Presentation to Regulatory Policy Institute Merton College Oxford 14 September 2010 Cause 1: Monetary policy Asset bubble inflates Asset bubble bursts Real Rates Above trend Rate of growth Negative real interest rates Fed funds rate 2001 - 2008 7 Nov. 05 to Dec. 07 6 percent 5 4 3 2 1 0 Dec. 01 to Nov. 04 Cause 2: Shadow Banking Rating Agency Borrowers Originating/ Sponsor Bank ABS SPV Brokers SIV/ Conduit stub stub Financial Guarantee Insurance Monolines CDS Collateralised loan Credit Protection sellers Hedge funds Rating agency ABCP Investors Cause 3: Shift in US resolution policy 3 month USD LIBOR-OIS spread in percent, June 2007 – November 2009 3m $ Libor-OIS spread 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Jul07 A ug07 Sep07 Oct07 N o v07 D ec07 Jan08 F eb08 M ar08 A pr08 M ay08 Conditional Containment Jun08 Jul08 A ug08 Sep08 Oct08 Meltdown Jun07 N o v08 D ec08 Jan09 F eb09 M ar09 A pr09 M ay09 Jun09 Jul09 Unconditional Containment A ug09 Sep09 Oct09 N o v09 Probability of bail out determines risk Likely to be rescued Likely to be abandoned Probability of default 20% 20% Loss given default 25% 25% Loss given bail out 0% 0% 95% 5% 25 bp 475 bp Probability of bail out Expected loss Moving toward Meltdown 3 month $ LIBOR – OIS spread in percent 15 September 2008 to 15 October 2008 7.10 Iceland 4 3.5 3 17.9 AIG 2.5 19.9 Gtee MMMF 22.9 Goldmans Morgan Stanley 29.9 TARP rejected 30.9 Ireland 2 1.5 1 3.10TARP enacted 0.5 0 15-Sep-08 30-Sep-08 19.9 TARP proposed 15.9 Lehmans 18.9 Lloyds/ HBOS Source: Huertas, Crisis 25.9 WaMu 26.9 – 29.9 Wachovia 15-Oct-08 3.10 – 6.10 Wachovia 26.9 – 29.9 Bradford & Bingley 26.9 – 29.9 Fortis/Dexia 3.10 – 6.10 Fortis 26.9 – 29.9 HRE 3.10 – 6.10 HRE The world economy goes into free fall Quarterly GDP Volume Growth Percentage change on the previous quarter 1% 0% -1% -2% Q4 2009 Q3 2009 Q2 2009 Q1 2009 Q4 2008 Q3 2008 Q2 2008 Q1 2008 Q4 2007 -3% Source: OECD A cure for crises requires a comprehensive and consistent framework Macroeconomic policy Resolution Regulation Deposit guarantee scheme Supervision Regulation ü Capital ü ü ü ü Correct trading book regime Improve quality of capital Increase quantity of capital Introduce leverage ratio as back-up ü Liquidity ü Introduce global liquidity standard ü Remuneration ü Introduce regulation to assure that remuneration promotes effective risk management Supervision ü Change approach ü Pro-active ü Forward looking ü Stress testing ü Recovery plans ü Intrusive ? Change organisation ? In UK ? In EU ? In US Deposit guarantee schemes ü Co-insurance eliminated ü Limits raised ? Operations improved to enable prompt pay out ü In US ü In UK ? In EU ? Funding ? Backstop from government ? Pre-funded ? If so, risk-based? Resolution ü Special resolution regimes for banks ü In US ü In UK ? In EU ü ? ? ? Recovery and resolution plans Resolution funds Bank taxes Restructuring ? Make banks smaller ? Make banks simpler Recovery and resolution plans (‘living wills’) Recovery plan Recovery Capital Plan Resolution Plan Recovery Liquidity Plan Plan to sell businesses/subsidiaries OPTIONS 1. D A T A 2. 3. 4. Plan to wind down/liquidate trading book Early equity Injection Share transfer (TPO) Deposit transfer/ Bridge bank Liquidation/ Deposit pay-off Overview of Resolution Methods Taxpayer support Immediate impact/cost Long-term impact/cost (moral hazard) Going/gone concern None Very high Eliminates moral hazard Gone Limited High Improves market discipline and reduces cost Gone TBD TBD TBD Going Very high Limited High (increases moral hazard) Going Options under SRR 1. Liquidation/ deposit payoff 2. Deposit transfer/ bridge bank 3. Share transfer/TPO Option outside SRR Early equity injection From bail-out to bail-in intervention Solvent wind down Execute Bail-in Recovery Sale Deposit transfer/ Bridge bank COB Friday Monday Asia open Subsequent “month” Macro-policy ü Introduce macro-prudential policy ü Create counter-cyclical buffer in banks ? Develop other macro-prudential tools ? Limits on loan to value ratios ? Direct transactions to central counterparties ? Others? ü Introduce systemic risk boards ü In US ü In UK ü In EU ? Have systemic risk boards identify and mitigate systemic risks in a timely fashion, including those risks that emanate from policymakers themselves