U of I Waste Disposal Decision Guide What items are covered by this guide: All items that are not completely made of paper, plastic, cardboard or food and items that contain or are contaminated with materials that are not paper, plastic, cardboard or food. How to use the guide: Begin at the words “Start here” and follow the arrows that correspond to your answer for each question regarding the item you wish to dispose. Orange boxes have questions that will direct you to a blue box, which will have instructions for the item you wish to dispose. Questions: Call 217-333-2755 or email cws@illinois.edu and ask for additional assistance from the Division of Research Safety (DRS) staff. Start here Chemicals Is the item a thermometer, gas cylinder, chemical or mixture of chemicals; including commercial products like oil, antifreeze, shower cleaner, empty or full aerosol cans, toner, etc.? No Yes Is the item a DEA controlled substance? See DEA controlled substances for more information. No Yes Yes Follow directions for DEA controlled substance disposal. For disposal instructions see the DEA Controlled Substances Guide. Biological or Radioactive Materials Does the item contain, or is it contaminated with biological and/or radioactive material? Yes Is the item a liquid and meets all of the conditions of nonhazardous as defined in Disposal of liquid nonhazardous chemicals page? Discard via sanitary sewer (sink drain). No Is the item a compressed gas in a rented cylinder? Yes Return cylinder to vendor. No All other chemicals, mixtures of chemicals, gases, and thermometers must be disposed of through the Division of Research Safety (DRS) chemical waste disposal program. See the Chemical Waste Quick Start Guide for an overview of the chemical waste disposal procedures. For Biological Materials, follow the instructions found at: User Treatment of Biological Waste For Sharps - see the next orange question box. For Radioactive Materials, follow the instructions found at: Collecting and Preparing Radioactive Waste If the material contains a chemical, as well as biological or radioactive materials, contact DRS at cws@illinois.edu or 217-333-2755 for further instructions. No Sharps Is the item a medical needle, syringe barrel (with or without needle), scalpel, razor blade, blood vial, glass pasteur pipette, microscope slide, coverslip or glassware contaminated with an infectious agent? (All these are defined as a sharp.) Yes Discard in appropriate (biohazard) sharps container. See Laboratory Sharps for more information. No Page 1 of 3 Glass Is the item a glass container, broken glassware, test tube or any other glassware that is not defined as a sharp? Yes No Yes No Yes Dispose through the DRS chemical waste disposal program. Contact DRS at cws@illinois.edu or 217-333-2755 for disposal instructions Is the item an empty toner cartridge? No Yes Dispose of as a chemical as listed at the start of this decision guide. Is the wood coated with lead-based paint? Do not strip the paint – discard wood in trash. If stripped, wood must be tested for lead and paint must be disposed of as a chemical through the DRS chemical waste disposal program. No No No Is the glassware contaminated with elemental mercury and/ or a chemical that is listed on the Acute Discarded Waste List? Yes Dispose of as a biological or radioactive material as listed at the beginning of this decision guide. Is there excess liquid or solid chemical with the debris? Yes Yes No Yes Discard in trash. Large amounts of broken glass should be sealed in a cardboard box labeled “Clean Laboratory Glass - Trash.” See Laboratory Glassware Disposal for more information. Contaminated Debris Is the item paper, plastic (including plastic containers) or other inert substance that once contained a chemical (and is now empty) or is contaminated with a chemical or chemical mixture? Batteries Is the item a battery? Is the glassware contaminated with a biological or radioactive material? Yes No No Wood Is the item wood? Is the glassware contaminated with a chemical, biological or radioactive material? See Step 1 of Determining How To Dispose of a Chemical Waste to determine how the contaminated debris should be disposed. Yes Recycle through supplier or discard in the trash. Has the wood been treated with creosote or arsenic? Yes Contact DRS at cws@illinois.edu or 217-333-2755 for disposal instructions. No Has the wood been contaminated with any chemical or metal? No No Collect the glassware in a sturdy cardboard box, lined with a plastic bag, and labeled with the words "Laboratory Glass - Trash." The box should be securely sealed shut with tape before disposal. When full the box should not weigh more than 40 pounds (18 kg). Commercially available broken glassware disposal boxes may be used. The box must be free of any visible signs of chemical contamination. There should be no free liquids in the box and there must be no odor emanating from the box. Do not use a bag displaying the biohazard symbol or the radiation hazard symbol to line the cardboard box. There must be no sharps placed in the box. When full, a properly labeled and sealed box may then be placed into the trash. Discard in the trash. Yes Contact DRS at cws@illinois.edu or 217-333-2755 for disposal instructions. See the Facilities & Services Division of Safety and Compliance Battery Recycling for the disposal of alkaline batteries and rechargeable batteries (Nickel Cadmium, Nickel Metal Hydride, Lithium Ion, Nickel Zinc, and Small Sealed Lead Acid). Page 2 of 3 Mercury Containing Equipment Is the item any of the following: Mercurycontaining thermostats, switches, gauges or other devices containing mercury? Yes Dispose through the DRS chemical waste disposal program. See the Procedures for Requesting Chemical Waste Disposal. No Lamps/Light bulbs Is the item any of following: fluorescent lamps, high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps, mercury vapor lamps (any lamp or bulb that is not incandescent)? Yes Call the F&S Service Office at 217-333-0340 to schedule the pickup of the lamps for disposal through the Laborer Electrician Shop. The University does not permit the disposal of lamps directly in the trash. No Lamp Ballasts Is the item a lamp ballast? Yes Does the ballast have the words “No PCBs” marked on it? No No Ballast must be disposed of as PCB containing waste. (It is illegal to discard in trash or send to recycler not authorized to handle PCBs). Campus – dispose of PCB ballasts through DRS chemical waste disposal program. F&S units – dispose of PCB ballasts through the Electrician Shop. Yes Campus – dispose of ballasts through DRS chemical waste disposal program. Do not discard in trash. F&S units – dispose of ballasts through the Electrician Shop. Equipment/Instruments Is the item any of the following: Computers, monitors, TVs, VCRs, pumps, oil baths, refrigerators, air conditioners, and other equipment/instruments? Yes No No To dispose of unneeded equipment follow the Office of Business and Financial Services (OBFS) Equipment Disposal Method procedures. In addition, complete the F&S Scientific Equipment and Appliance Decommissioning Check-List form for each piece of equipment that is to be disposed. The form must be completed and attached to the equipment prior to pickup by F&S or the contracted recycler. Yes No Metals Is the item made completely of metal? Is the item a computer monitor, TV, VCR or any electronic equipment that has a circuit board? To dispose of unneeded equipment follow the Office of Business and Financial Services (OBFS) Equipment Disposal Method procedures. It is illegal to discard these items in the trash. In addition, for items used in a research laboratory complete the F&S Scientific Equipment and Appliance Decommissioning Check-List form for each piece of equipment that is to be disposed. The form must be completed and attached to the equipment prior to the removal of the equipment. Yes Metals should be recycled. Contact Surplus 217-333-6011 for inspection. Surplus will issue a recycling ticket and then you will need to arrange a pickup with the contracted recycler. Anything with lead, chromium or silver metal MUST be recycled. Do not discard in trash. Questions? Contact DRS at cws@illinois.edu or 217-333-2755. Contact DRS (cws@illinois.edu or 217-333-2755) for disposal instructions for any items not discussed here. Page 3 of 3