Electric Motors and Drives in Torsional Vibration Analysis

Proceedings of the Forty-Second Turbomachinery Symposium
October 1-3, 2013, Houston, Texas
Timo P. Holopainen
Senior R&D Engineer
ABB Motors and Generators
Helsinki, Finland
Jouko Niiranen
Corporate Executive Engineer
ABB Drives and Controls
Helsinki, Finland
Pieder Jörg
Senior Drives Expert
ABB Drives and Controls
Zürich Area, Switzerland
Davide Andreo
Product Manager
ABB Mining
Dättwil, Switzerland
Timo Holopainen received his M.Sc. degree in 1987 from Helsinki University of
Technology, Mechanical Engineering. He
began his career at VTT Manufacturing
Technology working with strength and
vibration control of marine structures.
Later, he focused on vibrations of rotating
machines and received his Dr. Tech. degree from Helsinki University of Technology, Electrical Engineering. Currently he works with rotordynamics and vibration control of large electric motors at ABB
Motors and Generators, Technology Development. He is a
member of API 684 Task Force (Rotordynamic Tutorial) and
IFToMM Technical Committee for Rotordynamics.
Davide Andreo is currently Product Manager for Drive Systems at ABB Mining in
Dättwil, Switzerland. Previously to that he
worked as R&D Engineer at ABB Medium
Voltage Drives, in Turgi, Switzerland,
where he focused on electrical drive systems design and motor control software
for applications including Oil & Gas. He
received his M.Sc. degree in Mechatronics
Engineering in 2008 from the Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
Jouko Niiranen received his M.Sc degree in
1980 and Dr. Tech. degree in 1990, both
from Helsinki University of Technology,
Finland (now Aalto University). Niiranen
started with Stromberg (later ABB) traction
drives in 1981. During 1989-1993 he was
as a researcher with the Power Electronics
and Electric Drives Laboratory of Helsinki
University of Technology. Since 1993 he
has worked with ABB in various research positions dealing
with torsional vibration damping, converter control, simulations and wind turbine drives. Niiranen has also been a docent
at Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering, Finland,
since 1994.
Pieder Jörg received his M.Sc degree 1995
from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich. He joined ABB at Corporate Research in the area of power electronics. In 2002 he joined the business unit
Medium Voltage Drives as head of product
development. Since 2010 he is focusing on
business and technology development for
demanding drives applications. He has
been involved in various studies and improvement projects involving large VSD driven systems with demanding rotor dynamics.
Two types of prime movers are continuously applied for
rotating machinery: mechanical and electric drives. This tutorial focuses on electric drives, which are actually composed of
separate components: electric motor, frequency converter (optional), and electric network including transformers.
The main aim of this tutorial is to explain the phenomena
of electric drives related to the torsional vibrations. All the
components of an electric drive may affect torsional dynamics
of the system. Naturally the main concern is torsional excitations. Another aspect is the electromechanical interaction in the
air-gap of the motor that produces electromagnetic torsional
stiffness and damping. These and other similar phenomena,
related to the electric drives, have been observed on test fields
and site conditions. The scope of the paper includes the most
common induction, synchronous and permanent magnet motors.
First, the various rotor structures of electric motors are
discussed. Then, the effects of electromagnetic stiffness and
damping on the torsional dynamics are introduced. Next, the
main electric excitations are presented and their effect on drivetrain dimensioning is discussed. Various modelling and analysis methods are also presented for drive-trains with an electric
The previous sections focus on the motor without any frequency converter. The rest of the paper deals with the variable
speed drives. First the main voltage source inverter, current
source inverter and load commutated inverter drive types, their
operational principles and application areas are introduced.
Then the harmonic and inter-harmonic torsional excitations are
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
explained that depend on the configuration and control of the
frequency converter.
The main functionality of a variable speed drive system is
the speed-control feedback loop. This loop is used to maintain
the preset speed. Although this feedback loop is also a potential
source of instability it can with proper tuning be used to damp
low frequency torsional resonances.
The analysis guidelines and design principles are distributed throughout the paper. The paper is concluded with summary
and main recommendations.
The electrical drives are composed of an electric motor and
its electric supply system. Thus analysis cannot always be limited to the electric drives but have to be extended over the
whole electric drive from the shaft-end to the electric grid including the optional frequency converter.
In order to predict the vibration behaviour of any torsional
system, the inertia and stiffness characteristics of all the components are needed. Typically, the electromagnetic stiffness and
damping due to the electromechanical interaction in the air-gap
are ignored, but they can be important when improved prediction accuracy of natural frequencies or damping is required. In
addition, to dimension the drive-train components, all the excitations must be known both in the rated operation conditions
and during the different failure occurrences.
In most industrial cases, the drive train components are designed and manufactured by various vendors. Usually, these
vendors are well familiar with their own component, but only
superficially acquainted with other components. This poses a
challenge to the system integrator to successfully design his
The main aim of this tutorial is to explain the phenomena
of electric drives related to the torsional vibrations, with a target audience of mechanical engineers with background in torsional dynamics but without previous knowledge of electrical
machines. The scope of this paper will be the modelling, analysis and design of electrical drives as a part of torsional systems.
The function of electric drives is to convert electric energy
into the form of mechanical energy. The electric energy is supplied by the electric grid and the mechanical energy appears as
a rotating shaft end. The main parameters describing the electric drives are power and speed. The basic principles of electric
drives and power conversion are presented, e.g. by Fitzgerald,
et al. (2003) and Barnes (2003).
Power Conversion
The power conversion is produced by the magnetic field in
the air gap between the rotor and stator. The magnetic field is
characterized by the number of poles. The number of poles is
defined by the motor construction. Because every north pole of
a magnet has to have a corresponding south pole, the number of
poles is always even. Figure 1 shows a cross-section of the
electromagnetically active parts of a small electric motor. The
main structural parts of an induction motor are shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 1. Magnetic Field of a Four-Pole 15 kW Induction Motor (Holopainen and Arkkio 2008).
Stator core
Stator winding
Rotor bar
Rotor core
Figure 2. Main Parts in the Core Region of a Four-Pole 15 kW
Induction Motor (Holopainen & Arkkio 2008).
Motor Speed
Most of the industrial motors are supplied by alternating
current (AC). There are also direct current (DC) motors, but
they are omitted in this paper. Two main types of AC motors
exist: synchronous and asynchronous. Asynchronous motors
are also called induction motors. The rotor of a synchronous
motor rotates synchronously, i.e. with the same angular speed
of the magnetic field. The relation between the synchronous
speed n1 and the motor supply frequency, given in revolutions
per minute (rpm), is
n1 =
60 × f1 rpm
p Hz
where f1 is the supply frequency in Hz, and p is the number of
pole-pairs of the motor. It can be seen that the number of poles
(= 2 p ) is closely related to the speed of the motor. For example, the speed of a four pole synchronous motor fed from 60 Hz
grid is 60 · 60 Hz / 2 rpm/Hz = 1800 rpm.
The rotor of an asynchronous motor rotates asynchronously, i.e. with a lower angular speed than the magnetic field. The
relation between the rotor speed and the motor supply frequency of an asynchronous motor in rpm is
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
n = 60 × (1 - s ) ×
f1 rpm
p Hz
where s is the slip. The slip is the relative speed difference
between the magnetic field and rotor angular speed
n1 - n
nated rotor core and the rotor cage (Figure 1). The lamination is
made of electrical steel sheets with thickness for example 0.5
mm. The typical materials of the cage are copper, aluminum
and bronze. In addition, the rotor core of large motors usually
includes axial and radial air ducts for the cooling purposes.
Synchronous Motors
where n1 is the synchronous rotational speed in rpm. The typical order of magnitude of the slip is 0.01 - 1 percent in the rated
operation condition. Thus, the load only slightly affects the
speed of induction motors.
Adjustment of Speed
As shown above, the rotational speed of direct-on-line
(DOL) motors is quite fixed. Stepwise speed control is possible
with special pole-changing induction motors that have more
than one set of windings in their stator. With a 60 Hz grid, the
rpm alternatives for synchronous speeds are: 3600, 1800, 1200,
900, etc. Pole-changing motors usually have two or three consecutive speeds from the previous list as their synchronous
Due to the fairly obvious advantages of stepless speed control, the application of frequency converters has increased remarkably during the last twenty years. The main task of the
frequency converter is to adjust the frequency of the voltage fed
to the motor in order to achieve the needed rotational speed or
torque. This can be achieved with various control schemes with
or without speed feedback.
Electric Grid
The last component of an electric drive is the electric grid.
There are remarkable variations in electric grids used to supply
electric motors. An essential feature of these distribution grids
is the stability. The quality of power supply affects directly the
torsional dynamics of a drive-train including a DOL motor. The
unbalance between the phases and short circuits are wellknown examples of electrical network disturbances appearing
as extra excitations. As an additional benefit, if a frequency
converter is used, most of these disturbances originated in the
grid are isolated from the torsional system.
The rotor construction of an electric motor varies greatly
depending mainly on the motor type, motor size and operational speed. The different constructions balance the electromagnetic and mechanical requirements of various applications. The
electrical requirements are closely related to the total electric
losses and the mechanical requirements to the rotor strength
and thermal stability.
Induction Motors
The typical features of an induction motors are: the lami-
The large synchronous motors have two basic designs:
salient or non-salient pole rotors. The salient pole rotors are
used for lower speeds and the poles are usually made of laminations of steel. However, there are some applications where solid
steel poles are preferred. The armature and damper winding
together with additional cooling ribs are mounted around the
poles. The poles are usually removable and mounted separately
on the rotor shaft.
The non-salient pole rotors are used for higher speed applications. The typical speeds are 1500 rpm and above. The core is
usually made of solid steel with milled slots, but there are also
laminated constructions with similar slots. The armature winding is located in the slots.
The synchronous motors with permanent magnet technology rely on magnets fitted in or on the rotor. The rotor core is
usually made of steel laminations.
Rotor Inertia and Stiffness
A proper torsional analysis and design of a drive-train requires that there is adequate data describing the stiffness and
inertia characteristics of the rotor. A common industrial practice is based on the rotor drawing with complementary data
from motor manufacturer.
In practice, all the rotor constructions are fabricated structures consisting of possibly hundreds of separate parts. These
parts are fitted together by different connection methods like
dovetail joints, bolted joints, friction joints, interference fits,
wedging etc. In addition, some of the fabricated rotors are resin
treated, which affects the joints of the structure. Finally, due to
the different thermal expansion factors of steel and winding
materials like copper, the connection between the parts may
change as a function of rotor temperature.
The distribution of rotor inertia is usually relatively wellknown and can be easily used in the rotordynamic analyses.
The determination of the torsional stiffness characteristics is
more problematic. The easy part is to calculate the torsional
stiffness of the solid part of the rotor without any joints. For
cylindrical sections, there is a well-known simple formula for
the torsional stiffness
πGD 4
32 L
where G is the shear modulus, D is the diameter, and L is the
length of the section. When the cross-section of a solid shaft is
non-cylindrical, analytical formulas can be applied (Wilson
1956, API 684). A typical example of these is a spider shaft. In
addition, the finite element method can be used for more complicated cross-section geometries and for the modeling of abrupt shaft changes in axial direction. This means that the stiffness of the solid shaft part of the rotor can be estimated with
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
desired accuracy. The most challenging aspect is to determine
the stiffening effect of the rotor core.
1 percent, is a good choice for rotors of electric motors.
Stiffening Effect of Rotor Core
The stiffening effect depends on the rotor core construction. For example, the stiffening effect of a laminated core with
radial air-ducts without resin treatment is naturally small. The
stiffening effect can be estimated by different calculation methods. An essential observation is that the laminated rotor core is
transversely isotropic and defined by the five independent elastic properties (Pilkey 1994). The material properties in transversal direction are close to those of steel. In axial direction the
modulus of elasticity is much lower. Garvey et al. (2004) reported typical values for the modulus of elasticity in axial direction: Ea = 120,000 – 260,000 lbf/in. 2 (0.8 – 1.8 GN/m2). The
potential radial air-ducts reduce this equivalent axial value even
more. Further, the axial modulus of elasticity can be used to
estimate the effective shear modulus that is required when the
stiffening effect is evaluated.
The published information about stiffening effect is focused mainly on lateral rotordynamics (Garvey, et al. 2004).
They present an approach to model the stiffening effect of laminated rotor core and a method to determine the required parameters from experimental results. This approach can be applied for the parameter estimation of stiffening effect in torsional vibrations. A common approach is to measure the natural
frequencies of a free-free rotor and adjust the physical parameters to predict as many lowest modes as possible.
The torsional modes and frequencies of an electric motor
rotor are determined by the distribution of stiffness and inertia.
Typically, the main part of the inertia is roughly evenly distributed in the rotor core. In some synchronous machines, there is
another remarkable inertia in the form of an exciter. A characteristic parameter related to the torsional behavior is the relative
diameter of the rotor core compared to the core length. In general, the relative diameter is smaller with rotors for higher rotational speeds.
As an example, Figure 3 shows the five lowest torsional
modes and frequencies of a two-pole 9400 hp (7 MW) induction motor. The relative rotor diameter is 0.46 and the rotor is
rigidly fixed in the coupling end.
Rotor core
Mechanical Damping
Considering that the rotor of an electric motor is fabricated
and there are usually plenty of friction joints, it is a bit surprising that the mechanical damping is usually low. This observation is consistent with the experience of drive-train damping.
The typical damping ratio of a gearless drive train is about 1
percent (Corbo and Malanoski 1996). The typical drive-trains
include electric motors and thus these values can be applied for
the mechanical damping of their rotors.
Analysis Guidelines
The modeling of the solid steel part and the inertia of the
rotor is relatively straightforward. It is good to remember that
the torsional stiffness is proportional to the fourth power of the
shaft diameter. Thus, the shaft sections close to the coupling
and the drive-end journal are most flexible and dominate the
motor contribution to the coupling mode (= nodal point of the
mode roughly in the coupling). Anyway, the pivotal component
dominating the coupling mode frequency is usually the coupling.
The stiffening effect of the rotor core varies depending on
the core structure. Motor manufacturers may have experimental
values for stiffening effect of different core structures. These
values, if available, may improve particularly the prediction of
higher frequency modes. In these modes, the torsional deformation occurs along the core region.
While the rotor is a fabricated structure with multitude of
parts, a damping ratio applied for general torsional systems, e.g.
Figure. 3 The Five Lowest Torsional Modes of a Two-Pole
9400 hp Induction Motor with Rigidly Fixed Coupling End on
the Left. High up, the Geometry of the Shaft without Rotor
Core is Shown.
Even Distribution of Torque
The electromagnetic field in the air-gap of an electric ma-
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
Figure 4 shows the relative strain/kinetic energy for the
unit harmonic excitation torque with a modal damping factor (2
percent). The example rotor is the same two-pole 9400 hp rotor
presented above. The effect of boundary condition is evaluated
by applying fixed (=rotation restricted) or free connection (=
rotation totally free) in the coupling end. It is assumed that
these two extreme conditions give qualitatively the overall picture of the behavior with real torsional trains. The natural frequencies of these modes with fixed boundary condition are
between 49 Hz and 2031 Hz. The five lowest modes are shown
in Figure 3. The natural frequencies with free boundary condition are between 0 Hz and 1864 Hz. The zero frequency mode
(No 1) is the rigid body mode and the first elastic mode has the
frequency 269 Hz. Finally, Figure 4 shows also the relative
strain/kinetic energy in the resonance with fixed boundary condition and excited by a unit torque in the maximum modal amplitude of the core region.
Figure 4 shows clearly that the evenly distributed torque
(in the same phase) will be effectively cancelled out by the spatial variation of the second and higher modes. The effect of
boundary conditions in the coupling end seems to be minor.
The cancelling effect due to torque distribution cannot be
present when the torque is given in one point on the core. Thus,
the decreasing curve of the unit torque response, in Figure 4,
means that the relative mode energy decreases with increasing
mode number. The additional decrease between the unit torque
and evenly distributed torque response shows clearly the cancelling effect of the mode shapes. It can be added that the rotor
stresses, determining the dimensions, are proportional to the
square root of the strain energy.
The example rotor used in the example calculations was
slender with relative rotor core diameter 0.46. The situation
changes slightly when the rotor core is shorter or it is unsymmetrically located on the shaft. However, it can be concluded
that, in general, only the lowest mode, i.e. the coupling mode,
can be effectively excited by the electromagnetic torque.
In addition, if there are other drive-train modes with motor
core oscillating without twisting, these modes are prone to electromagnetic excitations. One example is the vibration mode of
a synchronous motor with twisting between the motor core and
exciter. Usually, the excitation of higher modes, with natural
frequency clearly above the coupling mode, is effectively cancelled out.
Analysis and Design Guidelines
The most prone mode for the electrical excitations is the
lowest mode, i.e. the coupling mode. In addition, the electromagnetic excitation may excite drive-train modes with motor
core oscillating without significant twisting. The higher modes
with motor core twisting cannot be excited easily by electrical
excitations. Among other things, this means that the high-order
harmonics (6 th, 12th …) of frequency converters are effectively
cancelled out by electric motors.
In order to model the high-frequency behavior reliably, it is
essential to use a refined model, i.e. short elements, for the rotor core and apply evenly distributed torque to describe the
electromagnetic excitations. These modeling principles are necessary to model the cancelling effect of high-frequency modes.
chine produces electromagnetic forces between the rotor and
stator. These electromagnetic forces on the surface of the rotor
can be divided between the radial and tangential components.
Only the tangential component in circumferential direction, i.e.
electromagnetic traction, is relevant on the torsional behavior.
The distribution of this electromagnetic traction has useful regular features. Particularly, if we consider any arbitrary time
instant, the amplitude of electromagnetic traction is practically
constant as a function of axial coordinate and varies cyclically
in the circumferential direction. This means that the distributed
traction on the surface of the rotor generates an electromagnetic
torque, which is evenly distributed over the length of the core.
These general statements about a) the prismatic distribution of
traction, and b) the even distribution of torque, are true for the
distributed load, and separately for each harmonic component.
Thus, the torque distribution of a) the fundamental field, b) the
harmonic components, and c) the inter-harmonic components
are evenly distributed over the rotor core. In addition, the distributed torque of each component has a common phase over
the rotor core.
There is one exception for the prismatic distribution of
traction. In some motors, the rotor or stator slots are skewed in
order to reduce the harmonic components of electrical torque.
Modal Sensitivity Factor
The evenly distributed torque over the length of the core
together with the variation of modal amplitudes determines the
effective torque of each mode. The effective modal torque can
be calculated by integrating the product of the evenly distributed torque and the mode shape over the rotor core. The comparison of modal excitation sensitivity for electromagnetic torque is
more difficult. One measure to evaluate this modal sensitivity is
to calculate the kinetic or strain energy in the resonance condition.
fixed, even
free, even
fixed, max amp.
Relative mode energy
Mode No.
Figure 4. Relative Mode Energy in Resonance Condition Excited by an Evenly Distributed Unit Torque or by a Unit Torque in
Maximum Modal Amplitude of the Core.
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
Significance of Electromechanical Interaction
Electromechanical Interaction
The significance of electromagnetic stiffness and damping
is dependent on the application. The presented 1250 hp motor
was used to drive a blower in a direct-on-line application
(Holopainen et al. 2010). This drive-train is basically a twoinertia system with the lowest natural frequency at 28.1 Hz
without electromechanical interaction. In the rated operation
condition the supply frequency is 60 Hz and the rotational
frequency 14.9 Hz, i.e. 892 rpm.
The electromagnetic interaction increased the torsional
natural frequency 4.3 percent up to 29.4 Hz and the purely
electromagnetic damping ratio was 0.6 percent. In addition, the
originally rigid body mode at 0 Hz appears in the rated
operating condition at 5.1 Hz. The damping ratio of this mode
is 23 percent. This natural frequency and mode remains usually
unnoticed because the electromagnetic damping is so large
It can be concluded that the significance of electromagnetic
effects is dependent on the mode shape and particularly the
vibration amplitude of the rotor core. The inertia ratio, i.e. the
motor inertia divided by the load inertia, of the example
machine is relatively small 0.57. This leads to large relative
amplitude of the rotor core, and further, to more significant
effects of electromechanical interaction.
The electro-mechanical conversion of power is produced
by the constant component of air-gap torque. The timeharmonic components of the torque are torsional excitations.
These electromagnetic excitations will be considered in the
next section. In addition to the valuable torque production and
the harmful excitations, there is a third phenomenon related to
the time-variation of the electromagnetic torque. The source of
this phenomenon is the interaction of the rotor oscillation and
the electromagnetic fields. Due to this interaction an oscillating
motion produces always a corresponding harmonic torque with
the same frequency. This interaction turns up as an electromagnetic stiffness and damping coefficients. These resemble the
negative stiffness and damping coefficients applied in lateral
rotordynamics of electrical machines, but are somewhat different.
Example of Stiffness and Damping
Figure 5 shows, as an example, the calculated electromagnetic stiffness and damping of an eight-pole 1250 hp (932 kW)
induction motor for blower application. The motor operates in
steady-state condition with the supply frequency of 60 Hz and
the stiffness and damping is determined for the oscillating motion as function of its frequency.
Figure 5 shows that the electromagnetic stiffness is relatively constant over the frequency range. The drop the stiffness
is related to the supply frequency of 60 Hz. The electromagnetic damping varies strongly. The most significant is the range of
negative damping between 49.7 -59.4 Hz. This range is located
somewhat below the supply frequency. The damping coefficient approaches the value 10600 Nms/rad when the frequency
approaches zero. This damping value at zero frequency is equivalent with the derivative of the speed-torque curve in the rated
operation point. It can be concluded that the electromagnetic
damping is strongly dependent on the oscillation frequency.
Other Machines
The electromagnetic stiffness and damping presented in
Figure 5 is qualitatively representative for induction machines.
The general shape of the curves follows from the physical principles of induction motors. Thus, the presented behavior is inherent for all induction motors. Thus, it can be assumed that the
electromagnetic stiffness is always positive and that the damping has a negative value in a frequency range just below the
supply frequency.
Figure 6 shows electromagnetic stiffness and damping of a
36000 hp (27 MW) salient-pole synchronous motor for piston
compressor application. The supply frequency is 50 Hz and the
Stiffness [kNm/rad]
Damping [Nms/rad]
Stiffness [MNm/rad]
Damping [kNms/rad]
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 5. Torsional Stiffness and Damping of a 1250 hp Induction Motor with Supply Frequency 60 Hz (Holopainen et al.
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 6. Torsional Stiffness and Damping of a 36000 hp Synchronous Motor with Supply Frequency 50 Hz (Holopainen et
al. 2010).
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
rotational speed 200 rpm. As can be seen by comparing Figures
5 and 6, the behavior is qualitatively very similar. There is only
one exception: the electromagnetic stiffness at zero frequency
is larger than zero 27.6 MNm/rad. The frequency of originally
rigid body mode increases up to 2.7 Hz and the damping ratio
up to 14.0 percent due to electromagnetic interaction. It can be
mentioned that this mode is sometimes critical because the piston excitations are relatively large and may coincide with this
The behavior of permanent magnet motors is different. The
rotor construction of these motors does not include windings.
Without windings there will not be any anomaly in stiffness
and damping values close to the supply frequency and thus, the
frequency dependency is small. In addition, the electromagnetic
damping is small compared to induction and other synchronous
Design and Analysis Guidelines
The electromagnetic stiffness and damping affects the torsional dynamics of the system. Currently, the inclusion of these
effects is not common. The reason for this is most probably the
missing interface between the rotordynamics and electromagnetic calculations.
It is clear that the effect of electromagnetic interaction is
largest in the coupling mode and particularly in applications
were the load inertia is large compared to the motor inertia. In
addition, it is known, and can be cautiously used, that the electromagnetic stiffness may increase the natural frequency of the
coupling mode by some percent.
The electromagnetic damping can be regarded mainly as an
additional bonus for the mechanical damping of the system.
However, it is good to be aware of the negative damping ratio
below the supply frequency. In our induction motor example
the negative damping ratio frequency was 83…99 percent and
in the synchronous motor example 92…100 percent of the supply frequency. The contribution of negative damping could be a
problem, if there is a torsional mode close to the supply frequency. However, there are recommendations, and in some
standards requirements that all the natural frequencies of a
complete train must be removed at least 15 percent (API 541
Induction motors) or 10 percent (API 546 Synchronous motors)
from the line frequency.
Steady State Operation
The electromagnetic excitations of an ideal electric motor
in steady state operation are usually very small. The potential
excitations occur at high frequencies due to slot harmonics. The
meaning of these harmonics is usually minor in the design of
the torsional drive-train.
If the voltage supply is unsymmetrical, there will be an
excitation torque at twice-line frequency. In principle, a rotor
eccentricity may also appear as a twice-line excitation source.
Theoretically, there is not any excitation at line frequency for a
three phase motor, and it is difficult to find any non-ideality to
generate this component. However, there seems to be empirical
observations that indicate the existence of line frequency exci-
tations. It has been suggested representative torque magnitudes
of 1.0 percent of rated torque for the line frequency excitations
and 0.5 percent for the twice-line frequency excitations (Wachel and Szenasi 1993, Corbo and Malanoski 1996, API 684).
The direct-on-line start of an electric motor generates high
transient torque fluctuations at line-frequency. The length of
this air-gap transient is usually a fraction of a second. The maximum torque amplitude is dependent on the motor characteristics but the typical values are 4-7 times the rated torque.
The direct-on-line start of a synchronous motor has an additional excitation component which must be considered particularly with large motors. This torsional excitation occurs at two
times the slip frequency when the motor operates in the asynchronous starting mode. The frequency of this excitation can be
given by the formula
f exc = 2 f1 ×
n1 - n
This means that the excitation will be two times the line frequency at start and will reduce linearly with speed increasing
towards the operational speed. Because the coupling mode is in
practice always below the twice-line frequency, this loading
will excite this resonance vibration. Though this resonance will
be transient, this loading is usually critical for the dimensioning
of shaft systems of large synchronous DOL motors. The starting of synchronous motors has been presented in API 684 (API
684) and discussed thoroughly by Corbo et al. (2002).
Electric Faults
A short-circuit is the most common electric fault affecting
the electric motor and thus the whole drive-train. Two types of
these failure cases are typically used for the dimensioning of
the system: three-phase and two-phase short-circuit. Single
phase-to-ground faults are much rarer and less severe for the
motor and are thus usually neglected.
The transient of the three-phase short-circuit is very similar
than the transient of the DOL start of the machine. The frequency of this transient is the line-frequency and the typical
maximum amplitude of the fluctuation 4-7 times the rated airgap torque.
The two-phase short-circuit includes two frequencies: the
line and the twice-line components. The maximum amplitude is
typically 5 – 15 times the rated air-gap torque. Figure 7 shows
an example of a two-phase short-circuit torque.
It can be added that the short circuit torque amplitude is
dependent on the location of a short circuit. If the fault occurs
far away in the supply network, the short-circuit torque will be
attenuated. In principle, the situation is worst when the short
circuit occurs in the motor terminals. This worst case scenario
is usually applied in the calculations.
Reclosure and Bus-transfer
The power supply of an electric motor can be interrupted
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
by faults in the power system. The reapplication of the power is
carried out by the breaker reclosure. This may involve a bustransfer where the power transmission supply line is changed. It
is important that a premature reclosure of a motor may induce a
transient, which in induction motors can be as high as 15 – 20
times the rated torque (API 684). The synchronous motors have
similar behavior and the reclosure torques can be even higher.
The reason for these torque transients is the residual magnetic
flux which remains in the motor after the voltage supply is interrupted. The transient torque is generated by the interaction of
this residual flux and the new current inrush due to the reclosure. The induced torque transient is a function of the remaining residual flux and the phase difference between the residual
flux and the flux generated by the inrush currents. The remedy
for these transients is the adequate reclosure control (API 684,
NEMA MG-1, ANSI C50.41).
Electrical calculations provide the air-gap torque in steadystate operating, starting and fault conditions. Usually, it is not
reasonable to apply the air-gap torques directly to the dimensioning of the drive-train components and driven machine. A
more refined dimensioning is based on the dynamics of the
drive-train system. As an example, we consider in this section
the dimensioning torques of the coupling.
A Simple Two-Inertia System
We assume that the drive train can be simplified to a simple two inertia system: electric motor – coupling – driven machine. This system can be presented by the formula (Ehrich
I1 I 2 d 2y
T1 ( t )
+ B12
+ K12y =
I1 + I 2 dt
I1 + I 2
Two-Phase Short Circuit Torque
Per Unit Torque
where I1 and I 2 are the mass moments of inertia for the motor
and driven machine, K12 is the torsional stiffness between the
inertias, B12 is the viscous damping coefficient, y is the angle
of twist in the connecting shaft, and T1 ( t ) is the air-gap torque.
The amplitude of the shaft end torque, T̂12 , due to the harmonic
air-gap torque, T1 ( t ) = Tˆ1 sin wt , can be written in the form
Time [s]
Figure 7. A Typical Two-Phase Short-Circuit Torque in the
Air-Gap of a Motor.
Tˆ12 = Tˆ1 ×
I1 + I 2
(1 - t ) + ( 2zt )
Analysis and Design Guidelines
The steady-state excitations seem to be negligible from the
torsional dynamics point of view. The most important excitation for the dimensioning of drive-train components is usually
the two-phase short-circuit. The maximum air-gap amplitude of
this fault condition is typically 5-15 times the rated torque of
induction and form-wound synchronous motors. The maximum
torque of permanent magnet motors is remarkably lower, typically 2-3 times the rated torque. The motor manufacturer provides usually this maximum amplitude for each motor.
It is significant that the excitation frequencies of main
short-circuit faults occur at one and two times the grid or supply frequency, i.e. 60 Hz and 120 Hz. This means that the adverse effect of these transients can be avoided by adjusting the
natural frequencies far enough from these frequencies. This will
be discussed in the next section.
One remarkable challenge is the DOL start of large synchronous motors. Sometimes, the design of drive-train components is based on the limited number of starts during the lifetime of the motor.
A premature reclosure may generate a very strong transient
air-gap torque. The main frequency component of this torque
depends on several parameters and cannot be predicted easily.
Thus, the risk for drive-train failure is large when a premature
torque appears. Thus, the recommended approach is to apply an
adequate reclosure control.
where t is the frequency ratio between the exciting frequency
divided by the undamped natural frequency of the torsional
system, and z is the damping ratio.
Inertia Factor
Equation (7) shows that the shaft-end torque is obtained
from the harmonic air-gap torque by multiplying it with two
terms: the inertia factor (= the load inertia divided by the total
inertia) and the dynamic amplification factor. Figure 8 shows
the effect of the ratio I1/I2 on the shaft-end torque. It can be
seen that the quasi-static shaft end torque is always lower than
the air-gap torque. For constant acceleration or deceleration of
the drive the frequency ratio is zero and thus the inertia factor
gives directly the amount of the shaft-end torque.
Figure 8. Effect of Ratio I1/I2 on the Inertia Factor.
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
Dynamic Amplification Factor
Tˆ12, sc = Tˆ1, sc ×
Figure 9 shows the effect of the dynamic amplification factor
on the shaft-end torque. The excitation frequency is assumed to
be 60 Hz.
z = 0.0
z = 0.02
I1 + I 2
Asc (t , z )
(1 - t )
2 2
+ (2zt )2
where Asc (t , z ) is the factor for the short-circuit loading. Figure 10 shows this term multiplied by the dynamic amplification
factor as a function of torsional natural frequency for a 60 Hz
z = 0.10
z = 0.0
z = 0.02
z = 0.10
Figure 9. Dynamic Amplification Factor as Function of Natural
Torsional Frequency with 60 Hz Excitation Frequency.
Figure 9 shows that the dynamic amplification factor has a remarkable effect on the shaft end torque. Usually, the torsional
natural frequency is clearly lower than the supply frequency.
Thus, the dynamic amplification is lower than one, e.g. with
torsional natural frequency 20 Hz we get for the dynamic amplification factor 0.125. The effect of damping outside the resonance is minor.
Equation (7) gives the shaft-end amplitude for the harmonic excitation. The amplitudes of harmonic excitations in rated
operating condition are very small. The recommended design
values are typically 1 – 2 percent (API 684) and thus the shaft
end torque oscillation will be very small assuming that the excitation does not coincide with the resonance frequency. Usually,
the shaft-end torque due to electrical faults is more significant
for the dimensioning of the coupling and other drive-train components. Next, we consider the two-phase short-circuit as an
example of electric faults.
Two-Phase Short-Circuit
A simplified form of a two-phase short-circuit can be given
by the formula (DIN 4024)
) (
Tsc (t ) = 10T0 e - t 0.4 sin w1t - 12 e - t 0.4 sin 2w1t - T0 1 - e - t 0.15
where T0 is the rated torque of the motor and w1 is the angular
grid or supply frequency. This transient excitation can be used
to evaluate the dynamic amplification factor of two-phase
short-circuit loads. An updated version of Equation (7) including the effect of the transient excitation can be written in the
Figure 10. Amplification Factor for Transient Short-Circuit
Load (DIN 4024) as Function of Torsional Frequency of the
Lowest Mode with 60 Hz Grid Frequency.
By comparing Figures 9 and 10 we can observe that the amplification factor of the transient excitation is lower than that of
the harmonic excitation up to about 100 Hz. When the natural
frequency of the torsional system is higher than 100 Hz, the
twice-line component excites this natural frequency. Figure 10
shows clearly that when the natural frequency is clearly lower
than the supply or grid frequency, the amplification factor is
less than one.
Other Loads and General Drive-Trains
The simple calculation example above was based on the
two-inertia model of the drive train and only the harmonic and
short-circuit excitations were studied. However, this simple
example is representative for general drive-train systems. First,
a two-inertia model with a torsional spring can be extracted
from a general drive-train system. The motor inertia is, in practice, without exceptions one of these two inertias. Thus, the
two-inertia model represents adequately the lowest torsional
mode. Second, the fault conditions and starting are the main
excitation sources. All of these loads are transient by nature.
These transient loads occur at line and twice-line frequency.
Thus, the lowest excitation frequency occurs at supply frequency. Third, the inertia ratio, presented in Figure 8, is determined
typically by the application and drive-train arrangement. Thus,
the inertia ratio may only decrease the shaft-end torque. Fourth,
and finally, the transmission of all these transient excitations
can be eliminated by designing the lowest natural mode clearly
below the grid or supply frequency. The amplification factor is
less than one when the frequency ratio is about 0.75, i.e. the
natural frequency is 45 Hz with 60 Hz supply frequency.
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
It must be added two exceptions for the main excitation
frequencies. The starting of salient-pole synchronous motors
excites all the frequencies between zero and twice-line frequency and the premature breaker reclosure may generate low frequency excitations. The first one is unavoidable but the vibration amplitude can be attenuated by accelerating (or decelerating) the system as quickly as possible over the resonance frequency. The best way to handle the premature breaker reclosure
problems is to resort to adequate reclosure control methods.
Analysis and Design Guidelines
The air-gap torque is determined by the electric system and
the transient torque values are large compared to the rated
torque. The dimensioning torque is the shaft-end or coupling
torque which usually differs from the air-gap torque remarkably. There are two main parameters determining the ratio of
these two torques: a) the inertia ratio, and b) the amplification
The inertia ratio is usually determined by the application.
The gear ratio must be included to the calculation of an equivalent inertia. The quasi-static shaft-end torque is always smaller
than the air-gap torque and can be much smaller if the inertia
ratio is large (Figure 8).
The amplification factor is a function of frequency ratio.
The amplification factor can be decreased clearly by decreasing
the frequency ratio. The frequency ratio is the ratio between the
natural frequency of the coupling mode and the supply frequency (Figure 10).
The example calculations presented above have been based on
simple models. The design of actual drive-trains requires torsional models capable to represent the real behavior of the system. There are various alternatives to model the electromagnetic part of the system.
Equivalent Circuit Model
One step forward is to model the motor with an equivalent
circuit model. This is an analytic model describing the main
behavior of a motor. The input variables of this model are the
frequency and voltage. This equivalent circuit model is coupled
to the rotordynamics by the air-gap torque and angular velocity.
The angular velocity describes the rotational speed of the rotor
and torsional vibrations. This equivalent circuit model can be
used both for steady-state and transient analyses. The main
challenge seems to be the coupling of the mechanical rotordynamic model to the electrical equivalent circuit model.
The rotordynamic model is represented as a system of second
order differential equations while the equivalent circuit model
is described by the first order system. Usually, the rotordynamic model is transformed into the form of first order system and
the models are combined directly. Another challenge is related
to the input parameters of the equivalent circuit model. These
parameters can be calculated by analytical or numerical methods based on the electrical design of the motors. Thus, the motor manufacturer has a key role if a reliable model is needed. It
can be added that the control software of frequency converters
includes the equivalent circuit model as a motor description.
Drive-Train Model Included in Electromagnetic Motor Model
The most advanced model type is a fully integrated electromechanical rotor model. In this approach the electromagnetic behavior is modeled by Finite Element Method (FEM) and
the mechanics of the drive-train is included as an integrated
part of the calculations. This approach is computationally very
onerous, because the electric system is non-linear and the calculations are usually carried out in time-domain. Thus, this
approach is currently applicable mostly for research and development purposes.
Electric Loads Only
Operational Principles
The torsional analysis of a drive-train including an electric
motor can be carried out using various approaches. The simplest approach is to model only the mechanics of the motor
rotor. This means the modeling of stiffness and inertia and application of modal damping ratio for global modes. The electromagnetic loads can be applied either as a part of harmonic or
transient analysis.
Electromagnetic Stiffness and Damping
A slightly more refined analysis can be carried out by including the electromagnetic stiffness and damping into the
model. These values are dependent on the operating condition
and oscillation frequency (Holopainen et al. 2010) and they
must be calculated beforehand either analytically or numerically. This approach is suitable particularly for stead-state harmonic analyses.
With frequency converters it is possible to control motor
speed with very low losses. Thus considerable savings of energy can be gained compared to fixed speed drives with vane or
other throttling control of the flow. Another advantage is
smooth start of high inertia loads.
Figure 11 shows the structure of a variable speed drive
system (VSDS). Note that there are many other terms and acronyms used in the literature, for example Adjustable Frequency
Drives (AFD), Adjustable Speed Drives (ASD), Variable Frequency Drives (VFD), etc.
The converter adjusts the speed and torque of the AC motor by changing the frequency and magnitude of the voltages
and currents fed to the motor. The attainable torque and power
of a motor with rated 1 per unit current is shown in Figure 12 as
a function of the speed in addition to the motor’s magnetic flux
and voltage.
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
AC grid
Speed or Torque reference Process
proportional to the speed squared, the decreasing motor torque
and increasing load torque usually limit the maximum speed of
the drive not to be far above the nominal speed. However, the
motor is usually slightly over-dimensioned and thus, if necessary, it is possible to use field weakening range to increase the
production of the equipment beyond the value that is attainable
by a direct on line operation of the motor.
Main Types
The basic structure of a frequency converter is shown in
Figure 13. The input section contains the devices such as circuit
breakers, supply transformers and harmonic filters that may be
needed for the AC grid connection.
Figure 11. Structure of a Variable Speed Drive System.
Figure 13. Structure of a Variable Speed Drive System.
Figure 12. Attainable Torque and Power of a Typical Induction
Motor Drive with Rated 1 Per Unit Current as a Function of the
Speed. Magnetic Flux and Voltage of the Motor are Also
The mechanical power P, voltage U, current I, speed n and
torque T are related with the following approximate per unit
Equation (10)
P = hUI cos j = nT
The rectifier converts the AC from the grid into DC. The
DC-link contains capacitors and/or inductors that are needed to
smooth the ripple in the DC.
The inverter converts the DC into variable frequency and
variable amplitude voltage and current that is fed to the motor.
Sometimes an additional du/dt or sinus filter is needed to
smooth the waveform fed to the motor.
The frequency converters can be categorized as current
source and voltage source converters depending on the output,
current or voltage, that the rectifier with the DC link provides
for the inverter.
Current Source Converters
where η is the efficiency and cos φ is the power factor. Thus if
the motor’s efficiency is 0.95, power factor is 0.86 and the current has its rated 1 per unit value at nominal 1 per unit speed
where both the voltage and the flux are 1 per unit, both the
power and torque will be about 0.82 per unit*.
The linear increase of the voltage with the increasing speed
means that the magnetic flux inside the motor is kept at its rated
value. If the speed is increased above the nominal 1 per unit
speed, the magnetic flux has to be decreased in order to prevent
the motor voltage exceeding its rated value. Thus the speed
range above the nominal speed is called field weakening range.
As can be seen from Figure 12 and the Equation E1 the
power corresponding to the rated current will be constant in the
field weakening range. Respectively the torque will decrease
inversely proportional to the speed. As the load torque often is
* Note that a common convention with per unit base values is to define the rated mechanical power of the motor as 1 per unit. With this
scaling the per unit current value corresponding to rated torque at rated
speed will be higher than 1 per unit. In Figure 12 a different scaling is
used for clarity.
Two common current source converter drive schemes are
shown in Figure 14. These are often called load commutated
inverter (LCI) drives. The 12-pulse version is used at higher
power ratings.
The rectifier controls the DC current and the inverter selects sequentially the phases of the motor where the DC current
is fed. Thus phase currents of the motor consists of positive and
negative blocks of DC current that have a duration of one third
of the cycle. The 12-pulse version motor is wound in such a
way that there is 30 degrees phase shift between the two threephase winding sets.
Both the rectifier and the inverter of the LCI have thyristors, also known as Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR), as their
semiconductors. As can be seen, the basic building block is the
six-pulse bridge assembly consisting of six thyristors. Six-pulse
converter has two bridges and the 12-pulse converter has four.
Because thyristors cannot itself force their current down to
zero after they have been turned on, the motor has to be capable
to provide reactive power for this purpose. Thus LCI drives
usually drive wound rotor synchronous motors.
Alternative to LCI is the Current Source Inverter (CSI) that
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
has Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) or Integrated
Gate Controlled Thyristors (IGCT) instead of thyristors and
thus can control all AC motor types.
6-pulse bridge
DC inductor
DC inductor
Phase current waveform
Figure 14. Six- and Twelve-Pulse Load Commutated Current
Source Converter Drives and Their Ideal Phase Current Waveform.
The most common voltage source converter type is shown
in Figure 15. The rectifier is an uncontrolled diode bridge that
feeds essentially constant DC voltage to the inverter that has
IGBTs with anti-parallel connected diodes.
In each phase only one transistor can conduct at any time.
If the upper transistor conducts, positive voltage is fed to motor
phase. Negative voltage is connected when the lower transistor
is conducting. Because motor phase can have only two voltage
levels this type of inverter is called two-level inverter.
DC inductor
Voltage Source Converters
pulses with varying duration. By controlling the average value
of the voltage pulse train by sinusoidal variation of their durations the phase currents of the motor can be made approximately sinusoidal. This control principle is called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).
Two-level converters are almost exclusively used to drive
low voltage motors up to 690 V rating. The power range extends to several megawatts.
For higher powers and medium voltage motors multilevel
converters are used. The first multilevel converter was threelevel neutral point clamped (NPC) converter, Figure 16, that
was introduced to 3.3 kV multi-megawatt drive applications in
the mid-eighties. It had Gate Turn-Off (GTO) thyristors instead of IGBTs as semiconductor switches. In addition to IGBTs IGCTs are used today in NPC drives.
As the name implies, the phase voltage of a three-level
inverter can have three voltage levels: minus, zero and plus.
This naturally means that it is easier to achieve good sinusoidal
motor currents. Another advantage is the reduction of the steps
in the phase voltage to half of the DC voltage that decreases the
stress caused to motor winding insulations.
Another three-level converter scheme is the Neutral Point
Piloted (NPP) that is also shown in Figure 16.
DC capacitor
Figure 15. Two-Level Voltage Source Converter Drive that has
Diodes in the Rectifier and IGBTs in the Inverter. Example of
the Phase Voltage Waveform Is Also Shown.
The IGBTs can be turned on and off any time using their
gate input. Due to this it is possible to feed induction motors in
addition to synchronous motors. Moreover, instead of single
pulse per half cycle it is possible to produce multiple voltage
Figure 16. Examples of the Three-Level Voltage Source Converter Drives that Have Diodes in the Twelve Pulse Rectifier
and IGBTs in the Inverter. Example of the Phase Voltage
Waveform Is Also Shown. NPC = Neutral Point Clamped, NPP
= Neutral Point Piloted.
For more than three levels the Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB)
scheme shown in Figure 17 is often used. As can be seen, it
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
consists of several converter cells that are fed separately from
their transformers. The name H-bridge refers to the shape of the
two phase inverter section of the converter cell. The voltage
between each cell’s output terminals can be minus DC, zero or
plus DC voltage depending on which IGBTs are conducting.
By cascading the cells in their outputs more combinations are
obtained. The phase voltage of the motor fed by the five-level
converter shown in Figure 17 can levels -2DC, -DC, 0, +DC
and +2DC voltage.
More information about different converter topologies can
be found for example from Kazmierkowski et al. (2011).
Figure 18. a) Two-level voltage source inverter represented as a
set of switches, b) Voltage vectors that the inverter can output.
Figure 17. Five-Level Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) Converter
and Example of its Phase Voltage Waveform.
Instead of the three phase voltages or phase-to-phase voltages a common visualization of the converter voltage output is
with vectors. The IGBTs of the two-level inverter shown in
Figure 15 has the functionality of changeover switches as
shown in Figure 18. These switches can be set in eight ways.
Two of these cause motor voltage to be zero. Thus two-level
inverter can produce one zero and six non-zero vectors. Multilevel converters have more switches and thus more combinations and voltage vectors. For example, three level converter
can produce 18 non-zero vectors in addition to zero vector.
When the output voltage of the inverter is fed to a threephase motor, magnetic flux will develop inside the motor. The
flux in the stationary motor frame, the stator, is called stator
flux. The direction and speed of the movement of the stator flux
vector tip can be influenced by the selection of voltage vector,
see Figure 19. If a zero voltage vector is applied the stator flux
will not change. Non-zero voltage vector will move the flux
vector tip to the directions shown in the figure. Thus applying a
proper sequence of voltage vectors the flux vector can be rotated as desired.
Stator flux vector
Figure 19. Influence of the Voltage Vectors to the Stator Flux.
If the motor is an induction motor, the rotating stator flux
will induce currents to the short-circuited rotor winding fixed to
the shaft. These rotor currents produce another flux, the rotor
flux, that will rotate inside the motor. Due to the inductances
and resistances of the rotor winding the rotor flux will follow
sluggishly the changes in the stator flux.
The mechanical torque produced by the motor is proportional to the triangular area between the stator and rotor fluxes,
see Figure 20. If the stator flux vector is rotated with the speed
of the shaft both vectors will be on top of each other and the
area between them, the torque, will be zero. Rotating the stator
flux faster than the rotor is turning causes the rotor flux to lag
behind the stator flux. Thus accelerating torque is produced. If
the stator flux vector is rotated slower than the rotor is turning
the stator flux will be lagging the rotor flux and thus the torque
will be braking the motor.
Stator flux vector
Rotor flux vector
Figure 20. Torque Is Proportional to the Area of the Triangle
between the Stator and Rotor Fluxes. The Path that the Tips of
the Counterclockwise Rotating Vectors Have Traveled Is
Shown with Dotted Lines.
Synchronous motors have either permanent magnets or
externally fed rotor windings that produce the rotor flux. Thus
they are able to produce torque also when the rotor rotates at
the same speed than the flux. In order to change the motor
torque only a temporary deviation of the stator flux vector’s
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
rotation speed from the rotor speed is necessary.
From Figure 20 one can see that torque can be increased
also by increasing the flux magnitude. However, the magnetic
saturation of the iron makes it impractical to use flux densities
above 1 - 1.5 tesla range. Thus there is an optimum value for
the flux magnitude around which the flux can be kept by optimized sequence of the voltage vectors as shown in Figure 20.
There are three basic ways to control the motor by frequency converters: Scalar control, rotor oriented vector control
and direct torque control (DTC). The following subsections will
give an overview on each of them.
Scalar Control
Scalar control, often referred as “constant volts per hertz
control” is the simplest control method. The sequence of the
voltage vectors of the inverter is produced by a control block
called pulse width modulator. The transistors of the inverter are
switched in such a way that both the average magnitude of the
voltage vector and its rotational speed is proportional to speed
command of the motor up to the rated speed. In this way the
magnitude of the stator flux vector is approximately constant up
to the rated speed and weakened above that as shown in Figure
In its basic form the scalar control does not need any feedback from the motor. The only input is then the speed reference. Thus it is also called open loop control. In practice at
least the motor phase currents are measured and used to compensate the resistive voltage drop of the motor windings that
tends to decrease the flux at low speeds. This function is commonly called IR compensation (IR = current I multiplied by
resistance R). The magnitude of the motor currents can further
be used to roughly compensate the induction motor speed variation due to the slip of the motor.
If higher speed accuracy is needed a speed sensor (often
called tachometer) and speed controller can be added. This kind
of control is called closed loop scalar control. However, the
control dynamics of the scalar control in general are not very
good and thus its ability to actively damp torsional resonances
is limited.
Rotor Oriented Vector Control
The rotor oriented vector control adds a model of the motor
to the control system, Figure 21.
Figure 21. Rotor Flux Oriented Vector Control.
Motor model is used to estimate the torque and flux producing current vector components from the measured phase
currents. These components are controlled to be equal to their
references by current controllers that are usually PI (proportional and integral) type. The torque current reference is usually
calculated by the speed controller that is not shown in Figure
21. The flux reference is defined by a function block from the
motor speed.
The outputs of the current controllers are the stator voltage
vector reference components. The pulse width modulator block
is used to define a sequence of voltage vectors that has the average value equal to the reference vector.
The motor model has the rotor time constant as parameter.
This time constant is the ratio of the rotor inductance to rotor
resistance. These values depend on the magnetic saturation and
temperature of the rotor that makes the accurate torque control
challenging. Many rotor time constant estimation algorithms
have been developed in order to improve the situation.
The motor model requires also the position of the rotor.
However, the zero position can be arbitrary. Thus an incremental encoder (also known as pulse tachometer) is commonly
used. Typically this kind of sensor gives few thousand pulses
per revolution. By counting the pulses the rotor position can be
calculated. Moreover these pulses can be used to calculate an
estimate of the motor speed and thus a very accurate speed control can be achieved that is often capable to actively damp the
torsional resonances.
However, if the accuracy and performance requirements of
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
the speed control are not very high and there is no need to operate the drive close to zero speed for longer periods the pulse
tachometer can be omitted and the rotor position and speed can
be estimated instead. It is important to note that although there
is then no speed sensor in the motor there is a feedback from
the estimated speed calculated by the control system. Thus this
is called sensorless closed loop control.
Direct Torque Control
Direct torque control (DTC) has also a motor model. The
model estimates the motor torque and stator flux. However,
DTC is quite immune to motor parameter variations in a wide
motor speed range because the flux and torque estimations of
the control system have only one and easily measurable parameter related with the motor, namely the stator resistance. Thus it
is possible to drive many applications without speed or position
encoders using estimated speed as actual value. An incremental
encoder (pulse tachometer) is needed if continuous braking
near or at zero speed is necessary.
Direct Torque Control has two hysteresis control loops,
Figure 22. The flux controller keeps the stator flux magnitude
in a narrow hysteresis band around the reference value. When
the flux tries to escape from the hysteresis band a request for
increase or decrease flux is issued.
Flux reference
and torque
Flux sector
Control of Current Source Inverters
The control of the current source inverters (CSI) and load
commutated inverters (LCI) differs from voltage source inverters (VSI) described above. In VSI drives the inverter takes care
of the whole motor control and the rectifier can be an uncontrolled diode bridge. In CSI and LCI drives the rectifier controls
the current that flows in the DC link. The inverter only selects
the motor phases where the DC current is injected.
Due to this difference CSI and LCI drives are usually vector controlled and cannot be used to drive several parallel connected motors.
From the dynamical point of view the main difference lies
in the speed with which the motor current can be changed. In
VSI drives the DC link capacitor allows the current (and thus
the torque) to be changed very fast. The DC link inductor of the
CSI and LCI drives restricts changes in the current and thus
makes it difficult to change the torque rapidly.
CSI drives usually use pulse width modulation of the current pulses in the low speed range in order to obtain smoother
torque. However, LCI drives rely on the commutation of the
thyristors that is driven by the motor voltage, and thus depending on the pulse number of the converter there are either six or
twelve commutation instants per one cycle and no way to do
PWM. This further means that the control delays in the LCI
drive are quite big especially at low speeds and for a six-pulse
Moreover, at lowest speeds the motor voltage is too low
for commutation. Thus the DC current has to be briefly controlled to zero in order to turn the thyristors off in the inverter.
The drawback of this pulsed operation at low speeds is the increase of the torque pulsation especially when a high startup
torque is required.
Torque reference
Figure 22. Principle of the DTC Control. (Courtesy of ABB)
The other hysteresis controller controls the torque in a similar manner in order to keep it within a narrow hysteresis band
around the reference value.
The IGBT control signals are defined directly using a lookup table that has the requests of the flux and torque controllers
as input. Thus if flux and/or torque requests are set a new voltage vector is produced that will bring the flux and torque back
to their hysteresis band in shortest time.
A system based on hysteresis control does not need a separate pulse width modulator because the voltage vectors and thus
the pulse widths are defined by the controller itself. Due to the
compact control algorithm very fast computation, typically less
than 25 microseconds, is possible in the control processor.
Because DTC control will always use the voltage vector
that moves the torque fastest towards the reference, the control
reaction to a speed or torque error is very fast. The response is
limited only by the leakage inductance of the motor and the
voltage reserve, that is, the difference between the DC link
voltage and the peak voltage induced in the motor windings.
Due to the fast torque control DTC suits well for the damping of the torsional resonances. However, the difference between the DTC and PI current control performances is in practice quite small.
One of the insidious traits of torsional vibration in a VFD
system is that one may not be aware of its existence until the
system fails. Direct driven equipment usually has few outward
indications of high torsional vibration. Mechanical systems that
have a gear may give outward indications of gear vibration if
the magnitude of torsional vibration is very large relative to the
mean torque. Under these conditions “clattering” of the gear
teeth may be heard as the gear teeth oscillate from a loaded to
an unloaded condition. This clattering of teeth may also be
heard at low speed during slow speed acceleration when the
mean torque is very low. Torsional oscillations can additionally
transform into lateral oscillations on the pinion gear.
Sources of Torsional Excitations
All VFDs rectify alternating line current (AC), 50 or 60
Hz, to direct current, (DC), and invert the DC to variable frequency AC current. The AC-DC-AC conversion adds excitation frequencies to the system. Most of these components have
varying frequency that depends on the motor speed. Thus the
excitation frequencies may be even higher than the frequency
of the AC grid.
Figure 23 shows how the six-pulse diode bridge rectifies
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
the AC voltage to DC voltage. The DC voltage forms as parts
of the sinusoidal phase-to-phase AC voltage waveforms of
which only one is shown for clarity. Thus the result is six voltage pulses per AC cycle. Figure 13 shows ideal situation where
all three phase-to-phase voltages have equal magnitude. In
practice there is always some unbalance in the voltages. The
resulting DC voltage waveform has ripple not only six times
the grid frequency but also at twice the grid frequency.
As explained before, voltage source inverter connects the
DC voltage to the motor phases as a train of varying duration
pulses. Because of the ripple in the DC voltage, the height of
the pulses is not ideally flat but varies according the DC voltage
variation. Thus the motor phase currents are influenced both by
the durations of the pulses and their height variation. The motor
torque is defined by the currents and as a consequence the
torque ripple has components originating both from the rectifier
and the inverter operation.
U dc
U ac
Figure 23. Six Pulse Rectifier and the Voltage Waveforms.
Naturally the DC-link filter capacitors and inductors will
reduce the DC ripple but they cannot attenuate it completely.
The same applies to the pulse width modulation methods of the
inverter that usually strive to compensate the DC voltage variation by modifying the pulse durations accordingly.
What has been said above about voltage source inverters is
also valid for the current source ones. DC current ripple is
caused by the rectifier voltage and pulses of the current are fed
to the motor by the inverter. The torque ripple depends on both
the durations and heights of the current pulses.
Due to this duality of the sources of the torsional excitations one can divide the excitations into harmonic oscillations
that are caused by the durations of the pulses and the interharmonic excitations that are due to the combined effect of the
pulse durations and the variation of the pulse heights.
Harmonic Excitations
The phase current of an LCI drive shown in Figure 14 has
two pulses per cycle. In a 6-pulse LCI there are three phases in
the motor. Thus the motor will get six pulses per cycle causing
the torque pulsation at six times the frequency the motor is fed.
For example, if the motor is fed with 40 Hz, there will be torsional excitation at 6 x 40 Hz = 240 Hz. In addition to this frequency there will be multiples of six times the motor frequency
in the torque as well. Thus there will be excitations at 12 x 40
Hz = 480 Hz, 18 x 40 Hz = 720 Hz, 24 x 40 Hz = 960 Hz, etc.
with decreasing magnitude. Because of the excitations being at
integer multiples of the motor supply frequency these excitations are called harmonic excitations.
It is important to note that contrary to the motor speed the
torsional excitation frequencies do not depend on the number of
the poles of the motor.
Using pulse width modulation (PWM) the number of pulses per cycle can be increased. Thus the torque ripple frequencies are shifted to higher frequency range and smoother torque
is obtained. The decrease of the torque ripple by PWM is further enhanced with voltage source inverters (VSI) due to the
additional smoothing of the phase currents by the inductances
of the motor windings.
Though the VSI drive’s torque is very smooth when compared with LCI drives, some excitations at six times the output
frequency and its multiples exist due to inaccuracy of the power
semiconductor turn-on and turn-off delays. Further, the measurement errors in the motor current sensors of the drive may
cause small excitations at the output frequency and twice the
output frequency. Typically VSI harmonic air-gap torque components having frequencies less than 60 Hz are smaller than 1
percent of the rated torque of the motor even without speed
controller damping.
The main difference between current source inverter (CSI)
or LCI drives and VSI drives is the behavior of the magnitude
of the torsional excitations as a function of the load. With CSI
and LCI drives the magnitude depends on the load torque but
with VSI drives it is quite the same at no load and at full load.
Thus a VSI drive usually has much lower excitations than a
LCI drive at rated torque but may have higher excitations at no
Interharmonic Excitations
The interharmonic or non-integer harmonic excitations are
caused in a VSI drive by the non-idealities in the PWM modulation and the intermediate DC voltage's ripple. Similar phenomenon is also present in CSI and LCI drives due to ripple in
the DC current.
Typically a 60 Hz fed six-pulse rectifier produces DC voltage ripple harmonics at 6 x 60 Hz = 360Hz and multiples of it.
However, there are usually components at all multiples of 120
Hz (2x60 Hz) because of the asymmetry of the AC mains supply's three-phase system. If the supply frequency is 50 Hz, the
components will be at multiples of 100 Hz, the most dominating being at multiples of 300 Hz. If a 12-pulse rectifier is used,
the most dominating frequencies will be multiples of 600 Hz or
720 Hz with 50 or 60 Hz supply, respectively.
The intermediate circuit has a filter that smoothes the
drive’s DC voltage or current. LCI and CSI drives have an inductor that filters the DC current and VSI drives have a capacitor that filters the DC voltage. Thus the higher frequency components are attenuated more than the lower ones. In practice the
most important DC harmonics are 120 and 360 Hz for 60 Hz
AC supply for both six-pulse and twelve pulse rectifiers. The
level of the 360 Hz component may, however, be rather small
with twelve pulse rectifiers, if the transformers feeding the series connected bridges have the same secondary voltages and
same short circuit voltages. In practice there are, however, always some differences due to manufacturing tolerances.
As has been previously stated, the output voltage of a VSI
drive consists of samples taken from the intermediate DC voltage. Thus the ripple in the DC voltage is sampled as well. Similarly the CSI or LCI drive’s inverter samples the DC current
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
quite low speeds and thus are not a problem if the drive is not
running continuously at low speeds.
The excitations with non-zero m values are related with the
DC voltage or current ripple. Most important of these interharmonics are obtained when k = 0, 6 or 12, and m = – 2 or – 6.
Especially for k = 6 and m = – 6 case when the drive output
frequency approaches the line frequency, the excitation frequency reduces and has the potential to excite the first torsional
mode. Thus the potential for torsional vibration associated with
interharmonic distortion occurs at speeds normally above 80
percent of rated speed, where the average torque is much higher
and operation sustained for long periods. Interharmonic distortion above 80 percent speeds then becomes a concern for high
cycle fatigue, see for example Tripp et al. (1993) and Hudson
(1992). Methodologies for analyzing systems with VFDs were
presented by Hudson (1996) and Grgic et al. (1992).
with its ripple. This sampling causes intermodulation frequencies to appear in the phase voltages and currents and thus in the
torque. A general formula for integer and interharmonic frequencies is
f = kf1 + mf line
where f1 is the inverter's output frequency, fline is the incoming
line frequency (50 or 60 Hz), k is a positive integer and m is a
positive or negative integer. The most important excitation frequencies are plotted in Figure 24 as a function of the frequency
of the inverter.
As stated before, usually the highest excitations of the most
critical torsional natural frequencies are obtained for integer
harmonic components with m = 0 and k = 6 or k = 12, that is six
and twelve times the output frequency of the inverter. However,
as can be seen from the figure, these are typically excited at
Speed of a two pole motor (rpm)
Frequency of the torsional excitation (Hz)
k=0, m= ±6
k=12, m=0
k=6, m=0
k=6, m= +2
k=12, m= +2
k=0, m= ±2
k=6, m= –6
k=6, m= –2
k=12, m= –2
k=12, m= –6
Output frequency of the inverter (Hz)
Figure 24. Most Important Harmonic and Interharmonic Excitation Frequencies of Motor Torque Represented on the So-Called
Campbell Diagram when the Supply Network's Frequency Is 60 Hz.
From Equation (11) and Figure 24 one can notice that excitations for k = 0 have the same frequencies as the DC intermediate circuit's ripple harmonics have. It is advisable to avoid
designs with ill-damped first natural mechanical resonance frequency near these frequencies.
With LCI drives it is thus quite straightforward to check
the situation with harmonic and interharmonic torsional excitations using a Campbell diagram similar to Figure 24 and information of the excitation magnitudes obtained from the drive
The situation may be little more complicated with VSI
drives although, due to the PWM modulation and smoothing of
the current by the motor inductances, the excitation amplitudes
generally are often so small that they can be neglected. If the
pulse width modulation (PWM) used in VSI is synchronized
with the output frequency, that is, the switching frequency is an
integer multiple of the output frequency, all excitations are according to Equation (11). However, due to the limited maximum switching frequency of the power semiconductors, the
PWM pulse pattern has to be changed at several speeds. These
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
changes may cause small transients in the torque that temporarily cause torsional vibrations. The magnitude and decay of
these transients depends on the damping of the mechanical system and the ability of the drive’s speed control to damp the
mechanical resonances.
Another PWM scheme is to use constant switching frequency in the whole speed range. Then the PWM pattern is not
synchronized with the output frequency. This causes additional
interharmonic components in the torque. This phenomenon can
sometimes be seen on the measured Campbell diagram as sidebands around the main excitation frequencies. In general these
components are quite small in magnitude if the switching frequency is in the kilohertz range. Thus most often these can be
discarded in the torsional analysis.
Figure 25 is an example of a measured shaft torque spectrum variation of an accelerating VSI drive. These kinds of
diagrams are often called as waterfall or 3D-diagrams. The
spectrum measured at the start of acceleration is at the bottom
of the figure and the one measured at the end of the acceleration is at the top. The frequency of the vibration can be read as
the distance from the left. Thus Figures 24 and 25 are similar in
their layout though the vibration frequency range of the diagram in Figure 25 is 0...250 Hz and the corresponding axis is
horizontal. The magnitude of the vibration is presented in Figure 25 by the heights of the peaks in the figure.
ics with non-zero m can be seen crossing the 47 Hz mechanical
resonance near the top of the diagram.
In order to clarify the relationships between output frequency of the inverter, torque harmonic excitation frequencies,
mechanical resonance frequency, pole pair number and rotational frequency the following example will be considered: The
torsional resonance frequency fres is 20 Hz and line frequency
fline is 60 Hz. The potential for torsional vibration caused by
harmonic torques occurs for k = 6 at 20 Hz / 6 ≈ 3.3 Hz, that is,
at relatively low speed. If the motor has two poles (one pole
pair), the corresponding speed will be only about 3.3 Hz · 60
rpm/Hz ≈ 200 rpm. If the motor has four poles (two pole pairs)
the speed is about 100 rpm. Higher order harmonics would
match the resonance frequency at drive output frequencies and
speeds that are even lower than this. Therefore the potential for
torsional vibration is transient in nature as these speeds are
crossed rapidly during startup acceleration or during shutdown
deceleration. Further, at such low drive output frequencies the
mean torque applied to the drive train components is often quite
low, and therefore, the mean stress in drive train components is
low even for CSI and LCI drives that have harmonic components proportional to the mean torque.
From Figure 24 and Equation (11) one can see that the
interharmonic torque component associated with k = 6 and m =
–6 will be at 20 Hz when the inverter's output frequency f1 is
either (- mf supply - f res )/ k = 56.67 Hz or (- mf supply + f res )/ k
= 63.33 Hz. As stated before, the pole pair number has nothing
to do with these frequencies of the excitation. However, the
pole pair number affects the speed of the motor on which the 20
Hz resonance excitation takes place. If the pole pair number is
one, the speeds will be 3400 rpm and 3800 rpm, plus minus the
slip. If the pole pair number is two, the speeds will be 1700 rpm
and 1900 rpm, plus minus the slip.
Random Modulation Schemes
Figure 25. Example of the Shaft Torque Spectrum Variation
when the Measured VSI Drive Was Accelerating. The Frequency of the Supply Network Was 50 Hz. Frequency Range of the
Spectrum Analysis Was 0...250 Hz.
The accelerating torque can be seen in Figure 25 as a ridge
on the left at the zero frequency. A vertical ridge at 47 Hz is
due to the first torsional resonance frequency. The resonance
frequency was quite high because the measurement was made
with a back-to-back test setup where two motors were connected with each other. Third vertical ridge at 100 Hz is due to the
intermediate DC circuit's ripple at the same frequency. This
component becomes detectable only at higher speed range because magnitude of the DC ripple increases with the loading of
the rectifier bridge. The main diagonal ridge is caused by the k
= 6, m = 0 component, though there is a small component at the
output frequency (k = 1, m = 0) and multiples of it as well. This
component is typically caused by the offset error in the current
measuring equipment of the drive. Some traces of interharmon-
The modulation schemes described earlier have distinct
excitation frequencies that are related with the motor speed and
the frequency of the supplying AC grid. This is due to the cyclic behavior of the grid and the converter control system where
the sequence of events repeats itself constantly.
However, the pulse pattern of the PWM does neither have
to be synchronized with the output frequency nor the switching
frequency has to be constant. This kind of PWM scheme where
the pulse pattern does not repeat itself is called random modulation. This produces excitations where the spectrum does not
have any distinct components. Instead, the spectrum is continuous function similar to acoustic white noise spectrum.
White noise spectrum means that there are always some
excitations at every frequency but because the peaks are missing the excitations are significantly lower than with a spectrum
having only few distinct frequency components.
Moreover, due to the random nature of the excitations they
do not cause similar amplification due to torsional resonance as
a distinct harmonic frequency. White noise may temporarily
cause vibration to increase but then the exciting frequency
component disappears or its phase angle changes to a damping
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
one and the oscillation goes down again. Thus in most cases the
stress in the mechanics does not develop into harmful level.
One feature of the white noise excitation is that the drive
system is more robust against changes in the mechanical system
properties. For example change in the torsional resonance frequency due to stiffening of the elastomer in the coupling does
not cause much change in the stress level because the excitation
has the same low value at any frequency. Similar stiffening
with excitation spectrum having distinct harmonic and interharmonic components may cause severe consequences if the
resonance frequency comes near to one of the components.
Commonly used converter control method that produces
random modulation is hysteresis control. In this control scheme
the controlled variable, either motor current or torque, is maintained within a narrow hysteresis band around the reference
value by selecting new voltage vector, see Figure 18, every
time the controlled variable tries to escape the hysteresis band.
Direct Torque Control (DTC) shown in Figure 22 is one example of such systems.
A white noise spectrum can be also approximated by pseudo random modulation where the switching frequency of the
frequency converter power semiconductors is changed according to a long sequence of random values.
Kocur and Muench (2011) have presented a method to
model white noise excitations. However, it is important to notice that the amplitude values obtained by spectrum analysis of
the measured white noise torque depend on many factors. The
most influencing one is the length of the sample sequence used
in the analysis. For example, if the duration of the analyzed
torque measurement sample sequence is 0.5 seconds the analysis gives frequency components with 1/0.5 s = 2 Hz spacing. If
the analyzed sequence is longer, the components are more
densely spaced. For example an analysis based on 2 seconds
sequence will give 1/2 s = 0.5 Hz resolution. With a spectrum
having distinct frequencies, same magnitudes for excitation
components are obtained for both 0.5 second and 2 second sequences. However, for white noise the magnitude of the components is the smaller the more densely they are calculated.
Another related factor is the use of windowing of the data,
which has an impact on the amplitude of each calculated component. Thus there seems to be a need to standardize the method used to determine the torque spectrum.
Design Principles
If PWM is used in the converter the torque in the mechanical system is often smooth enough to allow unlimited speed
range for most applications. However, it is a common practice
to check the torsional vibration properties of the mechanics
when a drive for a high power system is designed.
Usually the torsional analysis is first made to determine the
mechanical resonance frequencies and resonance damping. It is
important to note that the taking account only the shaft line may
not be enough when the motor is not firmly on the ground.
Thus care has to be taken in marine and similar arrangements
where the supporting structures may not be rigid enough to be
The amplitudes of torsional vibration in the mechanical
system are determined using the data of excitation frequencies
and amplitudes of the converter driven motor. In some cases the
load torque is not smooth and has also to be taken into account
in the stress analysis. If the analysis indicates excessive stress it
may still be possible to lower the amplitudes to safe level by
actively damping the resonances by a suitable structure of the
speed controller and dedicated tuning.
For very demanding applications a computer simulation of
the complete system may be considered necessary. The computer model may take into account the nonlinearities and nonidealities of the electric, magnetic and mechanical components.
Moreover, the simulation can be used to optimize the dynamics
and stability of the speed control.
Feedback Loop Structure
In a typical process control application, it is possible to
identify the main blocks shown in Figure 26.
IGBT controls
Torque or
current control
Speed Control
Speed reference
Figure 26. Block Diagram of Drive System Control.
The process controller maintains the controlled process
variable, for example pressure, at its reference value by changing the speed reference accordingly. The speed controller of the
converter adjusts the torque reference in order to keep the speed
equal to the reference speed. Finally the torque is controlled by
the torque or current controllers to be equal to the reference
given by the speed controller.
Attenuation of Low Frequency Torsional Vibrations
The mechanical system of the driven equipment is usually
quite complex consisting of several rotating bodies connected
with shafts. Example of a three inertia system is shown in Figure 27.
The moments of inertia and the torsional stiffnesses of the
system define the torsional resonances of the drive train. For
the speed controller the most important thing is how the air-gap
torque produced by the magnetic forces between the stator and
rotor of the motor will influence the speed of the motor. This
can be visualized by a transfer function of which an example is
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
shown in Figure 28. The parameters of the system are:
J1 = 5.13×10 6 lbm-in.2 (= 1500 kgm2)
J2 = 3.25×10 6 lbm-in.2 (= 950 kgm2)
J3 = 14.0×10 6 lbm-in.2 (= 4100 kgm2)
K12 = 566×106 in.-lbf/rad (= 64 MNm/rad)
K23 = 257×106 in.-lbf/rad (= 29 MNm/rad)
c12 = 180×10 3 in.- s-lbf/rad (= 20 kNm·s/rad)
c23 = 80×103 in.- s-lbf/rad (= 9 kNm·s/rad)
sign of the mechanical system.
Regarding the excitations, it is important to notice that the
high frequency excitations well above resonance frequencies
are attenuated (torque amplification less than one) by the mechanical system as can be seen from Figure 29. Thus especially
in high power systems excitations above 100 Hz can often be
Shaft( 1- 2)
Shaft( 2- 3)
Figure 27. Example of a Drive Train Consisting of Three Moments of Inertia and Two Shafts with their Torsional Stiffnesses
and Dampings.
The torsional resonance frequencies are seen as peaks at
about 20 Hz and 60 Hz. In addition to these there are frequencies around 12 Hz and 50 Hz where the transfer function has
very low values. These are called antiresonance frequencies.
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 28. Example of a Transfer Function from Air-Gap
Torque to Motor Speed for a Three Inertia Rolling Mill System.
The low value of the transfer function at antiresonance
frequencies means that it is very difficult for the motor to oscillate the motor speed with these frequencies. As a consequence
the shortest possible response time that the speed control can
reach is defined by the lowest antiresonance frequency. As a
rule of thumb the response time is about the inverse of that frequency. Thus in the case shown in Figure 28 the achievable
response time of the speed control is about 1/12 Hz ≈ 80 ms. It
is important to realize that this value is defined only by the mechanical system and thus if there are special requirements for
the control dynamics it has to be taken into account in the de-
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 29. Example of the Amplification of the Air-Gap
Torque Excitations Calculated for the Shafts of a Three Inertia
Rolling Mill System with Same Parameters than in Figure 28.
The VFD control can be used to actively damp the mechanical oscillations occurring on the shaft, provided that they
are within the VFD control bandwidth. Typically the lowest
natural torsional resonance frequency has to be lower than half
of the torque control bandwidth in order to successfully damp
the resonance, see Annex B of IEC 61800-4 (2002). With DTC
typically more than 70...100 Hz control bandwidth is achieved.
Vector control can reach almost the same.
Usually the damping can be done by tuning the speed controller properly. Myszynski and Deskur (2010) presented rules
for tuning the commonly used PID speed controller to damp
resonances in a three moments-of-inertia mechanical system.
Often the limiting factor in the ability to damp torsional resonances is the delay caused by the speed measurement. It should
also be noted, that in-appropriate speed controller tuning can
also further contribute negatively to torsional damping.
Some VFD vendors propose also the usage of real-time
observers to estimate the torque or speed at different sections of
the mechanical system and thus be able to react on those. This
practice is quite common in high dynamic applications such as
rolling mills and metal manufacturing in general as exemplified
by Vauhkonen (1989) and Valenzuela et al. (2005), but is not
yet used much in the Oil & Gas business.
With the torsional damping control, the reasons of having a
very slow speed control are losing part of their motivations. By
allowing a faster speed controller, the system is able to react
faster to load changes. In this way, the oscillations after load or
speed changes are quickly attenuated and continuous excitations coming either from the motor or the driven load are prevented to be amplified by the mechanical resonances.
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
Design Principles
Above considerations result in the following best practices:
- Tune the process control in such a way that it is slower
than the speed control
- Have the speed control tuned to be slower than the VFD
torque control. This assumes big importance especially in
big LNG trains.
- Make sure that the speed reference or torque reference
given by the process control is free of noise and other interfering signals because these will be reproduced in the
motor torque and may excite mechanical resonances
- Make sure that the speed sensor is properly installed. For
example, eccentric mounting causes erroneous shaft rotation frequency component in the measured speed.
- Further, make sure that lateral vibrations of the motor are
not affecting the speed sensor operation. Any erroneous
fluctuation in the measured signal may become amplified
in the speed control and excite torsional resonances. It is
naturally possible to attenuate this kind of interfering signals by filtering but then it may be impossible to use the
speed control to damp resonances.
- Sometimes problems with speed sensors can be avoided
by using the VFD in torque controlled mode and integrating the drive directly in the process control. The VFD can
still be used for speed monitoring and fast protection.
If a direct-on-line connected AC machine is shortcircuited, it will produce high torques at the line frequency and
twice-line frequency.
Short circuits frequently occur in the supply network. Thus
it has been the practice to avoid mechanical resonance frequencies at these frequencies when the motor is directly fed from the
supply grid. However, when the motor is supplied with a frequency converter, its input frequency will vary and it may not
be possible to keep mechanical resonances outside the frequency range of continuous operation.
Luckily the short circuiting of converter fed motors is very
rare because the converter isolates the motor when there is a
fault in the supply network. Design principles have been dealt
with in detail in the paper by Grgic et al. (1992). Usually, short
circuits are considered not to pose any significant threat to the
mechanical system when frequency converters are used.
due to the shape of the higher modes within the electric motor.
The second observation is that the electromechanical interaction, i.e. electromagnetic stiffness and damping, may affect
significantly the coupling mode and its damping ratio, if the
load inertia is large compared to the motor inertia.
The third observation is that the dimensioning torque is
usually the short-circuit torque. The transient air-gap torque of
this fault can be easily calculated. The corresponding shaft-end
torque is determined by the inertia ratio and the frequency ratio.
The inertia ratio is determined by the application and cannot be
easily changed. By decreasing the frequency ratio, i.e. the frequency of the coupling mode divided by the supply frequency,
the shaft end loading can be decreased significantly.
Variable frequency drives bring considerable advantages
from a process control point of view. In addition, they improve
the conditions for the motor and drive-train during starting and
are able to protect the torsional system from disturbances in the
grid, such as unbalances and short circuits. However, due to
their inherent operating principle, the torque provided by variable frequency drives contains harmonics which need to be taken
into account during the system design of drive-trains, especially
for high power systems
Some variable frequency drives modulation schemes produce torques with distinct excitation frequencies, while others
produce a spectrum which is a continuous function similar to
acoustic white noise. In both cases, the designer of the shaft
line shall take into account the data of excitation frequencies
and amplitudes of the converter driven motor and use them to
feed the torsional mode shapes of the mechanical system. Doing so, one has to keep in mind, that closed-loop control can
change the torsional damping of the rotating equipment. This
can be used to actively damp torsional resonances, however
similarly, unintentional negative damping needs to be avoided
by choosing control parameters accordingly.
For very demanding applications, especially in the highspeed-high-power range, closed loop electromechanical simulations may bring additional confidence in the system design as
they consider nonlinearities of electric, magnetic and mechanical components.
The different possibilities to study the design leave the system integrator with the challenge to identify the appropriate
level of detail, which he needs to successfully design his system. He will have to revert to the component suppliers, not least
the drives and motor supplier, in order to get the necessary support in this decision making process, and then later the required
input data to his design.
This paper presented the modeling, analysis and design of
electric drives as a part of torsional systems. The subject was
reviewed from a broad perspective aiming to serve rotordynamic professionals with background outside of electric drives. The
analysis and design guidelines were proposed throughout the
paper. As a conclusion, the main points are repeated here.
One of the important observations is that only the coupling
mode, and to some extent, modes with their oscillation node
within the driven equipment are prone to electromagnetic excitations. The high-frequency excitations cancel effectively out
= Factor for short-circuit loading
= Viscous damping coefficient
= Diameter
= Shear modulus
= Current
= Motor mass-moment of inertia
= Load-machine mass-moment of inertia
= Torsional stiffness coefficient
= Shaft section length
Copyright© 2013 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
– 500 Horsepower and Larger,” Fourth Edition, American
Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.
= Power
= Torque
= Short-circuit torque
f exc
f line
f res
= Maximum amplitude of torque T
= Voltage
= Excitation frequency
= Grid frequency, 50 Hz or 60 Hz
= Torsional resonance frequency
= Motor supply frequency; output frequency of the
= Torsional stiffness; integer multiplier for inverter
= Speed
= Synchronous rotational speed
= integer multiplier for grid frequency
= Number of pole-pairs of the motor
= Slip of the rotor
= Damping ratio
= Efficiency
= Frequency ratio
= Power factor
= Angle of twist
= Motor supply frequency in radians
= Alternating current
= Adjustable frequency drive
= Adjustable speed drive
= Cascaded H-bridge
= Current source inverter
= Direct current
= Direct on line
= Direct torque control
= Finite element method
= Gate turn-off
= Insulated gate bipolar transistor
= Integrated gate controlled thyristor
= Load commutated inverter
= Neutral point clamped
= Neutral point piloted
= Proportional-integral
= Pulse width modulation
= Silicon controlled rectifier
= Variable frequency drive
= Variable speed drive system
= Voltage source inverter
cos j
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