Scottish Universities Physics Alliance MEDICAL APPLICATIONS OF LASER PLASMA ACCELERATORS Dino Jaroszynski University of Strathclyde SCAPA STFC Feb. 2015 Plasma-accelerators towards applications Scottish Universities Physics Alliance X-Ray Phase contrast Imaging Laser beam driven plasma accelerators Radioisotope production Particle beam radiotherapy SCAPA STFC Feb. 2015 Bubble structure – relativistic regime ion bubble radius R a0 p 2 laser First experiments on controlled acceleration: 2004 ALPHA-X (UK: IC, Strathclyde, RAL) LBNL (US) LOA (France) SCAPA self-injected electron bunch undergoing betatron oscillations ion bubble STFC Feb. 2015 ALPHA-X: Advanced Laser Plasma High-energy Accelerators towards X-rays – Template for SCAPA Compact R&D facility to develop and apply femtosecond duration particle, synchrotron, free-electron laser and gamma ray sources Jaroszynski et al., (Royal Society Transactions, 2006) 0.3 0.2 electron beam spectrum 1000 0.1 0.0 0 5 10 15 Wavelength (m) No. electrons / MeV [a.u.] TR (J/m) CTR: electron bunch duration: 1-3 fs Measured TR signal 1 fs 1.5 fs 2 fs 2.5 fs 3 fs 4 fs 750 (b) 500 phase contrast imaging with 50 keV photons 0.7% 250 0 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Electron energy [MeV] capillary & ALPHA-X @ Strathclyde (a) 30-40 TW FEL 1J 30 fs beam emittance: <1 p mm mrad = 2.8 nm – 1 m (<1GeV beam) Brilliant particle source: 10 MeV → GeV, kA peak current, fs STFC duration Feb. 2015 SCAPA Energy spread, beam loading and stability studies 30 r.m.s. spread of the mean energy 2.8% 25 16000 0.75% Absolute energy spread < 600 keV 14000 Counts Charge/unit energy [a.u.] 18000 20 15 10 5 0 130 12000 135 140 145 150 Energy [MeV] 10000 8000 100 110 120 130 140 150 No dark current Energy [MeV] Maximum energy obtained in 2 mm = 360 MeV Best operation conditions SCAPA STFC Feb. 2015 Electron Beam- Pointing Stability Gas jet (a) 15 counts Electron beam recorded on YAG screen 20 10 x = 1.4 mrad 5 0 -4 -6 High resolution 20 counts Electron beam pointing deviation is less than one spot size (b) 15 10 5 0 -6 Capillary y = 1.3 mrad -4 -2 0 2 TP 2.8 mrad spread TN 0.6 mrad spread Count 40 PMQs in 30 20 10 0 -20 SCAPA 4 vertical position (mrad) 50 no PMQs 4 2 0 -2 horizontal position (mrad) -10 0 10 Angle [mrad] 20 STFC Feb. 2015 Measuring emittance Brunetti et al., PRL (2010) Manahan et al., New J. Phys. (2014). Maesure emiitance: e = 1 p mm mrad SCAPA STFC Feb. 2015 Synchrotron radiation from ion channel wiggler: betatron radiation • Wiggler motion – electron deflection angle q ~(px/pz) is much larger than the angular spread of the radiation j(1/γ) au 1 j=1/ deflection angle – au / • Only when k & p point in the same direction do we get a radiation contribution. • Spectrum rich in harmonics – peaking at • Radiation rate W 2 therefore only emission at dephasing length Ld SCAPA hcrit 3au3 8 STFC Feb. 2015 Resonant Betatron radiation phase contrast imaging Divergence and source size Cipiccia et al., Nature Physics (2011), & RSI (2013) rb = 7 m source size Strathclyde RAL SCAPA STFC Feb. 2015 Ion Channel Laser Similar to FEL but with variable wiggler parameter for each electron Ersfeld et al., NJP (2014) 0.01 SCAPA STFC Feb. 2015 VHEE: Measured and calculated dose maps 1.8 cm 11.8 cm 1.8 cm 11.8 cm 3.8 cm 13.8 cm 3.8 cm 13.8 cm SCAPA 5.8 cm 15.8 cm 5.8 cm 15.8 cm 7.8 cm 9.8 cm 17.8 cm 19.8 cm 7.8 cm 9.8 cm 17.8 cm 19.8 cm Measurement (above) vs MC calculated (below) dose maps for several depths in water for 142 MeV electron beam. Subiel, et al., PMB 59, 5811 (2014) Moskvin, et al., PMB 39, 3813 (2012) STFC Feb. 2015 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Focussing Very High Energy Electrons Focused beam simulation studies SCAPA Beam transport STFC Feb. 2015 Strathclyde UV undulator measurements spectral intensity [photons/nm] charge density [pc/MeV] 107 photons predicted 0.2 2 pC 0.1 2.4% 0.0 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 1.5x10 5 1.0x105 42 fs 5.0x10 4 MP Anania, et al., Applied Physics Letters 104, 264102 (2014) Nu=100, u=1.5 cm SCAPA 8.3% 0.0 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 energy [MeV] u au2 2 (1 2q 2 ); 2 2 6 x 106 photons measured wavelength [nm] 1 2 Nu eBˆ u au 2p mc 1/2 2 / / measured ( ) 1 / N 2 First experiments in visible: HP Schlenvoigt, et al., Nature Physics 4 (2), 130-133 2 2 2 2 u 1 Nu STFC Feb. 2015 Scottish Centre for the Application of Plasma-based Accelerators (SCAPA) • Expansion of ALPHA-X laser-plasma accelerator facilities at Strathclyde with new laboratories. • In-depth programme of Applications. • Accelerator and source Research & Development. • Knowledge Exchange & Commercialisation • Engagement in European and other large projects. • Training: Centre for Doctoral Training in the Application of Next Generation Accelerations • 3 shielded areas with 7 accelerator beam lines. • High-intensity femtosecond laser systems: a) 300-350 TW (with provision for PW) @ 5 Hz, b) 40 TW @ 10 Hz, c) sub-TW @ 1 kHz. • High-energy proton, ion and electron bunches. • High-brightness fs duration X-ray & gamma-ray pulses. SCAPA 40 mm Compact GeV electron accelerator and gamma-ray source APPLICATIONS • • • • • • Radiobiology Ultrafast Probing High-Resolution Imaging Radioisotope Production Detector Development Radiation Damage Testing STFC Feb. 2015 ALPHA-X project Strathclyde (15 students and 16 staff): Team: Dino Jaroszynski (Director), ZhengMing Sheng, Bernhard Hidding, Enrico Brunetti, Cristian Ciocarlan, Silvia Cipiccia, David Clark, Rudolf Csernyei, Bernhard Ersfeld, Paul Farrell, David Grant, Peter Grant, Ranaul Islam, Karolina Kokourewicz, Panos Lepipas, Tom McCanny, Martin Mitchell, Graeme McKendrick, Grace Manahan, Maryam Mohagheghniapour, Adam Noble, Craig Picken, Guarav Raj, David Reboredo Gil, Phil Tooley, Gregory Vieux, Maria Weikum, Gregor Welsh, Mark Wiggins, Xue Yang, Sam Yoffe Strathclyde Collaborators: Marie Boyd, Annette Sorensen, Gordon Rob, Brian McNeil, Ken Ledingham and Paul McKenna ALPHA-X: Current and past collaborators: Lancaster U., Cockcroft Institute / STFC - ASTeC, STFC – RAL CLF, U. St. Andrews, U. Dundee, U. Abertay-Dundee, U. Glasgow, Imperial College, IST Lisbon, U. Paris-Sud LPGP, Pulsar Physics, UTA, CAS Beijing, U. Tsinghua, Shanghai Jiao Tong U., Beijing, Capital Normal U. Beijing, APRI, GIST Korea, UNIST Korea, LBNL, FSU Jena, U. Stellenbosch, U. Oxford, UCL, LAL, PSI, U. Twente, TUE, U. Bochum, IU Simon Cancer Center, Indianapolis, MGS Research, Inc., Madison, Royal Marsden, ELI-NP, ELI-ALPS, ELI-Beamlines .... Support: Strathclyde University, EPSRC, CSO, EU-FP7 Laserlab & EUCARD, STFC SCAPA STFC Feb. 2015 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance FIN Thank you SCAPA STFC Feb. 2015