Reminders on waves Traveling waves on a string obey the wave equation: ∂ 2 y(x,t) 1 ∂ 2 y(x,t) = 2 2 ∂x v ∂t 2 y=wave function λ € A mechanical wave is a disturbance created by a vibrating object that travels through a medium from one location to another General solution: y(x,t) = f1(x-vt) + f2(x+vt) The general solution can be expressed as a superposition of harmonic wave functions: y(x,t) = A sin(kx-ωt) y(x,t) = sin(kx+ ωt) A = amplitude k = 2π/λ = wave number λ = wavelength f = frequency T = 1/f = period ω = 2πf=2π/T angular frequency 11 Reminders: waves Classification of waves: Transverse wave: medium particles move in direction perpendicular to direction of wave Longitudinal wave: medium particles move in direction parallel to direction of wave Eg: EM waves sound waves Velocity of waves: general form of wave on the right y(x,0) = A sin(ax) y(x=0,t = 0) = A sin(0) = 0 and y(λ/2,0)=Asin(aλ/2) =0 ⇒aλ/2=π a = 2π/λ ⇒ y(x,0)=Asin(2π/λ x)=Asin(kx) If the wave moves of a distance vt, at a later time t it is: y(x,t) = A sin[k(x-vt)] The wave travels a distance λ in one period T (by definition): 0=Asin(0)=Asin[k(λ-vT)] ⇒ λ=vT ⇒ v = λ/T=λf λ/2 12 Maxwell’s equations in empty space ∫ E ⋅ dA = 0 S ∫ L E ⋅ ds = − (Gauss' Law) ∫ B ⋅ dA = 0 S dΦB (Faraday - Henry) dt ∫ B ⋅ ds = µ0ε0 L dΦE (Ampere - Maxwell law) dt From these equations we get EM wave equations! € λ ∂2y 1 ∂2y = 2 2 2 ∂x v ∂t € Wave composed of E and B fields! Equations for a plane transverse wave propagating in empty space with velocity 13 Hertz’s Experiment (1887) R T First generation and detection of EM waves in Lab Transmitter T: 2 spherical electrodes separated by narrow gap charged until air gap ionized The discharge between the electrodes exhibits oscillatory behavior of frequency f ~ 4 x 107 Hz This ‘oscillating dipole’ emits E and B plane waves When resonance frequency of T and R match sparks also in R = receiver Hertz’s hypothesis: the energy transmitted from T to R is carried by waves He measured λ by having waves from T reflected on a metal sheet so he obtained standing waves with nodes at a distance λ/2 By knowing f of T he measured the speed of the radiation close to c Radiation has wave properties: interference, 14 diffraction, reflection, refraction and polarization Solutions of Maxwell’s equations λ The simplest solution to partial differential equations is sinusoidal wave propagating along x: E = E max sin (kx – ωt) i B = Bmax sin (kx – ωt) k Angular wave number: k = 2π/λ λ = wavelength Angular frequency is ω = 2πƒ ƒ= wave frequency E·B=0 The speed of the electromagnetic wave is 15 E and B are orthogonal An easy way to understand this: 3 2 1 θ E I ΦB 1. 2. 3. = B A cosθ Max flux θ=0 Less flux Null flux θ=90° B parallel to area and E perpendicular to circuit so E ⊥ B E orthogonal to B! Increasing B-field dΦB ∫ E ⋅ ds = - dt € 16 ∂E ∂B =− ∂x ∂t Let’s demonstrate: E = Emax sin (kx – ωt) B = Bmax sin (kx – ωt) A wave at instant t in x and x+dx: the E field varies from E to E+dE ∂E E(x + dx,t) ≈ E(x,t) + dx ⇒ ∂x ∫ E ⋅ ds =[ E(x + dx,t) − E(x,t)]l = € ∂E dxl ∂x Magnetic flux through rectangle: dΦB = Bldx dΦB ∂B = ldx ⇒ dt ∂ t € € ∫ E ⋅ ds = ∂E dΦ ∂B dxl = − B = −dxl ∂x dt ∂t Relation between E and B E = Emax sin (kx – ωt) B = Bmax sin (kx – ωt) From: € € First derivatives: ∂E = kE max cos(kx − ωt) ∂x ∂B = −ωBmax cos(kx − ωt) ∂t ∂E ∂B =− ∂x ∂t This relation comes from Maxwell’s equations! EM Waves from an Antenna Accelerated charged particles are sources of EM waves: EM waves are radiated by any circuit carrying alternating current Two rods connected to an AC source. (a) Ends of rods charged and Efield parallel to rods As oscillations continue, the rods become less charged, the field near the charges decreases and the field at t = T/4 is zero (b) The charges and field reverse (c) The oscillations continue (d) € Energy carried by EM waves Rate at which energy flows through a unit area perpendicular to direction of wave propagation Let’s consider a cylinder with axis along x of area A and length L and the time for the wave to travel L is Δt=L/c The average power is U av uav AL Pav = Δt = Δt = uav Ac In a given volume, the energy is shared equally by the two fields And the intensity (average P/area) Pav 1 B2 E2 2 uE = ε0 E = uB = = 2 Iav = = uav c € 2 2µ0 2c µ0 A Total instantaneous energy density (E=cB) € ExB B 2 EB u = uE + uB = ε0 E = = µ0 µ0c 2 Poynting Vector Wave intensity I = time average over one or more cycle <sin2(kx - ωt)> = 1/2 then <E2> = Emax2/2 and <B2> = Bmax2/2 Iav = uav c = E max Bmax 2µ 0 Define vector with magnitude= power per unit area (J/s.m2 = W/m2) € Its direction is the direction of propagation of the EM wave Its magnitude varies in time Its magnitude reaches a maximum at the same instant as E and B