DB/97/01 Survey of Dwellings Built Please correct any errors in this panel. Reference number Purpose The purpose of this survey is to collect information on the costs of new housing. This information will be used to assist with the revision of the Consumers Price Index (CPI). Compulsory requirement The taking of this survey has been approved by the Minister of Statistics and the return of this questionnaire duly filled in and signed is a compulsory requirement under the Statistics Act 1975. Confidentiality of information supplied The information supplied will be used by Statistics New Zealand in the preparation of Statistics. Any release of information will only be in accordance with the Statistics Act 1975. Only persons authorised by the Act will have access to the individual information. Len Cook Government Statistician Return date Please return the completed questionnaire, within 14 days of receiving it, in the reply paid envelope enclosed. Information and help If you would like any further information, or help with the questions, then please contact the Survey Help Desk in Auckland and quote the reference number in the label above. Mail Survey Help Desk Statistics New Zealand Freepost 10007 Private Bag 92003 Auckland Telephone Survey Help Desk From Auckland: 357-2131 From areas outside Auckland: 0800 809-464 Fax Auckland (09) 357-2195 1 l To answer the questions which follow, please consult your records if you cannot remember the exact details or costs. l Answer questions by ticking ( ) the box or boxes which apply to you, or printing your answer in the white answer spaces. l Please keep track of the time it takes you to provide the information asked for in this questionnaire. We ask for the time taken later. ü 2 A building consent was issued in your name for a new dwelling at: 3 Is (or was) this dwelling built for sale? 4 5 1 no 2 yes Go to question 4 Go to question 32 on page 7 Is this dwelling (or will this dwelling be) a holiday or recreational home? 1 no 2 yes Go to question 5 Go to question 6 Is this dwelling (or will this dwelling be): Tick one. 1 your household’s permanent residence? 2 rented out to another household? 3 used for another purpose? Go to question 8 Go to question 7 Please describe below Now go to question 6 6 7 Are you renting out (or do you intend to rent out) this dwelling in the next 12 months? 1 no 2 yes Go to question 8 Go to question 7 For how many days in the next 12 months will it be rented out? 1 less than 30 days 2 30 days or more Go to question 8 Go to question 38 on page 7 2 8 9 Have you moved into this dwelling yet? 1 no 2 yes Go to question 9 Go to question 10 Please give the date when you expect to move in: Now go to question 38 day month year 10 Costs incurred after moving into new dwellings are already collected in another survey and don’t need to be recorded here. So, in the remaining questions we want you to tell us about your costs ONLY up until the time that you moved in to your new dwelling. Have you received all the accounts, for these costs? 1 no 2 yes Go to question 11 Go to question 12 11 Please give a date when you expect to have all of these accounts: Now go to question 38 day month year 12 How many bedrooms are there (or will there be) in this dwelling? bedrooms 13 Tick as many boxes as you need to describe this dwelling: 1 house - not attached to others 2 unit, flat, townhouse, apartment, studio or terraced house 3 granny flat 4 other type of dwelling please describe below 14 Is this dwelling located on business premises or on a farm operating as a business? 1 no 2 yes Go to question 15 Go to question 20 3 15 Now some questions about the section on which your dwelling is built. Tick as many boxes as you need to answer this question. Did you: 1 buy the land as an empty section? 2 cross lease the land as an empty section? 3 buy the land and demolish the buildings that were on it? 4 build an additional or replacement dwelling on land already occupied by your household? 5 build on leased land? 6 other? Go to question 16 Go to question 16 Go to question 20 Go to question 20 Go to question 20 please describe below Now go to question 16 16 Was the section previously owned by: 1 a business, company, or other organisation? 2 a household or private person? 17 What did you pay for this section? $ including GST 18 What year did you buy this section? Please state the year of settlement. 19 19 What size is the section? Please specify your unit of measure e.g., square metres, perches, hectares etc. 20 Tick as many as you need to answer this question. Have you paid (or will you pay) to have any of the following done before moving in: 1 your section valued? 2 your section and building plans valued? 3 your section and your dwelling valued? 4 you did not have any private valuation(s) done? } Go to question 21 OR 4 Go to question 22 21 How much did you pay (or will you pay), in total, for the valuation(s)? $ including GST 22 Now some questions about the building costs of the dwelling. In these questions, do not count the cost of the section or valuation(s). If you have built (or are building) more than one dwelling on this property and cannot separate out the costs for the dwelling specified in question 2, please give the total cost for all dwellings. 1 costs are for one dwelling only Go to question 23 2 costs are for more than one dwelling How many dwellings are included? 23 What was the cost, up to the point when you moved in, of building this dwelling and developing your section? Count the cost of: l All contracts let or work arranged before you moved in. l All sub-contracting tradesmen such as electricians, plumbers, painters etc., who you let contracts to before you moved in. l Labour only contractors. l All building materials purchased before you moved in. $ including GST 24 Before you moved in, did you have any costs for any of the following: 1 site preparation costs e.g., demolition, section clearing, excavation, etc? 2 surveyors’ fees? 3 architects’ or draughting fees? 4 did not have costs for any of the above } Go to question 25 OR Go to question 27 25 In question 23, did you include the costs for all of the items ticked in question 24? 1 no 2 yes Go to question 26 Go to question 27 26 Please give the cost of all of the items ticked in question 24 that were not included in question 23? $ including GST 5 27 Before you moved in, did you have any costs for any of the following: 1 solicitors’ fees? 2 conveyancing costs? 3 loan application fees? 4 did not have costs for any of the above } Go to question 28 OR Go to question 30 28 In question 23, did you include the costs for any of the items ticked in question 27? 1 no 2 yes Go to question 30 Go to question 29 29 How much of the amount that you gave us in question 23, was for solicitors’ fees, conveyancing costs or loan application fees? $ including GST 30 Are there any other costs, to do with the section or the dwelling, that arose from contracts let or work arranged before you moved in, that you have NOT included anywhere else in this questionnaire? For example, payments to tradespeople, building consent fees, inspection fees, engineers’ fees etc. 1 no 2 yes Go to question 31 Please describe below Amount paid (or to be paid) including GST Type of expense $ $ $ $ $ $ 6 31 Answer questions 32 - 36 only if the dwelling was built for sale. Otherwise go to question 37. 32 Has the dwelling identified in question 2 been sold? 1 no 2 yes Go to question 33 Go to question 34 33 What price are you asking (or will you ask) for it? $ Now go to question 37 including GST 34 What price did you sell it for? $ including GST 35 When did you sell it? Date of settlement month year 36 Was the buyer planning to use it: Tick one. 1 as a private residence? 2 as a business or investment property e.g., rental? 3 for other purposes e.g., government, community etc.? 4 don’t know Please describe below 37 What is the floor area of this dwelling or unit? Count internal access garages. Do not count decks. Tick to show whether your answer is in square metres or square feet. square metres OR square feet 38 Are you: 1 the owner of this dwelling? 2 other Please describe how you are connected to the dwelling F Please turn over. 7 39 Details of the person filling in this questionnaire: Name (please print) Mobile (if any) ( Daytime telephone number Area code ( ) Fax number ) Area code Signature ( ) Date day month year 40 About how long did it take you to fill in this questionnaire? Count time spent reading the instructions, working on the questions and getting the information. hours : minutes 41 If you would like to comment on this questionnaire or clarify any of the information that you have given, then please do so here or attach another sheet. Thank you for your time and effort. 8