SECTION 26 32 13 ENGINE GENERATORS PAGE 1 OF 8 SECTION 26 32 13 ENGINE GENERATORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 102313 SECTION INCLUDES A. Packaged engine generator set. B. Exhaust silencer and fittings. C. Fuel fittings and day tank. D. Remote control panel. E. Battery and charger. F. Weatherproof enclosure. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 23 05 48 - Vibration Isolation. B. Section 26 20 00 - Automatic Transfer Switch REFERENCES A. NEMA AB1 - Molded Case Circuit Breakers. B. NEMA MG1 - Motors and Generators. C. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum.) D. NFPA 30 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. E. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. F. NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code. G. NFPA 110 - Emergency and Standby Power Systems. SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 26 04 00. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate electrical characteristics and connection requirements. Show plan and elevation views with overall and interconnection point dimensions, fuel consumption rate curves at various loads, ventilation and combustion air requirements, electrical diagrams including schematic and interconnection diagrams. C. Product Data: Provide data showing dimensions, weights, ratings, interconnection points, and internal wiring diagrams for engine, generator, control panel, battery, battery rack, battery charger, exhaust silencer, vibration isolators, day tank, and remote radiator. PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 26 32 13 ENGINE GENERATORS PAGE 2 OF 8 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 D. Test Reports: Indicate results of performance testing. E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by Product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, installation, and starting of Product. F. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that Products meet or exceed specified requirements. G. Manufacturer's Field Reports: Submit under provisions of Section 26 04 00 H. Manufacturer's Field Reports: Indicate procedures and findings. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit under provisions of Section 26 04 00 B. Operation Data: Include instructions for normal operation. C. Maintenance Data: Include instructions for routine maintenance requirements, service manuals for engine and day tank, oil sampling and analysis for engine wear, and emergency maintenance procedures. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with NFPA 110. B. Maintain one copy of document on site. QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the Products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience, and with service facilities within 100 miles of Project. B. Supplier: Authorized distributor of specified manufacturer with minimum three years documented experience. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70, NFPA 110, and NFPA 101. B. Furnish Products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories as suitable for purpose specified and indicated. C. Furnish Products conforming to Connecticut DEP and Federal regulations for maximum NOx emissions. 1.09 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, protect and handle products to site under provisions of Section 26 04 00. Accept unit on site on skids. Inspect for damage. Protect equipment from dirt and moisture by securely wrapping in heavy plastic. 102313 PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 26 32 13 ENGINE GENERATORS PAGE 3 OF 8 1.10 MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. 1.11 1.12 Furnish service and maintenance of engine generator for one year from Date of Substantial Completion. MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Provide maintenance materials under provisions of Section 26 04 00. B. Furnish one set of tools required for preventative maintenance of the engine generator system. Package tools in adequately sized metal tool box. EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish under provisions of Section 26 04 00. B. Provide two of each fuel, oil and air filter element under provisions of Section 26 04 00. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 2.02 MANUFACTURERS A. Atlantic Detroit Diesel B. Onan/Cummins C. Kohler D. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 26 04 00. PACKAGE ENGINE GENERATOR SYSTEM Back-up power system shall be capable of powering 100% of the generator load within 10 seconds of loss of normal power. Description: NFPA 110, engine generator system 1o provide source of power for Level 1 and 2 applications, and conforming 1o NFPA 99. System Capacity: 350 kW, at elevation of 1000 feet above sea level, standby rating using engine-mounted radiator. 2.03 ENGINE Type: Air-cooled inline or V-type, four stroke cycle, compression ignition Diesel internal combustion engine. 102313 B. Rating: Sufficient 1o operate under 10 percent overload for one hour in an ambient of 90 degrees F at elevation of 1000 feet. C. Fuel System: No. 2 fuel oil. D. Engine speed: 1800 rpm. PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 26 32 13 ENGINE GENERATORS PAGE 4 OF 8 Governor: Isochronous type to maintain engine speed within 0.5 percent, steady state, and 5 percent, no load to full load, with recovery to steady state within 2 seconds following sudden load changes. Safety Devices: Engine shutdown on high water temperature, low oil pressure, overspeed, and engine overcrank. Limits as selected by manufacturer. Engine Starting: DC starting system with positive engagement, number and voltage of starter motors in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Include remote starting control circuit, with MANUAL-OFF-REMOTE selector switch on engine-generator control panel. Engine Jacket Heater: Thermal circulation type water heater with integral thermostatic control, sized to maintain engine jacket water at 90 degrees F, and suitable for operation on 120 volts AC. Radiator: Radiator using glycol coolant, with blower type fan, sized to maintain safe engine temperature in ambient temperature of 110 degrees F. Radiator air flow restriction 0.5 inches of water (1.25 Pa) maximum. Engine Accessories: Fuel filter, lube oil filter, intake air filter, lube oil cooler, fuel transfer pump, fuel priming pump, gear-driven water pump. Include fuel pressure gage, water temperature gage, and lube oil pressure gage on engine/generator control panel. Mounting: Provide unit with suitable spring-type vibration isolators and mount on structural steel base. 2.04 GENERATOR Generator: NEMA MG1, three phase, four pole, reconnectable brushless synchronous generator with brushless exciter. B. Rating: 350 kW @ 0.8 PF, 480Y/277 volts, 60 Hz at 1800 rpm. C. Insulation Class: H. D. Maximum NOx emissions: 15 tons per year. E. Peak Motor Starting KVA: 1350, maximum voltage dip of 25%. F. Temperature Rise: 105 degrees C Continuous. G. Enclosure: NEMA MG1, open drip proof. Voltage Regulation: Include generator-mounted volts per hertz exciter-regulator to match engine and generator characteristics, with voltage regulation plus or minus 1 percent from no load to full load. Include manual controls to adjust voltage droop, voltage level (plus or minus 5 percent) and voltage gain. I. 102313 Mount unit on factory provided vibration isolators. PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 26 32 13 ENGINE GENERATORS PAGE 5 OF 8 2.05 ACCESSORIES Double-Wall Sub-base Fuel Tank: 250 gallon steel tank, with fill and vent, inner tank leak detector alarm kit, low fuel alarm kit. Exhaust Silencer: Critical grade type silencer, with muffler companion flanges and flexible stainless steel exhaust fitting, sized in accordance with engine manufacturer's instructions. Batteries: Heavy duty, diesel starting type lead-acid storage batteries, 170 ampere-hours minimum capacity. Match battery voltage to starting system. Include necessary cables and clamps. D. Battery Tray: Treated for electrolyte resistance, constructed to contain spillage. Battery Charger: Current limiting type designed to float at 2.17 volts per cell and equalize at 2.33 volts per cell. Include overload protection, full wave rectifier, DC voltmeter and ammeter, and 120 volts AC fused input. Provide wall-mounted enclosure to meet NEMA 250, Type 1 requirements. Battery Heater: Thermostatically controlled to maintain battery temperature between 50 ° F and 90 ° F. Line Circuit Breaker: NEMA AB 1, molded case circuit breaker on generator output with integral thermal and instantaneous magnetic trip in each pole, sized in accordance with NFPA 70. Include battery-voltage operated shunt trip, connected to open circuit breaker on engine failure. Unit mount in enclosure to meet NEMA 250, Type 1 requirements. Weatherproof emergency stop break-glass device mounted to weather-protective enclosure adjacent to enclosure access door. Wire to emergency stop terminals at control panel. Electronic Digital Engine-Generator Control Panel: NEMA 250, Type 1 generator mounted control panel enclosure with engine and generator controls and indicators. Include provision for padlock and the following equipment and features: 1. Frequency Meter: 45-65 Hz. range, 3.5 inch (89 mm) dial. AC Output Voltmeter: 3.5 inch (89mm) dial, 2 percent accuracy, with phase selector switch. AC Output Ammeter: 3.5 inch (89 mm) dial, 2 percent accuracy, with phase selector switch. 4. Output voltage adjustment. Push-to-test indicator lamps, one each for low oil pressure, high water temperature, overspeed, and overcrank. 102313 6. Engine start/stop selector switch. 7. Engine running time meter. PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 26 32 13 ENGINE GENERATORS PAGE 6 OF 8 8. Oil pressure gage. 9. Water temperature gage. 10. Auxiliary Relay: 3PDT, operates when engine runs, with contact terminals prewired to terminal strip. 11. Additional visual indicators and alarms as required by NFPA 110. 12. Remote Alarm Contacts: Pre-wire SPDT contacts to terminal strip for remote alarm functions required by NFPA 110. Remote Annunciator Panel: Surface mounted panel with brushed stainless steel. Provide audible and visible indicators and alarms required by NFPA 110. 1. High battery voltage (alarm). 2. Low battery voltage (alarm). 3. Low fuel (alarm). 4. System ready. 5. Anticipatory-high water temperature. 6. Anticipatory-low oil pressure. 7. Low coolant temperature. 8. Switch in off position (alarm). 9. Overcrank (alarm). 10. Emergency stop (alarm). 11. High water temperature (alarm). 12. Overspeed (alarm). 13. Low oil pressure (alarm). 14. Line power available. 15. Generator power available. 16. Lamp test and horn silence switch. Weather-protective Enclosure: Reinforced steel housing allowing access to control panel and service points, with Iockable doors and panels. Include fixed louvers, 250 gallon fuel tank, battery rack, and silencer. 102313 PROJECT NO, BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 26 32 13 ENGINE GENERATORS PAGE 7 OF 8 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. 3.02 Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field inspection and testing will be performed under provisions of Section 26 04 00. B. Provide full load test utilizing portable test bank for four hours minimum. Simulate power failure including operation of transfer switch, automatic starting cycle, and automatic shutdown and return to normal. Testing shall be in accordance with NFPA 110, paragraph 7.13. C. Record in 20 minute intervals during four hour test: D. 3.03 3.05 3.06 Kilowatts. 2. Amperes. 3. Voltage. 4. Coolant temperature. 5. Room temperature. 6. Frequency. 7. Oil pressure. Test alarm and shutdown circuits by simulating conditions. MANUFACTURER'S FIELD SERVICES A. 3.04 1. Prepare and start systems under provisions of Section 26 04 00. ADJUSTING A. Adjust work under provisions of Section 26 04 00. B. Adjust generator output voltage and engine speed. CLEANING A. Clean work under provisions of 26 04 00. B. Clean engine and generator surfaces. Replace oil and fuel filters. DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Provide systems demonstration and training under provisions of Section 26 04 00. Provide a minimum of (2) two - (4) four hour demonstration and training sessions. 102313 PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 26 32 13 ENGINE GENERATORS PAGE 8 OF 8 B. Describe loads connected to emergency and standby system and restrictions for future load additions. C. 3.07 FUEL A. 3.08 After final acceptance provide a complete fill of the generator fuel tank. MAINTENANCE CONTRACT A. 3.09 Simulate power outage by interrupting normal source, and demonstrate that system operates to provide emergency and standby power. Provide as part of the base bid a (10) ten year preventive maintenance contract. EXTENDED WARRANTY A. Provide as part of the base bid a (10) ten year extended warranty. END OF SECTION 102313 PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR