[center][img]http://oi45.tinypic.com/2503y8w.jpg[/img] [img]http://oi49

[color=indigo]I'm cleaning out my PM box and friends list. If you're on my friends list and I don't
think I've talked to you before, you'll be deleted. And if your account has been inactive for 5+ days,
you'll also get deleted. Actually, I think I should let you to get on with my profile quickly now.
Before you do, you have been warned...[/color]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUKsJPmCJcg][b][color=indigo]MUSIC ANYONE???
[spoiler=About Me (interesting stuff for you if you're one of my stalkers)]
[b]Name:[/b] Bianca
[b]Also known as:[/b] Bunny/Buns/Stalker
[b]Birthday:[/b] 29th March (so I am an Aries...)
[b]Age:[/b] Mystery...
[b]Favourite color:[/b] RAINBOW!
[b]Favourite animal:[/b] Nekos? I mean cats... or bunnies
[b]Nationality:[/b] British
[b]Favourite subject:[/b] Home-time (if not considered as a subject then Art)
[b]Dream:[/b] Becoming a mod XD
[b]Favourite Words:[/b] AWESOME!!!
[b]Siblings:[/b] @Annie67 AND @Emilyz (yep, they play MCL...)
[b]Likes: [/b]Writing poems, listening to music, anime, ninjas, Star Project, stars, Pacthesis, random
stuff, stalking people (nope, that's not creepy at all...), reading quotes that makes me cry
[b]Dislikes:[/b] People who think that they are awesome when they are not, bossy people, people
who force you to do stuff
[b]RL friend:[/b] MY FRIEND IS NOW BACK TO LIFE ON MCL!!! *throws virtual party* Her
username is @Seeshells
[url=http://ask.fm/Bianca256][b]aSK rANDOM sTUFF hERE, tHE rANDOMER, tHE bETTER
[spoiler=My Opinions on MCL guys+ my affinities with the guys (needs updating)]Nathaniel:
(+100) *gets out gun* I SHALL MURDER THOSE WHO SHIP MEH WITH NATH *points gun
Castiel: (+85) Hmm... I aim for higher though, he's okay I guess...
Ken: (+100) ^^
Jade: (+53) Kind, and nice as a friend
Dajan: (?) Have not met him on MCL, but I have on Amour Sucré I HATE HIM!!!
Lysander: (+48) I need more dialogues to get your affinity up
Dimitry: (+0) Meh... he's a vampire, not a big fan of him...
Leigh: (-24) I'm not a boyfriend stealer...
Alexy: (?) Have not met him yet
Armin: (?) Have not met him yet[/spoiler]
[spoiler=My Addicts]Coming Soon...[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Note to Everyone who's reading this]For people who didn't bother to click on the spoiler
bits: You've missed out a load of awesome stuff.
Note to my STALKERS: You're all welcome to stalk my Deviantart page :P
[url=http://bianca5.deviantart.com/][b]cLICK hERE fOR mY pAGE oN dEVIANTart[/b][/url]
[b][color=purple]I will only accept friend request if you have something to ask me or if you think
we can be friends. If I think you're just spam posting my PM box with these type of stuff:
1) Hi, ur awesome
2) How r u today?
3) Do you need to pee?
I will simply just delete any PMs that are spamming my PM box and delete people from my friends
list who don't talk to me properly. It's fine if you have something to ask me though[/color][/b]
[b][color=indigo]Ah ha, you're now up to the bit where Lexi comes in. Lexi is so special that she
even has a special section of her own! Please clicky on Lexi
[img]http://yukimay.dragonadopters.com/dragonanimated_786680.gif[/img][/url]<< Lexi[/color]
[center][URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHkKJfcBXcw][b][color=indigo]MORE ABOUT
STUFF I LIKEY[/color][/b][/URL]
[b]Star Project!!![/b]
[color=indigo]I love the music, especially "Twinkle Star". Shame it's not on youtube otherwise I
could had posted it here. I wish that I know what the lyrics are because it's not in English (probably
By the way readers, I've made a tektek of the main character. Edit:she has no eyes O_O
I've also made a Touya[/color]
I'VE JUST FOUND IT ON YOU TUBE!!![/color][/b][/url]
[b][color=purple]Say hi to Henry the ninja[/color][/b][/center]
[spoiler=Random But Awesome Stuff]
[spoiler=Stuff...from awesome people]
*cough* [u]GIFTS[/u] not art requests
By @MuffinUnicorn
By @Imperial14
By @FantasyWarriorX
By @Sasukeuchia
By @Anayna
By @lucyandbunny
[spoiler=Awesome candies on MCL (in no specific order)]X____X This list is too long
And if your name isn't on this list, don't cry, you're awesome too :D I'm very forgetful and lazy so
this list might not update[/spoiler]
[spoiler=THE GAY CLEANING CREW]You step into the spoiler. And yes the title says the gay
cleaning crew. You just HAVE to go in there as your friend/yourself is nosebleeding caused by the
"hot" MCL characters and you DESPERATELY need someone to clean all that blood.
*drum roll* Here they come...
Price: (oh yea nothing is done for free) You don't need to pay coins or notes, the price is to let them
stare at the hot guy you/friend had been nosebleeding on (eg Lysander, Ken, Castiel etc)
[b]Bob:[/b] KEN IS SOOO HAWT *faints*
[b]Fred:[/b] Cassie... *dies*
[b]Tom:[/b] Lysander's 6 pack... *nosebleed*
Er... ok, Let's get to work guys! And stop daydreaming about them.
Promo Poster Coming Soon...[/spoiler][/center]
[spoiler=Profile Construction List...]1) Tidy the star project and ninja bit
2) Complete my addicts stuff
3) Blah blah blah...[/spoiler]
I'm counting my stalkers [/color][url=http://www.mon-compteur.fr][img]http://www.moncompteur.fr/html_c01genv2-97679-3[/img][/url][/center]
[spoiler=Questions, Secrets, and a real life pic of me]
That's what I look like in real life :) Don't judge!
Why did you say that your name is bianca?[i]Cos I don't really like my real name[/i]
Who are your fav MCL characters?
[i]Lysadner, Castiel, Ken and Iris. Doesn't necessarily means that I hate everyone else though[/i]
[url=http://ask.fm/Bianca256]Click here to ask me more questions if you like[/url][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Just some stuff that normal people won't like][img]http://oi46.tinypic.com/1wty1.jpg[/img]