Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow-Covered Catchments (Proceedings of a Boulder Symposium, July 1995). IAHS Publ. no. 228, 1995. 157 Snow surface energy exchanges and snownielt at a continental alpine site DON CLINE Department of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA Abstract The energy balance of an alpine snowpack was studied during the 1994 snowmelt season at Niwot Ridge (3517 m a.s.L, 40°03'N, 105°35'W), an alpine site in the Colorado Front Range. Radiative, turbulent, and soil energy fluxes, and snowmelt were measured. Prior to the onset of snowmelt, the high albedo of the snowpack ( » 90%) coupled with nearly constant longwave losses caused the daytime maximum net radiation to remain below 100 W m"2. As the snow albedo decreased with age, the daytime net radiation receipts began to increase, and melt began. Little additional snow accumulation occurred following the beginning of snowmelt, so the albedo continued to decrease to a seasonal minimum of less than 60%. Consequently, daytime maximum net radiation increased during this period, and a typical diurnal pattern of daytime snowmelt ensued. Net radiative fluxes provided 75% of the total energy available for snowmelt during the season. During this period, the turbulent fluxes were of small magnitude and usually of opposite sign, with latent heat losses and slightly larger sensible heat gains. The net energy supplied by turbulent sources was 25% of the seasonal total. INTRODUCTION To understand and model hydrologie and biogeochemical transfers within snowmeltdominated alpine basins, both under the current climate regime and under changing climate conditions, we require a thorough understanding of the energy transfers between the snowpack and the atmosphere. These transfers lead to a gain in energy within the snowpack and eventually cause snowmelt. The two main components of snowpack energy transfer are radiative energy exchange, consisting of shortwave (solar) and longwave (terrestrial) energy receipts and losses, and turbulent energy exchange, sensible and latent heat that is transferred between the surface and the atmosphere by turbulent processes. A third, but frequently negligible component is energy exchange between the base of the snowpack and the ground. Numerous studies have examined snowpack energy exchanges, however relatively few have examined these exchanges for entire snowmelt seasons. Rarer still are season-long studies at high-altitude locations, thus our understanding of snowpack energy transfers in high-alpine basins is quite limited. The purpose of this paper is to examine the role and importance of each of the components of snow surface energy exchange at a continental alpine site for a complete snowmelt season. The methods used here to examine the snowpack energy balance and its components are described below, followed by a brief discussion of the results. The Don Cline 158 motivation for this study is to provide information for the development of spatiallydistributed physically-based snowmelt models for use in alpine basins. Site description The data reported here were collected during the snowmelt season at Niwot Ridge on the eastern slope of the Front Range of Colorado (3517 m a.s.l., 40°03'N, 105°35'W). Niwot Ridge is a 10 km interfluve extending eastward from the Continental Divide, and is characterized by low weathered hills with shallow saddles in between. Treeline in this area is at approximately 3350 m. The instrument site is located in a relatively flat area within a broad saddle of the ridge. The Front Range of Colorado has a dry continental climatological setting due to its distance from the Pacific coast. Most of the precipitation received at Niwot Ridge arrives during early spring, as moist air from the Gulf of Mexico is drawn northward (Barry, 1992). The high elevation and exposure of Niwot Ridge, and typically dry atmospheric conditions result in large clear-sky atmospheric transmissivity, increased solar insolation, low magnitudes of incident longwave radiation, low air temperatures, and high wind velocities. The depth of snow accumulation on Niwot Ridge is extremely variable, being influenced by the interaction of high wind velocities and topography. Windswept areas devoid of snow may be found immediately adjacent to depositional areas with accumulations in excess of 8 m. METHODOLOGY The physics of energy exchange at the snow surface are not unique in alpine environments, although environmental conditions common in the alpine may represent extreme cases of factors influencing the rate and magnitude of snow surface energy exchange there. Radiative and turbulent transfer are the two most important processes affecting snow surface energy exchange. Details of these processes have been reviewed by many authors, including Obled & Harder (1979) and Male & Granger (1981). The methods used in this study are described below. Energy balance Considered as a volume, the energy balance of a snowpack may be written as (Oke, 1990): AQS + AQM = Q* +QH + QE + QG (1) where: AQS is the convergence or divergence of sensible heat fluxes within the snowpack volume, AQM is the latent heat storage change due to melting or freezing, Q* is the net all-wave radiation flux, QH is the sensible heat flux, Snow surface energy exchanges and snowmelt at a continental alpine site 159 QE is the latent heat flux, and QG is the ground heat flux. Thus positive values of radiative and turbulent fluxes indicate a gain of energy in the snowpack, and negative values indicate a loss of energy in the snowpack. These changes in energy either change the temperature or the phase of the snowpack. This sign convention is used throughout the remainder of this paper. Radiative fluxes The net all-wave radiation flux is the balance of the incident and reflected shortwave radiation and the incident and emitted longwave radiation, and is expressed as: Q* = Ki(l - a) + (Li - LÎ) = (Ki - Kt) + (Li - L t ) = K* +L* (2) where: Ki is the incident shortwave radiation, a is the shortwave albedo of the snow surface, Kf is the reflected shortwave radiation, Li is the incident longwave radiation, L Î is the emitted longwave radiation, K* is the net shortwave radiative flux, and L* is the net longwave radiative flux. The net all-wave radiation flux was measured directly and each of the four radiative components were measured individually. The instruments used and their specifications are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Instruments used in this study, and their specifications. Parameter Instrument Model Range Accuracy Ki,Kt Ll.Lt T RH u P pyranometer pyranometer thermistor capacitance propeller capacitance Kipp & Zonen CM14 Kipp & Zonen CG2 Vaisala HMP35C Vaisala HMP35C Young 05103 AIR-DB-2BX 305-2800nm 5-25 nm -33°-48°C 0-100% 0.60 ms"1 475-825 mb +5% ±10% ±0.4°C +1% ±2% ±0.01 mb Turbulent fluxes The sensible and latent heat fluxes were estimated using aerodynamic formulae with corrections for stability. The sensible heat flux through the surface boundary layer is expressed as: Don Cline 160 QH k «?, - e.) k (u2 - «,) 4>H (ln(z 2 /z 1 <t>M ln(z,/z •2"<-i; (3) = P (Cp) and the latent heat flux is expressed as: ' k (q2 - qy) QE k (u2 - w,) = P (Lv) (4) <i>E ( M V Z i 'M H*2'4 where: p is the density of air, Cp is the specific heat of air at a constant pressure, Lv is the latent heat of vaporization of water, k is von Karman's constant, 4>H is the stability function for heat, 4>E is the stability function for water vapor, 4>M is the stability function for momentum, Zj and z2 are the instrument heights in the profile, d] and 62 are the potential temperatures at the given profile height, q1 and q2 are the specific humidities at the given profile height, and Uj and u2 are the horizontal wind speeds at the given profile height. The specific humidity at each level in the profile was determined by (Saucier, 1983): <? = 0.622(g) P - 0.378(e) (5) where: P is the atmospheric pressure, e is the vapor pressure, calculated from the equation: es(RH) e = io<r (6) where: RH is the relative humidity at a given level, and es is the saturation vapor pressure over ice, calculated from the equation: e s = 6.11 mb x \o"Ti(T*b) where: T is the air temperature (°C) at each level, and a and b are constants. (7) Snow surface energy exchanges and snowmelt at a continental alpine site 161 Table 2 Equations used for calculations of stability functions. Stability Richardson criteria Function Ri < -0.03 -0.03 < Ri < 0 0 < Ri < 0.19 *M *M (1 - lmy025 1-3(*M) (1 - 18/tt)"0'25 *M *M *M *M *H *M *M The stability functions were calculated as a function of the Richardson number (Ri) as described by Ohmura (1981) using the equations shown in Table 2. The Richardson number was determined by: Ri = 1 Ôd/ôz (8) {ôu/ôzf where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed were measured at three levels above the snow surface. The instruments were mounted on a movable support attached to a fixed mast; the support was repositioned regularly to maintain instrument heights of 0.5 m, 1.0 m, and 2.0 m above the snow surface. The estimation of turbulent fluxes as shown in equations (3) and (4) assumes that the fluxes are constant in the atmospheric layer being measured. However during blowing snow conditions, sublimating ice particles act as sources of water vapor and sinks of latent heat in the atmosphere, and the sensible and latent heatfluxesare not vertically constant (Morris, 1989). In an effort to compensate for this problem, fluxes were calculated between 2.0 m and 1.0 m, between 1.0 m and 0.5 m, and between 2.0 m and 0.5 m. The averages of these three flux-interval calculations are reported here. A more appropriate approach towards calculating the temperature and humidity profiles under blowing snow conditions is described by Schmidt (1982), but this approach was not feasible for this study. Ground heat flux The flow of heat through the soil was measured using a heat flux plate placed 0.05 m below the soil-snow interface. No significant heat exchange occurred through this level until the snowpack became very thin near the end of the snowmelt season. Therefore, no further consideration of the ground heat flux will be given here. Sensible and latent heat storage changes within the snowpack Changes in the internal energy of the snowpack are calculated as a residual using equation (1). Snowmelt was measured using draining lysimeters located approximately 3 m from the instrument tower. The term (AQS + AQM) was converted to mass units using the latent heat of fusion of water to allow comparison to measured snowmelt. Don Cline 162 RESULTS The 1994 snowmelt season discussed in this paper began at maximum accumulation in the spring of 1994 (25 April, Julian Day (JD) 115) and continued until the snowpack had ablated completely (6 June 1994, JD 157). The patterns of air temperature, specific humidity, wind speed, and air pressure during this period are shown in Fig. 1. Following JD 125, the mean daily air temperature remained above freezing nearly every day. Although a diurnal fluctuation in specific humidity was evident, there was no apparent seasonal trend while snow remained on the ground. Wind speed was often quite variable throughout the day. In general, windier days were associated with the passage of frontal systems, as indicated by drops in atmospheric pressure. At the beginning of this study period, the measured snow depth at the instrument site was 1.29 m, with 0.49 m water equivalence. Snowfall occurred intermittently during this period, which affected the surface albedo briefly but did not produce significant additional accumulation. Complete Ablation 5 670 <- 660 S 650 Q. 640 125 135 Julian Day 155 165 175 Fig. 1 Seasonal patterns of air temperature, specific humidity, wind speed, and atmospheric pressure recorded at the 2 m level. Complete ablation of the snowpack beneath the instrument tower occurred on JD 157. In this and subsequent figures, a brief period following complete ablation is shown to provide some insight of the characteristics of each factor when snow is not present, but this period is not discussed in the text. Snow surface energy exchanges and snowmelt at a continental alpine site 163 Energy fluxes The patterns of the snow surface albedo, and net shortwave, net longwave, sensible, and latent heat fluxes are shown in Fig. 2. The albedo was approximately 0.90 following the last major accumulation of snow of the season. Aging of the snow resulted in a gradual decrease of the albedo over time, punctuated by brief increases whenever additional snowfalls occurred. These snowfall events did not produce significant additional accumulation, and either melted quickly or were blown off of the older, harder snow surface such that the albedo quickly returned to pre-event levels. The mean albedo for the entire period was 0.66. The influence of albedo on K* can be clearly seen, as K* increased from a daytime maximum of ~ 200 W m~2 early in the season when the albedo was high, to nearly 800 W m~2 prior to complete disappearance of the snowpack. While snow was present and the atmosphere was clear, L* was an energy sink of up to -126 W m"2. A reduction in the magnitude of this loss occurred whenever cloud cover was present; under overcast conditions LA andLT approximately balanced and L* approached zero. 125 135 Complete Ablation 1000 800 600 400 200 0 ^f^mPr^W' -200 175 1000 800 600 400 200 0 -200 125 135 J u l i a n Day 155 165 175 Fig. 2 Seasonal patterns of snow surface albedo, and energy fluxes of .£*, L *, QH, and QE. The points shown in the plot of albedo are only those that occurred while the cosine of the solar incidence angle was greater than 0.5 (solar elevation greater than 66°) to reduce errant values due to low sun angles. The line shown connects the daily median albedo. Don Cline 164 Although the magnitude of L* was much less than that of K*, it was a relatively constant flux both day and night (unless clouds were present) compared to K* which of course was only present during the daytime. The mean daily L* was -58.3 W m"2. Although the mean daytime K* was 190.6 W m 2, the mean daily K* (day and night) was only 96.5 W nf2. Therefore over the entire snowmelt season, radiative processes resulted in a mean rate of energy flow directed towards the snowpack of only 38.2 W m"2. Thus nocturnal longwave energy losses were clearly important in terms of the seasonal energy balance, as discussed below. The fluxes of sensible and latent heat are shown using the same vertical scale as used for the radiative fluxes to illustrate the small magnitudes of QH and QE compared to K*. QH was almost always a source of energy to the snow surface, with a mean value of 28.4Wm' 2 . Conversely, QE was almost always an energy sink with a mean of -15.6 W m"2. Similar to the net radiative exchanges, the turbulent transport processes resulted in a mean flow of energy directed towards the snowpack of 12.8 W m"2. Cumulative energy gains and losses by K*, L*, QH, and QE The fluxes of K*, L*, QH, and QE were integrated to determine the total amount of energy supplied by each. As indicated by the mean flux values, K* and QHwere energy sources, contributing a total of 349.6 and 103.0 MJ, respectively; L* and QE were (a) 600 " COHplete Ablation 200 ^ — QH_ -200 Lx 125 (b) 100 Julian Day Fig. 3 Cumulative totals of energy (MJ) over the snowmelt season: (a) individual fluxes of K*, L*, QH, and QE, and (b) net radiative fluxes and net turbulent fluxes. Snow surface energy exchanges and snowmelt at a continental alpine site 165 energy sinks, with total losses of -211.3 and -56.7 MJ, respectively. The net energy gain over the period was 184.6 MJ. The cumulative totals over time for each component (Fig. 3(a)) indicate that these relationships between the sources and sinks remained fairly stable throughout the snowmelt season. The net cumulative totals of radiative energy (Q* = K* + L*) and of turbulent energy (QH + QE) are shown in Fig. 3(b). Prior to JD 125, Q* remained approximately balanced by net turbulent losses. After JD 125, the net turbulent transfer was positive. This change in sign coincided with the onset of recorded melt draining from the base of the snowpack, discussed below. Energy balance, snowmelt, and sublimation The snowpack energy balance was calculated using equation 1. The cumulative total of snowmelt calculated from (AQS + AQM) is shown in Fig. 4(a) along with the cumulative total of snowmelt measured at the nearest lysimeter. Melt was first observed draining through the lysimeter on JD 126. The calculated melt began four days prior on JD 122, but progressed at approximately the same rate as the measured melt. The total depth of calculated snowmelt was 555 mm. The difference in time between complete ablation at (a) 600 r-, 5 0 0 complete Ablation u 300 ™ 200 " 100 (b) 15 - Julian Day Fig. 4 (a) Cumulative totals over the snowmelt season of measured snowmelt, snowmelt calculated from the energy balance, and (b) sublimation calculated from the latent heat flux. 166 Don Cline the instrument tower and the end of snowmelt at the lysimeter is explained simply by a shallower snowpack at the lysimeter. Sublimation losses calculated from QE (shown in Fig. 4(b)) amounted to an additional water loss of 20 mm. By adding the calculated sublimation loss to the calculated snowmelt, the total calculated water content of the snowpack at the beginning of the season was 575 mm, a difference of 17% from the measured water equivalence. Informally considering the margins of error expected from the radiation instruments (5-10%), the turbulent flux models ( = 20%), and the measurement of snow water equivalence (5-10%), this difference is considered to be small. More importantly, the rates of measured and calculated snowmelt appear to fit well, suggesting that the energy balance calculated here is reasonably accurate. Acknowledgments This work could not have been completed without logistical and financial support provided by the Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research project (NSF DEB 9211776), the Mountain Research Station (BIR 9115097), the National Biological Service Global Change Research program (Colorado Rockies Biogeographic Area) (COLR-R92-0201 ), a Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement grant from the NSF Geography and Regional Science Program (SBR-9304604), and by the NASA Earth Observing System program (NAGW-2602). Tim Bardsley and Mark Losleben provided field assistance for this project; Losleben also provided the atmospheric pressure data. Mark Williams provided the snowmelt lysimeter data. Kelly Elder provided valuable comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. REFERENCES Barry, R. G. (1992) Mountain Weather and Climate, 2nd edn. Routledge, London. Male, D. H. & Granger, R. J. (1981) Snow surface energy exchange. Wat. Resour. Res. 17, 609-627. Morris, E. M. (1989) Turbulent transfer over snow and ice. /. Hydrol. 105, 205-223. Obled, Ch. & Harder, H. (1979) A review of snow melt in the mountain environment. In: Proceedings on Modeling of Snowcover Runoff (ed. by S. C. Colbeck & M. Ray), 179-204. U.S. Army Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire. Ohmura, A. (1981) Climate and energy balanceon arctic tundra. Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, spring and summer 1969, 1970, and 1972. Ziircher Geographische Schriften, 3. ETH Geographisches Institut, Zurich. Oke, T. R. (1990) Boundary Layer Climates, 2nd edn. Routledge, London. Saucier, W. J. (1983) Principles of Meteorological Analysis. Dover, New York. Schmidt, R. A. (1982) Vertical profiles of wind speed, snow concentration and humidity in blowing snow. Bound. Lay. 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