Corporation Tax Online Service Validation Rules


Corporation Tax

Online Service Validation



EnvelopeVersion............................................................................................................................................ 4

Class .............................................................................................................................................................. 4

GatewayTest .................................................................................................................................................. 4

GatewayTimestamp ....................................................................................................................................... 4

SenderID ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

Method ........................................................................................................................................................... 4

Role ............................................................................................................................................................... 5

Value .............................................................................................................................................................. 5

Key/@Type .................................................................................................................................................... 5

Organisation .................................................................................................................................................. 5

URI ................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Product .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

Version ........................................................................................................................................................... 5

IRenvelope/@xmlns ...................................................................................................................................... 6

Key/@Type .................................................................................................................................................... 6

Period End ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Manifest ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

IRmark ........................................................................................................................................................... 7

Sender ........................................................................................................................................................... 7

1604: Attachment file type support ................................................................................................................ 7

1605: Incorrect file format .............................................................................................................................. 7

1606: iXBRL Cross Document Validation - Accounts.................................................................................... 8

1607: iXBRL Cross Document Validation - Computations ............................................................................ 8

1608: UTR not found on Known Facts .......................................................................................................... 8

1610: Amendment AP dates .......................................................................................................................... 8

1611: Amendment without an original ........................................................................................................... 9

1612: Amendment made outside of amendment window ............................................................................. 9

1614: Maximum file size including attachments exceeded ........................................................................... 9

3300: Maximum number of amendments exceeded ..................................................................................... 9

3303: Malformed xml ..................................................................................................................................... 9

3304: Original return already received .......................................................................................................... 9

3312: Missing mandatory element............................................................................................................... 10

3314: Inconsistent duplicate fact value ....................................................................................................... 10

3315: Generic dimension member with no Name or Description items ...................................................... 10

3316: Context entity identifier value does not match CRN .......................................................................... 10

3317: Unsupported taxonomy ..................................................................................................................... 11

3318: Out of date taxonomy - Accounts ...................................................................................................... 11

3319: Javascript in iXBRL ........................................................................................................................... 11

3320: Out of date taxonomy - Computations ............................................................................................... 11

5001: Invalid version of the CT600 schema ................................................................................................ 12

Version 1.12 2 20/03/2015

5016: One or more attachments have a virus. ............................................................................................ 12

7752: The CRN on the submission does not match the CRN for this Unique Taxpayer Reference ........... 12

7782: The accounts start and/or end dates are not appropriate to this Accounting Period ........................ 12

9043: One or more attachments have a virus. ............................................................................................ 12

4000-4999: Schema Errors ......................................................................................................................... 13

5004-5005, 9100 – 9999: Business Rules Errors ........................................................................................ 13

0: iXBRL/XBRL Errors ................................................................................................................................. 13

Version 1.12 3 20/03/2015


This document attempts to bring together all the validations currently active in the CT service. There maybe other documents that go into further detail about specific validations, however, at the very least they will be linked to from this document. The idea is that if the validation is not in, or linked to from this document; it is not in the online service. element: EnvelopeVersion path cardinality description



Must be set to 2.0

element: path cardinality description documentation




The class used by the Gateway to determine the content of the submission.

Use the appropriate <Class> for Corporation Tax as shown below:

Must be set to HMRC-CT-CT600 for all submissions other than Test in Live.

Must be set to HMRC-CT-CT600-TIL for Test in Live submissions. element: path cardinality documentation




Should be absent or set to 0 for submissions to the live Gateway.

Should be absent or set to 1 for submissions to VSIPS.

This applies for all messages to the Gateway including submit_poll and delete_request. element: path cardinality description documentation element: path cardinality documentation




If present in the submit_request message the element should be sent empty.

HMRC recommend that this be absent in the submit_request xml.




SenderID supplied by SDS team for VSIPS testing.

Live submissions must contain a genuine SenderID (also known as User ID). element: path





Must be set to clear or MD5.

cardinality documentation

Version 1.12 4 20/03/2015

element: path cardinality description documentation example element: path cardinality documentation element/attribute: path cardinality description element: path cardinality description documentation example element: path cardinality description example element: path cardinality description example element: path cardinality description example

Version 1.12




Role for the authentication.

If present should contain principal.





Value supplied by SDS team for VSIPS testing.

Live submissions must contain a genuine Value (also known as password).




Must be in the format:


<Key Type=”UTR”>NNNNNNNNNN</Key>


Value supplied by SDS team for VSIPS testing.

Live submissions must contain a genuine UTR.

The UTR in GovTalkDetails must match the UTR in the IRheader.




The organisation or department to which the submission is being sent.

If present should be set to HMRC.





Should contain the 4-digit vendor ID supplied by SDST





Should contain the name of the software product being used for submission.

My CT Software




Should show the version number of the software product being used for submission.


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element: path cardinality description example element/attribute: path cardinality description example documentation element/attribute: path cardinality description element/attribute: path cardinality description element/attribute: path cardinality description

Version 1.12




If present should include an xml dateTime. This can be used for testing purposes only to effectively overwrite the TPVS/LTS system clock and allow the testing of future APs.





This is the CT specific namespace.

Note that the relevant namespace for the version of the artefacts is required within this element. You can ascertain the namespace from the RIM artefacts specification document.




Must be in the format:


<Key Type=”UTR”>NNNNNNNNNN</Key>


Value supplied by SDS team for VSIPS testing.

Live submissions must contain a genuine UTR. The UTR in GovTalkDetails must match the UTR in the IRheader.

Period End



The period end in the format ccyy-mm-dd.

Data not used for CT submissions but element must contain a schema valid date.




Not required for CT submissions.

6 20/03/2015

element/attribute: path cardinality description documentation error code: 2021 error message

Error returned in error code: 2022 error message

Error returned in element/attribute: path cardinality description error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in

Version 1.12




Must contain @Type=” generic ”;

Must contain a valid IRmark.

The IRmark for CT is mandatory.

For information on how to calculate an IRmark please see the IRmark technical pack:

IRmark calculated by HMRC does not match the one supplied by the submitter.

The supplied IRmark is incorrect.

TPVS and Live

IRmark missing from return.

IRmark not found.

TPVS, TIL and Live




Must include Individual , Company , Agent , Bureau , Partnership , Trust ,

Employer , Government, Acting in Capacity or Other to identify the type of submitter.

1604: Attachment file type support



For returns relating to APs ending on or after 1st April 2010 and submitted on or after 1st April 2011 only certain attachment types will accepted:

Accounts – iXBRL and PDF (Where Accounts are attached as .PDF format, then the CT 600 ‘reason for no accounts’ must be present and read “PDF accounts attached with explanation”

Computations – iXBRL only

Other - non comps and accounts PDF files

We are unable to accept the attachment with the file name <attachment file name> as it is not a recognised type. Please delete the attachment and replace with an acceptable file type.

TPVS, TIL and Live

1605: Incorrect file format



The content of each file shall be appropriate to the file type specified for the attachment e.g. do not allow a word document that has been renamed as a PDF file.

The attachment with the file name <attachment file name> is in an invalid format.

TPVS, TIL and Live

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error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in

Version 1.12

1606: iXBRL Cross Document Validation - Accounts



The following element content values must match:





The UKCompaniesHouseRegisteredNumber in the accounts must match the

RegistrationNumber in the CT600

TPVS, TIL and Live

1607: iXBRL Cross Document Validation - Computations



The following element content values must match:

CT600 <Reference>

Computations pre 2013 <DescriptorTaxReference>

Computations 2013+ <TaxReference>


CT600 <PeriodCovered>



Computations pre 2013 <DescriptorEndOfPeriodForWhichReturnRequired>

Computations 2013+ <EndOfPeriodCoveredByReturn>

The UTR on the Computation must match the UTR on the CT600 AND the 'date for the end of the period' in the Computation must match the 'Period covered to' date in the CT600

TPVS, TIL and Live

1608: UTR not found on Known Facts


Not Specified

The system must check that the UTR in the submission is valid and exists in the system. I f it doesn’t, the submission fails.

Unable to lookup taxpayer details.

Live only, not TIL

1610: Amendment AP dates



If the submission is an amended return, the return period start and end dates on the return must match those on held on the system.

The accounting period for this amended return does not match the records currently held for the company

Live only, not TIL

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Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Version 1.12

1611: Amendment without an original



If the submission is an amended return, there must be an existing successfully processed return for the same UTR and accounting period.

No original Return yet recorded, please contact the Helpdesk.

Live only, not TIL

1612: Amendment made outside of amendment window



An amended return must be received within 12 months of the AP filing due date, unless it relates to an AP which is under enquiry.

Cannot file an amendment after the allowable due date.

Live only, not TIL

1614: Maximum file size including attachments exceeded


Not specified

The maximum size of the message including all attachments must not exceed


The file size exceeds the maximum total size of 25MB. Please reduce the size of the attachment(s) or delete one or more before resubmitting your tax return.

TPVS, TIL and Live

3300: Maximum number of amendments exceeded



Maximum number of electronic amendments accepted for a specific taxpayer for a specific accounting period is 12.

You have exceeded the maximum number of amended returns that may be submitted online for the year of assessment associated with your tax return

(currently set to 12).

Live only, not TIL

3303: Malformed xml


Accounts or Computations

The iXBRL document is invalid so the parser is unable to extract the XBRL.

One of the Inline XBRL documents contains malformed xml. Please check the attachment and resubmit.

TPVS, TIL and Live

3304: Original return already received



Original return already received for this period. You cannot send a second return for same the period, if you are trying to send an amendment it must be flagged as one.

Original return already received for this period.

Live only, not TIL

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error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in

Version 1.12

3312: Missing mandatory element



Mandatory element is missing – Please refer to the document Joint Filing

Common Validation Checks for specific details e.g. Company Reference Number (ukbus:UKCompaniesHouseRegisteredNumber) is missing.

TPVS, TIL and Live

3313: Unacceptable period start date



The Period Start Date MUST be 6 April 2008 or later - Please refer to the document Joint Filing Common Validation Checks

Period Start Date (uk-bus:StartDateForPeriodCoveredByReport) must be 6 April

2008 or later

TPVS, TIL and Live

3314: Inconsistent duplicate fact value


Computations or Accounts

Inconsistent duplicate fact values (taking into account declared precisions for numeric facts) are not allowed - Please refer to the document Joint Filing

Common Validation Checks

Inconsistent duplicate fact values (<primary-item-name>)

TPVS, TIL and Live

3315: Generic dimension member with no Name or Description items



A Name or Description item MUST exist for each generic dimension member used - Please refer to the document Joint Filing Common Validation Checks

Generic dimension member (<member-name>) has no associated name or description item

TPVS, TIL and Live

3316: Context entity identifier value does not match CRN



For every context entity where the identifier scheme is

‘’, then its value must match the Company

Reference Number - Please refer to the document Joint Filing Common

Validation Checks

E.g. Context entity identifier (<value>) does not match Company Reference

Number (uk-bus:UKCompaniesHouseRegisteredNumber)

TPVS, TIL and Live

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error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in

Version 1.12

3317: Unsupported taxonomy



Only the taxonomies listed in the Schema Reference Mapping Document are accepted.

If you are trying to use one of the recognised UK Taxonomies (UK GAAP or UK

IFRS) there appears to be an error in the Taxonomy reference - please contact your software supplier. If you are trying to use any other taxonomy it may be that it is not supported by HMRC's systems, please contact Online Services Helpdesk on 0845 60 55 999.

TPVS, TIL and Live

3318: Out of date taxonomy - Accounts



If the Accounts Taxonomy's "effective start date" is present, the Account s ‘Period of Accounts end date’ must be equal to or greater than the Accounts taxonomy’s

"effective start date"

If the Accounts Taxonomy's "effective end date" is present, the Accounts ‘Period of Accounts end date’ must be equal to or less than the Accounts taxonomy’s

"effective end date"

The period to which this Return’s Accounts applies does not coincide with the effective from/to dates of the referenced Accounts Taxonomy. Please correct and re-submit.

TPVS, TIL and Live

3319: Javascript in iXBRL

3319 iXBRL

The iXBRL document contains script, interactive forms or executable code which is not permitted.

Embedded script or executable code is not permitted in Inline XBRL documents submitted to HMRC. Please remove and re-submit.

TPVS, TIL and Live

3320: Out of date taxonomy - Computations



If the Computations Taxonomy's "effective start date" is present, the

Computations ‘Period of Accounts end date’ must be equal to or greater than the

Computations taxonomy’s "effective start date"

If the Computations Taxonomy's "effective end date" is present, the

Computations ‘Period of Accounts end date’ must be equal to or less than the

Computations taxonomy’s "effective end date"

NB: Returns with an AP ending after 01/04/2014 must use the 2013 computation taxonomy.

The period to which this Return’s Computations applies does not coincide with the effective from/to dates of the referenced Computations Taxonomy. Please correct and re-submit.

TPVS, TIL and Live

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error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in error code


Condition error message

Error returned in

5001: Invalid version of the CT600 schema



Only versions 3 or 5 of the CT600 schema accepted.

Your submission contains an unrecognised namespace.

TPVS, TIL and Live

5016: One or more attachments have a virus.



The attachment with file name <Filename> contains a virus.

Your submission has not been accepted. The attachment with file name

<Filename> contains a virus. Please check.

TPVS, TIL and Live

7752: The CRN on the submission does not match the CRN for this Unique

Taxpayer Reference



The <RegistrationNumber> element (if present) must match the CRN held for this company, if a CRN is held at all.

The CRN on the submission does not match the CRN for this Unique Taxpayer


Live only, not TIL

7782: The accounts start and/or end dates are not appropriate to this

Accounting Period



The Accounting Period in the Accounts iXBRL

(StartDateForPeriodCoveredByReport to EndDateForPeriodCoveredByReport) must have at least a single days overlap with the Period Covered in the CT600

(PeriodCovered/From to PeriodCovered/To)

The accounts start and/or end dates are not appropriate to this Accounting


TPVS, TIL and Live

9043: Entry must agree result of Computation of Marginal starting rate or small companies relief


/CompanyTaxReturn/CompanyTaxCalculation/FurtherTaxCalculations/MarginalR ateRelief

Box 64 must agree result of Computation of Marginal starting rate or small companies relief.

Entry must agree result of Computation of Marginal starting rate or small companies relief (please contact your software supplier).

TPVS, TIL and Live

Version 1.12 12 20/03/2015

Validations performed by the Rules and Interface Management (RIM) Artefacts

Current version:

4000-4999: Schema Errors error code




Error returned in

4000 - 4999


For full detail of all the schema validation errors please refer to the document

‘SchemaErrorMessages-v*.pdf’ (download from RIM artefacts)

4058: Value '{0}' doesn't match the expected value as set in the schema

TPVS, TIL and Live error code




Error returned in

5004-5005, 9100 – 9999: Business Rules Errors

5004-5005, 9100 - 9999


For full details of all the business validation rules please refer to the document

‘CT-specDoc-v*.pdf’ (download from RIM artefacts)

9119: If [No computations reason] = 'Amendment - comps already submitted' then [Return type] must equal 'amended'.

TPVS, TIL and Live

iXBRL/XBRL Specification validations

0: iXBRL/XBRL Errors error code




Error returned in

0 (where applicable the error text points to the part of the specification that governs the validation)


N/A xbrl.core.ContextRefN

oMatchError: “The contextRef 'GBP' does not match the ID of any context elements.”

TPVS, TIL and Live

Version 1.12 13 20/03/2015
