EE539: Analog Integrated Circuit Design; Nagendra Krishnapura ( 10 Feb. 2006 1 SOURCE FOLLOWER 1.1 Input impedance Equivalent circuit of the Source Follower to find input impedance is shown in the below figure. TO FIND INPUT RESISTANCE: it + + vgs C gs gds gmvgs vt _ vout CL Figure 1: Equivalent circuit of the Source Follower From the figure , g m it 1 sCgs )( sCL +gds ) vt = sCitgs + vout gm 1 1 sCL +gds + sCgs + sCgs (sCL +gds ) vout = (it + Rin = vt it = The equivalent circuit for this input impedance is shown in the below figure, 1.2 Output impedance The equivalent circuit for output impedance derivation is shown below From the circuit, 1 2 sCgsgds gm Rin s2CgsCL gm Cgs gds CL Figure 2: Equivalent circuit for input impedance Vdd vin Cgs gmvgs gds Ibias Rout it vt Figure 3: Equivalent circuit for output impedance derivation vgs = −vt 1+sCgs Rs −gm vt gm vgs = 1+sC gs Rs ⇒ we can replace the VCCS gm vgs by equivalent admittance ygm , yg m = gm 1+sCgs Rs = 1 sC R 1 + ggs s gm m The Output admittance for the source follower is Yout = 1 Zout = 1 sC R 1 + ggs s gm m + gds + sCgs 1+sCgs Rs The equivalent circuit for the output admittance is shown in below figure, We can also find the output admittance by intutively from the figures shown below. Bodeplot for this output admittance is shown below, 3 E QUIVALENT CIRCUIT FOR OUTPUT IMPEDANCE: vt it Rs gm 1+sCgsRs Rout gds Cgs Figure 4: The equivalent circuit for the output admittance Source follower is supposed to be a good voltage source ,since it has low output impedance.But from the Bodeplot, the output impedance increases as frequency increases (⇒ INDUCTIVE nature),So at higher frequencies it behaves as aworst voltage source. If we use the source follower in the following circuit configuration,at high frequencies it may tend to oscillate. 4 Vdd Rout=gm+gmbs+gds Vdd Rout=gm+gmbs+gds+sCgs Figure 5: CD amplifier Vdd Rout Figure 6: CD amplifier 5 ADMITTANCE BODEPLOT: |Y| gm 1/Rs gds+gmbs 1/RsCgs log(w) Figure 7: Bodeplot for output admittance Vdd Rs + vs − (NEGATIVE) Rin Rout (INDUCTIVE) Figure 8: Oscillating circuit 6 2 CG amplifier Circuit diagrams for CG amplifier with biasing is shown in below figures, DC gain for this CG amplifier CG AMPLIFIER: Vdd + vout _ + vin _ RL vout vbias+v Figure 9: CG AMPLIFIER Vdd RL vout vin ibias Figure 10: CG AMPLIFIER configuration is vout vin = gm RL 7 RL it vt + vgs gmvgs gds - Figure 11: CG amplifier equivalent circuit for output impedance calculations 2.1 OUTPUT IMPEDANCE The output impedance of the CG amplifier is Ro = 1 gds +GL 8 2.2 INPUT IMPEDANCE The input impedance of the CG amplifier can be calculated from the following figure, Rin = 1 gm ,which is very small. TO FIND INPUT IMEDANCE: D G + gds vgs gm vgs S it Rin= vt it vt Figure 12: CG amplifier equivalent circuit for input imedance calculations 2.3 The small signal equivalent circuit at high frequiencies is shown in the below figure Due to Cgs and Csb ,there is no effect on small signal gain. vout vin 2.4 ≈ g m RL 1+sRL (Cdb +Cgd ) By considering source Resistance The circuit diagram for the CG amplifier with source Resistance is shown in the below figure, Equivalent circuit for this CG amplifier is shown in the below figure, For this circuit voltage gain is, 9 Vdd RL Cgd vout Cdb Cgs vin Csb Figure 13: CG amplifier small signal equivalent circuit at high frequiencies Vdd RL vout Rs vs Figure 14: CG amplifier with source Resistance 10 RL G D + vgs vout gmvgs gds _ S Rs vs Figure 15: Equivalent circuit for this CG amplifier 11 vout vs 1 = Rs + RL 1 +g ds RL gm +gds If gm is very large compared to others(i.e.,gm gds , f rac1RL ) vout vs For this circuit current gain is always unity. ≈ RL Rs