77 Chap 5. Continuous-Time Fourier Transform and Applications 5.1 Illustrative Definition of Fourier Transform In this chapter, we will develop the basis for Fourier analysis of non-periodic signals, which is the only group of signals meaningful in engineering and real- life applications. Traditionally, Fourier analysis is presented by giving the definitions as we did for Laplace transforms in Chapter 3. Here, we will approach it as a limiting behavior of Fourier series analysis for periodic signals. To do that, let us consider an aperiodic (non-periodic) signal x (t ) and form its periodic extension xT (t ) by repeating it every T seconds, where T is the period. x(t) x T(t) Guard Interval ..... 0 ..... t -T 0 T 2T It is clear from above that the expansion signal can be written as: if 0 ≤ t < T x (t ) xT (t ) = x(t ) = x (t + nT ) (5.1) for every int eger n The Fourier series representation for this new periodic signal is simply: Synthesis Equation : x T (t ) = ∞ ∑ Fk .e jkw0t (5.2a) k = −∞ 1 . ∫ xT (t ).e − jkw0 t dt (5.2b) T <T > 2π In the limit as T ⇒ ∞ , we observe that w0 = ⇒ dw , which is an infinitesimally small T quantity in frequency-domain and it implies that kw 0 ⇒ w , a continuous variable and 1 dw ⇒ = df . Finally, with this limiting behavior, the summation in (5.2a) becomes an T 2π Fk = Analysis Equation : integral as follows: Fk = dw ∞ . ∫ x T (t ).e − jwt dt ⇒ 2π − ∞ Fk 1 = dw 2π ∞ − jwt ∫ xT (t ).e dt = −∞ 1 2π ∞ ∫ x (t ).e − jwt dt (5.3) −∞ and x (t ) = ∞ ∞ ∫ ( ∫ x (t ).e −∞ −∞ − jwt dt ).e jwt dw 1 = 2π 2π ∞ ∫ X ( w).e jwt dw −∞ These notes are © Huseyin Abut, August 1998 (5.4) 78 With this result, we have implicitly defined the Fourier transform relationships for x(t). Analysis Equation : X ( w ) = ∞ ∫ x(t ).e −∞ 1 Synthesis Equation : x (t ) = 2π ∞ − jwt dt = F {x (t )} ∫ X ( w).e jwt (5.5a) dw = F −1{ X ( w)} (5.5b) −∞ These two equations are called Fourier transform pair and normally shown by: x (t ) ⇔ X ( w) . In general, X(w) is a complex function of the real-valued frequency variable w and it is written in terms of magnitude and phase terms: X ( w) = X ( w) .e jφ (w) (5.6) Therefore, we plot one curve for the magnitude and another one for the phase of a given expression. φ ( w) |X(w)|| w w φ( w |X(w)|| ) w Dirichlet Conditions: Fourier transform exists if: ∞ 1. x(t) is absolutely integrable: ∫ x (t ) dt < ∞ −∞ 2. x(t) is a well-behaving function. That is, only a finite number of jumps of finite size, minima and maxima occur within any finite interval: t1 < t < t 2 . Example 5.1 Find the Fourier transform of a rectangular pulse (gate function, rectangular timewindow). -τ/2 x(t) X(w) 1.0 τ τ/2 t −4π/τ −2π/τ These notes are © Huseyin Abut, August 1998 2π/τ 4π/τ 6π/τ 8π/τ 79 ∞ e − jwt − jwt − jwt X ( w ) = ∫ x( t ).e dt = ∫ 1.e dt = − jw −∞ −τ / 2 = • • • • τ /2 τ /2 = t= −τ / 2 1 .[e − jwt / 2 − e + jwt / 2 ] − jw 1 wτ 2 wτ wτ wτ .[ −2 j.Sin( )] = .Sin( ) = τ .Sinc( ) = τ .Sa ( ) − jw 2 w 2 2π 2 (5.7) It is easy to observe that the resulting spectrum is real and symmetrical for all values of frequency w. This implies that the phase response is zero: φ ( w) = 0 for all w. The magnitude is decreasing as a function of 1 / w . Approximately, 90% of energy content of this spectrum is under the main lobe of the plot: − 2π / τ < w < 2π / τ . In other words, the energy under all the tail lobes is about 10%. Example 5.2 Find the Fourier transform of a delta function. We will solve this problem using the Sifting Theorem definition of a delta function: ∞ F {V0 .δ (t )} = V0 ∫ δ (t ).e − jwt dt = V0 ⇒ F {δ (t )} = 1 ⇒ δ (t ) ⇔ 1 (5.9) −∞ Similarly, we can use the inversion formula to have: 1 δ (t ) = 2π ∞ ∫ 1.e jwt dw (510) −∞ From this final result we can deduce that the Fourier transform of a constant is a delta function in frequency-domain: F {V0 } = 2π .V0 .δ ( w ) (5.11) Example 5.3 Find the Fourier transform of a complex exponential harmonic function: F{e jw0t } = ∞ ∞ −∞ −∞ jw t − jwt ∫ e 0 .e dt = ∫e − j ( w− w0 ) t dt = 2πδ ( w − w0 ) e jw0t ⇔ 2πδ ( w − w0 ) (5.12) On the other hand, the Fourier transform of a one-sided decaying exponential function is: x (t ) = e − at u (t ) and X ( w) = ∞ ∫e − at .u ( t ).e −∞ a>0 − jwt ∞ dt = ∫ 1.e −( a + jw ) t dt = 0 1 a + jw Example 5.4 Find the Fourier transform of a periodic signal x(t) with a period T0 = (5.13) 2π . As we w0 know from the previous chapter that the periodic functions have Fourier series representation: x (t ) = ∞ ∑ Fk .e jkw0t k = −∞ Let us take Fourier transform of this equation term-by-term: These notes are © Huseyin Abut, August 1998 80 X ( w) = F{ x(t )} = ∞ ∑ Fk .F{e jkw0t k = −∞ }= ∞ ∞ k =−∞ k = −∞ 2π ∑ 2π .Fk .δ ( w − kw0 ) = ∑ 2π .Fk .δ ( w − k T ) 0 (5.14) Therefore, the Fourier transform is a sequence of impulse functions regardless of the actual shape of the signal x(t). In other words, the Fourier transform of all periodic functions is a family of impulses. What make them different for various x(t) shapes are the values of the coefficients {Fk}. Example 5.5 Using the results from the previous example, we are asked to find the Fourier transform of an impulse train. x (t ) = X ( w) = ∞ ∞ ∑ δ (t − kT0 ) k = −∞ ∑ 2π .Fk .δ ( w − kw0 ) = k = −∞ ∞ ∑ 2π .Fk .δ ( w − k k = −∞ 2π ) T0 (5.15) 1 1 1 Fk = . ∫ x (t ).e − jkw0t = . ∫ δ (t − kT0 ).e − jkw0t = T0 <T > T0 <T > T0 0 0 Let us substitute these coefficient values in to the result above to obtain: X ( w) = ∞ ∑ k = −∞ 2π . 1 2π 2π ∞ 2π .δ ( w − k ) = . ∑ .δ ( w − k ) T0 T0 T0 k = −∞ T0 (5.16) Thus, we conclude that the Fourier transform of an impulse train is another impulse train in the frequency-domain with different strengths in the coefficient set. x(t): X(w): 2π /T 0 1 1 1 1 ..... 2π /T 0 ..... 2π / T T0 t 0 T0 -2 π /T 0 2T 0 2π /T0 ..... ..... -T 0 2π /T 0 0 0 2π /T 0 4 π /T 0 w 5.2 Properties of Fourier Transforms 1. Linearity: The Fourier transform is a linear transform. a. f (t ) + bg (t ) ⇔ a.F ( w) + bG ( w) (5.17) 2. Symmetry: If x(t) is a real signal then X ( − w) = X ∗ ( w ) or in polar form: X ( w) = X ( w) .e jφ (w ) and X ∗ ( w) = X ( − w) = X ( w) .e − jφ ( w) (5.18) Therefore, we have an even-symmetry of the amplitude spectrum and an odd-symmetry for the phase spectrum. These notes are © Huseyin Abut, August 1998 81 Table 5.1 Fourier Transform Pairs for Selected Signals Example 5.6 Using the properties of real signals we can turn Fourier transform into a sine or a cosine transform. In particular, discrete version of the cosine transform has found a neat application area in image compression based on JPEG and MPEG techniques. These compression techniques and their derivatives attempt to exploit the symmetry properties of imagery in the frequency-domain. These notes are © Huseyin Abut, August 1998 82 X ( w) = ∞ ∫ x(t ).e −∞ ∞ ∫ = −∞ = − jwt ∞ dt = ∫ x(t ).[Cos( wt ) − jSin( wt )]dt −∞ ∞ x( t )Cos ( wt ) dt − j ∫ x (t ) Sin( wt ) dt −∞ (5.19) ∞ ∫ x(t )Cos( wt) dt + 0 ( Sin is odd fn.) −∞ ∞ = 2 ∫ x (t ).Cos ( wt )dt 0 As we see from this last result that the Fourier transform turns into a Fourier Cosine transform for real signals. 3. Time-Shifting (Delays): Given: x (t ) ⇔ X ( w) then x (t − T ) ⇔ X ( w).e − jwT = X ( w) .e j (φ − wT ) (5.20) Notes: • Amplitude spectrum: X (w) is unaffected by a delay (time-shift) of T units. • However, the phase spectrum is linearly shifted by − wT radians from the phase value φ of the original spectrum X(w). This linear phase-shift property makes the time-delay issue very useful in many applications. 4. Time-Scaling (Resolution Change): Given the Fourier pair: x (t ) ⇔ X ( w) then a timescale change will correspond to: x ( at) ⇔ 1 w .X ( ) a a (5.21) Notes: • For values of a larger than "1" this works as a compressor. That is, it counts slower than one time- unit at a time. • On the other hand, for a smaller than "1" it works as an expander to increase the resolution in time-domain. The resulting behavior in frequency-domain is just the opposite. Example 5.7 Using the above property find the Fourier transform of x (t ) = a.rect ( wT ) and the resolution change we get: 2π wT wT F {a.rect ( ) = T . sin c ( ) 2a π 2a π at ) T t T Recalling F {rect ( )} = T .Sinc( These notes are © Huseyin Abut, August 1998 (5.22) 83 5. Derivatives and Integrals:-Scaling: Given the Fourier pair: x (t ) ⇔ X ( w) then we have: a. b. d x (t ) ⇔ jw. X ( w) dt dn x (t ) ⇔ ( jw ) n . X ( w ) n dt t ∫ c. x (τ ) dτ (5.23a) (5.23b) ⇔ π .X (0 ).δ ( w) + −∞ d. 1 .X ( w) jw If there is no D.C. term, i.e., X ( 0) = 0 then t ∫ (5.23c) x (τ ) dτ −∞ ⇔ 1 . X ( w) jw (5.23d) Example 5.8 Using the above property find the Fourier transform of a unit-step function: u(t). u(t) Constant = 1.0 sgn(t ) + 0.5 t t 0.5 -0.5 t As we see from the above figure, the unit-step function can be written as: 1 1 + .Sgn(t ) 2 2 u (t ) = (5.24) But we also know that: d 1 { .Sgn(t )} = δ (t ) dt 2 1 equivalently : ( jw ).F { .Sgn(t )} = 1 2 (5.25) which results in: 1 1 F { .Sgn(t )} = 2 jw and F {u (t )} = π .δ ( w) + 1 jw 1 1 F { } = .2π .δ ( w) 2 2 (5.26) (5.27) 6. Energy in Aperiodic Signals (Parseval's Theorem): Recalling energy in time-domain: ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 E = ∫ x (t ) dt = ∫ x (t ).x (t )dt = ∫ x (t ).[ 2π −∞ −∞ −∞ 1 = 2π 2 ∞ ∫ −∞ ∗ ∗ ∞ X ( w).[ ∫ x (t ).e −∞ − jw 1 dt ]dw = 2π ∞ ∞ ∫X ∗ ( w).e − jw dw]dt −∞ 1 ∫ X ( w). X ( w)dw = 2π −∞ ∗ ∞ ∫ X ( w) 2 dw −∞ which implies that the energy is conserved during Fourier transform and it can be summarized by: These notes are © Huseyin Abut, August 1998 84 ∞ ∞ 1 E = ∫ x (t ) dt = ∫ x( t ). x ( t ) dt = 2π −∞ −∞ 2 ∗ ∞ 1 X ( w ). X ( w ) dw = ∫ 2π −∞ ∞ ∗ ∫ 2 X ( w) dw (5.28) −∞ Similarly, the energy content of a signal within a finite band of frequency: w1 ≤ w ≤ w2 will be: 1 ∆E x = 2π w2 ∫ 2 X ( w) dw (5.29) w1 Example 5.9 Compute the portion of the energy for an exponentially decaying signal in the frequency interval: − 4 ≤ w ≤ 4 . We know the Fourier transform for this signal both from a previous example and the Fourier Tables 5.1 that: 1 1 2 x (t ) = e −t .u (t ) ⇒ X ( w) = ⇒ X ( w) = 1 + jw 1+ w 2 When we substitute this into (5.28) and (5.29) we get: 1 E= 2π ∞ 1 ∫ −∞ 1 + w 1 ∆E x = 2π dw = 2 4 1 2 ⇒ From int egration tables. 14 1 1 4 dw = . arctan( w ) ≅ 0 .422 ∫ X ( w) dw = π ∫ 0 2 π 1 + w −4 0 2 Therefore, the portion of the energy in this finite band is 84.4%. 7. Convolution Operation: x(t) Input signal Forcing function X(w) System h(t) H(w) y (t ) = x (t ) ∗ h (t ) = h (t ) * x (t ) = y(t) Response Y(w) Output Signal ∞ ∫ x (τ )h (t − τ ) dτ −∞ jφ ( w) Y ( w) = X ( w).H ( w) = Y ( w) .e Y ( w) = X ( w) .Y ( w) and ∠Y ( w) = ∠X ( w) + ∠H ( w) (5.30a) (5.30b) (5.30c) Notes: • Output magnitude spectrum is the product of magnitude spectrum of the input and the frequency response of the system. • The phase spectrum is the sum of the phase spectra of the input and the system. Example 5.10 Compute the unit-step response to a system with: h (t ) = e − at .u (t ) . Y ( w) = X ( w).H ( w) = F {x (t )}.F{h( t )} These notes are © Huseyin Abut, August 1998 85 Y ( w) = [π .δ ( w) + 1 1 π .δ ( w) 1 1 ]. = + jw a + jw a + jw jw a + jw Let us note that δ ( w) ≠ 0 directly from Fourier Tables only when w = 0. Therefore, the first term in the last expression is π simply: 1 st Term = δ ( w) . Using this and partial fraction expansion results in: a Y ( w) = π A B δ ( w) + + a jw a + jw Bjw + A( a + jw) = 1 ⇒ A= 1 a and B=− 1 a Finally, the output in the frequency-domain will be: Y ( w) = π 1/ a 1/ a δ ( w) + − a jw a + jw and the inverse Fourier transform yields the answer: y (t ) = 1 .{1 − e − at }.u ( t ) a 8. Modulation Theore m: x(t) y(t) X X(w) Y(w) m(t) y (t ) = x (t ).m( t ) Y ( w) = 1 2π ∞ ⇔ Y ( w) = M(w) 1 [ X ( w) * M ( w)] 2π ∫ X (ψ ).H (ψ − w)dw (5.31) (5.32) −∞ In other words, to replace a time-domain multiplication, we must perform a frequency-domain convolution. As expected, we will attempt to perform time-domain multiplication as much as we can to tackle modulation tasks. Example 5.11 Given a signal with a base-band spectrum (frequency content of the signal in its natural habitat), modulate it with an impulse train of period: T0 = 2π / w0 . These notes are © Huseyin Abut, August 1998 86 X(w) p(t) impulse train Baseband Signal 1.0 -w 1 w1 w -3T 0 -2T0 -T 0 T0 2T0 3T0 4T0 t The output of the modulator (mixer) is simply: x S (t ) = x(t ). p (t ) = x (t ). ∞ ∑ δ (t − nT0 ) = n =−∞ ∞ ∑ x( nT0 ).δ (t − nT0 ) (5.33) n =−∞ Here, the impulse train acts like a sampling function, i.e., isolating the signal at a given point. Equivalently, in the frequency-domain: 2π ∞ 2π . ∑ δ (w − k) (5.34) T T n= −∞ 0 w= −∞ 0 ∞ 1 1 2π 2π 1 ∞ 2π X S ( w) = X ( w) * P( w) = . . ∑ [ X ( w) * δ ( w − k )] = . ∑ X ( w − k) 2π 2π T0 w= −∞ T0 T0 w= −∞ T0 P( w) = F{ p (t )} = F{ ∞ ∑ δ (t − nT0 )} = (5.35) It is clear from this result that the output spectrum is a periodic family of the input spectra shifted to the neighborhood of ± kw0 = ± k 2π . T0 T 0. X s (w) Bandpass (modulated) signal -w 0 -w 0 /2 -w 1 w 1 w 0 /2 These notes are © Huseyin Abut, August 1998 w0 w 87 Table 5.2 Properties of Continuous -Time Fourier Pairs These notes are © Huseyin Abut, August 1998