UNI Global Union - Affiliates Albania SPPT- AL The Alban ian Post-Telecom Trade Union Algeria FNESRSCC- DZ Fédération Nationale de l'Enseigneme nt Supérieur, la Recherc he Scientifique, la Communication et la Cu lture Angola SNEBA-AO Sindicato Nacional dos Empregados Bancários de Angola SNTIBSA-AO Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores das Industrias de Bebidas e Similares STCTAL-AO Sindicato dos Trabalhadores dos Correios e Telecomunicações e Afins de Luanda Antigua and Barbuda ABWU-AG Antigua & Barbuda Workers' Union Arge ntina AATRAC-AR Asociación Argentina de Trabajadores de las Comunic aciones AB-AR Asociación Bancaria SEB ALEARA-AR Sindicato de Trabajadores de Juegos de Azar de Argentina APUAYE-AR Asociación de Profesionales Universitarios del Agua y la Energía Eléctrica ASIMRA-AR Asociación de Supervisores de la Industria Metalmecánica de la República Argentina CEPETEL- A R Centro de Profesionales de Empresas de Telecomunicaciones DAC-AR Directores Argentinos Cinematográficos Sociedad de Autores Audiovisuales FA APROME- AR Federación Argentina Agentes de Propaganda Médica FAECYS-AR Federación Argentina de Empleados de Comercio y Servicios FA TERyH-AR Federación Argentina de Trabajadores de Edificios de Renta y Horizontal FATSA-AR Federación de Asociaciones de Trabajadores de la Sanidad Argentina FOECOP- AR Federación de Obreros y Empleados del Correo Oficial y Privados FOECYT-AR Federación Obreros y Empleados de Correos y Telecomunic aciones FOEIPCYQ- AR Federación de Obrer os y Empleados de la Industría del Pape l, cartón y Químícos FUVA-AR Federación Única de Viajantes de Argentina March 2016 Page 1 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Arge ntina SAL-AR Sociedad Argentina de Locutores SATSAID-AR Sindicato Argentino de Televisión, Servicios Audiovisuales, Interactivos y de Datos SICA-AR Sindicato de la Industría Cinematográfica Argentina SOM-AR Sindicato de Obreros de Maestranza SUTEP-A R Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores de Espectaculo Publico y Afines de la Republic a Argentina Armenia CCCCWU- AM Trade Union of Commerce, Catering and Consumers Cooperatives Association and Bussines Workers NGO of Armenia UGBF RA-AM Banken und Finanziel Angestellten Gew erkschaftsunion Republik Armenien Australia AAA-AU Australian Athletes' Alliance Incorporated AMWU-AU Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union - Printing Division APESMA-AU Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia ASU-AU Australian Services Union CPSU- AU Community and Public Sector Union FSU-AU Finance Sector Union of Australia MEAA-AU Media, Entertainme nt & Arts Alliance SDA-AU Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association UNITED V OICE-A U United Voice Aus tria GPA-DJP-AT Gew erkschaft der Privatangestellten, Druck, Journalismus, Papier GPF-AT Gew erkschaft der Post- und Fernmeldebediensteten VIDA-AT Gew erkschaft vida YOUNION-AT younion _ Die Daseinsgew erkshaft Azer baijan FTUA EC-AZ March 2016 Free Trade Unions of Azerbaijan Employees of Culture Page 2 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Azer baijan RABITA-IS-AZ Republic an Committee of Co mmunications Workers Independe nt Trade Union Bahamas BCPOU-BS Bahamas Communications & Public Of ficers Union BFSU- BS Bahamas Financial Services Union UCB-BS Union of Central Bankers Bahrain GFBW- BH General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions Bangladesh BA TESKOP- BD Bangladesh Telecom Workers and Employees Organisation BBEF-BD Bangladesh Banks Employees Federation BKF-BD Bank Karmachari Federation BPADKU- BD Bangladesh Postman and Dak Kormochar iUnion BPPKF-BD Bangladesh Pr inting and Packaging Karmach ari Federation BTSKU- BD Bangladesh Telejogajog Sramik Karmachari Union GPEU-BD Grameen phone Employee s Union JDKF- BD National Shop Employees Federation Bar bados BWU-BB Barbados Workers' Union NUPW-BB National Union of Public Workers Belarus CWU-BY Cultural Workers' Union of Belarus Belgium ACCG-FGTB- BE La Centrale Générale FGTB / De Algemene Centrale ABVV A COD CULTUUR-BE ACOD Cultuur ACV-CSC TRA NSCOM-BE ACV-CSC Transport and Communication CGSLB- BE Centrale Générale des Syndicats Libéraux de Belgique March 2016 Page 3 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Belgium CGSP- POSTE-BE Centrale Générale des Services Publics - Secteur Poste CGSP- T- BE Centrale Télécom Aviation CNE-CSC- BE Centrale Nationale des Employés CSC BIE- BE CSC Bâtiment - Industrie & En ergie CSCAS-CSC- BE CSC Alimentation et Services LBC-NVK-BE Landelijke Bediendencentrale - Nationaal Verbond voor Kaderpersoneel SETCA-BBTK- BE Syndicat des Employés, Techniciens et Cadres de Belgique Be lize BCWU-BZ Belize Co mmunications Workers' Union Ber muda BIU- BM Bermud a Industrial Union BPSU-BM Bermuda Public Services Union Bolivia FGB-BO Federación Gráfica Boliviana Bosnia and He rzegovina SHT MOSTA R-BA Trade Union of Croatian Telecommunic ation Mostar STBIH- BA Commerce, Tou rism and Catering Union Botswana BOBEU-BW Botsw ana Bank Employees' Union Br azil CNTC-BR Confederaçõ Nacional dos Trabalhadores no Comércio CNTV- BR Confederação Nacional dos Vigilantes, Empregados em Empresas de Segurança, Vigilância et Transporte de Valores CONATEC- BR Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Edificios e Condomínios CONATIG- BR Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Indústria Gráfica, da Comunicação Gráfica e dos Serviços Gráfic os CONTCOP- BR Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Comunicações e Publicidade CONTEC- BR Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores nas Empresas de Crédito March 2016 Page 4 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Br azil CONTRACS- CUT-BR Confederaçao Nacional dos Trabalhadores No Comércio e Serviços da CUT CONTRAF- CUT-BR Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores do Ramo Financeiro CONTRATUH- BR Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Turismo e Hospitalidade FEACONSPAR- BR Federação dos Empregados em Empresas de Asseio e Conservação do Estado do Paraná FEESSESP- BR Federação dod Empregados em Estabelecimentos de Serviços de Saúde do Estado de São Paulo FENASCON- BR Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Serviços, Asseio e concervação, Limpeza Urbana, Armbiental e Areas Verdes FENATTEL- BR Federaçao Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Empresas de Telecomunicações FENA VENPRO-BR Federaçao Nacional dos Empregados Vendedores e Viajantes do Comércio, Propagandistas, Propagandistas-Vendedores e Vendedores de Produtos Farmaceuticos FETHEMG- BR Federação dos Empregados em Turismo e Hospitalidade do estado de Minas Gerais FISENGE- CUT-BR Federaçao Interestadual de Sindicatos de Engenheiros FITERT- SP- BR Federaçao Interestadual dos Trabalhadores em Radiodifusao e Televisao SECHOBA RES-MG-BR Sindicato dos Empregad os no Comércio Hoteleiro, Bares, Restaurantes e Similares, Turismo e Hospitalidade de Curvelo, Diamantina e Micro – Região do Médio Rio das Velhas e Três Marias SENTRACOMSERV -BR Secretariado Nacional de Trabajadores de Comercio de Força Sindical SENTRACOS- BR Secretariado Nacional dos Trabalhadores no Comércio e Serviços SETH/TAP- BR Sindicato d os Empregados em Turis mo e Hospitalidade de Uberlândia, Triang ula Mineiro e Alto Par anaíba MG SIEMA CO ABC- BR Sindicato dos Empregados em Empresas de Prestação de Serviços de Asseio e Conservação, Limpeza Urbana e Manutenção de Areas Verdes Públicas e Privadas de São Bernardo do Compo, Diaema, São Cae tao do Sul, Santo Andr é, Mauá e Ribeir ão Pires SIEMA CO CURITIBA- BR Sindicato dos Empregados em Empresas de Asseio e Conservação de Curitiba e Região SIEMA CO GRS-BR Sinidcato dos Empregados em Empresas Asseio e Conservação, Turismo et Hospitalidade de Guarulhos SIEMACO PG-BR Sindicato dos Empregados em Empresas de Asseio e Conservação de Ponta Grossa e Região SIEMACO SP-BR Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Empresas de Prestação de Serviçios de Asseio e Conservação e Limpez a Urbana de Sã o Paulo SINAP-BR Sindicato Nacion al dos Papeleiros SINDCINE- BR Sindicato dos Trabalhadores na Indústria Cinematográfica e do Audovisual dos Estados de SP, PR, SC, RS, MT, MS, GO, TO e DF SINDEA C- BR Sindicato dos Empregad os em Edifícios e Condomínios, em Empresas de Prestação de Serviços em Asseio, Conservação, Higienização, Desinsetização, Portaria, Vigia e dos Cabineiros de Belo Horizente March 2016 Page 5 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Br azil SINDESETH- BR Sindicato dos Empregados em Turismo e Hospitalida de de Sete Lagoas SINDIBOMBEIROS- BR Sindicato dos Bombeiros Profissionais Civis das Empresas e Prestações de Serviços do Estado de Sâo Paulo SINEEACTH- BR Sindicato dos Empregados em Empresas de Asseio e Conservação, Turismo e Hospitalidade de João Manlevade SINPEFESP- BR Sindicato dos Profissionais de Edu cação Física de São Paulo e Região SINSAUDE- BR Sindicato dos Empre gados em Estabelecimentos de Serviços de Saúd de Campinas SINTEA C- BR Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Empresas de Asseio, Conservação e Limpeza Urbana de Juiz de Fora - MG SINTETEL- BR Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Empresas de Telecomunicaçoes e Operadores de Mesas Telefónicas no Es tado de Sao Paulo SINTHA C- BR Sindicato dos Empr egados em Turismo e Hospitalidade de Cataguase s e Região STIC-BR Sindicato Interestadual dos Trabalhadores na Industría Cinematográfica e do Audiovisual Bulga ria FFSTUB- BG Federation of Financial Sector Trade Unions in Bulgaria GSENTU- BG Guards and Security Employees National Trade Union of CL "Podkrepa" PTT- PODKREPA -BG Fédération des PTT 'Podkr epa' TUFC-BG Trade Unio n Federation of Communications Burkina Fa so FESBACI- BF Fédération Syndicale des Banques, Assurances et Etablissements Financiers du Commerce et de l'Ind ustrie FO UNSL- BF Force Ouvrières / Union Nationale de Syndicats Libres SYNATEL-BF Syndicat National de s Télécommunications SYNSEA-BF Syndicat National du Secteur de l'Energie et Assimilés SYNTRAPOST- BF Syndicat des Travailleurs de la Poste du Burkina Faso Burundi SPTT-BI Syndicat des Travailleurs des Postes et des Télécommunications du Burundi Cam eroon SNEGCBEF- CAM-CM Syndicat National des Employés, Gradés et Cadres de Banques et Etablissements Financiers du Came roun SY NACOM-CM Syndicat National de la Communic ation March 2016 Page 6 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Cam eroon SYNAPROSCAM- CM Syndicat National des Professionnels de la Sécurité Privée du Cameroun SY NATCOS-CM Syndicat National des Travailleurs de Commerce et Services du Cameroun Ca nada CUPW STTP- CA Canadian Union o f Postal Workers DGC ON-CA Directors Guild of Canada – Ontario DGC-CA Directors Guild of Canada FNC-CA Fédératio n Nationale des Communica tions MOVEUP- CA MoveUP-Movement of United Professional NHLPA-CA National Hockey League Players Association PSA C-CA Public Service Alliance of Canada UFCW- CA United Food & Comme rcial Workers International Union UNIFOR- CA UNIFOR the Un io n Cape Verde SISCAP-CV Sindicato da Indústria, Serviço, Serviçosd, Agricultura e Pesca SITTHUR- CV Sindicato dos Transportes, Telecomunicações, Hotelaria e Turismo STIF- CV Sindicato dos Trabalhadores das Instituições Financeiras de Cabo Verde Chile CONAGRA-CL Confederación Nacional Gráfica CONATRACOPS- CL Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores del Comercio, Producción y Servicios CSTEBA -CL Confederación de Sindicatos De Trabajadores Bancarios y Afines FETRA-TV -CL Federación Nacional de Sindicatos de Empresas de Canales y Productores de la Televisión Chilena SCA-CL Sindicato de Trabajadores N° 1 de C. A. de Santiago SINATE- CL Sindicato Interempresas Nacional de Telecomunicaciones SINDICATO MA RIA ROZAS-CL Sindicato Interempresas Nacional de Telecomunicaciones y Actividades Conexas María Rozas Velasquez SINDIPROSEG1 -CL Sindicato de Empresa Prosegor Chile S.A. March 2016 Page 7 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Chile SINTECH- CL Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Empresa de Correos de Chile SOP- CL Sindicato Nacional de Operadores Postales SPROSEGURL TDA -CL Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadroes de la Empresa Transporte Compañia de Seguridad de Chile "Prosegur Ltda" ZARA-CL Sindicato de Empre sa Zara Chile S.A. Colom bia A CEB- CO Asociación Colombiana de Empleados Bancarios A NEBRE- CO Asociación Nacional de Emplea dos del Banco de la República ASINTRAF- CO Sindicato de Trabajadores del Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael y Otras Entidades de la Orden Hospitalaria San Juan de Dios SINAL SECURITA S- CO Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Securitas Colombia S.A. SINAL TRA SEP-CO Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Industria de Vigilancia y Seguridad Privada SINPRISA- CO Sindicato Red de Trabajadores al Servicio de Las Empresas que Conforman Los Grupos Económicos "Prisa ", "Ser" y Demás Medios d e Comunicación y Publicidad SINTRA ATLA S-CO Sindicato de Rama de Trabajadores de Transportes de Valores, Vigilancia, Seguridad y Similares SINTRABANCOL- CO Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Grupo Bancolombia SINTRAPUL CAR-CO Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Concesiones Madereras para la Transformación de la Pulpa para la Fabricación del Papel, Cartón y Derivados de estos Procesos y las Artes Gráfic os SINTRA SALUDCOL -CO Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Sa lud de Colombia SINTRASODIMAC-CO Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Sodima c Colombia S.A. SINTRATHOMAS-CO Sindicato de Trabajadores de Thomas Greg and Sons de Colombia S.A. SINTRA VALORES- CO Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Compañía Transportadora de Valores Prosegur de Colombia S.A. STPC-CO Sindicato de Trabajador es Postales de Colombia UNEB-CO Unión Nac ional de Empleados Bancarios UNION-CO Unión de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de Grandes Superficies del Comercio en Colombia UNTRA EMIS- CO Union de Trabajadores de EMI y Sector Salud UTRACL AROY TIC- CO Unión de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores de Claro y las Tic Congo, Dem. Republic March 2016 Page 8 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Congo, Dem. Republic CDT- CD Conféderation Démocratique du Travail CSC TRANSCOM-CD Conféderation Syndicale du Congo / Transcom FIC- CD Force Interprofessionnelle de la République Démocratique du Congo FNC- CD Fédération Nationale des Cadres FNTBAIF- CD Fédération Nationale des Travailleurs des Banques, Assurances et Institutions Financières FNTPC-CD Fédération Nation ale des Travailleurs des Postes et d e la Communication GS-CD La Générale Syndicale OTUC-CD Organisation des Travailleurs Unis du Congo RAS-CD Renouveau de l'Action Syndicale SYNCA SS-CD Syndicat National des Cadres, Agents et Employés des Secteurs des Services SYTHAC-CD Syndicat National des Travailleurs de l'Hôtelerie, Alimentation, Commerce, Industries Diverses et des Secteurs Inter-Professionnel Socio-Economiques du Congo Congo, Re public CGCAM- CG Conféderation Générale des Cadres et Agents de Maîtrise CSTC-CG Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs du Congo Costa Rica SEBANA -CR Sindicato de Empleados del Banco Nacional de Cos ta Rica SIBANPO- CR Sindicato de Trabajadores del Banco Popular UNTRA SEPP- CR Union Nacional de Trabajadores del Sector Privado y Público Côte d'Ivoire SYNA POSTEL- CI Syndicat National des Secteurs des Postes et des Télécommunications SY NAPP- CI Syndicat National des Agents de la Presse Privée de Côte d'Ivoire SYNECCSCI- CI Syndicat National des Employés et Cadres du Commerce et des Services de Côte d'Ivoire SYNTRACEP- CI Syndicat National des Travailleurs des Caisses d'Epargne de Côte d'Ivoire SYPINCI- CI Syndicat du Personnel de l'Imprimerie Na tionale de Côte d'Ivoire UA G4S- CI Union des Agents de Group 4 Securicor March 2016 Page 9 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Croatia CTUC-HR Commercial Trade Union of Cr oatia HSP- HR Croatian Trade Union of Postal Workers HST- HR Croatian Trade Union of Telecommunications SBF- HR Croatian Un ion of Bank and Financial Emp loyees SINDIKAT GRA FICA RA- HR Trade Union in Printing and Publishing Indu stry of Croatia Cyprus BASS-CY Cyprus Turkish Office, Bank, Insurance and Commerce Employees Union CPPWTU- PEO-CY Cyprus Press and Printing Workers Trade Union CWC-OIYK-CY Federation of Clerical & Commercial Employees of Cypr us - SEK EPOET-CY Free Pancyprian Organization of Telecommunication Employees ETY K-CY Cyprus Union of Bank Employees OVIEK-SEK-CY Federation of Industrial Workers of Cyprus PEU- CY Cyprus Postal Employe es Union Czech Re public ITU- CZ Independent Trade Union of Czech Television OS MEDIA- CZ Trade Union of the Public Service Media of the Czech Republic OS PPP- CZ Trade Union of Banking and Insurance Employees OS ZPTNS- CZ Trade Union of Workers in Postal, Telecommunication and New spaper Services OSPO- CZ Trade Un ion of Commercia l Workers Denmark 3F-DK 3F - United Federation of Danish Workers DANSK METAL- DK Da nsk Me tal DEF- DK Danish Union for Electricians DJOF- DK The Danish Association of Law yers and Economists, Political and Social Scientists DM- DK Dansk Magisterforening March 2016 Page 10 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Denmark FORSIKRINGSFORBUNDETForsikringsforbundet DK FSU- DK Finansforbundet HK HANDEL- DK HK Han del HK POST- DK HK Post & Kommunikation HK PRIV AT- DK HK Privat IDA -DK The Society of Danish Engineers NNF- DK Food Workers' Union NNF PROSA- DK PROSA - Danish Association of IT Professionals SERVICEFORBUNDET- DK Serviceforbundet TL -DK Teknis k Landsforbund Dominica DPSU-DM Dominic a Public Service Union Dominican Republic FEDOTRAZONAS- DO Federación Dominicana de Trabajadores de Zonas Francas Industrias Diversas y Servicios FENA MUTRA- DO Federación Nacional de Mujeres Trabajadoras FENATRAZONAS- DO Federación Nacional de Trabajadores de Zonas Francas, Industria, Comercio, Servicios y Afines FENTRATACA- DO Federación Nacional de Trabajadores Textileros, Zonas Francas, Industrias y Comercio SITRABANCA-DO Sindicato Unido de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras del Consorcio de Bancas Real Sport (Amazing Hodlinggroup) UNASED- DO Unión Naciona l de Servicios de Enfermer ía Dominicana Egypt GTUPPI- EG General Trade Union of Pres s, Printing and Information NTUBIFA- EG National Trade Union of Banks, Insurance and Financial Affairs TEIS-EG Telecom Egypt Ind ependent Syndicate El Salvador SITHBLOOM- SV March 2016 Sindicato de Trabajad oras y Trabajadoros del Hospital Nacional de Niñios Ben jamin Bloom Page 11 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates El Salvador SITRA CORREOS-SV Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Dirección General de Correos SITRALONB-SV Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Loteria Nacional de Beneficencia Estonia ESTAL -EE Estonian Communication and Service Worker s' Trade Union ETKA -EE Estonian Trade Union of Commercial a nd Servicing Employees Fiji CMGWU-FJ Commu ication, Min ing and Gen eral Workers Union FB & FSEU- FJ Fiji Bank & Fin ance Sector Employees Union NUFCW-FJ National Union of Factor y and Commercial Workers Finland ERTO-FI Federation of Special Service and Clerical Employees IL- FI Union of Professional Engineers in Finland METALL I- FI Finnish Metalw orkers' Union NOUSU-FI Trade Un ion Nousu PAM- FI Service Union United PAU- FI The Finnis h Post and Logistics Union PAU Ry PRO- FI Tra de Union PRO SEFE-FI The Finnish Association of Graduates in Economics and Business TEK- FI Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEME-FI Trade Union for Thea tre and Media Finland VVL-FI Vakuutusväen Liitto VvL ry Fr ance CFDT- CADRES-FR Union Confédérale des Ingénieurs et Cadres CFDT CFDT- SERV ICES-FR Fédération des Services CFDT CGT- COMMERCE-FR Fédération CGT Commerc et Services March 2016 Page 12 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Fr ance CGT-FA PT- FR Fédération nationale des salariés du secteur des activités postales et de télécommunications CGT F3C CFDT- FR Féder ation Co mmunic ation Co nseil Culture CFDT FA SAP-FO-FR Fédération des Arts, Spectacles, Presse, Audiovis uel FO FBA-CFDT- FR Federation CFDT Banques et Assurances FEC-FO- FR Fédération des Employés et Cadres, Force Ouvrière FEETS- FO- FR Fédération de l'Equipement, de l'Environnement, des Transports et des Services - FO FGA-CFDT- FR Fédération générale agroalimentaire - CFDT FGTA-FO-FR Fédération Générale des Travailleurs de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, des Tabacs et des Services Annexes Force Ouvrière FILPAC- CGT- FR Fédération des Travailleurs des Industries du Livre, du Papier et de la Communication CGT FINA NCES- CGT-FR Fédération de s Finances CGT FNPSECP- FR Fédération CGT des Sociétés d'Etudes FO-CADRES- FR Union des Cadres et Ingénieurs FO FO-COM- FR Force Ouvrière Communication FSPBA-CGT- FR Fédération des Syndicats du Personnel de la Banque et de l'Assurance CGT INOV A-FR Inov a CFE-CGC SFR-CGT- FR Syndicat Français des Réalisateurs SGFOSCE- FR Syndicat Général Force Ouvrière des Services de la Coiffure et de l'Esthétique SNRT-CGT- FR Syndicat National des Radios et Télévisions CGT du Group France Télévisions SNTPCT- FR Syndicat National des Techniciens de la Pr oduction Cinématographique et de Télévision SPIA C-CGT- FR Syndicat des Professionnels des Industries de l'Audiovisuel et du Cinéma SYNPTAC- CGT- FR Syndicat National des Professionnels du Théâtre et des Activités Culturelles UGICT-CGT- FR Union Générale des Ingénieurs, Cadres et Techniciens - CGT UNSA SPORT 3S-FR Fédération UNSA 3S Sport, Santé, Social March 2016 Page 13 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Fr ance USI-CGT- FR Unio n Syndic ale de l'Intérim CGT Gabon FESYTEC- GA Fédération Syndicale des Ourvriers Techniciens de Surface ONEC- GA Organisation Na tionale des Employés d u Commerce et A ssimilés USTC-GA Union Syndicale des Travailleurs du Commerce Georgia GIUWCST- GE Georgian Independent Union of Wor kers in Culture, Sports & Tourism Ger many IG BA U- DE Industriegew erkschaft Bauen-Agrar-Umw elt V ER.DI- DE Vereinte Dienstleistungsgew erkschaft Gha na CWU- GH Communication Workers Unio n of TUC ( Ghana) HSWU-GH Health Services Workers' Union ICU- GH Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union PSWU-GH Public Service Wo rkers Union of TUC Greece OASE-GR Greek Federation of Insurance Employee Unions OIYE- GR Greek Federation o f Private Employees OME-OTE- GR Greek Te lecom Employe es' Feder ation OSETY P- GR Greek Fede ration of Gaming Employees Union OTOE-GR Greek Fede ration of Bank Emplo yee Unions POSPERT- GR Federation of Greek Broadcasting Unions POST-GR Panhellenic Federation of Postal Associations Gre nada CIWU-GD The Grenada Commercial and Indus trial Workers ' Union GTAWU- GD Grenada Technical and Allied Workers' Union Guatemala March 2016 Page 14 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Guatemala STEPLEA- GT Sindicato de Trabajadores de Prensa Libre y Empresas Anexas STGUATEL- GT Sindicato de Trabajadores Guatemaltecos de Telecomunicaciones Guinea FESABAG-GN Fédération Syndicale Autonome des Banques et Assurances de Guinée FSPC-GN Fédération Syndicale Professionelle du Commerce Guya na GPTWU- GY Guyana Posta l and Telecommunica tion Workers ' Union Honduras SITRAIHSS- HN Sindicato de Trabajadores del Instituto Hondureño Seguridad Social Hong Kong CWSAHK-HK REACH, PCCW, Cable & Wireless Staff Assoc iation HKBMSWGU- HK Hong Kong Building Management and Securtiy Worke rs General Union HKDLCM- HK Hong Kong Disneyland Cast Memb ers' Union HKRCCIGU- HK Retail, Commerce and Clothing Ind ustries Ge neral Union PCCWSA- HK PCCW Staff Association Hunga ry BBDSZ- HU Federation of Unions of the Finance Sector BBDSZ SZ-HU Bankok, Biztositok Dolgozoi Szakszervezeteinek Szovetsege EODSZ -HU Trade Union of Value Transportation and Security Workers FFSZ- HU Syndicat des Auteurs et des Employés du Cinéma Hongrois HGWU-HU Hungarian Graphical Workers' Trade Union KASZ-HU Trade Un ion of Commer cial Employees PSZ- HU Hungarian Postal Trad e Union TAVSZAK-HU Tavkozlesi Szakszervezet Ice land FBM- IS March 2016 The Graphical Union of Iceland Page 15 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Ice land LIV -IS The Comme rcial Federation of Ic eland PFI- IS Póstmannafé lag Islands RSI- IS Rafidnadarsamband Islands SSF- IS Confederation of Icelandic Bank and Finance Employees India A IBOBEF- IN All India Bank of Baroda Employees ' Federation AIBOBOA -IN All India Bank of Baroda Officers' Association A INLIEF- IN All India National Life Insurance Employe es' Federation A IOBEU- IN All India Overseas Bank Employ ees' Union A ISBISF- IN All India State Bank of India Staff Federation A RTEE-IN Association of Radio & Tele vision Engineering Employees FCTWEI- IN Federation of Cine Technicians & Workers of Eastern India FNPO-IN Federation of National Postal Organizations GRCSL U- IN Garden Reach Contract Security & Labours Union IFTDA -IN Indian Film and Television Director's Association INBEF-IN India n National Bank Emplo yees' Fede ration INSEPWF- IN Indian National Salaried Employees' and Professional Workers Federation ISP MA ZDOOR SANGH- IN India Security Press Mazdoor Sangh KFWATF- IN Karnataka Film Workers Artists Technician Federation LV BEU- IN The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Employees' Union NAPE GROUP 'C'- IN National Association of Postal Employees Group C NUBSNL W-FNTO-IN National Union of BSNL Workers -FNTO NUGDS-IN National Union of Gra min Dak Sevaks RMS- IN Rashtriya Mazdoor Sangh (RMS) - Pune March 2016 Page 16 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates India SIBEA -IN South Indian Bank Employees Association SKSAXIS-IN Sw arajya Kamgar Sanghatana (Axix s Bank) TPSGU-IN The Private Security Guards Union UNITES- IN Unites Professionals India Indone sia ASPEK-ID Association of Indonesia Trade Union (Asosiasi Serikat Pekerja Indonesia) SEKA R TEL KOM-ID Telekom Indones ia Union Ire land A HCPS-IE Association of Higher Civil & Public Servants CPSU-IE Civil Public Servic e Union CWU- IE Communications Worker s' Union IBOA -IE IBOA - The Finance Union MANDATE- IE Mandate Trade Union PSEU-IE Public Service Executive Union SIPTU-IE Services Industrial Professional Technical Union Israel IUGE+PTT- IL Union of Government Employ ees, PTT Section TU- IL Union of Technical Engineers and Technicians in Israel UCA PSE- IL Union of Clerical, Administrative and Public Service Employees Italy FABI- IT Federazione Autono ma Bancari Italiani FILCA MS-CGIL -IT Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Commercio Turismo Servizi FIRST-CISL -IT First Cisl FISA C-CGIL- IT Federazione Italiana Sindacale Lavoratori Assicurazioni e Credito FIST-CISL- IT Federazione Italiana Sindacati Terziario March 2016 Page 17 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Italy FNA- IT Federazione Nazionale Assicuratori NIDIL CGIL -IT Nuove Identitá di Lav oro CGIL SINFUB- IT Federazione Nazionale Sindacati Autonomi Personale di Credito, Finanza e Assicurazioni SL C-CGIL- IT Sindacato Lavoratori Comunicazione SLP-CISL- IT Sindicato Lavoratori Poste SNFIA -IT Sindicato Nazionale Funzionari Imprese Assicuratrici UIL TEMP- IT Categoria Nazionale dei Lavoratori Temporanei Autonomi Atipici e Partite Iva UILCA -IT Credito e Assicurazioni UIL C.A. UIL -POST- IT Unione Italiana Lavoratori Postelegrafonici UILTUCS- UIL -IT Unione Italiana Lavora tori Turismo Co mmercio e Servizi - UIL UNITA SINDA CAL E- IT Unità Sindacale - Falcri Silcea Jamaica BITU-JM Bustamen te Industrial Tr ade Union UAWU- JM University & Allied Workers Union Japan FNIU-JP Federation of Non-Life Insurance Workers' Unions of Japan ICTJ-JP The Federation of Information and Communic ation Technology Service Workers of Japan JAW-JP Confederation of Japan Automobile Workers' Unions JPBPA -JP Japan Professional Baseball Players Association JPGU-JP Japan Postal Group Union L IU- JP National Federation of Life Insurance Workers' Unions of Japan MINPOROREN-JP Japan Federation of Commercial Broadcast Workers' Union NIPPORO- JP Japan Broadcasting Labour Union PIMW-JP Federation of Printing Information Media Workers Union March 2016 Page 18 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Japan PLU- JP All Printing Bur eau Labour Union ROSA IROREN-JP Federation of Zenrosai Trade Unions SHINBUNROREN-JP Japan Federation of New spaper Workers' Unions UA Z ENSEN- JP The Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workers' Unions Z ENROKIN- JP Federation of Labour Bank Workers' Unions of Japan Z ENSHINREN-JP National Fed eration of Trust Bank Emp loyees' Union Jordan GTUBIA E- JO General Trade Union of Banks, Insurance and Auditing Employees Kazakhstan CSMWUK-KZ Culture, Sports and Media Workers' Union of Kazakhstan Ke nya BIFU-KE Banking, Insuran ce Finance Union COWU-KE Communication Workers Union of Kenya KNPSWU- KE Kenya National Private Security Workers' Union KUCFA W- KE Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied Workers KUDHEIHA- KE Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers KUHABSWO- KE Kenya Union of Hair and Beauty Salon Workers KUPRIPUPA- KE Kenya Union of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers and Allied Workers Kor ea, Re public KFCLU- KR Korean Federation of Clerical & Financial Labour Unions KFIU-KR Korean Financial Industry Union KHMU-KR Korea Health and Me dical Workers' Union KPSU-KR Korean Federation of Private Service Workers' Unions KPWU-KR Korean Postal Workers' Union KUWU-KR Korean University Worker's Union March 2016 Page 19 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Kor ea, Re public NUMW-KR National Union of Media Workers Kuwait KTUF- KW Workers Union of the Ministry of Communication in Kuw ait MIESK-KTUF-KW Ministry of Information Employees Syndicate of Kuw ait Kyrgyzstan CWU- KG Cultural Workers' Union of Kyrgyzstan La tvia LAKRS-LV Latvian Trade Union of Pbulic Services and Transport Workers LKDAF-LV Latvian Trade Union Federation for People Engaged in Cultural Activities LSAB-LV Latvian Post and Telecommunications Worke rs Trade Union LTDA-LV Latvian Commercial Workers Trade Union Lebanon FSEBL- LB Federation of Bank Employees' Unio n in Lebanon Les otho NUCCAW-LS National Unio n of Commerce, Catering and Allied Workers Liberia APWASEUL -LR Artisans, Public Works and Services Employees Union of Liberia NTUPA W- LI National Trade Unions of Public Service and Allied Workers Libya GSPTI- LY General Syndicate of Post and Telecommunications and Informatics Lithua nia LCWTU- LT Lithuanian Communication Wo rkers' Trade Union LRTPS-L T LRT Workers' Trade Union L TUCCE- LT Lithuanian Trad e Union of Commercial a nd Cooperative Employees LTUFCW- LT Lithuanian Trade Union Federation of Cultural Workers Luxe mbourg ALEBA-LU Association Luxembourgeoise des Employés de Banque et d'Assurance a.s.b.l. LCGB-CLSC-LU Confédération Luxembourgeoise des Syndicats Chrétiens March 2016 Page 20 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Luxe mbourg OGB-L-LU Confédération Sydicale Indépendante du Luxembourg SY NDICA T DES P&T- LU Syndicat des P. et T. Malawi CIAWU-MW Comme rcial Indus trial & Allied Workers Union COWUMA- MW Communication Workers Union of Malaw i Malaysia ABOM-MY Association of Bank Officers Peninsular Malaysia AME-MY Association of Maybank Executives CIMBESU- MY Union Executive CIMB CSEU- MY Contin ental Tyre PJ Malaysia Sdn Bhd Employee s Union GMBWU- MY Genting Malaysia Berhad Workers Union KSKSTMB-MY TV3 Ma laysia Employe e Union KTMB-MY Koperasi Telekom Malaysia Berhad MTSU- MY Malayan Technical Services Union NUBE- MY National Union of Ba nk Emplo yees NUNW- MY National Union of New spaper Workers NUTE-MY Natio nal Union o f Telecommu nication Employ ees PMJEU-MY Pos Malaysia Junior Executive Union POCSUS- MY Postal Clercial Staff Union Saraw ak RWBEU-MY Resort World Berhad Executive Union SBEU-SABAH-MY Sabah Banking Employees' Union SBEU-SA RAWAK-MY Saraw ak Bank Employees' Union SCEU SABA H-MY Saba h Commer cial Emp loyees Union SUTE- MY Sabah Un ion of Telekom Emplo yees March 2016 Page 21 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Malaysia UNICOME- MY Federation of Retail Sector Unions - Malaysia UNITESS- MY Teleko m Sales and Services SDN BHD Emplo yees Union UNIVEN- MY Association of Telecommunication and Multimedia Vendors Malaysia UPCW-MY Union of Pos Malaysia Clerica l Workers, Peninsular Malaysia UPUS- MY Union of POS Malaysia Uniformed Staff UTES- MY Union of Telecoms Employees Saraw ak Mali SYNAPOSTEL- ML Syndicat Natio nal des Postes et Télé communications du Mali Malta GWU- MT General Workers' Union MUBE-MT Malta Union of Ba nk Emplo yees Maur itania FENA POSTEL -MR Fédération Na tionale des Postes et Télé communications Maur itius CAFTEU- MU Clerical, Admin istrative, Financial, Te chnical Employee s' Union EPZ WU-MU Export Processing Zone Workers' Union GGSU-MU Government General Services Union GSA -MU Government Services Employees Association TESA- MU Telecommunications Employees and Staff Association Mexico SINTOL ED- MX Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Operadores de Libros y Establecimientos de Diversion, Hoteles, Restaurantes y Comunic aciones SITAG- MX Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores de Areas Gráficas, Similares y Conexos de la Repbulica Mexic ana SITATYR-MX Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores y Artistas de TV y Radio, Similares y Conexos de la R.M. SNTISSSTE- MX Sindicato Nacional de Traba jadores del ISSSTE SNTSEPOMEX-MX Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Servicio Postal Mexicano SNTSS- MX Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Seguro Social March 2016 Page 22 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Mexico STPC-MX Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Producción Cinematográfica de la Republica Mexicana STRM- MX Sindicato de Telefonistas de la República Mexicana Moldova CSM- MD Comitetul Sind ical SA "MOL DCEL L" SLC- MD Syndicat des Travailleurs de la Culture Mongolia FCSWTU- MN Federation of Commercial and Service Workers Trade Unions of Mongolia GOBI TU- MN Trade Un ion of the "GOBI" Company INC TU- MN Trade Union of "Information Netw ork Communication" Company MPWU-MN Mongolian Postal Worke rs Union TUC- MN Trade Union of "Commerce" TU- PSC- MN Trade Union of "Petro Star" Company UTUMT-MN United Tr ade Union of Mongolia Te lecom Montenegro STCG TUTM- ME Trade Union of Telecom - Montenegro Mor occo FNPL-UMT- MA Fédération Nationale des Postes & Log istique - UMT UMT- MA Union Marocaine de Travail Moza mbique SINECOSSE- MZ Sindicato Nacional dos Empregados de Comércio, Seguros e Serviços SINTAC-MZ Sindicato Nacional de Aviaçao Civil, Correios e Comunicaçoes SINTEL MO- MZ Sindicato Nacional das Telecomunicações de Moçambique SINTIQUIFA -MZ Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Indústria Química e Affines SNEB- MZ Sindicato Nacional dos Empregados Bancários Nam ibia NAFAU-NA Namibian Food and Allied Workers' Union Ne pal March 2016 Page 23 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Ne pal ANSWU-NP All Nepal Security Workers' Union CWU- NP Casino Worker s Union, Nepal FIEUN-NP Finan cial Institute Employe es Union of Nepal IPWUN-NP Independent Press Worker's Union NBU- NP Nepal Beautician Union NECSEU- NP Nepal Civ il Service Employees' Union NTCWU-NP Nepal Telecom Workers ' Union NTVEA- NP Nepal Television Employee Association RNEA -NP Radio Nepal Emplo yees' Association TEAN-NP Telecommunication Employ ees Association of Nepal UNI EXPO- NP Union o f Extra Postal Employees UNI PRESS- NP Nepal Printing & Allied Workers' Union UNICOME- NP Union o f Commercial Emplo yees UNICTS- NP Union of Informa tion, Communication and Technology Service in Nepal UNIME-NP Union of Media Workers Nepal UPSIN-NP Union of Public Services in Nepal Nethe rlands DIENSTENBOND-NL Diensten bond CNV EU A THLETES-NL European Elite Athletes Association FIFPRO- NL Fédération Internationale des Fooballeurs Professionels FNV BEAUTIFUL -NL FNV BEA UTIFUL FNV KIEM- NL Kunsten Infor matie en Media FNV -NL FNV VAKBOND ABC-NL Algemene Bond Casinopersoneel March 2016 Page 24 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates New Zealand EPMU-NZ NZ Engineering Printing & Manu facturing Un ion Inc FIRST UNION-NZ FIRST UNION IRPA- NZ International Rugby Players Association PSA-NZ New Zealand Public Service Association SFWU- NZ Service and Food Worke rs' Union Nga Ringa Tota Nica ragua FESC-NI Federación Nacional de Trabajadores de Comunicaciones y Correos "Enrique Schmidt Cuadra" SIGGSEPRIN-NI Sindicato Gremial de Guardas de Seguridad Privada de Nicaragua Niger SY NAT TELECOMS- NE Syndicat National des Travailleurs des Télécoms au Niger SYNTRACOM- NE Syndicat National des Travailleurs du Commerce Nigeria ASCSN-NG Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria ASSBIFI- NG Association of Senior Staff of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions FOBTOB- NG Food, Beverage and Tobacco Senior Staff Association HAPSSSA-NG Hotel & Personal Services Senior Staff Association NUHPSW- NG National Union of Hotels & Personal Services Workers NUPTE-NG Nationa l Union of Pos tal and Teleco mmunicatio ns Emplo yees RA TTAWU-NG Radio, Television, Theatre and Arts Workers' Union of Nigeria SHOPDIS- NG Shop and Distributive Trade Senior Staff Association of Nigeria SSA- NIPOST- NG Senior Staff Association of Communication, Transport and Corporations Norway EL & IT- NO EL & IT Fo rbun det FAGFORBUNDET-NO Fagforbundet FEL LESFORBUNDET- NO Fellesforbundet March 2016 Page 25 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Norway FLT- NO Norw egian Engineers and Managers Association FSU- NO Finansforbundet HK-NO Handel og Ko ntor i Norge NAF-NO Norw egian Union of General Workers NEGOTIA- NO NEGOTIA NITO-NO Norw egian Society of Engineers and Technologis ts POSTKOM- NO Norw egian Union of Postal and Communication Workers TEKNA- NO The Norw egian Society of Graduate Technic al and Scientific Professionals Pakistan A PE & WU- PK All PTV Employees & Workers Union A PPEDWU- PK All Pakistan Postal DMO's Employees & Worke rs's Union (C.B.A) Pakistan APPSU-PK All Pakistan PASSCO Sta ff Union NOPE-PK National Organisation of Posta l Employees PBIFCEF- PK Pakistan Bank, Insurance, Financial and Comme rcial Employe es' Feder ation PBIFEF- PK Pakistan Bank, Insurance and Financia l Employees' Fe deration PTEU-PK Pakis tan Telecommu nication Employ ees Un ion Palestine NTBI-PS The National Union of Banking and Insurance PALTEL UNION-PS General Association of Telecommunication and IT Workers PAU- PS Palestinian Au diovisual Union PGFTU-PS Palestinian General Fed eration of Trade Unions PPSWU-PS Palestin ian Postal Worker's Union Panama ASECOTEL- PA Asociación de Empleados de Correos y Telégrafos SINTCAWIPSA- PA Sindicato Nacion al de Trabajadores de Cable & Wir eless Panamá, S.A March 2016 Page 26 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Panama SINTRA CP- PA Sindicato d e Trabajadores del Can al de Panamá SIPANAB-PA Sindicato Panameño de Auxiliares de Abordo SITGRAF-PA Sindicato de Trabajadores Gráficos de Panamá Papua New Guinea PNGBFIWU- PG PNG Ba nk and Finan cial Institu tion Workers Un ion Paraguay FETRABAN-PY Federación de Trabajadores Bancarios y Afines del Paraguay SIEMCOIT- PY Sindicato de Empleados de Comercios y Servicios Generales SINTRAPOP- PY Sindicato de Trabajadores Postales del Paraguay SINTRATEL- PY Sindicato Nacional de Trabajado res de la Radio y la Televisión SOGP- PY Sindicato de Obreros Gráfic os del Paraguay Peru CFBBVA BC- PE Centro Federado de Empleado s del BBVA Banco Continental FED-CUT ESSA LUD- PE Federación Centro Unión de Trajabadores del Seguro Social de Salud FETBANF- PE Federación de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras del Sector Banca, Finanzas y Afines del Perú FGP- PE Federación Gráfica del Perú SETP-PE Sindicato de Empleados de la Empresa Telefónica del Perú S.A.A. SINDSECURITAS-PE Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Empresa Securitas SITOBUR- PE Sindicato de Trabajadores Obreros/as de la Empresa Innova Ambiental S.A. SPP- PE Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Cia. de Seguridad Prosegur SUDECREDISCOTIA- PE Sindicato Unitario de Empleados del Crediscotia Financiera SUTAMP- PE Sindicato Unitario de Trabajad ores de América Móvil Perú SAC SUTRAGRISA -PE Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores del Grupo Ripley S.A. Perú SUTRAGRUCEP-PE Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores del Grupo Economico Cencosud SUTTP-PE Sindicato de Unidad de Trabajadores de Telecomunicaciones de El Salvador. March 2016 Page 27 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Philippines ALU-PH Associated Labour Unions - TUCP CWP- PH Communication Workers of the Philip pines KKKP-PH Philippine Postal Wo rkers' Union NABU- PH National Alliance of Broadcast Unions NUBE-PH National Union of Ba nk Emplo yees PEUP-PH Posta l Employee s Union of the Philippines Pola nd BANKOWIEC- PL NSZZ Pracow ników Bankow osci "BANKOWIEC" FZ ZPKIS- PL Federation of Trade Unions of Culture and Arts Workers KRZZP- PL Trade Union of Graphical Workers NSZZ COMMERCE-PL NSZZ Solidarnosc - National Sec retariat Commerce Workers Union NSZZ KSN-PL Krajow a Sekcja Nauki NSZ Z "SOLIDARNOSC" NSZZ SKB-PL National Section of Bank Workers of NSZZ "Solidarnosc" Por tugal FEBA SE SBC-PT Sindicato dos Bancários do Centro - FEBASE FEBA SE SBN-PT Sindicato dos Bancários do Norte - FEBASE FEBA SE SBSI-PT Sindicato d os Bancários do Sul e Ilhas - FEBASE SINAPSA- PT Sindicato Nacional dos Profissionais de Seguros e Afins SINDETEL CO-PT Sindicato Democrático dos Trabalhadores das Comunicaçoes e dos Media SINTTA V- PT Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores das Telecomunicaçoes e Audiovisual SITESE- PT Sindicato dos Trabalhadores de Escritório, Comércio, Hotelaria e Serviços SNTCT-PT Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores dos Correios e Telecomunicações STAD- PT Sindicato dos Trabalhadores de Serviç os de Portaria, Vigilância, Limpeza, Domésticas e Actividades Diversas STPT-PT Sindicato dos Trabalhadores do Grupo Portugal Telecom Rom ania March 2016 Page 28 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Rom ania ANTIC-RO National Alliance of IT&C Trade Unions FA IR- MEDIASIND- RO The Culture & Mass Media Federation FSA B-RO Trade Union Federation from Insurances and Banks FSC- RO Trade Union Feder ation of Commerce FSPC-RO Federation o f Unions from Post and Communications PROTECTOR- RO Trade Union Federation "Protector" for the Security Industry SITT-RO Sindicatul IT Timiso ara Rus sian Fe deration CWU- RU Communica tion Workers Union of Russia KAG-RU Cultural Workers Union of Russia Rw anda SENJOUSMEL -RW Syndicat des Enseignants, Journalistes, Services Médicaux, Librairies Ainsi Que d'Autres du Secteur Privé Sa int Lucia CSA-LC St. Lucia Civil Service Association NWU- LC National Wo rkers Union Sa int Vincent SVGPSU-VC St. Vincent and the Grenadines Public Service Union Sao Tome and Princ ipe SINCOTEL- ST Sindicato dos Correios e Telecomunicaçoes de Sao Tomé e Principe Senegal SNTPT-SN Syndicat National des Travailleurs des Postes et Télécommunications SY NTIPS- SN Syndicat National des Travailleurs des Industries Polygraphiques du Sénégal SYTPOSTE- SN Syndicat National des Travailleurs de la Poste SYTS-SN Syndicat des Travailleurs de SONATEL Serbia GS SITEL NEZ AVISNOST- RS Transport and Telecommunication Union Federation "Nezavisnost" JSTS- RS United Tr ade Union of Telekom Serbia March 2016 Page 29 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Sierra Leone SL ETU- SL Sierra Leone Traders Union Singapore CMPU-SG Creative Media And Publish ing Union DBSSU- SG DBS Staff Union SATSWU-SG Singapore Air port Terminal Services Workers' Union SBEU- SG Singapo re Bank Employee s' Union SBOA-SG Singapore Bank Officers' Associations SIEU-SG The Singapore Insura nce Employees' Union SMMWU-SG The Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union SUBE- SG Singapore Union of Broadcasting Employees UTES-SG Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore Slovakia OZ PAL-SK Trade Union of Posts and Logistics OZ PPA P- SK Odborovy Zväz Pracovníkov Penazníc tva a Pois t'ovníc tva OZ POCR- SK Trade Union of Emp loyees in Co mmerce and Tourism OZT-SK Trade Union Teleko m - Slov akia Slove nia KSS PERGAM-SI Confederation of Trade Unions of Slovenia - PERGAM SBU SBS-SI Slove nian Banking Union SUKI-SI SUKI - Union Conference of Freelance Workers in Culture and Media at GLOSA TS- SI Tele kom Sloven ije South Africa CWU-ZA Communication Workers' Union of South Africa SACCAWU-ZA South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union SASBO-ZA SASBO - The Finance Union Spain March 2016 Page 30 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Spain CS-CCOO- ES CCOO de Construcción y Servicios ELA STV-ES ELA STV Euskal Langileen Alkartasuna / Solidarity of Basque Workers FES-UGT- ES Federación de Servicios de UGT FSC-CCOO- ES Federación de Servicios a la Ciudadanía de Comisiones Obreras FSP-UGT- ES Sindicato de Correos, Telé grafos y Caja Postal, FSP FTSP-USO- ES Federación de Trabajadores de Seguridad Privada Unión Sindical Obrera SERVICIOS CCOO- ES Federación Servicios SMC-UGT- ES Federación Estatal de Servicios para la Movilidad y el Consumo Sri Lanka ACTSU-LK All Ceylon Telec om Services Union FOBSL-LK The Federation of Bank Offic ers of Sri Lanka GPU- LK Government Pr inters’ Union HSTUA-LK Health Services Trade Union Alliance IEU- L K Insruance Emp loyee's Union MEDIA PRO-TECH- LK Communication Media Professionals & Technolo gists Sri Lanka NPTWU-L K Nation al Post and Telecommunica tion Workers ' Union TOU-LK Telecommunication Officers' Union UPTO- LK Union of Post and Telecommunication Officers Suriname CWOS- SR Communications Workers Organization Suriname Swaziland SCAWU-SZ Sw aziland Commercial and Allied Workers Union SUFIAW-SZ Sw aziland Union of Financial Institutions and Allied Workers Sweden FASTIGHETS-SE March 2016 Fastighetsanställdas Förbund Page 31 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Sweden FSU- SE Financial Sector Union of Sw eden FTF- SE FTF - Facket föf försäkring och finans GS-SE GS - The Sw edish Union of Forestry, Wood and Graphical Workers HA NDEL S- SE Handelsanställdas Förbund SEKO-SE Facket för Service och Kommunikation SI- SE The Sw edish Association of Graduate Engineers ST- SE ST - The Union of Civil Servants / Fackförbundet ST STWU-SE Transport Workers' Union TF- SE Teaterförbundet UNIONEN- SE Unionen Switzerland A SEB- CH Association Suisse des Employés de Banque SSFV-CH Schw eizer Syndikat Film und Video SYNDICOM- CH Syndicat d es Médias et de la Co mmunication UNIA- CH UNIA VPOD-SSP- CH Syndicat Suisse des Services Publics Taiwan CPWU-TW Chunghw a Postal Workers' Union CTWU-TW Chunghw a Telecom Workers' Union Tanzania TUICO-TZ Tanziana Unio n of Industrial and Comme rcial Workers Thailand BFUN-TH Bank and Financial Union Netw ork KCWU-TH Kimberly Clark Worker s Union SEWU-CAT- TH The State Entreprise Workers' Union - CAT March 2016 Page 32 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Thailand SEWU-THP- TH State Enterprise Worker s' Union - Thailand Post SIGWU-TH SIG Workers' Union TLWU- TH Tesco Lotus Workers Union UMCOT-TH The State enterprise Lab our Union of MCOT Public Company Limited UPI- TH Labour Union of Printed Packaging Industry Togo SYNACOIFTO- TG Syndicat National des Coif feurs, Coiffeuses, Tresseuses et Esthéticiennes du Togo SYNATSCETO- TG Syndicat National des Travailleurs du Secteur de la Coiffure, Tresse et Esthétique du Togo SYNBA NK-TG Syndicat des Employés et Cadres des Banques, des Etablissements Financiers et des Assurances du Togo Trinidad and Toba go BIGWU-TT Banking, Insurance and General Workers' Union CWU- TT Communication Wor kers' Union TTPWU-TT Trinidad & Tobago Postal Workers' Union Tunis ia FGA T-TN Fédération Générale d'Alimentation de Trouisme et de l'Artisanat FGBEF-TN Fédération Générale des Banques et Etablissements Financiers FGPS-TN Fédération Générale des Professions et Services FGT UGTT- TN Fédéeration Générale des Téléco ms au Sein de l'UGTT SGI- TN Syndicat Général de l'Information SGP UGTT- TN Syndicat Général des Postes SGSS- TN Syndicat Général de Sécurité Sociale Turkey BA SIN- IS- TR Publishing, New spaper, Graphical Design , Printing and Packaging Workers' Union BA SISEN- TR Banka-Sigorta Is cileri Sendikasi BASS-TR BASS, Banking and Insurance Workers Union of Turkey March 2016 Page 33 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Turkey GUVENLIK-IS-TR Güvenlik ve Savuma Iscileri Sendikasi HABER-SEN- TR Media , Communication and Postal Employ ees Un ion SOSYAL -IS-TR Social Insurance, Education, Office, Commerce, Cooperative and Fine Arts Workers' Union of Turkey TEZ-KOOP-IS- TR Union of Commerce, Cooperative, Education, Office and Fine Art Workers of Turkey THABER- IS- TR Turkish Communications Workers Union TURK KOOP-IS-TR The Cooperative, Commerce and Office Workers' Union of Turkey Uganda NUCCPTE- UG National Union of Clerical, Commercial, Profess ional and Technical Employees UBBMAWU- UG Uganda Bottlin g, Bakers, Millers and Allie d Workers Union UHFTAWU- UG Uganda Hotels , Food, Tourism & A llied Workers ' Union UPPPAWU- UG Uganda Printers' Paper, Polyf ibre and Allied Workers Union Ukr aine CWU-UA Cultural Workers' Union of Ukraine United Kingdom ACCORD- UK A CCORD BECTU-UK Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph an d Theatre Union CWU- UK Commun ication Wo rkers Union FICA- UK Federation of International Cricketers' Associations GMB- UK GMB PCS- UK Public an d Commercial Services Union PROSPECT- UK Prospect UNISON- UK UNISON UNITE THE UNION- UK Unite the Union USDAW- UK Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers WGGB- UK Writers' Guild of Great Britain March 2016 Page 34 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates United States A PWU- US American Postal Workers Unio n, AFL-CIO CWA -US Communications Workers of Ame rica, AFL-CIO, CLC DGA -US Directors Guild of America IA TSE-US International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes NABET-CWA -US National Association of Broadcast Employees & Technicians - Communications Workers of America NAL C-US National Association of Letter Carriers NBPA- US National Baseketball Players Association NFLPA- US National Fooball League Players Association NPMHU-US National Pos tal Mail Handlers Union OPEIU-US Office and Professional Employees International Union SEIU-US Service Employees International Union TEAMSTERS- US International Brotherhood of Teamsters UFCW-US United Food & Comme rcial Workers International Union UNITE HERE-US UNITE HERE WGA- E-US Writers Guild of America, East WGA- W-US Writers Guild of America, West Uruguay AEBU-UY Asociación de Bancarios del Uruguay AFUC-UY Asociación Funcionarios del Conrad APU-UY Asociación de la Prensa Uruguaya AUC-GREMIOCINE- UY Asociación Uruguaya de Cineastas-Gremiocine CVVP-UY Centro de Viajantes y Vendedores de Plaza FUECYS-UY Federación Uruguaya de Empleados de Comercio y Servicios FUTTVA-UY Federación Uruguaya de Trabajadores de la Televisión y Afines March 2016 Page 35 of 36 UNI Global Union - Affiliates Uruguay SAG-UY Sindicato de Artes Gráficas Venezuela FEUTRAGRAPC-V E Federación Unica de Trabajadores de la Industria Gráfica, Papelera, del Cartón Similares y Conexos de Venezuela Vietnam VNUICW-VN Vietnam National Union of Post and Telecom Workers Za mbia NUCIW-Z M National Union of Commercial an d Industrial Workers ZAGRAWU-ZM Zambia Graphical and Allied Workers Union ZUFIAW-ZM Zambia Union o f Financial Institutions and Allied Workers ZUSAW-ZM Zambia Union of Security Officers and Allied Workers Zim babwe CASWUZ-ZW Communications and Allied Services Workers' Union of Zimbabw e CWUZ-ZW Commercial Workers' Union of Zimbabw e MPAWUZ -ZW Medical Professional and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabw e ZGWU-ZW Zimbabw e Graphical Workers Union ZIBA WU-ZW Zimbabw e Banks and Allied Workers Union March 2016 Page 36 of 36