lecture 13 Psychophysics Psychometric curve (function) "Psychophysics" : (loose definition) the study of mappings from physical variables to perceptual variables (measured by behavior) - psychometric curves - thresholds - contrast sensitivity subject's response e.g. setting of some knob or (more commonly) a statistic such as percent correct - disparity sensitivity Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2015 Example task: decide if there is a bright patch in the center surround i.e. detect if an increment is present. Suppose that that there is an increment present half the time. stimulus response (physical) (perception, behavior) stimulus (independent variable, set by experimenter) Example task: Example task (depth from binocular stereo) : Decide whether the center is brighter or darker than the surround. Decide whether the 'test' is further or closer than a fixed 'reference' (also called 'standard'). Percent correct now goes from 0 to 100. test reference "brighter" pct response "test is further" percent correct test depth reference depth "darker" ASIDE: ? Why are psychometric curves not step functions Contrast Recall lecture 6, slide 20 : blurring a step edge psychometric function is sometimes modelled as a blurred step edge e.g. cumulative Gaussian distribution - noise in the display or stimulus (sometimes added) - noise in the sensors Other "S shaped" (sigmoid) models are used as well e.g. logistic function. - limited resolution (finite sampling) - noise in behavior (subjects press the wrong button, stop paying attention) The key is to have a small number of parameters (two for Gaussian). There is no special 'law of psychophysics' that says a cumulative Gaussian should be used. Michelson contrast Imax - Imin I max + Imin Let Michelson contrast I ( Imax - Imin ) / 2 Example of a different task that measures contrast sensitivity: I0 ( Imax + Imin ) / 2 Is the sinusoid 'grating' vertical or horizontal? ( Imax - Imin ) / 2 ( I max + Imin ) / 2 Psychophysical Threshold Often we don't care about the whole psychometric curve. Instead, we might just ask what is the stimulus level (threshold) that gives a particular performance level e.g. 75% correct. I I0 percent correct stimulus level threshold Methods for Estimating a Threshold 1) 2) "Method of Constant Stimuli" : 3) "Method of Adjustment" and "Method of Limits" fit curve Here I give a hybrid version of these two methods ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychophysics Turns a 'knob' until a threshold is reached. test level "Staircase Method" Sometimes we don't know in advance which levels to use. An adaptive method is needed here. Decrease level (make task harder) whenever subject responds correctly (say 2x in a row), and increase the level (make task easier) when subject responds incorrectly. threshold stimulus level "trial" e.g. the sinusoid grating becomes visible (increasing) or no longer is visible (when decreasing) You may get different results going from high to low than low to high. Take the average (of red levels). You could define the threshold by the average of these settings. Contrast detection thresholds On each trial, test level is chosen in random order from a small set of predetermined values (e.g. five test levels above). This way, subjects cannot predict the level. level Often the method of adjustment is used beforehand to find a suitable range of levels. Threshold is obtained by fitting a curve and finding value e.g. 75%. The image below illustrates the idea that contrast detection depends on spatial frequency. Is the sine grating vertical or horizontal ? trial Threshold could be defined as the average of the last 2N "reversal" levels. In an experiment, we would measure a threshold separately at each spatial frequency (as in two slides ago). The threshold depends on the spatial frequency. contrast threshold contrast percent correct contrast spatial frequency spatial frequency k k (cycles per degree) Contrast "sensitivity" is defined as : What is the neural basis for the contrast sensitivity function ? 1 Contrast sensitivity depends on mean luminance I 0 . Retinal ganglion cells are bandpass, and there is a limited range of cell sizes (and hence bands). threshold peaks at 3-5 cycles per degree DOG cycles per degree rods only spatial frequency cones only k Contrast sensitivity depends on eccentricity. For any spatial frequency k, contrast sensitivity decreases as eccentricity increases. Chromatic contrast sensitivity Recall how an RGB image can be transformed into a luminance (R+G+B), red-green (R-G), and yellow-blue (R+G-2B), i.e. Chromatic contrast sensitivity: Consider a sinusoid that has constant luminance and varies along either the R + G - 2B or R - G axes. R + G - 2B R-G R + G - 2B What is the contrast sensitivity for each, as a function of spatial frequency k ? Chromatic contrast sensitivity (at constant luminance) is lowpass, not bandpass. Depth from binocular disparity We cannot see a sinusoidal grating above ~5 cycles per degree of visual angle, which is where peak sensitivity in luminance occurs. test reference Disparity Sensitivity spatial frequency of depth (or disparity) "Stereoacuity" thresholds for deciding whether a test is in front of or behind a reference are often quite low (e.g. < 1 arcmin). 60 arcmin = 1 degree 60 arcsec = 1 arcmin The next few slides will look at the case of depth perception along surfaces, rather than for isolated points. Disparity Contrast Sensitivity Peak (lowest threshold) occurs at about 1/10 of the peak of contrast sensitivity we saw earlier. Is this surprising? This spatial frequency is very low (about 1 cycle per 60 deg). For this spatial frequency (about 1 cycle per 5 deg), you can detect a much smaller amplitude sinusoid. You need a big amplitude to do the task. Why ? I have exagerrated the amplitude. If I showed the true amplitude, the curve would look like a straight line. Bradshaw and Rogers 1999 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10664803 For this spatial frequency (about 5 cycles per deg), you need a larger amplitude sinusoid again. Disparity contrast sensitivity depends on eccentricity. 3600 arcsec = 1 deg so 1000 arc = 1/3 deg Note they don't measure beyond 20 degrees. (I'm not sure why. Presumably we have some disparity sensitivity in periphery, although the trend in these curves suggests it would be very poor.) Next 3 lectures: 14.) noise (and how it affects thresholds for various tasks: e.g. contrast, motion, 'slant from texture') insert midterm 2 here (covers lectures 7-12 i.e. not today) 15.) probability (maximum likelihood methods how to combine different depth cues? ) 16.) Bayesian methods ( what priors assumptions do vision systems make, and why ?) Again I have exagerrated the amplitude. That is the end of vision lectures. A few days after that, you will need to tell me which paper you want for your Oral Presentation.