KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2012) 16(1):93-102 DOI 10.1007/s12205-012-0779-2 Structural Engineering www.springer.com/12205 Compressive Strength and Durability Properties of Rice Husk Ash Concrete V. Ramasamy* Received February 11, 2009/Revised February 15, 2010/Accepted April 4, 2011 ··································································································································································································································· Abstract The paper presents the experimental investigation conducted on Rice Husk Ash (RHA) concrete to evaluate the compressive strength and to study its durability properties. In the preparation of rice husk concrete, cement was replaced at various percentage levels such as 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Besides control concrete was also prepared for comparison purpose. Two grades of concrete, namely M30 and M60, were prepared. The strength of the concrete increased with the levels of percentage of replacement of 10% at which the increase in strength was 7.07% at 90 days compared to normal concrete. In the case of M60 grade concrete the compressive strength increases with the addition of super plasticizer. In general, Saturated Water Absorption (SWA) increased in the case of RHA Concrete up to 10% replacement level, but the same diminished with addition of super plasticizer. The porosity of RHA Concrete decreased from 4.70% to 3.45% when the replacement level increased from 5% to 20%. There is a further decrease with the addition of super plasticizer. The chloride ion permeability value of RHA Concrete was very low between 100-1000 coulomles, as compared to normal concrete. It was observed from tests that RHA concrete was more resistant to HCl solution than that of control concrete. The percentage of resistance against alkaline attack of M30 grade RHA concrete varied from 25 to 67 and the corresponding value for M60 grade was from 35 to 70 for replacement levels varying from 5% to 20%. Addition of 20% RHA showed higher resistance against sulphate attack for both continuous soaking and cyclic conditions. On the whole addition of RHA as CRM improves the strength and durability properties of concrete to considerable extent. Keywords: rice husk ash concrete, experimental investigation, compressive strength, durability, Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT) ··································································································································································································································· 1. Introduction Concrete making materials come from the earth’s crust. Thus, it depletes the natural resources every year creating ecological strains. On the other hand, human activities on earth produce solid wastes such as industrial wastes, agricultural wastes and wastes from rural and urban societies in considerable quantities of over 2500 million tons per year. Among the solid wastes, the most prominent materials are fly ash, blast furnace slag, rice husk (converted into ash), silica fume and materials from construction demolition. Substantial energy and cost savings can result when industrial by-products are used as a partial replacement for the energy intensive Portland cement. The use of byproducts is an environmental–friendly method of disposal of large quantities of materials that would otherwise pollute land, water and air. By reducing the use of Portland cement, CO2 emission may be controlled. Due to growing environmental concerns and the need to conserve energy and resources, efforts have been made to utilize the waste material of industrial and agro products in the construction industry as a pozzolanic mineral admixture to replace ordinary Portland cement. The utilization of RHA as a pozzolanic material in cement and concrete provides several advantages, such as improved strength and durability properties, reduced materials cost due to cement savings, and environmental benefits related to the disposal of waste materials. In the present investigation, Portland cement was replaced by Rice Husk Ash at various percentages and its effect on the compressive Strength and its Durability properties like water absorption, porosity, permeability, resistance to acid attack, alkaline attack and sulphate attack was studied. 2. Experimental Programme 2.1 Materials Used 2.1.1 Cement Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade conforming to Indian standard IS: 12269 (1987) was used for the present experimental investigation. Its specific gravity is 3.15. The cement was tested as per the procedure given in Indian standards IS 4031 (1988). 2.1.2 Fine Aggregate Natural river sand conforming to Zone II as per IS 383(1987) was used. The fineness modulus of sand used is 2.64 with a specific gravity of 2.6. *Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, Tamil Nadu, India (E-mail: rams_apec@yahoo.co.in) − 93 − V. Ramasamy 2.1.3 Coarse Aggregate Crushed granite coarse aggregate conforming to IS: 383 (1987) was used. Coarse aggregate of size 20 mm down having the specific gravity of 2.8 and fineness modulus of 7.20 was used. 2.1.4 Rice Husk Ash Commercially available rice husk ash was procured and used in the experimental investigation Physical and Chemical properties of rice husk ash obtained from K.C. CONTECH (P) Ltd. Chennai are given in Table 1. 2.1.5 Superplasticizers In this investigation Sulphonated Naphthalene (SNF) based Super Plasticizer (SP) was used. The super plasticizers used for the study conforms to IS 9103 (1999). 2.2 Mix Proportioning The mixture proportions for the controlled concrete of M30 and M60 grades were arrived at from the trial mixes. M30 grade was selected based on the consideration as medium strength concrete and it is used normally in the design of columns. M60 grade was selected based on the consideration of high strength concrete, which is generally used for prestressed concrete work. The identification mix proportions and quantity of materials of concrete mixture are given in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Table 2 also contains the measured slump both with and without SP and its dosage for different percentage of cement replacement. For M60 grade concrete the trials were carried out to improve workability and cohesiveness of the fresh concrete by incorporating SP. 2.3 Preparation of Test Specimens The ingredients for various mixes were weighed; required water was added and mixed by using a tilting drum type concrete mixture machine. Precautions were taken to ensure uniform mixing of ingredients. The specimens were cast in steel mould and compacted on a table vibrator. The specimens of 100 mm × 100 mm Table 1. Physical and Chemical Properties of Rice Husk Ash Sl. No Parameters Values 1 Fineness passing 45 micron 2 Specific gravity 3 Specific surface (nitrogen absorption) m2/ kg 27400 4 Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 87.20% Table 2. Mix Proportion for M30 Grade Concrete Mixtures Mix Designation BC BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 Rice husk ash as CRM (%) 0 5 10 15 20 w/b ratio 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 Cement (kg/m3) 420 399 378 357 336 0 21 42 63 84 Rice husk ash (kg/m3) 3 Sand (kg/m ) 621 582 542 503 464. Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) 1108 1108. 1108 1108 1108 Water (lit/m3) 180.60 180.60 180.60 180.60 180.60 SP (%) Slump (mm) 0.4 0.4 Without SP 15 10 With SP 20 20 0.8 1.40 2.80 5 0 0 15 10 7 Note: BC - Control Concrete BR1 - 5% Rice husk ash BR2 - 10 % Rice husk ash BR3 - 15% Rice husk ash BR4 - 20% Rice husk ash CRM - Cement Replacement Material Table 3. Mix Proportion for M60 Grade Concrete Mixtures Mix Designation Rice husk ash as CRM (%) w/b ratio Cement (kg/m3) 3 Rice husk ash (kg/m ) CC CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 0 5 10 15 20 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 474 447 420 391 366 27 54 81 108 0 Sand (kg/m3) 636 Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) 1113 1113 1113 1113 1113 Water (lit/m3) 166 166 166 166 166 SP (%) 1.8 2.0 3.2 4.5 5.8 585.10 535.61 483.21 433.72 Note: CC - Control Concrete CR1 - 5% Rice husk ash CR2 - 10 % Rice husk ash CR3 - 15% Rice husk ash CR4 - 20% Rice husk ash CRM - Cement Replacement Material × 100 mm size of cube were cast as per Indian standard IS: 516 (1959) according to which it is the size to be used for coarse aggregate size of up to 20 mm for the determination of compressive strength at different ages and for the durability properties. Curing of the specimens was started as soon as the top surface of the concrete in the mould was hard enough. Spreading wet gunny bags over the mould for 24 hours after the casting was carried out for the initial curing. The specimens were later demoulded and placed immediately in water tank for further curing. 96% 2.06 5 Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) 0.15% 6 Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) 0.16% 7 Calcium oxide (CaO) 0.55% 8 Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0.35% 9 Sulphur trioxide (SO3) 0.24% 10 Carbon (C) 5.91% 5.44% 11 Loss on ignition 12 Pozzolanic activity 84% 13 Particle size (µm) 7 3. Test Conducted 3.1 Compressive Strength Test Cube specimens of 300 numbers each size of 100 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm for each grade of concrete were cast and tested under compressive load at various ages. All the specimens were tested in saturated surface dry condition, after wiping out the surface moisture. For each mix combination, three identical specimens were tested at the ages of 7, 28, 56, 90 and 180 days using Compression Testing Machine (CTM) of 2000 kN capacity under a uniform rate of loading of 140 kg/cm2/min. and the compressive strength was calculated as per IS: 516 (1959). − 94 − KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Compressive Strength and Durability Properties of Rice Husk Ash Concrete 3.2 Saturated Water Absorption and Porosity The water absorption and porosity values for various mixtures of concrete were determined on 100 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm size cubes as per ASTM C 642. The specimens were taken out of curing tank at 60 days to record the water saturated weight (Ws). The drying was carried out in an oven at a temperature of 105oC. The drying process was continued until the difference between two successive measures becomes small. Oven dried specimens were weighed after they were cooled to room temperature (Wd). Using these weights, Saturated Water Absorption (SWA) was calculated by the equation: SWA = [(Ws − Wd)/Wd] × 100 (1) where, Ws: Weight of specimen at fully saturated condition Wd: Weight of oven-dried specimen The porosity obtained from absorption test is designated as effective porosity. It is determined by using the following formula, Effective porosity = (Volume of voids)/(Bulk volume of specimen) The volume of voids was obtained from the volume of water absorbed by an oven dry specimen or the volume of water lost on oven drying of a water saturated specimen at 105oC to constant mass. The volume of specimen is given by the difference in mass of the specimen in air and it’s mass under submerged condition in water. 3.3 Rapid Chloride Permeability Test Corrosion is mainly caused by the ingress of chloride ions into concrete annulling the original passivity present. The Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT) has been developed as a quick test able to measure the rate of transport of chloride ions in concrete. This test was conducted as per ASTM C 1202(94). Two halves of the specimens are sealed with PVC container of diameter 90 mm. One side of the container is filled with 3% sodium chloride solution (that side of the cell will be connected to the anode terminal of the power supply) and on other side sodium hydroxide solution was poured and connected to cathode terminal. The Current passed was noted at every 30 minutes over a period of 6 hours. From the results using current and time, chloride permeability is calculated in terms of total charge passed in Coulombs at the end of 6 hours by using the formula given in Eq. (2). Q = 900 × 2 × (Io + I30 + I60 + ········· + I330 + I360) (2) where, Q: Charge passed (Coulombs) Io: Initial current I30: Current at the 30 minutes water cured for 28 days. After 28 days curing, the specimens were taken out and allowed to dry for one day. Weights of the cubes were taken. For acid attack, 5% dilute Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) with pH value of about 2 was used. (Malhotra et al., 1994). After that, cubes were immersed in the above said acid water for a period of 60 and 90 days. The concentration of the solution was maintained throughout this period. After 60 and 90 days, the specimens were taken from the acid water. The surfaces of the cubes were cleaned, weights of the specimens were registered and then they were tested in the compression testing machine of 2000 kN capacity under a uniform rate of loading of 140 kg/cm2/min. The loss in compressive strength of the concrete cubes without rice husk ash and the improvement of resistance of acid attack of rice husk ash concrete cubes were analyzed. 3.5 Alkaline Attack Test This test is not conducted on normal concrete. However, as rice husk ash is used in this investigation, it was thought fit to study the influence of alkanity on RHA concrete A total number of 120 cubes of size 100 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm were cast and demoulded after 24 hours. At the end of 28 days of curing period, the specimens were taken from the curing tank and initial weight was taken. Five percent by weight of water (Sekar, 2006) of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was added with water to prepare a solution and the specimens were immersed in this solution for a period of 60 days and 90 days to determine the alkaline resistance of the concrete with and without rice husk ash. 3.6 Sulfate Attack Test This test was carried out on 240 specimens of size 100 mm x 100 mm × 100 mm after 28 days of curing period. The specimens were taken from the curing tank and initial weight was taken. A solution containing five percent of sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) and five percent of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) by weight of water was prepared as per Sekar (2006) and a set of controlled and RHA concrete specimens were immersed in this solution continuously for a period of 60 and 90 days to study the effect of sulphate attack of the concrete with and without rice husk ash. Another set of specimens were kept for alternate wet and dry tests and were repeated for 30 and 45 cycles.The concentration of the solution was maintained throughout this period by changing the solution periodically. The specimens were taken out from the sulphate solution after 60 and 90 days of continuous soaking and also after 30 and 45 cycles of alternative wetting and drying. The surface of the cubes were cleaned, weighed and then tested in the compression testing machine under the uniform rate of loading of 140 kg/cm2/min. Strength was measured as per IS: 516 (1959), and change in strength was calculated. 4. Results and Discussion 3.4 Acid Attack Test A total number of 120 cubes of size of 100 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm size were cast and stored in a place at a temperature of 27oC ± 2oC for 24 hours and then the demoulded specimens were Vol. 16, No. 1 / January 2012 4.1 Compressive Strength The compressive strength variations with respect to the percentage of replacement of cement by RHA and number of days − 95 − V. Ramasamy of curing are shown in Figs. 1 to 4. The effect of RHA content of both concrete mixtures on compressive strength with and without superplasticizer is discussed. It is observed that there is reduction in compressive strength at earlier ages with the increasing RHA content in both M30 and M60 grade concrete. However, the required strength could not be achieved even at 90 and 180 days for 15% and 20% replacement of cement by RHA. Addition of SNF based super plasticizer improves the compressive strength of M30 concrete with 5% and 10% cement replacement by RHA. The increase in compressive strength of RHA concrete over that of the control concrete for M30 and M60 grades for a range of replacement levels of rice husk ash and dosage of Sp is presented in Table 4 and 5, respectively. In M60 grade concrete mixtures, the compressive strength values were reduced without adding superplasticizer. The addition of RHA increases the compressive strength due to pozzolanic reaction and micro filler effect of the RHA. The micro filler effect of RHA distributes the hydration products in a more homogeneous fashion in the available space, which make the matrix much denser. Thus, the mechanism of increasing the compressive strength of RHA concrete is believed due to the effect of both pozzolonic reactivity and micro filler effect. Similar observations have been made by Rao and Rao (2003) who have obtained compressive strength with 10% RHA as an admixture over conventional concrete. M30 grade concrete mixtures with SNF based SP showed higher strength than the concrete without SP at all the ages. At the earlier ages there is lesser strength development than at later ages for all the concrete mixtures. The pozzolanic reaction of RHA would come into play at later stages, improving the strength properties. Zhang and Malhotra (1996), Fig. 1. Compressive Strength of M30 Grade Concrete at Different Ages with Different RHA Content without SP Fig. 3. Compressive Strength of M60 Grade Concrete at Different Ages with Different RHA Content without SP Fig. 2. Compressive Strength of M30 Grade Concrete at Different Ages with Different RHA Content with SP Fig. 4. Compressive Strength of M60 Grade Concrete at Different Ages with Different RHA Content with SP Table 4. Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Compressive Strength of M30 Grade Concrete Change in Compressive Strength compared to Control Concrete Strength in respective Ages (%) Mix ID. 7 Days 28 Days 56 Days 90 Days 180 Days without SP with SP without SP with SP without SP with SP without SP with SP without SP BC - - - - - - - - - - BR1 4.69 2.94 3.37 4.26 2.15 4.53 1.03 5.05 2.86 2.52 BR2 -6.25 7.35 6.74 5.32 5.38 6.17 4.74 7.07 4.69 5.61 BR3 -14.06 -11.77 -13.48 -12.77 -15.05 -17.70 -15.46 -18.18 -14.29 -20.70 BR4 -28.13 -23.53 -32.58 -29.79 -32.26 -27.98 -29.90 -23.23 -27.55 -24.57 − 96 − with SP KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Compressive Strength and Durability Properties of Rice Husk Ash Concrete Table 5. Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Compressive Strength of M60 Grade Concrete Change in Compressive Strength Compared to Control Concrete Strength in Respective Ages (%) Mix ID. 7 Days 28 Days 56 Days 90 Days 180 Days with out SP with SP with out SP with SP with out SP with SP with out SP with SP with out SP CC - - - - - - - - - with SP - CR1 -13.46 1.89 -4.03 1.43 -3.18 1.68 -3.88 2.78 -3.08 2.45 CR2 -20.19 5.94 -9.68 3.57 -9.84 2.67 -10.08 4.17 -8.46 4.49 CR3 -25.00 -3.77 -22.58 -11.42 -21.43 -10.24 -20.93 -9.72 -19.64 -9.52 CR4 -35.39 -6.98 -32.26 -31.43 -31.75 -29.17 -31.01 -26.39 -29.23 -26.53 Mehta and Malhotra (1997) have shown similar results on compressive strength in concrete with substitution of 10% RHA instead of Portland cement. Saraswathy et al. (2007) reported the coefficient of water absorption to be less for rice husk ash concrete with 0 to 30% replacement level when compared to control concrete. 4.2 Saturated Water Absorption Saturated Water Absorption (SWA) is a measure of the pore volume or porosity in hardened concrete, which is occupied by water in saturated condition. The test results of saturated water absorption of concrete with and without superplasticizers for various percentages of rice husk ash are shown in Tables 6 and 7. SWA values for 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% of rice husk ash as CRM are 1.62, 1.68, 1.74, 1.88 and 2.15% for M30 grade concrete mixtures without superplasticizer. But the addition of superplasticizer showed lesser SWA values up to 10% rice husk ash content. In M60 grade concrete the reduction of SWA values up to 15% of rice husk ash content was observed. The water absorption characteristics of rice husk ash based concrete have been reported by only a few investigators. Ganesan et al. (2004) reported that water absorption of controlled thermally treated RHA blended mortars improved the micro structural characteristics to a greater extent when compared to open air fired RHA concrete. 4.3 Porosity The porosity test values of control concrete and different percentage of rice husk ashas CRM in concrete after 60 days are shown in Tables 8 and 9. From the results it is observed that the porosity value decreases as the percentage of replacement increases. The porosity values at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% rice husk ash contents 3.45, 3.90, 4.20, 4.50 and 4.70% respectively, for M30 concrete mixtures without superplasticizers. But the addition of superplasticizers showed the porosity values vary from 3.80 to 5.20% and 2.95 to 4.20% for M30 and M60 grade concrete mixtures, respectively, with SP. The small RHA particles improved the particle packing density of the concrete mixture leading to a reduced volume of larger pores. Saraswathy et al. (2007) have reported the same trend. Table 6. Saturated Water Absorption of M30 Grade Concrete Mixtures with and without RHA and SP RHA SP content by Weight of Content Binder (%) (%) Saturated Water Absorption @ 60 Days (%) 4.4 Rapid Chloride Permeability Test RCPT is based on the principle that negatively charged chloride Table 8. Porosity of M30 Grade Concrete Mixtures with and without RHA and SP Sl. No. Mix ID. without SP with SP Sl. No 1. BC 0 0.40 1.62 1.40 2. BR1 5 0.40 1.68 1.34 3. BR2 10 0.80 1.74 1.20 4. BR3 15 1.40 1.88 1.56 5. BR4 20 2.80 2.15 1.98 Table 7. Saturated Water Absorption of M60 Grade Concrete Mixtures with and Without RHA and SP Sl. No. Mix ID. Mix ID. RHA Content (%) SP Content by Weight of Binder (%) 1. BC 0 0.40 3.45 4.20 2. BR1 5 0.40 3.90 3.90 3. BR2 10 0.80 4.20 3.80 4. BR3 15 1.40 4.50 4.40 5. BR4 20 2.80 4.70 5.20 Porosity @ 60 Days (%) without SP with SP Table 9. Porosity of M60 Grade Concrete Mixtures with and without RHA and SP Saturated Water SP Content by RHA Content Weight of Binder Absorption @ 60 Days (%) (%) (%) without SP with SP Sl. No Mix ID. RHA Content (%) SP Content by Weight of Binder (%) Porosity @ 60 Days (%) without SP with SP 1. CC 0 1.80 1.18 1.38 1. CC 0 1.80 2.70 3.80 2. CR1 5 2.00 1.50 1.32 2. CR1 5 2.00 2.90 3.40 3. CR2 10 3.20 1.61 1.29 3. CR2 10 3.20 3.40 2.95 4. CR3 15 4.50 1.74 1.32 4. CR3 15 4.50 3.80 3.50 5. CR4 20 5.80 1.92 1.78 5. CR4 20 5.80 3.90 4.20 Vol. 16, No. 1 / January 2012 − 97 − V. Ramasamy ions are attracted to a positive electrode and consists of measuring the total charge passed through a sample over the six hours test duration when a direct current potential difference of 60V is applied across the end of the samples. The quality of material is quantitatively assessed based on the total charge passed during the test, which is considered to be the measure of the chloride permeability of concrete. Test results for the resistance to penetration of chloride ions into concrete of 28 and 90 days after casting, measured in terms of the electric charges passed through the specimens in Coulombs for M30 and M60 grade concrete mixtures with and without SP are given in Fig. 5 and 6. From the figures it is observed that most of the chloride ion permeability values fall in the range of very low (100-1000 Coulombs) category. The charge passed through the M30 grade concrete mixtures without SP are 2420, 910, 675, 570 and 420 Coulombs at the age of 28 days and 1340, 720, 428, 380 and 290 coulombs, at the age of 90 days, respectively for the cement replacement levels of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%. But with the addition of SP, the values are 980, 740, 590, 470 and 380 Coulombs at the age of 28 days and 945, 640, 370, 290, 210 Coulombs at the age of 90 days respectively. The same behavior was observed in M60 grade concrete mixtures with and without SP. From the test results, it is found that as the cement replacement by rice husk ash level increases, the charge passed decreases. The incorporation of the RHA in concrete results in a finer pore structure in the hydrated Fig. 5. Rapid Chloride Ion Permeability in M30 Grade Concrete with and without RHA and SP Fig.6. Rapid Chloride Ion Permeability in M60 Grade Concrete with and without RHA and SP cement paste especially at the aggregate and paste interface. As per Do Silva et al. (2008) even though water penetrates in pores of concrete with addition as evidenced by water absorption test, the chloride ions do not penetrate due to the small pores diameter. As per ASTM C1202, RHA reduced the rapid chloride penetrability of concrete from a low to very low rating from higher to lower replacement levels. The same trend was reported by Nehdi et al. (2003) in RHA replaced concrete. Zhang and Malhotra (1996) reported that RHA concrete (10% replacement of cement) had excellent resistance to chloride ion penetration and the charge passed in Coulombs was below 1000 both at 28 and 91 days. 4.5 Effect of Rice Husk Ash and Superplasticizers On Acid Resistance The action of acids on hardened concrete is the conversion of calcium compounds into the calcium salts of the attacking acid. Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) with concrete produces calcium chloride. As a result of these reactions, the structure of concrete gets destroyed. For this test nine cubes were cast for each mix. All the cubes were cured normally for 28 days. Out of these 3 cubes were taken out and tested for their strength. Remaining six cubes were immersed in HCl solution for 60 and 90 days. At the end of 60 days the 3 cubes were taken out and tested for their strength. Similarly remaining cubes were tested at 90 days. The loss in compressive strength was worked out for each specimen. The loss of strength of concrete under HCl curing after 60 and 90 days as found to be 12.45, 8.75, 7.10, 6.80 and 5% after the immersion period of 60 days and 20.50, 17.40, 15.60, 13.00 and 10.00% at 90 days, respectively, for M30 grade concrete with replacement level of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20%. The addition of SP in M30 grade concrete mixtures show the loss of compressive strength of 10.50, 6.50, 5.80, 4.30 and 3.90% after the immersion period of 60 days and 18.00, 13.70, 11.50, 8.50 and 6.80 at 90 days, respectively, for the cement replacement levels of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20%. In M60 grade concrete, the loss of compressive strength for 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% RHA as CRM concrete mixtures are 18.50, 14.80, 13, 12.70 and 10.50% after the immersion period of 60 days and 25.50, 21.80, 20.80, 18.00 and 14% at 90 days without SP. The reduction in compressive strength in concrete mixtures with SP due to acid attack are 16.50, 12.90, 11.70, 10.20 and 9.80% at 60 days and 23.00, 18.60, 16.40, 13.40 and 10.80% at 90 days, respectively, for 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% RHA as CRM. From the test results the concrete containing RHA was found to be more resistant to the HCl solution than the control concrete. The improved acid resistance of the rice husk ash concrete can be attributed in part to the significant reduction in permeability imparted by the use of RHA. Also the pozzolanic reaction triggered by the use of RHA resulted in the conversion of calcium hydroxide (which is readily attacked by HCl) to C.S.H, thus, increasing the overall acid resistance of the concrete (Mehta, 1996). The weight loss and resistance against acid attack based on loss in compressive strength of M30 and M60 grade concrete with and without RHA are given in Figs. 7 to 8. Table − 98 − KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Compressive Strength and Durability Properties of Rice Husk Ash Concrete Table 10. Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Resistance against Acid Attack of M30 Grade Concrete Compared to Control Concrete Percentage of Resistance against Dosage Acid Attack Sl. Mix RHA of SP Concrete without SP Concrete with SP No. ID. Content (%) 60 days 90 days 60 days 90 days Fig. 7. Loss in Weight for Acid Attack on M30 Grade Concrete with and without RHA and SP 1 BC 0 0.40 - - - - 2 3 BR1 5 0.40 29.71 15.12 38.00 23.88 BR2 10 0.80 43.00 23.90 44.76 36.11 4 BR3 15 1.40 45.38 36.58 59.04 52.77 5 BR4 20 2.80 58.54 51.12 62.85 62.77 Table 11. Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Resistance against Acid Attack of M60 Grade Concrete Compared to Control Concrete Sl. No. 1 Fig. 8. Loss in Weight for Acid Attack on M60 Grade Concrete with and without RHA and SP Fig. 9. Resistance of M30 Grade Concrete against Acid Attack: (a) Normal Concrete, (b) RHA Concrete 10 and 11 shows the effect of RHA on resistance against acid attack. It has been found for M30 grade concrete, that there is a conVol. 16, No. 1 / January 2012 Percentage of Resistance against Dosage Acid Attack Mix RHA of SP Concrete without SP Concrete with SP ID. Content (%) 60 days 90 days 60 days 90 days CC 0 1.80 - - - - 2 CR1 5 2.00 20.00 14.50 21.80 19.15 3 CR2 10 3.20 29.72 18.43 29.90 28.69 4 CR3 15 4.50 31.35 29.41 38.18 41.73 5 CR4 20 5.80 43.24 45.09 40.60 53.04 tinuous increase in resistance up to 20% replacement of cement by RHA. The above behaviour found to be true with and without addition of SP and immersion period of 60 and 90 days. M60 grade concrete also showed the trend of increase in resistance against acid attack. It appears more than 20% replacement may also give better resistance. Fig. 9(a) shows the appearance of the normal concrete after immersion in HCl solution up to 90 days. It has been found the edges were eroded and deterioration pockets are found on the surface of the concrete. The colour has been found changed. In the case of RHA concrete, the periphery of the specimen was found intact without any erosion as shown in Fig. 9(b). Further the faces of the specimens were found without any deterioration. 4.6 Effect of Rice Husk Ash and Superplasticizers On Alkaline Resistance The results of alkaline resistance of concrete in terms of loss in compressive strength of M30 and M60 grade with and without SP and RHA are presented in Tables 12 and 13. In M30 grade concrete the loss of compressive strength for replacement of cement by rice husk ash content of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% are 12.00, 9.00, 7.90, 6.20 and 4.60% after the immersion period of 60 days and 17.00, 12.00, 9.00, 6.80 and 5.00% at 90 days, respectively, for the mixture without superplasticizers. The addition of superplasticizer shows the loss of compressive strength for replacement of cement by rice husk ash content of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% are 10.00, 8.70, 7.20, 5.30 and 3.20% after the immersion period of 60 days and 15.80, 10.00, 7.50, 5.90 and − 99 − V. Ramasamy 4.10% at 90 days, respectively. The addition of superplasticizers shows much resistance against the alkaline attack. The weight loss and compressive strength loss due to alkaline attack of M30 and M60 grade concrete with and without RHA attack are presented in Figs. 10 to 11. From the Table 12 and 13, it has been found for M30 grade concrete that there is continuous increase in resistance against alkaline attack up to 20% replacement of cement by RHA with and without addition of SP. M60 grade concrete also showed the trend of increase in resistance against alkaline attack. Table 13. Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Resistance against Alkaline Attack of M60 Grade of Concrete Compared to Control Concrete Percentage of Resistance against Dosage Alkaline Attack Sl. Mix RHA of Concrete without SP Concrete with SP No ID. Content SP (%) 60 days 90 days 60 days 90 days 1 CC 0 1.80 - - - - 2 CR1 5 2.00 34.60 33.33 33.33 50.71 3 CR2 10 3.20 43.07 46.66 41.66 56.42 4 CR3 15 4.50 58.46 61.30 55.00 65.00 5 CR4 20 5.80 70.00 69.33 73.33 78.90 In M60 grade concrete mixtures the loss of compressive strength are 13.00, 8.50, 7.40, 5.40 and 3.90% after the immersion period of 60 days and 15.00, 10.00, 8.00, 5.80 and 4.60% at 90 day for 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% of rice husk ash content, respectively. The addition of SP shows the loss of compressive strength of 12.00, 8.00, 7.00, 5.40 and 3.20% after the immersion period of 60 days and 14, 6.90, 6.10, 4.90 and 2.95% of 90 days, respectively, for the cement replacement levels of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%. Fig. 10. Loss in Weight for Alkaline Attack on M30 Grade Concrete with and without RHA and SP Fig. 11. Loss in Weight for Alkaline Attack on M60 Grade Concrete with and without RHA and SP Table 12. Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Resistance against Alkaline Attack of M30 Grade of Concrete Compared to Control Concrete Sl. No. Percentage of Resistance against Alkaline Attack Mix ID. Dosage RHA of SP Concrete without Concrete with SP Content SP (%) 60 days 90 days 60 days 90 days 1 BC 0 0.40 - - - - 2 BR1 5 0.40 25.00 29.40 13.00 36.70 3 BR2 10 0.80 34.16 47.08 28.00 52.53 4 BR3 15 1.40 48.33 60.00 47.00 62.65 5 BR4 20 2.80 66.66 70.00 68.00 74.05 4.7 Effect of Rice Husk Ash and Superplasticizers On Sulphate Resistance Sulphate attack is caused by the chemical reaction between sulphate and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), forming gypsum. The gypsum may react with tricalcium aluminate (C3A) in the concrete to form Ettringite and monosulphoaluminate. These reactions result in a substantial increase in volume with subsequent cracking and peeling. The sources of sulphate ion are seawater, sewage industrial waste, salts in ground water and delayed release of clinker. The reaction of rice husk ash with calcium hydroxide released during cemen thydration results in the formation of additional CSH and the accompanying reduction in permeability of the concrete. The effect of rice husk ash content on the sulphate resistance of concrete under continuous soaking condition was studied by replacement of rice husk ash from 0 to 20% in concrete mixtures. The loss in compressive strength decreases with increase of rice husk ash content. In M30 grade concrete the loss in compressive strength after the immersion period of 60 days and 90 days at sulphate solution are 9.50, 7.90, 6.00, 4.90 and 3% at 60 days and 11.20, 9.50, 7.50, 6.20 and 4.50% at 90 days without SP, respectively. But the addition of superplasticizer might improve the resistance against sulphate attack. In M60 grade concrete mixtures without superplasticizer show the percentage loss in compressive of 10.50, 7.00, 5.90, 4.00 and 2.40% after the immersion period of 60 days and 12.80, 10.90, 8.80, 6.50and 3.60%, respectively, at 90 days for 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% rice husk ash content. The addition of superplasticizer improves the resistance due to sulphate attack Figs. 12 and 13 shows the loss in weight for sulphate attack under continuous − 100 − KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Compressive Strength and Durability Properties of Rice Husk Ash Concrete soaking condition on M30 and M60 grade concrete with and without RHA and SP. The loss in compressive strength in M30 grade concrete mixtures without SP are 9.20, 8.50, 6.90, 5.30 and 3.80% at 60 days and 9.70, 8.90, 7.60, 6.50 and 4.70% at 90 days, respectively, for 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% of rice husk ash as a CRM in concrete mixes. The addition of SP improves the resistance due to sulphate attack. In M30grade concrete the loss in compressive strength of concrete with SP are 8.70, 7.30, 5.90, 4.80 and 2.70% at 60 days and 8.90, 8.00, 6.90, 5.40 and 3.80% at 90 days, respectively. The loss in compressive strength in M60 grade concrete mixtures without SP are 12.20, 10.90, 8.70, 7.20 and 2.20% at 60 days and13.20, 11.70, 9.90, 8.60 and 2.40% at 90 days, respectively, for 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% of rice husk ash as a CRM in concrete mixes. The addition of SP improves the resistance due to sulphate attack. In M60 grade concrete the loss in compressive strength with SP are 11.50, 10.20, 7.80, 5.40 and 1.80% at 60 days and 11.90, 10.80, 8.70, 6.30 and 2.20% at 90 days, respectively. Figs. 14 and 15 show the percentage of weight loss due to cyclic sulphate attack for 60 and 90 days specimens of concrete mixtures with and without SP and rice husk ash. Even though the duration of sulphate attack test is short, in order to collect some Fig. 14. Loss in Weight by Sulphate Attack under Cyclic Wet and Dry Condition on M30 Grade Concrete with and without RHA and SP Fig. 15. Loss in Weight by Sulphate Attack under Cyclic Wet and Dry Condition on M60 Grade Concrete with and without RHA and SP quick results on the effect of sulphate on rice husk ash similar to some kind of accelerated testing in the case of conventional concrete, this test was conducted. Fig. 12. Loss in Weight for Sulphate Attack under Continuous Soaking Condition on M30 Grade Concrete with and without RHA and SP Fig. 13. Loss in Weight for Sulphate Attack under Continuous Soaking Condition on M60 Grade Concrete with and without RHA and SP Vol. 16, No. 1 / January 2012 5. Conclusions Being on organic and fibrous material rice husk ash .absorbs more water and hence necessity as addition of SP to improve the workability properties of RHA concrete. The increase in compressive strength for 5% and 10% of cement replacement by RHA are 4.10% and 5.00% at 28 days, respectively, for M30 grade concrete. The addition of superplasticizer shows a 9% higher compressive strength than the control concrete at the RHA content. The saturated water absorption was decreased when the mixture containing 10% RHA by 16.60% and 7.00% for M30 and M60 grade concrete, respectively, when compared to concrete. The addition of SP shows 11.00% and 28.80% reduction in porosity for M30 and M60 grade concretes respectively at the RHA content 10% when compared to control concrete. The presence of RHA in the concrete mixtures caused considerable reduction in the volume of the large pores at all ages and thereby reducing the chloride ion penetration. The loss of compressive − 101 − V. Ramasamy strength on alkaline resistance was 4.60% and 5.00% at 60 and 90 days, respectively, for M60 grade concrete with 20% replacement of cement by RHA. 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