Architecture Media Pty Ltd ACN 008 626 686 Level 6, 163 Eastern Road South Melbourne Vic 3205 Australia Telephone +61 3 8699 1000 Facsimile +61 3 9696 2617 Advertising Material Specifications 2016 Double-page spread1 292 D x 450 W (page trim) Full page 292 D x 225 W (page trim) Half-page horizontal 127 D x 193 W (no bleed) Material size Double-page spread 1 Full page Half-page vertical 263 D x 92 W (no bleed) Quarter page 127 D x 92 W (no bleed) Trim size (mm) Bleed size2 (mm) Type area (mm) 292 D x 450 W 302 D x 460 W 262 D x 420 W 292 D x 225 W 302 D x 235 W 262 D x 195 W Half-page horizontal 127 D x 193 W Half-page vertical 263 D x 92 W Quarter page 127 D x 92 W Printing specifications and binding Images/line art/logos Screen ruling 175 lpi; CMYK and greyscale; saddle stapled. Images Display advertising Format High resolution Adobe Acrobat PDF with bleed and trim marks included. Fonts All fonts (printer fonts and screen fonts) must be embedded, including fonts in EPS files. Colour All colours, including those used in images and EPS files, must be RGB or greyscale. No embedded colour profiles. No spot colours. Black areas should be set to overprint. Line art Logos All images must be submitted in RGB colour mode, in JPEG format, at high-resolution (300dpi), saved at maximum-quality, ideally at 100% scaling of the final size at which the image will be used. Line art must be 1200dpi at 100% scaling. Logos must be vector EPS or PDF files. Sending material White logos and type should be set to knockout. Send method Email up to 10Mb. Quickcut, Hightail or similar. FTP by arrangement with our Production department. When sending, please indicate the magazine title and the issue date the material is for. Send to Bleed Where required, bleed should be at least 3 mm; 5 mm is recommended. Production and material enquiries Registration Offset all registration marks by 5 mm. Checked files Suppliers of digital material are responsible for checking that all files are complete and correct before sending. Any work required to update files or process noncompliant material may incur a charge. (Minimum charge $200.) Proof Proofs are accepted for content layout only. Telephone: +61 3 8699 1000 Facsimile: +61 3 9696 2617 Email: Advertising booking enquiries All states Telephone: +61 3 8699 1000 Facsimile: +61 3 9696 2617 Email: WA only OKeeffe Media WA Licia Salomone Telephone: +61 412 080 600 1. For material in PDF format, supply as two separate pages. DO NOT supply as a single spread. 2. Includes 5 mm bleed to all edges. Architecture Australia | Architectural Product News | Artichoke Houses | Houses Kitchens+Bathrooms | Landscape Architecture Australia | | Design Speaks | Eat Drink Design Awards | Houses Awards R1115 Architecture Media Pty Ltd ACN 008 626 686 Level 6, 163 Eastern Road South Melbourne Vic 3205 Australia Telephone +61 3 8699 1000 Facsimile +61 3 9696 2617 Advertorial and Cover Package Material Specifications 2016 Double-page spread Full page Half-page horizontal Half-page vertical Quarter page Unit size Material summary Double-page spread 5 high-quality images, up to 800 words, company logo, web address Full page 3-5 high-quality images, up to 400 words, company logo, web address Half-page 2 high-quality images, up to 180 words, company logo1, web address Quarter page 1 high-quality image, up to 90 words, company logo1, web address Cover package Material summary Cover High-quality cover image, cover lines up to 12 words (subject to editor’s acceptance), company logo Cover story Full-page advertorial: 3-5 high-quality images, up to 400 words, company logo, web address, contact details Presentation Supplied material (continued) Focus Colour Details Editing Proof Copy should report on the benefits or application of the product or service offered and include product manufacturer and supplier names New material is preferred. Repeat items should be updated with a new image and/or revised copy. Supplier or brand logo, phone, fax, email and web contact details depending on the class of advertorial. Advertorial items are edited and styled to complement the graphic presentation of the magazine, which may change from time to time. Important: The copy and details included depends on the class of advertorial.1 An approval proof will be suppplied before printing.2 Supplied material Text Images Line art Logos Fonts Text may be sent as a Microsoft Word file. PDF files will not be accepted. All images must be submitted in RGB colour mode, in JPEG format, at high-resolution (300dpi), saved at maximum-quality, ideally at 100% scaling of the final size at which the image will be used. Line art must be 1200dpi at 100% scaling. Logos must be vector EPS or PDF files. All fonts (printer fonts and screen fonts) must be embedded, including fonts in EPS files. All colours, including those used in images and EPS files must be RGB or greyscale. No embedded colour profiles. No spot colours. Sending material Send method Email up to 10Mb. Quickcut, Hightail or similar. FTP by arrangement with our Production department. When sending, please indicate the magazine title and the issue date the material is for. Send to Production and material enquiries Telephone: +61 3 8699 1000 Facsimile: +61 3 9696 2617 Email: Advertising booking enquiries All states Telephone: +61 3 8699 1000 Facsimile: +61 3 9696 2617 Email: WA only OKeeffe Media WA Licia Salomone Telephone: +61 412 080 600 1. Company logos are not included in editorial support items. 2. An approval proof will not be supplied for an editorial support item. Architecture Australia | Architectural Product News | Artichoke Houses | Houses Kitchens+Bathrooms | Landscape Architecture Australia | | Design Speaks | Eat Drink Design Awards | Houses Awards R1115