NIK Gray RACKET STORE SPANISH FORTS TO BE RAZED Wt are closing out our entire depart A8T011IAN SUMMING them tu restock would give batter result If loaned on iri'irtag", Then the native could And employment. Mcuti'iiunt Tetchcr says the natives will only patronise Americans when the) cannot procure what they need from their countrymen. 'JHUllSOAY MOttNINU. SEPTEMBER 1899 21, in Washing Paint Latsmt end Dent. don't scrub it and wear off the surface. Ue Gold Dust meiit of tinware and granite Ironware Brooke Orders Spanish Defense Itrci'OHTKD HAI.K OK Washing Powder boluw wholesale. Those ara BTOCKH IB VICMIFIKD, according to direcand Ports Removed. Drat quality goods and ara manufact ured by tin following flrma: St tions printed on Central and Bout hern Pacific Hallway Louis Hlamplng Co., Ilaberman tiff. Co. Blocks Purchased by Bieyer every package and y Co, and Kkklinlfitr, In fact any Vandi-rblNot In the Deul. pleased you will STRIKE EXPECTED brand you want. Tlilg la a rar LABOR opportunity for merchant and partle with the results and NICW YOltK, Bepl. 20. -- The Journal who wlh to buy at wholesale. Follow and Advertiser says: Burnri.scd at the lug la the Hit of prtoesi A large share In the Central and Workmen Baving in labor. Demand Ao Eight Houlhern Pacific railways ho been HPICCIAL DAL. 13 OK 8C1IOOL PUITB. Hivni ii -4a Imni lit In Bait. bought by Bpeyer & Co,, bunkers of Hour Day TeDcher Siya He llnyi' heavy school milts, worth fur ltife(rc.H this city. It was said In thla city last l.' W anle price II 48 HasClcired Out&rlginds. Touthe ix hxl suits, worth M, sale night by a gentleman conversant with THE ft. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY price in KrwTwk the affair that Hpeyer had arranged re CtlMe h- tola Men's nun wool nan I a. regular val Cindy lo purchase a large block of ue 5, itl.' prion US Wetater's imnlvrllrml dlollonary, HAVANA, Bnil. llrooke thee eccurltlea, but he could not tell regular price MM sale price .... 1.45 haa laaued an order TiiiUtli)K niunlc whether the Interest acpulred waa Mr. A few fine t'ocoa rug, slae 18x71, l.!4 Ipullllra In pull down and dlapoa of Crocker's or Hie Stanford holding. worth JIM, Mia pries The Journal's Informant, however, granite lot pots, sale price. ,1 all IriuiHirary Hnaulah fortinratlmi. X. silver plsled knives and returnlii to th ownera auch material aid that he could deny a report that "fi .. 13 price wt, sale fork, worth a waa a part of the Vunderbllt A large assortment of new goods a. wua conrtai ated by tha Hpanlah for the deal ovnriimental 'urMwn, Thla order schema for control of a iranacontlnen' Jut arrived, rail and examine them, waa laaueu aa inn reauit of numeroua lal railway syatem. "There Is no Van 510 Commercial Street. appllratlona reeelved from many part, derblll money In this," he continued Mr Bpeyer haa been very friendly to of (lie Inland for tha return of private proiriy unjuatly held and alao from . P. Huntlngt mi. The firm put Wrls-itof Ihe liF.l'OUT OF THE CONDITION munlclpalltlea deatrlng to utillaa land through the wcuplrd by the bliH'khouaea and aluil-la- r Central Pacific. Mr. Bpeyer Is not OF TIIK buying, as I understand, for Mr. Hundvfena. It ttenipta the military nad and tington, bttt Is taking over as opporficSa extending from Uornn to Juca- - tunity offers the holdings of others. Delivered at your ro on account of I ha extraordinary who are not In sympathy with Mr. cninpletrneaa of thla work, auggeatlnf Huntington's Interests and will hold Office, Store, OF A8TOUIA, that the future eneratlona of Cu- (hem on his own account." ban will U plraacd to atudy lha ityle Mr. Speyer was tn San a or Residence, At AeUirl. In tlia Hlatn of Oregou, al of warfare of hort time ago and It wa. under.tood their forefather.. tlia close of imsiitma, HcplcwUr 7 It , Much pleaaur la expreaaed by the Cu at thai lime ihaal a large deal In CenOoly 60 Cents a I mm. ban, at Ouneral llruoke'i artlon In - tral Pacific waa In the wind. ItEHOUIlCKH. Month II ia understood lhat Oeorge Crock lutlltiar tha trmha fnmt the order. I,osii and discount I3tt,2?l 80 Al a mertlni it the vartoua Indua- - er's Interest Is the Isat lo be disposed Overdraft., secured and tin- triul cluba and unlnna held yeaterday of by Ihe Ave memelieni of lhat fam2,fi.Vl A3 secured... lo ronaliler the tjue.tlon of a rmeral ily who owned a fifth Interest In the l), H. Uiuila to secure areola- and to tlx a day for a general propertle.. airlke est remedies of the day, such aa'waine: 12.MO0O Hon lXl (II repreaentatlva meeting of all the labor Cyleal. for ccsema, and Century Lin-Premiums on U. 8. UitnU .... THE ODD FKM.OWB PARADE. Intent for rheumatism and corns. of (he Inland, It waa decided lo hold a 100.1CW 30 j'j Htocss. securities, etc maaa meeting thla evening. The Other real Mint aud mortnothing the u.e but to i guaranles He and Finest In De 0,317 01 gage owned expe-'- a a general airlke to- Waa the pun-s- l drugs In his store, and sells for Yearn. )anka troit (not rational Irniti lm morrow and aya: everything as cheaply and cheaper 3,772 "H reserve agenta) DKTKOIT. Mich.. Sept. M.-- For "We aympnihlae with the endeavor than any other druggist In the North-- ! (ruin banka and (into 4,fii0 afternoon more than an hour this ln to obtain an wect. 2H.718 U of the etorkhiildera Lanker. eighl hour lay. The preaent time, Old Fellows and their .Inters of the reserve I 'lid front When you go to Portland it will pay were passing In review 11.030 4H however, la lnopp.irtune, aa many men Rcbckah onler agents you to call at his store at 227 Yamhill' Ieputy Plnkerton, Sire C.rand before llein.. 1, It'll 44 are out of work and have been for Checks and other J. P. street, between First -and Second: Major A'i 11 fniildirahle perloda. Noleanf oilier national tmnka. The labtir lead-er- Hire Cable and ts. Portland, Oregon.of the grand rlrea staff. sti-e38 SO Nickel, and cent ahnutd have a later dale Klllcotl. chief lag.-a- l procession finest lawful money reserve in Ihe and It waa fir a g. nrral atiike would be bank, vli; en In Detroit since the gnat O. A. FUnNITUItB AT PRIVATE BALK prepared to realat the extra eXtta 141.000 00 rWin S'M. Fully a aeore of II. pnrade In During the month of September, 1899, (HI hardahlp oulng .11.1 00 work, to aad 141,313 of wnnl Ugslteinliir note. music. band, furnished with aa V.H. I will dispose of my household furni Havana will be without meal or licdrmpllon fund treasurer (5 p r rent id clr- ture, consisting of carpets, chairs, wal- milk and ulmont without the neceaeury QOVKUNOnSHIP. ftfl2 60 Filiation)'. nut secretary, parlor organ, chamber; mrima nf life If their project la carried 8ADLKK WINS and bedding, louags, lamps, hall tut now." Mi2,(i71 W Nev., Sept. 10. The au- - suit CAUSON, Total If you go east via Billings and the tables, picture, miscellaneous T!io manager of lh newapaper rack, In a derision preme court haa Burlington route. MA1IIL1T1KS. books, crockery, kitchen range, refrig nt Clehfu.'goa haa been plucrd Hy the de lie 'governorship conteat. The BurHngton route runs Capital .lock pild In erator, etc f 60.0(0 00 under arre.t at the onler of the may- cision through tourist sleeper Sedler wins the case, having twice a Ufi.OOO 00 or of t riori.lna fund hour between the call Please publishing the account, of the fri pi u for week, Seattle to Kansas Clty-O- et of forty votes rail l y, an Incn-as- e Undivided profit., Ires, lig- m, and I p. m. mayor la credited munlclimllty. The on at any point along the main 24,440 08 over Ihe original count. H.iiMa and paid Mrs. W. W. PARXER. with having nld that he Intend, to line of the Northern Pacific. In out- National bank note 6,tXK) 00 mnke It hot for Americana and SpanWashington or Montana get off PAY FOIt TUB THIRTY-FIFTalsmllng iard., and It la anld that the chief of 1 City. A woman Is never happy unless she. to atnle brink and bank-erat XI 8 2 poll- - of t'lenfuegoa haa declared Thirty- - ran attract attention; and It she can't' POilTI.ANP, Sept. 20.-Standard sleepers, every day In Individual ili'txmlta In a .Imliar .train. the week. Butte to St. Loult via, fifth Infantry at Vancouver barracks do It any other way, she puts on a ubjeel to rlM'ok. 440,162 87 Lincoln. Omaha and BL Joseph. I'erfecto) Lncorte, the mayor of will be paid In full to November 1 be- large hat and goes to the theater. Hiior rcrllll-rnt.a.- d A. C. SHELDON". a. ml MotialKnor Havana, Manuel Pan-tu- fore starting to the Philippine. About General Passenger Agent, depo.ll 87.414 42 w III he paid out to the regiment blahop of Havana, la Frti'.cx. have Portland, Oregon. Ceitilled chocks... H0,iiS!l 64 NW.tlll 83 n ad "once. pMte.ted agaln.l the order Henor aerr.Mary of finance, that all (WJ.071 13 Total Make Ha , MtSMiMiiiMismasiiiiMiiaiiiii.HiimtO title deed, to real property muat b I 8tat of rjz&i INCREASING. FEVER YFM.OW .ut lulled for Inaprctlon by the renlral County of Clatsop,) ttiithorltli-.- . 1, S. 8. Gostxix, cashier of Ilia KK.Y WEST. Flo., Sept. bank, do solemnly swear that Hip The I.urhii aay. on thla iubjict: (1 iii Duyuig uon- - w the fast it hours St new rases of yel shove statement ia trnn to the 11 nf my "Inveatlgutlniia that .tro now In densed Milk, no knowledge and lielicl. 8. 8. 0ohihh, low fever were reported, but aeem lo allow million, of dollar, (Whirr. Take no sub-aths. and sworn to' before mr of property which ought to revert to HnWrilx-for the 5 stltute convent, m.ny caaes the the atnte. In thia Ulli dav of HrptrmlHr, lHyO. SUMMARY OF TAX ROLL. THE DIRECT ROUTS TO to C. 11. TuoMaoN, Notary l'abllc. and other rellglou. In.tltutlona CorrKt Altoai: which lha property waa originally Assessor Carnnhen yesterday com Utah, jAcon Kamm, ) given, no longer exlxl. and the Incttme pleted the assessment roll for the year W. F. Md)KooM,V Dirpclora Inby tielug I. rolleoted the church lft!3. It will be placed In the hands and all Eastern Points. W'h, M Ladi, J stead of reverting to the .atate aa It of Ihe board of equalisation Monday " Olvea choice of two favorite routes, via hould have done. In one Instance next. The roll shows an Increase over the Union Paclflo Fast Hall Una, or the ecrlitatlcal have burned their last year's total of J15,069,- accounted the Rio Oraade Scenic Line. book. In order to avoid Inve.tlgatlon. for by assessment of lands to which a r An American drygooda atore recently titles have been acquired since last LOOK AT THE TIME CONDENSED MILK tarted In Ponce Ja receiving good year. The amount of assessable prop 1 Days to Salt Lake aupport, however, but the goods are erty Is given at IS.6S4.977. Of this Thara ara cheamr and fn. sold at lower prices than In the na- amount 1113.181 Is covered by exemp 2 Days to Denver ferlor brands to the Eagle, T tive storea, but none that equal It. It tions' The summary Is as follows: Sold on 3J Days to Chicago Tillable land, 4873 acres t 38,210 has stood first for forty Uasy 4J Days to New York. (H8.591 niUOANDS ARB CLKAItED OUT. m.ttS S years. ' aai fr Kd sWo. " 91.073 Improvement Fro reclining chairs, upholstered tour. m Old machine! Ukou Jn exrhapg Lieutenant Tetchcr Says Tour Were Value of all lots 1,110,311 JI(rC0mK!UISUCO,a.T. 1st sleeping oars, and Pullman palace Killed and 200 Are Imprisoned. 361,267 Improvements on lots sleepers, operated on all traisa. C. P. Improvements on lands not For further Information, apply to NEW YOltK, 8opL 14.820 deeded or patented...; Q. W. LOUNSBERRY, I 4!0 "ConitnVrolal 8tHMt, AatorU.' Frank Totcher, superintendent "Xf the Value of railroad and tele- Agent. O. R. A N.. mjrrlvcd on the Porto Ulcan police, graph ' line and ' rolling Or Astoria, Oregon. United Statea transport Kllpatrlck. 97,040 C. TERRY, W. E. COM AN. stook lie was a first lieutenant in company Steamboats and stationary Trav. Pas AgL Oea Agenu C, regiment, but waa 1M Third BL. Portland. Or. 25,185 enarlnes appointed to organise the insular po119.265 Merchandise .... - lice forca by General Henry, 6.565 Farming Implements Ho fuund the native force cursed by Money 11,67 "TIM 3 SCHEDULES pollttca, so he eHtubllahed a new body DKPaRTI Aaain 7.250 From Portland Notes and accounts . consisting entirely of natives with the 26.440 Share of stock exception of himself and two majors. 86,185 Jail lake. Cent r. Ft Household furniture Fan Kat Worth. Om.lia Kan These men are armed with Springfield Horses, 64(1 Mall 9.463 . City, Hi. L.vil-- ( 6:1 Mall 8 p. ro. Limited" trains, LXAVB p HI POKTLAND ARRIVt rifles nnd Colts revolvers furnished by OatHo, 3023 THE "North.'Western lili'vci. and 'am. 81,303 lighted throughout, both Inthe government. The. Island was over- Sheep, 608 608 iVxlto Walla. Sno'-- ane. out, side and and steam heated, are, Spokane run by brigands, but lieutenant Tet- Swine, 480 Minneapolis. 81.1 .ul HiMikane 646 without exception, the finest trains In the BX-- Hver OVEllLAND Klvcr liuliith, .Mllwnukeo S.i) a. m chcr says he has cleared them out, kill1 10 p. m I'KKHSTfor Bal.ra, world. They embody the latest, newest I'hlciuro and Knut, Itonetiuri, Aanland, ing four and Imprisoning 200 others. Oicss value nd beat ideas for comfort, convenience $2,584,977 7:00 P.M.IBaeram.nlo, Ogilcn, 11:00 A.M r oiu Astoria Han franolaeo, nlo- Ilia men also captured dories, who Exemptions and luxury ever offered the traveling 112.1S2 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS' Java, hot Angalea, of tho public, and altogether are the tnost combutchered I'rtvnta Uurkc, HI Pa.o, N.w All falling I'eU-- subi plete and splendid production of the car regiment, , ,,. aad tha Baat n Total Jccl to elmnue. 32.672,795 au For Franeiien hal builders' art. Teteher says that public .. Lieutenant A. M Roa.burg paaaani.r 4:M P. a. of polls shown on the number The TO 25. Sei '.S 10, IVie, sentiment. In the Island is much op- roll Is 6.10. These Splendid Tralna ' Via Woudbura. for posed to the government continuing Connect with 1 Dally Mount Anael, Dalit Ooli"nbta Rlvor varton, nolo, oioeni somo of the heads of departments. 7 n m ex Su. 5am ex Me Steamer. LOW TRICED DRliaS. Sunday Brownvlll., Bprliif- - f Buno.j The Great Northern To Portland aad m'.iiv ndu Much fault, he says, Is found with the Way Landings, people snylng system, NOWthe educational by Depart ure the The .Northern Pacific and t7:M A. M Pnrvallla nManiil liS'lul A paaa' fs: AH they do not wnnt the American system. 14 :W P. U Indop.udunoa Store of J. A. Clemensoii, In Wlllamctta and Yam- 8:S0 p. ro. m. 7 a. says, are also hill Klvara. Moil.Wi d. The federal courts, he The Canadian Paeific Portland. Tue.,'1 hiu Oreg on Dally. iDaily except Hiinaay. i'it. Pnytou, a a.,d Krl. severely criticised. The Insular l anil SHt ConneetlnK ac Sun tranclncxj with AT 8T. PAUL FOR A Oriental, raaltlo Mall and On recently recognised this J. A. C'lemenson, the anlo iMeain.lilp llnea for Mpirla druggist, at 227 Yamhill street I,vlwMi state, of affairs in a report to the govJAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, CHICAGO and the EAST. 5nnk Klvcr. illy ' HAWAII ANUTHE I'HILU'IMNES. 10 a in botwoen First and Second, Portlnnd, I'ive ernment. . AO a. in. Ktarlsti LewlMluii. daily Renaia tleknia on aal diuly b.iwnei, No extra charge tor these auperlor ac. Chief Tetcher says the country Is In Oregon, Is no doubt the most reason Fortlnnd, BHcrumwiio. ana nan r raucio commodattons and all classes of tickets trvim rorliitial co, Net ratea 117 and U aeo a bud condition. The hurricane brought able druggist In the Northwest. Aside R.VFK WILLVMKI'TK nnrt.liuia. Ini'lillnir aleener. are available for passage on the famous 6 a, m to Eastern DOlnta ana much Buffering and there Is no moneyj from the fact that he sells such articles Mml,'Wed.OfK"i' fJCuropu, nmt. and tlekota 'I';. Sewing, Tuis.Tmil Limited." All trains on Alao Japan, China. Honolulu, Sule-A 70 per of Is SatuMay Barsnparilla in cents Friday not favor as for bring Hoods relief. He. (hi line are protected by the Interlocking and AUDiraiia. uan u. Quminni imm u, o to KlUKIAND. Ticket AKWit, 134 Third at.. sending provisions there, saying that bottle, Mcllcn'a Food, lartre size, 55 Block .system. C. II, MARKHAM. Q. W. LOUN8BERRI, R. KOKHI.KR, Manaaer1. O. F.-F. C. SAVAGE, Agant Astoria W. H. MEAD. P. A. as long He the people receive supplies cents: Fromo Seltaer, large bottle, 7( Eaal for rat.a Ihf-ThroiiKh H. BUKLBURT. Gen'l Agont, T A. will not work. He thinks that cents; nnd AUcock's Porous Plasters, nt, Call on O, J Treneharn. looal Oaa. Psa. Art. Partlaaa, Or PortlsnC Ore, money to loan the planters, to make! 10 cents, he makes some of the great aifioa. iilUlM VUMLI Conuiaa at price fao-tor- fi. Sharpie's Cream Separators P. le lt General Supply House for Family Groceries. FISHER BROS. Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Ete. PacificNavigationCompany k.A..l-"Ool- STBAMEHS It. F. Elmore - THE OCCIDENT Leading Hotel Astoria's , Props. Meglcr tS National First ONLY DIRECT LINK GARIBALDI BAY CITY HOFJSONVILLK Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co. for Ban Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rate apply t. & Co. Bartmcl Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. (wal Orego COHN ACO AzenU, TILLAMOOK, C re. Elmore ilroaH Navigation Co., PORTLAND, Ore. ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Bank, Telephone) No. 33 Handles Only the Choicest Meats THE AST0RIAN... 4jf ; CeassMrctal St. sxt Palm SrassirH.L ' - x- !, Golumbia Eleetrie flepair & Co Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS You Don't Loggers Blacksmiths Supplies BoilerMakers Kept In Stock Machinists Logging Engines Built and Repaired Change Cars Heavy forging UnderPower Hammer a Specialty nmvl a Foundrymen ' Ka-na- him-av- ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK Harrison W. II. Sole Manufacturers of the Unsnrpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric' Lights and Power Plants. "Russell" Automatic Engine The lf l TlP J! e, t above-linini- FVL9 pro-gre- ff d ... Gail Borden Oregon Short Line Montana. ' Payments .... i . ...S--- 4 ttm - Write for Catalogues of Engine Boilers, Saw Mills. RUSSELL & CO., A. H. AVERILL, Portland, Oregon. Manager. cuuunnxruuuhjuxnnnuiJUiruwunnnAnAnn; innruwiruuiruuvrtAru. UOTBL PORTLAND, OR. J J. le. SJT Colorado - Sewjng Machines Sv7 Railroad. EagleS rand linger 1 I Mistake d Hotel In Portland The Only Flrt-Clo- s rnAAAruuui uuuiviAnemiwuigmftAnivutnArAnftnr - s- Looney, Agent. lm r5) Forty-seven- eh MONMOUTH, OREGON Training School for TeacWrs. New Buildings New Departments. Ungraded Country School Ituxunious Travel 1 --St- ate Normal School a USli th - i Wort Graduates Secore Good Positions. oeoartinents. Normal Couraa. RTRfTKn COURSES Wall equipped tralnln and best way to State Certificates. to 13 per week; Tnltloa, tta Expanses for year from SUA to (ISO: Board per term of ten weeks. FaU term pegine September ISth: Bummer term June P. L. CAMPBELL, President tn Sep camber L For catalogue address x or Vf. A. WANN. Sea of Faculty. dulokeert il a - I Forty-seven- th Or-l.a- , '. 811-- SAINT PAUL FIRE AID 1 - . ' Aelun. INSURANCE COMPAN .... ST. PAUL, MINN,, JAN. n Capital Reserve for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities I xest, 1899. $ 500,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,691.07 784,888.78 , 1 Total Assets llral-elaa- a, i III North-wester- n Way-Lan- d . $2,523,987.72 PACIFIC DEPARTHENT. Manager. CHARLES CHRISTENSEN, B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager. mCaliforiiia SU S. F., Cul. llUlllf 6 A CO, Ipi, stork;, Orcpoa .