1.2 Conventional Power Devices Power semiconductor devices have been grouped into two categories: the old or conventional devices that appeared before 1980, i.e., thyristor, GTO, triac, BJT and power MOSFET; and the second category of modern devices which appeared in 1980's, - IGBT, Superjunction MOSFETs. All power switches share a common rule. They all have a reverse biased space charge region to hold voltage in the off-state and develop a highly conductive path in the on-state. It would be worth looking through the evolution of power switches at a glance. GTO Figure 1.2 Simplified structure of a GTO and its equivalent circuit. A gate turn-off thyristor (GTO) is a special type of thyristor, a high-power semiconductor device. GTOs, as opposed to normal thyristors, are fully controllable switches which can be turned on and off by their third lead, the GATE lead. Normal thyristors (Silicon-controlled rectifier) are not fully controllable switches (a "fully controllable switch" can be turned on and off at will). Thyristors can only be turned ON and cannot be turned OFF. Thyristors are switched ON by a gate signal, but even after the gate signal is de-asserted (removed), the thyristor remains in the ON-state until any turn-off condition occurs (which can be the application of a reverse Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury voltage to the terminals, or when the current flowing through (forward current) falls below a certain threshold value known as the "holding current"). Thus, a thyristor behaves like a normal semiconductor diode after it is turned on or "fired". The GTO can be turned-on by a gate signal, and can also be turned-off by a gate signal of negative polarity. Turn on is accomplished by a "positive current" pulse between the gate and cathode terminals. As the gate-cathode behaves like PN junction, there will be some relatively small voltage between the terminals. Turn off is accomplished by a "negative voltage" pulse between the gate and cathode terminals. Some of the forward current (about one-third to one-fifth) is "stolen" and used to induce a cathode-gate voltage which in turn induces the forward current to fall and the GTO will switch off (transitioning to the 'blocking' state.) GTO thyristors suffer from long switch off times, whereby after the forward current falls, there is a long tail time where residual current continues to flow until all remaining charge from the device is taken away. This restricts the maximum switching frequency to approx 1 kHz. The state-of-the-art devices are available up to 4500 V, 2500 A ratings. BJT Figure 1.3 Schematic of a n-p-n Bipolar Junction Transistor and its circuit symbol. Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury One of the first types of power semiconductors, the BJT is a three layered semiconductor consisting of a sandwich of p-n-p or n-p-n materials. In addition, it has three terminals: the emitter, the collector, and the base (Figure 1.3). The base is lightly doped, whereas the emitter is heavily doped and wider. The emitter-base region is forward biased so that majority carriers will flow across the junction. On the other hand, the collector-base region is reverse biased, which results in a small minority carrier flow. Operational Advantages and Disadvantages When used in a common emitter mode, as it is most often, the BJT acts as a current-controlled switch. The base current is in the input and the collector current is the output. Because it is current-controlled, it has a fairly low saturation voltage, which is desirable. In addition, BJTs are able to handle high voltages and currents with few problems. Of course, there are many drawbacks. The BJT has low gain at high frequencies, so it is not useful for amplification under those conditions. Additionally, it does not have a very high surge rating—the peak current is only about twice the maximum continuous current rating. Unlike MOSFETs, BJTs also have a relatively slow switching speed because it takes time to charge the emitter and collector depletion capacitances, which consequently slows the turn-on time. There are also two breakdown areas associated with the BJT that reduce its safe operating area. The first is the avalanche breakdown, which causes a rapid rise in current, and a second breakdown can be brought on by inductive loads, which can overheat and destroy the transistor. Power BJTs also have a thick and low-doped collector region. Such collector regions result in a large blocking voltage. Extremely low doping densities, down to 1013 cm-3, are use to obtain blocking voltages as large as 3000 V. As a result, one finds that the structure needs to be redesigned to a) effectively manage the power dissipation and b) avoid the Kirk effect. The Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury power dissipation is managed by minimizing the power dissipation and spreading the resulting heat dissipation onto a large area. The Kirk effect is normally avoided by increasing the collector doping density. However, for devices with a very high blocking voltage, this may not be an option. Power BJTs therefore are operated at rather low current density of 100 A/cm2 since the lower current density reduces the power dissipation per unit area and eliminates the Kirk effect. Large currents – up to 1000 A – are obtained by making a large area device. Silicon BJTs dominated the power device market, in part because of the low cost of large area silicon devices and the high thermal conductivity of silicon compared to GaAs. Silicon carbide (SiC) is being called as the perfect material for high-power BJTs. The higher thermal conductivity (3x) and breakdown field (10x) compared to silicon give it a clear performance advantage. The high saturation velocity (3x compared to silicon) also shifts the onset of the Kirk effect to higher current densities. The proliferation of its use will heavily depend on the material cost and quality of the SiC wafers. The BJT switching speed is considerably faster than thyristor-type devices because excess minority carriers in the base are almost entirely removed by negative base current (for NPN transistor). Modern high power transistors normally comprise of multiple matched devices in parallel within a package. Power transistor applications in industry range from a few kWs to several hundred kWs size in voltage-fed choppers and inverters with switching frequency up to 10-15 KHz. The state-of-the-art devices are available with ratings up to 600 V, 500 A. Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury Power MOSFET Figure 1.4 Schematic of a Power MOSFET- DMOS. A power MOSFET is a unipolar, majority carrier, voltage controlled device. Figure 1.4 shows the most dominating power MOSFET called DMOS. During the last decade, the power ratings and characteristics of power MOSFET have improved dramatically with sharp fall of prices, and it is now a key competitor to other power devices. The N- channel enhancement mode device is common because of the higher mobility of electron. Originally, devices with surface groove technology, called VMOS, were used but today planer DMOS structure is very common. Being a voltage controlled device, the gate circuit impedance is extremely high. However, during fast turn-on and turn-off, the gate needs a current pulse to charge and discharge, respectively, the effective gate-source capacitance. Being a majority carrier device, there is no inherent delay and storage switching time as that of BJT. The MOSFET devices are therefore extremely fast compared to other devices. The high switching speed causes low switching loss. Power MOSFETs have been used in converters with hundreds of KHz switching frequency. However, the device has a reverse body diode which is slow due to large storage Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury charge. Although the body diode has full by- pass current capability, high speed applications often require bypassing this diode with external fast recovery diodes. The on-resistance of a device is a key parameter that determines the conduction drop. The on-resistance increases with voltage rating making the device very lossy at high current. The resistance has positive temperature coefficient and therefore permits easy paralleling of large number of devices. The second breakdown effect of MOSFET is negligible due to this positive temperature coefficient effect. If localized heating occurs for any reason, increase of resistance forces the current distribution to be uniform. The peak current of a device can therefore be increased on duty cycle basis. Power MOSFETS are generally used in high frequency switching applications within the rating of a few watts to a few kilowatts. The device is very popular in switching mode power supplies. The state-of-the-art devices are available with 500 V, 40 A ratings. Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury IGBT Figure 1.5 Schematic of an IGBT. The IGBT is the most popular power semiconductor currently used today. It combines the MOS gate structure with the bipolar current conduction to create a device that is the best of both the MOSFET and the BJT. For terminals, it is a hybrid between the BJT and the MOSFET. It has three terminals: the collector, the gate, and the emitter. Schematically as shown in Figure 1.5, the IGBT is basically a p-n-p BJT where the base current is provided by a voltage controlled nchannel MOSFET. Operation Modes Forward-Blocking and Conduction Modes When a positive voltage is applied across the collector-to-emitter terminal with gate shorted to emitter shown in Figure 1.5, the device enters into forward blocking mode with junctions J1 and J3 are forward-biased and junction J2 is reverse-biased. A depletion layer extends Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury on both-sides of junction J2 partly into p- base and n--drift region. An IGBT in the forwardblocking state can be transferred to the forward conducting state by removing the gate-emitter shorting and applying a positive voltage of sufficient level to invert the Si below gate in the pbase region. This forms a conducting channel which connects the n+-emitter to the n--drift region. Through this channel, electrons are transported from the n+ emitter to the n-drift. This flow of electrons into the n--drift lowers the potential of the n--drift region whereby the p+ -collector/ n-drift becomes forward-biased. Under this forward-biased condition, a high density of minority carrier holes is injected into the n--drift from the p+ -collector. When the injected carrier concentration is very much larger the background concentration, a condition defined as a ‘plasma of holes’ builds up in the n--drift region. This plasma of holes attracts electrons from the emitter contact to maintain local charge neutrality. In this manner, approximately equal excess concentrations of holes and electrons are gathered in the n--drift region. This excess electron and hole concentrations drastically enhance the conductivity of n--drift region. This mechanism in rise in conductivity is referred to as the conductivity modulation of the n--drift region. Reverse-Blocking Mode When a negative voltage is applied across the collector-to-emitter terminal shown in Figure 1.5, the junction J1 becomes reverse-biased and its depletion layer extends into the n--drift region. The break down voltage during the reverse-blocking is determined by an open-base BJT formed by the p+- collector/ n--drift /p-base regions. The device is prone to punch-through if the N--drift region is very lightly-doped. The desired reverse voltage capability can be obtained by optimizing the resistivity and thickness of the n--drift region. The width of the n--drift region that determines the reverse voltage capability and the forward voltage drop which increases with increasing width can be determined Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury Where, Lp = Minority carrier diffusion length Vm = Maximum blocking voltage εo = Permittivity of free space The device was commercially introduced in 1983, and since then the ratings and characteristics have improved significantly. The IGBT offers significant advantages over BJT and power MOSFET in medium power (a few kWs to a few hundred kWs) medium frequency (up to 50 KHz) power converter applications. The device has the high input impedance of a MOSFET but BJT-like conduction characteristics. Recently, IGBTs are finding wide popularity in medium power applications, such as dc and ac motor drives, UPS systems, power supplies and drivers for solenoids, relays and contactors. Present IGBT inverter induction motor drives using 15- 20 kHz switching frequency are finding favor where audio noise is objectionable. The stateof-the-art devices are available up to 1200 V, 400 A. Following table compares the three major contributors to power electronics market. Comparison Criterion Drive Method Drive Circuit complexity Switching speed Switching frequencies Forward Voltage drop Current carrying capability Breakdown Voltage BJT Current High Slow (µs) Few Khz Low High High MOSFET Voltage Low Fast (ns) Upto 1 MHz Medium Medium Medium (< 1500V) IGBT Voltage Low Medium < 50 Khz Low High Very High Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury Figure 1.6 The higher frequency regime still remains unconquered where GaN – based Power devices could make a big difference. 1.3 Why Gallium Nitride? Although until now the most commercially viable power devices are based on silicon technologies, where cost reductions continuously occur, they have now approached a performance plateau. Concurrently, next generation and emerging applications are demanding further substantial leaps in power conversion performance. Hence, to meet the new requirements of forthcoming applications, new materials and transistor structures are needed to fill this gap. Although, silicon carbide (SiC) FETs have emerged on the scene in the past 10 years to address these issues, they suffer from significant cost premiums due to limited quality material supply, as well as the intrinsic cost structure of the material. Additionally, SiC based technology has limited scalability. Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury Figure 1.7 Calculated material limit curves for unipolar devices shows AlGaN/GaN material system ahead in the competition. Gallium Nitride promises performance that is at least 10 times better than existing silicon devices and looks to be the most promising all over the range from 20V- 1200V! Benefits of the AlGaN/ GaN material system over SiC A combination of high electron mobility and higher bandgap provides GaN with a significant reduction on device specific on-resistance Ron for a given reverse hold-off voltage capability than both SiC and silicon devices, as shown in the calculated material limit curves unipolar devices in Figure 1.7 It is clear that an order of magnitude improvement in specific on resistance can be achieved for GaN based devices over silicon counterparts, even at these early stages of GaN power device development. Since GaN based power devices achieve a combination low gate capacitance and low on-resistance, it permits much higher frequency switching converters than competing silicon transistors. With SiC, that has very similar bandgap and breakdown field, GaN gains in the mobility of the 2DEG which is formed when a thin AlGaN layer is grown on top. Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury The other benefit of GaN comes from the fact that it could be grown on Si-substrates thereby making the performance/cost ratio much better than SiC. Chapter1: Dissertation: “AlGaN/GaN CAVET for High Power Application” – Srabanti Chowdhury