Time stamping with the TPC Martin Killenberg 5. Oktober 2010 Martin Killenberg (CERN) Time stamping with the TPC 1 How does time stamping with the TPC work? In the barrel it only works in combination with an external silicon detector The TPC measures time since beginning of the bunch train z = (tdrift + BX · ∆tBX ) · vdrift The silicon sensor measures z directly, without timing information. From this the time stamp BX · ∆tBX is determined. Cathode Anode (Readout) Silicon Envelope Martin Killenberg (CERN) Time stamping with the TPC 2 How does time stamping with the TPC work? In the end cap the TPC can determine the time stamp stand alone The fist hit that arrives at the end plate gives the time offset Cathode Anode (Readout) Silicon Envelope Martin Killenberg (CERN) Time stamping with the TPC 3 Current status Shoot muons from the vertex Run full digitisation and reconstruction Shift the reconstructed track to a random event within the bunch train Barrel region: Calculate intersection of reconstructed helix with silicon envelope Calculate intersection of MC truth with silicon envelope (cylinder) Smear SET hit with detector resolution Calculate time stamp and difference to MC truth Calculate the bunch crossing from the time stamp End cap region: TPC stand alone time stamping (arrival time of first hit) Vertex is smeared with size of beam packages Martin Killenberg (CERN) Time stamping with the TPC 4 Barrel Time Stamping timeStampHisto Entries 10000 Mean -0.2091 RMS 1.588 Difference Reconstructed Time Stamp - MC Time Stamp Number of Entries 500 400 300 200 100 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 Time Stamp Difference [ns] 6 8 10 Example: 50 GeV muons, λ = 50◦ (corner of the TPC), 100 µm SET resolution Parameters 3 dip angles: 5.71◦ (tan(λ) = 0.1), 30◦ , 50◦ 7 energies (2 – 200 GeV) 4 SET resolutions: 0 µm, 50 µm, 100 µm, 150 µm Martin Killenberg (CERN) Time stamping with the TPC 5 Barrel Time Stamping Width of time stamp difference distribution [ns] Time Stamping Accuracy (SET Resolution 100 µm) 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 dip angle 5 deg dip angle 30 deg dip angle 50 deg 0.2 0 1 10 100 1000 Energy [GeV] Martin Killenberg (CERN) Time stamping with the TPC 6 Barrel Time Stamping Width of time stamp difference distribution [ns] Time Stamping Accuracy (Dip Angle 5 deg) 3 SET resolution 150 µm SET resolution 100 µm SET resolution 50 µm SET resolution 0 µm 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 10 100 1000 Energy [GeV] Martin Killenberg (CERN) Time stamping with the TPC 7 Barrel Time Stamping Width of time stamp difference distribution [ns] Time Stamping Accuracy (Muon Energy 50 GeV) 3 SET resolution 150 µm SET resolution 100 µm SET resolution 50 µm SET resolution 0 µm 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 10 Martin Killenberg (CERN) 20 30 Dip angle [deg] Time stamping with the TPC 40 50 8 Barrel: Determining the Bunch Crossing Difference Reconstructed BX - MonteCarlo BX BXOffsetHisto Entries 10000 Mean 0.152 RMS 2.763 Number of Entries 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 Bunch Crossing Difference 15 20 90 % of the muons are reconstructed correctly to ± 5 bunch crossings1 1 Energy 50 GeV, dip angle 5◦ , SET resolution 50 µm Martin Killenberg (CERN) Time stamping with the TPC 9 End Cap Time Stamping Difference Reconstructed Time Stamp - MC Time Stamp 180 timeStampHisto Entries 5001 Mean 101.4 RMS 8.897 160 Number of Entries 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 80 90 100 110 120 Time Stamp Difference [ns] 130 Example: 50 GeV muons, λ = 60◦ Width of distribution O(10 ns) Much wider than barrel distribution Measurement depends only on a single point Single point resolution is lower than track resolution Offset of O(100 ns) is currently being investigated. Depends on the angle and the energy. Can the time stamping be improved using the ETD as external reference? Martin Killenberg (CERN) Time stamping with the TPC 10 Conclusions Barrel TPC has very good time stamping capability Time stamping capability strongly depends on SET resolution Low dependeny on energy and dip angle TPC track resolution 1.2 ns (perfect SET) Time stamping resolution < 1.5 ns (SET resolution 50 µm) 90 % of the muons are reconstructed correctly to ± 5 bunch crossings Not included (yet) Multiple scattering in field cage (O(10 µm) for 2 GeV muons) Time of flight effects End Cap Single point resolution limits time stamping accuracy to 10 ns 100 ns offset is currently being investigated Using the ETD might improve the resolution Martin Killenberg (CERN) Time stamping with the TPC 11