Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority 4 S. Main Street Dayton, OH 45402 March 14, 2016 TO: All Prospective Quoters RE: Request for Quotation (RFQ) 16-09 Token Packaging The Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority (RTA) is interested in receiving quotes for token packaging per the attached scope of work and special conditions. Your firm is invited to submit a quote. In order to be considered, please ensure that your quote is received by the undersigned no later than 2:00 p.m. on March 29, 2016. Quotes may be delivered to the attention of the undersigned at Greater Dayton RTA, 4 S. Main Street, Dayton, OH 45402; emailed to; or faxed to (937) 425-8410. Quotes must be submitted on the quote form provided. No quote may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after the opening date. BASIS OF AWARD: The award of this order is based on cost, proximity, and service of responsive and responsible bidders, as determined by the RTA. The Authority (RTA) reserves the right, as the interest of the Authority may require, to postpone, accept or reject any and all quotes and to waive any informality in the quotes received. If you should have any questions, or if I can be of assistance, please feel free to contact me at (937) 425-8312. Sincerely, Tamea Wiesman Tamea Wiesman, CPPB Sr. Purchasing Agent c Attachment TOKEN PACKAGING SCOPE OF WORK The RTA is seeking a firm outside its service area to package bus tokens. The RTA uses two different types of tokens, Regular Fare and Special Fare. Approximately 510,000 tokens were used in the last twelve month period (450,000 Regular Fare and 60,000 Special Fare). Approximate usage is expected to remain the same or decline slightly. Multiple bags of tokens will be delivered by RTA to the successful Contractor approximately weekly and will be bagged as follows when delivered: Regular Fare tokens and Special Fare tokens. Please note that there may be slugs, car wash tokens, game tokens, city tokens and restroom tokens mixed in with the RTA tokens. The Contractor should hold and return to RTA on pickup any foreign coins found in the token bags. The Contractor will then package all RTA tokens received, and payment is based on the number of tokens actually packaged. The tokens are packaged in 3” x 5” tamper proof, zip-lock, .002 poly bags, ten (10) tokens per bag. The bags are printed on the front in black on a light green background for the Regular Fare tokens and black on a dark green background for the Special Fare tokens. The back of the plastic bags are printed with a black barcode on a white background. There are two different barcodes, one for each type of fare. These barcodes are used by various outlets that sell RTA bus tokens, such as United Dairy Farmers and Meijers. (See illustrations attached.) The plastic bags are filled from the bottom and then heat sealed after filling. (Please see additional information concerning source for plastic bags under Special Conditions.) The token bags are then packed in white 5” x 3” x 2” cardboard mailer boxes, ten (10) bags to a box. The mailer boxes are labeled on the top, front edge with either a light or dark green label to identify the type of token, and then the label is taped down and the mailer box is taped closed with 2” wide, clear box sealing tape. The labels are provided by RTA. The mailer boxes are then packed 20 boxes to a case in plain (brown) cardboard boxes (approximately 18”L x 12”W x 8”H). The boxes are labeled on the top center with the appropriate label (same as above), and then the case is sealed with 2” wide, clear box sealing tape. The tokens will then be picked up by RTA. Required turn-around time is 7 calendar days from time of delivery. Supplies are to be ordered by the successful Contractor. Please include the cost of supplies in your quote. Page 1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS PRICES: All prices quoted shall remain firm for the entire order period. QUANTITIES: Approximately 510,000 tokens were used in the last twelve month period (450,000 Regular Fare and 60,000 Special Fare). Approximate usage is expected to remain the same or decline slightly. No guarantee is made or implied as to the minimum or maximum quantities that may be ordered. PURCHASE ORDER PERIOD: The purchase order period shall be for a four year period, commencing approximately April 1, 2016. DELIVERY: Product is to be ready for pick up within 7 calendar days after tokens are delivered to Contractor. QUALIFICATIONS: Provide a description of the firm's background and history. Provide a list of three (3) references from current clients. Include contact person, telephone number, and email address. SECURITY: Tokens have a pecuniary value. Service provider must have a secure area in which to package and store the tokens. SITE VISIT: The RTA reserves the right to conduct site visits, as part of the qualification process. BASIS OF AWARD: The award of this order is based on cost, proximity, and service of responsive and responsible bidders, as determined by the RTA. PAYMENT TERMS: Payments will be net 30 days after delivery and acceptance of an order. Payment for products delivered to and accepted by the RTA shall be at the quoted price. TAX EXEMPT: The RTA is exempt from payment of all taxes, and taxes must not be included in the quoted price. Necessary exemption certificates shall be furnished to the successful bidder(s) upon request. PLASTIC TOKEN BAGS: RTA currently has approximately a two-year supply of the Special Fare token bags (dark green) and approximately an eight month supply of the Regular Fare bags (light green). These bags will be provided to the successful service provider at no charge; however, it will be the responsibility of the successful service provider to order additional bags as needed. Bags are available through the following manufacturer or an approved equal. Page 2 Fredman Bag Company Contact: Caryn Sager 5801 W. Bender Court Milwaukee, WI 53218 Phone (414) 462-9400 Fax (414) 462-9409 Part No. 2706-02 The minimum run is 30,000 bags of one type (Regular Fare or Special Fare). Pricing is dependent on quantity ordered. Typical lead time is four to five weeks after notice to proceed. RTA must be notified prior to purchase of additional bags in the event RTA-owned printing plates need to be updated. RTA will provide artwork to manufacturer and reimburse manufacturer for cost of updating plates. Please allow additional time for this when planning your order. If Contractor intends to purchase bags from a different supplier, set-up/plate costs must be specified in your quote. SPECIFIED MATERIAL AND "APPROVED EQUALS" In all cases the plastic bags must be furnished as specified. Where brand names or specific items or processes are used in the specifications, consider the term "or approved equal" to follow. However, a request for approval for any proposed substitution as an approved equal must be submitted in writing to RTA by March 22, 2016. Acceptance of the substitute will be at RTA's discretion. Quoter shall supply with their request product specifications, samples, and special guarantees as a condition of acceptance of any proposed substitutions. For all items listed and which are described or defined by dimensions or other measure of physical characteristics or performance, it is understood that such information indicates the character of the required items and so strict interpretations with respect to nonessential details shall not be made as to limit competition among manufacturers of substantially equivalent items. Whenever this specification defines the material or article required by using a proprietary product or of a manufacturer or vendor, rather than by using descriptive detail of substance and function, the term "or equal" always is understood to follow immediately the name of the make, vendor or proprietary product. An item of material shall be considered equal to the item so named in the specifications if: (1) it is at least equal in quality, durability, appearance, strength, and design; (2) it will perform at least equally the function imposed by the general design for the material or equipment being purchased; and (3) it conforms substantially, even with deviations, to the detailed requirements for the item in this specification. Whenever in this specification the names of one or more manufacturers are mentioned as indicating that their product will comply with a particular specification or where specific trade names are mentioned, it is not intended to exclude products of other manufacturers whose names or symbols have not been provided, only however, that such products conform to the detailed requirements for the item as indicated in the specifications. Page 3 Quoter shall be responsible to provide the RTA with information in the latest applicable revision of any part or process specifically called for in the specifications for consideration for inclusion in the specifications by addendum. All details must be settled before the quote opening date. The RTA shall have the power to reject the plastic bags furnished under the contract which do not conform to the terms and conditions as set forth in the contract documents. Approved equals, changes or modifications to the specifications will be made by written addendum and sent to all bidders holding specifications. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ASSURANCE PLAN: All bidders will be required to comply with all Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations and file with RTA's DBE Officer, if requested, an Affirmative Action Assurance Plan, consistent with RTA's non-discriminatory policy, subject to RTA approval. All bidders must submit with their quote a letter from the City of Dayton's Human Relations Council, stating that they have an approved Affirmative Action Assurance Plan. Failure to furnish the letter from the City of Dayton's Human Relations Council may be cause for rejection of your quote. If a bidder is not on the approved list, please contact the following office to obtain an application, and submit a copy of the application with your quote: City of Dayton, Ohio Human Relations Council 371 W. Second Street Dayton, Ohio 45402 (937) 333-1413 The quote of any bidder, who in RTA's judgment has failed to comply with such laws and regulations, even though their quote may be the lowest in dollar amount, may be considered nonresponsive and may be rejected. Page 4 Summary of Quote Requirements Required Clauses this Request for Quote Please acknowledge you have read and comply. The Federal Third Party Contracting Clauses & Required Submittals may be accessed at the Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority (RTA) web site at On the left, click on RFQ Small Purchase Clauses & Submittals. In order for your quote to be considered, you must indicate below that you have read and will comply with the clauses that are marked as applicable to this RFQ. √ Summary of Quote Requirements √ No Obligation by Federal Government √ Program Fraud and False or Fraudulent Statements or Related Acts √ Audit and Inspection of Records √ Federal Changes √ Nondiscrimination (EEO) √ Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Compliance √ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) √ Termination of Contract for Default √ Termination for Convenience of the RTA N/A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation √ Incorporation of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Terms √ Debarment and Suspension N/A Cargo Preference – Use of United State Flag Vessels N/A Fly America N/A Davis-Bacon Act N/A Copeland Anti-Kickback N/A Transit Employee Protective Provisions N/A Drug and Alcohol Rules N/A Patents – Copyrights – Trademarks √ Energy Conservation N/A Recycled Products √ Certification of Lower-Tier Participants (Subcontractors) regarding Debarment, Suspension, and other Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Form, if applicable N/A Affidavit of Contractor or Subcontractors – Prevailing Wages Page 5 NAME: NAME PRINTED: TITLE: COMPANY: DATE: Page 6 The Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority CERTIFICATION OF CONTRACTOR REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION The undersigned, an authorized official of the Bidder stated below, certifies, by submission of this bid, that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency. (If the undersigned is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such official shall attach an explanation to this bid). THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES OR AFFIRMS THE TRUTHFULNESS AND ACCURACY OF THE CONTENTS OF THE STATEMENTS SUBMITTED ON OR WITH THIS CERTIFICATION AND UNDERSTANDS THAT THE PROVISIONS OF 31 U.S.C. SECTIONS 3801 ET SEQ. ARE APPLICABLE THERETO. Name of Bidder: Address: City, State, Zip: Signature of Authorized Official: Title of Official: Telephone: Date: Page 7 The Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority Certification of Lower-Tier Participants (Subcontractors) Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion (THIS AFFIDAVIT TO BE COMPLETED BY THE SUCCESSFUL CONTRACTOR’S SUB-CONTRACTORS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF AWARD HAS BEEN RECEIVED) The Lower Tier Participant [Subcontractor to the Primary Contractor(s)], , certifies by submission of this bid, that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency. If the above named Lower Tier Participant (Subcontractor) is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such participant shall attach an explanation to this certification. The Lower-Tier Participant (Subcontractor), , certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of the contents of the statements submitted on or with this certification and understands that the provisions of 31. U.S.C. Section 3801 et seq. is applicable thereto. ___________________________________________ Signature and Title of Authorized Official ___ Date NOTICE TO BIDDER: THIS CERTIFICATION SHALL BE COMPLETED BY ALL SUBCONTRACTORS WHICH WILL HAVE A FINANCIAL INTEREST IN THIS PROJECT WHICH EXCEEDS $25,000 OR SUBCONTRACTORS WHICH WILL HAVE A CRITICAL INFLUENCE ON OR A SUBSTANTIVE CONTROL OVER THE PROJECT. Page 8 Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority TOKEN PACKAGING QUOTE FORM YEAR ONE YEAR TWO YEAR THREE YEAR FOUR Est. Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Annual Per Token Per Token Per Token Per Token Qty. 510,000 Description Fee to package Tokens (10/bag)(10 bags/box) (20 boxes/case) Supplies: Mailer boxes (white; 5” x 3” x 2”) Case boxes (brown; 18” x 12” x 8”) ESTIMATED TOTALS 5,100 285 Token Bags: Token bags including printing Qty. Cost Year One Cost Year Two Cost Year Three Cost Year Four N/A N/A N/A 30,000 40,000 65,000 Plate/Set-Up Costs (If supplier is other than Fredman Bag) PRICES: All prices quoted shall remain firm for the entire order period. BASIS OF AWARD: The award of this order is based on cost, proximity, and service of responsive and responsible bidders, as determined by the RTA. Page 9 QUALIFICATIONS: Attach a description of the firm's background and history, and provide a list of references from current clients, including contact person, telephone number, and e-mail. OFFER: By execution below, Bidder hereby offers to furnish the goods and/or services as indicated herein. Name of Individual, Partner or Corporation Address City, State and Zip Code Telephone Number Cell Number Authorized Signature Title E-Mail Address Fax Number Date Page 10