MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Physics 8.02 Experiment 4: RL Circuits and Undriven RLC Circuits OBJECTIVES 1. To explore the time dependent behavior of RC and RL Circuits 2. To understand how to measure the time constant of such circuits 3. To explore the time dependent behavior of Undriven RLC Circuits PRE-LAB READING INTRODUCTION In the first two parts of this lab we w ill continue our investigation of DC circuits, now including, along with our “battery” an d resisto rs, inductors (RL circuits). W e will m easure the very different relationship between current and volt age in an inductor, and study the time dependent behavior of RL circuits. In the second three parts of the lab we will stud y a circuit that includes a “battery”, resistor, capacitor and inductor (undriven RLC circuits). As most children know, if you get a push on a swi ng and just sit still on it, you will go back and forth, gradually slowing down to a stop. If , on the othe r hand, you m ove your body back and forth you can drive the sw ing, making it swing higher and higher. Th is only works if you m ove at the correct rate though – too fast or too slow and the swing will do nothing. This is an exam ple of r esonance in a m echanical system. In the secon d two parts of this lab we will explore its electrical analog – th e RLC (resistor, inducto r, capacitor) circuit – and better understand what happens when it is undriven. In the next lab we will consider what happens when it is driven above, below and at the resonant frequency. The Details : Inductors Inductors store energy in the for m of an internal magnetic field, and find their behavior dom inated by Faraday’s Law. In any circuit in whic h they are placed they create an E MF proportional to th e time rate of change of current I through them : = L dI/dt. The constant of proportionality L is the inductance (measured in Henries = Ohm s), and determines how strongly the inductor reacts to curren t changes (and how large a self energy it contains fo r a given current). Typical circuit inductors range from nanohenries to hundreds of millihenries. The direction of the induced EMF can be determ ined by Lenz’s Law: it will always oppose the change (inductors try to keep the current constant) RL Circuits Consider the circuit shown in Fi gure 1. The inductor is connected to emf . At t = 0, the switch S is closed. a voltage source of constant Figure 1 RL circuit. For t<0 the switch S is open and no current flows in the c ircuit. At t= 0 th e switch is closed and current I can begin to flow, as indicated by the arrow. . E04-1 As we saw in clas s, before the switch is closed there is no curren t in th e circuit. When the switch is closed the inductor wants to keep the same current as an instant ago – none. Thus it will set up an EMF that opposes the current flow. At firs t the EMF is identical to that of the battery (but in the opposite direction) and no current will flow. Then, as tim e passes, the inductor will gradually relent and cu rrent will begin to flow. After a l ong time a constant current (I = V/R) will flow through the inductor, and it will be content (no cha nging cur rent m eans no changing B f ield m eans no chang ing m agnetic f lux means no EMF). The resulting EMF and current are pictured in Fig. 2. (a) If=/R VResistor,f= (b) Inductor I, VResistor 0 = Time Time Figure 2 (a) “EMF generated by the inductor” decreases with time (this is what a voltmeter hooked in parallel with the inductor would show) (b) the current and hence the voltage across the resistor increase with time, as the inductor ‘relaxes.’ After the inductor is “fully charged,” with the current essentially constant, we can shut off the battery (replace it with a wire). Without an inductor in the circuit the current would instantly drop to zero, but the inductor does not want this rapid change, and hence generates an EMF that will, for a moment, keep the current exactly the same as it was before the battery was shut off. In this case, the EMF generated by the inductor and voltage across the resistor are equal, and hence EMF, voltage and current all do the same thing, decreasing exponentially with time as pictured in Fig. 3. (b) VR,0=L,0=; I0=/R Inductor, VR, I (a) V0/e = 0.368 V0 t= Time Figure 3 Once (a) the battery is turned off, the EMF induced by the inductor and hence the voltage across the resistor and current in the circuit all (b) decay exponentially. The Details: Non-Ideal Inductors So far we have always assum ed that circuit elem ents are ideal, for example, that inductors only have inductance and not capacitance or re sistance. This is g enerally a decen t assumption, but in reality no circuit element is truly ideal, and to day we will need to cons ider this. In particular, today’s “inductor” has both inductance and resistance (real inductor = ideal inductor in series with resi stor). Although there is no way to physically separate the inductor from the resistor in this circuit element, with a little thought you will be able to measure both the resistance and inductance. E04-2 The Details: Measuring the Time Constant In this lab y ou will be faced with an exponentially decay ing current I = I0 exp(-t/) from whic h you will want to extract the tim e constant . We will do this in two dif ferent ways, using the “two-point method” or the “logarithmic method,” depicted in Fig. 4. (b) (a) Current ln(Current) (t1, I1) (t2, I2) Time Time Figure 4 The (a) two-point and (b) logarithmic methods for measuring time constants In the two-point m ethod (Fig. 4a) w e choose tw o points on the curve (t 1,I1) and (t 2, I 2). Because the current obeys an exponential decay, I = I0 exp(-t/), we can extract th e time constant most easily by picking I 2 such that I 2 = I 1/e. We should, in theory, be able to find this f or any t 1, as long as we don’t switch the battery off (or on) before enough tim e has passed. In practice the current will eventually get low enough that we won’t be able to accurately measure it. Having made this selection, = t2 – t1. In the log arithmic method (Fig. 4b) we f it a line to the natural log of the current plotted vs. tim e and obtain the slope m, which will give us the time constant as follows: I t 1 rise ln I t2 ln I t1 ln 2 m run t2 t1 t2 t1 I t1 I et2 1 1 t2 t1 1 1 t t ln 0 t ln e 2 1 t2 t1 I 0 e 1 t2 t1 t2 t1 That is, from the slope (which you get from fitting a line) you can obtain the time constant: = -1/m. In using both of these methods you must take care to use points well into the decay (i.e. not on th e flat part before the decay begins) and try to avoid tim es where the curren t has fallen clo se to zero, which are typically dominated by noise. (b) X0 -X0 0T 1T Time (in Periods) Figure 5 Oscillating Functions 2T Amplitude (a) Amplitude The Details: Oscillations In this lab y ou will be investiga ting current and voltages (EMFs) in RLC circuits. T hese oscillate as a function of time, either continuously (Fig. 5a) or in a decaying fashion (Fig. 5b). X0 -X0 0T 1T 2T 3T 4T Time (in Periods) . (a) A purely oscillating function 5T x x0 sin t has fixed amplitude x0, angular frequency (period T = 2/ and frequency f = /2), and phase (in this case = -0.2 ). (b) The amplitude of a dam ped oscillat ing function decays exponentially (am plitude envelope indicated by dotted lines) E04-3 Undriven Circuits: Thinking about Oscillations Consider the RLC circu it of Fig. 6 belo w. The capacitor h as an initial charge Q 0 (it was charged by a battery no longer in th e circuit), but it can’t go anywhere because the switch is open. When the switch is closed, op plate of the capacitor, through the resistor and (a) the positive charge will flow off the (b)t inductor, and on to the bottom plate of the capacitor. This is the sa me behavior that we saw in RC circuits. In those circuits, however, the current flow stops as soon as all the positive c harge has flowed to the n egatively ch arged plate, leaving both p lates with zero charge. The additio n of an ind uctor, however, in troduces ine rtia into the circu it, kee ping the cu rrent flowing even when the capacitor is completely discharged, and forcing it to charge in the opposite polarity (Fig 6b). Figure 6 Undriven RLC circuit. (a) For t< 0 the switc h S is open and althou gh the capa citor is charged (Q = Q0) no current flows in the circuit. (b) A half period after closing the switch the capacitor again comes to a maximum charge, this time with the positive charge on the lower plate. This oscillation of positive charge from the upper to lower plate of the capacitor is only one of the oscillations occurring in the circuit. For the two tim es pictured above ( t=0 and t=0.5 T) the charge on the capac itor is a m aximum and no current f lows in the circu it. At interm ediate tim es current is flowing, and, for example, at t = 0. 25 T the current is a m aximum and the charge o n the capacitor is zero. Thus another os cillation in th e circu it is be tween ch arge on the capacitor and curren t in the circuit. This corresponds to yet another oscilla tion in the circuit, that of energy betw een the capacito r and the ind uctor. W hen the capacitor is fully char ged an d the current is zero, the capacitor stores energy but the inductor doesn’t ( U C Q 2 2C; U L 12 LI 2 0 ). A quarter period later the current I is a maximum, c harge Q = 0, and all the energy is in the inductor: U C Q 2 2C 0; U L 12 LI 2 . If there were no resistance in the circuit this swapping of energy between the capacito r and inductor would be perfect and the cu rrent (and voltag e acro ss the capacitor and EMF in duced by the inductor) would oscillate as in Fig. 5a. A resistor, however, da mps the circuit, rem oving energy by dissipating power through Joule heating (P=I2R), and eventually ringing the current down to zero, as in Fig. 5b. Not e that only the resistor dissipates power. The capacitor and inductor both sto re energy during half the cycle and then completely release it during the other half. E04-4