Polymer thin film coating process Notre référence : 01629-01 Status des brevets French patent applicaton FR0852408 filed on October 4th, 2008 entitled : "Recouvrement de substrat par film polymère, stable en environnement liquide." TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Inventeurs Patrick KEKICHEFF Maryline CLAUZEL This invention describes a process to coat a substrate by a polymer film, stable in humid environment or when immersed in an aqueous solution. This universal process is applicable to any kind of polymer (natural or synthetic, reticulated, branched, star-shaped, copolymers, non-charged polymers or polyelectrolytes, fluoropolymers...) and any substrate (metallic, mineral, organic, ceramics, inorganic and organic composites) of any shape (flat, polyhedra, platelets, wafers, rings, curved and saddle-shaped, hollow tubes, rods, and cylinders) with any kind of interface (smooth, rough, porous, amorphous or crystalline, regular or irregular structures). BENEFITS Status Commercial Research agreement or exclusive or non exclusive licenses Laboratoires Institut Charles SADRON, (UPR 022), a CNRS laboratory,Strasbourg, France, http://www-ics.u- The process allows to obtain stable thin films adhering to the substrate even in a humid atmosphere or when immersed in an aqueous solution in a static or in a flow of the solvent. In addtion coating can be made whatever the topology of the surface is. As the process does not modify the chemistry of the material, the functionality of the coatedpolymer film can be addressed and kept. The process can coat either the whole substrate surface or can build patterns of spatially and structural controlled patches with different physicochemical or/and functional properties as found in offset printing and lab-on-achips. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS This technique can be used in numerous domains such as anti corrosion coating, painting, bactericidal treatment, optical systems, electronics, solar energy, surface modification of polymer, multilayer polyelectrolyte systems, adhesion, bonding, offset printing, Lab-on-a-chip, chemical sensor manufacturing. strasbg.fr Mots clés : Thin film coating Anti corrosion Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) For further information, please contact us (Ref 01629-01)