Type Type of the file system. Values include PHYS-FS, SYSFS, or cdnfs. Size Total size of the file system in megabytes and gigabytes. Mount point Mount point for the file system. For example, the mount point for SYSFS is /local/local1. System use Amount of disk space being used for system use. Free Amount of unused disk space available. Memory Information MemTotal MemFree Buffers Cached SwapCached Active Inactive Active(anon) Inactive(anon) Active(file) Inactive(file) Unevictable Mlocked SwapTotal SwapFree Dirty Writeback AnonPages Mapped Shmem Slab SReclaimable Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-413 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show hardware Table 2-30 show hardware Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description SUnreclaim KernelStack PageTables NFS_Unstable Bounce WritebackTmp CommitLimit Committed_AS VmallocTotal VmallocUsed VmallocChunk DirectMap4k DirectMap2M PCI Information Examples The following example shows how to display the core hardware information: ServiceEngine# show hardware core Content Delivery System Software (CDS) Copyright (c) 1999-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Content Delivery System Software Release 2.6.0 (build b460 Aug 28 2011) Version: cde220-2g2-DEVELOPMENT[vcn-build1:/auto/v cn-u1/cdsis_release_builds/cdsis_2.6.0-b460/spcdn] Compiled 05:55:01 Aug 28 2011 by ipvbuild Compile Time Options: KQ SS System was restarted on Mon Aug 29 11:56:58 2011. The system has been up for 1 day, 5 hours, 5 minut es, 2 seconds. CPU 0 is L5410 CPU 1 is L5410 CPU 2 is L5410 CPU 3 is L5410 CPU 4 is L5410 CPU 5 is L5410 CPU 6 is L5410 CPU 7 is L5410 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.33GHz (rev 23) running at 2333MHz. GenuineIntel Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.33GHz (rev 23) running at 2333MHz. GenuineIntel Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.33GHz (rev 23) running at 2333MHz. GenuineIntel Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.33GHz (rev 23) running at 2333MHz. GenuineIntel Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.33GHz (rev 23) running at 2333MHz. GenuineIntel Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.33GHz (rev 23) running at 2333MHz. GenuineIntel Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.33GHz (rev 23) running at 2333MHz. GenuineIntel Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.33GHz (rev 23) running at 2333MHz. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-414 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show hardware Total 8 CPUs. 16000 Mbytes of Physical memory. 10 GigabitEthernet interfaces 1 Console interface 2 USB interfaces [Not supported in this version of software] Cookie info: Base PID: CDE220-2G2 VID: 00 SerialNumber: 99999999999 Model Type: SerialNumber (raw): 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 TestDate: 12-19-2002 ExtModel: CDE220-2G2 ModelNum (raw): 55 0 0 0 1 HWVersion: 1 PartNumber: 53 54 55 56 57 BoardRevision: 1 ChipRev: 1 VendID: 0 CookieVer: 2 Chksum: 0xfb9e List of all disk drives: disk00: Normal (h02 c00 i00 l00 m ptsas) 476940MB(465.8GB) disk00/01: SYSTEM 5120MB( 5.0GB) mounted internally disk00/02: SYSTEM 3072MB( 3.0GB) mounted internally disk00/04: SYSTEM 2048MB( 2.0GB) mounted internally disk00/05: SYSFS 32768MB( 32.0GB) mounted at /local1 disk00/06: CDNFS 433917MB(423.7GB) mounted internally disk01: Normal (h02 c00 i01 l00 m ptsas) 476940MB(465.8GB) disk01/01: SYSTEM 5120MB( 5.0GB) mounted internally disk01/02: SYSTEM 3072MB( 3.0GB) mounted internally disk01/04: SYSTEM 2048MB( 2.0GB) mounted internally disk01/05: SYSFS 32768MB( 32.0GB) mounted at /local1 <Output truncated> The following example shows how to display the DMI information: ServiceEngine# show hardware dmi --------------------- DMI Information ------------# dmidecode 2.9 SMBIOS 2.5 present. 70 structures occupying 2793 bytes. Table at 0xCFF66000. Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes BIOS Information Vendor: Phoenix Technologies LTD Version: 1.2a Release Date: 04/09/2009 Address: 0xE3DD0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-415 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show hardware Runtime Size: 115248 bytes ROM Size: 2048 kB Characteristics: PCI is supported PNP is supported BIOS is upgradeable BIOS shadowing is allowed ESCD support is available Boot from CD is supported ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description show version Displays version information about the SE software. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-416 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show hosts show hosts To view the hosts on your SE, use the show hosts command in EXEC configuration mode. show hosts Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The show hosts command lists the name servers and their corresponding IP addresses. It also lists the hostnames, their corresponding IP addresses, and their corresponding aliases (if applicable) in a host table summary. Table 2-31 describes the fields shown in the show hosts display. Table 2-31 show hosts Field Descriptions Field Description Domain names Domain names used by the device to resolve the IP address. Name Server(s) IP address of the DNS1 name server or servers. Host Table hostname FQDN2 (that is, hostname and domain) of the current device. inet address IP address of the current host device. aliases Name configured for the current device based on the host command in Global configuration mode. 1. DNS = Domain Name Server 2. FQDN = fully qualified domain name Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-417 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show interface show interface To display the hardware interface information, use the show interface command in EXEC configuration mode. show interface {all | GigabitEthernet slot/port | PortChannel {1 [lacp] | 2 | 3 | 4} | standby group_num | TenGigabitEthernet slot/port} Syntax Description all Displays information for all interfaces. GigabitEthernet Displays information for the Gigabit Ethernet device. slot/port Slot and port number for the selected interface. The range is from 1 to 14. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/). PortChannel Displays information for the Ethernet channel of the device. 1 Sets the Ethernet channel interface number to 1. lacp (Optional) Displays the LACP port channel status. 2 Sets the Ethernet channel interface number to 2. standby Displays information for the standby group for the interface. group_num Group number for the selected interface. The group number range is 1 to 4. TenGigabitEthernet Displays information for the Ten Gigabit Ethernet device. slot/port Slot and port number for the selected interface. The range is from 1 to 14. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/). Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Table 2-32 describes the fields shown in the show interface GigabitEthernet display. Table 2-32 show interface GigabitEthernet Field Descriptions Field Description Type Type of interface. Always Ethernet. Ethernet address Layer 2 MAC address. Maximum Transfer Unit Size Current configured MTU value. Metric Metric setting for the interface. The default is 1. The routing metric is used by the routing protocol to determine the most favorable route. Metrics are counted as additional hops to the destination network or host; the higher the metric value, the less favorable the route. Packets Received Total number of packets received by this interface. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-418 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show interface Table 2-32 show interface GigabitEthernet Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description Input Errors Number of incoming errors on this interface. Input Packets Dropped Number of incoming packets that were dropped on this interface. Input Packets Overruns Number of incoming packet overrun errors. Input Packets Frames Number of incoming packet frame errors. Packet Sent Total number of packets sent from this interface. Output Errors Number of outgoing packet errors. Output Packets Dropped Number of outgoing packets that were dropped by this interface. Output Packets Overruns Number of outgoing packet overrun errors. Output Packets Carrier Number of outgoing packet carrier errors. Output Queue Length Output queue length in bytes. Collisions Number of packet collisions at this interface. Flags Interface status indicators. Values include Up, Broadcast, Running, and Multicast. Mode Setting, transmission mode, and transmission for this interface. Table 2-33 describes the fields shown in the show interface PortChannel display. Table 2-33 show interface PortChannel Field Descriptions Field Description Description Description of the device, as configured by using the description keyword of the interface command in Global configuration mode. Type Type of interface. Always Ethernet. Ethernet address Layer 2 MAC address. Internet Address Internet IP address configured for this interface. Broadcast Address Broadcast address configured for this interface. Netmask Netmask configured for this interface. IPv6 IPv6 address of the interface. Maximum Transfer Unit Size Current configured MTU value. Metric Metric setting for the interface. The default is 1. The routing metric is used by the routing protocol. Higher metrics have the effect of making a route less favorable; metrics are counted as addition hops to the destination network or host. Packets Received Total number of packets received by this interface. Input Errors Number of incoming errors on this interface. Input Packets Dropped Number of incoming packets that were dropped on this interface. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-419 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show interface Table 2-33 show interface PortChannel Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description Input Packets Overruns Number of incoming packet overrun errors. Input Packets Frames Number of incoming packet frame errors. Packet Sent Total number of packets sent from this interface. Output Errors Number of outgoing packet errors. Output Packets Dropped Number of outgoing packets that were dropped by this interface. Output Packets Overruns Number of outgoing packet overrun errors. Output Packets Carrier Number of outgoing packet carrier errors. Output Queue Length Output queue length in bytes. Collisions Number of packet collisions at this interface. Flags Interface status indicators. Values include Up, Broadcast, Running, and Multicast. Interface PortChannel 1 (8 physical interface(s) Protocol Indicates if the LACP is turned on or off. Mode Port channel load balancing method (dst-ip, dst-mix-ip-port, dst-port, round-robin, src-dst-ip, src-dst-mac, src-dst-mixed-ip-port, src-dst-port, src-mixed-ip-port, src-port) Port ID Interface name. Admin-State Interface admin state. This is the interface state that the user configured from the command line. For example, if the user configured “no shut” on the interface, the admin state is up. Link-State Interface physical status. Indicates if the link is up or down. LACP-State Provides a better detection for the link status through LACP protocol. It tells the upper layer if the physical link is up or down. Aggregate ID When LACP is turned on, the interface on the same port channel is grouped into the same aggregate ID. Table 2-34 describes the fields shown in the show interface standby display. Table 2-34 show interface standby Field Descriptions Field Description Standby Group Number that identifies the standby group. Description Description of the device, as configured by using the description keyword of the interface command in Global configuration mode. IP address, netmask IP address and netmask of the standby group. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-420 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show interface Table 2-34 show interface standby Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description Member interfaces Member interfaces of the standby group. Shows which physical interfaces are part of the standby group. Shows the interface definition, such as GigabitEthernet 1/0. Active interface Interfaces that are currently active in the standby group. Table 2-35 describes the fields shown in the show interface TenGigabitEthernet display. Table 2-35 show interface TenGigabitEthernet Field Descriptions Field Description Type Type of interface. Always Ethernet. Ethernet address Layer 2 MAC address. Internet address Internet IP address configured for this interface. Broadcast address Broadcast address configured for this interface. Netmask Netmask configured for this interface. IPv6 address IPv6 address of the interface. Maximum Transfer Unit Size Current configured MTU value. Metric Metric setting for the interface. The default is 1. The routing metric is used by the routing protocol to determine the most favorable route. Metrics are counted as additional hops to the destination network or host; the higher the metric value, the less favorable the route. Packets Received Total number of packets received by this interface. Input Errors Number of incoming errors on this interface. Input Packets Dropped Number of incoming packets that were dropped on this interface. Input Packets Overruns Number of incoming packet overrun errors. Input Packets Frames Number of incoming packet frame errors. Packet Sent Total number of packets sent from this interface. Output Errors Number of outgoing packet errors. Output Packets Dropped Number of outgoing packets that were dropped by this interface. Output Packets Overruns Number of outgoing packet overrun errors. Output Packets Carrier Number of outgoing packet carrier errors. Output Queue Length Output queue length in bytes. Collisions Number of packet collisions at this interface. Interrupts Number of interrupts on this interface. Flags Interface status indicators. Values include Up, Broadcast, Running, and Multicast. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-421 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show interface Related Commands Command Description interface Configures a Gigabit Ethernet or port channel interface. lacp Turns on LACP. show lacp Displays LACP information. show running-config Displays the current running configuration information on the terminal. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-422 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show inventory show inventory To display the system inventory information, use the show inventory command in EXEC configuration mode. show inventory Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show inventory command allows you to view the unique device identifier information (UDI) for an SE. Typically, Cisco SEs contain the following three identification items that make up the UDI: • Product ID (PID) • Version ID (VID) • Serial number (SN) This identity information is stored in the SE nonvolatile memory. Each SE has a unique device identifier (UDI). The UDI shows PID, VID and SN. The UDI is electronically accessed by the product operating system or network management application to enable identification of unique hardware devices. The data integrity of the UDI is vital to customers. The UDI that is programmed into the SE’s nonvolatile memory is equivalent to the UDI that is printed on the product label and on the carton label. This UDI is also equivalent to the UDI that can be viewed through any electronic means and in all customer-facing systems and tools. Currently, there is only CLI access to the UDI; there is no SNMP access to the UDI information. On newer SE models, you can use the show inventory command in EXEC configuration mode to display the SE’s UDI. On older SE models, use the show tech-support command in EXEC configuration mode to display the SE’s UDI. Examples The following example shows the inventory information for one of the newer SE models (SE-565): ServiceEngine# show inventory PID: SE-565-K9 VID: 0 SN: serial_number In the preceding example, serial number is the serial number of the SE. The version ID is displayed as “0” because the version number is not available. Table 2-36 describes the fields shown in the show inventory display. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-423 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show inventory Table 2-36 show inventory Field Descriptions Field Description PID Product ID number of the device. VID Version ID number of the device. Displays as 0 if the version number is not available. SN Serial number of the device. The following example shows that you must use the show tech-support command in EXEC configuration mode to display the inventory information on an older SE model: ServiceEngine# show inventory Please look at 'sh tech-support' for information! ServiceEngine# show tech-support Related Commands Command Description show tech-support Displays system information necessary for Cisco Technical Support to assist you with your SE. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-424 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip access-list show ip access-list To display the access lists that are defined and applied to specific interfaces or applications, use the show ip access-list command in EXEC configuration mode. show ip access-list [acl_name | acl_num] Syntax Description acl_name (Optional) Information for a specific access list, using an alphanumeric identifier up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter. acl_num (Optional) Information for a specific access list, using a numeric identifier (0 to 99 for standard access lists and 100 to 199 for extended access lists). Command Defaults Displays information about all defined access lists. Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use the show ip access-list command in EXEC configuration mode to display the access lists that have been defined on the current system. Unless you identify a specific access list by name or number, the system displays information about all the defined access lists, including the following sections: Examples • Available space for new lists and conditions • Defined access lists • References by interface and application The following example shows sample output from the show ip access-list command: ServiceEngine# show ip access-list Space available: 47 access lists 492 access list conditions Standard IP access list 1 1 permit 2 deny (implicit deny any: 2 matches) total invocations: 2 Extended IP access list 100 1 permit tcp host any 2 permit tcp host any 3 permit tcp host any (implicit fragment permit: 0 matches) (implicit deny ip any any: 0 matches) total invocations: 0 Standard IP access list test 1 permit (10 matches) 2 permit 3 permit (implicit deny: 2 matches) total invocations: 12 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-425 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip access-list Interface access list references: GigabitEthernet 0/0 inbound 100 Application access list references: tftp_server standard UDP ports: 69 1 The following example shows sample output from the show ip access-list command for the access list named test: ServiceEngine# show ip access-list test Standard IP access list test 1 permit (10 matches) 2 permit 3 permit (implicit deny: 2 matches) total invocations: 12 Note Related Commands The system displays the number of packets that have matched a condition statement only if the number is greater than zero. Command Description clear Clears the HTTP object cache, the hardware interface, statistics, archive working transaction logs, and other settings. ip access-list Creates and modifies access lists for controlling access to interfaces or applications. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-426 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip bgp show ip bgp To display the contents of a particular host in the BGP routing table, use the show ip bgp user command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip bgp {ip_address | prefix/prefix_length} Syntax Description ip_address (Optional) IP address entered to filter the output to display only a particular host in the BGP routing table. prefix (Optional) Prefix entered to filter the output to display only a particular network in the BGP routing table. prefix_length (Optional) Specifies the prefix length. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples To display information about an entry in the BGP routing table (for example,, use the show ip bgp command. To locate information by IP address (for example,, use the show ip bgp command. ServiceRouter# show ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 12 Paths: (1 available, best # 1) Flags: on xmit-list, is in urib, is best urib route Path type: internal, path is valid, is best path AS-Path: NONE, path sourced internal to AS (metric 0) from ( Origin incomplete, MED 0, localpref 100, weight 0 Not advertised to any peer ServiceRouter# show ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 12 Paths: (1 available, best # 1) Flags: on xmit-list, is in urib, is best urib route Path type: internal, path is valid, is best path AS-Path: NONE, path sourced internal to AS (metric 0) from ( Origin incomplete, MED 0, localpref 100, weight 0 Not advertised to any peer Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-427 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip bgp ServiceRouter# The following sample output shows the display when the advertised community and the configured location community matches: ServiceRouter# sh ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 4 Paths: (1 available, best # 1) Flags: on xmit-list, is in urib, is best urib route Path type: internal, path is valid, is best path AS-Path: NONE, path sourced internal to AS (metric 0) from ( Origin IGP, MED 0, localpref 100, weight 0 Community: 1:1(location specific) The following sample output shows the display when the community is not advertised to any peer: ServiceRouter# sh ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 4 Paths: (1 available, best #1) Flags: on xmit-list, is in urib, is best urib route Path type: internal, path is valid, is best path AS-Path: 2 , path sourced external to AS (metric 20) from ( Origin IGP, MED 0, localpref 100, weight 0 Community: 5:5(location specific) Related Commands Command Description clear ip bgp Clears entries in the BGP route table. router bgp Configures a BGP routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-428 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip bgp all show ip bgp all To display the contents of the BGP routing table, use the show ip bgp user command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip bgp {ip_address | prefix/prefix_length | all} Syntax Description ip_address (Optional) IP address entered to filter the output to display only a particular host in the BGP routing table. prefix (Optional) Prefix entered to filter the output to display only a particular network in the BGP routing table. prefix_length (Optional) Specifies the prefix length. all (Optional) Displays all BGP routes received by the Proximity Engine. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following example is sample output from the show ip bgp command. The output shows the contents of the BGP routing table: ServiceRouter# show ip bgp all BGP table version is 810399, local router ID is Status: s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history,*-valid, >-best Path type: i-internal, e-external, c-confed, l-local, a-aggregate, r-redist Origin codes: I - IGP, E - EGP, ? - incomplete Network *>i5.5.5.5/32 *>i12.1.1.1/32 *>i13.1.1.1/32 *>i14.1.1.1/32 *>i22.22.22.22/32 *>i40.1.1.0/24 *>i41.1.1.0/24 *>i42.1.1.0/24 *>i43.1.1.0/24 *>i45.1.1.0/24 -- More -- Related Commands Next Hop Metric LocPrf 20 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 Command Description clear ip bgp all Clears all BGP neighbors. router bgp Configures a BGP routing process. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Weight Path 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-429 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip bgp community show ip bgp community To display BGP routes that match a specified BGP community string, use the show ip bgp community user EXEC command. show ip bgp community community_string Syntax Description community_string Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show ip bgp community command is used to display BGP route information for a specified community string. To determine whether a community string exists in the BGP table, use the show ip bgp summary command. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Community string for which to display BGP routes. The show ip bgp community command displays the origin AS and community values. Since the community list may be long, the output is limited to 80 columns. Other community unrelated fields longer display in this command; use the show ip bgp all command to display these fields. Examples In the following example, show ip bgp summary output can be used to determine that a community string 100:50 exists in the BGP table. The show ip bgp community command displays BGP route information for the community string 100:50. In this example, no route information is present for the community string 100:50: ServiceRouter# show ip bgp summary BGP router identifier, local AS number 23 BGP table version is 2, IPv4 Unicast config peers 2, capable peers 0 0 network entries and 0 paths using 0 bytes of memory BGP attribute entries [ 0/0 ] , BGP AS path entries [ 0/0 ] BGP community entries [ 0/0 ] , BGP clusterlist entries [ 0/0 ] BGP Location Communities: 100:50-100:100 Neighbor V 4 4 AS MsgRcvd MsgSent 23 100 0 0 TblVer 0 0 0 0 InQ OutQ Up/Down 0 0 0 0 State/PfxRcd 4d10h Idle 4d10h Idle ServiceRouter# show ip bgp community 100:50 BGP table version is 2, local router ID is Status: s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history, *-valid, >-best Path type: i-internal, e-external, c-confed, l-local, a-aggregate, r-redist Origin codes: I - IGP, E - EGP, ? - incomplete Network ServiceRouter# Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-430 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip bgp community The following example shows the output for the show ip bgp community command: ServiceRouter# show ip bgp community sh ip bgp community BGP table version is 32, local router ID is Status: s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history, *-valid, >-best Path type: i-internal, e-external, c-confed, l-local, a-aggregate, r-redist Community: @ - source, # - target Network *>e2.4.1.0/24 *>e3.1.4.0/24 *>e5.5.5.5/32 *>e12.1.1.0/24 *>e12.1.1.1/32 *>e13.1.1.0/24 *>e13.1.1.1/32 *>e14.1.1.1/32 *>e40.1.1.0/24 *>e41.1.1.0/24 *>e42.1.1.0/24 *>e43.1.1.0/24 *>e44.1.1.0/24 *>e45.1.1.0/24 *>e46.1.1.0/24 *>e50.1.1.0/24 *>e51.1.1.0/24 *>e52.1.1.0/24 *>e53.1.1.0/24 *>e54.1.1.0/24 *>e55.1.1.0/24 *>e62.1.1.1/32 *>e62.62.62.0/24 *>e108.0.32.0/24 *>e171.70.0.0/16 *>e171.71.0.0/16 *>e172.20.0.0/16 *>e192.168.81.0/24 *>e203.0.0.205/32 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Next Hop Origin AS 33 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 33 33 33 33 33 23 23 33 33 33 33 23 23 33 33 33 33 23 23 Community List @23:999 @23:999 @23:100 @#44:100 @#44:100 @#44:100 @23:999 @23:999 @23:999 @23:999 @23:999 @23:999 @23:999 Command Description location community BGP location-specific community configuration. router bgp Configures a BGP routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-431 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip bgp ipv4 unicast show ip bgp ipv4 unicast To display information relating to all IPv4 unicast routes in the BGP routing table, use the show ip bgp ipv4 unicast user command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip bgp ipv4 unicast Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show ip bgp ipv4 unicast command is used to display information relating to all IPv4 unicast routes in the BGP routing table. To see any route in the output of this command, BGP needs to connect successfully to at least one neighbor and receive route information from this neighbor. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show ip bgp ipv4 unicast command: ServiceRouter# show ip bgp ipv4 unicast BGP table version is 810674, local router ID is Status: s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history, *-valid, >-best Path type: i-internal, e-external, c-confed, l-local, a-aggregate, r-redist Origin codes: I - IGP, E - EGP, ? - incomplete Network *>i5.5.5.5/32 *>i12.1.1.1/32 *>i13.1.1.1/32 *>i14.1.1.1/32 *>i22.22.22.22/32 *>i40.1.1.0/24 *>i41.1.1.0/24 *>i42.1.1.0/24 *>i43.1.1.0/24 *>i44.1.1.0/24 *>i45.1.1.0/24 *>i50.1.1.0/24 *>i51.1.1.0/24 -- More -- Related Commands Next Hop Metric 20 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LocPrf 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Command Description clear ip bgp all Clears all BGP neighbors. router bgp Configures a BGP routing process. Weight 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Path ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-432 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip bgp memory show ip bgp memory To display memory usage information of the running BGP daemon, use the show ip bgp memory user command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip bgp memory Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following example is sample output from the show ip bgp memory command: ServiceRouter# show ip bgp memory Shared memory information for /topos_shm_bgp, Current-Size HWM Maximum-Size 1727064 1727088 209715200 BGP memory usage stats Private memory Total mallocs/frees/failed : 31/9/0 Memory allocated : 4258692 bytes HWM allocated : 4262700 bytes Shared memory Total mallocs/frees/failed : 19/3/0 Memory requested/allocated : 1534799/1727064 bytes HWM requested/allocated : 1534819/1727088 bytes ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router bgp Configures a BGP routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-433 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip bgp neighbors show ip bgp neighbors To display information about the TCP and BGP connections to neighbors, use the show ip bgp neighbors user command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip bgp neighbors [ip_address] Syntax Description ip_address Command Defaults The output of this command displays information for all neighbors for IPv4 address family sessions only. Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show ip bgp neighbors command is used to display BGP and TCP connection information for neighbor sessions. For BGP, this includes detailed neighbor attribute, capability, path, and prefix information. For TCP, this includes statistics related to BGP neighbor session establishment and maintenance. (Optional) IP address of a neighbor. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following example is sample output from the show ip bgp neighbors command. The example shows the neighbor. This neighbor is an internal BGP (iBGP) peer. This neighbor supports the route refresh and graceful restart capabilities. ServiceRouter# show ip bgp neighbors BGP neighbor is, remote AS 2, ebgp link, Peer index 1 BGP version 4, remote router ID BGP state = Established, up for 00:00:04 Peer is directly attached, interface GigabitEthernet 2/0 Last read 0.027030, hold time = 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds Last written 00:00:01, keepalive timer expiry due 00:00:58 Received 14265 messages, 0 notifications, 0 bytes in queue Sent 5 messages, 0 notifications, 0 bytes in queue Connections established 1; dropped 0 Last reset by us never, due to process restart Last reset by peer never, due to process restart Neighbor capabilities: Dynamic capability: advertised (mp, refresh, gr) Dynamic capability (old): advertised Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised Capabilities parameter not sent by neighbor Exchanging IPv4 Unicast NLRI by default For address family: IPv4 Unicast BGP table version 1, neighbor version 101573 142640 accepted paths consume 5135040 bytes of memory 0 sent paths Local host:, Local port: 179 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-434 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip bgp neighbors Foreign host:, Foreign port: 2867 fd = 42 ServiceRouter# To display information for all BGP neighbors, use the show ip bgp neighbors command. In this example, the Proximity Engine has two BGP peers, and ServiceRouter# show ip bgp neighbors BGP neighbor is, remote AS 23, ibgp link, Peer index 1 BGP version 4, remote router ID BGP state = Established, up for 1d05h Peer is directly attached, interface GigabitEthernet 2/0 Last read 0.868226, hold time = 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds Last written 00:00:09, keepalive timer expiry due 00:00:50 Received 78444 messages, 0 notifications, 0 bytes in queue Sent 1788 messages, 0 notifications, 0 bytes in queue Connections established 1; dropped 0 Last reset by us never, due to process restart Last reset by peer never, due to process restart Neighbor capabilities: Dynamic capability: advertised (mp, refresh, gr) Dynamic capability (old): advertised Route refresh capability (new): advertised received Route refresh capability (old): advertised received Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised received For address family: IPv4 Unicast BGP table version 1, neighbor version 810749 8518 accepted paths consume 613296 bytes of memory 0 sent paths Local host:, Local port: 58920 Foreign host:, Foreign port: 179 fd = 35 BGP neighbor is, remote AS 23, ibgp link, Peer index 2 BGP version 4, remote router ID BGP state = Idle, down for 00:00:10 Last read never, hold time = 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds Last written never, keepalive timer not running Received 0 messages, 0 notifications, 0 bytes in queue Sent 0 messages, 0 notifications, 0 bytes in queue Connections established 0; dropped 0 Last reset by us never, due to process restart Last reset by peer never, due to process restart For address family: IPv4 Unicast BGP table version 1, neighbor version 0 0 accepted paths consume 0 bytes of memory 0 sent paths No established BGP session with peer Related Commands Command Description clear ip bgp all Clears all BGP neighbors. router bgp Configures a BGP routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-435 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip bgp nexthop-database show ip bgp nexthop-database To display the next-hop database information in the BGP routing table, use the show ip bgp nexthop-database user command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip bgp nexthop-database Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show ip bgp nexthop-database command is used to display the BGP next-hop information, including IGP cost, IGP route type, IGP preference, interface to reach this next-hop, time of last next-hop resolution, and reachability. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following example is sample output from the show ip bgp nexthop-database command: ServiceRouter# show ip bgp nexthop-database Nexthop:, Refcount: 4021, IGP cost: 0 IGP Route type: 0, IGP preference: 0 Attached nexthop:, Interface: GigabitEthernet 2/0 Nexthop is attached not-local reachable Nexthop last resolved: 1d05h, using Metric next advertise: Never ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router bgp Configures a BGP routing process. show ip bgp all Displays BGP route table information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-436 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip bgp summary show ip bgp summary To display the status of all BGP connections, use the show ip bgp summary user command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip bgp summary Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show ip bgp summary command is used to display BGP path, prefix, and attribute information for all connections to BGP neighbors. A path is a route to a given destination. By default, BGP only installs a single path for each destination. If multipath routes are configured, BGP installs a path for each multipath route, and only one multipath route is marked as the best path. A prefix is an IP address and network mask. It can represent an entire network, a subset of a network, or a single host route. BGP attribute and cache entries are displayed individually and in combinations that affect the best path selection process. The fields for this output are displayed when the related BGP feature is configured or when the BGP attribute is received. Memory usage is displayed in bytes. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following example is sample output from the show ip bgp summary command: ServiceRouter# show ip bgp summary BGP router identifier, local AS number 65204 BGP table version is 567, IPv4 Unicast config peers 1, capable peers 1 80 network entries and 80 paths using 16960 bytes of memory BGP attribute entries [ 10/1600 ] , BGP AS path entries [ 10/174 ] BGP community entries [ 10/160 ] , BGP clusterlist entries [ 0/0 ] location community 100:1535 200:4566 123:3000-123:4000 350:2530 300:500-300:1000 Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent 4 65204 4363 4289 TblVer 567 InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 0 0 00:00:59 80 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router bgp Configures a BGP routing process. show ip bgp all Displays BGP route table information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-437 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip interface show ip interface To display the IP interface state and address/mask for all interfaces, use the show ip interface command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip interface Syntax Description brief Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to display a Summary of the IP interface status and configuration. Examples The following example is sample output from the show ip bgp summary command: Displays a summary of the IP interface status and configuration. ServiceRouter# show ip interface brief Interface PortChannel 1 PortChannel 2 IP Address Interface Status protocol-up/link-up/admin-up protocol-up/link-up/admin-up ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-438 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf show ip ospf To display general information about OSPF routing processes, use the show ip ospf command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show ip ospf Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show ip ospf command: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf OSPF information: Routing Process p1 with ID context default Stateful High Availability enabled Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes Supports opaque LSA Reference Bandwidth is 40000 Mbps Initial Inter-SPF schedule delay 200.000 msecs, backoff factor 2, capped at 1000.000 msecs, minimum Inter-SPF delay reset after 5000.000 msecs Minimum hold time for Router LSA throttle 5000.000 ms Minimum hold time for Network LSA throttle 5000.000 ms Minimum LSA arrival 1000.000 msec Maximum paths to destination 8 Originating router LSA with maximum metric Condition: Always Number of external LSAs 22, checksum sum 0xdc4ba Number of opaque AS LSA 0, checksum sum 0 Number of areas is 1, 1 normal, 0 stub, 0 nssa Number of active areas is 1, 1 normal, 0 stub, 0 nssa Area BACKBONE(0) Area has existed for 00:00:02 Interfaces in this area: 1 Active interfaces: 1 No authentication available SPF calculation has run 2 times Last SPF ran for 0.000054s Router LSA throttle timer due in 00:00:02 Area ranges are Number of LSAs: 498, checksum sum 0xf5eb6b ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-439 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf Table 2-37 describes the significant fields included in the display above. Table 2-37 Related Commands Significant fields included in output of show ip ospf command Field Description Routing Process p1 with ID Process ID p1 and OSPF router ID (IP address of Proximity Engine). For Proximity Engine, p1 cannot be changed. Supports … Number of types of service supported (Type 0 only). Summary Link update interval Specifies summary update interval in hours:minutes:seconds, and time until next update. External Link update interval Specifies external update interval in hours:minutes:seconds, and time until next update. Redistributing External Routes from Lists of redistributed routes, by protocol. Number of areas Number of areas in router, area addresses, and so on. Link State Update Interval. Specifies router and network link-state update interval in hours:minutes:seconds, and time until next update. Link State Age Interval Specifies max-aged update deletion interval, and time until next database cleanup, in hours:minutes:seconds. SPF Calculation Number of times SPF calculation is done. Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-440 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf border-routers show ip ospf border-routers To display general information about OSPF border routers, use the show ip ospf border-routers command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show ip ospf border-routers Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show ip ospf command: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf border-routers OSPF Process ID p1 context default, Internal Routing Table Codes: i - Intra-area route, I - Inter-area route intra [65535], ASBR, Area 0, SPF 3 via, GigabitEthernet 2/0 Related Commands Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-441 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf database show ip ospf database To display lists of information related to the OSPF database for a specific router, use the show ip ospf database user command in EXEC configuration mode. The various forms of this command deliver information about different OSPF link-state advertisements (LSAs). show ip ospf database [adv-router [ip_address]] [detail] | [asbr-summary] [link_state_id] [detail] | [database-summary] | [detail] | [external] [link_state_id] [detail] | [network] [link_state_id] [detail] | [nssa-external] [link_state_id] [detail] | [router] [link_state_id] [detail] | [self-originate] [detail] | [summary] [link_state_id] [detail] Syntax Description adv-router [ip_address] (Optional) Displays all the link-state advertisements (LSAs) of the specified router. If no IP address is included, the information displayed relates to the local router (in this case, the same as the self-originate keyword). asbr-summary (Optional) Displays information about only the Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR) summary LSAs. link_state_id (Optional) Portion of the Internet environment that is being described by the advertisement. The value entered depends on the type of the LSA. The value must be entered in the form of an IP address. When the LSA is describing a network, the link_state_id argument can take one of two forms: • Network IP address (as in Type 3 summary link advertisements and in autonomous system external link advertisements). • Derived address obtained from the link-state ID. (Note that masking a network links the advertisement link-state ID with the network subnet mask yielding the network IP address.) When the LSA is describing a router, the link-state ID is always the OSPF router ID of the described router. When an autonomous system external advertisement (Type 5) is describing a default route, its link-state ID is set to the default destination ( Command Defaults database-summary (Optional) Displays how many of each type of LSA for each area there are in the database, and displays the total. detail (Optional) Displays LSA in detail. external (Optional) Displays information only about the external LSAs. network (Optional) Displays information only about the network LSAs. nssa-external (Optional) Displays information only about the Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) external LSAs. router (Optional) Displays information only about the router LSAs. self-originate (Optional) Displays only self-originated LSAs (from the local router). summary (Optional) Displays information only about the summary LSAs. None Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-442 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf database Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show ip ospf database command when no arguments or keywords are used: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf database OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID p1 context default) Router Link States (Area 0) Link ID ADV Router Age 1686 1284 Seq# Checksum Link Count 0x80000006 0x4531 1 0x8000000a 0x80cf 1 Network Link States (Area 0) Link ID ADV Router Age 1284 Seq# Checksum 0x80000003 0x49d2 ServiceRouter# Table 2-38 describes the significant fields included in the display above. Table 2-38 Significant fields included in output of show ip ospf database Field Description Link ID Router ID number. ADV Router Advertising router ID. Age Link-state age. Seq# Link-state sequence number (detects old or duplicate LSAs). Checksum Fletcher checksum of the complete contents of the LSA Link count Number of interfaces detected for router. The following is sample output from the show ip ospf database command with the asbr-summary keyword: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf database asbr-summary OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID p1 context default) Summary ASBR Link States (Area 0) Link ID ADV Router Age 1281 1281 Seq# Checksum 0x800007a8 0x86d4 0x800007ac 0x6f1f Summary ASBR Link States (Area 10) Link ID ADV Router Age 345 345 Seq# Checksum 0x8000002a 0x0a95 0x8000002a 0xb981 ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-443 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf database Table 2-39 describes the significant fields included in the display above. Table 2-39 Significant fields included in output of show ip ospf database asbr-summary Field Description Link ID Router ID number. ADV Router Advertising router ID. Age Link-state age. Seq# Link-state sequence number (detects old or duplicate LSAs). Checksum Fletcher checksum of the complete contents of the LSA. The following is sample output from the show ip ospf database command with the external keyword: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf database external OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID p1 context default) Type-5 AS External Link States Link ID ADV Router Age 1580 1580 1580 1580 1580 1580 1580 1580 Seq# 0x800007ab 0x800007ae 0x800007ab 0x800007ae 0x800007ab 0x800007ae 0x800007ab 0x800007ae Checksum Tag 0x7e24 0 0xb981 0 0x732e 0 0xae8b 0 0x6838 0 0xa395 0 0x5d42 0 0x989f 0 ServiceRouter# Table 2-40 describes the significant fields included in the display above. Table 2-40 Significant fields included in output of show ip ospf database external Field Description Link ID Router ID number. ADV Router Advertising router ID. Age Link-state age. Seq# Link-state sequence number (detects old or duplicate LSAs). Checksum Fletcher checksum of the complete contents of the LSA. Tag External route tag, a 32-bit field attached to each external route. This is not used by the OSPF protocol itself. The following is sample output from the show ip ospf database command with the network keyword: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf database network OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID p1 context default) Network Link States (Area 0) Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-444 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf database Link ID ADV Router Age 312 1311 57 57 57 57 57 Seq# 0x80000135 0x8000009b 0x800007ad 0x80000fe4 0x80000fe4 0x800007a9 0x800007a9 Checksum 0xeaeb 0xbc01 0x7cec 0x0d5e 0x3906 0xf362 0xc9a1 ServiceRouter# Table 2-41 describes the significant fields included in the display above. Table 2-41 Significant fields included in output of show ip ospf database network Field Description Link ID Router ID number. ADV Router Advertising router ID. Age Link-state age. Seq# Link-state sequence number (detects old or duplicate LSAs). Checksum Fletcher checksum of the complete contents of the LSA. The following is sample output from the show ip ospf database command with the router keyword: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf database router OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID p1 context default) Router Link States (Area 0) Link ID ADV Router Age 525 525 780 1388 1179 1299 Seq# 0x800007af 0x800007ab 0x800003bd 0x80000030 0x80000039 0x8000006f Checksum 0x801b 0x7ce8 0x2dd9 0x67fa 0xfddd 0x06fe Link Count 2 2 2 1 1 2 Router Link States (Area 10) Link ID ADV Router Age 628 Seq# Checksum Link Count 0x8000002c 0xf99d 1 ServiceRouter# Table 2-42 describes the significant fields included in the display above. Table 2-42 Significant fields included in output of show ip ospf database router Field Description Link ID Router ID number. ADV Router Advertising router ID. Age Link-state age. Seq# Link-state sequence number (detects old or duplicate LSAs). Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-445 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf database Table 2-42 Significant fields included in output of show ip ospf database router (continued) Field Description Checksum Fletcher checksum of the complete contents of the LSA. Link count Number of interfaces detected for router. The following is sample output from the show ip ospf database command with the summary keyword: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf database summary OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID p1 context default) Summary Network Link States (Area 0) Link ID ADV Router Age 1325 1326 1325 1326 1325 1326 Seq# 0x800007ac 0x800007af 0x800007ac 0x800007af 0x800007ac 0x800007af Checksum 0xa496 0xdff3 0x99a0 0xd4fd 0x8eaa 0xc908 Summary Network Link States (Area 10) Link ID ADV Router Age 370 Seq# Checksum 0x8000002b 0xc127 ServiceRouter# Table 2-43 describes the significant fields included in the display above. Table 2-43 Significant fields included in output of show ip ospf database summary Field Description Link ID Router ID number. ADV Router Advertising router ID. Age Link-state age. Seq# Link-state sequence number (detects old or duplicate LSAs). Checksum Fletcher checksum of the complete contents of the LSA. The following is sample output from the show ip ospf database command with the database-summary keyword: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf database database-summary OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID p1 context default) Area 0 database summary LSA Type Count Opaque Link 0 Router 156 Network 296 Summary Network 41 Summary ASBR 2 Type-7 AS External 0 Opaque Area 0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-446 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf database Subtotal 495 Area 10 database summary LSA Type Count Opaque Link 0 Router 1 Network 0 Summary Network 1 Summary ASBR 2 Type-7 AS External 0 Opaque Area 0 Subtotal 4 Process p1 database summary LSA Type Count Opaque Link 0 Router 157 Network 296 Summary Network 42 Summary ASBR 4 Type-7 AS External 0 Opaque Area 0 Type-5 AS External 20 Opaque AS 0 Total 519 ServiceRouter# Table 2-44 describes the significant fields included in the display above. Table 2-44 Related Commands Significant fields included in output of show ip ospf database database-summary command Field Description OSPF Router with id Router ID number. Process ID OSPF process ID (for Proximity Engine, the id is p1) LSA Type Link-state type. Area ID Area number Router Number of router LSAs in that area Network Number of network LSAs in that area Summary Network Number of summary LSAs in that area Summary ASBR Number of summary ASBR LSAs in that area Subtotal Sum of Router, Network, Summary Network, and Summary ASBR for that area AS External Number of external LSAs. Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-447 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf interface show ip ospf interface To display OSPF-related interface information, use the show ip ospf interface command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip ospf interface Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following example shows how to display sample output from the show ip ospf interface command. ServiceRouter# show ip ospf interface Interface: GigabitEthernet 1/0 is up, line protocol is up IP address, Process ID p1 context default, area 0 State BDR, Network type BROADCAST, cost 1 Index 1, Transmit delay 1 sec, Router Priority 1 Designated Router ID:, address: Backup Designated Router ID:, address: 4 Neighbors, flooding to 2, adjacent with 2 Timer intervals: Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5 Hello timer due in 00:00:01 No authentication Number of link LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0 GigabitEthernet 1/0 is up, line protocol is up IP address, Process ID p1 context default, area 10 State DR, Network type BROADCAST, cost 1 Index 2, Transmit delay 1 sec, Router Priority 1 Designated Router ID:, address: No backup designated router on this network 0 Neighbors, flooding to 0, adjacent with 0 Timer intervals: Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5 Hello timer due in 00:00:07 No authentication Number of link LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0 ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-448 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf interface Table 2-45 describes the significant fields included in the display above. Table 2-45 Related Commands Significant fields included in output of the show ip ospf interface command Field Description Interface Status of physical link and operational status of the protocol. IP address Interface IP address, subnet mask, and area number/address. State Interface state (DR – Designated Router, BDR – Backup Designated Router). Timer intervals configured Configuration of timer intervals. Transmit delay Transmit delay, router priority. Hello Number of seconds until next hello packet is sent out this interface. Neighbor Count Count of network neighbors and list of adjacent neighbors. Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-449 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf memory show ip ospf memory To display memory usage of the OSPF process, use the show ip ospf memory command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip ospf memory Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following example shows how to display sample output from the show ip ospf memory command. ServiceRouter# show ip ospf memory OSPF memory usage statistics: Shared memory information for /topos_shm_ospf, Current-Size HWM Maximum-Size 48 1088240 4194304 OSPF Process ID Byte usage: Allocations: Bitfields: Slabs: Index failure: CurBytes 728 119712 320 984 16 48136 60 0 0 1048576 4192 2920 10100 80 48 2784 24 p1, Memory statistics needed 0, overhead 0, current 0, created 0, current 0, created 0, current 0, created 0, Interface 0, Neighbor Current 1 516 2 1 1 515 1 0 0 1 1 1 11 1 1 3 1 HWM 1 520 2 1 1 520 2 197 2 1 1 1 11 1 1 3 1 Malloc 1 526 2 1 1 9465 2 517 2 1 1 1 13 1 1 3 1 using 0 bytes failed 0, free 0 failed 0, free 0, using 0 bytes failed 0, free 0, using 8 bytes 0 Free 0 10 0 0 0 8950 1 517 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Description area lsdb entry ASBR route ospf interface backup safety memory lsa lsa lsa redist work backup memory ospf subrouter ager wheel pak buffer ospf table ager wheel holder neighbor network configuration entry Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-450 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf memory Related Commands Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-451 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf neighbor show ip ospf neighbor To display OSPF neighbor information, use the show ip ospf neighbor command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip ospf neighbor [neighbor_id | detail | summary] Syntax Description neighbor_id (Optional) Neighbor ID or Router ID. detail (Optional) Displays details of neighbors. summary (Optional) Displays a summary of neighbors. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show ip ospf neighbor command. It shows a single line of summary information for each neighbor: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf neighbors OSPF Process ID p1 context default Total number of neighbors: 2 Neighbor ID Pri State 1 FULL/DR 1 FULL/DROTHER Up Time Address 1d00h 14:42:44 Interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 GigabitEthernet 1/0 ServiceRouter# The following is sample output showing summary information about the neighbor that matches the specified neighbor ID: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf neighbors OSPF Process ID p1 context default Total number of neighbors: 4 Neighbor ID Pri State 1 FULL/DR Up Time 1d00h Address Interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show ip ospf neighbor detail command: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf neighbors detail Neighbor, interface address Process ID p1 context default, in area 0 via interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 State is FULL, 6 state changes, last change 1d00h Neighbor priority is 1 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-452 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf neighbor DR is BDR is Hello options 0x12, dbd options 0x52 Last non-hello packet received 0.301737 Dead timer due in 00:00:40 Neighbor, interface address Process ID p1 context default, in area 0 via interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 State is FULL, 4 state changes, last change 14:47:09 Neighbor priority is 1 DR is BDR is Hello options 0x2, dbd options 0x42 Last non-hello packet received 00:00:08 Dead timer due in 00:00:34 ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show ip ospf neighbor summary command: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf neighbors summary OSPF Process ID p1 context default, Neighbor Summary Interface Down Attempt Init TwoWay ExStart Exchange Loading Full Total Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 GigabitEthernet 1/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 ServiceRouter# Table 2-46 describes the significant fields included in the display above. Table 2-46 Related Commands Significant fields included in output of the show ip ospf neighbor summary Command Field Description Neighbor Neighbor router ID. interface address IP address of the interface. in area Area and interface through which the OSPF neighbor is known. Neighbor priority Router priority. State OSPF state. state changes Number of state changes since the neighbor was created. This value can be reset using the clear ip ospf neighbor command. DR is Router ID of the designated router for the interface. BDR is Router ID of the backup designated router for the interface. Hello option Hello packet options field contents (E-bit only). Dead timer Expected time before Proximity Engine declares the neighbor dead. UP Time Number of hours:minutes:seconds since the neighbor went into 2-way state. Last non-hello packet Number of hours:minutes:seconds since the last non-hello packet received Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-453 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf request-list show ip ospf request-list To display a list of all link-state advertisements (LSAs) requested by a router, use the show ip ospf request-list command in EXEC configuration mode. show ip ospf request-list neighbor interface Syntax Description neighbor Neighbor router ID. interface Interface name. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The output is useful in debugging OSPF routing operations. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following example shows how to display sample output from the show ip ospf request-list command, with neighbor router ID set to, and interface set to ‘GigabitEthernet 1/0’: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf request-list GigabitEthernet 1/0 OSPF Process ID p1 context default Neighbor, interface GigabitEthernet 1/0, address 1 LSAs on request-list Type LSID 1 Adv Rtr Seq No Checksum Age 0x8000020D 0x6572 5 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-454 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf retransmission-list show ip ospf retransmission-list To display a list of all link-state advertisements (LSAs) waiting to be re-sent, use the show ip ospf retransmission-list command in EXEC configuration mode. show ip ospf retransmission-list neighbor interface Syntax Description neighbor Neighbor router ID. interface Interface name. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The output of this command is useful in debugging OSPF routing operations. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following example shows how to display sample output from the show ip ospf retransmission-list command, with neighbor router ID set to ‘’, and interface set to ‘GigabitEthernet 1/0’: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf retransmission-list GigabitEthernet 1/0 OSPF Process ID p1 context default Neighbor, interface GigabitEthernet 1/0, address Link state retransmission due in 00:00:04 Type LSID Adv Rtr Seq No Checksum Age 1 0x80000044 0x3f0f 0 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-455 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf route show ip ospf route To display the OSPF RSPF route for OSPF routes, use the show ip ospf route command in EXEC configuration mode. show ip ospf route [all | router_id] Syntax Description all (Optional) Displays for all OSPF routes. router_id (Optional) Displays for this router ID Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show ip ospf route command: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf route OSPF Process ID p1 context default, Routing Table (D) denotes route is directly attached (R) denotes route is in RIB (inter) area 0 via 1/0, cost 65645 via 1/0, cost 65645 (inter) area 0 via 1/0, cost 65645 via 1/0, cost 65645 (inter) area 0 via 1/0, cost 65645 via 1/0, cost 65645 (inter) area 0 via 1/0, cost 65645 via 1/0, cost 65645 (inter) area 0 via 1/0, cost 65645 via 1/0, cost 65645 (inter) area 0 via 1/0, cost 65645 via 1/0, cost 65645 (inter) area 0 via 1/0, cost 65645 via 1/0, cost 65645 (intra)(D) area 0 via 1/0*, cost 65535 (intra) area 0 via 1/0, cost 65537 (intra) area 0 via 1/0, cost 65536 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-456 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf route Related Commands Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-457 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf rspf route show ip ospf rspf route To display OSPF reverse shortest path first (RSPF) from a specific router(s), use the show ip ospf rspf route command in EXEC configuration mode. show ip ospf rspf route [router_id] Syntax Description router_id Command Defaults If no router ID is specified, displays OSPF RSPF information for all router IDs. Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command shows cached RSPF routing information because of previous proximity request. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show ip ospf rspf route command: (Optional) Router ID. ServiceRouter# show ip ospf rspf route Advertising Router SPF Version 2292 Cache Hit 1 Age 00:00:04 ServiceRouter# Table 2-47 describes the significant fields included in the display above . Table 2-47 Significant fields included in output of the show ip ospf rspf router command Field Description Advertising Router Rspf is computed based on this router. SPF version SPF version. Cache Hit Same proximity request received (Cache hit + 1) times before has been cache expired. Age Age of cached result. The following example shows the spf cost of each route from router ServiceRouter# show ip ospf rspf route OSPF Process ID p1 context default, Routing Table (D) denotes route is directly attached (R) denotes route is in RIB area 0, spf cost 0 area 0, spf cost 3 area 0, spf cost 1 area 0, spf cost 10 area 0, spf cost 30 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-458 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf rspf route area area area area area area area area area 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, spf spf spf spf spf spf spf spf spf cost cost cost cost cost cost cost cost cost 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-459 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf traffic show ip ospf traffic To display OSPF traffic statistics, use the show ip ospf traffic command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip ospf traffic Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show ip ospf traffic command: ServiceRouter# show ip ospf traffic Packet Counter: OSPF Process ID p1 context default, Packet Counters (cleared 00:04:33 ago) Total: 324 in, 160 out LSU transmissions: first 1, rxmit 0, for req 0 Flooding packets output throttled (IP/tokens): 0 (0/0) Ignored LSAs: 0, LSAs dropped during SPF: 0 LSAs dropped during graceful restart: 0 Errors: drops in 0, drops out 0, errors in 0, errors out 0, hellos in 0, dbds in 0, lsreq in 0, lsu in 0, lsacks in 0, unknown in 0, unknown out 0, no ospf 0, bad version 0, bad crc 0, dup rid 0, dup src 0, invalid src 0, invalid dst 0, no nbr 0, passive 0, wrong area 0, pkt length 0, nbr changed rid/ip addr 0 bad auth 0 In: Out: hellos 84 31 dbds 0 101 lsreqs 0 0 lsus 118 1 acks 122 27 ServiceRouter# Table 2-48 describes the significant fields included in the display above. Table 2-48 Significant fields included in output of the show ip ospf traffic Field Description Packet Counter When packet counter last cleared. Total Total number of packets in and out from OSPF process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-460 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip ospf traffic Table 2-48 Related Commands Significant fields included in output of the show ip ospf traffic (continued) Field Description Errors Number of packets have error and dropped because of different reasons. In Total count (after last clear ip ospf traffic) of the different types of OSPF packets that OSPF process received. Out Total count (after last clear ip ospf traffic) of the different types of OSPF packets that OSPF process sent. Command Description router ospf Enables the OSPF routing process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-461 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip proximity algorithm show ip proximity algorithm To display the proximity algorithm options currently in use by this Proximity Engine, use the show ip proximity algorithm command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip proximity algorithm Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines When BGP is configured as the routing protocol, the output from show ip proximity algorithm has information on the following: • Whether the community-based proximity option (location-community) is enabled • Whether the proximity redirect option is enabled • Whether the BGP best-path (AS hops) based proximity option is enabled These threes options are enabled with the proximity algorithm bgp command. For information on these options, see the proximity algorithm bgp command. Examples The following example shows sample output from the show ip proximity algorithm command. ServiceRouter> show ip proximity algorithm Proximity algorithm: bgp community ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description proximity algorithm bgp Enables a BGP proximity algorithm option for the Proximity Engine. proximity engine enable Enables the Proximity Engine. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-462 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip proximity servers show ip proximity servers To display the interface addresses and hostnames of the Proximity Servers currently in use by this Proximity Engine, use the show ip proximity servers command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip proximity servers Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command shows other proximity servers and their interface addresses for use in redirection. The DHT ring must be enabled between these proximity servers using the router srp command for the DHT ring to be formed. These servers are used for redirection only if the proximity algorithm bgp redirect command is enabled. Examples The following example shows sample output from the show ip proximity servers command. ServiceRouter# show ip proximity servers Proximity servers: Hostname: Hostname not found IP0: IP1: Hostname: Hostname not found IP0: IP1: Hostname: SN-CDSM IP0: IP1: ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router srp Enters SRP configuration mode. proximity algorithm bgp redirect Specifies the BGP AS-based redirection on the Proximity Engine. proximity engine enable Enables the Proximity Engine. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-463 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip rib clients show ip rib clients To display details of all the routing protocol instances that are clients of the RIB, use the show ip rib clients command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip rib clients Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to display detailed information about all routing protocol instances that have registered with RIB. Examples The following example shows sample output from the show ip rib clients command. The output shows three routing protocol instances that have registered with RIB, along with the results of various counters in RIB. ServiceRouter# show ip rib clients Displaying information for all clients:CLIENT: direct epid: 352 MTS SAP: -1 MRU cache hits/misses: 3/1 Routing Instances: route context "default" table "default" Messages received: Register : 1 Add-one-route : 3 Denotify-request Messages sent: CLIENT: isis-abc epid: 19498 MTS SAP: 1666 MRU cache hits/misses: 1137375/1 Routing Instances: route context “default” table “default” Messages received: Register : 1 Add-route : 52647 Delete-route Notify-request : 1 Messages sent: Add-route-ack : 52647 Delete-route-ack : 48872 CLIENT: isis-abc-te epid: 19498 MTS SAP: 1666 Messages received: Register : 1 Messages sent: Related Commands MRU cache hits/misses: Command Description proximity engine enable Enables the Proximity Engine. : 1 : 48872 0/0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-464 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip rib memory show ip rib memory To display the memory usage information of the RIB, use the show ip rib memory command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip rib memory Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to display detailed information about the memory usage of the RIB (for example, shared memory information and memory used by routes). Examples The following example shows sample output from the show ip rib memory command: ServiceRouter# show ip rib memory Shared memory information for /topos_shm_urib, Current-Size HWM Maximum-Size 3897168 3897168 131072000 allocated:7 alloc errs:0 URIB slab block statistics: alloc fail urib routes 0 urib nibs 0 urib rte nibs 0 urib tib nibs 0 urib next hops 0 urib chlst elms 0 urib nhlfes 0 crib nodes 0 crib routes 0 crib uroutes 0 crib next hops 0 cumm alloc 5 1 330 1 330 5 0 0 0 0 0 cumm freed 0 0 325 0 325 0 0 0 0 0 0 high-water 5 1 5 1 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 URIB slab statistics: allocated urib routes 8538 urib nibs 2 urib rte nibs 8515 urib tib nibs 2 urib next hops 8515 urib chlst elms 8538 urib nhlfes 0 crib nodes 0 crib routes 0 crib uroutes 0 crib next hops 0 cumm alloc 8538 2 550792 2 550792 8538 0 0 0 0 0 cumm freed 0 0 542277 0 542277 0 0 0 0 0 0 high-water 8538 2 8538 2 8538 8538 0 0 0 0 0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-465 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip rib memory Related Commands Command Description proximity engine enable Enables the Proximity Engine. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-466 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip rib recursive-next-hop show ip rib recursive-next-hop To display IP recursive next-hop information from the RIB, use the show ip rib recursive-next-hop command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip rib ip recursive-next-hop [ip_addr] Syntax Description ip_addr Command Defaults In no ip_addr argument is specified, show ip rib recursive-next-hop displays information for all recursive next-hops for this Proximity Engine. Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to display IP recursive next-hop information from the RIB. Examples The following example shows sample output from the show ip rib recursive-next-hop command. IP address for which recursive next-hop information is displayed. ServiceRouter# show ip rib recursive-next-hop IP Recursive Next-Hop Table, uptime: 3d22h, bgp-301, uptime: 3d22h, bgp-301 ServiceRouter> show ip rib recursive-next-hop IP Recursive Next-Hop Table, uptime: 3d22h, bgp-301 ServiceRouter# In the output, bgp-301 is the number of the BGP Autonomous System containing the recursive next hop. Related Commands Command Description proximity engine enable Enables the Proximity Engine. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-467 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip rib route show ip rib route To display IP RIB route information, use the show ip rib route command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip rib route [ip_address | bgp | direct | isis | ospf | static | summary] Syntax Description ip_address (Optional) Specifies an IP address for the RIB route. bgp (Optional) Specifies the BGP route. direct (Optional) Specifies a direct/connected route. isis (Optional) Specifies an ISO IS-IS route. ospf (Optional) Specifies an OSPF route. static (Optional) Specifies static routes. summary (Optional) Displays route counts. Command Defaults In no ip_address argument is specified, show ip rib route displays information for all routes for this Proximity Engine. Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows sample output from the show ip rib route command: ServiceRouter# show ip rib route IP Urib Route Table: '*' denotes best ucast next-hop '**' denotes best mcast next-hop ' [ x/y ] ' denotes [ preference/metric ], 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [ 115/20 ] , 04:34:54, isis-p1, L2, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [ 115/30 ] , 04:34:54, isis-p1, L2, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops, attached *via, GigabitEthernet 1/0, [ 0/0 ] , 04:35:13, direct, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [ 115/20 ] , 04:34:54, isis-p1, L2, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [ 200/0 ] , 04:34:53, bgp-209, internal, tag 209 extended route information: AS Hops 0, BGP peer AS 209, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [ 200/0 ] , 04:35:03, bgp-209, internal, tag 65209 extended route information: AS Hops 1, BGP peer AS 209, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [ 200/0 ] , 04:34:53, bgp-209, internal, tag 65209 extended route information: AS Hops 1, BGP peer AS 209, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [ 200/0 ] , 04:34:53, bgp-209, internal, tag 65209 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-468 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip rib route extended route information: AS Hops next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [ extended route information: AS Hops next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [ extended route information: AS Hops next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops, attached *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [ ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via, GigabitEthernet 2/0, [ ServiceRouter# 1, BGP peer AS 209, 1 ucast 200/0 ] , 04:35:03, bgp-209, internal, tag 209 0, BGP peer AS 209, 1 ucast 200/0 ] , 04:34:53, bgp-209, internal, tag 209 0, BGP peer AS 209, 1 ucast [ 0/0 ] , 04:35:13, direct, 1 ucast 115/30 ] , 04:34:54, isis-p1, L2, 1 115/20 ] , 04:34:54, isis-p1, L2 The following example shows how to display the static route configuration in URIB: ServiceRouter# show ip rib route static IP Urib Route Table: '*' denotes best ucast next-hop '**' denotes best mcast next-hop '[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric], 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via GigabitEthernet 2/0, [1/0], 00:26:07, static, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via GigabitEthernet 2/0, [1/0], 00:26:07, static, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via GigabitEthernet 2/0, [1/0], 00:26:07, static, 1 ucast next-hops, 0 mcast next-hops *via GigabitEthernet 2/0, [1/0], 00:26:07, static Related Commands Command Description ip rib route Configures unicast static routes for the Proximity Engine. proximity engine enable Enables the Proximity Engine. show ip static route Displays IP static route information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-469 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip rib unresolved-next-hop show ip rib unresolved-next-hop To display unresolved next-hop information from the RIB, use the show ip rib unresolved-next-hop command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip rib unresolved-next-hop [ip_address] Syntax Description ip_address Command Defaults In no ip_address argument is specified, show ip rib recursive-next-hop displays information for all unresolved next-hops for this Proximity Engine. Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to display unresolved next-hop information from the RIB. It is normal to have zero unresolved next-hops. When incoming packets contain a next-hop address that cannot be resolved (that is, cannot be found during the route lookup), the count of unresolved next-hops increases. Examples The following example shows sample output from the show ip rib unresolved-next-hop command. IP address for which recursive next-hop information is displayed. ServiceRouter# show ip rib unresolved-next-hop Information about unresolved next-hops for context “default” Proximity Engine Number of unresolved nexthops: 0 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description proximity engine enable Enables the Proximity Engine. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-470 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip routes show ip routes To display the IP routing table, use the show ip routes command in EXEC configuration mode. show ip routes Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show ip routes command displays the policy routing tables. The main routing table is always displayed first, and if any policy routing tables have been instantiated, they are also displayed after the main table. Examples The show ip routes command displays the IP routing table that shows actual routes in the system. Table 2-49 describes the fields shown in the show ip routes display. . Table 2-49 show ip routes Field Descriptions Field Description Destination Destination address IP route mask. Gateway IP address or IP alias of the gateway router. Netmask Subnet mask of the gateway router. The following example shows sample output from the show ip routes command: ServiceRouter# sh ip routes Destination Gateway ---------------- --------------- Netmask --------------- Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-471 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip routes Related Commands Command Description ip Changes initial network device configuration settings. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-472 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ip static route show ip static route To display IP static route information, use the show ip static route command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ip static route Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows sample output from the show ip rib route command: ServiceRouter# show ip static route IPv4 Unicast Static Routes:, configured nh: real nh:, iod: 8 [1/0], configured nh: real nh:, iod: 8 [1/0], configured nh: real nh:, iod: 8 [1/0], configured nh: real nh:, iod: 8 [1/0], configured nh: real nh:, iod: 8 [1/0], configured nh: real nh:, iod: 8 [1/0] Related CommandsI Command Description ip rib route Configures unicast static routes for the Proximity Engine. show ip rib route Displays IP RIB route information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-473 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ipv6 show ipv6 To display IPv6 information, use the show ipv6 command in user EXEC configuration mode. show ipv6 Syntax Description access-list Displays IPv6 access list information. standard_ip_acl_num Standard IPv6 access-list number. The range is from 1 to 99. extended_ip_acl_num Extended IPv6 access-list number. The range is from 100 to 199. access-list name Access-list name (max 30 characters). routes Displays the IPv6 routing table. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows sample output from the show ipv6 access-list command: ServiceRouter# show ipv6 access-list Space available: 48 access lists 498 access list conditions Standard IPv6 access list 1 1 deny fec0:0:3:5::1/128 (implicit deny any: 0 matches) total invocations: 0 Extended IPv6 access list test 1 permit icmpv6 any any echo (implicit fragment permit: 0 matches) (implicit deny ip any any: 0 matches) total invocations: 0 Interface access list references: None Configured Application access list references: No applications registered. The following example shows sample output from the show ipv6 routes command: ServiceRouter# show ipv6 routes Destination ---------------------------------------Destination 3ffe:1200:4260:f::/64 fe80::/64 fec0:0:3:3::/64 ff00::/8 ::/0 ::/0 ServiceRouter# Next Hop -----------------------------------Next :: :: :: :: fec0:0:3:3::1 fe80::218:74ff:fe17:a8c0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-474 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ipv6 Note Related CommandsI On other show commands that relate to the IPv6 addresses, the output fields were designed to work with the longest possible IPv4 address, which has 15 characters; IPv6 addresses can be up to 39 characters long. When the command output displays an IPv6 address, a long IPv6 address can overflow into neighboring fields causing the output to be difficult to read. Command Description clear ipv6 Clears IPv6 ACL counters. ipv6 Specifies the default gateway’s IPv6 address. traceroute6 Traces the route to a remote IPv6-enabled host. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-475 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis adjacency show isis adjacency To display IS-IS adjacencies, use the show isis adjacency command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis adjacency [detail] Syntax Description detail Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Command Defaults By default, this command displays a summarized report on IS-IS adjacency. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show isis adjacency command with and without the parameter keyword detail: (Optional) Displays neighbor IP addresses and active topologies. ServiceRouter# show isis adjacency detail IS-IS adjacency database: System ID SNPA Level State Hold Time 0200.c0a8.5401 0000.a1e8.e019 1 UP 00:00:32 Up/Down transitions: 3, Last transition: 18:45:08 ago Circuit Type: 1-2 IPv4 Address: IPv6 Address: 0:: Circuit ID: 7301-7-core.01, Priority: 64 Interface GigabitEthernet 3/0 7301-7-core 001d.a1e9.c41b 1 UP 00:00:08 Up/Down transitions: 1, Last transition: 18:45:52 ago Circuit Type: 1-2 IPv4 Address: IPv6 Address: 0:: Circuit ID: 7301-7-core.01, Priority: 64 GigabitEthernet 3/0 7301-7-core 001d.a1e9.c41b 2 UP 00:00:07 Up/Down transitions: 1, Last transition: 18:37:20 ago Circuit Type: 1-2 IPv4 Address: IPv6 Address: 0:: Circuit ID: 7301-7-core.01, Priority: 64 GigabitEthernet 3/0 ServiceRouter# ServiceRouter# show isis adjacency IS-IS adjacency System ID 0200.c0a8.5401 7301-7-core 7301-7-core database: SNPA 0000.a1e8.e019 001d.a1e9.c41b 001d.a1e9.c41b Level 1 1 2 State UP UP UP Hold Time 00:00:29 00:00:08 00:00:10 Interface GigabitEthernet 3/0 GigabitEthernet 3/0 GigabitEthernet 3/0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-476 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis adjacency Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-477 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis clns route show isis clns route To display one or all the destinations to which the router knows how to route CLNS packets, use the show isis clns route command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis clns route nsap Syntax Description nsap Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The show isis clns route command shows the IS-IS Level 2 routing table and static and Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (ISO-IGRP) learned prefix routes. This table stores IS-IS area addresses and prefix routes. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show clns route command when the nsap argument is not used: CLNS Network Service Access Point (NSAP) address. ServiceRouter# show isis clns route IS-IS Level-1 IS routing table 7301-5-Core.00, Instance 0x00000145 *via 7301-7-core, GigabitEthernet 3/0, metric 20 7301-7-core.00, Instance 0x00000145 *via 7301-7-core, GigabitEthernet 3/0, metric 10 7301-7-core.02, Instance 0x00000145 *via 7301-7-core, GigabitEthernet 3/0, metric 20 0200.c0a8.5401.00, Instance 0x00000145 *via 0200.c0a8.5401, GigabitEthernet 3/0, metric 0200.cf00.0002.00, Instance 0x00000145 *via 0200.c0a8.5401, GigabitEthernet 3/0, metric 0200.cf00.0002.01, Instance 0x00000145 *via 0200.c0a8.5401, GigabitEthernet 3/0, metric 0200.cf00.2802.00, Instance 0x00000145 *via 0200.c0a8.5401, GigabitEthernet 3/0, metric 0200.cf00.2802.01, Instance 0x00000145 *via 0200.c0a8.5401, GigabitEthernet 3/0, metric 0200.cf00.5002.00, Instance 0x00000145 *via 0200.c0a8.5401, GigabitEthernet 3/0, metric 0200.cf00.5002.01, Instance 0x00000145 -- More -- Related Commands 10 20 20 30 30 40 Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-478 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis database show isis database To display the IS-IS link-state database, use the show isis database command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis database [ [LSP_ID] [detail] | advertise | private | summary] Syntax Description LSP_ID (Optional) LSP ID in the form of xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx or name. detail (Optional) Displays detailed IS-IS information. When specified, the contents of each link-state packet (LSP) are displayed. Otherwise, a summary display is provided. advertise (Optional) Displays advertise detail information. private (Optional) Displays private information. summary (Optional) Displays summary IS-IS information. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Each option for this command can be entered in an arbitrary string within the same command entry. For example, the following are both valid command specifications and provide the same output: show isis database detail l2 and show isis database l2 detail. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show isis database command when it is issued with no keywords or arguments: ServiceRouter# show isis database summary IS-IS LSP database: IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database LSP : 3 IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database LSP : 3 ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show isis database command when it is issued with the private keyword: ServiceRouter# show isis database private IS-IS LSP database: IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database LSPID Seq Number DD10-CDE205-2.00-00 * 0x00000004 Instance : 0x00000004 Digest Offset : 0 Area Address : 49.0000 Checksum 0x7D13 Lifetime 992 A/P/O/T 0/0/1/3 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-479 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis database NLPID : 0xCC Router ID : IP Address : Hostname : DD10-CDE205-2 Length Extended IS : DD10-CDE205-2.01 Metric Extended IP : Metric Extended IP : Metric DD10-CDE205-2.01-00 * 0x00000001 0x8ABC Instance : 0x00000001 Digest Offset : 0 Extended IS : DD10-7301-6.00 Metric Extended IS : DD10-CDE205-2.00 Metric DD10-7301-6.00-00 0x00000003 0x206E Instance : 0x00000000 Digest Offset : 0 Area Address : 49.0000 NLPID : 0xCC Hostname : DD10-7301-6 Length IP Address : IP Internal : Metric IP Internal : Metric IS Neighbor : DD10-CDE205-2.01 Metric IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database LSPID Seq Number Checksum DD10-CDE205-2.00-00 * 0x00000004 0x7D13 Instance : 0x00000004 Digest Offset : 0 Area Address : 49.0000 NLPID : 0xCC Router ID : IP Address : Hostname : DD10-CDE205-2 Length Extended IS : DD10-CDE205-2.01 Metric Extended IP : Metric Extended IP : Metric DD10-CDE205-2.01-00 * 0x00000001 0x8ABC Instance : 0x00000001 Digest Offset : 0 Extended IS : DD10-7301-6.00 Metric Extended IS : DD10-CDE205-2.00 Metric DD10-7301-6.00-00 0x00000003 0x2668 Instance : 0x00000000 Digest Offset : 0 Area Address : 49.0000 NLPID : 0xCC Hostname : DD10-7301-6 Length IP Address : IS Neighbor : DD10-CDE205-2.01 Metric IP Internal : Metric IP Internal : Metric : 13 : 10 : 10 : 10 992 (U) (U) 0/0/0/3 : 0 : 0 988 0/0/0/3 : 11 : 10 : 10 : 10 (I,U) (I,U) (I) Lifetime 994 A/P/O/T 0/0/1/3 : 13 : 10 : 10 : 10 994 (U) (U) 0/0/0/3 : 0 : 0 990 0/0/0/3 : 11 : 10 : 10 : 10 (I) (I,U) (I,U) ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show isis database command when it is issued with an LSP_ID specified: ServiceRouter# sh isis database DD10-CDE205-2.00-00 IS-IS LSP database: IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database LSPID Seq Number DD10-CDE205-2.00-00 * 0x00000004 IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database LSPID Seq Number Checksum 0x7D13 Lifetime 968 A/P/O/T 0/0/1/3 Checksum Lifetime A/P/O/T Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-480 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis database DD10-CDE205-2.00-00 * 0x00000004 0x7D13 970 0/0/1/3 ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show isis database command when it is issued with the advertise keyword: ServiceRouter# show isis database advertise IS-IS LSP database: IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database LSPID Seq Number Checksum DD10-CDE205-2.00-00 * 0x00000004 0x7D13 Max: 1446 Used: 104 Free: 1342 Type: 1, Max: 42, Used: 42, Free: 0 Type: 129, Max: 1, Used: 1, Free: 0 Type: 134, Max: 4, Used: 4, Free: 0 Router ID: Type: 22, Max: 255, Used: 11, Free: 244 Extended IS NBR: DD10-CDE205-2.01 (UP) Type: 135, Max: 255, Used: 14, Free: 241 Extended IP Prefix: Extended IP Prefix: Type: 137, Max: 255, Used: 13, Free: 242 Hostname: DD10-CDE205-2 Length: 13 DD10-CDE205-2.01-00 * 0x00000001 0x8ABC Max: 1446 Used: 24 Free: 1422 Type: 22, Max: 255, Used: 22, Free: 233 Extended IS NBR: DD10-7301-6.00 (UP) Extended IS NBR: DD10-CDE205-2.00 (UP) DD10-7301-6.00-00 0x00000003 0x206E Max: 0 Used: 0 Free: 0 IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database LSPID Seq Number Checksum DD10-CDE205-2.00-00 * 0x00000004 0x7D13 Max: 1446 Used: 104 Free: 1342 Type: 1, Max: 42, Used: 42, Free: 0 Type: 129, Max: 1, Used: 1, Free: 0 Type: 134, Max: 4, Used: 4, Free: 0 Router ID: Type: 22, Max: 255, Used: 11, Free: 244 Extended IS NBR: DD10-CDE205-2.01 (UP) Type: 135, Max: 255, Used: 14, Free: 241 Extended IP Prefix: Extended IP Prefix: Type: 137, Max: 255, Used: 13, Free: 242 Hostname: DD10-CDE205-2 Length: 13 DD10-CDE205-2.01-00 * 0x00000001 0x8ABC Max: 1446 Used: 24 Free: 1422 Type: 22, Max: 255, Used: 22, Free: 233 Extended IS NBR: DD10-7301-6.00 (UP) Extended IS NBR: DD10-CDE205-2.00 (UP) DD10-7301-6.00-00 0x00000003 0x2668 Max: 0 Used: 0 Free: 0 Lifetime 1016 A/P/O/T 0/0/1/3 Metric: 10 Metric: 10 1016 0/0/0/3 1012 0/0/0/3 Lifetime 1018 A/P/O/T 0/0/1/3 Metric: 10 Metric: 10 1018 0/0/0/3 1014 0/0/0/3 ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-481 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis database The following is sample output from the show isis database command when it is issued with the detail keyword: Note The Proximity Engine becomes a passive listener when the overload bit is present. This is set by default in the LSP originated by the Proximity Engine. ServiceRouter# show isis database detail IS-IS LSP database: IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database LSPID Seq Number Checksum DD10-CDE205-2.00-00 * 0x00000004 0x7D13 Area Address : 49.0000 NLPID : 0xCC Router ID : IP Address : Hostname : DD10-CDE205-2 Length Extended IS : DD10-CDE205-2.01 Metric Extended IP : Metric Extended IP : Metric DD10-CDE205-2.01-00 * 0x00000001 0x8ABC Extended IS : DD10-7301-6.00 Metric Extended IS : DD10-CDE205-2.00 Metric DD10-7301-6.00-00 0x00000003 0x206E Area Address : 49.0000 NLPID : 0xCC Hostname : DD10-7301-6 Length IP Address : IP Internal : Metric IP Internal : Metric IS Neighbor : DD10-CDE205-2.01 Metric IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database LSPID Seq Number Checksum DD10-CDE205-2.00-00 * 0x00000004 0x7D13 Area Address : 49.0000 NLPID : 0xCC Router ID : IP Address : Hostname : DD10-CDE205-2 Length Extended IS : DD10-CDE205-2.01 Metric Extended IP : Metric Extended IP : Metric DD10-CDE205-2.01-00 * 0x00000001 0x8ABC Extended IS : DD10-7301-6.00 Metric Extended IS : DD10-CDE205-2.00 Metric DD10-7301-6.00-00 0x00000003 0x2668 Area Address : 49.0000 NLPID : 0xCC Hostname : DD10-7301-6 Length IP Address : IS Neighbor : DD10-CDE205-2.01 Metric IP Internal : Metric IP Internal : Metric ServiceRouter# Related Commands Lifetime 1007 : 13 : 10 : 10 : 10 1007 : 0 : 0 1002 A/P/O/T 0/0/1/3 (U) (U) 0/0/0/3 0/0/0/3 : 11 : 10 : 10 : 10 (I,U) (I,U) (I) Lifetime 1008 : 13 : 10 : 10 : 10 1008 : 0 : 0 1004 A/P/O/T 0/0/1/3 (U) (U) 0/0/0/3 0/0/0/3 : 11 : 10 : 10 : 10 (I) (I,U) (I,U) Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-482 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis hostname-table show isis hostname-table To display the router-name-to-system-ID mapping table entries for an IS-IS router, use the show isis hostname-table command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis hostname-table Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines In the IS-IS routing domain, the system ID is used to represent each router. The system ID is part of the network entity title (NET) that is configured for each IS-IS router. For example, a router with a configured NET of 49.0001.0023.0003.000a.00 has a system ID of 0023.0003.000a. Router-name-to-system-ID mapping is difficult for network administrators to remember during maintenance and troubleshooting on the routers. Entering the show isis hostname-table command displays the entries in the router-name-to-system-ID mapping table. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples Entering the show isis hostname-table command displays the dynamic host mapping table, which displays the router-name-to-system-ID mapping table entries. The * symbol next to the System ID signifies that this is the router-name-to-system-ID mapping information for the local router. ServiceRouter# show isis hostname-table IS-IS dynamic hostname table: Level System ID Dynamic hostname 1 0200.c0a8.0a05 7301-5-Core 1 0200.c0a8.0a07 7301-7-core 1 1111.1111.1111* sn-sj83 2 1234.1234.1234 sn-sj86 2 1234.1242.1234 7301-2-IS-IS ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-483 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis interface show isis interface To display information about the IS-IS interfaces, use the show isis interface command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis interface interface_name Syntax Description interface_name Command Defaults Displays all IS-IS interfaces. Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show isis interface command with interface name set to be GigabitEthernet 1/0 and without an interface name, respectively: Interface name. ServiceRouter# show isis interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 GigabitEthernet 1/0, Interface status: protocol-down/link-down/admin-down IP address:, IP subnet: IPv6 routing is disabled IS-IS interface operation state : Down/Ready Index: 0x0002, Local Circuit ID: 0x02, Circuit Type: 1-2 Passive level: level-1-2 LSP interval: 33 ms Level Metric CSNP Next CSNP Hello Multi Next IIH 1 10 10 Never 10 3 Never 2 10 10 Never 10 3 Never Level Adjs Ups Pri Circuit ID Since 1 0 0 64 0000.0000.0000.02 never 2 0 0 64 0000.0000.0000.02 never ServiceRouter# ServiceRouter# show isis interface GigabitEthernet 1/0, Interface status: protocol-up/link-up/admin-up IP address:, IP subnet: IPv6 routing is disabled Index: 0x0001, Local Circuit ID: 0x01, Circuit Type: 1-2 Passive level: level-1-2 LSP interval: 33 ms Level Metric CSNP Next CSNP Hello Multi Next IIH 1 10 10 Never 10 3 Never 2 10 10 Never 10 3 Never Level Adjs Ups Pri Circuit ID Since 1 0 0 64 sn-sj83.01 never 2 0 0 64 sn-sj83.01 never Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-484 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis interface GigabitEthernet 1/0, Interface status: protocol-down/link-down/admin-down IP address:, IP subnet: IPv6 routing is disabled IS-IS interface operation state : Down/Ready Index: 0x0002, Local Circuit ID: 0x02, Circuit Type: 1-2 Passive level: level-1-2 LSP interval: 33 ms Level Metric CSNP Next CSNP Hello Multi Next IIH 1 10 10 Never 10 3 Never 2 10 10 Never 10 3 Never Level Adjs Ups Pri Circuit ID Since 1 0 0 64 0000.0000.0000.02 never 2 0 0 64 0000.0000.0000.02 never GigabitEthernet 2/0, Interface status: protocol-down/link-down/admin-down IP address:, IP subnet: IPv6 routing is disabled IS-IS interface operation state : Down/Ready Index: 0x0003, Local Circuit ID: 0x03, Circuit Type: 1-2 Passive level: level-1-2 LSP interval: 33 ms Level Metric CSNP Next CSNP Hello Multi Next IIH 1 10 10 Never 10 3 Never 2 10 10 Never 10 3 Never Level Adjs Ups Pri Circuit ID Since 1 0 0 64 0000.0000.0000.03 never 2 0 0 64 0000.0000.0000.03 never GigabitEthernet 3/0, Interface status: protocol-up/link-up/admin-up IP address:, IP subnet: IPv6 routing is disabled Index: 0x0004, Local Circuit ID: 0x04, Circuit Type: 1-2 LSP interval: 33 ms Level Metric CSNP Next CSNP Hello Multi Next IIH 1 10 10 Never 10 3 00:00:08 2 10 10 Never 10 3 00:00:05 Level Adjs Ups Pri Circuit ID Since 1 2 2 64 7301-7-core.01 18:55:47 2 1 1 64 7301-7-core.01 18:47:15 GigabitEthernet 4/0, Interface status: protocol-up/link-up/admin-up IP address:, IP subnet: IPv6 routing is disabled Index: 0x0005, Local Circuit ID: 0x05, Circuit Type: 1-2 Passive level: level-1-2 LSP interval: 33 ms Level Metric CSNP Next CSNP Hello Multi Next IIH 1 10 10 Never 10 3 Never 2 10 10 Never 10 3 Never Level Adjs Ups Pri Circuit ID Since 1 0 0 64 sn-sj83.05 never 2 0 0 64 sn-sj83.05 never GigabitEthernet 5/0, Interface status: protocol-down/link-down/admin-down IP address:, IP subnet: IPv6 routing is disabled IS-IS interface operation state : Down/Ready Index: 0x0006, Local Circuit ID: 0x06, Circuit Type: 1-2 Passive level: level-1-2 LSP interval: 33 ms Level Metric CSNP Next CSNP Hello Multi Next IIH 1 10 10 Never 10 3 Never 2 10 10 Never 10 3 Never Level Adjs Ups Pri Circuit ID Since Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-485 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis interface 1 2 0 0 0 0 64 64 0000.0000.0000.06 0000.0000.0000.06 never never GigabitEthernet 6/0, Interface status: protocol-down/link-down/admin-down IP address:, IP subnet: IPv6 routing is disabled IS-IS interface operation state : Down/Ready Index: 0x0007, Local Circuit ID: 0x07, Circuit Type: 1-2 Passive level: level-1-2 LSP interval: 33 ms Level Metric CSNP Next CSNP Hello Multi Next IIH 1 10 10 Never 10 3 Never 2 10 10 Never 10 3 Never Level Adjs Ups Pri Circuit ID Since 1 0 0 64 0000.0000.0000.07 never 2 0 0 64 0000.0000.0000.07 never GigabitEthernet 7/0, Interface status: protocol-down/link-down/admin-down IP address:, IP subnet: IPv6 routing is disabled IS-IS interface operation state : Down/Ready Index: 0x0008, Local Circuit ID: 0x08, Circuit Type: 1-2 Passive level: level-1-2 LSP interval: 33 ms Level Metric CSNP Next CSNP Hello Multi Next IIH 1 10 10 Never 10 3 Never 2 10 10 Never 10 3 Never Level Adjs Ups Pri Circuit ID Since 1 0 0 64 0000.0000.0000.08 never 2 0 0 64 0000.0000.0000.08 never ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-486 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis ip route show isis ip route To display the Intermediate IS-IS RSPF route for IS-IS learned routes, use the show isis ip route command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis ip route [IP | detail | summary] Syntax Description IP (Optional) IP address in the form of detail (Optional) Displays detailed IS-IS route information. When specified, the contents of each link-state packet (LSP) are displayed. Otherwise, a summary display for a given IP address is provided. summary (Optional) Displays summary IS-IS route information. Command Defaults Displays all IS-IS route information. Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show isis route command with various parameters: ServiceRouter# show isis ip route detail IS-IS IPv4 routing table, L2 *via, GigabitEthernet Instance 0x0000D831 LSPID 1234.1242.1234.00-00, L2 *via, GigabitEthernet Instance 0x0000D831 LSPID 1234.1242.1234.00-00, L2 *via, GigabitEthernet Instance 0x0000D831 LSPID 1234.1242.1234.00-00, L2 *via, GigabitEthernet Instance 0x0000D831 LSPID 1234.1242.1234.00-00, L2 *via, GigabitEthernet Instance 0x0000D831 LSPID 1234.1242.1234.00-00, L2 *via, GigabitEthernet -- More -- 3/0, metric 20, L2 (I,U) 3/0, metric 20, L2 (I,U) 3/0, metric 20, L2 (I,U) 3/0, metric 20, L2 (I,U) 3/0, metric 20, L2 (I,U) 3/0, metric 20, L2 (I,U) ServiceRouter# show isis ip route summary Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-487 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis ip route IS-IS IPv4 routing table Total Total Total Total number number number number of of of of best routes paths best paths backup paths Best routes per level L1 total direct normal L2 total normal : : : : : 4006 3 4003 4511 4511 Best paths per level L1 total direct normal L2 total normal : : : : : 4006 3 4003 4511 4511 : : : : 8517 12523 8517 4006 Backup paths per level L2 total : 4006 direct : 3 normal : 4003 Number of best routes per mask-length /24 : 8511 /32 : 6 ServiceRouter# ServiceRouter# show isis ip route IS-IS IPv4 routing table, L2 *via, GigabitEthernet 3/0, metric 20, L2 (I,U) ServiceRouter# ServiceRouter# show isis ip route detail IS-IS IPv4 routing table, L2 *via, GigabitEthernet 3/0, metric 20, L2 (I,U) Instance 0x0000D880 LSPID 1234.1242.1234.00-00 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-488 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis ip rspf route show isis ip rspf route To display the Intermediate IS-IS RSPF route for IS-IS learned routes, use the show isis ip rspf command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis ip rspf route [LSP_ID] Syntax Description LSP_ID Command Defaults If no LSP ID is specified, displays IS-IS RSPF information for all LSP IDs. Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to display the IS-IS RSPF routing information. Output is only displayed for this command when a new proximity request has been received. To clear IS-IS RSPF routing information, use the clear isis ip rspf route command. This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show isis rspf route command: (Optional) LSP ID in the form of xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx or name. ServiceRouter# show isis ip rspf route LSP ID 0200.c0a8.0a01.00-00 SPF Time 01:45:41 Cache Hit 0 Level 1 Age Max range 01:43:23 10 ServiceRouter# ServiceRouter# show isis ip rspf route 0200.c0a8.0a07.00-00 IS-IS IPv4 routing table, metric 20, L1, metric 20, L1, metric 20, L1, metric 10, L1, metric 10, L1, metric 10, L1, L1 metric 20, L1, L1 metric 30, L1 -- More -- L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-489 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis ip rspf route Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-490 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis memory show isis memory To display memory usage information for an IS-IS instance, use the show isis memory command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis memory Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show isis memory command: ServiceRouter# show isis memory Shared memory information for /topos-shm-isis-abc, Current-Size HWM Maximum-Size 2005392 2005392 4194304 IS-IS memory usage: Type Size Count HWM Slab Interface 2632 9 9 16 Adjacency 184 35 35 64 LSP DB 320 665 665 704 LSP TLV 48 10 10 64 LSP Retx 72 0 0 0 Next Hop 24 13130 21970 22528 RT HIX 32 0 0 0 SPF Adj 104 3 3 64 SPF RT 28 20553 20557 21504 Redist RT 44 3 3 1024 RI 72 6 6 1024 SPF RT 40 0 1 0 Redist RT 56 0 0 0 RI 56 0 0 0 Total: Overhead 18600 5512 13136 2768 128 226736 128 6520 27764 45100 73472 128 128 128 420248 Total 42288 11952 225936 3248 128 541856 128 6832 603248 45232 73904 128 128 128 1555136 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-491 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis process show isis process To display summary information about an IS-IS instance, use the show isis process command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis process Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show isis process command: ServiceRouter# show isis process IS-IS process : abc System ID : 1111.1111.1111 IS-Type : L1-L2 SAP : 1666 Queue Handle : 1666 Metric-style : advertise(narrow, wide), accept(narrow, wide) Area address(es) : 49.0005 Process is up and running VRF ID: 1 Stale routes during non-graceful controlled restart Interfaces supported by IS-IS : GigabitEthernet 0/0 GigabitEthernet 1/0 GigabitEthernet 2/0 GigabitEthernet 3/0 GigabitEthernet 4/0 GigabitEthernet 5/0 GigabitEthernet 6/0 GigabitEthernet 7/0 Address family IPv4 unicast : Number of interface : 8 Distance : 115 Address family IPv6 unicast : Number of interface : 0 Distance : 115 Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-492 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis rrm show isis rrm To display IS-IS Received Routing Message (RRM) information, use the show isis rrm command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis rrm interface_name Syntax Description interface-name Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show isis rrm command that shows rrm information for all interfaces: Interface name ServiceRouter# show isis rrm GigabitEthernet 1/0 IS-IS RRM information for interface GigabitEthernet 1/0: No retransmission on non-P2P interface ServiceRouter# show isis rrm GigabitEthernet 1/0 IS-IS RRM information for interface GigabitEthernet 1/0: No retransmission on non-P2P interface ServiceRouter# ServiceRouter# show isis rrm GigabitEthernet 2/0 IS-IS RRM information for interface GigabitEthernet 2/0: No retransmission on non-P2P interface ServiceRouter# show isis rrm GigabitEthernet 3/0 IS-IS RRM information for interface GigabitEthernet 3/0: No retransmission on non-P2P interface ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-493 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis spf-log show isis spf-log To display how often and why the router has run a full shortest path first (SPF) calculation, use the show isis spf-log command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis spf-log [detail] Syntax Description detail Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from show isis spf-log and show isis spf-log detail commands, respectively: (Optional) Displays detailed information about the SPF calculation. ServiceRouter# show isis spf-log IS-IS SPF information: Total number of SPF calculations: 55836 Log entry Ago 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 00:02:49 (current/max): 20/20 Level Reason 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-0f 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-10 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-11 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-12 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-13 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-14 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-15 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-16 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-17 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-18 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-19 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-1a 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-1b 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-1c 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-1d 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-1e 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-1f 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-20 2 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-21 2 Purged LSP 7301-5-Core.01-00 Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 0.011510 0.011956 0.011469 0.011503 0.011473 0.011522 0.011514 0.011516 0.011499 0.011530 0.011476 0.011560 0.011510 0.011710 0.011514 0.011512 0.011934 0.011525 0.012232 0.011647 ServiceRouter# ServiceRouter# show isis spf-log detail IS-IS SPF information: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-494 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis spf-log Total number of SPF calculations: 55836 Log entry (current/max): 20/20 Log entry: 01, Ago: 00:03:59, Date: Tue Jan 06 17:34:05 1970 Level Instance Init SPF IS Update URIB Update 2 0x0000D8C4 0.000019 0.008100 0.000133 0.003255 Level Node Count Changed Reason 2 8 1 0 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-0f Log entry: 02, Ago: 00:03:59, Date: Tue Jan 06 17:34:05 1970 Level Instance Init SPF IS Update URIB Update 2 0x0000D8C5 0.000016 0.008552 0.000129 0.003256 Level Node Count Changed Reason 2 8 1 0 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-10 Log entry: 03, Ago: 00:03:58, Date: Tue Jan 06 17:34:05 1970 Level Instance Init SPF IS Update URIB Update 2 0x0000D8C6 0.000016 0.008079 0.000127 0.003243 Level Node Count Changed Reason 2 8 1 0 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-11 Log entry: 04, Ago: 00:03:58, Date: Tue Jan 06 17:34:05 1970 Level Instance Init SPF IS Update URIB Update 2 0x0000D8C7 0.000015 0.008097 0.000129 0.003258 Level Node Count Changed Reason 2 8 1 0 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-12 Log entry: 05, Ago: 00:03:58, Date: Tue Jan 06 17:34:05 1970 Level Instance Init SPF IS Update URIB Update 2 0x0000D8C8 0.000017 0.008088 0.000129 0.003236 Level Node Count Changed Reason 2 8 1 0 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-13 Log entry: 06, Ago: 00:03:58, Date: Tue Jan 06 17:34:05 1970 Level Instance Init SPF IS Update URIB Update 2 0x0000D8C9 0.000019 0.008113 0.000130 0.003257 Level Node Count Changed Reason 2 8 1 0 Updated LSP 7301-5-Core.00-14 Total 0.011510 Total 0.011956 Total 0.011469 Total 0.011503 Total 0.011473 Total 0.011522 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-495 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis srm show isis srm To display Send Routing Message (SRM) information for an IS-IS, use the show isis srm command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show isis srm interface_name Syntax Description interface-name Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following example shows how to display sample output from the show isis srm command. It shows the srm information on interface GigabitEthernet 1/0: Interface name. ServiceRouter# show isis srm GigabitEthernet 1/0 IS-IS SRP information for interface GigabitEthernet 1/0: IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database Interface is not eligible for flooding LSP Interface is not on stopped SRM list LSP interval: 33ms, Next LSP: Never LSPID Seq Number Checksum Lifetime A/P/O/T IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database Interface is not eligible for flooding LSP Interface is not on stopped SRM list LSP interval: 33ms, Next LSP: Never LSPID Seq Number Checksum Lifetime A/P/O/T ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-496 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show isis ssn show isis ssn To display Send Sequence Number (SSN) information for an IS-IS, use the show isis ssn command in user EXEC configuration mode. show isis ssn interface_name Syntax Description interface-name Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show isis ssn command that shows the ssn information on interface GigabitEthernet 1/0. Interface name. ServiceRouter# show isis ssn GigabitEthernet 1/0 IS-IS SSN information for interface GigabitEthernet 1/0: IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database Interface is not eligible for sending PSNP Next PSNP: Never LSPID Seq Number Checksum Lifetime IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database Interface is not eligible for sending PSNP Next PSNP: Never LSPID Seq Number Checksum Lifetime A/P/O/T A/P/O/T ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description router isis Enables the IS-IS routing protocol and specifies an IS-IS process. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-497 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show key chain show key chain To display the key chains in the system, use the show key chain command in user EXEC configuration mode. show key chain [decrypt | name] Syntax Description decrypt (Optional) Displays key chain information. name (Optional) Key chain name. Command Defaults None Command Modes User EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command requires a Proximity Engine license. Examples The following is sample output from the show key chain command: ServiceRouter# show key chain show key chain Key-Chain lsp Key 1 -- text <encrypted-string> accept lifetime (00:00:00 Jan 01 1970) - (always valid) [valid now] send lifetime (00:00:00 Jan 01 1970) - (always valid) [valid now] ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description key Creates a key chain and enter into key chain configuration submode. key chain Creates a key chain and enter into key chain configuration submode. key-string Creates a key string to be used for authentication. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-498 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show lacp show lacp To display LACP information, use the show lacp command in EXEC configuration mode. show lacp {counters| internal} Syntax Description counters Displays LACP traffic information. internal Displays LACP link status information. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines You must first turn on LACP by entering the lacp command in Interface configuration mode before you can display the LACP statistics. In the show lacp counters command, the LACP control packet is sent or received every 30 seconds. If one of the interfaces within the port channel goes down, then the counter value does not further increment for that interface. Examples The following example shows how to display the LACP statistics: ServiceEngine# show lacp counters Interface PortChannel 1 (4 physical interface(s)): Protocol: none Interface PortChannel 2 (4 physical interface(s)): lacpdu marker marker response Port send receive send receive send receive error ----------------------------------------------------GigabitEthernet 7/0 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 GigabitEthernet 8/0 16 15 0 0 0 0 0 GigabitEthernet 9/0 16 15 0 0 0 0 0 GigabitEthernet 10/0 17 15 0 0 0 0 0 Interface PortChannel 3 (0 physical interface(s)): Protocol: none Interface PortChannel 4 (0 physical interface(s)): Protocol: none The following example shows how to display the link status for the port channel: ServiceEngine# show lacp internal Interface PortChannel 1 (4 physical interface(s)): Protocol: LACP Mode: src-dst-port Port Admin-State Link-State LACP-State Aggregate id ----------------------------------------------------------------------------GigabitEthernet 3/0 up up bndl 21 GigabitEthernet 4/0 up up bndl 21 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-499 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show lacp GigabitEthernet GigabitEthernet 5/0 6/0 up up up up bndl bndl 21 21 ServiceEngine# show interface portChannel 1 lacp Interface PortChannel 1 (4 physical interface(s)): Protocol: LACP Mode: src-dst-port Port Admin-State Link-State LACP-State Aggregate id ----------------------------------------------------------------------------GigabitEthernet 3/0 up up bndl 21 GigabitEthernet 4/0 up up bndl 21 GigabitEthernet 5/0 up up bndl 21 GigabitEthernet 6/0 up up bndl 21 Related Commands Command Description lacp Turns on Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). show interface portchannel 1 lacp Displays the link status for the port channel. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-500 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show logging show logging To display the system message log configuration, use the show logging command in EXEC configuration mode. show logging Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines The following is an example of a syslog message for proxy mode native FTP support: SE-FTP_PROXY-3-252009: Failed to configure FTP Proxy-mode listener on port ' [ port ] '. Explanation: Could not start proxy-mode listener for FTP control connection for the specified port. The port is temporarily in an un-bindable state, or is in use by some other application. Action: Check whether the port has been configured for use by a different application. If not, retry the incoming proxy command after 2 minutes. If this error repeats frequently, contact Cisco TAC. To view information about events that have occurred in all devices in your CDS network, you can use the system message log in the CDSM GUI. The CDSM logs only severity level critical or higher messages from registered nodes. Also, the CDSM logs certain other status messages that are considered important to the Centralized Management System (CMS). The messages displayed in the system message log for device, SE, are not related to the messages logged in the system log file on the sysfs partition on the CDSM as /local1/syslog.txt. The syslog.txt file on the CDSM contains information about events that have occurred on the CDSM and not on the registered nodes. The messages that are written to the syslog.txt file depend on specific parameters of the system log file that you have set by using the logging Global configuration command. For example, a critical error message logged on a registered node does not appear in the syslog.txt file on the CDSM because the problem never occurred on the CDSM but only on the registered node. However, this error message is displayed in the system message log for device the SE device. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-501 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show logging Examples The following example shows how to display the syslog host configuration on an SE: ServiceEngine# show logging Syslog to host is disabled Priority for host logging is set to: warning Syslog to console is disabled Priority for console logging is set to: Syslog to disk is enabled Priority for disk logging is set to: Filename for disk logging is set to: warning notice /local1/syslog.txt Syslog facility is set to * Syslog disk file recycle size is set to 500000 Related Commands Command Description clear Clears the HTTP object cache, the hardware interface, statistics, archive working transaction logs, and other settings. logging Configures system logging. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-502 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show movie-streamer show movie-streamer To display the Movie Streamer configuration, use the show movie-streamer command in EXEC configuration mode. show movie-streamer [bandwidth | cache | proxy] Note Syntax Description show movie-streamer is not supported in release 3.2.3 bandwidth (Optional) Displays Movie Streamer bandwidth configuration. cache (Optional) Displays Movie Streamer cache configuration. proxy (Optional) Displays Movie Streamer proxy configuration. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows the Movie Streamer configuration: ServiceEngine# show movie-streamer Movie Streamer version cde220-5.0.3 Movie Streamer is not enabled ------ Movie Streamer General Configurations -----Movie Streamer max sessions configured: 8000 Movie Streamer transport source ip address is not configured Movie Streamer accelerate for VOD is enabled Movie Streamer client idle timeout is 300 seconds Movie Streamer origin-server idle interval is 10 seconds Movie Streamer client rtp timeout is 180 seconds Movie Streamer outgoing bitrate per streamer has no limit Movie Streamer incoming bitrate per streamer has no limit ------ Movie Streamer Bandwidth Configurations ---Movie Streamer Outgoing bandwidth enforced is 2000000 kbps Movie Streamer Incoming bandwidth enforced is 2000000 kbps ------ Movie Streamer Cache Configurations -------Movie Streamer cache is enabled Movie Streamer cache age-multiplier: 30% Movie Streamer cache max-ttl: 1 (days) Movie Streamer cache revalidate for each request is enabled ------ Movie Streamer Proxy Configurations -------Movie Streamer proxy has not been configured. ------ Movie Streamer Broadcast List -------------- Related Commands Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-503 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show movie-streamer Command Description movie-streamer Enables and configures the Movie Streamer server. show statistics movie-streamer Displays statistics for the Movie Streamer. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-504 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show multicast show multicast To display whether or not the multicast sender and receiver are enabled, use the show multicast command in EXEC configuration mode. show multicast Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command is only available on Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.1.1. Examples The following example shows how to display the multicast: ServiceEngine# show multicast multicast sender not enabled multicast receiver enabled Related Commands Command Description multicast (Global configuration) Configures multicast options. multicast (EXEC configuration) Generate multicast packets and tests connectivity through multicast routers. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-505 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ntp show ntp To display the Network Time Protocol (NTP) parameters, use the show ntp command in EXEC configuration mode. show ntp status Syntax Description status Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Table 2-50 describes the fields shown in the show ntp status display. Table 2-50 Displays the NTP status. show ntp status Field Descriptions Field Description NTP Status of whether NTP is enabled or disabled. server list NTP server IP and subnet addresses. remote Name (first 15 characters) of remote NTP server. * In the remote column, identifies the system peer to which the clock is synchronized. + In the remote column, identifies a valid or eligible peer for NTP synchronization. space In the remote column, indicates that the peer was rejected. (The peer could not be reached or excessive delay occurred in reaching the NTP server.) x In the remote column, indicates a false tick and is ignored by the NTP server. - In the remote column, indicates a reading outside the clock tolerance limits and is ignored by the NTP server. refid Clock reference ID to which the remote NTP server is synchronized. st Clock server stratum or layer. t Type of peer (local, unicast, multicast, or broadcast). when Status of when the last packet was received from the server, in seconds. poll Time check or correlation polling interval, in seconds. reach 8-bit reachability register. If the server was reachable during the last polling interval, a 1 is recorded; otherwise, a 0 is recorded. Octal values 377 and above indicate that every polling attempt reached the server. delay Estimated delay (in milliseconds) between the requester and the server. offset Clock offset relative to the server. jitter Clock jitter. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-506 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ntp Related Commands Command Description clock Sets or clears clock functions or updates the calendar. ntp Configures the NTP server and allows the system clock to be synchronized by a time server. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-507 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show processes show processes To display CPU or memory processes, use the show processes command in EXEC configuration mode. show processes [cpu | debug pid | memory | system [delay delay_num | count count_num]] Syntax Description cpu (Optional) Displays the CPU utilization. debug (Optional) Displays the system call and signal traces for a specified process identifier (PID) to display system progress. pid Process identifier. memory (Optional) Displays memory allocation processes. system (Optional) Displays system load information in terms of updates. delay (Optional) Specifies the delay between updates, in seconds. The range is from 1 to 60. delay_num Displays delays between updates, in seconds. count (Optional) Specifies the number of updates that are displayed. The range is from 1 to 100. count_num Displays the number of updates displayed. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use the commands shown in this section to track and analyze system CPU utilization. The show processes debug command displays the extensive internal system call information and a detailed account of each system call (and arguments) made by each process and the signals that it has received. Use the show processes system command to display system updates. The delay option specifies the delay between updates, in seconds. The count option specifies the number of updates that are displayed. This command displays these items: Note • List of all processes in wide format. • Two tables listing the processes that use CPU resources. The first table displays the list of processes in descending order of utilization of CPU resources based on a snapshot taken after the processes system (ps) output is displayed. The second table displays the same processes based on a snapshot taken 5 seconds after the first snapshot. • Virtual memory used by the corresponding processes in a series of five snapshots, each separated by 1 second. CPU utilization and system performance may be affected when you use the show process command. We recommend that you avoid using the show process command with keywords system and especially debug, unless it is absolutely necessary. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-508 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show processes Table 2-51 describes the fields shown in the show processes displays. Table 2-51 show processes Field Descriptions Field Description CPU Usage CPU utilization as a percentage for user, system overhead, and idle. PID Process identifier. STATE Current state of corresponding processes: R = Running S = Sleeping in an interruptible wait D = Sleeping in an uninterruptible wait or swapping Z = Zombie T = Traced or stopped on a signal PRI Priority of processes. User T User time utilization, in seconds. Sys T System time utilization, in seconds. COMMAND Process command. Total Total available memory, in bytes. Used Memory currently used, in bytes. Free Free memory available, in bytes. Shared Shared memory currently used, in bytes. Buffers Buffer memory currently used, in bytes. Cached Cache memory currently used, in bytes. TTY TTY to which the process is attached. For example, TTY may indicate which processes belong to network Telnet sessions. %MEM Percentage of memory used by corresponding processes. VM Size Virtual memory size (in bytes) allocated to the corresponding process. RSS (pages) Resident set size, which indicates the number of pages that the process has in real memory minus three (–3) for administrative purposes. These pages count toward text, data, and stack space, but do not count demand-loaded or swapped-out pages. Name Filename of the executable, in parentheses. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-509 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show programs show programs To display a list of programs on the SE, use the show programs command in EXEC configuration mode. show programs [movie-streamer [cli | live | rebroadcast] | program-id id | program-name name] Syntax Description movie-streamer (Optional) Displays the list of programs served by the Movie Streamer. cli (Optional) Displays the list of CLI programs served by the Movie Streamer. live (Optional) Displays the list of live programs served by the Movie Streamer. rebroadcast (Optional) Displays the list of rebroadcast programs served by the Movie Streamer. program-id (Optional) Displays detailed program information for the specified program ID. id Unique number identifying the program. program-name (Optional) Displays detailed program information for the specified program name. name (Optional) Name of the program. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Typically, users create programs using the CDSM by defining programs in the manifest file or by using the Program API. The show programs command output displays the program type, the channel with which the program is associated, the current status of the program, and the next time the program starts and ends. A program in the Internet Streamer CDS software is defined as a scheduled event in which the content is presented to the end user. Attributes of the program include the start and end time of the program, whether the content is prepositioned or live, the set of SEs assigned to the program, and the streaming server to be used for content delivery. Program types determine the hardware or software component involved in delivering content to the user. Different program types that are shown in the output of the show programs command are as follows: • Movie streamer live • Movie streamer rebroadcast The CDSM GUI allows you to create a program, schedule it, and deliver it over your multicast-enabled CDS network. Programs can consist of prerecorded video or live events. In the case of live events, the Internet Streamer CDS software interoperates with third-party encoders and IP/TV Broadcast Servers to transmit the live stream across the CDS network. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-510 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show programs When creating a program in the CDSM GUI, the administrator specifies the following information: • Streaming server—How the program is streamed or delivered to the end user. – Movie Streamer—The event is played from a PC using the Apple QuickTime application or using the IP/TV Viewer application. – Exported—The program is exported over HTTP to a set-top box. • Media source – Live stream transmitted from a third-party encoder or an IP/TV Broadcast Server – Prepositioned content stored on SEs • Destination – A set of SEs or device groups – A channel (live or export) • Delivery method – Unicast or multicast live events – Multicast scheduled rebroadcasts – TV-out or export playlists • Schedule – Start time and duration – Looping forever (enabled or disabled) – Multiple playback times – Repeating playback times • Publishing URL—The URL used to view the program Live Events Live events are streamed from third-party encoders (such as the Windows Media encoder Version 9 and the QuickTime encoder) or from streaming servers (such as Windows Media Server). The live stream is acquired by the Content Acquirer and transmitted to edge SEs using unicast. From the edge SEs, the live stream is transmitted to end users using either multicast or multicast and unicast live splitting. The live program is available to viewers only during its scheduled times. Before setting up a live event in the CDSM GUI, the administrator must complete the following tasks: 1. Set up the live event on the encoder or streaming server. This task is done externally to the CDSM GUI. 2. In the CDSM GUI, accept the streaming server’s license agreement on the SEs designated to acquire and distribute the stream. 3. Create a live channel (or designate an existing channel as a live channel), assign SEs to the live channel, and designate a Content Acquirer to acquire the stream. After you have completed the preceding tasks, you are ready to define the program and configure the program settings in the CDSM GUI. The CDSM allows you to define two types of live events based on the streaming server being used: • WMT live • Cisco Streaming Engine live Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-511 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show programs Configuration Requirements for Managed Live Events If you have channels for live programs configured in your network, make sure that there are no external proxy servers physically located between your Internet Streamer SEs and your Content Acquirer that require proxy authentication. Also, make sure that proxy authentication is not enabled on any receiver SEs that might be in the logical, hierarchical path between the Content Acquirer and the receiver SE that is going to serve the live stream to the requesting clients. If a live stream encounters any device that requires proxy authentication, the stream is dropped before it reaches its destination. If your network is set up with intermediary devices that require proxy authentication, you can work around the problem by configuring rules to bypass authentication on these devices. For example, to enable the formation of the unicast splitting tree and, in turn, enable live broadcasting from all receiver SEs, you can specify the following rule on all the parent SEs in the channel: ServiceEngine(config)# ServiceEngine(config)# rule pattern-list 1 downstream-SE-ipaddress rule no-auth pattern-list 1 Live Stream Interruptions During a WMT live broadcast, any interruption of the live stream that lasts 5 minutes or longer causes the multicast broadcast to stop for the duration of the currently scheduled period. If the live stream is interrupted for less than five minutes, the broadcast resumes. Live stream interruptions can be caused by unexpected encoder failures or by an operational restart. If you have early trials scheduled before the live event, we recommend that you configure multiple schedules, one for each trial. We also recommend that you start the encoder before the scheduled time. If the live stream stops for more than 5 minutes and resumes later while the program is still scheduled, you can modify the schedule or any other attribute of the program (such as the description) to trigger a restart of the multicast broadcast. Restarting might take up to 5 minutes under these circumstances. This setting does not apply to Movie Streamer live programs. Scheduled Rebroadcasts In a scheduled rebroadcast, the prepositioned content is scheduled to be streamed from edge SEs using multicast. To define a program for a rebroadcast event, the administrator must complete the following tasks: Note 1. Create a content acquisition channel and pre-position the content. 2. Assign media files to the program. 3. Specify the multicast address and port or define a program address pool. 4. Specify the days and times for the rebroadcast. For rebroadcast programs, the media can only be selected from one channel. The SEs and device groups assigned to the channel are selected automatically when you choose the media files for the program. The CDSM allows you to define a program as a Movie Streamer rebroadcast. Fast Encoder Failover The show programs command supports encoder failover. The output of the command looks like the following: Note In the output of the show programs program-name xxx command, if the program is a unicast only program, the Priming Status displays. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-512 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show programs ServiceEngine# show programs program-name live2 Current Time : May 18 2009 @ 10:10:33 IST Program ID : 1341 Program Name : live2 Delivery Service ID : 1340 Delivery Service Name : live2 Type : WMT Managed Scheduled Live Forwarder List : <- Schedules : Schedule # 1: Start Time (loc) End Time (loc) Duration Repeat Repeatdays Time spec Source (1242621633) : : : : : : May 18 2009 @ 10:11:00 IST May 18 2009 @ 10:12:00 IST 60 secs N/A N/A local (1242621660) (1242621720) : Server : Destination : Unicast Access URL: rtsp:// Multicast URL : Multicast Address : Start Time (loc) Start Time End Time (loc) End Time : : : : May May May May 18 18 18 18 2009 2009 2009 2009 @ @ @ @ 10:11:00 04:41:00 10:12:00 04:42:00 IST GMT IST GMT (1242621660) (1242601860) (1242621720) (1242601920) Current Status : Scheduled Time left : N/A Priming Status : Primed : No Current Status : N/A Restarts : 0 ServiceEngine# show clock Local time: Mon May 18 10:10:47 IST 2009 RT-612-2# sh programs program-name live2 Current Time : May 18 2009 @ 10:11:05 IST Program ID : 1341 Program Name : live2 Delivery Service ID : 1340 Delivery Service Name : live2 Type : WMT Managed Scheduled Live Forwarder List : <- Schedules : Schedule # 1: Start Time (loc) End Time (loc) Duration Repeat Repeatdays Time spec Source (1242621665) : : : : : : May 18 2009 @ 10:11:00 IST May 18 2009 @ 10:12:00 IST 60 secs N/A N/A local (1242621660) (1242621720) : Server : Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-513 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show programs Destination : Unicast Access URL: rtsp:// Multicast URL : Multicast Address : Start Time (loc) Start Time End Time (loc) End Time : : : : May May May May 18 18 18 18 Current Status Time left : Playing : 55 secs 2009 2009 2009 2009 @ @ @ @ 10:11:00 04:41:00 10:12:00 04:42:00 IST GMT IST GMT ServiceEngine# show clock Local time: Mon May 18 10:11:10 IST 2009 RT-612-2# sh programs program-name live2 Current Time : May 18 2009 @ 10:12:10 IST Program ID : 1341 Program Name : live2 Delivery Service ID : 1340 Delivery Service Name : live2 Type : WMT Managed Scheduled Live Forwarder List (1242621730) : <- Schedules : Schedule # 1: Start Time (loc) End Time (loc) Duration Repeat Repeatdays Time spec Source (1242621660) (1242601860) (1242621720) (1242601920) : : : : : : May 18 2009 @ 10:11:00 IST May 18 2009 @ 10:12:00 IST 60 secs N/A N/A local (1242621660) (1242621720) : Server : Destination : Unicast Access URL: rtsp:// Multicast URL : Multicast Address : Start Time (loc) Start Time End Time (loc) End Time : : : : End End End End of of of of Current Status Time left : Stopped : N/A Program Program Program Program Reached Reached Reached Reached ServiceEngine# show clock Local time: Mon May 18 10:12:14 IST 2009 Now the show programs command output contains the forwarder list with the backup source, and the Content Acquirer and non-Content Acquirer output is consistent. Also, if the user executes the show statistics wmt streamstat command from the Content Acquirer, the output shows which server is currently serving. The source URL displays in the source section and the CLI and CDSM are consistent. Because the non-content acquirer cannot get the information on which source is serving, the output contains tips, such as Please check which source is serving in content acquirer. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-514 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show programs The CDSM parses the backup SDP file and puts the results into the database. The item video_file_back_up saves the backup source server’s IP address and port in the play_media table. Note It is not possible to monitor non-primed streams because they are played directly from the origin server. Primed streams can be monitored because they are buffered on the SE. Table 2-52 describes the fields shown in the show programs program-name and program-id display. Table 2-52 show programs Field Descriptions Field Description Current Time Date and time of the output. Program ID Unique number identifying the program. Program Name Name of the program. Delivery Service ID Unique number identifying the delivery service. Delivery Service Name Unique name identifying the delivery service. Type Program type. Program types are as follows: • Movie streamer live • Movie streamer rebroadcast • Windows Media live • Windows Media rebroadcast Forwarder List List with primary and backup origin server’s IP address. Schedules Schedule list. Information is as follows: • Start Time (loc) • End Time (loc) • Duration • Repeat • Repeatdays • Time spec Source (for Content Acquirer) Primary and backup source URLs. Source (for Non-content Acquirer) Primary and backup source URLs and tips. Destination Unicast URLs. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-515 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show radius-server show radius-server To display RADIUS information, use the show radius-server command in EXEC configuration mode. show radius-server Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Table 2-53 describes the fields shown in the show radius-server display. Table 2-53 show radius-server Field Descriptions Field Description Login Authentication for Console/Telnet Session Status of whether RADIUS server is enabled for login authentication. Configuration Authentication for Console/Telnet Session Status of whether RADIUS server is enabled for authorization or configuration authentication. Authentication scheme fail-over reason Status of whether SEs fail over to the secondary method of administrative login authentication whenever the primary administrative login authentication method fails. RADIUS Configuration RADIUS authentication settings. RADIUS Authentication Status of whether RADIUS authentication is enabled on the SE. Key Key used to encrypt and authenticate all communication between the RADIUS client (the SE) and the RADIUS server. Timeout Number of seconds that the SE waits for a response from the specified RADIUS Authentication Server before declaring a timeout. Retransmit Number of times that the SE is to retransmit its connection to the RADIUS if the RADIUS timeout interval is exceeded. Radius Redirect Status of whether the RADIUS server redirects the response if an authentication request fails. Reply-Message Message sent to the user if redirection occurs. URL(s) to authentication failure instructions expired HTML page location or URL where the redirect message should be sent. Servers RADIUS servers that the SE is to use for RADIUS authentication. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-516 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show radius-server Table 2-53 show radius-server Field Descriptions (continued) Field Related Commands Description IP Hostname or IP address of the RADIUS server. Port Port number on which the RADIUS server is listening. Command Description radius-server Configures RADIUS authentication parameters. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-517 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show rcp show rcp To display Remote Copy Program (RCP) information, use the show rcp command in EXEC configuration mode. show rcp Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to display RCP information: ServiceEngine# show rcp rcp service configurations: rcp enable Related Commands Command Description rcp Enables the RCP. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-518 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show rtsp show rtsp To display the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) configurations, use the show rtsp command in EXEC configuration mode. show rtsp [gateway] Syntax Description gateway Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example display the output of the show rtsp gateway command in EXEC configuration mode: (Optional) Displays the RTSP gateway configuration. ServiceEngine# show rtsp gateway RTSP Gateway ip-address RTSP Gateway incoming port 67 RTSP Gateway L4-switch not enabled RTSP Gateway Transparent Interception: Not configured. Related Commands Command Description rtsp Configure the RTSP-related parameters. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-519 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show rule show rule To display rules configuration information, use the show rule command in EXEC configuration mode. show rule {action {all [protocol {http | rtmp | rtsp}] | allow [protocol {http | rtmp | rtsp}] | block [protocol {http | rtmp | rtsp}] | generate-url-signature [protocol {http | rtmp | rtsp}] | no-cache [protocol {http | rtmp | rtsp}] | redirect [protocol {http | rtmp | rtsp}] | refresh [protocol {http | rtmp | rtsp}] | rewrite [protocol {http | rtmp | rtsp}] | validate-url-signature [protocol {http | rtmp | rtsp}]} | all | hit {word} | pattern-list {pattern_num pattern_type | all}} Syntax Description action Displays all the rules with the same action types. all Displays all the action rules. http Displays HTTP-related requests for this action. rtmp Displays RTMP-related requests for this action. rtsp Displays RTSP-related requests for this action. protocol (Optional) Specifies the protocol to which actions apply. allow Allows the request. block Blocks the request. generate-url-signature Generates a signed URL. no-cache Does not cache the object. redirect Redirects the request to the rewritten URL. refresh Revalidates the object with the web server. rewrite Rewrites the URL and fetch. validate-url-signature Validates a signed URL. all Displays all the configured actions and pattern lists. hit Display the rule hit and its action for a request URL. word A quoted string containing the request URL. pattern-list Displays the rules with the specified patterns. pattern_num Pattern number. The range is from 1 to 512. pattern_type Pattern type (see Table 2-54). all Displays rules with all pattern lists. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines You can use the show rule pattern-list pattern_type command to display rules using a specific pattern type. For a more complete explanation of specific rules, see the “rule” section on page 2-314. Table 2-54 shows the permitted pattern types and describes each pattern type. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-520 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show rule Note The rule action redirect command does not display the pattern-list header field. Table 2-54 Examples Pattern Types Pattern Type Description all Displays configured patterns for all pattern types. domain Regular expression to match the domain name. dst-ip Destination IP address of the request. header-field Request header field pattern. src-ip Source IP address of the request. url-regex Regular expression to be matched against the URL. url-regsub Regular expression to match URL and replacement pattern. The following example shows how to display all rules with the configured action types and pattern lists: ServiceEngine# show rule all Rules Template Configuration ---------------------------Rule Processing Enabled rule block domain rule block domain \ rule rewrite url-regsub*$1 rule no-cache dst-ip rule no-cache url-regex \.*cgi-bin* Related Commands Command Description clear Clears the HTTP object cache, the hardware interface, statistics, archive working transaction logs, and other settings. rule Sets the rules by which the SE filters HTTP, HTTPS, and RTSP traffic. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-521 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show running-config show running-config To display the current running configuration information on the terminal, use the show running-config command in EXEC configuration mode. show running-config Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command with the show startup-config command to compare the information in running memory to the startup configuration used during bootup. Note Examples This command replaces the write terminal command. The following example shows how to display the current running configuration information: ServiceEngine# show running-config ! CDS version 2.6.0 ! device mode service-engine ! ! hostname EE8-2G2-5 ! ! authsvr location-server primary 7000 ! ! clock timezone PDT -7 0 ! ! ip domain-name ! exec-timeout 0 ! ! ! ! ! interface PortChannel 1 ip address exit interface PortChannel 2 ip address exit Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-522 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show running-config ! interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 channel-group 1 exit interface GigabitEthernet 2/0 channel-group 1 exit interface GigabitEthernet 3/0 channel-group 2 exit interface GigabitEthernet 4/0 channel-group 2 exit interface GigabitEthernet 5/0 channel-group 2 exit interface GigabitEthernet 6/0 channel-group 2 exit interface GigabitEthernet 7/0 channel-group 2 exit interface GigabitEthernet 8/0 channel-group 2 exit interface GigabitEthernet 9/0 channel-group 2 exit interface GigabitEthernet 10/0 channel-group 2 exit ! streaming-interface PortChannel 2 ! ! ip default-gateway ip default-gateway ! ! port-channel load-balance round-robin primary-interface PortChannel 2 ! transaction-logs enable transaction-logs archive max-file-size 2000000 transaction-logs archive max-file-number 50 transaction-logs archive interval 300 transaction-logs export enable transaction-logs export interval 5 transaction-logs export sftp-server root **** /var/ftp/pub/ upload transaction-logs format custom “%J” ! ! ! ! ! ip name-server ! ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-523 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show running-config ip route ip route ip route ! ! ! ntp server ntp server ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! rule enable ! ! ! ! ! movie-streamer enable movie-streamer max-concurrent-sessions 10000 movie-streamer advanced client idle-timeout 0 movie-streamer advanced client rtp-timeout 0 bitrate movie-streamer outgoing 6000000 bitrate movie-streamer incoming 6000000 ! rtsp advanced max-request-rate 1000 wmt max-concurrent-sessions 14000 wmt cache min-ttl 1 wmt cache max-ttl days 3 wmt advanced client idle-timeout 300 wmt advanced server inactivity-timeout 300 wmt transaction-logs format extended wms-90 ! username admin password 1 $5$bVz2jc/k$QYvCAKrBmq3YqM5IklvuGrXQACMelfON dq3/siTpqV8 username admin privilege 15 ! snmp-server enable traps config snmp-server enable traps service-engine disk-fail snmp-server enable traps alarm raise-critical snmp-server enable traps alarm clear-critical snmp-server enable traps alarm raise-major snmp-server enable traps alarm clear-major snmp-server enable traps alarm raise-minor snmp-server enable traps alarm clear-minor snmp-server enable traps entity snmp-server enable traps snmp cold-start snmp-server host telstra v2c snmp-server group telstra v2c read telstra notify telstra snmp-server community telstra ! ! ! tacacs key **** tacacs password ascii tacacs host primary ! ! Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-524 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show running-config aaa authentication login local secondary aaa authentication login tacacs+ primary aaa authorization exec local secondary aaa authorization exec tacacs+ primary ! ftp enable ! telnet enable ! ! ! ! ! ! ! cdsm ip cms enable ! cms database maintenance regular schedule every-day at 04:00 cms database maintenance full schedule Sun at 04:00 ! kernel kdb disk error-handling reload ! banner enable ! bandwidth wmt outgoing 6000000 default bandwidth wmt outgoing 6000000 max-bandwidth bandwidth wmt incoming 6000000 default bandwidth wmt incoming 6000000 max-bandwidth bandwidth movie-streamer outgoing 6000000 default bandwidth movie-streamer outgoing 6000000 max-bandwidth bandwidth movie-streamer incoming 6000000 default bandwidth movie-streamer incoming 6000000 max-bandwidth ! url-signature key-id-owner 1 key-id-number 1 key **** url-signature key-id-owner 2 key-id-number 2 key **** ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! contentmgr disk-bucket-fail-threshold 1 ! ! End of CDS configuration ServiceEngine# Related Commands Command Description configure Enters Global configuration mode. copy Copies the configuration or image data from a source to a destination. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-525 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show service-router show service-router To display the Service Router configuration, use the show service-router command in EXEC configuration mode. On the SE: show service-router {keepalive-interval | service-monitor} On the SR: show service-router {access-policy | content-based-routing | forwarding [content-origin content_origin] | lastresort [domain name] | load {all | sename sename} | location-based-routing | memory | proximity-based-routing {cache ip ip_address} | redirect-burst-control | redirect-mode | routes [content-origin content_origin ip-address ip_address] | service-monitor | services {all | sename se_name} | subscribe domain | summary [content-origin content_origin]} On the CDSM: show service-router service-monitor Syntax Description access-policy Configures the service-router access-policy. content-based-routing Displays the content-based routing configuration. forwarding Displays the content origin forwarding tables. content-origin (Optional) Displays information for one content origin. content_origin Content origin FQDN1. lastresort Displays the domain and alternate domain configured. domain (Optional) Displays information for one domain. name Domain name. load Displays the load and threshold reached status. all Displays for all SEs. sename Displays for one SE. se_name SE name. location-basedrouting Displays the location-based routing configurations. memory Displays details on malloc-related memory usage for the SR process. proximity-basedrouting Displays the proximity-based routing configurations. cache (Optional) Displays proximity-based routing cache information. ip Displays one IP address or subnet. ip_address Client IP address or subnet of the proximity cache information to be displayed. redirect-burst-control Displays the redirect burst control configurations. redirect-mode Displays the redirect-mode configurations. routes Displays the content origin routing tables. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-526 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show service-router service-monitor Displays the service monitor configuration. services Displays the services status. subscribe Displays the subscribe list. domain Displays the domain names. summary Displays the content origin routing table summary statistics. keepalive-interval Displays the keepalive interval. 1. FQDN = fully qualified domain name Command Defaults content-based-routing: disabled Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command allows users to check the Service Router-releated configuration. Through this command, users can view the configured features of an SR, such as location-based routing and content-based routing. The show service-router content-based-routing command displays the content aware routing configuration for every content-origin. This command displays whether the universal content based routing is enabled or disabled, the content redundant copy number, and whether the content based routing has been disabled for any particular domain. Note The Load percentage displayed in the Average Device Load field when the show service-router service-monitor command is executed on the SE is the maximum of the average disk load/average CPU load given both CPU and disk monitoring are enabled on the SE. The memory usage is calculated in the show service-router service-monitor command as follows: Total used memory = total memory - (total free memory + total buffer memory + total cache memory) + total pinned memory. The percentage of total used memory = (total used memory)/total memory. The total memory, total free memory, total buffer memory, and total cache memory are obtained from /proc/meminfo. The total pinned memory is obtained from /proc/ukse/ukse_prefetch_details. The show service-router content-origin <content-origin> ip-address <client-ip> command is only used to check which SE the request is routed to based on the network entries and metrics configured in the coverage zone file. It does not take into account the service status of the SEs because there is no protocol or filename in the input. Also, it does not take into account matches from location based routing and proximity based routing. The show service-router content-origin <content-origin> output shows an SE as overloaded only if the device load has exceeded thresholds. The SE does not show as overloaded because there might be other Protocol Engines in the SE that are still able to serve requests. Examples The following example shows how to display SR routing statistics: ServiceRouter# show statistics service-router all | begin “SR Routing Statistics” ----- SR Routing Statistics ----Network Redirects : 0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-527 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show service-router Proximity Redirects : Geo Location Redirects : Zero Network Redirects : Last Resort Redirects : ----- SR Proximity Routing Statistics ----Cache Hits : Cache Misses : Errors : 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 The following example shows how to display the content aware routing configuration for every content-origin: ServiceRouter# show service-router content-based-routing Content based routing is enabled globally Content redundant copy 1 Content based routing is disabled for Content based routing is disabled for kse.mem Content based routing is disabled for The following example shows how to display the proximity routing information on an SR: ServiceRouter# sh service-router proximity-based-routing Proximity based routing is enabled Proximity cache timeout 600 seconds service-router proximity-based-routing proximity-server The following example shows how to display the proximity routing cache information on an SR: ServiceRouter# show service-router proximity-based-routing cache ip 171.XX.XXX.XXX ----- Proximity cache information for 171.XX.XXX.XXX ----Cached proximity information on Fri Jul 30 05:19:50 2010 SE Name: XX-CDE220-Fiber Rating : 3758096385 SE Name: XX-CDE250-CE-2 Rating : 3758096385 SE Name: XXXX-SR Rating : 3758096385 SE Name: XXX-CDE220-1 Rating : 3758096385 SE Name: XXX-CDE250-2 Rating : 3758096385 SE Name: XX-CDE420-1 Rating : 3758096385 SE Name: XXX-CDE420-1 Rating : 3758096385 The following example shows how to display the Service Router information on the SE: ServiceEngine# show service-router service-monitor Monitor types configured: ------------------------CPU,MEM,KMEM,WMT,FMS,WEB,MS,DISK,NIC Threshold values configured: --------------------------CPU : 80% MEM : 80% Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-528 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show service-router KMEM WMT FMS MS NIC BURST COUNT DISK DISKFAILCNT : : : : : : : : 50% 90% 90% 90% 90% 1 80% 1 Sample periods configured: -------------------------CPU : 1 (secs) MEM : 1 (secs) KMEM : 1 (secs) WMT : 1 (secs) FMS : 1 (secs) NIC : 3 (secs) DISK : 1 (secs) Sample counts configured to use in calculating average: ------------------------------------------------------CPU : 2 MEM : 2 KMEM : 2 WMT : 2 FMS : 2 NIC : 2 DISK : 2 Device Status ------------CPU Current load Average load Threshold : 35% : 35% : Not reached DISK Current load Average load Threshold Status : : : : MEM Average Used Memory Threshold : 10% : Not reached 20% 20% Not reached Operational KMEM Average Kernel Memory : 1% Threshold : Not reached NIC Interface Average BW In Average BW Out Threshold : : : : Average Device load : 35% PortChannel 1/0 9% 9% Not reached Services Status --------------Critical Service(s) : Running Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-529 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show service-router WEB Enabled Threshold Stopped : Yes : Not reached : No WMT Enabled Current Stream Count Threshold Stopped : : : : MS Enabled : No FMS Enabled : No Yes 0 Not reached No The following example shows how to display the Service Router information on the CDSM: CDSM# show service-router service-monitor Alarm types configured: ------------------------AUGMENTATION ALARM : Disabled Monitor types configured: ------------------------CPU,MEM,KMEM,DISK Threshold values configured: --------------------------CPU : 80% MEM : 80% KMEM : 50% DISK : 80% DISKFAILCNT : 75% AUGMENTATION: 80% Sample periods configured: -------------------------CPU : 1 (secs) MEM : 1 (secs) KMEM : 1 (secs) DISK : 1 (secs) Sample counts configured to use in calculating average: ------------------------------------------------------CPU : 2 MEM : 2 KMEM : 2 DISK : 2 Device Status ------------CPU Current load Average load Threshold DISK Current load Average load Load Threshold : 1% : 1% : Not reached : 1% : 0% : Not reached Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-530 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show service-router Disk Fail Cnt Threshold MEM Average Used Memory Threshold : Not reached : 6% : Not reached KMEM Average Kernel Memory : 0% Threshold : Not reached Average Device load : 1% CDSM# The following example shows how to display the domains to which the SR is subscribed: ServiceRouter# show service-router subscribe domain Domains subscribed: Related Commands Command Description service-router Configures service routing. clear service-router Clears the proximity-based routing proximity cache. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-531 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show services show services To display services-related information, use the show services command in EXEC configuration mode. show services {ports [port_num] | summary} Syntax Description ports Displays services by port number. port_num (Optional) Displays up to eight port numbers. The port number range is from 1 to 65535. summary Displays the services summary. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Examples The following example shows how to display the services information by the port number: CDSM# show services ports Service information by port --------------------------550 Started on Mon Oct 14 12:13:20 Runs 1 service Cisco_Streaming_Engine 553 Started on Mon Oct 14 12:13:20 Runs 1 service RTSP_Gateway 554 Started on Mon Oct 14 12:13:20 Runs 1 service RTSP_Gateway . . . 15256 Started on Mon Oct 14 12:13:20 Runs 1 service CMS 27999 Started on Mon Oct 14 12:13:20 Runs 1 service Real_Server 28000 Started on Mon Oct 14 12:13:20 Runs 1 service Real_Proxy 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 The following example shows how to display a services information summary, showing the service and the associated port numbers: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-532 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show services CDSM# show services summary Service Ports ----------------------------------------------------CMS 15256 2000 2001 2002 2003 GUI 8001 Wmt 1755 1756 1757 1799 icp 3128 emdb 5432 CertMgr 6001 MgmtAgent 5252 Real_Proxy 1090 8082 9002 555 28000 31 Cdsm_UI_http 8443 Real_Server 7070 8081 9091 27999 7878 40 5050 RTSP_Gateway 554 553 RPC_APACHE_PORT 6550 temp_RPC_APACHE_PORT 8008 Cisco_Streaming_Engine 550 SNMP 2004 2005 7879 6060 7071 30 7802 1554 3030 40 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-533 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show snmp show snmp To check the status of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) communications, use the show snmp command in EXEC configuration mode. show snmp {alarm-history | engineID | group | stats | user} Syntax Description alarm-history Displays SNMP alarm history information. engineID Displays the local SNMP engine identifier. group Displays SNMP groups. stats Displays SNMP statistics. user Displays SNMP users. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command provides information on various SNMP variables and statistics on SNMP operations. Table 2-55 describes the fields shown in the snmp alarm-history display. Table 2-55 show snmp alarm-history Field Descriptions Field Description Index Serial number of the listed alarms. Type Status of whether the alarm has been Raised or Cleared. Sev Levels of alarm severity (Critical, Major, or Minor). Alarm ID Traps sent by a CDS device contain numeric alarm IDs. ModuleID Traps sent by a CDS device contain numeric module IDs. See Table 2-56 to map module names to module IDs. Category Traps sent by an CDS device contain numeric category IDs. See Table 2-57 to map category names to category IDs. Descr Description of the Internet Streamer CDS software alarm and the application that generated the alarm. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-534 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show snmp Table 2-56 describes the mapping of module names to module IDs. Table 2-56 Mapping of Module Names to Module IDs Module Name Module ID acquirer 4000 AD_DATABASE 8000 cms 3000 MULTICAST_DATA_SENDER 7000 NHM 1 NHM/NHM 2500 nodemgr 2000 standby 4000 sysmon 1000 UNICAST_DATA_RECEIVER 5000 UNICAST_DATA_SENDER 6000 Table 2-57 describes the mapping of category names to category IDs. Table 2-57 Mapping of Category Names to Category IDs Category Name Category ID Communications 1 Service Quality 2 Processing Error 3 Equipment 4 Environment 5 Content 6 Table 2-58 describes the fields shown in the show snmp stats display. Table 2-58 show snmp stats Field Descriptions Field Description SNMP packets input Total number of SNMP packets input. Bad SNMP version errors Number of packets with an invalid SNMP version. Unknown community name Number of SNMP packets with an unknown community name. Illegal operation for community name supplied Number of packets requesting an operation not allowed for that community. Encoding errors Number of SNMP packets that were improperly encoded. Number of requested variables Number of variables requested by SNMP managers. Number of altered variables Number of variables altered by SNMP managers. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-535 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show snmp Table 2-58 show snmp stats Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description Get-request PDUs Number of GET requests received. Get-next PDUs Number of GET-NEXT requests received. Set-request PDUs Number of SET requests received. SNMP packets output Total number of SNMP packets sent by the router. Too big errors Number of SNMP packets that were larger than the maximum packet size. Maximum packet size Maximum size of SNMP packets. No such name errors Number of SNMP requests that specified a MIB object that does not exist. Bad values errors Number of SNMP SET requests that specified an invalid value for a MIB object. General errors Number of SNMP SET requests that failed because of some other error. (It was not a No such name error, Bad values error, or any of the other specific errors.) Response PDUs Number of responses sent in reply to requests. Trap PDUs Number of SNMP traps sent. Table 2-59 describes the fields shown in the show snmp engineID display. Table 2-59 show snmp engineID Field Descriptions Field Description Local SNMP Engine ID String that identifies the copy of SNMP on the local device. Table 2-60 describes the fields shown in the show snmp group display. Table 2-60 show snmp group Field Descriptions Field Description groupname Name of the SNMP group, or collection of users who have a common access policy. security_model Security model used by the group (v1, v2c, or v3). readview String identifying the read view of the group. writeview String identifying the write view of the group. notifyview String identifying the notify view of the group. Table 2-61 describes the fields shown in the show snmp user display. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-536 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show snmp Table 2-61 Related Commands show snmp user Field Descriptions Field Description User name String identifying the name of the SNMP user. Engine ID String identifying the name of the copy of SNMP on the device. Group Name Name of the SNMP group, or collection of users who have a common access policy. Command Description snmp-server community Configures the community access string to permit access to the SNMP1. snmp-server contact Sets the system server contact (sysContact) string. snmp-server enable traps Enables the SE to send SNMP traps. snmp-server group Defines a user security model group. snmp-server host Specifies the recipient of a host SNMP trap operation. snmp-server location Sets the SNMP system location string. snmp-server notify inform Configures the SNMP notify inform request. snmp-server user Defines a user who can access the SNMP server. snmp-server view Defines a SNMP V2 MIB view. 1. SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-537 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp database show srp database To display the descriptor-related information saved in the descriptor database, use the show srp database command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show srp database [key | active | brief | content | expired | group | statistics | maincontent target_string | record key target_string | service | size low high | subid key target_string | update start end] Syntax Description key (Optional) DHT key in hexadecimal format that identifies a descriptor to be fetched from the descriptor database, active (Optional) Displays the database active entries. brief (Optional) Displays brief information for each descriptor in the database, including DHT key, Type, Entity Type, Size, and initial part of the Element Data in Element 0 of the descriptor. content (Optional) Filters the descriptor database to display content-type descriptors only. expired (Optional) Displays the database expired entries. group (Optional) Filters the descriptor database to display group-type (multicast group) descriptors only. maincontent target_string (Optional) Filters the descriptor database to display descriptors whose Element data field in the main element (Element 0) contains target_string. record key target_string (Optional) In a given descriptor identified by key, finds elements whose resource record contains target_string. service (Optional) Filters the descriptor database to display service-type descriptors only. size low high (Optional) Filters the descriptor database to display descriptors whose size (in bytes) is no larger than high and no smaller than low. statistics (Optional) Displays the total number of entries in the database. subid key target_string (Optional) In a given descriptor identified by key, finds elements whose sub ID (Element ID) contains the target_string. update start end (Optional) Filters the descriptor database to display descriptors that were updated no earlier than start and no later than end. Format for start and end is: month_date_hour:minute:second_year. For example: Sep_8_08:54:55_2007. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-538 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp database Usage Guidelines This command displays information saved in the descriptor database and filters the data based on the argument that is specified. Without specifying any key or argument, it displays a summary of the descriptor database, which contains the DHT key and size for each descriptor and the total number of active descriptors in the database. By providing the DHT key in hexadecimal format or various filtering arguments, show srp database filters through the descriptor database or a particular descriptor to obtain the desired information. Keys with less than 64 hexadecimal characters are appended with zeroes. In filtering arguments that have a target string, the specified string is case sensitive. Examples The following examples show the output show srp database displays with and without a DHT key and the optional filtering arguments that specify how to query the database to obtain desired information. All the examples are based on querying the same descriptor database. The following example is sample output from the show srp database command when it is issued with no keywords or arguments. ServiceRouter# show srp database DHT KEY : 0a1405495f14dfc1d6fd10b93d957903456166d3b7b883b9047fb89cbecb5157: 1230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 15136e3cfb5c3de3c4258d5c16c1bbabc5ddb538b51b32bdc1ebbd9bcb75b6d7: 2340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 3392b8bfe67c12c326aa346bdff1e83ac6286e397ce0013f8c4a33fc4dc5abda: 352a5e7e0e3dd9b78ab18fdb4408191f8418439b3ffef79f9b0698b8a73c16bc: 39da9f8b45b6a186fdfdb6eec44ab71e7510c1de7b1b049df7c971696cb398a0: 4e346a0c197a6e1e69650badd1687557dc4d9b80789407a9b452eda761f1056e: 4f9400b0372d934d5819f3e88f4ad5be2177e96b79ee34aca49722e2db9ff300: 7770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 7890000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 8880000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 8d3e7478a3685decd322f891ea5a09a6b264097ab166d5b7bedd5ad9715f1401: 9990000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: a6c4ef5b73c5b5621567946e7691b3d1123f9a3cf8b28ce29a075bfa41cb21ad: c1898f9a8b69c3912f0fe8fecac30818fab24385fa8a1d37a8ffd193cf3eeebc: c53126d4113799d7f300c6accf526423756efa5e007fc3cc16fe45a9c8c06ee3: ca1329d38687cdd5f8ab7aabe4333ee7883a6a28f7e8b03e11d58bb3f4c39988: cbb037edbe196fbf8d0f5bfa6e629ff1242483f5f5450719748189cf9d7b1fa4: e50dc5cca2b736d00c41506b754c7bd331ab38826a4df396f6343a81e5631832: e8ca53dbcf748505194a10c9b6fa1549f309345f19b4d4df920be79d5e986471: f47ec4f84068b9fda926f4767d2219f4faeabbbb0738312f70917504a0c8c9b9: Total SIZE 1054 DELETED 838 168 1065 853 1074 1056 1102 129 109 167 1048 183 1068 324 881 1057 1086 843 1083 863 21 active item(s) in the database ServiceRouter# The preceding example shows that there are 22 entries in the database, of which 21 are active ones. If a descriptor is active (has not been deleted), then its size is displayed. Otherwise, DELETED is displayed in the SIZE field of the descriptor. If the descriptor database is empty, the following output is displayed: ServiceRouter# show srp database DHT KEY Total : SIZE 0 active item(s) in the database ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-539 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp database The following is sample output from the show srp database key command where the DHT key is 234: ServiceRouter# show srp database 234 Getting database entry for 234 Entity key: 2340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity rec type: 101 Entity total length: 168 Entity type: 5783093e Entity flags: 0 --------------- Element 0 (main)----------------Element ID: main Element total len 45 ID len: 0 Delete Time: 47af31d505d8fb77 Flags 8 Last Update: Sun Feb 10 17:18:34 2008 (47af31ea077ac2e7) Expiration : Tue Mar 11 17:18:34 2008 (47d6beea077a0000) Element data len: 5 Element data: test --------------- Element 1 (comp)----------------Element ID: "123"(313233) Element total len 51 ID len: 3 Last Update: Sun Feb 10 17:24:40 2008 (47af335826c5288f) Expiration : Sun Feb 10 17:29:40 2008 (47af348426c50000) Element data len: 8 Element data: testing ServiceRouter# In the preceding example, the output is detailed information saved for the descriptor 234: • Descriptor 234 has a record type 101. • Its entity type is 5783093e, which means this descriptor (234) is a service-type descriptor. • Its total length is 168 bytes. • It has zero Entity flags. Entity flags are not currently used. • It has two elements: – Element ID main is for the descriptor itself. The descriptor’s name is test. – Element ID 123 is for a resource (testing) that has been added to the descriptor. The following is sample output from show srp database key command where the DHT key is 123. In this example, the entity specified by the key has been deleted.: ServiceRouter# show srp database 123 Getting database entry for 123 Entity key: 1230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity was DELETED on (47b1fabdd076fba7) Tue Feb 12 19:59:57 2008 ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-540 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp database The following is abbreviated sample output from the show srp database command when it is issued with the optional argument brief: ServiceRouter# show srp database brief Key: 0a1405495f14dfc1d6fd10b93d957903456166d3b7b883b9047fb89cbecb5157 Type: Regular Entity Type: Service Size: 1054 Body: <Service xmlns="urn:topos:descriptor:xml Key: 0a1405495f14dfc1d6fd10b93d957903456166d3b7b883b9047fb89cbecb5157 Type: Regular Entity Type: Service Size: 1054 Body: <Service xmlns="urn:topos:descriptor:xml ... Output omitted Key: 7770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Type: Mcast Cmd Entity Type: Group Size: 129 Body: ....................test. Key: 7890000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Type: Regular Entity Type: Group Size: 109 Body: test. Key: 8880000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Type: Regular Entity Type: Unknown(0) Size: 167 Body: test ... Output omitted Total 21 active item(s) in the database ServiceRouter# In the preceding example, show srp database brief displays brief information for each descriptor in the database, including DHT key, Type, Entity Type, Size, and Body (the initial part of the Element Data in Element 0 of the descriptor). The Body contains different information, depending on the type of the descriptor displayed. • By default, Body contains the first 40 printable characters of the main element data. • If the descriptor is a service type descriptor, Body contains the service name information. The following is sample output from the show srp database command when it is issued with the filtering argument content. There are no content-type descriptors in the database: ServiceRouter# show srp database content Total 0 content type descriptor(s) in the database ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show srp database command when it is issued with the filtering argument service. There are 16 service-type descriptors in the database: ServiceRouter# show srp database service 0a1405495f14dfc1d6fd10b93d957903456166d3b7b883b9047fb89cbecb5157: 15136e3cfb5c3de3c4258d5c16c1bbabc5ddb538b51b32bdc1ebbd9bcb75b6d7: 2340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 3392b8bfe67c12c326aa346bdff1e83ac6286e397ce0013f8c4a33fc4dc5abda: 352a5e7e0e3dd9b78ab18fdb4408191f8418439b3ffef79f9b0698b8a73c16bc: 39da9f8b45b6a186fdfdb6eec44ab71e7510c1de7b1b049df7c971696cb398a0: 4e346a0c197a6e1e69650badd1687557dc4d9b80789407a9b452eda761f1056e: 4f9400b0372d934d5819f3e88f4ad5be2177e96b79ee34aca49722e2db9ff300: 8d3e7478a3685decd322f891ea5a09a6b264097ab166d5b7bedd5ad9715f1401: a6c4ef5b73c5b5621567946e7691b3d1123f9a3cf8b28ce29a075bfa41cb21ad: c53126d4113799d7f300c6accf526423756efa5e007fc3cc16fe45a9c8c06ee3: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: 1054 838 168 1065 853 1074 1056 1102 1048 1068 881 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-541 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp database ca1329d38687cdd5f8ab7aabe4333ee7883a6a28f7e8b03e11d58bb3f4c39988: cbb037edbe196fbf8d0f5bfa6e629ff1242483f5f5450719748189cf9d7b1fa4: e50dc5cca2b736d00c41506b754c7bd331ab38826a4df396f6343a81e5631832: e8ca53dbcf748505194a10c9b6fa1549f309345f19b4d4df920be79d5e986471: f47ec4f84068b9fda926f4767d2219f4faeabbbb0738312f70917504a0c8c9b9: Total 16 service type descriptor(s) in the database Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: 1057 1086 843 1083 863 ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show srp database command when it is issued with the filtering argument group. There are three group-type descriptors in the database: ServiceRouter# show srp database group 7770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: Size: 393 9990000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: Size: 307 c1898f9a8b69c3912f0fe8fecac30818fab24385fa8a1d37a8ffd193cf3eeebc: Size: 124 Total 3 group type descriptor(s) in the database ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show srp database command when it is issued with the option statistics. The output indicates how many descriptors (including deleted ones) exist in the descriptor database: ServiceRouter# show srp database statistics Total number of descriptors = 22 ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show srp database command when it is issued with the filtering argument maincontent and the target string service. The sample output indicates that there are 15 descriptors in the database whose main content (that is, the Element Data field of Element 0) contains the target string service: ServiceRouter# show srp database maincontent service 0a1405495f14dfc1d6fd10b93d957903456166d3b7b883b9047fb89cbecb5157: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 1054 15136e3cfb5c3de3c4258d5c16c1bbabc5ddb538b51b32bdc1ebbd9bcb75b6d7: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 838 3392b8bfe67c12c326aa346bdff1e83ac6286e397ce0013f8c4a33fc4dc5abda: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 1065 352a5e7e0e3dd9b78ab18fdb4408191f8418439b3ffef79f9b0698b8a73c16bc: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 853 39da9f8b45b6a186fdfdb6eec44ab71e7510c1de7b1b049df7c971696cb398a0: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 1074 4e346a0c197a6e1e69650badd1687557dc4d9b80789407a9b452eda761f1056e: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 1056 4f9400b0372d934d5819f3e88f4ad5be2177e96b79ee34aca49722e2db9ff300: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 1102 8d3e7478a3685decd322f891ea5a09a6b264097ab166d5b7bedd5ad9715f1401: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 1048 a6c4ef5b73c5b5621567946e7691b3d1123f9a3cf8b28ce29a075bfa41cb21ad: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 1068 c53126d4113799d7f300c6accf526423756efa5e007fc3cc16fe45a9c8c06ee3: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 881 ca1329d38687cdd5f8ab7aabe4333ee7883a6a28f7e8b03e11d58bb3f4c39988: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 1057 cbb037edbe196fbf8d0f5bfa6e629ff1242483f5f5450719748189cf9d7b1fa4: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 1086 e50dc5cca2b736d00c41506b754c7bd331ab38826a4df396f6343a81e5631832: Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 101 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-542 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp database Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 843 e8ca53dbcf748505194a10c9b6fa1549f309345f19b4d4df920be79d5e986471: Type: 101 Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 1083 f47ec4f84068b9fda926f4767d2219f4faeabbbb0738312f70917504a0c8c9b9: Type: 101 Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 863 Total 15 item(s) in the database whose main content contains 'service' ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show srp database command when it is issued with the filtering argument record to search in a descriptor specified by the key 999 to locate records containing the target string test. The examples are in the following order: • Descriptor for a record where the target string is found. • Descriptor for a record where the entity has been deleted. • Descriptor for a record where the target string is not found. ServiceRouter# show srp database record 999 test Entity key: 9990000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity rec type: 101 Entity total length: 183 Entity type: 22222222 Entity flags: 0 --------------- Element 1 (comp)-------4---------Element ID: "123"(313233) Element total len 47 ID len: 3 Last Update: Tue Feb 12 02:07:38 2008 (47b0ff6ae5e0497b) Expiration : Thu Mar 13 02:07:38 2008 (47d88c6ae5e00000) Element data len: 4 Element data: test ServiceRouter# show srp database record 123 test Entity key: 1230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity was DELETED on (47b1fabdd076fba7) Tue Feb 12 19:59:57 2008 ServiceRouter# show srp database record 777 test Entity key: 7770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity rec type: 102 Entity total length: 129 Entity type: 22222222 Entity flags: 0 There is no resource record containing test ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show srp database command when it is issued with the filtering argument size to select descriptors whose size is in the given range. This example shows that, for the active descriptors, there are five descriptors whose size is larger than 100 bytes and smaller than 300 bytes: ServiceRouter# show srp database size 100 300 2340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: Rec Type: 5783093e Size: 168 7770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: Rec Type: 22222222 Size: 129 7890000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: Rec Type: 22222222 Size: 109 8880000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: Type: 101 Type: 102 Type: 101 Type: 101 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-543 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp database Rec Type: 0 Size: 167 9990000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: Type: 101 Rec Type: 22222222 Size: 183 Total 5 item(s) in the database whose size is between 100 and 300 ServiceRouter# The following example is sample output from the show srp database command when it is issued with the filtering argument subid to search for elements in a given descriptor whose Element ID contains the given target string. In this example, the search is in the descriptor whose key is 999 and for elements whose sub ID (Element ID) is 123. The output indicates one element, Element 1, with the specified Element ID 123. ServiceRouter# show srp database subid 999 123 Entity key: 9990000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity rec type: 101 Entity total length: 183 Entity type: 22222222 Entity flags: 0 --------------- Element 1 (comp)----------------Element ID: “123”(313233) Element total len 47 ID len: 3 Last Update: Tue Feb 12 02:07:38 2008 (47b0ff6ae5e0497b) Expiration : Thu Mar 13 02:07:38 2008 (47d88c6ae5e00000) Element data len: 4 Element data: test ServiceRouter# The following example is sample output from the show srp database command when it is issued with the filtering argument update to select descriptors that have been updated in the specified time range. The command uses the Last Update field of Element 0 to determine when the descriptor has been updated. The sample output indicates that four descriptors have been updated in the specific time range. ServiceRouter# show srp database update Feb_11_02:07:38_2008 Feb_12_02:07:38_2009 7770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: Rec Type: 22222222 Size: 129 8880000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: Rec Type: 0 Size: 167 9990000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: Rec Type: 22222222 Size: 183 c1898f9a8b69c3912f0fe8fecac30818fab24385fa8a1d37a8ffd193cf3eeebc: Rec Type: 22222222 Size: 324 Type: 102 Type: 101 Type: 101 Type: 102 Total 4 active item(s) in the database updated in the specified time duration ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description clear srp descriptor Deletes a single descriptor or all descriptors in the descriptor database. show srp multicast database Displays multicast database information for an SRP process Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-544 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp leafset show srp leafset To display SRP leafset information, use the show srp leafset command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show srp leafset Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command displays leafset information for the current Proximity Engine (the local node). The current Proximity Engine must be part of a properly configured DHT network for leafset information about network members to be displayed. Examples The following example shows the output from show srp leafset when the current Proximity Engine is a standalone node and not a member of a DHT network: ServiceRouter# show srp leafset Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, W - wrapped Leafset count: total 5, left 2, right 2 T d2fc632c53c9ff1de8683e265386b09502791aedd65f28025fe7f64ad8cab2d9 via sn-sj87 [ ] :9000 ServiceRouter# Table 2-62 describes the codes that show srp leafset uses in its output. Table 2-62 Designations for Leafset Nodes Code Leafset Node Designation T—local node Proximity Engine where show srp leafset is issued. L—leafset Member of the leafset. P—primary Primary routing entry. S—secondary Secondary routing entry. B—backup Backup routing entry. I—Intransitive Intransitive routing entry. W—wrapped Wrapped routing entry. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-545 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp leafset The following example shows the output from show srp leafset command when the current Proximity Engine is a member of a DHT network consisting of seven nodes: the local node in the middle, three nodes on the left, and three nodes on the right. ServiceRouter# show srp leafset Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, W - wrapped Leafset count: total 7, left 3, right 3 WPL 0e33b4fc00ea5e32b7323c2a712cc226fe4990430df6ac9a05d2a87ab67c9fae via sn-sj43 [,, ] :9000, 1.772254 ms, 00:00:08 PL b5ca21563f5b938e46e2cb8f33a148ae00a1f6666f2a5eb735b7ed90c012c882 via sn-sj82 [,, ] :9000, 0.392633 ms, 00:00:08 PL c89908f53cc3ab6bc6065fd545341e9868cab7dcf852eaa346dd470011fcff1d via sn-sj89 [ ] :9000, 0.352768 ms, 00:00:08 T e966a1daec3ef3f1a81fec0e46338ae66eb7d154341e3a20fef0c5d2e8a0aabf via sn-sj87 [ ] :9000 PL 0e33b4fc00ea5e32b7323c2a712cc226fe4990430df6ac9a05d2a87ab67c9fae via sn-sj43 [,, ] :9000, 1.772254 ms, 00:00:08 WPL b5ca21563f5b938e46e2cb8f33a148ae00a1f6666f2a5eb735b7ed90c012c882 via sn-sj82 [,, ] :9000, 0.392633 ms, 00:00:08 WPL c89908f53cc3ab6bc6065fd545341e9868cab7dcf852eaa346dd470011fcff1d via sn-sj89 [ ] :9000, 0.352768 ms, 00:00:08 ServiceRouter# RelatedCommands Command Description bootstrap-node Configures a bootstrap node IP address. domain Sets the domain ID for the SRP. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-546 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp memory show srp memory To display SRP memory usage information, use the show srp memory command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show srp memory Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command displays SRP memory usage information. Examples The following example shows the output from show srp memory command: ServiceRouter# show srp memory SRP memory usage: Type Size Packet 65536 Operation 192 Sync 120 Pending 104 Mcast Pend 40 Proximity 104 To IPPC 208 Neighbor 384 Neighbor EP 134 Timer CTX 16 Packet Addr 32 Subscriber 240 Seq Req 88 WorkQ 32 Total: Count 2 92 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 16 0 2 0 0 HWM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 16 2 2 0 0 Slab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 0 64 0 64 0 0 Overhead 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48560 128 944 128 15056 128 128 65072 Total 131072 18566 0 0 0 0 0 49328 128 1200 128 15536 128 128 216214 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show srp process Displays the basic configurations for SRP. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-547 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp multicast database show srp multicast database To display multicast database information for an SRP process, use the show srp multicast database command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show srp multicast database [group_id | brief | statistics] Syntax Description group_id DHT key in hexadecimal format that identifies a group descriptor to be fetched from the multicast database. brief Displays brief information for each group descriptor in the database, including the DHT key, Type, Entity Type, Size, and the initial part of the Element Data in Element 0 of the descriptor. statistics Displays the number of entries (including deleted entries) in the multicast database. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to display information saved in the multicast database. Without specifying any key or argument, show srp multicast database displays a summary of the multicast database. The summary contains the DHT key and size for each descriptor and the total number of active group descriptors in the database. By providing the DHT key in hexadecimal format or various filtering arguments, you can filter through the multicast database or a particular group descriptor to obtain desired information. Examples The following example is sample output from the show srp multicast database command when it is issued with no keywords or arguments: ServiceRouter# show srp multicast database DHT KEY : 1230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 4444000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 7770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 9990000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: c1898f9a8b69c3912f0fe8fecac30818fab24385fa8a1d37a8ffd193cf3eeebc: Total 5 active item(s) in the database SIZE 1003 522 523 307 124 ServiceRouter# The preceding example shows that there are five active entries in the database. If a descriptor is active (has not been deleted), its size is displayed. If a descriptor has been deleted, DELETED is displayed in the SIZE field of the descriptor. If the descriptor database is empty, the following output is displayed: ServiceRouter# show srp multicast database Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-548 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp multicast database DHT KEY Total : SIZE 0 active item(s) in the database ServiceRouter# The following is sample output from the show srp multicast database command when it is issued with the optional argument group_id. In this example, the DHT key for group_id is 4444: ServiceRouter# show srp multicast database 4444 Getting database entry for 4444 Entity key: 4444000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Entity rec type: 103 Entity total length: 522 Entity type: 22222222 Entity flags: 0 --------------- Element 0 (main)----------------Element ID: main Element total len 65 ID len: 0 Delete Time: 0000000000000000 Flags 0 Last Update: Tue Feb 12 21:47:20 2008 (47b213e8ec98be67) Expiration : Thu Mar 13 21:47:20 2008 (47d9a0e8ec980000) Element data len: 25 Element data: Content Acquirerquence number: 0 Data: test --------------- Element 1 (mcast)----------------Element ID: "....U.......(# .."(95160500550106090000000028230000) Element total len 123 ID len: 16 Last Update: Tue Feb 12 21:48:14 2008 (47b2141e24526623) Expiration : Thu Mar 13 21:48:14 2008 (47d9a11e24520000) Element data len: 67 Element data: Content Acquirerquence number: 1 Sender ID: d2fc632c53c9ff1de8683e265386b09502791aedd65f28025fe7f64ad8cab2d9 Data: hello1 --------------- Element 2 (mcast)----------------Element ID: "....r@......(# .."(9916050072401b1f0000000028230000) Element total len 123 ID len: 16 Last Update: Tue Feb 12 21:48:18 2008 (47b214227ce17ea3) Expiration : Thu Mar 13 21:48:18 2008 (47d9a1227ce10000) Element data len: 67 Element data: Content Acquirerquence number: 2 Sender ID: d2fc632c53c9ff1de8683e265386b09502791aedd65f28025fe7f64ad8cab2d9 Data: hello2 --------------- Element 3 (mcast)----------------Element ID: "............(# .."(b0160500ae9e151c0000000028230000) Element total len 123 ID len: 16 Last Update: Tue Feb 12 21:48:41 2008 (47b21439709c703b) Expiration : Thu Mar 13 21:48:41 2008 (47d9a139709c0000) Element data len: 67 Element data: Content Acquirerquence number: 3 Sender ID: d2fc632c53c9ff1de8683e265386b09502791aedd65f28025fe7f64ad8cab2d9 Data: hello3 ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-549 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp multicast database In the preceding example, the output is detailed information saved for the multicast group 4444 including the following: • Multicast group 4444 has a record type 103. • Its Entity Type is 22222222, which means this is a group-type descriptor. • Its total length is 522 bytes. • It has zero Entity Flags. Entity flags are not currently used. • It has four elements: – Element 0 is the main element whose Element Data field saves group topic information instead of messages received by this group. – Other elements are created for saving messages received by the group. Related Commands Command Description clear srp group messages Deletes all locally stored messages sent to a multicast group in the service routing layer. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-550 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp neighbor show srp neighbor To display SRP neighbor information, use the show srp neighbor command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show srp neighbor [detail | down] Syntax Description detail Displays detailed information for each neighbor. down Displays the information of down neighbor entries. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command displays SRP neighbor information. The current Proximity Engine must be part of a properly configured DHT network for neighbor information about current network members to be displayed. If the keyword down is specified, show srp neighbor displays down neighbors. These are Proximity Engines that are members of a DHT network the local Proximity Engine previously belonged to. Examples In the following example, assume a standalone Proximity Engine sn-sj87, and a two-node network consisting of Proximity Engine sn-sj81 and Proximity Engine sn-sj85. The show srp neighbor command is run from sn-sj87 before it is connected to the two-node network: ServiceRouter# show srp neighbor Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, D - delay, H - hold time Number of neighbors in the database: 0 In the preceding example, sn-sj87 does not have any neighbor in the database. In the following example, after sn-sj87 is added to the network, show srp neighbor is issued again. From the following output, we can see that sn-sj87 has two neighbors, sn-sj81 and sn-sj85: ServiceRouter# show srp neighbor Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, D - delay, H - hold time Number of neighbors in the database: 2 PL 8886822171add71887d54107c266d814b605eaa0d5cc9b54b9160a137f4355d1 via sn-sj81 [ ] :9000, D=0.339605 ms, H=00:00:07 PL 9f752f56f347ca8fcc40a4e09b645f9b4c9b71c73401083f4c04920b30215b0a via sn-sj85 [,, ] :9000, D=0.379999 ms, H=00:00:09 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-551 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp neighbor To see details of these two neighbors, issue the show srp neighbor detail command: ServiceRouter# show srp neighbor detail Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive D - delay, H - hold time, U - up time S_SEQ - send seq no., R_SEQ - receive seq. no. S_SID - send session id, R_SID - receive session id, R_Q - Receive Queue, T_Q - Transmit Queue. Number of neighbors in the database: 2 PL 8886822171add71887d54107c266d814b605eaa0d5cc9b54b9160a137f4355d1 via sn-sj81 [ ] :9000, D=0.302328 ms, H=00:00:08, U=02:15:53, S_SEQ=1, R_SEQ=0, S_SID=148214958, R_SID=0 PL 9f752f56f347ca8fcc40a4e09b645f9b4c9b71c73401083f4c04920b30215b0a via sn-sj85 [,, ] :9000, D=0.379999 ms, H=00:00:10, U=01:45:42, S_SEQ=0, R_SEQ=0, S_SID=2134859630, R_SID=0 The following example illustrates the usage of show srp neighbor down. Assume that a four-node network consists of Proximity Engines sn-sj43, sn-sj88, sn-sj44, and sn-sj87. From sn-sj87, the show srp neighbor down command can be used to confirm this, as shown by the following output: ServiceRouter# show srp neighbor Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive, D - delay, H - hold time Number of neighbors in the database: 3 PLI 0e33b4fc00ea5e32b7323c2a712cc226fe4990430df6ac9a05d2a87ab67c9fae via sn-sj43 [ ] :9000, D=0.439602 ms, H=00:00:03 PL 2a2db308fd3dc172940a7902a4db7c16c98c3a32e1b048005bce1e832b6d056f via sn-sj88 [ ] :9000, D=0.405537 ms, H=0.553618 PL 9a28755bba0228c7ac3d1be20d21a7a57c532eed9d5ffc5e1da2a9841e2e77a8 via sn-sj44 [ ] :9000, D=0.398474 ms, H=00:00:01 ServiceRouter# show srp neighbor down Number of down neighbors in the database: 0 Next down neighbor write offset: 0 For the next example, assume that the domain ID for the local node (sn-sj87) is reconfigured so that it is detached from the network. The following output from show srp neighbor down now shows that all three neighbors are down: ServiceRouter# show srp neighbor down Number of down neighbors in the database: 3 Next down neighbor write offset: 3 9a28755bba0228c7ac3d1be20d21a7a57c532eed9d5ffc5e1da2a9841e2e77a8 via sn-sj44 [ ] :9000, 0.000 ms, no-timer 0e33b4fc00ea5e32b7323c2a712cc226fe4990430df6ac9a05d2a87ab67c9fae via sn-sj43 [ ] :9000, 0.000 ms, no-timer 2a2db308fd3dc172940a7902a4db7c16c98c3a32e1b048005bce1e832b6d056f via sn-sj88 [ ] :9000, 0.000 ms, no-timer Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-552 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp neighbor Related Commands Command Description bootstrap-node Configures a bootstrap node IP address. domain Sets the domain ID for an SRP. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-553 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp process show srp process To display the basic configurations for SRP, use the show srp process command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show srp process Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command displays SRP process information. Examples The following example shows sample output from show srp process when it is run from Proximity Engine sn-sj87. ServiceRouter# show srp process Process: Domain: 0 Node Id: d2fc632c53c9ff1de8683e265386b09502791aedd65f28025fe7f64ad8cab2d9 Host name: sn-sj87 Port: 9000 Interfaces running SRP: *GigabitEthernet 1/0 Bootstrap host name:, address:, port: 9000 Database Mirroring: Disabled # of storages requested for mirroring: 2 # of storages used for mirroring : 1 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show srp memory Displays SRP memory usage information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-554 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp replica-set show srp replica-set To display the replica set information for a Proximity Engine, use the show srp replica-set command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show srp replica-set Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command displays SRP replica set information. To use this command to show a replica set, a network needs to be formed by properly configuring a bootstrap node and domain ID. Examples The following examples show sample output from show srp replica-set. For the first example, assume a standalone Proximity Engine sn-sj87 and a two-node network consisting of Proximity Engine sn-sj81 and Proximity Engine sn-sj85. The show srp replica-set command is issued from sn-sj87 before it is connected to the two-node network: ServiceRouter# show srp replica-set Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - intransitive, R - Replicate Set, A - active key(part) address type state -------------------------------------------------308fe23f... 5c71ac1e... feb5784c...-> ServiceRouter# Related Commands EE7-CDE205-8:9000 EE7-CDE205-10:9000 SN-CDSM:9000 PL Active PL Active local None Command Description show srp leafset Displays SRP leafset information, show srp neighbor Displays SRP neighbor information Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-555 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp route show srp route To display route information for a Proximity Engine to its neighbor nodes on the same DHT network, use the show srp route command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show srp route [backup | statistics] Syntax Description backup Displays entries, including backup entries. statistics Displays statistics information. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command displays route information for a Proximity Engine to its neighbor nodes on the same DHT network. To use this command to show route entries, a network needs to be formed by properly configuring a bootstrap node and domain ID. Examples The following examples show sample output from show srp route. For the first example, assume a standalone Proximity Engine sn-sj87 and a two-node network consisting of Proximity Engine sn-sj81 and Proximity Engine sn-sj85. The show srp route command is issued from sn-sj87 before it is connected to the two-node network. The output shows no srp route information, as is expected for a standalone Proximity Engine: ServiceRouter# show srp route Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive For the following example, assume that Proximity Engine sn-sj87 has joined the two-node network consisting of Proximity Engine sn-sj81 and Proximity Engine sn-sj85. The output shows that sn-sj87 has route information to its two neighbors, sn-sj81 and sn-sj85. ServiceRouter# show srp route Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive PL 8/4 via 8886822171add71887d54107c266d814b605eaa0d5cc9b54b9160a137f4355d1 sn-sj81 [ ] :9000, 0.301080 ms, 00:00:09 PL 9/4 via 9f752f56f347ca8fcc40a4e09b645f9b4c9b71c73401083f4c04920b30215b0a sn-sj85 [,, ] :9000, 0.382097 ms, 00:00:08 The show srp route command shows only primary routing table entries. In the SRP routing table, there are backup routes as well. To display the backup routes as well as the primary routes, use the command show srp route backup command: Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-556 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp route ServiceRouter# show srp route backup Codes: T - local node, L - leafset, P - primary, S - secondary, B - backup I - Intransitive PL 8/4 via 8886822171add71887d54107c266d814b605eaa0d5cc9b54b9160a137f4355d1 sn-sj81 [ ] :9000, 0.301080 ms, 00:00:07 PL 9/4 via 9f752f56f347ca8fcc40a4e09b645f9b4c9b71c73401083f4c04920b30215b0a sn-sj85 [,, ] :9000, 0.382097 ms, 00:00:10 ServiceRouter# Because there is no backup route in this small three-node network, show srp route backup displays the same results as show srp route. This can be confirmed by issuing the show srp route statistics command as shown in the following example. From the following output, we can confirm that are total two routes in the routing table, one appearing in cell 8 row 0 (which is the route via sn-sj81) and the other appearing in cell 9 row 0 (which is the route via sn-sj85). ServiceRouter# show srp route statistics Total routes: 2 Entries that share my prefix: 0 Last nonempty row: 0 ServiceRouter# Related Commands Command Description show srp leafset Displays SRP leafset information. show srp neighbor Displays SRP neighbor information. show statistics srp Displays SRP statistics information. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-557 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show srp subscribers show srp subscribers To display SRP multicast group subscriber information, use the show srp subscribers command in privileged EXEC configuration mode. show srp subscribers Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes Privileged EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines This command is used to check what multicast groups the Proximity Engine is currently subscribed to. If the Proximity Engine is not subscribed to any groups, there is no output. Examples In the following example, assume a standalone Proximity Engine sn-sj87: 1. The show srp subscribers command displays output showing that sn-sj87 is subscribed to one group (c1898f9a8b69c3912f0fe8fecac30818fab24385fa8a1d37a8ffd193cf3eeebc). 2. The local Proximity Engine (sn-sj87) subscribes to another existing multicast group (999). 3. The show srp subscribers displays output showing that sn-sj87 is subscribed two groups (c1898f9a8b69c3912f0fe8fecac30818fa b24385fa8a1d37a8ffd193cf3eeebc and 999). ServiceRouter# show srp subscribers c1898f9a8b69c3912f0fe8fecac30818fab24385fa8a1d37a8ffd193cf3eeebc Root node: d2fc632c53c9ff1de8683e265386b09502791aedd65f28025fe7f64ad8cab2d9 Subscriber: 0x6891a0 ServiceRouter# show srp subscribers 9990000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Root node: 8886822171add71887d54107c266d814b605eaa0d5cc9b54b9160a137f4355d1 Subscriber: 0x6891a0 c1898f9a8b69c3912f0fe8fecac30818fab24385fa8a1d37a8ffd193cf3eeebc Root node: d2fc632c53c9ff1de8683e265386b09502791aedd65f28025fe7f64ad8cab2d9 ServiceRouter# Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-558 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show ssh show ssh To display Secure Shell (SSH) status and configuration information, use the show ssh command in EXEC configuration mode. show ssh Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Related Commands Command Description sshd Enables the SSH daemon. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-559 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show standby show standby To display standby interface information, use the show standby command in EXEC configuration mode. show standby Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Table 2-63 describes the fields shown in the show standby display. Table 2-63 show standby Field Descriptions Field Description Standby Group Number that identifies the standby group. Description Description of the device, as configured by using the description option of the interface Global configuration command. IP address IP address of the standby group. netmask Netmask of the standby group. Member interfaces Member interfaces of the standby group. Shows which physical interfaces are part of the standby group. Shows the interface definition, such as GigabitEthernet 1/0. priority Related Commands Priority status of each interface. Active interface Interfaces that are currently active in the standby group. Maximum errors allowed on the active interface Maximum number of errors allowed on the active interface. Command Description show interface Displays the hardware interface information. show running-config Displays the current running configuration information on the terminal. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-560 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show startup-config show startup-config To display the startup configuration, use the show startup-config command in EXEC configuration mode. show startup-config Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Command Defaults None Command Modes EXEC configuration mode. Usage Guidelines Use this command to display the configuration used during an initial bootup, stored in non-volatile random-access memory (NVRAM). Examples The following example shows how to display the startup configuration details on the SE: ServiceEngine# show startup-config ! CDS version 2.3.9 ! device mode service-engine ! ! hostname V2-CDE220-3 ! ! ! primary-interface PortChannel 1 ! ! interface PortChannel 1 ip address exit interface PortChannel 2 ip address exit ! interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 channel-group 2 exit interface GigabitEthernet 2/0 channel-group 2 exit interface GigabitEthernet 3/0 channel-group 1 exit interface GigabitEthernet 4/0 channel-group 1 exit interface GigabitEthernet 5/0 Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference OL-31209-02 2-561 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show startup-config channel-group 1 exit interface GigabitEthernet 6/0 channel-group 1 exit ! ! ip default-gateway ! ! offline-operation enable ! ! ! rule action block pattern-list 3 rule action redirect pattern-list 2 rule pattern-list 1 url-regex rule pattern-list 2 header-field request-line b.wmv rule pattern-list 3 header-field request-line c.wmv ! icap service camiant server icap://trythis/servername exit ! ! ! transaction-logs enable transaction-logs archive interval 120 ! username admin password 1 bVmDmMMmZAPjY username admin privilege 15 ! ! authentication login local enable primary authentication configuration local enable primary ! access-lists 300 deny groupname Disney access-lists 300 permit groupname any access-lists enable ! ! telnet enable ! ! ! cdsm ip cms enable ! ! ! service-router service-monitor threshold wmt 50 service-router service-monitor number-of-samples wmt 5 service-router service-monitor sample-period wmt 15 qos device-policy-service enable ! ! cache content max-cached-entries 1000 ! End of CDS configuration Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.3 Command Reference 2-562 OL-31209-02 Chapter 2 Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.2 Software Commands show startup-config Related Commands Command Description configure Enters Global configurati