AGENDA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING WITH BOARD OF DIRECTORS * ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley (714) 378-3200 Friday, September 23, 2016, 12:00 p.m. Conference Room C-2 *The OCWD Property Management Committee meeting is noticed as a joint meeting with the Board of Directors for the purpose of strict compliance with the Brown Act and it provides an opportunity for all Directors to hear presentations and participate in discussions. Directors receive no additional compensation or stipend as a result of simultaneously convening this meeting. Items recommended for approval at this meeting will be placed on the October 5, 2016 Board meeting Agenda for approval. ROLL CALL ITEMS RECEIVED TOO LATE TO BE AGENDIZED RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution determining need to take immediate action on item(s) and that the need for action came to the attention of the District subsequent to the posting of the Agenda (requires two-thirds vote of the Board members present, or, if less than two-thirds of the members are present, a unanimous vote of those members present.) VISITOR PARTICIPATION Time has been reserved at this point in the agenda for persons wishing to comment for up to three minutes to the Board of Directors on any item that is not listed on the agenda, but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. By law, the Board of Directors is prohibited from taking action on such public comments. As appropriate, matters raised in these public comments will be referred to District staff or placed on the agenda of an upcoming Board meeting. At this time, members of the public may also offer public comment for up to three minutes on any item on the Consent Calendar. While members of the public may not remove an item from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion, a Director may do so at the request of a member of the public. CONSENT CALENDAR (ITEMS NO. 1) All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved by one motion, without separate discussion on these items, unless a Board member or District staff request that specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration. 1. MINUTES OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 26, 2016 RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes as presented MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 2. EASEMENT AGREEMENT TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE MODIFICATION OF ELECTRICAL POLES AND GUY SYSTEMS AT LA PALMA RECHARGE BASIN RECOMMENDATION: Agendize for October 5 Board meeting: Authorize the General Manager to negotiate and execute an Easement Agreement with the City of Anaheim for the relocation of power poles and guy anchor systems at La Palma Recharge Basin 3. RENEWAL OF LEASE TO DAN COPP CRUSHING CORPORATION RECOMMENDATION: Direct staff as appropriate INFORMATIONAL ITEM 4. STATUS UPDATE ON THE GENERAL PLAN AND ZONE CHANGE FOR THE BALL ROAD BASIN PROPERTY CHAIR DIRECTION AS TO ITEMS TO AGENDIZE AS MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE OCTOBER 5 BOARD MEETING DIRECTORS' COMMENTS/REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER’S COMMENTS/REPORTS ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION • CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS [Government Code Section 54956.8] Real property located at: OCWD negotiators: Negotiating party: Under negotiation: 14995 River Road, Corona, CA 92880 Bruce Dosier Elaine Raahauge d.b.a. Mike Raahauge Shooting Enterprises Price and Terms RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION ADJOURNMENT 2 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Committee Members Steve Sheldon - Chair Jan Flory - Vice Chair Roman Reyna Dina Nguyen Roger Yoh Alternates Phil Anthony Denis Bilodeau Jordan Brandman Shawn Dewane Cathy Green - Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Alternate 3 Alternate 4 Alternate 5 In accordance with the requirements of California Government Code Section 54954.2, this agenda has been posted at the guard shack entrance and in the main lobby of the Orange County Water District, 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, CA and on the OCWD website not less than 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time above. All written materials relating to each agenda item are available for public inspection in the office of the District Secretary. Backup material for the Agenda is available at the District offices for public review and can be viewed online at the District’s website: Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability who require a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may request such modification or accommodation from the District Secretary at (714) 378-3233, by email at by fax at (714) 378-3373. Notification 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable District staff to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to the meeting. As a general rule, agenda reports or other written documentation has been prepared or organized with respect to each item of business listed on the agenda, and can be reviewed at Copies of these materials and other disclosable public records distributed to all or a majority of the members of the Board of Directors in connection with an open session agenda item are also on file with and available for inspection at the Office of the District Secretary, 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, California, during regular business hours, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. If such writings are distributed to members of the Board of Directors on the day of a Board meeting, the writings will be available at the entrance to the Board of Directors meeting room at the Orange County Water District office. 3 1 MINUTES OF THE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING WITH BOARD OF DIRECTORS ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT August 26, 2016 @ 12:00 p.m. Chair Sheldon called the Property Management Committee meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in Conference Room C-2. The Secretary called the roll and reported a quorum as follows. Committee Steve Sheldon Jan Flory Roman Reyna Dina Nguyen Roger Yoh (not present) (not present) (arrived 12:02 p.m.) Alternates Phil Anthony (not present) Denis Bilodeau Jordan Brandman (arrived 8:12 p.m.) Shawn Dewane Cathy Green OCWD Staff Mike Markus – General Manager John Kennedy – Executive Director Bruce Dosier - Director IS/Property Janice Durant – District Secretary Don Jackson – Property Manager Cindy Leinart – Property Manager Others Karen Ayres – Dan Copp Crushing Pamela Galera – City of Anaheim Steve Conklin – Yorba Linda Water District ITEM TOO LATE TO BE AGENDIZED General Counsel Kuperberg noted that the Board Committee meetings are posted as joint meetings with the Board which allows all 10 board members to sit in on the in-depth discussions and review of items. He stated it also means that the Board can conduct general Board business. Mr. Kuperberg advised of an item requiring the immediate attention of the Board that came to staff’s attention after the posting of the Agenda for today’s meeting regarding the District’s existing litigation with Northrop. He recommended the Board conduct a special Board meeting during today’s Property Management Committee meeting to discuss the item. The Board took the following action adding this urgency item to today’s Agenda. Upon motion by Director Flory, duly seconded and carried [6-0], the addition of a Closed Session Board meeting to today’s Agenda is hereby authorized to confer with General Counsel regarding OCWD v. Northrop, et al (North Basin VOC Litigation) Superior Court Case No. 04CC00715. [Ayes: Sheldon, Bilodeau, Flory, Yoh, Dewane, Green] 6-0 CONSENT CALENDAR Directory Flory requested the removal of Item No. 2 from the Consent Calendar. The balance of the Consent Calendar was approved upon motion by Director Flory, seconded by Director Sheldon and carried [5-0]. [Yes-Sheldon, Flory, Yoh, Bilodeau, Dewane] 1. Minutes of the Meeting The Minutes of the Property Management Committee meeting held June 24, 2016 were approved as presented. 1 2. Amendment to Pheasant Hunting Lease to Elaine Raahauge d.b.a. Mike Raahauge’s Shooting Enterprises at Prado Basin This item was removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately. 3. Contract for Vector Control Services to West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District Agendize for September 7 Board meeting: Approve and authorize execution of Contract No. OCWDC021001 with West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (WVMVCD) providing for reimbursement to WVMVCD for vector control services during the period September 21, 2016 through June 30, 2021 at a fee of $80 per hour plus the cost of products used on location. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR CONSIDERATION 2. Amendment to Pheasant Hunting Lease to Elaine Raahauge d.b.a. Mike Raahauge’s Shooting Enterprises at Prado Basin Director Flory requested an update on the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study being performed on the Raahauge shooting range. Director of Property Management Bruce Dosier advised that staff received the final feasibility study and would bring it to the Property Ad hoc Committee and the September Property Management Committee for review. Upon motion by Director Flory, seconded by Director Dewane and carried [5-0], the Committee recommended that the Board at its September 7 meeting: Approve and authorize execution of Amendment Eleven to Lease for Pheasant Hunting to Elaine Raahauge d.b.a. Mike Raahauge’s Shooting Enterprises that provides for a one-year extension of the lease through September 30, 2017, with all terms and conditions remaining the same. [Ayes - Sheldon, Flory, Yoh, Bilodeau, Dewane ] MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 4. Renewal of License with Southern California Edison for the Talbert West End Improvement Project (Harper Park) Mr. Dosier explained that the five-year license agreement with Southern California Edison (SCE) expires on October 31, 2016 for the Talbert West End Improvement Project (Harper Park). He stated SCE has submitted a License Agreement for an additional five-year period (years 2016 through 2021) with a revised annual fee schedule. Upon motion by Director Flory, seconded by Director Dewane and carried [5-0], the Committee recommended that the Board at its September 7 meeting: Approve and authorize renewal of SCE License Contract No. 9.4176 formerly Contract No. L3085 required for the Talbert West End Improvement Project (Harper Park) for a total fee of $ 71,794 for a five-year period commencing November 1, 2016. [Ayes - Sheldon, Flory, Yoh, Bilodeau, Dewane] Director Brandman arrived at 12:06 p.m. at this point in today’s meeting. 5. Yorba Linda Water District Request For Lease For Proposed Water Well At Huckleberry Pond Mr. Dosier recalled that on October 1, 2014, the Board granted conceptual approval to the Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) for a well site and a pipeline easement for its proposed Well No. 22 to be located at Huckleberry Pond, at the south end of Fee Ana Street, Anaheim; and directed staff to 2 negotiate the lease terms and conditions and return to Committee for final review and approval. He stated that staff has negotiated terms of the Lease and recommends approval. The Committee agreed that this Lease is mutually beneficial, and the following action was taken.’ Upon motion by Director Flory, seconded by Director Dewane and carried [5-0], the Committee recommended that the Board at its September 7 meeting: 1) Approve and authorize execution of lease agreement with Yorba Linda Water District’s to construct a groundwater production well and appurtenant pipeline and drain pipe at Huckleberry Pond, including a construction and maintenance area, for a term of 50 years with an expiration date of September 31, 2066; with rent to consist of a 6” water service connection and submeter for water, at no cost to the District, from YLWD Well No. 21 at Warner Basin, to fill District and its contractor’s water trucks; and irrigation of landscape area at Warner Basin; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to negotiate and execute an easement deed with the City of Anaheim for electrical service at the YLWD Well Site No. 22 [Ayes - Sheldon, Flory, Yoh, Bilodeau, Brandman] 6. Renewal of Lease to Dan Copp Crushing Corporation Mr. Dosier reported the Dan Copp Crushing Lease expires on March 31, 2017 and that they have requested activation of the two five-year extensions remaining on the lease, providing them with a new expiration date of 2027. He noted they have proposed removing their sublessees in order to expand their operation and move their headquarters to the site. Staff noted that inquiries from other parties interested in leasing the premises have been received. The Committee discussed the suitability of this 8.2 acre site for recharging storm water, and agreed that a Request for Proposals for lease of the land should be issued as soon as possible to provide Dan Copp Crushing with sufficient time to move its operation should the need be. Staff was requested to contact VOIT Real Estate to assist in determining the value of the property for either lease or sale. Upon motion by Director Yoh, seconded by Director Flory and carried [5-0], the Committee recommended that the Board at its September 7 Board meeting: 1) Authorize and direct staff to prepare and circulate an RFP for the Richfield Road property to determine the level of interest in a lease by prospective tenants to utilize the property under the current Conditional Use Permit (CUP); and 2) Work with Voit Real Estate for to determine the value of the property for either lease or sale. [Ayes - Sheldon, Flory, Yoh, Bilodeau, Brandman] INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 7. Status Update on the General Plan and Zone Change for Ball Road Basin Property Mr. Dosier stated the traffic analysis for the Ball Road Basin Property is still in the works and that the legal descriptions and parcel map are now complete. 8. Quarterly Report on Leases and Permits/Licenses for the Period Ending June 30, 2016 Mr. Dosier reported that all Leases and Permits/Licenses are current with the exception of the Sandbagger Lease which is one month late. 3 CHAIR DIRECTION AS TO ITEMS TO AGENDIZE AS MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE SEPTEMBER 7 BOARD MEETING It was agreed to place Item No. 6 on Matters for Consideration for the September 7 Board meeting, with the balance of the action items to be placed on the Consent Calendar. ADJOURNMENT The Property Management Committee then adjourned and the Board continued in Closed Session. at a special meeting of the Board of Directors at 12:40 p.m. SPECIAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING President Green called to order the August 26, 2016 special meeting of the Orange County Water District Board of Directors at 12:40 p.m. at the District office. The District Secretary called the roll and reported a quorum as follows. Directors Philip Anthony (not present) Denis Bilodeau Jordan Brandman Shawn Dewane Jan Flory Cathy Green Dina Nguyen (not present) Roman Reyna (not present) Stephen Sheldon Roger Yoh Staff Michael Markus, General Manager Joel Kuperberg, General Counsel Janice Durant, District Secretary VISITOR PARTICIPATION There were no persons wishing to address the Board. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION The Board adjourned to Closed Session at 12:40 p.m. as follows. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION – [Government Code Section 54956.9(a)] OCWD v. Northrop Corporation, et al (North Basin VOC Litigation) Superior Court Case No. 04CC00715 RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION The Board reconvened in Open Session at 1:15 p.m. whereupon General Counsel Kuperberg advised that no reportable action took place in Closed Session. 4 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m. Cathy Green, President Stephen Sheldon, Chair 5 2 AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTAL Meeting Date: September 23, 2016 To: Property Management Committee Board of Directors From: Mike Markus Staff Contact: B. Dosier/C. Leinart Subject: Budgeted: N/A Proposed Budget: N/A Cost Estimate: N/A Funding Source: N/A Program/Line Item No. N/A General Counsel Approval: Yes Engineers/Feasibility Report: N/A CEQA Compliance: N/A EASEMENT AGREEMENT TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE MODIFICATION OF ELECTRICAL POLES AND GUY SYSTEMS AT LA PALMA RECHARGE BASIN SUMMARY On January 29, 2014, the District acquired the 17.69-acre property at 3199 East La Palma Avenue, Anaheim (Property) from La Palma/Miller Owners LLC (Panattoni) to construct the La Palma Recharge Basin (Basin). The City of Anaheim Public Utilities (APU) holds two utility easements on the Property for power poles, guy anchors, access and related purposes. Three wooden power poles and two guy anchor systems have been relocated by the District, with APU’s approval, to increase the Basin’s wetted area by approximately 8,000 square feet, with the increased percolation area expected to provide an additional 670 acre feet (AF) per year of recharge capacity. A new utility easement to APU is required to revise the easement premises for the utilities. Attachment(s): DRAFT: Easement Deed with the City of Anaheim RECOMMENDATION Agendize for October 5 Board meeting: Authorize the General Manager to negotiate and execute an Easement Agreement with the City of Anaheim for the relocation of power poles and guy anchor systems at La Palma Recharge Basin. BACKGROUND / ANALYSIS The Property is comprised of approximately 17.69 acres and is located adjacent to the Carbon Creek Diversion Channel and the District’s existing GWRS pipeline. Construction of the Basin consisted of excavating, transporting the sandy excavated material to other District facilities, constructing a pipeline to connect the basin with the existing GWRS distribution pipeline, and constructing a dewatering pump station. APU holds two easements on the Property for power poles, guy anchors and related purposes. Three wooden power poles and two guy anchor systems have been relocated by the District, with APU’s approval, to increase the Basin’s wetted area by approximately 8,000 square feet, with the increased percolation area expected to provide an additional 670 acre feet (AF) per year of recharge capacity. Relocating the existing APU power poles and guy anchors on the site allowed increasing the La Palma Basin wetted area by approximately 8,000 square feet. The increased wetted area is a result of not requiring a wide access road around the existing poles and guy anchor systems. Using a conservative percolation rate of 10 feet per day, a wetted area of 8,000 square feet would result in approximately 670 additional acre feet per year of water recharge capacity. La Palma Basin Power Pole Modifications Additionally, by relocating the existing power poles and guy anchors on the Property, less land is required for the utilities and therefore the area of the existing APU easements can be reduced. As part of the new easement, APU would vacate their existing utility easements located on the Property. On October 15, 2014, the Board approved $398,000 for the relocation of three wooden power poles and two guy anchor systems. The utilities have been relocated and staff is recommending granting the new easement to APU. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S) 7/20/16, R16-7-99: Ratify Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 1110 with American Geotechnical, Inc. in the amount of $7,400 for additional geotechnical and material testing services; and Authorize Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 1110 with American Geotechnical, Inc. in the amount of $7,001.50 for additional geotechnical and material testing services of the La Palma Recharge Basin Project. 5/18/16, R16-5-59: Authorizing Amendment to La Palma Recharge Basin Project Agreements to Bonterra Psomas for cultural resources monitoring and Agreement to Stantec for support services 9/16/15, R15-5-130: Receive and file Affidavit of Publication of Notice Inviting Bids for Contract No. LPRB-2015-1, La Palma Recharge Basin; Accept bid and award contract to the lowest responsive bidder Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $7,134,563.30; Authorize issuance of Agreement to American Geotechnical, Inc. in the amount of $12,500 for construction testing services; Authorize issuance of Agreement to Bonterra Psomas in the amount of $22,100 for archaeological, paleontological, and Native American resources monitoring; and Authorize an increase of $2,700,000 to the budget, for a total project budget of $8,450,000 5/20/15, R15-5-67: State OCWD Intention to reimburse itself for expenditures paid prior to issuance of obligations or approval by State Water Board of the Project Funds for the La Palma Recharge Basing Project 5/20/15, M15-88: Authorize publication of Notice Inviting Bids for Contract No. LPRB-2015-1, La Palma Recharge Basing Project 3/18/15, R15-3-35: Authorize issuance of Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 0999 with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $24,820 for additional out-of scope engineering services in support of the design of the La Palma Recharge Basin Project, Certify the Final Environmental Impact for the La Palma Recharge Basin Project, Adopt the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Consideration, and Authorize Staff to file the Notice of Determination for Final Environmental Impact for the La Palma Recharge Basin Project 10/15/14, R14-10-140: Approve Agreements with Anaheim for modification of electrical poles and guy systems at La Palma Recharge Basin 6/18/14 R14-6-84: Authorize Agreement to Stantec Consulting Services for La Palma Recharge Basin Design 5/21/14 R14-5-65: Authorize issuance of a Work Order to Michael Brandman/First Carbon Solutions for Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emission and Traffic Technical studies and authorize issuance of a Work Order to BonTerra for Cultural Resources Technical study 3/19/14 M14-46: Authorize issuance of a Request for Proposals for the design of the La Palma Recharge Basin 1/16/13 R13-1-4: Environmental Site Assessment for Property Located at 3199 E. La Palma Ave in Anaheim 7/10/13 R13-7-84: Making CEQA Findings and Approving an Engineer’s Report for the Acquisition of the Property at 3199 E. La Palma Ave in Anaheim for Use as a Replenishment Basin; and Authorizing Execution of Purchase and Sale Agreement LOCATION MAP Recording Requested by: City Clerk of the City of Anaheim WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF ANAHEIM P.O. BOX 3222 ANAHEIM, CA 92803 EXEMPT-GOVERNMENT AGENCY (Government Code §§6103 & 27383) By: City Clerk, City of Anaheim (Space Above Line For Recorder's Use Only) EASEMENT DEED City Deed# APN# File# 345-081-27 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, a political subdivision of the State of California organized under Chapter 924 of the Statutes of 1933, as ("Grantor") HEREBY GRANTS to the CITY OF ANAHEIM, a municipal corporation ("Grantee") a non-exclusive easement for public utility and telecommunication purposes to construct, reconstruct, install, replace, reconfigure, operate, maintain, repair, relocate, remove, inspect, observe, and study Grantee's facilities, equipment, and related appurtenances in, on, over, under, upon, above, along and across the land in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein ("Easement Area"), together with all rights of ingress and egress thereto, including the right to enter onto the Easement Area with such vehicles, machinery, and equipment as may be necessary or convenient to the construction, reconstruction, installation, replacement, reconfiguration, operation, maintenance, repair, relocation, removal, inspection, observation, and study of said facilities, equipment, and appurtenances. Except as otherwise provided herein, Grantee has the right to prevent any activity on or use of the Easement Area that (a) is inconsistent with the purposes of this easement; (b) interferes with or is harmful to Grantee's rights herein; or (c) interferes with or is harmful to Grantee's facilities. Grantor agrees not to use or allow the use of the Easement Area in such a way as to impede, harm, or interfere with (a) the Grantee's rights as defined herein; or (b) Grantee's facilities. Grantee will backfill to grade, pay reasonable costs of removal, repair or restoration, of grass or asphalt only within the Easement Area affected by work performed by Grantee in furtherance of the rights granted herein. RESERVATION: Subject to the rights conveyed above to Grantee, Grantor reserves the right unto itself (a) Grantor further reserves unto itself the rights of ingress and egress over all or any portion of the Easement Area; (b) to perform any and all work involved in protecting, replenishing and/or conserving the basin groundwater supply and any other work necessary to the functions or purposes of Grantor, as set forth in the Orange County Water District Act, Chapter 924 of the California Statutes of 1933, as amended, upon any portion or all of the Easement Area at any time. Such work in (b) of the previous sentence may be performed without incurring any liability of any nature whatsoever to Grantee, and Grantee hereby releases Grantor from, and covenants not to sue Grantor for, any such liability. 2. SUCCESSORS: This Easement Deed, and all of the terms, conditions and provisions herein, shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, Grantor, Grantee, and their respective successors, transferors, and assigns. 3. GOVERNING LAW: This Easement Deed and the performance thereof shall be governed, interpreted, construed, and regulated by the laws of the State of California, with venue in Orange County. 4. MAINTENANCE: Grantee shall maintain all improvements that Grantee constructs in the Easement Area in good condition at its sole cost and expense. Grantee's maintenance activities shall not be subject to Paragraphs 5 of this Easement Deed, except to the extent that a maintenance activity involves a material disturbance of the soil of the Easement Area. 5. IMPROVEMENTS: Prior to the commencement of construction of any improvements, Grantee shall submit construction plans to Grantor’s General Manager or the General Manager’s designee for prior written approval, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Grantee shall coordinate construction activities on OCWD property with OCWD’s Engineering Department, which is located at the OCWD’s Fountain Valley Office, 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708, (714) 378-3200. 6. SUMMARY VACATION: Concurrently with the recordation of this Easement Deed, Grantee shall approve and record resolution vacating its interest in those existing easements recorded January 29, 2014 as Document Number 2014000037312; and November 7, 1962 as Document Number 5402 in Book 6314, Page 723-724, in Official Records of the County of Orange, California. DATED: ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, a political subdivision of the State of California organized under Chapter 924 of the Statutes of 1933, as amended APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP. By: _____________________________ General Counsel, Orange County Water District By: _____________________________________ Cathy Green, President By: _____________________________________ Michael R. Markus P.E., General Manager 3 AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTAL Meeting Date: September 23, 2016 To: Property Management Committee Board of Directors From: Mike Markus Staff Contact: B. Dosier/C. Leinart Subject: Budgeted: N/A Budget Amount: N/A Annual Revenue: $398,700 ($33,225/month) Funding Source: N/A Program/Line Item No.: N/A General Counsel Approval: Required Engineers/Feasibility Report: N/A CEQA Compliance: N/A RENEWAL OF LEASE TO DAN COPP CRUSHING CORPORATION SUMMARY On August 4, 2016, Dan Copp Crushing Corporation (DCC) presented a letter requesting to exercise the two (2) 5-year options on his lease. At the August 23 Property Management Committee meeting, the Committee considered DCC’s request and recommended that the Board authorize preparation and circulation of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Richfield Road property (Property), to determine the level of interest by prospective tenants as well as work with Voit Real Estate to determine the value of the Property for either lease or sale. On September 7 the Board took action to refer the item back to the Property Management Committee for further review. RECOMMENDATION Direct staff as appropriate BACKGROUND / ANALYSIS On March 7, 2007, the District entered into a Lease with DCC for the operation of an asphalt and concrete crushing/recycling plant; rental of the premises for equipment and material storage, interim truck parking, contactor storage area for equipment and materials, contractor’s staging area and a wholesale container nursery located on a 8.2 acre site at 1100 Richfield Road, Anaheim. Current monthly rent is $33,225, with annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) rent adjustment on April 1 of each year. DCC is in full compliance with the terms and conditions of their lease and the rent has been made on time. DCC is requesting to continue operations at the lease site. They intend to expand the business to include the sale of decorative rock and aggregates, allowing them to make a transition from having subtenants and, instead, utilize the area for their proposed expansion. Per Jason Ayres, president of DCC, the ultimate plan is to discontinue subleasing the west side of the property, preferably by year end, then to discontinue subleasing the east side at a later date. The new rock storage and sales would not significantly increase vehicles or equipment at the property. In addition, DCC is considering the relocation of its company’s main office to the site, in the form of high-quality modular or portable structures, resulting in low-impact use and negative influence on the adjacent recharge basins and the Santa Ana River. Prior to placing the modular structure on District land, DCC will obtain approval from the District and City of Anaheim. Staff has reviewed the information provided by Mr. Ayres in his request and has no objection to DCC’s proposal. At the August 23 Property Management Committee meeting, the Committee considered DCC’s request and recommended that the Board authorize preparation and circulation of a RFP for the Property, to determine the level of interest by prospective tenants under the current Conditional Use Permit (CUP) as well as work with Voit Real Estate to determine the value of the Property for either lease or sale. On September 7 the Board took action to refer the item back to the Property Management Committee to reassess the lease extension request, including the consideration of additional suggestions and options which have emerged regarding the property, including additional input from DCC. Staff is bringing this item back to the Committee for further consideration. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S) 9/07/16, M16-XX - Referred item back to Committee for further review. 5/20/15, R15-5-59 - Consent to assignment of Lease with Dan Copp Crushing due to change in ownership. 9/05/12, R12-9-106 - Authorize issuance of Amendment Three to Lease with Dan Copp Crushing Corporation at Richfield Road, Anaheim to add two options to renew lease and Lessee to provide protective barriers on Richfield Road. 11/02/11, R11-11-164 – Authorize issuance of Amendment Two to Lease with Dan Copp Crushing Corporation at Richfield Road, Anaheim 7/07/10, R10-07-102 - Authorize issuance of Amendment One to Lease with Dan Copp Crushing Corporation at Richfield Road, Anaheim 8/15/07, M07-112 - Authorize lowering of General Liability Insurance Coverage for Dan Copp Crushing Corporation Subleases. 3/07/07, R07-3-28, Approve lease with Dan Copp Crushing Corporation for lease for a concrete and asphalt crushing/recycling operation. Location Map Dan Copp Crushing 8.2 acres 4 AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTAL Meeting Date: September 23, 2016 To: Property Management Committee Board of Directors From: Mike Markus Staff Contact: B. Dosier/C. Leinart Subject: Budgeted: N/A Budget Amount: N/A Cost Estimate: N/A Funding Source: N/A Program/Line Item No.: N/A General Counsel Approval: N/A Engineers/Feasibility Report: N/A CEQA Compliance: N/A STATUS UPDATE ON THE GENERAL PLAN AND ZONE CHANGE FOR THE BALL ROAD BASIN PROPERTY SUMMARY At the September 2, 2015 Board of Directors meeting, staff was directed to continue the process to change the General Plan and Zoning from Open Space/Transitional to General Commercial with the City of Anaheim (City) for the Ball Road Basin (BRB) property. Staff will update the Committee. RECOMMENDATION Informational. DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS In 2007, the Board authorized staff to begin the process to change the General Plan and Zoning of the Ball Road Basin property from Open Space/Transitional to General Commercial. A Conceptual Design Review application was submitted by the District to the City for a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change and updated in April 2011. As part of the process, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was being prepared by Environmental Advisors, LLC. The First Screen Check Draft EIR (DEIR) developed by Environmental Advisors had been reviewed by City Staff and by the City’s independent environmental consultant for peer review. In October 2013, Environmental Advisors submitted the Second Screen Check DEIR to District staff for review, incorporating the City’s and City’s consultant review comments. Although the District has been in the process of changing the General Plan and Zoning, there is no guarantee that the General Plan and Zone change will be approved. In 2014, the Board suspended efforts on changing the General Plan and Zoning and the EIR. This was due to the District executing an Option Agreement for a Lease of the Ball Road Basin property with Orange County Energy Park, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Competitive Power Ventures, Inc. (OCEP) for potential use as an electrical generating facility. In November 2014, OCEP terminated the Option Agreement, releasing their interest in the property. On September 2, 2015, the Board directed staff to continue the process to change the General Plan and Zoning with the City for the Ball Road Basin property, including continuing the development of the EIR. Subsequent to that, the Board authorized a Change Order to Environmental Advisors in the amount of $28,295 for additional work on the EIR; authorized an agreement with Environmental Advisors for land entitlement and government relations services in the amount not to exceed $26,000; approved the General Manager to enter into an agreement for survey services in an amount not to exceed $20,000; and authorized an additional deposit of $20,000 to the City for its environmental consultant to conduct the peer review of the District’s EIR. Environmental Advisors is working on the second Draft EIR (DEIR) preparing it for review by District staff before it is reviewed by City staff. At the July 6, 2016 Board of Directors meeting, the Board authorize execution of a Change Order to Environmental Advisors in the amount not to exceed $39,100 for additional work on the Environmental Impact Report for Ball Road Basin General Plan Amendment and Zone change; specifically, for the updated Traffic Study from their subcontractor, Transpo Group, which includes an estimated amount for using the City’s “Anaheim Traffic Analysis Model” (ATAM). The Traffic Study will evaluate the potential impacts generated by a proposed retail development at BRB based on the update of existing (2016) and new General Plan traffic modeling in ATAM per the requirements stipulated by the City. This will include additional work on the air quality and noise studies. The Traffic Study is currently underway. Staff will update the committee. Next Steps. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Completion of the DEIR by Environmental Advisors Release of DEIR by City of Anaheim Preparation of Response to comments on DEIR. Submission of development Application and EIR to City. Consideration of GPA/ZC by the City’s Planning Commission Consideration of the GPA/ZC by the Anaheim City Council Summary of Prior Steps Taken: November 2006 Letter to OCFCD regarding developing the Ball Road Basin property including resolving flood easement on Ball Road Basin February 2007 Letter from OCFCD requesting evaluation of specific issues including a Hydrology and Hydraulics study prior to conceptual approval of releasing flood easement on Ball Road Basin July RFP issued by OCWD Engineering for Hydrology and Hydraulics study of Ball Road Basin and Chantilly Storm Channel August Filed General Plan Amendment and Zone change with $22,000 deposit with the City September Agreement approved with Boyle Engineering for Hydrology and Hydraulics study of Ball Road Basin and Chantilly Storm Channel Received City staff comments regarding the General Plan Amendment and Zone change October Staff met with City staff to review City staff’s comments regarding the General Plan Amendment and Zone change January 2008 Staff and Boyle met with OCFCD to discuss the Hydrology and Hydraulics study and OCFCD’s requirements for conceptual approval of the levee encroachment and improvements to the Chantilly Storm Drain Extension to the Santa Ana River February Meeting with Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to discuss the Hydrology and Hydraulics study and Corps’ requirements for conceptual approval of the levee encroachment and improvements to the Chantilly Storm Drain Extension to the Santa Ana River March Letter sent to the Corps by Boyle requesting conceptual approval April Letter received from Corps stating conceptual approval Staff and Boyle met with OCFCD to discuss the Corps conceptual approval Letter sent to OCFCD requesting conceptual approval August Letter received from OCFCD stating conceptual approval and would be able to relinquish their easement over the Basin provided that certain criteria, as outlined in the letter, are met September Boyle finalized the Hydrology and Hydraulics report October Draft Agreement sent to OCFCD March 2009 Staff received a revised draft Agreement and is reviewing April Staff has reviewed the agreement and has requested a meeting with OCFCD to discuss and clarify several items including assignment of the agreement to another party. May Staff met with OCFCD staff to discuss and clarify several items including assignment of the agreement to another party. June Staff sent revised agreement to OCFCD. October Staff discussed changes to agreement with County Counsel. Staff advised by OCFCD that they are still reviewing the draft Agreement April 2010 Staff received a revised draft Agreement and is reviewing May Staff reviewing revised draft Agreement June Staff submitted comments regarding Guaranty to OCFCD August Staff met with OCFCD to discuss Guaranty and potential alternatives Staff received a revised draft Agreement and is reviewing September Staff reviewing revised draft Agreement Staff advised that OCFCD will be providing additional revisions November Staff advised that OCFCD is finalizing the revised draft Agreement December Staff received revised Agreement from OCFCD January 2011 Staff reviewed Agreement and provided additional comments to OCFCD February Staff met with City staff to determine how to proceed with the GPA/ZC March Staff received final draft Agreement from OCFCD April Filed an updated application for the GPA/ZC May Hired Chamber’s Group, Inc. for CEQA Initial Study August OCFCD sent signing copies of agreement for OCWD signature September Returned signed copies of the agreement to OCFCD for processing. October Met with Anaheim Planning and Traffic staff to discuss traffic study requirements in the Initial Study January 2012 Chambers developing Initial Study (traffic study) OCFCD agreement agendized for OC Board of Supervisors approval February Chambers continued development of Initial Study (traffic study and air quality report) March Chambers continued development of Initial Study (waiting for Anaheim data for traffic study) April Traffic and Air studies complete and Chambers has provided a draft Initial Study for staff review May Staff reviewing draft Initial Study July Final version of Initial Study received from Chambers Initial Study provided to City of Anaheim August Board authorized issuance of an RFP for preparation of an EIR City of Anaheim provided comments on the Initial Study September Initial Study revised by District environmental consultant and provided to City for additional comments October City of Anaheim provided additional comments on the Initial Study Initial Study revised by District environmental consultant and provided to City for additional comments Issued RFP to select consultant to prepare EIR November Received proposals to prepare EIR; review proposals and interview firms December Board authorized preparation of an EIR by Environmental Advisors for the Ball Road Basin Property; and Engineering Support services from Adams- Streeter Engineering. January 2013 Held EIR kickoff meeting with consultants. February NOP distributed and 30-day review period started Held EIR scoping meeting with City of Anaheim for public comment March NOP 30 day review period ended and City has received public comments. April Technical studies for EIR prepared May Draft technical studies out for review June Final technical studies out for review July First Screencheck Draft EIR reviewed by staff, City staff and peer review August First Screencheck Draft EIR reviewed by staff, City staff and peer review September Second Screencheck Draft EIR under development October Second Screencheck Draft EIR under review by staff. Meeting with City staff regarding use as a Utility under Commercial land use designation December Lease Option Agreement executed with Orange County Energy Park, LLC. (OCEP), Competitive Power Ventures, Inc. – “CPV”) Second Screencheck Draft EIR under review by staff. January 2014 Meeting with City of Anaheim to discuss additional EIR requirements. February Received NOP for EIR from City of Anaheim for City’s proposed GPA/ZC to Park March District sends response letter to NOP May District sends letter requesting additional explanation for evaluating park and power plant alternatives August District sends letter to City of Anaheim advising it is suspending efforts on GPA/ZC November OCEP terminates Lease Option Agreement January 2015 Meeting with City of Anaheim to discuss City’s interest in acquiring Ball Road Basin for park purposes September Board directs staff to continue effort with EIR for GPA/ZC November Board approval of change order for additional EIR work for the GPA/ZC; and for land entitlement and government relations services; and survey services March 2016 Board authorizes additional funds for City’s peer review. April Additional funds approved in March deposited with the City of Anaheim Depositor Trust Fund. July Additional funds approved by the Board for new Traffic Study. PRIOR BOARD ACTION(S): 07/06/16, R16-7-90 Authorize execution of a Change Order to Environmental Advisors to exceed $39,100 for additional work on the EIR for Ball Road Basin General Plan Amendment and Zone change; and authorize payment to the City of Anaheim in amount not to exceed $4,000 as an additional deposit of funds for the General Plan Amendment and Zone Change application to cover District costs associated with the updated Traffic Study for the City of Anaheim’s Environmental Impact Report peer review process. 03/16/16, Motion 16-42 Authorize payment of $20,000 to the City of Anaheim as an additional deposit of funds to cover District costs for the City of Anaheim’s Environmental Impact Report peer review process. 11/18/15, R15-11-170 Authorize issuance of Change Order to Environmental Advisors in the amount of $28,295; and agreement with Environmental Advisors for Services in the amount not to exceed $26,000; and for survey services not to exceed $20,000 for the General Plan and Zone Change for the Ball Road Basin Property located on Ball Road and Phoenix Club Drive, Anaheim. 9/02/15, M15-125 Direct Staff to continue efforts with the EIR in connection with the application with the City of Anaheim for a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for the Ball Road Basin. 8/06/14, M14-114 Directing staff to transmit a letter to City of Anaheim advising that OCWD is suspending efforts on General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for the Ball Road Basin Property. 12/09/13, R13-12-145 Option Agreement for the lease of real property to Orange County Energy Park, LLC, for proposed gas-fired electric, electrical generation facility on the Ball Road Basin property located on Ball Road and Phoenix club drive in Anaheim; authorizing agreement to sell GWRS water to CPV, and requiring mitigation of traffic impacts. 9/18/2013, R13-9-123 Amendment to Exclusive Due Diligence and Negotiation Agreement with Basin Development, LLC (Competitive Power Ventures, Inc. – “CPV”) to allow use of the property as a park by the City of Anaheim so long as it is consistent with the development of the power plant that CPV proposes. 8/21/13-R13-8-110 Six-month Exclusive Due Diligence and Negotiation Agreement with Basin Development, LLC (Competitive Power Ventures, Inc. – “CPV”) for a potential future lease for an Electrical Generation Station. 4/03/13, M13-46 Issue check in the amount of $57,500 to City of Anaheim for additional funds deposit for the General Plan Amendment and Zone Change; for Sewer Study; and for peer review of the Environmental Impact Report 12/19/12, R12-19-145 Issue Work Order to Environmental Advisors to prepare an EIR for an amount not to exceed $185,921; and an Agreement with Adams-Streeter for engineering support services in the amount of $24,700 9/07/11, M11-144 Issue Work Order to Chambers Group for an amount not to exceed $21,000 to prepare traffic and air quality studies 3/02/11, M11-41 Direct staff to hire a consultant to prepare initial study and determine appropriate CEQA documentation (resulted in hiring Chambers Group for the amount of $32,611) 2/02/11, R11-2-12 General Manager to finalize and execute the Chantilly Storm Channel Agreement with Orange County Public Works Department- Flood Control Division 9/05/07, R07-9-118 Professional Services Agreement to Boyle Engineering Corporation for an amount not to exceed $47,233 for the Ball Road Basin Hydrology and Hydraulics Study 8/15/07, M07-111 General Plan Amendment and Zone Change Application with City of Anaheim for Ball Road Basin and issuance of a check in the amount of $22,000 to City of Anaheim for the application deposit. 7/18/07, M07-103 Issue RFP for Hydrology and hydraulics Study of Ball Road Basin 5/02/07, M07-71 Direct staff to investigate approach for clearing entitlements from Ball Road Basin property 10/18/06, M06-131 Determine Ball Road Basin not suitable for surface recharge, or storage; and retaining a portion of the basin for potential injection well recharge using GWR Location Map ay GWR Pipeline Phoe nix C lub D r. Ball Road Basin SCE 270 ft wide Easement San ta A na R iver 57 F reew Ba ll R OCFCD 100’ WIDE EASEMENT oa d