Ho H ToTopicscs Hot Public Law Curre ent deba ate in Germany re egarding g U.S. IT comp panies a and "no spy s guarantee" July 20 014 The Ge erman Fede ral Ministry of the Interrior has receently publish hed its adminiistrative guiidance rega arding a "no spy guaran ntee" for com mpanies tha at enter into certain p procuremen nt contracts s with the Geerman Fede eral nment. Seve eral recent press p article es also purp port that a number of Govern Federa al States, so o far includin ng the states of Bremen n, Hamburg, Schleswig gHolstein and Saxo ony-Anhalt, also plan to o introduce ccomparable e guarantee ements for ttheir IT tend der procedurres. require 1. Wha at is a "no sp py guarante ee"? Office of thee Federal Min Pursua ant to the guid dance, the Procurement P nistry of the Interiorr can demand d from bidde ers in upcoming tender prrocedures wiith possible security y relevance a binding sellf-declaration n. In the self--declaration, the bidder declare es that he is ccapable of complying witth contractuaal confidentia ality obligatio ons and, in particular, u under no oblig gation to disc close to thirdd parties confidential informa ation, busine ss and trade e secrets, of which w he gaiins knowledg ge in the cou urse of the contractual c re elation with the t public authority. Purssuant to the guidance, g confide ential informa ation is define ed as any infformation whhich would be e qualified ass security y-sensitive b by an objectiv ve third party y or which is marked as confidential. c The declaration doe es not apply if the bidder is legally obbliged to disc close such informa ation to foreig gn public autthorities that are not secuurity authoritiies, such as securitiies and exch hange superv visory bodies s, regulatory authorities or o financial authorities. Howeve er, he must not n be obliged to disclosee information n to foreign security y authorities.. The guidan nce also reco ommends to ssupplement the contractu ual terms and a condition ns currently used u in procu urement proccedures with h a clause pursuant to which t he bidder is required to give g written nnotice to the public autho ority if he is no longer ab ble to comply y with the confidentiality cclause. Whethe er a self-decllaration is requested or not n may be leeft up to the contracting c government agencyy to decide on o a case-by--case basis, taking into account a whethe er the procure ement at han nd requires a more stringgent security--sensitive approach or not. w will a "no s spy guaranttee" work? 2. How Our Ex xpertise Public Law Pursua ant to the deccree, the selff-declaration will be part oof the review w of reliabilityy (pre-qu ualification re eview) and sh hall also work as a presuumption of proof concerning the obligation of the e bidder to diisclose confidential inform mation to thirrd parties. Th his means that bidderss who submitt a signed self-declarationn even thoug gh they know w that the ey are legallyy obliged to disclose d conffidential inforrmation to foreign securitty authorities will be e excluded from m the tender procedures. Bidders who o do not submit Hot Topics a self-declaration will be excluded because bidders are requested to submit complete tender documents. The supplementary confidentiality clause in the contractual terms and conditions could lead to an extraordinary right to termination of contracts. 3. How could a "no spy guarantee" affect foreign IT companies? The "no spy guarantee" is likely to affect foreign IT companies in at least three ways. First of all, even though a German subsidiary of a foreign company is not legally bound to disclose confidential data to foreign security authorities, there is a potential risk of exclusion. U.S.-based companies should be aware that the prevailing public opinion in Germany is that U.S. companies will not be able to submit a truthful declaration regarding a "no spy guarantee" due to their legal obligations in the U.S. (e.g. USA Patriot Act). Although the Patriot Act includes provisions where U.S. companies may be compelled to produce relevant information as part of national security investigations, it is unclear if the existence of lawful court orders in the U.S. and pursuant to the Patriot Act would be viewed as a permissible exception for U.S. companies to the "no spy guarantee". Secondly, it might not be sufficient if a German subsidiary of a U.S.-based group that participates in a tender procedure in Germany submits the self-declaration because there might be spillover effects (e.g. due to personnel overlaps). It is finally important to note that the proposed "no spy guarantee" will not only be required from companies or entities who want to contract with public authorities, but also from companies who are subcontractors. 4. Are there remedies under public and procurement laws to challenge a "no spy guarantee"? The implementation of the "no spy guarantee" as a self-declaration in the context of the review of reliability could be challenged with a review procedure before the Public Procurement Board and, in case the review procedure is not successful, an immediate appeal before a Higher Regional Court. The supplementary confidentiality clause in the contractual terms and conditions could be challenged in a civil law proceeding and also with a review procedure before the Public Procurement Board and, in case the review procedure is not successful, an immediate appeal before a Higher Regional Court. 5. Not yet discussed, but essential: compatibility of a "no spy guarantee" under the EU Treaty? Following the current debate in Germany about a "no spy guarantee", one cannot help but think about the compatibility of the guarantee with EU law. Such a guarantee could be regarded as an infringement of the principle of nondiscrimination, because certain U.S. companies who have been in a leadership position in IT tender procedures for years will now be confronted intentionally with obligations and requirements that they can most likely not comply with due to their national laws, even though they would like to do so. A "no spy guarantee" could also infringe the principle of equal treatment since there could be IT companies from other countries which might have similar national laws as U.S.-based companies but are currently not discussed at all. This question of compatibility with EU law requires further intensive review. 2 Hot Topics her information n, please conta act: For furth Dr. Marc Gabriel, G LL.M. E-Mail: Marc.Gabriel ckenzie.com @bakermc Dr. Susanne S Mertens,, LL.M. E-Ma ail: Susanne.Merten ns @ba akermckenzie.com Jonathan C. Poling E-Mail: Jon nathan.Poling @bakermc ckenzie.com Proff. Dr. Joachim Sch herer, LL.M. E-Ma ail: Joachim.Schere er@ bake ermckenzie.com M - Partn nerschaft von Rec chtsanwälten, Wirtschaftsprüfern n, Steuerberatern n und Solicitors Baker & McKenzie Berlin Friedrichstrasse 88 / Unter deen Linden 10117 Berrlin Tel.: +49 (0) ( 30 2 20 02 81 0 Fax: +49 (0) ( 30 2 20 02 81 199 Frankfurt / Main Bethmannstrasse 550-54 60 0311 Frankfurt/Maain Tel.: +49 (0) 69 2 999 08 0 Fax: +49 (0) 69 2 999 08 108 Dusseldo orf Neuer Zollhof 2 sseldorf 40221 Dus Tel.: +49 (0) ( 211 3 11 16 0 Fax: +49 (0) ( 211 3 11 16 1999 Munich M Theatinerstrasse 233 0333 Munich 80 Tel.: +49 (0) 89 5 552 38 0 Fax: +49 (0) 89 5 552 38 199 www.bakermck w kenzie.com Get Connected: This clientt newsletter is pre pared for informattion purposes only y. 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