Supported Wage System Supporting Document V 1.0 Disclaimer This document is not a stand-alone document and does not contain the entirety of National Panel of Assessor member or Disability Employment Services providers’ obligations. It should be read in conjunction with the Disability Employment National Panel of Assessors Deed of Standing Offer and any relevant guidelines or supporting document issued by the Department of Social Services under or in connection with the Disability Employment National Panel of Assessors Deed of Standing Offer. Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 1 of 12 Contents Supported Wage System Supporting Document Policy Intent 1 3 Managing Availability 4 Special Claims for SWS Assessment Fees 6 IT System allocation of Supported Wage System Assessments 8 Questions and Answers 10 Reference Documents 12 Document Change History 12 Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 2 of 12 Policy Intent This Supporting Document provides additional information on Supported Wage System (SWS) Assessments and the role of the SWS provider. Under the Supported Wage System, independent assessors conduct an Assessment to ascertain a participant’s rate of work productivity to determine a productivity rating for a SWS participant performing a specific job. Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 3 of 12 Managing Availability National Panel of Assessors (NPA) providers can manage their availability and capacity to be allocated Work Orders for SWS and Ongoing Support Assessments (OSAs). Availability and capacity are both recorded in the Department’s IT System at an Employment Service Area (ESA) level for each NPA provider and may be updated at any time. These indicators are located on the lower part of the Regions Tab, on the Outlet Details Screen. Using the Available Indicator, a provider can indicate whether or not they are available to be allocated SWS and OSA Work Orders. The Assessment Capacity Indicator is used by a provider to indicate the total number of SWS and OSA Work Orders a provider is willing to work on concurrently. Process Availability An employee of the NPA provider with the appropriate authority accesses the Department’s IT System to manage the availability of their Organisation to be allocated SWS and OSA Work Orders in each ESA. The Department’s IT System will not allow the allocation of any new SWS or OSA Work Orders to an NPA provider in an ESA where the Available indicator has been set to No. Capacity An employee of the NPA provider with the appropriate authority accesses the Department’s IT System to manage the capacity of their Organisation to be concurrently allocated SWS or OSA Work Orders in each ESA. Allocation The Department’s IT System will not allocate any new SWS or OSA Work Orders to an NPA provider in an ESA where the Assessment Capacity Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 Notes Although this should happen rarely, there may be occasions where the NPA provider is temporarily unavailable to be allocated assessments in an ESA. For example, if all assessors are unavailable due to illness. If this occurs then the Available indicator should be set to ‘No’. If the NPA provider is available, the Available indicator should be set to ‘Yes’. Note: Availability and Capacity to receive OSA Work Order Allocations is not assessed when the Work Order is submitted by a DES provider. The decision is made earlier, when the Department’s IT System initiates an allocation six weeks prior to the OSA due date, or when reallocated due to non-acceptance by a previous provider. The Assessment Capacity indicator is a useful tool for providers who are concerned that they will be allocated too many SWS or OSA Work Orders at a time. The Assessment Capacity indicator determines the maximum number of assessments that the NPA provider is capable of completing at the same time. This is recorded for each ESA that the NPA provider services. If the Assessment Capacity is set to ‘0’ then there is no limit on capacity. The Department’s IT System will not restrict the number of SWS or OSA Work Orders allocated. The Assessment Capacity indicator is ignored if the Available indicator is set to No, as no Work Order allocations will be made. Example An NPA provider has the Available indicator set to ‘Yes’ and the Assessment Capacity set to 4. The NPA has: Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 4 of 12 indicator is greater than or equal to the total number of SWS and OSA assessments that have been allocated but not completed. This number includes SWS and OSA Work Orders that have not yet been accepted. Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 • 2 Accepted Work Orders, for OSA reports that have not been submitted or cancelled; and • 1 Accepted Work Order, for a SWS report that has not been submitted or closed; and • 1 OSA Work Order awaiting acceptance. In this scenario, the Assessment Capacity Indicator is equal to the number of OSA and SWS Work Orders that have been allocated but not completed. The Department’s IT System will not make a further allocation to this NPA provider in this ESA until at least one of the OSA or SWS reports is submitted or closed/cancelled, or the OSA Work Order awaiting acceptance is ‘not accepted’. Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 5 of 12 Special Claims for SWS Assessment Fees A SWS Special Claim is submitted when an NPA provider believes they are entitled to claim an SWS Assessment Fee, but was unable to make a claim due to a systems issue or other reason beyond their control. For further information, see the Disability Employment National Panel of Assessors Deed of Standing Offer and the current Supported Wage System Handbook. Process When the NPA provider wants to submit a Special Claim Request they should access the System Override/Claim Request screen in the Department’s IT System. • Go to Payments & Funds. • Select Overrides & Special Claims. • Choose Submit. System Override/Claim Request Page The NPA provider must complete the following areas on the screen before submitting the Special Claim Request. • Enter the Jobseeker ID into the Quick Find field for the SWS Participant the Special Claim Request relates to. • Optionally enter a User email address, Additional email address and Contact number. • Under Referral details, select the Ellipsis button (…) next to the Assessment ID field and choose the Assessment this Special Claim is for. • Under Request details, for both Request type and Specific request type; select Supported Wage System Claim Related Query from both of the dropdown lists. For Request reason choose the most appropriate value from the dropdown list and add supporting comments to explain why a Special Claim is required. • For the Special claim override select Yes. Extra fields to document the Special claim details will appear. • In Special claim details select the appropriate Payment type by selecting the Ellipsis button (…). This will then automatically populate the Amount with the applicable fee. The Amount can be reduced if required (refer Note 1). • There is no need to update the Start Date (refer Note 2). • The statements in the Declarations section Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 Notes A Special Claim Request must relate to an individual SWS Assessment where a Work Order has been allocated to the NPA provider. If the NPA provider wants to submit any type of Special Claim Request, the Job Seeker ID for the Participant to whom the request relates must be loaded first. This can be done by entering the Job Seeker ID in the Quick Find field. Once a Participant record is loaded in the background, the NPA provider can enter the Special Claim Request details. Some fields will be automatically populated with the NPA provider details, while others will require manual input. The User email address, Additional email address and Contact number will assist DSS to contact the person submitting the request, and allow the system to generate an email when the request has been actioned by DSS. Note 1: The Amount can be amended if a partial payment is required. For example, if payment type Supported Wage System Fee is selected, the populated amount will default to $600. However the NPA provider can reduce this amount if the full amount is not appropriate. Note 2: The Start Date is automatically generated and refers to the date the SWS Work Order was submitted to the NPA provider. When the Special Claim Override Request has been successfully submitted by the NPA provider, a confirmation message will be displayed. Once submitted, the request will have a status of Pending. A Pending Special Claims Request can also be withdrawn using the Overrides & Special Claims Search screen. After entering criteria on the Search screen so that the request appears in the Search results, the request record is selected. The NPA provider then selects the Withdraw button. Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 6 of 12 • • • • are confirmed by ticking each corresponding box. Once the NPA provider has entered all mandatory details they may select the ‘Submit’ button. A Tax Invoice is displayed. If the NPA provider submits the Tax Invoice, the Special Claim Request will be submitted to DSS for approval and a linked Special Claim will be created. The NPA provider should contact their local SWMU to advise that a Special Claim has been requested. NPA providers can search for existing Special Claim Requests by using the Overrides & Special Claims Search screen. Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 When a Pending Special Claim Request is withdrawn its linked Special Claim is also withdrawn. When the NPA provider withdraws a Special Claim from the payments area, its linked Special Claim Request is withdrawn. The NPA provider’s Special Claim Requests are actioned by their DSS Account Manager, causing a system-generated email to be sent to the User email address that was specified in the request. Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 7 of 12 IT System allocation of Supported Wage System Assessments Background This advice provides information for NPA providers and Disability Employment Services (DES) providers about how the Department’s IT System determines the allocation of Work Orders for SWS Assessments. Initiation of Assessments Once a SWS Application has been approved by the Department’s Supported Wage Management Unit (SWMU), the system will automatically allocate a SWS Work Order to an NPA provider. The Contract End Date for the Work Order will default to ten weeks from the date of the SWS Application being approved, but may be reduced or extended by the SWMU as required. For example, the Contract End Date might be reduced for a Job at Risk so that the assessment can be completed sooner. Review Assessments The Work Order for a Review Assessment is automatically allocated to an NPA provider 43 weeks after the SWS Contract End Date of the previous SWS Assessment. If a Work Order is not accepted, the system will automatically reallocate to a different NPA provider. The Contract End Date of the Work Order will usually be ten weeks in the future, but this period may be reduced if the Work Order has been previously offered and not accepted by another NPA provider. A Review Assessment may also be manually arranged by the SWMU at an earlier date, if required because of a significant change in work tasks or employee productivity. Note: When a SWS Participant ceases SWS employment it is important that the SWMU be notified on 1800 065 123. If the SWMU is not aware that employment has ceased then the SWS Application will remain open and a SWS Work Order for a Review Assessment will be allocated unnecessarily by the Department’s IT System. Selecting the NPA Provider The Department’s IT System considers a number of factors when determining the NPA provider to whom a SWS Work Order will be allocated. Availability and Capacity A SWS Work Order will only be allocated to an NPA provider that is contracted to deliver SWS services in the ESA corresponding to the worksite address. The NPA provider must be currently Available, and have not reached its assessment Capacity for the ESA. For more information please refer to the Managing Availability for National Panel of Assessors section within this document. Partial Coverage If an NPA provider has Partial Coverage for an ESA, the SWS Work Orders will only be allocated to the provider if the worksite address matches one of the postcodes that have been recorded in the system to identify the NPA provider’s area of Partial Coverage. Note: Postcodes will not always match a provider’s area of Partial Coverage. SWS Work Orders allocated to an area outside of a provider’s Partial Coverage should be ‘not accepted’ for the primary reason of ‘Outside Contracted Coverage Area’ so that non acceptance does not negatively affect the provider’s performance against Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Conflict of Interest Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 8 of 12 The SWS Work Order will not be allocated to an NPA provider if that provider has the same organisation code as the DES provider who is supporting the SWS Participant, or a Conflict of Interest exclusion between the NPA provider and the DES provider site has been recorded in the system by DSS. Co-allocation with Ongoing Support Assessment (OSA) If an OSA for a SWS Participant was allocated within the past three months then the SWS Work Order will be allocated to the same provider that completed the OSA, if possible. This rule has priority over an NPA Provider Preference. Nominated Groups of Participants with same employer (NPA Provider Preference) If a SWS Participant is one of a group of Participants that DSS has approved to be assessed by the same provider, the SWS Work Order will be allocated to the NPA provider nominated by DSS, if possible. Distribution of Assessments To encourage a more equal distribution of SWS Work Orders, all else being equal, the Department’s IT System will allocate a SWS Work Order to the NPA provider with the lowest count of currently allocated OSA and SWS Work Orders in the ESA. If multiple providers have the same lowest count then the SWS Work Order will go to the provider with the least recently allocated SWS Work Order for the ESA. Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 9 of 12 Questions and Answers Question How do I check the Award or Agreement? Do all SWS Wage Assessment Agreements have to be sent to the Fair Work Commission? Can I control the number of Assessment allocations my organisation receives in each ESA? If a Participant is no longer employed under SWS do I Answer All the details on the Wage Assessment Agreement must be checked and accurately completed. The Wage Assessment Agreement will be generated on the JobAccess IT system for assessors to complete for each SWS assessment. Assessors must check that the information on the Agreement is current and correct. From time to time there will be changes to names and addresses and contact numbers, classifications, and the award or agreement name under which people are employed. Assessors should phone the employer prior to the assessment to check and confirm the industrial instrument and classification and any other details on the Wage Assessment Agreement. Giving employers prior notice enables them to check with their workplace relations or HR staff and if necessary to check details with Fair Work Commission. It is important that assessors, as part of the assessment process obtain and confirm the correct information, including that the industrial instrument name is correct and current, that the classification named in the Wage Assessment Agreement is correct and that the employer’s and assessor’s contact details are completed correctly. Assessors should also edit the employment details on the JobAccess IT system. Fair Work Commission has a comprehensive website where employers and assessors can search for awards and agreements to ensure that the correct names including the classification names are accurately recorded. There is also a table of old Division 2B that states awards and the names of the modern awards they may translate to. You can check whether awards and agreements contain SWS provisions and require the lodgement of Wage Assessment Agreements by searching and checking the SWS provisions in the relevant industrial instrument at the Fair Work Commission website. No, it is only when the industrial award or agreement under which the employee is being employed contains a requirement to lodge the Wage Assessment Agreement with the Fair Work Commission that it should be sent to the Fair Work Commission. Modern Awards which contain a Supported Wage System schedule require lodgement and some agreements may state that the Wage Assessment Agreement must be lodged with the Fair Work Commission. However, in several cases, there is no requirement to lodge the Wage Assessment Agreement at all and in these cases the employer retains the agreement as their record of the assessed productivity rate and wage. You can check whether awards and agreements contain SWS provisions and require the lodgement of Wage Assessment Agreements by searching and checking the SWS provisions in the relevant industrial instrument at the at the Fair Work Commission website. Yes, the Department’s IT System allows you to control your availability and capacity to accept Work Orders for OSA and SWS assessments for each ESA in which your organisation provides services. Please refer to the Managing Availability section of this document for more information. Yes. If a SWS Participant has ended their SWS employment, the SWMU should be advised on 1800 065 123. The Programme Lifecycle area of the Case Summary in the Employment Services System (ESS) shows whether a Participant is currently recorded as being a SWS Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 10 of 12 need to tell DSS Why is my SWS application still pending? Can my DES client get a Wage Subsidy Scheme payment and be on SWS? employee. If this information is wrong then please advise the SWMU. If the Department’s IT System is not updated by the SWMU to show the SWS employment has ended then the next annual SWS Review Assessment may be started unnecessarily. You need to contact your SWMU on 1800 065 123 to check on the status of the application. Do not telephone the JobAccess service as they do not manage the Supported Wage System applications. It is possible to negotiate a Wage Subsidy Scheme payment with an employer who has agreed to employ a client even if the client’s employment will be under Supported Wage System provisions. The amount of the wage subsidy cannot be more than the client’s productivity wage. Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 11 of 12 Reference Documents Supported Wage System Guidelines V 1.2 Supported Wage System Handbook Document Change History Version Start Date 1.0 12 Sept 15 Effective Date 12 Sept 15 End Date Supported Wage System Supporting Document V1.0 Trim File Number: D15/445696 Change & Location Initial Document and merger of Supported Wage System advices. Effective Date: 12 September 2015 Last Updated: 12 September 2015 Page 12 of 12