Forte Consultancy | White Paper A Forte Consultancy Group Company Small Business Loyalty Programs - Giving Back to the Oft-Ignored SME Segment For too long, the SME segment has been underserved, with companies doing little to cater to the needs of this extremely important and valuable group of customers. Some companies have begun to take heed, launching loyalty programs customized for this segment across numerous different sectors… Forte Consultancy Group Forte Consultancy Group is the umbrella group for Forte Consultancy, Forte Wares and Forte Experts brands. The group is committed to delivering end-to-end solutions and services in analytics driven business management field - ranging from consultancy services to software and specialist insourcing. Additional information can be found at Forte Consultancy 1 What? Companies have long aspired to have a fully loyal portfolio of customers. In such a scenario, a company would have practically no churn, would receive minimal to no complaints, would be able to make errors on client accounts and get away with it, would be able to increase fees and rates all the time, would have full share-of-wallet, and, to boot, would have an army of advocates touting the company to anyone who would listen. How? Making a customer loyal, however, is extremely difficult. It involves having a very competitive offer in place (be it from a quality or price perspective), providing an excellent level of service, and time – customers can’t be turned loyal overnight. Moving a customer from the skeptic zone to the advocate zone requires that the numerous interactions he or she has with the company over a given amount of time are as satisfactory as can possible be. These interactions we speak of can be the straightforward ones (i.e. the customer being addressed by his or her name as soon as a customer service representative answers the phone) or the exceptions (the way in which a grievance the customer has is handled) – across the board, companies must manage the entire customer lifecycle. bottom line. SMEs are of the utmost importance and need to be treated as such. Let’s use an example to make this clear – The UK SME market is comprised of 1.2 million businesses, representing not only 99.7% of all businesses in the UK, but also 56% of the UK’s workforce. The SMEs in the UK also account for £2.4 trillion in sales, which is half the sales of companies in the UK. While no one SME in and of itself may seem of significant importance to a given company, the collective value of SMEs is undeniable. Two separate phenomena also require SMEs to be treated as a highly important segment – first, some of the SMEs will be enterprises in the future, and will generate significantly more revenues for any given company – capturing such SMEs’ loyalty today will ensure value is retained in the future. Second, the experience of individuals as employees of a given SME reflect on their decision making process as members of the consumer segment. Poor experiences they may have with a bank or a telecom at the workplace, for example, will directly influence their decision making process as individual consumers. Considering that over half of the UK’s workforce is employed by SMEs and the influence the SME segment can have on the consumer segment becomes all too clear. Some companies have quite clearly realized the importance of the SME segment and have taken tanFrom companies we’ve examined across numerous gent steps to deepen their relationship with small to different sectors on this issue of client relationship medium-sized businesses through offering SME-only management, we’ve seen one common theme – that loyalty programs. Some examples that can be found SMEs are relatively ignored. Be it in telecoms, ban- from around the world include: king, retail, hospitality, or a range of other sectors, companies focus most of their efforts on two general ■■ Emirates Airlines’ Skywards Business Rewards Program: Designed for SMEs with 80 or fewer empsegments – consumer and enterprise. loyees, this program clearly aims to please not just For the consumer segment, companies constantly business owners but their employees as well – the come up with customized offerings, manage a loyalty program generously gives the organization Business program, and differentiate their high-net worth cus- Rewards Miles, while also giving the employee his or tomers, among other activities, to boost consumer her Skywards miles, for every flight flown with the loyalty. For the enterprise segment, dedicated custo- airline. The program also allows for the easy centralimer service representatives are assigned as well as zed management of all bookings for the entire orgasignificant discounts given based on the size of the nization in a secure online atmosphere. relationship. The SMEs, unfortunately, get lost in the shuffle – too few as a group to be as important as the ■■ Verizon’s Business Link Rewards: This program consumer segment, too low in value individually to provides businesses with points in exchange for their spend on phone, internet, or FiOS services, with the be treated like the enterprise segment. only requirement being that $125 must be the miniThis management approach is detrimental to the mum bill each month to qualify for the program (es- Forte Consultancy sentially requiring the consolidation of several of the above mentioned telecom services, or at the least significant spend per category). SMEs can then redeem their points via a rewards catalog that focuses on business-related freebies (i.e. office furniture, dinner vouchers, travel vouchers, etc., all benefits meant to make the business appreciate their rewards as a workplace). 2 and the employees themselves. This not only ensures an SME-wide engagement in the program and thus a greater level of loyalty than that which would only be achieved through winning over the SME owner, but also builds loyalty for the employees, which can be translated into a relationship that can manifest itself on an individual consumer level. ■■ High value SMEs should be treated differently, particularly through the utilization of soft benefits. ■■ American Express Business Gold Rewards Card: As with the consumer segment, high value SMEs that In Canada, American Express offers a card designed will one day possibly be valuable enterprise consuspecifically with SMEs in mind, giving not just points mers should be treated as such immediately. This can to cardholders and the SME that can be spent on a be done through the dedication of a customer servirange of benefits (i.e. convert points into airline mi- ce representative via the loyalty program, or, through les with Delta, Continental, or Cathay Pacific, or into the offering of surprise benefits to the SMEs (i.e. on vouchers to be spent on Apple or Sony products), but relationship anniversary’s a surprise gift basket can also discounts to business-related vendors, such as be sent to the SME). Hertz and FedEx. ■■ The program should be used as much as possible for incentivizing SMEs to conduct their business with ■■ Canada Post VentureOne Rewards: Aimed at fi- the company in desired manners. For a bank, this ghting off the likes of FedEx and DHL by appealing to could be incentivizing the SME to sign up for online the bottom-line of SMEs, Canada Post has a program banking through the offering of bonus points, partithat gives members instant discounts on the various cularly for those lower value SMEs that are a burden delivery services it offers. No bells or whistles built in on the branch network. For a telecom, this could be like other programs, the VentureOne program has a offering sticky services such as mobile internet pacfew partners that provide discounts as well to mem- kages at a discounted rate for each additional empbers, such as SageSpark, an IT company providing loyee signed up for the package. Such programs offer computer repair and IT optimization solutions. an excellent means for shifting consumer behavior into that which is most strategically desired and for When designing and launching an SME segment-fo- driving the sales of strategic products and services. cused loyalty program, there are several differences ■■ The program should drive the consolidation of all that must be taken into account, differences that set purchases by the SME with the company in questisuch programs apart from those designed for use by on. For an electronics retailer, this means ensuring the consumer segment. In addition, there are some all electronics equipment purchased by an SME over must-have features that are common features of a given amount of time should be from them. For an best-in-class programs. We recommend the following airline, it means ensuring every business trip by an points be taken into consideration in any SME loyalty SME is done with them. Such an objective can be acprogram design effort: hieved through building in targets for the SME, such that if the SME hits certain spend levels, they receive ■■ SMEs have a much greater reliance and place an additional level of benefits. A feature like this can more value on benefits that are relevant to their be done behind the scenes as well, customized for workplace, hard and soft. Hard in terms of a bene- each SME, based on each SME’s past spend and numfit that will reduce their overhead (i.e. free telecom ber of employees. minutes or airline miles, courier or office supply dis- ■■ One final recommendation is that such a progcounts, etc.), soft in terms of access to benefits that ram should reward the SME owner and its employecan boost morale in the workplace (i.e. earn xx num- es for having relationships with the company on an ber of points and dinner for you and your employees individual level, driving acquisition through the progis on us). Testing out different concepts with one’s ram. So a telecom, for example, can give 1 point for own SME customers is a proven method for ensuring every X spent to employees of an SME enrolled in the the right benefits are offered, as different companies program, but can give 3 points for every X spent to an in different segments have different types of SMEs as employee if he or she also has an individual consutheir customers. mer account with the company. ■■ Benefits must be built in for both the SME owner Forte Consultancy 3 What Next? The recommendations listed above all need to be of course tested in several ways, ensuring they are financially feasible and help achieve the desired results. This can be done through a thorough pilot effort prior to any mass-scale rollout of such a program. Most companies ultimately need to do more than they are doing now in terms of addressing the ne- eds of the SME segment. Loyalty programs are only the tip of the iceberg. Any effort to drive loyalty with SMEs needs to include ensuring the right products and services are being offered to them and that customer service levels are meeting their needs. Loyalty programs dedicated to them, however, is a good start, and a soon-to-be must-have as such programs proliferate around the world.