EGPROC 2009 Fribourg, Switzerland April 23rd – 26th, 2009 Conference Overview Thursday, April 23rd 19:00 Welcome reception at Restaurant du Gothard, rue du Pont-Muré 16 Friday, April 24th 09.00-09.05 Opening of the conference 09.05-10.15 Moral and developmental aspects of decision making 10.15-10.40 Coffee Break 10.40-12.25 Decision process models 12.25-14.15 Lunch break 14.15-15.45 Risky decision models I 15.45 -16.15 Coffee Break 16.15-16.50 Measurement models 17.00-18.45 Egproc meeting - Egproc’s future 19:30 Dinner at Restaurant du Chasseur, rue de Lausanne 10 Saturday, April 25th 0.900-10.10 Risky decision models II 10.10-10.40 Coffee Break 10.40-11.15 Dual process theories 12.00-14.00 Lunch break 14.00-15.10 Risky decision models III 15.10-15.40 Coffee Break 15.40-16.50 Process measurement methods 18.30 Conference Dinner at Restaurant Hôtel de Ville, Grand-rue 6 Sunday, April 26th Sightseeing tour We thank the Rectorate of the University of Fribourg for the generous support of EGPROC 2009 Oswald Huber and Odilo W. Huber 2 EGPROC 2009 – Detailed Schedule Thursday, April 23rd 19:00 Welcome reception at Restaurant du Gothard – you may also eat there Friday April 24th 09.00-09.05 Opening of the conference 09.05-10.15 Moral and developmental aspects of decision making, Chair: Oswald Huber 09.05- 09.40 The influence of perceived injustice on trust and risk propensity Tadeusz Tyszka and Anna Macko 09.40-10.15 Kindergarten's economical decision making Thomasz Tzaleskiewicz and Ania Helka 10.15-10.40 Coffee Break 10.40-12.25 Decision process models, Chair: Rob Ranyard 10.40-11.50 Decision processes, reasons and attractiveness: Strengths of reasons over time in an important real-life decision Marianne Jakobsson and Ola Svenson 11.50-12.25 What if process tracing data and behavioral data are inconsistent? Anton Kühberger 12.25-14.15 Lunch break 14.15-15.45 Risky decision models I, Chair: Joanna Sokolowska 14.15-14.45 Causal structure of positive and negative outcomes: Effect on search for RDOs Oswald Huber 14.45-15.15 Spontaneous construction of the causal structures of alternatives Arlette Bär 15.15-15.45 Risk management operators Odilo W. Huber 15.45 -16.15 Coffee Break 16.15-16.50 Measurement models, Chair: Dan Zakay 16.15-16.50 Tracing Intuition: The internal validity of measures for intuitive and deliberate reasoning styles Pieter Koele 17.00-18.45 Egproc meeting - Egproc’s future 19:30 Dinner at Restaurant le Chasseur – a wonderful place to have the famous Fribourgeois moité-moité cheese fondue! 3 Saturday, April 25th 0.900-10.10 Risky decision models II, Chair: Anton Kühberger 09.00-09.35 Risk judgment and acceptance of unique and repeated events Joanna Sokolowska and Barbara Kossakowska 09.35-10.10 Can prospect theory be generalized to non-monetary dimensions? Dan Zakay and Dida Fleisig 10.10-10.40 Coffee Break 10.40-11.15 Dual process theories, Chair: Pieter Koele 10.40-11.15 Dual Process Theories: A Key for Understanding the Diversification Bias? Christoph Kogler 11.15- 11.50 Automatic vs. reflexive valuation processes Krzysztof Przybyszewski and Dorota Rutkowska 12.00-14.00 Lunch break 14.00-15.10 Risky decision models III, Chair: Tadeusz Tyszka 14.00-14.35 A think aloud study of dominance violation in a risky choice task Andrea Taylor 14.35-15.10 Information search patterns in risk judgment and in risky choices across domains Agata Michalaszek 15.10-15.40 Coffee Break 15.40-16.50 Process measurement methods, Chair: Ola Svenson 15.40-16.15 Flashlight - online eye-tracking Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Ryan O. Murphy and Florian Hutzler 16.15-16.50 Structured versus unstructured self reports as process data Rob Ranyard 18.30 Conference Dinner at Restaurant Hôtel de Ville Sunday, April 26th Sightseeing tour 4 Conference venue 1 5 6 2 3 4 Picture source: Google maps A Railway Station 1 Conference location, rue de Rome 3 2 Hôtel du Faucon, rue de Lausanne 76 3 NH Hotel, Grand-Places 14 4 Hôtel Alpha, rue du Simplon 13 5 Restaurant du Gothard, rue du Pont-Muré 16 6 Restaurant le Chasseur, rue de Lausanne 10 7 Restaurant Hôtel de Ville, Grand-Rue 6 7 Authors Authors are ordered alphabetically; joint papers are inserted according to the name of the first author Arlette S. Bär University of Fribourg Causal structure of positive and negative outcomes: Spontaneous construction of the mental representation Odilo W. Huber University of Fribourg Risk management operators Oswald Huber University of Fribourg Causal structure of positive and negative outcomes: Effect on search for RDOs Marianne Jakobsson (1) and Ola Svenson (1,2) (1) Risk, Social and Decision Research Analysis Unit, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University (2) Decision Research, Eugene, Oregon ; Decision processes, reasons and attractiveness: Strengths of reasons over time in an important real-life decision Pieter Koele Amsterdam University Tracing Intuition: The internal validity of measures for intuitive and deliberate reasoning styles. Christoph Kogler University of Salzburg Dual Process Theories: A Key for Understanding the Diversification Bias? Anton Kühberger University of Salzburg What if process tracing data and behavioral data are inconsistent? Agata Michalaszek Warsaw School of Social Psychology Information search patterns in risk judgment and in risky choices across domains Krzysztof Przybyszewski (1) and Dorota Rutkowska (2) (1) Kozminski Business School, Warsaw (2) Warsaw University Automatic vs. reflexive valuation processes. Rob Ranyard University of Bolton Structured versus unstructured self reports as process data Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck (1), Ryan O. Murphy (2) and Florian Hutzler (3) (1) DICE Lab, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, (2) ETH Zürich, (3) University of Salzburg Flashlight - online eye-tracking Joanna Sokolowska and Barbara Kossakowska Warsaw School of Social Psychology Risk judgment and acceptance of unique and repeated events Andrea Taylor University of Bolton A think aloud study of dominance violation in a risky choice task 7 Tadeusz Tyszka and Anna Macko Kozminski Business School, Warsaw The influence of perceived injustice on trust and risk propensity Thomasz Tzaleskiewicz and Ania Helka The Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities; Kindergarten's economical decision making Dan Zakay and Dida Fleisig Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya Can prospect theory be generalized to non-monetary dimensions? 8