IBM® SWG Enterprise Content Management

IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2
High Volume Scalability White Paper
February 2014
IBM® SWG Enterprise Content Management
IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2
High Volume Scalability
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014
Enterprise Content Management
This document is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of
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data in this document pertains only to the specific test configuration and specific releases of the software described.
IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2 High Volume Scalability
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IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2 High Volume Scalability...................................................................1
Executive Summary...........................................................................................................................................3
1. Test environment description........................................................................................................................4
Architectural Overview........................................................................................................................................................4
Test Bed Population.............................................................................................................................................................5
2. Population to 5 billion documents.................................................................................................................6
ECM Workload....................................................................................................................................................................8
3. High volume transactional workloads.........................................................................................................11
IBM FileNet Content Manager workload scalability.........................................................................................................11
IBM Content Navigator workload stability........................................................................................................................12
4. Performance considerations and recommendations..................................................................................13
Database storage.................................................................................................................................................................13
File Systems / File Stores...................................................................................................................................................13
Covering index for sweeps.................................................................................................................................................14
Consult the IBM FileNet CM Information Center performance tuning topics..................................................................14
Detailed Software Information...........................................................................................................................................17
Detailed Hardware Information..........................................................................................................................................17
Detailed Tunings................................................................................................................................................................17
IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2 High Volume Scalability
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IBM FileNet Content Manager (FileNet CM) is capable of managing enterprise volumes of business content.
Many customers currently rely on FileNet CM to handle daily ECM workloads with repositories well into the
hundreds of millions of documents, with several exceeding one billion documents in production. This paper
demonstrates that FileNet CM, running on IBM POWER/AIX, DB2, GPFS and WebSphere Application Server, is
capable of scaling to five billion documents and beyond while maintaining the industry leading performance that
customers have come to expect. It also provides configuration best practices and performance guidance as the
basis for confidence in achieving similar results in production systems.
Executive Summary
The IBM FileNet CM product has matured over the past 15 years of continuous improvement, becoming an
industry leader in Enterprise Content Management. FileNet CM is in production at thousands of the world’s
largest companies, including many who are storing hundreds of millions of documents per object store,
concurrently accessed by thousands of users. The stability and scalability of the FileNet CM platform has been
well established, although concerns around the database and file storage layers when populations reach into
billions of documents prompted further investigation. This paper reaffirms the ability of both the database and file
storage to scale a FileNet CM object store into the billions of documents.
IBM FileNet CM achieved unprecedented levels of data and workload scalability during this study. The FileNet
CM repository successfully scaled to 5 billion document objects, consuming upwards of 120 terabytes of IBM XIV
storage. Various operations were performed during pre-defined population checkpoints, demonstrating the
scalability of the FileNet CM object store. Checkpoint operations included typical database maintenance tasks,
the execution of custom property queries, FileNet CM sweeps, as well as IBM Content Navigator and API-driven
The sweep framework is a new feature in IBM FileNet CM 5.2, providing the ability to traverse a database table
and perform a pre-defined action on content elements that meet specific criteria. Two common types of sweeps
were performed in order to demonstrate linear scalability. First, a sweep on the root document class, effectively
sweeping over the entire multi-billion row Document table. Second, a more targeted sweep, specific to a single
document class was executed.
Overall system performance and scalability was demonstrated through the execution of a full mix of ECM
operations driven by a custom Java API-based test driver. The ECM Workload was executed regularly
throughout the population, scaling to over 120,000 transactions per minute. System reliability was demonstrated
by running a sustained workload via IBM Content Navigator (ICN). IBM Rational Performance Tester was used to
drive a complex workload for 72 hours and successfully demonstrated system stability when using a large content
The performance results reported in this paper present data and workloads run on an isolated network on specific
operating environments and system configurations. Actual performance in real customer environments with
production workloads may vary depending on many factors such as system configuration, workload
characteristics, and data volume. The results presented here are not guaranteed to be repeatable in other
IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2 High Volume Scalability
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1. Test environment description
Architectural Overview
The test environment was comprised of a single IBM Power 7 780 (Model 9179-MHD) server with 5 native LPARs
for the various software components. The Tivoli LDAP server was hosted on a local Microsoft Windows® virtual
machine. All file storage and database data files were located on an IBM XIV “Generation 3” high performance
storage device with SSD cache. All systems communicated through a private 10 Gbps VLAN.
The IBM FileNet CM application was deployed in a three-node IBM WebSphere Network Deployment cluster, and
each LPAR (node) contained a single FileNet CM Java Virtual Machine (JVM). See the Appendix at the end of
this paper for more detailed environment information.
Figure 1 – Overall system architecture diagram
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Test Bed Population
The IBM FileNet object store was populated with 120 custom document classes, each consisting of between 1060 custom properties in total. Custom metadata was created to simulate typical customer needs. Figure 2
describes the custom properties and their values, which were used for query performance validation as the data
population increased. Section 2, custom property validation, will show the results of the query’s performance.
Custom Property Type
Custom Property Values
Date Time
Timestamp at time of document creation
String (default 128 character length)
Unique FileNet document ID (GUID)
Integer – low cardinality
Normal distribution (“Bell curve”) between 1-10
Integer – high cardinality
Random number between 1-1,000,000
Unique FileNet document ID (GUID)
Float – Multi-value
2 random float values per document
String – Multi-value
2 random string values per document (out of 6 total)
String (256 character length)
~300 byte long String (stored in the LOB space)
Figure 2 – Custom property descriptions.
The ECM Workload (see section 2, ECM Workload) population was comprised of 10 million documents ranging
from 10 KB to 5 MB distributed across multiple document classes and consisting of multiple versions. The
remainder of the large population consisted of approximately 1 billion 30 KB documents, 2 billion 8 KB documents
and 2 billion zero-byte content elements.
Custom objects
The ECM Workload utilizes FileNet CM custom objects. A total of 10 million custom objects were populated with
roughly 1 million filed into folders.
The ECM Workload relies on an exact number of documents to be filed into specific folders during browse and
query operations. A total of 1.3 million folders were created with a total of 7 million documents filed into these
folders, with a varying number of containees ranging from 50 to 500.
The IBM Tivoli Directory Server was pre-populated with 152,000 unique users and 5,000 groups. Each group
contained a minimum of 20 members. The documents populated for the ECM Workload contained an additional 6
non-default ACLs comprised of 4 grant and 2 deny privileges.
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2. Population to 5 billion documents
The primary objective of these tests was to confirm that the IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine (CPE) would
scale as the data population increased. At each population checkpoint, the following operations were performed
to validate system performance:
Custom property index creation and gathering updated database table statistics
Execution of queries against various custom properties (cold and warm database)
ECM Workload; full mix of operations performance test
Execution of operations that sweep across the entire document repository
Population checkpoints occurred at various stages of the 5 billion document population. During the initial phase
to reach 1 billion documents, checkpoints were performed every 250 million documents. The system remained
very stable up to the 1 billion milestone and checkpoints were increased to every 500 million documents until 3
billion documents were populated. The final checkpoint was performed at the 5 billion document milestone.
Document ingestion was performed using a custom IBM FileNet CPE Java API client application over the Java
EJB (IIOP) protocol. The population was performed by 4 population clients (JVMs), each executing 4 Java
threads, for a total of 16 concurrent population threads. Each population client created documents for a specific
document class.
Database Maintenance Operations
Index creation was performed without gathering statistics. After all custom property indexes were created, basic
table statistics were gathered, followed by detailed statistics with default sampling. Figure 3 demonstrates the
linear scalability of updating database statistics on a multi-billion row database table.
Figure 3 – Database table statistics (RUNSTATS) scalability results.
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Custom Property Validation
The following custom property queries were manually executed by a stand-alone client application using the
FileNet CPE Java API.
SELECT TOP 100 low_card_prop FROM DOCUMENT WHERE low_card_prop = [INT];
SELECT high_card_prop FROM DOCUMENT WHERE high_card_prop = [INT];
WHERE datetime_prop >= [TIMESTAMP] AND
datetime_prop <= [TIMESTAMP] ORDER BY datetime_prop;
SELECT string_prop FROM DOCUMENT WHERE string_prop = ‘{GUID}’;
SELECT id_prop, string_prop FROM DOCUMENT
WHERE id_prop = {GUID} OR string_prop = ‘{GUID}’;
WHERE (‘[COLOR]’ IN string_prop_mv AND
high_card_prop = [INT]);
SELECT long_string_prop FROM DOCUMENT WHERE high_card_prop = [INT];
Custom property validation was performed twice for each query, once when the database was “cold” and then
immediately afterwards when the database was “warm.” In addition to restarting the FileNet CM applications
between property validations, the database was deactivated as well to ensure all memory buffers were cleared.
Figure 4 – As the database tables became larger, cold execution times gradually increased.
IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2 High Volume Scalability
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Figure 5 – As the database tables became larger, warm execution times remained stable as content was already
loaded into the database bufferpool.
ECM Workload
The ECM Workload is a Java API driven workload comprised of various create, delete, update, browse, query and
retrieval operations with documents ranging in size from 10KB to 5MB. Figure 6 shows the distribution of
operations in the workload. All content was stored in the file store. Each test execution was performed by a
single test driver with 2,000 virtual users (client threads), with an average “think time” of 3 seconds, resulting in an
effective workload of 40,000 transactions per minute (TPM).
Operation Type
Percentage of total workload
Figure 6 – ECM Workload work mix operation breakdown
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Figure 7 demonstrates the stability of each type of operation for the ECM Workload executed at various
population intervals.
Figure 7 – ECM Workload response time stability as population increased.
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Sweep Execution
A full Document table (DocVersion) sweep was performed along with a sweep based on a specific document
class. The document class sweep was roughly ¼ of the total population for a given interval, hence the smaller
duration. Figure 8 shows how sweep execution scaled linearly as the population increased. Both sweeps were
executed in preview mode to demonstrate raw performance capability without modifying the test bed.
Figure 8 – “Preview mode” document sweep scalability results
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3. High volume transactional workloads
IBM FileNet Content Manager workload scalability
In addition to validating that the IBM FileNet Content Manager repository is able to maintain stable performance
characteristics as a population grows to several billion documents, further tests were performed to evaluate the
scalability of the IBM FileNet CM Java API at multiple checkpoints from 1 billion to 3 billion documents. Good
response times were observed up to 120,000 transactions per minute, after which the test client became the
bottleneck, preventing accurate reporting of operation response times.
Figure 9 – Demonstrates the scalability characteristics of the ECM Workload
IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2 High Volume Scalability
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IBM Content Navigator workload stability
The IBM Content Navigator (ICN) component was configured against the 5 billion document IBM FileNet Content
Manager object store. A 6,000 transaction per minute (TPM) full-mix workload was performed over 72 hours
successfully demonstrating the stability of ICN against a large FileNet CM object store. The ICN driven workload
included workflow and ICN Teamspace operations in addition to standard content based operations.
Operation Type
Percentage of total workload
Create/Delete Document
View Property
Social Features
Figure 10 – ICN work mix operation breakdown
IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2 High Volume Scalability
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4. Performance considerations and recommendations
The performance topics below were instrumental in achieving the goal of this study and should be strongly
considered when attempting to scale a FileNet CM object store into the billions of documents. Many concepts
discussed in this section can be leveraged by smaller scale deployments. IBM recommends strict performance
benchmarks be performed in a highly controlled test environment before implementing any of the suggested
tunings below in a production environment.
Database storage
IBM suggests enabling DB2 table and index compression on any table that will grow to a significant number of
rows. Compression allows for more efficient use of buffer pools along with improved performance of table access
in addition to general space savings with minimal CPU overhead.
IBM recommends DB2 databases be created with automatic storage and dedicated table spaces for data, index
and large objects (LOBs) for each object store. Ensuring that all table spaces are created on storage groups with
multiple storage paths is crucial for optimal performance. Utilizing multiple storage paths will allow for parallel
pre-fetching of table space data along with more efficient access to underlying storage devices by allowing
multiple I/O paths (if available) to be accessed concurrently.
File Systems / File Stores
For large populations, IBM recommends that file store(s) use the large storage area structure. Multiple storage
areas should be used to prevent too many documents from being stored in a single subdirectory of the underlying
file system, which may adversely affect file system performance. Consult the IBM FileNet CM Information
Center for more information and recommendations.
IBM’s General Parallel File System (GPFS) was used to provide the shared file system for each CPE instance.
GPFS recommends that each file system should not exceed 1 billion documents. It is also important to ensure
that the GPFS clients have sufficient cache available. For metadata-heavy workloads, consider creating
dedicated NSDs for GPFS file system metadata. Please see the Appendix for more details on the specific
tunings applied to this environment and the GPFS Wiki for more information about GPFS.
Ample JVM heap space is critical for optimal application performance. Closely monitoring the heap usage during
the system validation phase of a new deployment, as well as periodically during the lifecycle of your application
will help ensure that excessive garbage collection is not impacting application response times. An inadequately
sized heap can also create unnecessary load on server(s) due to frequent garbage collections, potentially
increasing IT infrastructure costs. IBM suggests enabling verbose garbage collection to monitor JVM garbage
collection activity.
Ensuring sufficient SORTHEAP is available for in-memory sort operations is critical when creating large indexes.
DB2 will perform a maximum of 6 concurrent sorts by default. Therefore, ensure that the SHEAPTHRESH_SHR
value is at least 6 times that of the SORTHEAP value. Inability to perform sorts in memory will result in sort
overflows into the temporary table space(s). Disk access is far slower than RAM, so these overflows can have a
considerable impact on the performance of index creation.
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In addition to sort overflows, temporary tables will be heavily utilized as sorting operations are completed and
results are written to disk prior to the final sort merge. Therefore, having the temporary table space(s) spread
across multiple high performance storage paths is strongly recommended.
Covering index for sweeps
Minimizing the impact of sweep execution on the database’s resources with the presence of a proper covering
index is crucial. Having a covering index in place will result in index-only access and minimize physical I/O reads
during the sweep execution. A sufficiently sized bufferpool will help minimize physical I/O as well. Please consult
the IBM FileNet CM Information Center for more information on creating sweep indexes.
Consult the IBM FileNet CM Information Center performance tuning topics
It is always suggested to refer to the P8 performance tuning topics in the IBM FileNet CM Information Center
early in the planning and testing phase of a new deployment rather than after the environment is in production.
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Enterprise organizations are experiencing content growth at ever-increasing rates. For more than a decade, IBM
FileNet Content Manger (FileNet CM) has been continually refined and improved upon to handle large amounts of
business-critical data, securely and efficiently. IBM FileNet CM has been proven to meet the needs of Enterprise
Content Management customers worldwide with repositories populated well into the hundreds of millions, with
several customers exceeding a billion documents. The traditional guidance of spreading large populations across
multiple object stores adds unnecessary complexity and administrative overhead to a company’s IT organization.
Many valid reasons do exist for utilizing multiple object stores in a FileNet CM system, such as segmenting the
operations of varying business units or to meet IT backup and restore policies, to name a few. This paper
demonstrates that even for document populations well into the billions, it is not necessary to utilize multiple object
stores in order to achieve and maintain industry leading performance. Provided that the best practices and
guidance outlined above are adhered to, it is possible to scale an IBM FileNet CM object store to five billion
documents and beyond.
IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2 High Volume Scalability
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1. IBM FileNet Content Manager Software:
2. IBM FileNet P8 5.2 Information Center:
a. Performance Tuning Topics:
b. Monitoring IBM FileNet P8:
Troubleshooting the Content Platform Engine
3. IBM DB2 V10.1 Information Center:
4. IBM GPFS Wiki:
IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2 High Volume Scalability
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Detailed Software Information
IBM FileNet P8 Content Manager GA
IBM Content Navigator GA
IBM WebSphere Network Deployment
IBM DB2 v10.1.0.2 LUW Advanced Enterprise Server Edition
Storage Optimization Feature Enabled
IBM GPFS v3.5.0.9
IBM Tivoli Directory Server v6.3
Detailed Tunings
IBM FileNet Content Manager
Detailed Hardware Information
M/T 9179-MHD
128 CPU cores (SMT disabled)
8 Gbps fiber cards (12 I/O paths configured)
10 Gbps Ethernet cards
All XIV hdisks’ queue_depth increased to 256.
All XIV hdisks’ max_transfer increased to 100,000.
8 GB min/max heap size
4 GB nursery
Gencon garbage collection policy (WAS 8.x
Object Store JDBC data source pool max
threads: 500
Global Configuration Database (GCD) JDBC
data source pool max threads: 10
ORB thread pool max threads: 100
IBM DB2 JDBC JCC driver v4.15.82
IBM Content Navigator
8 GB min/max heap size
pagepool: 8GB
maxFilesToCache: 5000
block size: 256KB
15 file systems with dedicated NSD for metadata each
IBM XIV “Generation 3”
15 modules “full stack”
80x2TB SAS hard disks
6 TB SSD cache
Data tablespace: 64GB fixed
Index tablespace: 32GB fixed
Automatic maintenance tasks disabled
Instance parameters
by default in the above workload in future fix
packs of DB2)
IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2 High Volume Scalability
Author Information
Michael Bordash
ECM Server System Test Engineer
Matthew Vest
ECM Server System Test & Performance Engineering Senior Manager
Dave Royer
ECM Performance Architect, Senior Software Engineer
Special thanks to the following members of the IBM FileNet CM development team:
Mike Winter, ECM Distinguished Engineer
Joseph Raby, ECM Development, Manager
David Skinner, ECM Development
Haibing Qiao, ECM Development
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IBM® FileNet® Content Manager 5.2 High Volume Scalability
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