Volume 15 Number 2 Winter 2013 Peer-reviewed Research Article A Review of the Properly Functioning Condition Assessment for Evaluating the Effects of Land Use Activities on Riparian Areas and Stream Channels also provided information on specific regions of the province where the management of rangelands and resource roads1 requires attention (Tschaplinski 2010). Because the procedure can provide some information on the effects of resource roads, it may also inform cumulative effects assessments in areas where the mining and oil and gas industries 1 According to British Columbia legislation, resource roads include all roads on public land intended for use by motor vehicles, except highways. In general terms, these roads are typically used to support the forestry, mining, and petroleum industries. Continued on page 2 Richard McCleary Introduction F our of the main land use activities on forested public lands in western Canada include forest practices, petroleum exploration and extraction, mining, and cattle grazing. Each of these activities can negatively impact the ecological functions of riparian areas and stream channels, thereby affecting water-related values, including biodiversity and water quality (see reviews by Waters 1995; Hartman 2004; Hogan and Luzi 2010). The British Columbia government through the Forest and Range Evaluation Program has developed a procedure based on the concepts of properly functioning condition (PFC) for assessing the level of ecological function and indicating the potential cause of any site-specific impacts that are detected (Tripp et al. 2009a, 2009b). Because this procedure provides information that can be linked to forest practices and other land use activities, it should be considered as an important tool in the management of cumulative watershed effects. For example, a provincial-scale application of the procedure, specifically designed to evaluate the impacts of the varied history of riparian management practices, yielded information on opportunities to further reduce the impacts attributed to streamside harvest; however, it Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 15/No. 2 Winter 2013 Inside this issue: A Review of the Properly Functioning Condition Assessment for Evaluating the Effects of Land Use Activities on Riparian Areas and Stream Channels Putting PUB into Practice in Mountainous Regions Water Repellent Soils and their Assessment in the Field Update 1 Published by: FORREX Forum for Research and Extension in Natural Resources Suite 400, 235 1st Avenue Kamloops, BC V2C 3J4 Project Manager: Rob Scherer Tel: (250) 762-5445, Ext. 4792 Email: interiorwatershedmanagement@forrex.org Distribution/Mailing List: Email: streamline@forrex.org Technical Review Committee: K. Bladon, S. Lapp, R.D. Moore, R. Pike, T. Redding, R. Scherer Technical reviewers for this issue: P. Lee, G. Scrimgeour, J. Rex, R. Smith, R. Winkler, B. Campbell, B. Chapman and P. Jordan Website Support: Matt Johnson Graphic Layout: Kaatza Publishing Services Editing: Kaatza Publishing Services Cover Illustration: William McAusland McAusland Studios, Kamloops, BC Streamline is a refereed publication published twice a year by FORREX. All articles published in Streamline are technically reviewed to ensure that we extend reliable and technically sound information to our readers. Content published in Streamline is intended to provide general information and should not be relied upon as legal advice or legal opinion. The information and opinions expressed in this Publication are those of the respective authors and FORREX does not warrant their accuracy or reliability and expressly disclaims any liability in relation thereto. ISSN 1705-5989 © 2013, FORREX Forum for Research and Extension in Natural Resources Society, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. http://www.forrex.org/publications/streamline Continued from page 1 are prevalent. In such instances, the PFC assessment for riparian areas and stream channels should be combined with other appropriate assessments, including road and stream crossing inspections (see review by Baird et al. 2012). The endorsement of the findings from the provincial-scale application of the PFC procedure by the Chief Forester of British Columbia (Snetsinger 2011) represents the completion of the four stages of an adaptive management loop (Figure 1). Given that managing cumulative effects at the regional scale is fraught with challenges on numerous fronts (e.g., Creasey 2000; Reid 2010), other jurisdictions across Canada that are seeking to improve management of their stream and riparian resources may wish to consider adopting a PFC procedure such as the one used in British Columbia. Like many jurisdictions in western North America, the Province of Alberta has sampling methods that are capable of describing changes in the structure of riparian vegetation due to cattle grazing (Fitch et al. 2001); however, Alberta has no standardized system for evaluating the effects on these functions This article explores the potential application of British Columbia’s Properly Functioning Condition procedure for assessing stream channels and riparian areas in Alberta. from other prevalent land use activities, especially resource road development. Furthermore, although the Alberta government has long maintained some of the strongest riparian area protections in North America (Lee et al. 2004), the buffer-strip strategy has come into question for two reasons. First, as a result of accelerated harvest to counter the mountain pine beetle infestation, options to manage lodgepole pine within riparian reserves are being evaluated (e.g., Briand and Buckmaster 2010). Second, in Alberta and other provinces, harvesting within buffers may be an important component of the move towards forest management that emulates natural disturbance at the landscape scale (Sibley et al. 2012). Set management objectives (Forest and Range Practices Act) Make recommendations for enhancing management (Snetsinger 2011) Undertake management activity (Forest practices with required riparian protections) Project Manager’s Acknowledgements For this issue of Streamline, it is important to acknowledge the collaboration and support of the Foothills Research Institute (FRI). Without FRI’s in-kind and financial support, this issue would not have been possible. Furthermore, I would also like to thank the Streamline Technical Committee and the peer reviewers for their assistance. Conduct monitoring: 1. Establish effectiveness monitoring procedures (Tripp et al. 2009a, 2009b) 2. Evaluate effectiveness (Tschaplinski 2010) Figure 1. The standard adaptive management model showing an example of how the properly functioning condition assessment for riparian areas and stream channels was applied in British Columbia. 2 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 15/No. 2 Winter 2013 To explore the potential application of British Columbia’s PFC procedure in Alberta, in this article I review three pertinent topic areas individually. The first section provides a review of the PFC procedure, including a comparison of the indicators used by the British Columbia procedure versus those included in rangeland assessments from other jurisdictions. The second section includes a comparison of the British Columbia stream classification system and a classification system applied in the foothills of Alberta. This comparison is required because the criteria for assessing individual indicators vary according to channel type; thus, a channel classification system underpins the entire PFC framework. The third section outlines strategies and considerations for calibrating the indicators for use in Alberta. In the conclusion, I emphasize the benefits and challenges of wider use of the PFC procedure for assessing stream channels and riparian areas. A Review of the Properly Functioning Condition Assessment Procedure Riparian areas perform a broad suite of ecological functions (Naiman and Décamps 1997). These functions form the basis for a group of assessment techniques that have become increasingly popular and have been adapted according to the region, pressure(s), and value(s) at stake (e.g., Prichard et al. 1998b; Fitch and Ambrose 2003; Tripp et al. 2009b). For example, riparian areas in Alberta are rated as in PFC if these areas perform a subset of the recognized functions, including: s dissipate stream energy during high flows and improve water quality; s trap fine sediment, capture bedload, and contribute to floodplain development; s improve flood water retention and ground water recharge; s develop root masses that protect streambanks from erosion; 2 s develop diverse channel characteristics to provide habitat, water depths, flows, and temperatures necessary for fish and wildlife production; and s support greater biodiversity (Fitch et al. 2001). In British Columbia, stream and riparian areas are considered to be in PFC when the impacts of development are small or within the natural variability of the system and are not likely to prevent the operation of natural ecological functions of the habitat.2 The PFC assessment was originally developed for use by the Bureau of Land Management in the United States (Prichard et al. 1998a), and has been subsequently adapted to support rangeland management in Alberta (Fitch and Ambrose 2003) and British Columbia (Fraser 2009). In 2003, the Province of British Columbia supported a small research project intended to develop a procedure to evaluate the effectiveness of the riparian management provisions within the new results-based Forest and Range Practices Act (P. Tschaplinski, pers. comm., May 2012). Because a provincial-scale assessment was required, the team recognized the need for a rapid assessment that could be completed by generalist staff at thousands of sites; hence, the team settled on the PFC concept and began the process of selecting indicators and adapting the methodology for a scored checklist format. Specific impacts on streams and riparian areas from forestry activities in British Columbia had been well documented during the course of various long-term research projects (see reviews by Tschaplinski et al. 2004; Toews and Hetherington 2010; Tschaplinski and Pike 2010). Based on these documented impacts and a thorough review of the literature, the team compiled a list of more than 60 potential indicators and began testing them for relevance, sensitivity, cost-efficiency, and potential for non-expert application. The final procedure, called the Resource RSBC 1996, Chapter 159, Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act. Operation and Site Planning Regulation (B.C. Reg. 107/98), Section 52. http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/tasb/legsregs/ archive/fpc/fpcaregs/oplanreg/opr-7.htm#52. Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 15/No. 2 Winter 2013 Stewardship Monitoring evaluation, includes a checklist of 15 main indicator questions that are addressed by 114–120 observations, estimates, and measurements made to evaluate 38– 60 specific indicators, depending on stream channel type (morphology) and fish-bearing status (Tripp et al. 2009b). As a result of this effort, the set of indicators used for resource stewardship monitoring is more extensive than the procedures used in other jurisdictions (Table 1). Typically, PFC assessments have been formalized by an interdisciplinary scientific team; however, expert application of the field procedure is not always a requirement. For example, the British Columbia resource stewardship monitoring procedure is not designed for the exclusive use of experts, such as those who developed it; rather, it was intended for trained individuals from a more general background in natural sciences (Tripp et al. 2009b). Nonetheless, for certain applications, expert use of a more intensive field approach, such as the resource stewardship monitoring parent procedure, may be required to answer the specific questions of interest (P. Tschaplinski, pers. comm., May 2012). For all three PFC procedures that were reviewed (Table 2), the summary of a reach-specific PFC assessment is completed on a single page in a field assessment (Prichard et al. 1998b; Fitch and Ambrose 2003; Tripp et al. 2009b); however, all of the corresponding jurisdictions provide detailed descriptions of PFC procedures. Where rangeland management is a goal, detailed assessments of riparian vegetation condition are available to inform the PFC procedure (e.g., Hansen et al. 1995; Thompson and Hansen 2003). The channel component of the assessment requires specific knowledge of the types of channels in the evaluation area. For example, the British Columbia assessment uses various channel morphology types including riffle-pool, cascade-pool, step-pool, and non-alluvial streams that pertain to most of the streams within that province (Tripp et al. 2009b). Continued on page 4 3 Continued from page 3 Table 1. Components and example indicators of the properly functioning condition procedures used by three different jurisdictions Component 1. Floodplain Example indicators United Statesa Albertab British Columbiac Floodplain frequently inundated Adequate riparian vegetation to protect banks and dissipate energy during high flows Human-caused bare ground absent 2. Streambanks Channel banks intact Streambank vegetation with root masses capable of withstanding high streamflow events 3. Streambed Sinuosity, width/depth ratio, and gradient in balance with setting Channel bed undisturbed Point bars are revegetating with riparian vegetation Lateral stream movement associated with natural sinuosity Amount of moss on the substrate indicates a stable and productive system 4. Vegetation Riparian vegetation with diverse age class distribution and community composition Sufficient vegetation retention to provide shade and bank microclimate Riparian vegetation sufficiently protected from windthrow Riparian vegetation resembles normal healthy vegetation in unmanaged reaches 5. Woody debris Sufficient live and dead vegetation to maintain large woody debris supply Riparian plants exhibit high vigour 6. Aquatic biodiversity Stream supports a diversity of aquatic invertebrates Aquatic habitats connected to allow normal movements of fish, organic debris, and sediment 7. Uplands and landscape considerations Stream is in balance with water and sediment supplied by the watershed Upland watershed not contributing to riparian degradation Stream supports a good diversity of fish cover attributes Introduction of fine sediment minimized 8. Grazing pressure impacts a b c 4 Increase of undesirable plant species through disturbance limited Limited utilization of preferred trees and shrubs The Bureau of Land Management/U.S. Forest Service PFC procedure for lotic areas (Prichard et al. 1998a). The Cows and Fish Program PFC procedure (Fitch and Ambrose 2003). British Columbia’s Resource Stewardship Monitoring procedure (Tripp et al. 2009b). Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 15/No. 2 Winter 2013 Table 2. A comparison of drainage features from the Alberta foothills system and the British Columbia provincial system departures from a stable state were observed with varying frequencies. Drainage features of the Alberta foothills systema Comparable drainage features from the British Columbia provincial systemb Wetland Wetland No Swale Non-classified drainage Fisheries sensitive zone No No Discontinuous channel Non-classified drainage Fisheries sensitive zone No No Seepage-fed channel (where gradient > 10 %, substitute colluvial channel) Organic bottom channel Small non-alluvial channel Large non-alluvial channel Yes Yes Yes Fluvial channel Alluvial channel: Riffle-pool Cascade-pool Step-pool Yes The PFC procedure is an important component of a science-based monitoring program, whereby sample sites for the field-based assessment are selected using an appropriate statistical design. The approach for site selection must reflect the study objectives and scale of interest. For example, in an assessment of the effectiveness of riparian management practices in British Columbia, forestry cutblocks and adjacent streams were randomly selected within all regions of the province (Tschaplinski 2010). In another project involving the assessment of the long-term effects of clearcut harvesting without riparian buffers, sites were distributed between the source and stream outlet in several watersheds with both buffered and non-buffered reaches sampled (Nordin et al. 2008). a b c Included in RSM?c Derived from McCleary (2012). Derived from Tripp (Tripp et al. 2009a, 2009b). The PFC assessment procedure used for British Columbia’s Resource Stewardship Monitoring (RSM). In British Columbia, once the type of channel is determined, an assessment specific to that type is completed to determine whether the existing conditions are within the natural range of variation for pre-disturbed conditions. Empirical data for numerous stream channel reference sites from across the different forested ecological zones in the province was used to establish the natural range of variation for channel conditions in the PFC assessment (Tschaplinski 2010). Many of the reference sites were established during the course of various forestry-fisheries research projects in British Columbia (Tschaplinski 2010). In addition, a sample of 50 natural reference sites has been identified province-wide in support of the PFC assessments (P. Tschaplinski, pers. comm., May 2012). The use of the natural range of variation for channel and riparian conditions represents a departure from the approach used for channel assessment in British Columbia (B.C. Ministry of Forests and B.C. Ministry of Environment 1996), and also from the approach used in other PFC procedures. The new approach is consistent with an emerging natural disturbance paradigm that recognizes, even in unmanaged landscapes, several disturbance agents will affect riparian and channel functions at varying frequencies and intensities (Moore and Richardson 2012). To establish the natural range of variation, numerous reference streams were surveyed in unharvested watersheds that had experienced a range of natural disturbances, including wildfire, floods, and landslides, to support investigations at both the provincial scale (Tschaplinski 2010) and drainage basin scale (Nordin et al. 2008). For example, to meet the requirements for a “stable” rating according to the British Columbia channel assessment procedure, pools should represent 50–70% of a rifflepool channel (B.C. Ministry of Forests and B.C. Ministry of Environment 1996). In comparison, a riffle-pool channel “properly functioning within the natural range of variation” will have 25% or more of the sample reach as pool habitat (Tripp et al. 2009b). This second rating system reflects the findings from the reference site surveys in unmanaged systems where Despite the importance of the overall rating (i.e., properly functioning, properly functioning with limited impacts, properly functioning with impacts, or not properly functioning) in British Columbia, the provincialscale analysis of individual indicator questions provided much of the specific cause-and-effect information incorporated into the adaptive management cycle (Tschaplinski 2010). Specifically, in order of prevalence, the primary forestry-related causes of “no” responses to indicator questions were: 1. road-related erosion and subsequent sedimentation; 2. low levels of riparian area tree retention; 3. windthrow; 4. falling and yarding trees across streams; and 5. harvest-related machine disturbance in the riparian area (Tschaplinski 2010). Continued on page 6 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 15/No. 2 Winter 2013 5 Continued from page 5 A Comparison of Stream Classification Systems for British Columbia and the Foothills of Alberta Procedures to assign the drainage feature class for British Columbia are described by Tripp et al. (2009a, 2009b), and for the Alberta foothills system by McCleary et al. (2012). Because both systems are based on erosional processes associated with water drainage from the land surface, many of the British Columbia indicators can potentially be transferred to the Alberta foothills. The Alberta foothills system has five categories, and the British Columbia system has ten, each of which can be linked to a specific Alberta foothills category (Table 1). Note that in British Columbia, if the drainage feature is a poorly developed channel (e.g., a wetland, non-classified drainage, or a fisheries sensitive zone), it is not suited to the resource stewardship monitoring assessment and may or may not require another type of assessment, depending on the purpose of the investigation. For the Alberta foothills system, the categories have been used to support spatial modelling and mapping of erosion processes for forest management applications, with the discontinuous channels lumped in with the swale category (McCleary 2011; McCleary et al. 2011). Differentiating the types of channels in headwater positions was important for these purposes. Seepage-fed channels and fluvial channels were the two main types that covered the entire distance between the channel head and outlets (Figure 2), with both types roughly equal in total extent (McCleary 2011). The following eight criteria proved important for differentiating seepage-fed channels and fluvial channels (McCleary et al. 2012). 1. 2. 6 Texture of fine channel bed material is mostly silt-sized or smaller (< 50% sand), with a silt, loam, or silty loam texture. The bed is unconsolidated along the deepest part of the main channel (indicated if, when standing on one Figure 2. Examples of (a) a seepage-fed channel, and (b) a fluvial channel from the Alberta foothills. foot, the surveyor’s boot sinks to a depth > 10 cm). 3. No steps or riffles created by recently mobile gravel or cobbles. 4. No pools present. 5. Organic bridges present. 6. Head cuts present. 7. Highly variable channel width: maximum width greater than 3× the minimum width. 8. Total of left and right undercut widths greater than bank full width. Seepage-fed channels in the Alberta foothills classification system may function similarly to organic bottom channels in the British Columbia classification. In a sediment budget project in the Alberta foothills, McCleary et al. (2008) found large amounts of particulate organic matter and silt or clay-sized particles stored within the beds of seepage-fed channels, with the total organic matter in three different reaches averaging 38, 44, and 69% of the total bed material mass. In two small watersheds drained by seepage-fed channels, samples of total suspended solids from across an entire runoff season averaged 39% organic matter (Foothills Research Institute unpublished data). The British Columbia classification system has been designed to support specific land use evaluations across all biogeoclimatic regions of the province, with an emphasis on detecting impacts to fish habitat; as a result, the system includes a larger number of categories than the Alberta foothills system. Similar refinements may also be considered if a system is developed for application across the entire province of Alberta. The additional categories in the British Columbia system were required for two main reasons (Tripp et al. 2009a, 2009b). First, small drainage features close to the channel initiation area are very abundant on the landscape; however, many of these terminate downslope after short distances, are not directly connected to channels further downslope, and do not convey sediment and other materials into the downstream channels. Based on the potential for negative consequences from land management activities, these source-area drainage features are designated as either nonclassified drainages or fisheries sensitive zones based on channel bed continuity and other characteristics that determine whether the drainage feature has the potential to contribute water, nutrients, organic materials, and alluvial sediment to the channel network into downslope reaches, including fish-bearing streams. Second, given the wide range of slope classes in the mountainous terrain of British Columbia, alluvial channels are divided into three classes: (1) riffle-pool, (2) cascade-pool, and (3) step-pool. These classes could also be applied in Alberta; however, steep alluvial channels of the step-pool class have limited extent in the province, even in the foothills region. Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 15/No. 2 Winter 2013 Strategies and Considerations for Calibrating the Indicators for Use in Alberta Jurisdictions that are considering adopting a PFC procedure to evaluate riparian areas and stream channels should not have to go through a lengthy indicator screening process, such as the one that was previously described for the Province of British Columbia; rather, because all indicators have been proven useful (Tschaplinski 2010), other jurisdictions can focus on establishing thresholds for the indicators from the British Columbia procedure specific to the forested ecological region of interest (P. Tschaplinski, pers. comm., May 2012). The natural range of variation for individual indicators can be established by comparing natural and impacted reference sites across the various channel types within the forested ecological region of interest. The British Columbia procedure is also a strong candidate for use in other regions simply because of its large, comprehensive indicator set. Given the number of main indicators, their underlying specific indicators, and associated observations and measures, if some indicators in the set prove to be irrelevant or not sensitive to impacts in a new study area, such indicators could be excluded with the remainder still providing sufficient information to complete a robust local assessment. Several differences in the physiographies of Alberta and British Columbia should be considered. First, although the bedrock and colluvium surficial materials associated with the Rocky Mountains do extend into Alberta (Figure 3), much of this surface type lies within protected areas. Furthermore, logging practices in Alberta are typically limited to slopes of less than 40%. Second, highly erodible glaciolacustrine deposits occur in both provinces, but are much more widely distributed, covering large portions of the boreal plain in Alberta. In British Columbia, these deposits are also found in interior valley bottoms (Figure 3). While surface runoff and related Surficial materials Rock and colluvium Glacial till Glaciolacustrine deposits Glaciomarine deposits Water Organic deposits Eolian deposits Alluvial deposits Glaciofluvial deposits Glacier Figure 3. Distribution of surficial materials, including glacial till, glaciolacustrine deposits, organic deposits, and rock and colluvium in British Columbia and Alberta (from Fulton 1995). erosion processes dominate in the high relief landscapes covering much of British Columbia, subsurface drainage processes are more important in the drier boreal plain (Steedman et al. 2004), thus the landscape is much less organized and connections between land use activities and PFC more difficult to establish. Regardless of the forested ecological region of interest, establishing appropriate stream-size scaling relations for indicators is another important consideration (Nordin et al. 2008). Regional precipitation and runoff patterns (i.e., hydroclimate) also require consideration when establishing indicator thresholds. For example, channel morphology has relatively low variability in cordilleran snowmeltdriven environments characterized by small differences in relative flood size, whereas continental rainfall environments with large differences Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 15/No. 2 Winter 2013 in relative flood size have higher variability (see review by Buffington 2012). This is particularly relevant given the contrasting runoff patterns in Alberta, where basins within the Rockies hydrologic region are characterized by a single peak, snowmelt-dominated hydrograph and basins within the Foothills/Boreal region have a double peak hydrograph with separate peaks driven by snowmelt and rain (Wagner 2010). Given these known relationships, a wider natural range of variation for channel morphology indicators (e.g., channel bed disturbance levels, streambank and large woody debris processes, and pool frequency) is expected in the Foothills/Boreal region than in the Rockies region. The strategy of establishing reference conditions based on surveys of sites with minimal human modification is common in many ecosystem Continued on page 8 7 Continued from page 7 management programs (e.g., Parsons et al. 2004; Gibbons et al. 2008); however, finding such locations in landscapes with widespread human modification may not be possible, thereby necessitating alternative approaches. For example, in the developed region on the north shore of Lake Ontario, Kilgour and Stanfield (2006) established statistical models to predict indices of biophysical condition based on the combination of landscape metrics and measures of land use. These models proved useful for backtesting pre-disturbance reference conditions, which in turn were used to quantify the degree to which ecological functions were impaired. Such approaches may prove important in specific regions of Alberta where protected areas with suitable reference sites may not be available. Benefits of Wider Use of the PFC Procedure 1. Apply the British Columbia PFC procedure within reference sites across the various forested ecological regions of Alberta. From this exercise, determine regions with insufficient reference sites where alternative approaches are required, and where suitable, establish whether the indicator thresholds capture the natural range of variation. 2. Develop a sampling strategy specific to the type of land use pressure and forested ecological region of interest. 3. Conduct the assessment based on the validated thresholds. The consistent application of an assessment, such as the PFC procedure, across multiple jurisdictions has several important benefits. At the national scale, sustainable forest management includes evaluating the state of the full range of values on managed lands with a system of indicators that can be applied consistently across the country (Canadian Council of Forest Ministers 2008). Nevertheless, using different measurements across jurisdictions and the evolution of protocols over time can hinder such reporting (e.g., Prichard et al. 1998b). For example, stream condition was not included as an indicator in the 2011 national report (Natural Resources Canada 2011). Therefore, settling on a protocol is an important prerequisite for pooling and comparing data on stream condition for such exercises. Given the present use of the PFC procedure for assessing streams and riparian areas in British Columbia, Alberta, and on public lands in the United States, this procedure is a logical choice. Furthermore, because the findings from a provincial-scale application of the PFC in British Columbia aligned closely with the findings from other previously used assessment procedures, including expert systems approaches (Tschaplinski 2010), the PFC procedure can also provide a framework for consolidating the findings generated from various protocols, and possibly across jurisdictions. Establishing region-specific indicator thresholds remains a potential barrier that can be best addressed by considering the physiography, hydroclimate, and locations of reference sites within the region of interest. 4. Conduct an indicator sensitivity assessment and omit any indicators that do not appear useful for identifying impacts. It is unlikely that any new indicators will be needed for use in Alberta because the testing procedure used in British Columbia was exhaustive (P. Tschaplinski, pers. comm., May 2012). Alberta employs several different procedures to measure stream channel features for aquatic habitat inventories (e.g., Johnson et al. 1998; Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute 2007). A provincial-scale initiative is also ongoing with the goal of measuring the degree to which aquatic ecosystem health is maintained The use of this procedure in Alberta could be expedited with the following approach. 8 (Alberta Environment 2003). Although the use of indicators is an important strategy for reporting on the state of this goal (Coombs 2008), no standard procedures have been established to assess riparian and stream channel condition. Although numerous reaches have been inventoried using existing aquatic habitat inventory procedures, information on the state of riparian areas and stream channels cannot be easily extracted from such studies. Therefore, if the standard aquatic inventory procedures used in the Alberta can be modified to determine whether the reach of interest is in properly functioning condition, then ongoing inventory programs may contribute towards meeting the provincial goal of measuring aquatic ecosystem health. The PFC procedure can also help to advance the knowledge of watershed processes by providing a framework for organizing site selection, measuring response, and communicating findings (e.g., Nordin et al. 2008; Rex et al. 2009). Given the relatively low cost of the PFC procedure, it may serve as a screening tool for identifying systems that require assessments completed by professionals from specialized disciplines. The scientific credibility of the PFC procedure can be evaluated when the findings from such specialized assessments are published (e.g., Nordin et al. 2008). The notion of cumulative watershed effects can become very difficult for stakeholder groups to comprehend, especially when complexities such as legal terminology and knowledge from specialized disciplines are introduced. The PFC approach provides an opportunity to help navigate through such complexities. The findings from a PFC assessment, when combined with results from other types of assessments that are warranted based on specific watershed values, pressures, and affected processes, can help demonstrate four important concepts related to management of cumulative watershed effects: Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 15/No. 2 Winter 2013 For further information, contact: The findings from a PFC assessment, when combined with results from other types of assessments that are warranted based on specific watershed values, pressures, and affected processes, can help stakeholders navigate through the complexities of cumulative watershed effects. 1. here is what happened and where; 2. here is when and why this happened; 3. this is what we can do about it; and 4. if we take the recommended action, here is when and what we can measure to find out if it works. Acknowledgements Thanks to Peter Tschaplinski for participating in a telephone interview where we discussed the history of the development and application of the PFC assessment in British Columbia and thanks for providing a thorough review of a draft of this document. Steve Bird and Marwan Hassan also provided input and recommendations that were extremely helpful. Rick Bonar provided suggestions, including emphasizing the importance of establishing natural range of variation when linking the assessment with forest management planning. Thank you also to the members of the Streamline Technical Review Committee for providing constructive comments on an earlier version and also for encouraging me to talk directly to Peter. Three anonymous reviewers also provided helpful suggestions and criticisms. Rich McCleary Foothills Research Institute, Hinton, Alta. Email: richmccleary@shaw.ca References Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. 2007. Stream field data collection protocol. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. http://www .abmi.ca/abmi/reports/reports .jsp?categoryId=0 (Accessed September 2012). Alberta Environment. 2003. Water for life: Alberta’s strategy for sustainability. Edmonton, Alta. http://environment.gov.ab.ca/info/ library/6190.pdf (Accessed October 2012). Baird, E.J., W. Floyd, I. van Meerveld, and A.E. Anderson. 2012. Road surface erosion – Part 1: Summary of effects, processes, and assessment procedures. Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin 15(1):1–9. http://www.forrex.org/sites/ default/files/publications/articles/ Streamline_Vol15_No1_Art01.pdf (Accessed October 2012). Briand, R. and G. Buckmaster. 2010. Forest management plan: 2010 mountain pine beetle amendment. Hinton Wood Products, West Fraser Mills Ltd., Hinton, Alta. http://www.srd.alberta.ca/ LandsForests/ForestManagement/ ForestManagementPlans/ documents/WestFraserMillsLtd/ WFMLH-VolI-Section1-4.pdf (Accessed October 2012). B.C. Ministry of Forests and B.C. 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